- Reporting Institutions

EMMISSION SOURCES –Natural Gas, Propane
OUTSOURCED TRAVEL – Travel, Study Abroad
General Information
10/27/08 7:26am
Email from Dan Loomis to Eric Odegaard and Terry Giugni.
I emailed Leta Stagnaro of Ohlone College and asked her about their case study. She said they were
working on it but had yet to complete it.
I have been online and found the following study
I have also attached a pdf. of Indiana U.
Attended Q & A webinar provided by Clean Earth Cool Planet organization. Will attach notes from
webinar in addendum when received from the organization.
Met with Bob Cecil and Eric Odegaard regarding the data needed for the input sheet of the Carbon
Calculator. We came up with some leads as to where to obtain that information and several more
components of the calculator that needed clarification.
Sent follow up e-mail to Clean Earth Cool Planet organization to receive clarification on several
components of the input sheet of the Carbon Calculator.
Our campus has recently begun working with the Carbon Calculator to determine our carbon footprint.
A few weeks ago I attended a Q & A webinar and was able to receive answers to several questions that
our committee had regarding the data needed for the calculator. Since then several more questions
have come up. I hope that you might be able to help me answer these questions.
1. There is a section in the calculator for refrigerants and chemicals. Is this where the data on our
chemical disposal should be inputted? Our laboratory classes generate a significant amount of
chemical waste but we were not sure where to put this information or even if it needed to be on
the spreadsheet.
2. One of our campuses has a contract with a company that brings in goats to graze on the 100
acres of undeveloped land on that campus. We are not actually raising the goats so we are not
sure if this needs to be included in the calculator under the animal husbandry heading.
3. Is there a place on the calculator to include information about the deliveries that are made to the
4. Under the heading of wastewater there is a column for Septic System. Is this the same as the
gallons of sewage that enter the sewer?
5. Under the heading of paper, is it referring to the number of pounds of paper that are purchased
or the number of pounds that we recycle?
6. Also, could you clarify what is meant at the end of the input sheet where it asks for Retail
Offsets (High End and Low End) under the headings of both Offsets with Additional and NonAdditional Renewable?
If you are unable to provide me with the answers could you tell me when the next Q&A webinar might
take place? Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Received e-mail response from Claire Roby at Clean Earth Cool Planet with the following information:
First of all, please let me apologize for the delay in addressing your question.
1. Do you have a list of the chemicals that your department disposes of? Are they 1 of the 6
greenhouse gases that the calculator tracks?
2. Do not include the goats in your inventory. The idea is that eventually each corporation or
organization will track their own emissions, and the goats would fall into that of the other company's.
3. Similarly, the deliveries made to campus are under the scope of those other companies. For
example, it would be their decision and thus they should get the credit (and thus blame) if they were to
switch from diesel trucks to CNG or something else. I applaud your efforts to be thorough! The
exceptions would be if your college owns the trucks and or the supplying company, and we are in the
process of developing a separate tool that will measure the entire life cycle of campus food services.
4. If your water goes down the drain and to a central municipal water treatment plant, rather than a
campus septic system, you should use columns CQ-CS on Input worksheet.
5. Under paper, it is referring to paper purchased, and whether or not it contains recycled pulp.
6. Please reference the bottom of page 26 or 27 of our Users Guide for a discussion of Offsets and
Additionality. I'm not sure if it clearly explains high end/low end. The distinction is fairly subjective, but
essentially high end offsets are those that are more credible, such as those verified from independent
agencies and they are usually a little more expensive. Low end offsets are ones like "I paid $7 to plant
a tree in Africa" but you have no way to determine the validity or really any specifics regarding that
Claire Roby
Carbon Accounting Coordinator
Clean Air-Cool Planet
100 Market Street, Suite 204
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(918) 770-1853
Sent the following e-mail to Claire Roby at Clean Earth Cool Planet with some follow-up questions from
my conversation with Judy Garcia.
ClaireThank you for the information, it is greatly appreciated. Of course, I have a few more questions so I
hope that you do not mind. We are gathering our budget information for our campuses (we have three)
and a few questions came up. On our main campus we have a bookstore and a cafeteria who
reimburse the college for their energy costs, so the district pays the bills for the entire campus but these
facilities in return reimburse the college for the portion that these facilities use. Do we include this in our
calculations? Similarly, we have a Foundation office (which works to raise money for the college) here
on campus which occupies campus space but is otherwise autonomous. Do we include these in our
calculations as well? Thanks for your time and consideration.
Left a telephone message with Claire Roby letting her know that I had additional questions about the
data needed for our calculation of the carbon footprint. I will follow up with her via e-mail if I do not hear
back from her in the next couple of days.
Sent the following e-mail to Claire Roby at Clean Earth Cool Planet with some follow-up questions from
my conversation with Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil.
ClaireThe more that we work on the Carbon Footprint for our college the more questions we have. Do you
think that you could help me out with the following inquiries?
