California Department of Education District Name: Beardsley School District CD Code: 15-63339 LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM TEMPLATE The Elementary Secondary Education Act, codified as No Child Left Behind (NCLB, Section 1116(c)(7)(A) requires that local educational agencies (LEAs) identified for Program Improvement (PI) shall, not later than three months after being identified, develop or revise an LEA Plan, in consultation with parents, school staff, and others. Rather than completely rewriting the existing LEA Plan, we recommend using this Plan Addendum template to address the items below. Type your responses in the expandable text boxes. Please submit your completed Addendum by e-mail to and indicate in the subject line of the e-mail: 1) the name of your LEA; 2) the Program Improvement Year; and 3) the name of the document attached (i.e., ZZZ Unified School District; PI Year 1; LEA Plan Addendum). If your LEA is also identified for Title III Year 2, please also note this in the subject line. The Beardsley School District was identified for district Program Improvement Year 1 in December of 2010. The District moved into Year 2 PI in September of 2011. The District froze in PI Year 2 for 2012/13 due to Safe Harbor. The District moved into Year 3 PI in September of 2013. This addendum to the Local Educational Plan (LEAP) has been developed and written in response to being identified. The district has four schools: (Beardsley Junior High, San Lauren Elementary, North Beardsley School and Beardsley Elementary). Two of our schools have been identified for program improvement Year 4: Beardsley Elementary, Year 5 North Beardsley). The district was originally identified for program improvement year 2 due to missing Language Arts/mathematics AYP Targets. The district safe harbored in Year 2 for 2012/13. Language Arts Mathematics When developing this Addendum, input from a range of stakeholders was collected. The District Advisory Committee (DAC), composed of parents, teachers, administrators, Students, Community Members and others were consulted. The focus of this addendum is to improve the achievement of all of Beardsley Students, but particularly of the aforementioned subgroups above that have not made adequate growth as defined by NCLB. It is believed that the goals and objectives contained in this document may help Beardsley meet the goals delineated by NCLB. The district will establish the required steps to support these goals as well as implement a monitoring system to evaluate the level of implementation at each of our four schools. A high priority will be give to successful implementation of the newly formed common core standards with a rigor, as well as developing a priority standards based benchmarking system. Last Updates: 1/26/11, 4/1/11, 5/5/11 Updated based on recommendations on feedback letter dated March 22, 2011. Updated in November of 2011 and resubmitted to CAC, Board of Trustees in 2011/12. Plan updated in December of 2012, to Board of Trustees on December 11, 2012. Plan updated in December of 2013, to Board of Trustees on December 10, 2013. 1. Address the fundamental teaching and learning needs in the schools of the LEA and the specific academic problems of low-achieving students, including a determination of why the prior LEA Plan failed to bring about increased student achievement. Please describe how you will address student learning needs, based on an analysis of data for why the prior LEA Plan was not successful. (First determine whether the LEA Plan Persons Involved/Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source was fully implemented as written. For assistance, please use the State Assessment Tools to help you with your analysis, review and/or revision. These tools are available on the CDE State Assessment Tools Web page at Although two schools within the LEA did not meet Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives set forth by NCLB, they did make progress toward the goals. Reasons vary by group for the unsuccessful nature of the LEA plan because it did not address the need to transition to the new common core standards and the attention these new standards would receive. These needs will be addressed district wide as follows: Asst. Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, KCSOS, instructional tutors, Title 1 RTI Teachers 2013-14 School Year. Ongoing PDD held throughout the year at Point Loma The District will provide staff development and University: teacher training in Rigorous Curriculum Development. The Leadership and Learning Center Minimum Days will provide Training to teachers at each grade level scheduled on Jan. and administration in the area of math and language 30, Feb. 27, and arts. Grade level meetings held throughout the year March 27. Assistant Superintendent, to disseminate information and plan for Principals, implementation in 2014-15. Teachers. Professional Development Costs,. payment to Teachers for two full PDD Days. Payment to vendor, Data Works, Inc $ 83,500 Approx. PI Title 1, Required 10% Set Aside, Common Core allocation Each elementary school will implement a district wide key standards based benchmarking system complete with three benchmark tests to assess mastery of priority standards in ELA and Math. It is a goal of this LEA for all students to be proficient in the new CCSS. Edusoft will be utilized to analyze the results of the benchmarking system. Results of the district benchmarks to be shared with staff after each administration period utilizing the district’s data program, Edusoft. The benchmarking system will be managed/monitored by the assistant superintendent’s office. Each site principal is responsible for meeting w/ staff on benchmark results. District to pursue the purchase of a repository of data bank questions via the Edusoft Corporation to foster student mastery of content standards. 2010/11, 12 School Year. Principals, Asst. Principals, Assistant Superintendent, Teachers. Dates Administered: 2010/11:11/15, 2/14, 5/9. 2011/12: 11/11, 2/12, and 5/12 Provide professional development early out days to provide time to analyze local and state data and adjust instruction to drive student achievement and mastery of content standards. Principals and Assistant Principals to provide framework for data driven early out days. Early out day on 2/2 to provide training on how to motivate difficult students with support of Kern County Superintendent of Schools (Training requested in CAC Meeting). . Principals, Assist, Principals, Assistant Superintendent, and Teachers. 1/30, 2/27, 3/27 Various Costs to manage the system $ 5,000 Title 1/District / Common Core 2013-14 These tests are in the process of being updated with new CCSS. Early Out PDD Days NA No costs Implement a district wide (K-6) Tiered Response to Intervention program to target students in need of remediation in Language Arts. System managed by Assistant Superintendent’s Office. Assessment for inclusion to occur for all students three times per year. Students in RTI program are assessed weekly on Dibels for growth, and to assess continued participation in the RTI Program. Students exited based on grade level fluency and ability to function in regular education setting without RTI support. A multiple measures RTI spreadsheet is maintained on each student by the district’s RTI Coordinator, providing detailed information CST, STAR GE (4x per year), Dibels benchmarking, HM Theme Tests Scores (Average, Theme Grade), Teacher Recommendation, Teacher Grade in Language Arts. 2013-14 School Year. Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, RTI Coordinator, Gen ed teachers, RTI Credentialed Teachers, Instructional Tutors. Assist Superintende nt, Principals, Assistant Principals, RTI Coordinator, Teachers, Instructional Tutors $ 270,000 Approx. Title 1 Continue the implementation of the district’s new state adopted math series. District revised pacing guide/chart for all grade levels to assist teachers with instruction on CCSS and to maintain fidelity to the text book. Responsible Parties: Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers. Purchase of Math Series NA NA The district will provide a data analysis program/system to facilitate targeting of instruction. All Administrators will utilize Edusoft as a data analysis tool district wide. Edusoft will be utilized to support the district’s standards based benchmarking system. (Updated 4/1/11, 11/11, 12/12, 12/13). 2013-14 School Year. Responsible Parties: Asst. Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers. Edusoft: Data Analysis Tool $ 10,000 Approx. Cost of Edusoft License. Title 1 2. Include specific measurable achievement goals and targets for student groups consistent with Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). Please describe academic goals and targets for student Persons Related Estimated Funding achievement, participation, growth on the API, and Involved/Timeline Expenditures Cost Source graduation rate, if applicable. (Refer to the CDE AYP Reports Web page at The district will meet the AYP participation criterion by testing at least 95% of all students in all significant subgroups on the California Standards Tests in ELA and Math. Asst. Superintendent, Site Administration, Teachers, Students, Parents NA NA No funding needed The district will attempt to Increase the percent of proficient students in all significant subgroups by at least 1% in ELA and 1 % in math for the 2013-14 school year. The district will utilize a variety of strategies to increase student mastery of common core standards including the following: Three early out days for teachers, utilizing Common Core with a priority standards based benchmarking system, Edusoft Data Analysis tool, Daily Classroom Observations, RTI Program (K-6), extra instructional support via carryover monies, Implementation of the LEA Addendum, IIP extended day and others. Continuous during the 2013-14 School Year. Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers, Instructional Tutors. Various, See Cost Details in goal 1. Various, See Cost Detail above in Goal 1. Title 1, EIA: SCE, LEA, DistrictUnrestricted . The district and all schools will attempt to meet or exceed their API growth targets school wide and in all subsequent years. The district will utilize a variety of strategies to increase student mastery of common core standards including the following: Three early out days for teachers, utilizing Common Core with a priority standards based benchmarking system, Edusoft Data Analysis tool, Daily Classroom Observations, RTI Program (K-6), extra instructional support via carryover monies, Implementation of the LEA Addendum, IIP extended day and others. 2013-14 School Year. Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers, instructional tutors. Various, See Cost Details in goal 1. Various, See Cost Details in goal 1. Title 1, EIA: SCE, LEA. District The Assistant Superintendent will continue to annually update the LEA Plan and Addendum and ensure that all Single School Plans are written in alignment with the LEA goals and objectives. Both the LEA and School Plans will be amended during the school year to adjust to changing conditions and input from stakeholders. Staff Time, Salaries Unknown Various The LEA Plan and addendum will be disseminated in the following meetings: DELAC, DAC, SSC, and ELAC Meetings so that all stakeholders know the content of the plans. The LEA Addendum will be utilized as a vehicle to attempt to increase mastery of content standards. Continuous during the 2013-14 School Year. Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Asst. Principals, DAC, DELAC, SCC, ELAC Committees. Continuous during the 2013-14 School Year. Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers, Parents. Staff Time, Salaries Unknown Various 3. Incorporate scientifically based research strategies that strengthen the core academic program in schools served by the LEA. Please describe the specific strategies that the district will Persons Related Estimated Funding use and how those strategies will be used to strengthen the Involved/Timeline Expenditures Cost Source core academic program. A Priority Standards Based Data Bank/Benchmark System will be developed district wide (K-6) based on priority standards. Three benchmark tests will be developed to test these key standards, K-6 grades. Proficiency level to be set at 70 percent correct for 70 percent of the students. Edusoft will be utilized to analyze the results of the benchmarking system. Results of the district benchmarks to be shared with staff after each administration period utilizing the district’s data program, Edusoft. The benchmarking system will be managed/monitored by the assistant superintendent’s office. Each site principal is responsible for meeting w/ staff on benchmark results. Asst. Superintendent, Principals, Asst. Principals, Teachers. Costs to administrate/ maintain system. $ 3, 000 Title 1 District wide (K-6) Dibels research based system will be Employed in Response to Intervention Programs (RTI) at each elementary school site. Assessment for inclusion in the RTI program to occur for all students three times per year. Students in RTI program are assessed weekly on Dibels for growth, and to assess continued participation in the RTI Program. Students exited based on grade level fluency and ability to function in regular education setting without RTI Support. A multiple measures RTI spreadsheet is maintained on each student by the districts RTI Coordinator, providing detailed information CST, STAR GE (4x per year), Dibels benchmarking, HM Theme Tests Scores (Average, Theme Grade), Teacher Recommendation, Teacher Grade in Language Arts. Research based Explicit Direct Instructional Techniques will be employed in all classrooms. Staff development was provided in the area of Explicit Direct Instructional techniques during the 2011-12 school year. School sites to monitor implementation with daily classroom observations. Site principals to provide training to all teachers during staff meetings in Rigorous Curriculum Design provided by key staff. RTI Teachers, Tutors. Purchase of License for Dibels Principals, Asst. Principals, Teachers, Instructional Tutors. 