May 27, 2008 - Rancho Santiago Community College District

Rancho Santiago Community College District
May 27, 2008
John Didion
Rosi Enriquez
Peter Hardash
Eddie Hernandez, Jr.
Ray Hicks
Erlinda Martinez
Marti Reiter
Juan Vazquez
Laurie Weidner
1. Participatory Governance Issues
A. SAC Governance Process: Dr. Martinez introduced Santa Ana College’s revised
Participatory Governance Manual and reviewed its contents. Mr. Hicks indicated term
limits were identified, and Dr. Martinez indicated those responsible for
communication to appropriate district departments was identified.
Dr. Martinez made the motion for approval; motion was seconded by Mr. Hicks;
there was no opposition.
Mr. Vazquez will forward SCC’s manual upon its completion in the near future.
B. Dr. Hernandez reported in Ms. Enriquez’s absence a concern regarding operational
committees versus governance committees. There had been discussion at SCC
regarding the A/G committee and whether it is considered participatory governance
or operational. Dr. Hernandez clarified that committee as operational. It does not
appear on any governance chart, in any governance manual, nor does it report to any
governance structured committee or council.
2. Reports
A. Academic Senate – SAC: Mr. Hicks reported that the senate has been working on the
self-study for accreditation, and Bonnie Jaros will be presenting information
regarding the self-study to the board at tonight’s meeting. There is a draft of the selfstudy posted on the Intranet. The draft has been submitted to college departments for
a final review. Dr. Martinez indicated two college forums were held regarding the
upcoming accreditation and college self-study. A total of approximately 30
employees attended.
Mr. Hicks indicated the SCC and SAC senates will meet jointly for a retreat because
the state academic senate president will be attending and presenting.
B. Classified – no report.
C. BAPRC: Mr. Hardash reported a meeting of the full committee will be held
tomorrow, May 28 at 1:30. The next meeting of the workgroup is on June 4 at 2:30.
Mr. Hardash is presenting information to the board at tonight’s meeting regarding the
current status of the budget.
D. HRC: no report.
3. Review board docket
Dr. Hernandez reviewed the agenda for the board meeting being held at 4:30 today. A
budget workshop will begin at 4:30 with the regular board meeting beginning at 6:00. It
is the last meeting for this year’s student trustee, and a president’s award will be
presented. In addition, Mr. Bob Partridge will make a presentation regarding
accomplishments through Measure E which he also presented recently to the Bond
Oversight Committee.
Dr. Hernandez described the purpose of agenda item 6.4 requesting approval to hire
pollsters. A poll will determine specifics related to another bond measure if the district
pursues one. If the district recommends another bond measure, an action item will be
posted on the June 30 board agenda. Discussions will occur between now and that date
regarding whether a bond would be district-wide or area specific.
Board agenda item 6.5 is for board action regarding the board’s desire to hire its own
attorney, and item 6.6 is regarding the Board Legislative Committee presented by David
Chapel who chairs the committee.
A meeting is scheduled for next week with OCTA CEO Art Leahy regarding increasing
availability of student bus passes. Orange County chancellors will attend the meeting.
Dr. Hernandez discussed the difficulty he, the board, and other staff have in getting to all
the scheduled end-of-the-year activities. They hope college staff understand they can’t
get to all events.