Name: Date: Their Eyes Were Watching God: Vocabulary Chapter 1

Their Eyes Were Watching God: Vocabulary Chapter 1
Directions: For each of the following vocabulary words, please read the
sentence in which it appears in the novel. Next, look up and record the
definition and part of speech, and then write your own sentence using the
word. Please make sure your sentence demonstrates your understanding of
the word.
1. Mocked
“…his dreams [were] mocked to death by Time.”
Definition: ________________________________________________
Part of Speech: __________
Your Sentence: __________________________________________
2. Relish
“So they chewed up the back parts of their minds and swallowed with relish.”
Definition: ________________________________________________
Part of Speech: __________
Your Sentence: __________________________________________
3. Pugnacious
“The men noticed her firm buttocks like she had grape fruits in her hip
pockets; the great rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in
the wind like a plume; then her pugnacious breasts trying to bore holes in her
Definition: ________________________________________________
Part of Speech: __________
Your Sentence: __________________________________________
4. Zest
“Pheoby eager to feel and do through Janie, but hating to show her zest for
fear it might be thought mere curiosity. Janie full of that oldest human
longing- self revelation.”
Definition: ________________________________________________
Part of Speech: __________
Your Sentence: __________________________________________
5. Dilated
Pheoby dilated all over with eagerness, "Tea Cake gone?''
Definition: ________________________________________________
Part of Speech: __________
Your Sentence: __________________________________________
6. Consolation
Tea Cake ain't wasted up no money of mine, and he ain't left me for no young
gal, neither.He give me every consolation in de world. He'd tell 'em so too, if
he was here.
Definition: ________________________________________________
Part of Speech: __________
Your Sentence: _____________________________________________
“Pheoby eager to feel and do through Janie, but hating to show her zest for
fear it might be thought mere curiosity.”
Definition: ________________________________________________
Part of Speech: __________
Your Sentence: _____________________________________________
8. Monstropolous
“Time makes everything old so the kissing, young darkness became a
monstropolous old thing while Janie talked.”
Definition: ________________________________________________
Part of Speech: __________
Your Sentence: __________________________________________