Syllabus - Teacher with Two Hats

S10 JPN 1
Elementary Japanese B1
Spring 2010
Class title: Elementary Japanese B1 (5.0 credits) CRN 31795
Class time: Tues & Thursday 6:00-8:30pm
Class room: LA 203
Prerequisite: None
Required textbooks:
(1) “Genki 1” by E. Banno, Y. Ohno, et. al. published by The Japan Times: ISBN47890-0963-7
(2) “Reading & Writing Worksheets” a.k.a. the Blue Packet (Available ONLY at BC
Optional materials: “Genki 1” Student CDs ISBN4-7890-1162-3
Instructor: Yuri Sakamaki 酒巻有里 (
Office and office hours: LA 216 5-5:50pm on Tuesday & Wednesday or by
Class website:
Course objectives: Following grammar items will be covered in each lesson. Successful
students will be able to apply the grammar rules when they communicate in Japanese
both orally and in writing.
Lesson 1:
 Numbers 1-100 / Telling time / Exchanging phone numbers / Particle “no”/
Affirmative imperfective noun sentences
Lesson 2:
 Numbers 100 – 100,000 / This, that and that over there (nouns) / This, that and
that over there (pre-nouns) / Whose is it? / Particle “mo”/ Negative imperfective
noun sentence
Lesson 3:
 Affirmative imperfective verb sentences / Particles “o” “de” “ni” “e”/ Frequency /
Inviting someone to do something
Lesson 4
 There is/are ---. / Describing locations of things / Affirmative and negative
perfective noun sentences / Perfective verb sentences / Particle “mo”
Lesson 5
 Affirmative imperfective & perfective adjective sentences / Discussing
preferences / Making a suggestion
At the end of the semester, successful students will be able to write and read higagana
and half of katakana letters.
Quiz and exam dates
 3-punkan quiz
 Half-time quiz
Every class
Every class
S10 JPN 1
Writing & reading quizzes To be announced
Lesson 1-5 Grammar and vocabulary quiz
To be announced
Midterm exam: March 9 and 11
Final exam: May 6 and 11
Course evaluation Your performance in classes and tests will be evaluated as follows:
Activities & tests %
Class activity
3-punkan quiz (2.5%) Half-time quiz (2.5%) Homework
Conversation (10%) Class participation (10%)
Writing & reading quiz, Grammar & vocabulary quiz,
Listening quiz
Midterm exam
Grammar & Vocabulary (4%) Listening comprehension
(5%) Writing & reading (4%) Oral interview (7%)
Final exam
Grammar & Vocabulary (4%) Listening comprehension
(5%) Writing & reading (4%) Oral interview (7%)
Worksheets, Web Japan, “Genki” self-study
Scantron sheet (AS100) will be used for quizzes and exams.
Class activity: Class activity evaluation consists of (a) 3-punkan quiz, (b) Half-time quiz,
(c) Homework conversation performance and (d) Class participation.
San-punkan (3-min) quiz & Half-time quiz
3-punkan quiz will be given at the beginning of the class. (Come to class on time.) Halftime quiz will be given after a break. (Come back to class on time.) You may not make
up these quizzes if you miss them.
Homework conversations
You will need to memorize conversations as homework. You will practice the
conversations until you can perform both parts with non-verbal cues (e.g. gestures and
facial expressions). You will act out the homework conversation with classmates in class.
Homework conversations are listed in the separate Homework Conversation booklet.
Maximum of 3 points will be given to each performance of homework conversation.
You may make up the missed conversations. Up to 2 points will be given to the made-up
Class participation
Maximum of 5 daily points will be given to class activities (excluding homework
conversation). All class activities will be evaluated on the following points:
Quality of work & Level of participation
Speaking activities in class (including homework conversations) will be evaluated on the
following points:
Pronunciation, intonation, grammar usage, the natural speed and fluency and
communicative skills (e.g. loud enough voice, non-verbal communication skills, usage of
Japanese fillers)
S10 JPN 1
Worksheets: The due dates are indicated on each sheet. If there isn’t any due date
indicated on a sheet, you do not need to turn it in.
Web Japan: Watch video clips or read articles on the Web Japan (
Turn in the complete 5 logs (in the Blue Packet) by the Final exam date.
“Genki” self-study room: Try exercises on the online Genki self-study room
( for 30 min every week. Turn in the
complete log (in the Pink Packet) every Thursday.
Extra credit
Tutoring: Study with a Japanese student in the class. The detail information will be
given later. Turn in the complete log by the Final exam date.
Grading standard
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
D (not passing) 60-69%
C 70-79%
F 0-59%
Point cards
You may collect “Point Cards” and use them toward making up assignments, missed
work, etc.
Examples of how to earn Point Cards:
 Score perfectly on 3-punkan quiz and other quizzes
 Outstanding work on homework
 Winning a bingo game
You may redeem your Point Cards for a snack (3 PCs) or 0.1% addition to your final
Class rules & policies
 Silence (NOT vibrate mode) your cell phones, pagers and other devices that may
make noise.
 Do not talk on the cell phone or text during the class.
 Keep your cell phone in the bag.
 Do not use any PDA devices for note-taking or as a dictionary.
 Do not wear earphones or headphones in class even when your music players are
not on.
 Do not eat food (including chewing gum) in class.
 Students will be asked to leave the classroom if they behave disrespectfully
toward the instructor or students. They will not be allowed to come back to class
until they discuss the matter with the Dean of Students.
 If you miss classes more than 4 hours, I may drop you from the class.
S10 JPN 1
Student Supportive Services
Students with disabilities who believes they may need accommodations in this class are
encouraged to contact Disabled Student Programs and Services (phone 661-395-4334),
FACE 16, as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in
a timely fashion.
Important dates
 Jan. 19
Instruction begins
 Jan. 29
Last day for refunds for semester length sessions
 Feb. 1
Last day to add a semester length class with approved enrollment exception form
 Feb. 12
Lincoln's Birthday Holiday
 Feb. 15
Washington's Birthday Holiday
 Feb. 19
Last day to drop semester length classes without receiving "W" grades
 Mar. 29 - Apr. 2
Spring Break
 Apr. 5
Last day to withdraw from semester length classes and receive "W" grades
 Apr. 5
Last day to file for graduation
 May 10 - May 14
Final Examinations
 May 14
End of Spring Semester
 May 14