Odyssey Notes Odyssey Part I Directions: Take notes in the space provided below. SING IN ME, MUSE… 1. Who were the muses? Why would Homer ask one of them to sing in him? The word “invocation” also means “prayer.” During this prayer, we get a preview of a number of important things that will happen later on, including: 2. How many of Odysseus’s men survive the journey home? What do they do that angers one of the gods? 3. Why won’t Calypso let Odysseus go home? 4. Which gods want to help Odysseus get home? Which god hates him? CALYPSO, THE SWEET NYMPH 1. How many years did the Trojan War last? How long has Odysseus been trying to get home? How many years total has Odysseus been away from his family? Trojan War: ___ Journey Home: ___ Total: ___ 2. Who is Hermes? What is his “mission” on Calypso’s island? 3. What does Calypso ask Odysseus starting on line 109? What do we learn about Odysseus from his reply? 4. Why does Odysseus almost drown when he leaves Calypso’s island? Why does he survive? THE COURT OF KING ALCINOUS 1. Why do the Phaeacians throw Odysseus a feast? 1 Odyssey Notes 2. When they ask Odysseus to tell about himself and his journey, how is Odysseus characterized? How can you tell? Be aware of the story’s chronology. Once he reaches King Alcinous’s court, Odysseus is very close to the end of his journey home; however, much of The Odyssey that we read occurs in a flashback that begins here. THE CICONES 1. What do Odysseus and his men do on the coast of the Cicones? Why does Odysseus blame his men for the Cicones’s attack? At this point in the story, do you consider Odysseus to be a good leader? Why or why not? 2. What does Odysseus mean when he says “six benches were left empty on every ship”? THE LOTUS EATERS 1. How many men does Odysseus send to scout the island of the Lotus Eaters? Why don’t these men return? 2. How does Odysseus get his men to continue their journey home? 3. How might the episode of the lotus eaters be symbolic of those who struggle with addiction? 2 Odyssey Notes THE CYCLOPS 1. Why do Odysseus and his men sneak into the Cyclops’s cave? 2. Remember that Odysseus is still bragging to King Alcinous’s court, that Odysseus is narrating the tale of the Cyclops. How does Odysseus make the Cyclops, Polyphemus, seem frightening and strong? Why might Odysseus be trying to make him sound particularly horrifying? 3. Why does Odysseus ask for a gift from Polyphemus? Why should we know about this custom already? 4. What are some examples of Odysseus being smart the story of the Cyclops? a. b. c. d. 5. What are some examples of Odysseus being arrogant? a. b. 6. Why does this incident cause the rest of Odysseus’s journey to be harder and full of trouble? 3 Odyssey Notes CIRCE AND TEIRESIAS 1. How is it foreshadowed that Circe has power over animals? 2. What does Circe do to Odysseus’s men? 3. Which god helps Odysseus to avoid Circe’s magic? 4. Teiresias warns Odysseus to avoid what action? 5. According to Teiresias, will Odysseus ever get home? What does Teiresias reveal? 6. The last thing Teiresias tells Odysseus is that even at the end of his journey, his work will not be done. He tells Odysseus that he must make sacrifice to Poseidon. Why should he honor Poseidon, since Poseidon is the one trying to kill him? THE SIRENS, SCYLLA AND CHARYBDIS 1. How does Circe tell Odysseus to get safely past the Sirens? Why do you think Odysseus would listen to their song even though it’s dangerous? 2. Briefly describe Charybdis and Scylla. Then explain why Odysseus chooses to avoid one and not the other. a. Charybdis – b. Scylla – c. Explanation – 3. Odysseus knows that some of his men are going to die when they encounter Scylla and Charybdis; furthermore, he knows that all of them will die before they get home. Yet, he doesn’t tell them of their fate. Does this make him a good captain or a bad one? Explain. 4 Odyssey Notes THE CATTLE OF HELIOS 1. Odysseus tries to convince his men to bypass Thrinakia, the place where they will doom themselves; however, his men insist on stopping. Why? 2. They have plenty of food and drink when they land, so the men are not immediately tempted to slaughter Helios’s pet cows. What happens to make this temptation grow? 3. Eurylochus understands that he may be struck down by the gods if he eats the cows, but he persuades the men to eat them anyway. What is his logic in doing this? 4. Once Helios learns that his cows have been slaughtered, what does he threaten to do if Zeus does not punish Odysseus and his men? PART I SUMMARY Put the following events in order: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Odysseus defeats the Cyclops Polyphemus Odysseus fights in the Trojan War for 10 years Odysseus spends 10 years on Calypso’s Island Odysseus successfully navigates between Scylla and Charybdis Odysseus and his men spend time on Circe’s Island Odysseus tries to dodge the draft by acting crazy Odysseus and his men encounter the Cicones and the Lotus Eaters Odysseus tells his story in the court of King Alcinous Odysseus’s men doom themselves by killing the cattle of Helios 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 5 Odyssey Notes Odyssey Part II Directions: Take notes in the space provided below. COMING HOME 1. How does Athena tell Odysseus to disguise himself? Why? 2. Where is Telemachus at the beginning of Part II? What has he been doing, and how old was he when Odysseus first left to fight the Trojan War? 3. If you were Telemachus, what factors would make it difficult to believe Odysseus was truly who he said he was? Why do you think Telemachus is ultimately convinced Odysseus is telling the truth? THE FAITHFUL DOG 1. Back in the beggar’s disguise, Odysseus sheds a tear at the sight of Argos, his old puppy, now an old, neglected dog lying on a pile of dung. Why is Argos, once a strong and vibrant dog, now so weak and sad? What might Argos represent to Odysseus? THE TEST OF THE GREAT BOW 1. Is Penelope being unfaithful to Odysseus by offering herself as a prize to whomever can win the contest? Why or why not? What does the contest entail? 2. Imagine you are Penelope, who has waited so long for Odysseus to return home. Why does she cry as she takes Odysseus’s bow off of the wall? 3. Why do you think Odysseus pulls the swineherd and cowherd aside and talks to them? 4. Homer compares Odysseus stringing his bow to what other act? 6 Odyssey Notes DEATH AT THE PALACE 1. Why does Odysseus kill Antinous first? 2. After Odysseus reveals that he intends to kill the suitors, why does Eurymachus make a speech? What does this speech tell us about him? 3. To what are Odysseus, Telemachus, and their two allies compared as they slaughter the suitors? ODYSSEUS AND PENELOPE 1. Why would Penelope have difficulty believing Odysseus had truly returned? What does this tell you about her? 2. Why might Odysseus be both glad and annoyed that Penelope doesn’t immediately accept him as her husband? 3. Briefly describe Odysseus and Penelope’s bed. Why is Odysseus so alarmed when Penelope lies and says it’s been moved? How does Penelope use this information to confirm that Odysseus is truly her husband? 7