2013-14 School Years Presenters: Site Principals $ 1,500 N/A Title 1 Use of adopted core materials with fidelity district wide. The District issues pacing guides in all content areas. Site Administrators to monitor adherence and fidelity to the pacing guides and state adopted text books. Provide board approved protected early out days to give teachers time to collaborate to strengthen the common core academic program. Provide staff meetings time to analyze local and state data and adjust instruction to drive student achievement and mastery of content standards. Principals and Assistant Principals to provide framework for data driven meetings. Asst. Superintendent, Site Administrators, Teachers. Ongoing through out school year. NA NA Assist Superintendent, Site Administrators, Teachers. Ongoing through out school year. NA NA 4. Identify actions that have the greatest likelihood of improving student achievement in meeting state standards. Please identify actions and how they will be supported. (See full implementation statements in the Academic Program Survey [APS] and the District Assistance Survey [DAS] on the CDE State Assessment Tools Web page at Persons Involved/Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source A system targeting the priority standards K-6. The system will include developing a benchmarking system to determine/target standards that have not been mastered. The benchmarks will be administered three times during the school year. Teachers will be provided with a classroom spreadsheet showing their students performance/mastery of each key standard tested on each benchmark (See details in Goal # 1). Asst. Superintendent, Principals, Asst. Principals, Teachers. Developed during 2013-14 and implemented in 2014-15 Data Bank Development Team, District $ 3,000 Title 1 Training in Explicit Direct Instruction will serve to increase student achievement by increasing the effectiveness of instructional delivery. Provide follow up with in classroom model lesson training to select School(s) 2013-14 Asst. Superintendent, Principals, Asst. Principals, Teachers Presenters: Site Principals No costs NA Teacher collaboration time provided by the district will allow time to collect and review data, conduct data analysis, and provide time to evaluate best practices. Principals and Assistant Principals to provide framework for data driven meetings. Ongoing. NA NA NA Multiple Measures Data Sheets. Each teacher (K-6) will maintain a multiple measures sheet that will contain a variety of local assessments designed to better target student needs and/or weaknesses. The MMS will facilitate the targeting of instruction on a child by child basis. Weaknesses will be identified and remediated based on the data derived from the MMS Sheets. 2013-14: Principals, Asst. Principals, Asst. Superintendent, Teachers. Time of teachers to collect and record data NA NA A district level spread sheet will be maintained in the Assistant Superintendents Office. The spreadsheet contains a wide variety of student data, including both local and standardized testing data. The data will be utilized to target instruction. 2013-14 Ongoing. Categorical Program Manager, Assistant Superintendent, Site Administration. Time of Categorical Program Manager. Unknown T1, unrestricted sources. Implement a district wide (K-6) Tiered Response to Intervention program to target students in need of remediation in Language Arts. System managed by Assistant Superintendent’s Office. Assessment for inclusion to occur for all students three times per year. Students in RTI program are assessed weekly on Dibels for growth, and to assess continued participation in the RTI Program. Students exited based on grade level fluency and ability to function in regular education setting without RTI Support. A multiple measures RTI spreadsheet is maintained on each student by the districts RTI Coordinator, providing detailed information CST, STAR GE (4x per year), Dibels benchmarking, HM Theme Tests Scores (Average, Theme Grade), Teacher Recommendation, Teacher Grade in Language Arts. 2011/2012 12/13 School Year. Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, RTI Coordinator, RTI Credentialed Teachers, General Ed Teachers, Instructional Tutors Salaries of Part Time Credentialed Teachers, Instructional Tutors. $ 270,000 Approx. Cost Title 1 5. Address the professional development needs of the instructional staff that will support the strategies and recommendations described above. Please explain how the LEA identified professional Persons Related Estimated development needs of instructional staff and LEA plans to Involved/Timeline Expenditures Cost support professional development. (See full implementation Funding Source statements in the APS and the DAS located on the CDE State Assessment Tools Web page at All certificated staff (K-8), will be included in the following Professional Development opportunities: All Beardsley Teachers will be trained in Rigorous Curriculum Design. 