
Inviting Introductions and Commendable Conclusions: A “How-To” Guide
The Introduction – Generally speaking…
1. Becomes paragraph 1 of your paper
2. Ends with a thesis statement
3. Varies in length depending on the total length of your paper
a. Should approximately be 6-8 sentences for this paper!
The Introduction – Specifically contains…
A - Attention-Getter (The Motivator): The attention-getter, usually the first sentence or two of your introduction. It
introduces the idea but not the book, play, or specific content of your paper. This sentence(s) should NOT be a question or a
dictionary definition.
Attention-Getter (Motivator) Content:
 A quote from another source
 Descriptive sentence(s)
 Analogy or scene – one you have made up
 Sets of words, separated but related to the idea of the paper
Desperate! Haunted!
 An Anecdote
EX. Alone!
C – Connector Statement (Bridge Sentences): This sentences or these sentences narrows your introduction into the thesis and
connect the idea of the attention-getter to your paper purpose as stated in your thesis.
T – Thesis Statement: Defines what you intend to prove within the body of your paper. Your thesis statement should include
the author and work that will be discussed in the body of your paper.
The Conclusion…
o The final paragraph of your paper
o Contains NO NEW IDEAS!
o Refers back to the attention-getter to tie your paper together
o Begins with a word or phrase that suggests unity
“Clearly” or “Obviously”; avoid “in conclusion” or to “conclude”
o Contains 4-6 sentences
The Sentence Outline…
a. Attention-getter
b. Connector statement
c. Thesis sentence
Body Paragraph 1
a. Main Idea sentence 1
b. Evidence 1 (These are where your quotes come in to play!!)
c. Evidence 2
d. Evidence 3
Body Paragraph 2
a. Main Idea sentence 2
b. Evidence 1
c. Evidence 2
d. Evidence 3
Body Paragraph 3
a. Main Idea sentence 3
b. Evidence 1
c. Evidence 2
d. Evidence 3
a. Thesis revisited
b. Attention-getter revisited
c. Clincher
**9 textual quotations required**
**Remember! Your three body paragraphs should adhere to the MEAT-Con format! **
Example Introduction:
A woman tenderly bends over a cradle to gently stroke her sleeping baby’s cheek; her hand conveys a message of safety
and security. A convict reflects on the life-ending blow he delivered to the unsuspecting young man who incited his rage; his
hand tragically stole this same sense of safety and security from his victim. Just as a mother uses her hands in order to caress
and care for her baby, a murderer uses his hands to inflict pain and end life. These vastly contrasting images of the power
and actions of human hands accurately represent the many functions of the word “hand” in William Shakespeare’s tragic play
Macbeth. As easily as hands forge relationships, and signify camaraderie, they also reveal the dark deeds and desires of the
cruelly ambitious characters. As a result, the word “hand” changes in meaning throughout the play in order to symbolize,
essential relationships, unnatural and dark desires, and eventually guilt.
Example Conclusion:
Obviously, the characters’ hands in Macbeth work in a multitude of ways. Hands forge important relationships,
commit dark deeds, and come to symbolize the guilt that the characters feel as a result. Clearly, people’s hands carry out the
intentions that manifest themselves first as thoughts. Being both cruel and kind, a person’s hands reveal so much of his or her
true character. While the hand functions as the executioner of a person’s will, it still remains only a tool of man’s wit.
DUE: _____________________
A thesis statement is the sentence that gives the purpose for your writing. It should only be one sentence long. It
should begin more general, and become more specific. You must use your prompt, and your own opinions to create
your thesis.
Here is an example THESIS statement:
Cell phones should not be prohibited in public places; furthermore, an act of prohibition would infringe upon
people’s personal rights, make it difficult for parents to monitor their children, and prevent dangerous situations from
being reported.
Cell phones should not be prohibited in public places; furthermore, an act of prohibition would infringe upon
-----------GENERAL OPINION-------------------------------; Conj Adv, ----------- 3 specific details that will------people’s personal rights, make it difficult for parents to monitor their children, and prevent dangerous
---------become your MAIN IDEA sentences for your 3 body paragraphs----------------------------------------
situations from being reported.
Thesis Statement:
General Statement including title and author of work
____________________________ ,
C. Adv.
_______________________________________________________________________Example 1 (will become
body paragraph 1)
Example 2 (will become body paragraph 2)
Example 3 (will become body paragraph 3)
Rewrite your THESIS STATEMENT below for me to check and approve.
Persuasive Essay: Graphic Organizer
Name _______________________
Opening A.C.T: Introduction Method
A: Attention-Getter
C: Connector Statement
T: Thesis Statement
Body Paragraph 1 – MEAT-Con:
M: Main Idea – State the first significant example that supports your opinion
E: First Example
A: Analysis of first Example. Questions to consider for Analysis: WHY? HOW?