 We use electricity to chill our water, so should we separate that out under the Purchased
Electricity, Steam, Chilled Water (columns BR-BT) or should we just keep everything as
electricity since that is what we are actually purchasing? If we are to separate it out, do you
have any ideas for converting the amount of electricity (kWh) to amount of chilled water
 Where do we record the chemical waste that we generate in our lab classes? These include
many organic compounds such as ethanol, chloroform, etc. They are not included in the
refrigerants and chemicals section of the calculator (AZ-BD). Do we record them in the landfill
waste section (columns CM-CO)? If so, do you have any ideas on how to do this? We do have
records of how much of our waste that is generated consists of such chemicals and it seems
like an important thing to include in our calculation although I am not sure where.
 Also, for our wastewater our sewer bill is based on our water bill. Approximately 80% of our
water is used for irrigation, which means that only about 20% actually goes back down the drain
as wastewater. Do you have any ideas as to how we would track how much of this waste is
aerobic or anaerobic?
 Lastly, as far as the commuting is concerned, we only track our expenditures for travel and we
do not track the # of miles or mode of transportation. Is there any way to estimate this or is it
best to leave it out of the calculation for now? I am not sure how other campuses have
accomplished this so I thought I might see if you had any ideas.
I am going to be leaving Chaffey in a couple of weeks so if you are unable to respond to me before the
beginning of August could you please forward the answers to Terry Giugni at
terry.giugni@chaffey.edu? He will be taking over the carbon footprint project after I leave. Thanks so
much for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
7/16/09 12:26pm
Email from Beth Child to Terry Giugni
Terry – I just wanted to make sure that I was paraphrasing what you said earlier appropriately before I
send out the e-mail to all of the people working on the data for the carbon footprint so I have included
the draft of the e-mail below. Please look over and make changes or provide with some feedback as
you see fit. Also, do you think it is necessary to include Bob given that we just talked with him about the
data that his department is collecting? (Paragraph below was included in this email)
07/20/09 9:20 am
Email from Beth Child Judy Garcia, Jim Fillpot, David Ramirez, Michael Jung (cc. Terry Giugni and Bob
Hello everyoneI am contacting you all because each of you is working on gathering information for the calculation of
our Carbon Footprint. Dr. Giugni will be continuing the work on this project and is planning to meet with
the chairs of the GEM committee to report our progress in the beginning of August. In preparation for
this meeting he would like to have any data that you have collected so far. He would greatly appreciate
having this information by the end of next week. We will need to complete the project and prepare the
completed calculation of our carbon footprint for submittal during the first part of September. If any of
you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Thank you all for your time and
your hard work.
9/16/09 2:41 pm
Email from Bob Cecil to Aravind Batra
Requesting conversion numbers for gasoline, natural gas, propane, etc.
9/25/09 2:43 pm
Email from Bob Cecil to Terry Giugni
This may be useful in your expanded role as carbon footprint guru
(Forwarded email from Aravind Batra) 9/17/09 11:22 pm RE: C02 conversion tables and website:
From: Eric Odegaard
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 3:25 PM
To: Nick Nazarian; Beth Child; Karen Offerdahl; Nicole L. DeRose; Kipp Preble; Daniel Loomis; Judy
Subject: Call for Volunteers for the Carbon Footprint
Hey Folks,
Here's where we are so far on the carbon footprint.
Judy Garcia has signed up to provide us with budget numbers.
Dan is handling electricity use.
Beth has attended a webinar and has sent questions to Clean Air-Cool Planet, so she's our resident
guru on the Carbon Calculator.
I've contacted Bob Cecil, so I'll keep in touch with him on the various and sundry questions we've
posed to him (about half of the spreadsheet, roughly).
So, here are the other assignments that are left. Please let me know if you can contact one of the
people/departments below to pose these questions and follow up on the answers. If you do decide to
take on one of these jobs, please make a record of it. See pages 13-14 of the users guide, which I've
David Ramirez:
How many miles do faculty and staff commute using each of the following methods?
Automobile, Bus, Light Rail, Commuter Rail.
Dr. Rahmani:
Did the Omni-Trans surveys entail student commuting habits? If so, does he know where to find
numbers on student driving habits, in miles?
Sherm Taylor:
What are the quantities of diesel oil, propane, and natural gas used by the Automotive Department on
an annual basis? Does the college fleet have any vehicles that run on hydrogen or other alternative
fuels like E85?
For someone in Accounting:
How many miles each year did faculty and staff fly for school-related purposes? How many miles each
year did students fly for school-related purposes?
Thanks in advance for volunteering.
Best, Eric
Beth Child emailed Terry Giugni
TerryI just wanted to make sure that I was paraphrasing what you said earlier appropriately before I send
out the e-mail to all of the people working on the data for the carbon footprint so I have included the
draft of the e-mail below. Please look it over and make changes or provide with some feedback as you
see fit. Also, do you think it is necessary to include Bob given that we just talked with him about the
data that his department is collecting?