2014 PDD Days, On going in 2013-14, at sites. Cost For three PDD Days See Above` NA Three board approved staff development/early out days were scheduled for 2014. These days will be focused on data analysis, improving/targeting instruction, and motivating students. Three days are scheduled for 1/30, 2/27, and 3/27.. K-8th Grade Teachers: Materials and Supplies NA NA The district Response to Intervention Coordinator will coordinate the district’s training to support student growth and development. The RTI Coordinator will report directly to the Assistant Superintendent. RTI Coordinator, on Going during the school year. Continue in 2013-14 Cost of Stipend for RTI Coordinator $ 4,000 Title 1, District Support 6. English Learners Title I Program Improvement Status Only: Include specific academic achievement and English Language Proficiency goals, targets and strategies for English Learners consistent with Goal 1 and Goal 2 of NCLB. (See Title III Accountability Report Information Guide available on the CDE Title III Accountability Technical Assistance Web page at Please describe those goals and targets. Persons Involved/Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Implement the district’s English language development master plan for EL Learners by: Instructional Materials: Purchase and provide training for state adopted/Approved EL materials district wide K-6 (California Treasures). EL Teachers, Spring/Fall of 2010 Costs for EL approved materials $ 1000 Concentrati on grant Develop a n EL pullout program at each school site K-6 designed to service all English learners. EL Teacher Training: Provide Teacher Training on State Approved EL Materials, California Treasures. EL Teachers/Tutors, Assistant Superintendent Teacher Salaries $50,000 Supp grant ELD Time Block: Provide a minimum of 30 minutes Assistant Superintendent, a day, 5 days a week, of targeted ELD instruction for EL students in grades K-8. Materials and Supplies INC Para Professional Training: Monitor tutor usage via a district developed monitoring tool. Assistant Superintendent to provide training on logs and other items on February 18th (ELAC Request). Assistant Superintendent, Para Professionals NA NA NA Continue with district EL master spreadsheet to effectively track all EL students progress and LEP status Asst. Superintendent, EL Tutors Tutor Salaries $ 184, 365 approx. Supp grant Assistant Superintendent provided instructional tutors for primary EL student assistance. Tutors to work directly with students 85 percent of their time with fidelity. Asst. Superintendent, Principals, Asst. Principals, Teachers, Instructional Tutors NA NA Attempt to meet the AYP target for Language Arts, and Mathematics on the next administration of the CST. School Year: Site Administrators, Teachers, Asst. Superintendent. NA NA No funding required Attempt to reach API Goals for the English Language Learner Sub Group. See above NA NA No funding required Site Administrators, Classroom Visitations: District and site personnel Assistant will participate in routine visits to classrooms to Superintendent. observe ELA Instruction; verify differentiated, research based instruction for ELs through universal access; verify degree of implementation and fidelity to SBE-approved materials. N/A NA No funding required Data Analysis: District and site staff will analyze STAR, CELDT, and ELA benchmark data at the student, teacher, school, and district level to identify EL learning needs and to implement appropriate instructional responses. Ongoing. Site Administration, Assistant Superintendent, Teachers. Access to ELD and ELA Standards: Teachers provide all EL’s with access to both ELD and ELA standards. Teachers, Site Administrators. NA NA No funding required NA NA No funding required 7. Incorporate, as appropriate, activities before school, after school, during the summer, and during an extension of the school year. Please describe those activities and how the LEA will incorporate them. Persons Involved/Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Appropriate activities include: After School IIP tutoring may be offered (K-8) district to provide extra support for students. School Years, On Going: Teachers, Principals, Asst. Principals, Asst. Superintendent Teacher Costs/Extra Time To be Determined Supp grant Early release days will be scheduled