Early Colonies Review Cards – My test is on____________ Which states made up the New England Colonies? Which continents make up the triangular trade route? Which states made up the Middle Colonies? Why are the Middle Colonies good for farming? Why did colonists go to the New England colonies like Massachusetts? If you had a certain skill like being a blacksmith or silversmith, you were called an_____________. What mountain range prevented colonists spreading out to the rest of North America? Define an indentured servant. What type of people settled in the Middle Colonies? What type of work did most of the colonists do in the Southern Colonies? What type of economy thrived (did well) in the Southern Colonies? Why were the colonies separated into three groups? Which states made up the Southern Colonies? How did Middle Colonies send their crops to other towns? Describe the life of a slave. What were the names of the 3 main regions? What made the middle colonies a good place for farming? William Penn wanted to create a colony that would allow _______________________ What is a free market enterprise? Who helped to create the state of Georgia? Identify the 13 colonies Colonies Resources (Natural, Capital and Human) Geography and Climate New England Natural resources: e.g., timber, fish, deep harbors Human Resources: e.g., skilled craftsmen, shopkeepers, shipbuilders Natural Resources: rich farmland, rivers Human Resources: unskilled and skilled workers, fishermen Appalachian Mountains, Boston harbor, hilly terrain, rocky soil, jagged coastline Moderate summers, cold winters MidAtlantic Southern Natural Resources: fertile land, rivers, harbors Human Resources: farmers, enslaved African Americans Appalachian Mountains, coastal lowlands, harbors and bays Mild winters and moderate climate, wide and deep rivers Appalachian Mountains, Piedmont, Atlantic Coastal Plain, good harbors and rivers Humid climate with mild winters and hot summers Specialization (Focusing on one or more products) fishing shipbuilding industry naval supplies livestock grain fish tobacco cotton indigo wood products Read a map. Understand how to read a population map. Examples of Interdependence (Two or more people depending on each other for goods and services) New England depended on the Southern colonies for raw materials such as cotton and on the Middle Colonies The Mid-Atlantic colonies traded with both the Southern and New England colonies to get the products they didn’t produce. The Southern colonies depended on the New England colonies for manufactured goods, including tools, and equipment. Social Life and Political (Civic) Life Social Life: Village and church as center of life. Religious reformers and separatists. Political (Civic) life: Town meetings Social Life: Villages and cities, varied and diverse lifestyles, diverse religions Political (Civic) life: Market towns Social Life: Plantations (slavery), mansions indentured servants, few cities, few schools, Church of Eng-land Political (Civic) life: Counties