Hello everyoneI am contacting you all because each of you is working on gathering information for the calculation of
our Carbon Footprint. Dr. Giugni will be continuing the work on this project and is planning to meet with
the chairs of the GEM committee to report our progress in the beginning of August. In preparation for
this meeting he would like to have any data that you have collected so far. He would greatly appreciate
having this information by the end of next week. We will need to complete the project and prepare the
completed calculation of our carbon footprint for submittal during the first part of September. If any of
you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Thank you all for your time and
your hard work.
Beth Child
Bob Cecil forwarded to Terry Giugni the following email.
See below for your use.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Aravind Batra, PE, LC, LEED | Principal/Sr. Electrical Engineer | P2S Engineering, Inc.
10/8/09 1:15 pm
Email to Bob Cecil from Terry Giugni
Bob, when might I be able to get the data that you were collecting for the calculation of Chaffey
College’s carbon Footprint?
Budget Info
Sent e-mail to Judy Garcia (cc Eric Odegaard) in attempts to identify where we could obtain information
about our budget.
JudyYesterday in our carbon footprint meeting we identified that we would need some information on the
operating budget, research budget, and energy budget for the carbon footprint calculator. Does your
department have this information? I am not sure that we divide our budget up into these categories as it
is done on the calculator so, if not, do you have any ideas on how we could determine/identify this
data? If your department does not have this information do you have any ideas as to who might?
Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon so we can get started on this daunting
Received response from Judy with a follow-up question.
Yes, my department has this information. Do you need current fiscal year or what period?
Responded to Judy’s request.
Just as we discussed in our last meeting, we will be collecting data for the past 5 fiscal years (July 1,
2003- June 30, 2008). Thanks.
Received an e-mail with another follow-up question from Judy.
Are you talking about a budget for the committee or the budget for the college?
Responded to Judy’s request
Spoke with Judy Garcia on the phone about each of the categories of data that would need to be
collected and the time frame for which we would need to collect them. She mentioned that she would
do what she could to gather the data and would get back to me when she had more information.
Received a message from Judy who had questions about the budget data that needs to be collected.
Returned the call to Judy and we discussed the idea of bringing all of our questions to our next meeting
so that we could then bring those questions to the Q & A session that will be held on 02/13 at 1 pm.
Sent the following e-mail to Judy regarding the budget data needed for the calculator.
JudyI just wanted to follow up with you regarding the information that you were collecting for the Carbon
Footprint. We are still in need of the following information:
 Operating Budget (this is the overall institutional costs from year to year and it includes the
research and energy budget; this information will be entered in column D of the carbon
 Research Budget (this is the money that is spent on research grants and research programs-I
believe this is N/A for us since we are not a research institution; this information is supposed to
be entered in column E of the carbon calculator)
 Energy Budget (this is the total money that we spend on energy sources; this information will be
entered in column F of the carbon calculator)
We also need information on the Study Abroad Air Travel (this information will be entered in column CJ
of the carbon calculator). If you are unable to gather this information, can you think of who we might be
able to contact? Thanks.
Received e-mail from Judy Garcia regarding my request for budget data.
Hi Beth,
I have no problem gathering all that information. I did have some questions, though. Since we haven’t
had a meeting for some time, perhaps you can give me a call when you have a free moment.
Judy Garcia
Accounting Services
(909) 652-6019
Returned a call to Judy but she was not available.
Spoke with Judy about her concerns with reporting the budget data. She mentioned that the Bookstore,
Cafeteria, and Foundation were separate entities and was wondering whether or not we would want to
include these in our calculations. I will follow up with Claire on these questions. Judy mentioned that in
the meantime she would gather this information and keep it separate until we decide whether or not we
should combine them. She also mentioned that her department was very busy right now and that it
might take her sometime to complete the request.
Judy mentioned that she would contact Kim Dunn to get the information on Student Study Abroad Air
Travel (i.e. what classes they took and how many students there were, and then we would be able to
determine the # of miles traveled per student).
9/8/09 3:16pm
Email from Terry Giugni to Judy Garcia, cc: Daniel Loomis; Julie Sanchez
This is a follow-up to the data request that Beth Child had made in regard to determining the college’s
carbon footprint. I am taking this over from Beth and am hoping to collect the information we need so
that we can complete our carbon footprint shortly.
Beth had requested the following information from you:
The overall operating budget for the college – we need this number for the past five fiscal
years (July 2003 – June 2008). You had asked Beth if this should include the Bookstore,
Cafeteria, and Foundation. We would like all of this but separated out so that depending on
clarification from Clean Air – Clean Planet we will have the information needed.
Research Budget – We will not need anything here since we are not a research
Energy Budget – total dollars spent on energy sources.
Study Abroad Air Travel. You had indicated to Beth that you were getting this information
from Kim Dunn.
If you could let me know how soon I can get this data from you I would greatly appreciate it.
9/8/09 3:23pm
Reply to Terry’s email from Judy Garcia, cc: Daniel Loomis; Julie Sanchez
All the operating and energy budget information was entered into the Google docs, which was where I
was told to enter this information. Please call me if you are not able to access the information from
there. I had also asked Beth to call me because I had some questions regarding Study Abroad travel.
