Study Guide AP Euro Ch 16

Study Guide AP Euro Ch 16
Jethro Tull
Aristocratic resurgence
Emelyn Pugachev
Agricultural Revolution
Priscilla Wakefield
Ancient regime
Family economy
James Watt
Industrialization – General idea
Nobility of the robe
Nobility of the sword
Family economy
British society 18th century was mobile or restricted
Status of abandoned children
Family structure by region – differences one region to the next
Urban growth when why how
Aristocratic resurgence
Agricultural revolution attractive to landowners why?
Jethro Tull
Tensions aristocracy v. mid class
Russian serfs status
Turnip Townsend
Henry Cort and “puddling”
18th C Largest city
Banalaties and Corvee
IR starts in UK why?
Middle Class
Peasant rebellions
Inventions steam engine, water frame, flying shuttle, spinning jenny
Steam engine specifically causes what to happen
State of marriage
Traditional and customary rights
Middle class fears lower class why
Results of enclosure
Sumptuary laws
British nobility v. French nobility
Domestic system
Servant class = ?
Wife role in pre IR
Old regime
Ancien regime
Goals of peasant society
Examples of aristocratic domination
Emelyan pugachev
Social characteristics of Old Regime
Agricultural rev starts where?