Secret of Photo 51: DNA Discovery Worksheet

VIDEO QUESTIONS: Secret of Photo 51 (from and of Photo Video Qs.doc
DIRECTIONS: Read over this list of questions before viewing the video. You may write notes on this paper or use a
separate sheet of paper to take notes during the video. Do not use the words “it” or “they” when describing an
object or person; instead, state the name the object or person.
1. In 1968, a book was published by Watson titled “The Double Helix.” What was its significance, both good and
2. Complete the following chart: (you may add throughout the movie)
Autobiographical Details of Rosalind’s Life/Family
Significance of these details in adult life
3. How did Rosalind Franklin contribute to the war effort?
4. Complete the following chart: Note the scientific contributions and the role of each of these scientists played
in the life of Rosalind Franklin:
Raymond Gosling
Maurice Wilkins
James Watson
Francis Crick
Linus & Peter Pauling
Dr. Edwin Chargaff
Aaron Klug
5. List several ways that gender bias was practiced/ expressed at King’s College.
6. How did Watson & Crick’s approach to figuring out the DNA molecular structure differ from Rosalind
7. What technique do Watson and Crick plan to use to determine the structure of DNA?
8. What is so special about Photo 51? Describe the use of X-Ray diffraction.
9. Once Watson and Crick have determined the shape of DNA, what does the structure “tell” them about DNA?
10. How did Rosalind Franklin deal with Watson & Crick taking credit for the discovery of the structure of DNA?
11. What did Rosalind Franklin consider as her greatest contribution?
12. What caused her death at the age of 37? Should she have received a Nobel Prize if she had lived?