Judy Garcia
9/8/09 3:32 pm
Email from Terry Giugni to Beth Child, cc: Linda Offerman
Judy indicated that she has put the information she was providing on Google Docs. Help!! Can you tell
me how to access that?
Hope you are doing okay. Sorry I did not get you a letter, do you still want one? Linda said you already
have some possible jobs lined –up (not surprised).
We miss you!!
9/10/09 4:24 pm
Email from Judy Garcia to Terry Giugni
This is the input sheet that Eric Odegaard stored on Google Docs so that we could all enter our own
information without having to e-mail the entire carbon calculator back and forth. This document is only
one page of the actual carbon calculator, which I believe has multiple spreadsheets.
Email from Eric with attachment: (2/3/09 7:45 am)
I've shared a document with you called "Carbon Calculator Input Sheets":
It's not an attachment -- it's stored online at Google Docs. To open this document, just click the link
Hey Folks,
I finally got the input sheets up on Google Docs. If you have data to
input, feel free to do so. You don't have contact me first. However,
please keep a record of the people you contacted to gain the
9/16/09 3:56 pm
Email from Beth Child to Terry Giugni
TerrySorry for the delayed response. Unfortunately I no longer have access to my Chaffey e-mail which had
the access info for the Google docs file. However, if Judy is the only one that has put data into that
document I would recommend that you have her re-send the data to you so you can put it in a copy of
the calculator along with the rest of the data. If I recall correctly she only has a few columns worth of
data so it should not be too much work to copy it over. Also, the Google docs file had only the input
sheet (the complete excel file with all of the calculations exceeded the limit for Google docs) so the
information needs to be transferred anyways. How is the rest of the data collection/compilation going?
Do you need help with any of that? If there is anything that I can do please let me know, I am more than
happy to help.
Right now I am teaching at two different campuses, which isn't too bad but city traffic can be a bit
frustrating when trying to get from one place to another. I will be submitting my applications for spring in
a few weeks and there is a full-time position at one of the campuses where I am working which I am
considering applying for. If you have the time, I would greatly appreciate the letter. I understand,
however, if you are swamped. Thanks for the e-mail and I hope to hear from you soon about the
progress of the carbon footprint.
10/8/09 1:08 pm
Email from Terry Giugni to Judy Garcia
Judy, Just for clarification: the year that budget is entered for is the last year of our fiscal year? For
example the dollar amount listed for 2009 is for our 2008-2009 fiscal year. Is that correct?
If correct you have entered numbers for 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, and 2008-09.
10/8/09 1:11 pm
Email to Terry Giugni from Judy Garcia
Yes, that is correct.
Institutional Data – Population
01/30/09 8:18 am
Sent e-mail to Jim Fillpot; Giovanni Sosa, and Keith Wurtz in Institutional Research (cc Eric Odegaard)
in attempts to collect data on the # of students, faculty, and staff on campus.
As you may be aware, last November Dr. Shannon signed a President’s Climate Commitment (PCC) to
reduce our impact on our environment. As part of the agreement the college made by signing this
document, we need to conduct an analysis of our carbon footprint over the past 5 years (July 1, 2003June 30, 2008). I am hoping that you can provide me with the following data as part of this analysis:
# of Full Time Students
# of Part Time Students
# of Summer School Students
# of Faculty
# of Staff
I realize that you are all incredibly busy with many other things, so I would appreciate any help that you
can provide. I am willing to do some of the leg work myself if you could provide some direction on how
to approach such a task. Thanks so much for your time.
1/30/09 8:49 am
Received e-mail response from Jim Fillpot with follow-up questions about our request.
Hi Beth:
I don’t see any problems with this request. We can easily address the first three items on the list, the
last two we can work with HR to get the most accurate numbers. Being a researcher, I’m going to
complicate things a bit with a few additional questions:
 You indicated that you want data for the past five years. Are you interested in an annual
breakdown for the past five year period, breakdowns by semester, or an aggregate total than
spans the entire five year window? Let me know what works best for you, all of it is very doable, and it just changes how we select and unduplicated data. This applies for both student
and faculty/staff data.
 In regard to faculty data, I’m assuming you want to identify all faculty – contract, adjunct,
overload, and fill-behind; correct?
 Who are you including in the staff count? Are you interested in just full-time employees
(classified and confidential), or are you also interested in short-term workers? What about
student workers? If you want to include student workers, I’ll have to do a little homework to see
how accurate this database is.
 What kind of timelines are you working under? Once you make decisions about students, I can
crank out that data pretty quickly. However, I can’t speak for HR’s timelines and competing
projects, they might need more lead time.
 Are you only interested in counts, or would it be more helpful to have this information in some
sort of database or spreadsheet? I can go either way and send you either a spreadsheet (or
any other file format that works for you) or simply send numbers in an e-mail message. Again,
just let me know what best meets your needs.