E: Second Example
A: Analysis of second Example. Questions to consider for Analysis: WHY? HOW?
E: Third Example
A: Analysis of third Example. Questions to consider for Analysis: WHY? HOW?
Concluding Statement:
Body Paragraph 2 – MEAT-Con:
M: Main Idea – State the second example that supports your opinion
E: First Example
A: Analysis of first Example.
E: Second Example
A: Analysis of second Example. Questions to consider for Analysis: WHY? HOW?
E: Third Example
A: Analysis of third Example. Questions to consider for Analysis: WHY? HOW?
Concluding Statement
Body Paragraph 3 – MEAT-Con
M: Main Idea – State the third significant example to support your opinion
E: First Example
A: Analysis of first Example. Questions to consider for Analysis: WHY? HOW?
E: Second Example
A: Analysis of second Example. Questions to consider for Analysis: WHY? HOW?
E: Third Example
A: Analysis of third Example. Questions to consider for Analysis: WHY? HOW?
Concluding Statement
Closing T.A.C: Conclusion Method
T: Revisit your: Thesis Statement (you must reword your original thesis)
A: Revisit your: Attention Getter (this may be a connection to the larger world)
C: Clincher: Let the reader know that your commentary on the subject has concluded
You can receive 5 points of extra credit if you go to Writing Works to have your work edited by a Writing
Works peer tutor or a teacher (not me!) You must attach the signed blue sheet to your final draft.
World Literature and Composition Macbeth Essay Rubric
- Opens with an attention-getter
- Smoothly shifts focus to the literature via a connector statement
- Concludes with a general to specific thesis statement
Body Paragraphs
- Include a main idea that declares the image and the deeper meaning to be explored
- Use at least three quotes in which the assigned word possesses this deeper meaning
- Enter characters’ minds to prove the existence of the deeper, abstract meaning
- Analysis explains how and why each quote is significant
- Avoid extraneous plot summary (writer stays focused on the word and its meaning)
- End with a concluding statement
- Adhere to MEAT-Con form
Body 1
Body 2
Body 3
- Restates the thesis statement
- Revisits the attention-getter
- Ends with a strong statement
- Eliminates wordiness and awkward phrasing
- Provides context for quotes
- Introduces, states, and cites quotes
- Uses block quotes when the quoted material is longer than four lines
- Uses strong verbs
- Avoids “the naked THIS”
- Maintains third person perspective; no “I” or “YOU”
- Remains in present tense when discussing the content of the play
- Proofreads for grammar, spelling/punctuation errors
- Underlines or italicizes Macbeth when referring to the title of the play
- Includes a creative title
- Black ink, double space, 12 point, Times New Roman font
Formatted in proper MLA style
Papers that do not include an MLA works cited page will receive a zero. submission – no submission=no grade!
Late (-10 for each day late / -5 if you hand it in later that day)
____________________/100 = ____________________%
Macbeth Essay Checklist
As you complete each of the following items, place a check in the space provided.
1. _____
Paper opens with a fabulous attention getter that does NOT mention Macbeth.
2. _____
Thesis statement contains the title and author of the work, i.e. “In Macbeth by William Shakespeare” or “In William
Shakespeare’s Macbeth”.
3. _____
Thesis statement is the LAST SENTENCE of the introduction.
4. _____
Topic sentence #1 EXPANDS the thesis statement with NEW information.
5. _____
Body paragraph #1 contains three quotes, which are INTRODUCED, STATED, and EXPLAINED.
6. _____
Topic sentence #2 contains a TRANSITIONAL WORD and EXPANDS the thesis statement with NEW information.
7. _____
Body paragraph #2 contains three quotes, which are INTRODUCED, STATED, and EXPLAINED.
8. _____
Topic sentence #3 contains a TRANSITIONAL WORD and EXPANDS the thesis statement with NEW information.
9. _____
Body paragraph #3 contains three quotes, which are INTRODUCED, STATED, and EXPLAINED.
10. _____
All NINE Quotes are cited properly. i.e. (Act.Scene.Line)
11. _____
The first sentence of the conclusion RESTATES the thesis statement.
12. _____
The conclusion contains a CLINCHER, which lets the reader know that the paper is complete.
13. _____
The paper contains NO CONTRACTIONS.
14. _____
The title of the play, Macbeth, is either underlined or in italics, but not both.
15. _____
The paper contains only verbs in the PRESENT TENSE.
16. _____
The paper contains adequate ANALYSIS in each body paragraph.
17. _____
The paper reflects a CRITICAL EXAMINATION of the text of Macbeth.
18. _____
The paper includes an appropriate TITLE, which is documented on the first page.
19. _____
This RUBRIC/COMPLETED CHECKLIST is stapled to the top of the paper.
Ta Da! You’re Macbeth essay is now complete!