for teachers to collaborate. Principals, Assistant Principals, and key teaching staff to provide framework for RCD early out days. Early out day on Jan 30, Feb. 27, and March 27 provided training on RCD Teachers, Principals, Asst. Principals, teachers NA NA No funding required Summer School may be offered during the summer. The focus was remediation in English Language Arts. Summer School for 2014 availability will be based on budget. Summer of 2010/11, 12:Teachers, Tutors, Principals Teacher Salaries, Principal Salary, Tutor Salaries $ 50,000 Supp grant 8. Include strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the schools. Please describe parental involvement strategies and how Persons Related the LEA will support them across the LEA. Involved/Timeline Expenditures Efforts to involve parents include the following: Offer Parent Project for all interested parents. All school sites elected, via their school site councils, to allocate their pro rata share of parent involvement set asides for Parent Project. One 7 week sessions will be offered. Parent Project Trainers, Safe Schools Director, Psychologist, Asst. Superintendent Costs for Presenters, Materials, Food Items Estimated Cost $7,000 Funding Source Title 1 Req. Parent Part. Set Aside The parents of EL students will be encouraged to participate on the districts DELAC Committee. The sites will make every effort to encourage ELAC parents from the individual sites to participate in the district’s DELAC. School Year. Asst. Superintendent, Principals, Parents, Other district employees NA NA No Funding Required. Parents from the sites School Site Council will be encouraged to participate in the District Advisory Committee (DAC). Principals, Parent, Teachers. NA NA No Funding Required. Parents will be encouraged to participate in Open House, Back to School, and Title 1 parent nights throughout the school year. Principals, Asst. Principals, Teachers, Parents NA NA NA Parent/teacher conferences will be offered at all school sites, K-8th Grades. Principals, Asst. Principals, Teachers, Other Staff, Parents, Students NA NA No Funding Required. The districts Parent Involvement Policy will be updated and approved by the Board of Trustees. Asst. Superintendent, DAC, DELAC,SSC, ELAC. Paper Nominal Unrestricted EL annual parent surveys will be sent out and analyzed by the Assistant Superintendent. Asst. Superintendent, Parents. Paper Nominal Unrestricted School Site Council, English Language Advisory Committee, and Parent Teacher Organizations will all be utilized to involve parents in all levels of school planning and organization. Ongoing. Site Administrators, teachers, parents. NA NA No funding required The districts/individual web sites will continue to disseminate information and encourage parent participation in district and school site events. Tech Department Tech department time Unknown Unrestricted Page 1 of 1 LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY (LEA) PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT PLAN ASSURANCE PAGE LEA Plan Information: Beardsley School District Name of Local Educational Agency: Beardsley School District County District Code: 15-63339 Date of Local Governing Board Approval: 12/13/11 District Superintendent: Paul Miller Address: 1001 Roberts Lane City: Bakersfield Zip Code: 93308 Phone: (661) 393-8550 FAX: 661 399-9279 E-mail: pamiller@beardsley.k12. Signatures: On behalf of LEAs, participants included in the preparation of this Program Improvement Plan addendum: 12/10/13 Signature of Superintendent Printed Name of Superintendent Date Signature of Board President Printed Name of Board President 12/10/13 Date By submission of the local board approved LEA addendum (in lieu of the original signature assurance page in hard copy), the LEA certifies that the plan has been locally adopted and original signed copies of the assurances are on file in the LEA. The certification reads: Certification: I hereby certify that all of the applicable state and federal rules and regulations will be observed by this LEA and that, to the best of my knowledge, information contained in this Plan is correct and complete. Legal assurances for all programs are accepted as the basic legal condition for the operation of selected projects and programs and copies of assurances are retained onsite. I certify that we accept all general and program specific assurances for Titles I, II, and/or III as appropriate, except for those for which a waiver has been obtained. A copy of all waivers will remain on file. I certify that actual ink signatures for this LEA Plan/Plan Addendum/Action Plan are on file, including signatures of any required external providers, i.e., Title III regional lead.