Sorry to make this so complicated, I just want to make sure we are accurately addressing your request.
1/30/09 9:36 am
Sent reply to Jim with answers to his questions. Also sent an e-mail to Eric to ask what he thought
about the inclusion of student workers in the staff count.
JimI really appreciate your help and I am sorry that I did not identify this information previously. So here
are answers to some of your questions and I will have to get back to you on a couple of the others.
 We would like an annual break down for the past five years.
 Yes, we would like all faculty to be included.
 I am not entirely certain about whether or not we should include student workers in this count of
staff, since we will already be counting them in the student count; I will need to get back to you
on this.
 The deadline for completing the carbon footprint is Nov.19, 2009. There is a monster load of
information we will need to collect to complete this project so we are getting started early. Like I
said in my previous e-mail, I know you are being bombarded with requests so I wanted to give
you as much lead time as possible.
 We will be transferring the information to a master carbon calculator spread sheet so just
sending the numbers in an e-mail should be fine.
Thanks again for all of your help with this request and your quick response.
1/30/09 9:50 am
Received e-mail from Jim with more questions on the specifics of our request for institutional data.
Hi Beth:
Glad to be of help, although with all of the questions I ask you might eventually start groaning when you
see my name pop-up in your e-mail inbox! J
Annual summer school student data is very easy to generate, I can probably send you something by
Monday. That said, here I go again with another round of questions:
 You’ve requested summer separate from annual. Usually we norm to the California Community
College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) designation for an annual period – Summer/Fall/Spring.
Are you seeing Fall and Spring as an annual period, representing activity in primary terms with
summer separate? Or are you thinking along the lines of the CCCCO and requesting annual
data (Summer/Fall/Spring) with an additional sub-breakout for Summer?
 Two ways we can treat full-time/part-time status. We can look at a threshold for an annual
period (e.g., 24 units) and designate anyone who earns the threshold number of units or higher
as full-time, less as part-time. A second option would be to look at enrollment status in any term
within the annual period and count anyone who was full-time in any term as full-time in the count
(e.g., a student who was full-time in Fall but part-time in Spring and Summer would be counted
as full-time since he/she was enrolled in 12+ units in at least one semester within the annual
period). I think the first option might be preferable, but there really isn’t a standard convention
for identifying annual FT/PT status, that measure is usually term-specific – hence the second
Again sorry for all of the questions. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details.
Sent reply to Jim with answers to his questions.
JimPlease feel free to send me any questions you think necessary to ask. I am still learning as I go along
myself so I apologize for not being entirely clear with what we want. I think it would be best to designate
fall and spring as the annual period, treating the summer as a separate set of data. As far as the
determination of full-time vs. part-time status, I agree with you that option #1 is the way to go (i.e. the
threshold for an annual period). Thanks again for your diligence in helping us accomplish this task.
Sent the following e-mail to Jim regarding the institutional data needed for the calculator.
I hope you are having a nice summer. I wanted to send you an e-mail to follow up on a request that I
had submitted earlier this year for institutional information that we need for our calculation of the
Carbon Footprint. As a reminder this is the following information that we will need:
# Full-Time Students
#Part-Time Students
# Summer School Students
# Faculty
I know that we had gone back and forth for clarification on what exactly we needed in each case. I have
saved all of those e-mails so if you have any questions please feel free to let me know. Thanks so
much for all of your help.
9/14/09 6:07 am
Jim Fillpot sent email to Terry
Hi Terry:
It’s been so long since Beth and I initially began discussing the Carbon Footprint data elements
identified below that another year has passed. Thus, in addition to data from the specified data range
(July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2008), I’ve also added in the most recent year (July 1, 2008 through
June 30, 2009). My responses are below in BOLD GREEN. For reference sake I’ve also included our
e-mail discussion trail. After you’ve had an opportunity to review the attached data, please don’t
hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. For future consistency’s sake, I’ve identified the data
sources for student and faculty/staff data, along with any notes.
Fiscal Year
Number of
Students *
Number of
Students *
Students **
Faculty ***
Staff ***
* California Community College Chancellor’s Office, Management Information System (MIS)
Referential File Data, Fall 2003 – Spring 2009, Primary Terms
** California Community College Chancellor’s Office, Chancellor’s Office Data Mart, Student
Demographics – Term, Summer Semesters 2003 - 2008
*** California Community College Chancellor’s Office, “Report on Fall Staffing” 2003 – 2008.
I realize that you are all incredibly busy with many other things, so I would appreciate any help that you
can provide. I am willing to do some of the leg work myself if you could provide some direction on how
to approach such a task. Thanks so much for your time.
Physical Size
Sent e-mail to Bob Cecil to collect data on the physical size of the facilities here at Chaffey.
