FINAL THREE STRIKES SYMPOSIUM MAY 2, 2011 INTRODUCTION Enacted 1994 Three Strikes law works to remove dangerous recidivist criminals from our communities But, some petty offenders have received 25to-life for relatively minor crimes FINAL In some cases, 25 years to life for some felonies is totally disproportionate punishment. LADA POLICY In December 2000, just after first sworn into office, instituted current policy. Policy set forth what should be a 25 to life three strike case. 2 FINAL With two or more qualifying prior felony convictions, case presumed to be third strike warranting minimum 25-to-life sentence, when new offense is serious or violent felony Presumption may be rebutted. Current offense not involve use of firearm/deadly weapon, injury to victim, violence or threat of violence Presumed second strike if current offense is NOT “serious or violent” felony 3 FINAL Three strikes punishment sought for those who commit serious or violent felonies or whose records justify imposition of lengthy prison term Petty offenders who pose no apparent threat to public safety are appropriately sentenced under the Second Strike sentencing scheme 4 FINAL At my December 4, 2000 swearing-in ceremony, I promised that my new three strikes policy “…will assure the proportionality is achieved by giving weight to the nature of the new offense” and then went on to say that the policy as designed would assume evenhanded application countywide. 5 FINAL “This new policy will operate to prevent coercive plea bargaining. Very importantly, it will allow us to use our resources in a targeted way against serious violent predator recidivist criminals. They will get 25 to life for committing a new serious or violent offense.” “The new policy will allow for appropriate stiff sentences for those who commit new non-violent and non-serious offenses. Let there be no mistake about that.” 6 FINAL This policy has served residents of LA County well, – – helped to reduce rate of violent crime while dispensing proportional punishment that fits both crime and defendant’s criminal history 7 FINAL COURT DECISIONS 1996 California Supreme Court Romero 2001 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Andrade v. Atty. General of CA held that three strikes is unconstitutional as applied to Andrade because it imposed a sentence grossly disproportionate to his crimes (theft of 9 video tapes) 3-0 8 FINAL 2003 U.S. Supreme Court Lockyer v. Andrade, Three Strikes Law upheld, 5-4 overturning 9th Circuit Ewing v. California, Three Strikes not cruel and unusual (Torrance, golf clubs) 4-4-1 9 FINAL PROPOSITION 66 Prop 66 – The Battle of Poster Children Opposed Prop 66, because it would have destroyed an effective tool to punish repeat criminal offenders who had been convicted of serious and violent felonies. November 2004, defeated by voters 53%-47% At the last minute, there was an infusion of millions of dollars which helped defeat Prop 66. 10 FINAL ROAD TO MODEST REFORM Following defeat of Prop 66, then Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger said he was willing to “look into the three strikes system to see if there was anything that ought to be adjusted” “Obviously, there was something there initially in which people agreed there was a problem that needed fixing.” - Mark Baldassare, Public Policy institute of California 11 FINAL “There was sentiment out there to make some corrections to three strikes to eliminate the possibility of prosecutorial indiscretion.” James Fox, San Mateo County District Attorney. “The public has become increasingly aware of outrageous injustices in highly-publicized, heart-rending cases at the same time they feel the weight of added costs to the system.” – Mark Kleiman, Professor of Public Policy, UCLA 12 FINAL “I don’t like how it is being applied currently. I think the net has been cast far wider than it needed to be. I think the wrong people are serving life sentences.” – Bernard Melekian, Pasadena Chief of Police “We’d agree some tweaking of three strikes is in order.” – San Gabriel Valley Tribune Editorial 13 FINAL “When California voters approved the three strikes law a dozen years ago, surely they never imagined it would be used to send to prison for life someone who stole two pairs of pants or a car radio.” – Sacramento Bee Editorial FIX IT TO SAVE IT Tried to preserve essential elements of powerful and effective crime-fighting tool and insure that it is used with justice 14 FINAL STATISTICS LA County has third highest three strike prison commitments rate per 100,000 among 15 most populous counties Highest commitments from Kern County Second highest – Sacramento County Since I have been DA, LA County has been sentencing three strikers appropriately 15 FINAL ATTEMPTS AT MODEST REFORM SB 1642 – Senator Romero The Three Strikes Reform ACT of 2006 would have restricted most severe punishments to serious and violent offenders and those whose current or previous crimes warrant long term imprisonment Patterned after our successful LA County policy 16 FINAL Remediation scheme - - - would have permitted a limited number of prisoners serving disproportionate sentences to apply for resentencing, in the court’s discretion, under two strikes provisions. Must preserve essential elements of powerful and effective crime fighting tool However, must also take steps to insure that it is used justly Unfortunately, SB 1642 never got voted out of Senate Public Safety Committee 17 FINAL CONCLUSION Still believe we must have a way to remediate those limited disproportionate sentences by allowing courts to take another look. “As I said in July 1996 and cited in an LA Times article,” “Every time a deputy makes a decision on a three-strikes case, it’s a half-million dollar decision and part of a billion-dollar consequence,” Cooley says, citing studies on the expense of incarcerating someone for life. 18 FINAL “You have to ask yourself, is this worth a half-million dollars of taxpayers’ money to take care of this guy for the next 25 years, then have to pay for his open-heart surgery and his kidney dialysis when he’s 60 or 65?” 19