BobIn attempts to identify our carbon footprint as part of the President’s Climate Commitment (PCC) that
Dr. Shannon signed last November we will need the following information:
Total Building Space (Square feet)
Total Research Building Space (Square feet)
We are collecting this data for all campuses from July 1, 2003-June 30, 2008. If you do not have this
information do you have any ideas as to where I might be able to find it? Thank you for your time, I
realize that you have an incredibly bust schedule so I would greatly appreciate any help that you could
4/6/10 3:40pm
Email from Terry Giugni to Bob Cecil.
I am finally finishing the submission of the carbon footprint. As I work on this I will probably be going
back to those that have provided me data. I have some questions for you now.
The data that you provided which of the following buildings are included:
Chaffey College – Rancho (All buildings)
Chaffey College – Fontana
Ralph Lewis Center
Fontana Center
Chaffey College – Chino
Chino Education Center
Learning Development Center
Ontario HS
Rancho San Antonio Medical Center
Terry Giugni and Sarah Riley, Director of Facilities Development had a discussion about the location of
the college’s space inventory. Sarah provided Terry with the location and access to a website that
contains this information.
EMISSION SOURCES – Natural Gas, Propane
Sent the following e-mail to Bob regarding much of the data needed for the calculator.
BobI am spending sometime working on the Carbon Footprint project this summer since it needs to be
completed by September and I wanted to follow up with you to get some of the data that we need.
Would you like me to send you a detailed list of the information that we need and the priority for each
piece of information? Or would it be better for you to have a time where we can meet and discuss this
once more? Please let me know what works for you and if you have the time to spend on this project
right now. Thanks so much for all of your help.
Met with Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil about the information needed from Maintenance and Operations
for the carbon calculator and to notify Bob that Terry will be taking over keeping track of the carbon
footprint after I leave. At this meeting, Bob mentioned that his office is working on finishing up their data
collection and that he should have the information that we need shortly. He also clarified which items on
the calculator do not apply to us and provided me with some more questions for Claire Roby at Clean
Earth Cool Planet. I will send a follow-up with these questions to Claire.
Sent the following e-mail to Sherm Taylor regarding the data needed from AutoTech for the calculator.
ShermAs you may know, last year Dr. Shannon signed a commitment to reduce the carbon emissions of our
college. Part of this project requires that we calculate our current carbon footprint. There are a few
pieces of information that we will need to complete this from AutoTech:
Do you guys use any LPG (propane)? If so could you tell me how many gallons/year for the last 5
We will also need to know the to date consumption of MMBtu from any Natural Gas Fleet (If I am not
mistaken we have only had these for a short period of time so we would not have a full 5 years of data.
Is this true?).
I greatly appreciate your help in this manner. If you are unable to locate this information, could you
suggest to me someone who might be able to? Thanks for your time.
Received telephone message from Sherm Taylor in AutoTech. He stated that they have only one fork
lift that operates on propane. He said that this forklift uses no more than 10 gallons/year and that this
was an exaggerated estimate. He also mentioned that for 5 years the maximum amount of propane
used by this equipment was 50 gallons.
Sent the following e-mail to Sherm Taylor regarding the data needed from AutoTech for the calculator. I
had previously received a voice mail from Sherm mentioning that they only use 10 gallons of propane
per year. This will be added to the calculator.
ShermI received your message regarding the propane usage in auto tech, thanks for getting back to me. Can
you provide me with any information on the Natural Gas Fleet? This is only necessary if we were using
these prior to July 08. Thanks for your time and help.
10/8/09 8:25 pm
Email from Nikki DeRose to Terry Giugni that contains a trail of emails (dated March 3, 2009 thru
October 8, 2009) between Nikki DeRose and Eric Odegaard with information on propane, diesel, and
natural gas. Emails as follows:
Hi Terry,
Below is Eric’s response to my email I sent to him with the information I got from Sherm Taylor. Below
that is the information I got from Sherm. Hopefully it makes sense.
From: Eric Odegaard
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:36 AM
To: Nicole L. DeRose
Subject: RE: Call for Volunteers for the Carbon Footprint
That's awesome! I'll enter the info into the Carbon Calculator. Thanks for working on this.
From: Nicole L. DeRose
Sent: Fri 4/3/2009 2:36 PM
To: Eric Odegaard
Subject: RE: Call for Volunteers for the Carbon Footprint
I spoke with Sherm Taylor today and here are the answers to the questions you sent to me.
1. What are the quantities of diesel oil, propane, and natural gas used by the Automotive Department
on an annual basis?
Propane: 1 forklift, that gets filled once yearly and the tank size is 15 gallons. 15 gallons/year.
Diesel: no diesel vehicles. They have a steam cleaner that runs on diesel that gets filled a couple of
times per year. Approximately 5-6 gallons/year but the volume does not exceed 10 gallons/year.
Natural Gas: no machines or vehicles that use natural gas.
2. Does the college fleet have any vehicles that run on hydrogen or other alternative fuels like E85?
Answer: No vehicles that run on hydrogen or E85. Can't think of any vehicles that run on diesel; may
have some that run on natural gas and doesn't think there is any propane but this can be confirmed
with Bob Cecil. All of the vehicles he knows about run on gasoline.
Nikki DeRose
-----Original Message----From: Eric Odegaard
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 7:07 PM
To: Nicole L. DeRose
Subject: RE: Call for Volunteers for the Carbon Footprint
The deadline to have the carbon footprint report is November 2009. However, as Dan pointed out in the
last meeting, we will have some serious number crunching to do once we have the data. Beth's
suggestion is that we have all the data in the Carbon Calculator by the end of summer. If you're willing
to volunteer, the questions for Sherm Taylor are the highest priority. If you could get numbers from him
by the middle of April, that would be great.
Thanks for volunteering.
Best, Eric
-----Original Message----From: Nicole L. DeRose
Sent: Thu 3/19/2009 12:34 PM
To: Eric Odegaard; Nick Nazarian; Beth Child; Karen Offerdahl; Kipp Preble; Daniel Loomis; Judy
Subject: RE: Call for Volunteers for the Carbon Footprint
Hi Eric,
I will be the first to admit that if I don't have deadlines, I will procrastinate. L Can you tell me what
deadlines we are working with?
Thanks, Nikki
10/8/09 1:22 pm
Email to Bob Cecil from Terry Giugni
Bob, In Beth’s notes she indicates that she has contacted Sherm Taylor in regard to Propane use by
the forklift in Autotech. Is this forklift the only user of propane or does M&O or other departments also
use propane?
Bob Cecil responded the same day @ 4:59pm.
Warehouse forklift uses propane and we use propane tanks for the space heaters we use at outdoor
events – mainly the museum gallery – like the ones you see at restaurants.
10/13/09 11:30am
Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil met and Bob provided data on the College’s usage of natural gas, propane,
gas fleet, diesel, natural gas fleet, electricity fleet, refrigerants, fertilizers, electricity, solid waste, and
Natural Gas (mm btu)
2008-09 – 200.3 gallons
10/13/09 11:30am
Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil met and Bob provided data on the College’s usage of natural gas, propane,
gas fleet, diesel, natural gas fleet, electricity fleet, refrigerants, fertilizers, electricity, solid waste, and
Gas Fleet and Diesel (outdoor lights)
Gas (gallons)
Diesel (gallons)
Gas numbers do not include what is purchased with the Chevron Credit Card. We need to determine
how to include this number and convert it to gallons as opposed to dollars.
Natural Gas Fleet – Need to determine how to track this.
Electricity Fleet – This is included in the total electricity use. We do not currently have a method to
pull out what is due to charging the electric fleet.
10/13/09 11:30am
Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil met and Bob provided data on the College’s usage of natural gas, propane,
gas fleet, diesel, natural gas fleet, electricity fleet, refrigerants, fertilizers, electricity, solid waste, and
HCFC-22 – we purchase but have not purchased any in the last two years.
Our total capacity is 850 lbs HCFCC 22. Not sure how to measure utilization per year, need to
determine this.
R-410A – insignificant.
R-123 – chillers in central plant.
We need to add this when Siemens does their annual check. They do not currently record. We
need to determine how to track use.
10/13/09 11:30am
Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil met and Bob provided data on the College’s usage of natural gas, propane,
gas fleet, diesel, natural gas fleet, electricity fleet, refrigerants, fertilizers, electricity, solid waste, and
No organic, we use synthetic
Rose food
Bob was supposed to provide # lbs by year at a later date.
Also need to follow up on pesticides and insecticides from Bob.
Email from Dan Loomis with information on electricity usage.
July 29, 2009 6:26 AM
To: Terry Giugni; Eric Odegaard; Julie Sanchez
Subject: FW: Chaffey power usage spreadsheet
Hey Guys,
My niece just finished these spreadsheets on our power usage. They go back three years from last
Jan. We need to add the data for the last 7 months to be completely up to date.
Thought you would be interested.
10/13/09 11:30am
Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil met and Bob provided data on the College’s usage of natural gas, propane,
gas fleet, diesel, natural gas fleet, electricity fleet, refrigerants, fertilizers, electricity, solid waste, and
Electricity Fleet – This is included in the total electricity use. We do not currently have a method to
pull out what is due to charging the electric fleet.
Sent the following e-mail to David Ramirez regarding the data needed about commuting habits for the
DavidI am currently working on calculating our carbon footprint as part of the President’s Climate
Commitment that Dr. Shannon signed last year. It would be great if we could include information on
commuting in our calculations and I was hoping that you might be able to provide me with the following
Faculty/Staff Commuting
 Automobile Miles
 Bus Miles
 Light Rail Miles
 Commuter Rail Miles
Student Commuting
 Automobile Miles
 Bus Miles
 Light Rail Miles
 Commuter Rail Miles
I am thinking that we probably don’t have much, if any, for light rail and commuter rail and I am also not
certain if we have any data on student commuting but whatever you could provide would be greatly
appreciated. If you do not have access to this information would you be able to suggest someone to
contact? Thanks for your time.
10/27/09 1:20 pm
Email to Julie Sanchez; Daniel Loomis; Terry Giugni from Jared Ceja
Hi Tri-Chairs, Attached is a brief look at AQMD. David sent it to me following our conversation on
carpool spaces. We can talk about things further at our next full meeting. The text of the brief follows.
Chaffey College Public Safety Department
Governing Board Update
Chaffey College Complies with AQMD Rule 2202
When November rolls around each year, most people at Chaffey College start to think about
Thanksgiving and getting ready for the Holidays. For the team here in Public Safety Department,
November brings about planning and implementation for our annual employee commute survey. It’s
Chaffey College’s chance to see if our promotion of carpooling and alternative commute modes has
made an impact on our community and on the environment. For the past 3 years we have partnered
with Pasadena based environmental company RideLinks, Inc. in order to simplify the survey process
and track our commute progress.
Last year we conducted our survey the week of November 3, 2008. We used an online form that was
directly linked to RideLinks, Inc, our AQMD certified compliance partner. We had an outstanding
response. Over 1100 employees completed the survey.
And the results are in! The latest survey shows that 114 employees per day chose to commute to work
during the survey week using alternative commute modes, any form of commuting that isn't driving
alone in your car. The three most popular alternate commute choices in order of popularity were
carpooling, OmniTrans/bus, and walking. With an average commute of 14.19 miles one way to
Chaffey, our employees' alternative commutes helped reduce our carbon output by over 714,000 CO2e
pounds per year!1 This represents over 35,000 gallons of gas saved per year.2
We are proud of our continued support of green initiatives on campus. If you haven't already chosen an
alternative commute lifestyle, we strongly encourage you to add your carbon savings to next year's
Look for the Air Quality Employee Commute Survey coming in November!
In summary, the following are this year’s highlights:
14.19: miles average one way distance to Chaffey College
114: Average Number of Employees utilized an alternative commute mode during the survey
week in 2008.
16,177: reduced vehicle miles traveled per week
35,000: gallons saved yearly (52 week estimate)
714,000: lbs. of CO2e reduced yearly (52 week estimate)
CO2e is a measure of greenhouse gas emissions allowing for a standard comparison of the
greenhouse impact of a variety of greenhouse emissions, in this case mobile source emissions from
passenger vehicles. Calculations assume 20.4 pounds of CO2e per gallon of gasoline, from EPA,
FHWA’s National Highway Statistics.
Based on California Passenger Fleet DMV Data
On 11/17/09
John Rojo and Terry Giugni discussed the possibility of John completing a survey of student in regard
to commuting habits.
John emailed Terry.
I mentioned using the Carbon Footprint Focus Group's survey of students commute to school as a
statistics project in our last meeting. Do you have a copy of the questions you would like asked
because today is the date for our proposals for our stats project, and I am sure some students will need
some ideas.
Thank you,
John Rojo
Terry Giugni responded back to John.
I do not have questions yet. I could work on this but would not be able to get to you till end of week or
first of next week. If a Student is using as a project do they need to have the specifics today or can that
John responded back:
We don’t need them today if they are questions like "how far do you drive to school" and "how many
days do you go to school"... He just wants to make sure the questions are good survey ideas and I
don’t believe he will have any problems with questions like these
12/2/09 8:50 am
Received the following Email from John Rojo to Terry Giugni:
Do you have a list of questions that you would like me to ask for the carbon footprint study? I have to
start interviewing people in a few hours to meet my professor's requirements of a week long random
sample of students and locations. If I don't get the actual questions, I am just going to ask how far you
drive to school, how often you make the round-trip in one week, and do you carpool, but I would rather
ask the questions we need in order to help with both projects.
Thank you,
John Rojo
12/2/09 9:32 am
Terry sent reply to John Rojo:
What we need for the carbon footprint is the following:
How many days per week do you commute to school?
How far do you commute each day?
What means do you use to commute? (automobile, bus, train (metro), walk, bike)
If you use an automobile how is it powered? (gas, natural gas, hybrid, electric, diesel)
It would be best to have this information for fall, spring and summer. If you can get for all three it would
be best to get fall 09, sp10 and su 09. Each should be broken out separately.
Thanks, Terry
12/9/09 11:33am
John replied to Terry in regard to the student survey.
I was not able to do the survey for my stats class because I didn't have enough time. If you still need
the data, I can have Sullivan help me collect some info from students tomorrow.
John Rojo
12/3/09 4:26 pm
Email from Terry Giugni to David Ramirez,
David, Thank you for providing this report. I am hoping it might be possible to get this data broken down
differently then you have provided. For us to include it in our Carbon Footprint calculation I need to
know the following:
For Faculty/Staff the total miles they commute via
Light Rail
Commuter Rail
Other alternative vehicles (hybrid, natural gas, etc.)
Does this information exist in the AQMD data? If it does I will pull it out if you are not able to do that.
Please let me know as soon as possible, we are supposed to be submitting this by the end of this
Thanks, Terry
Email exchange between Terry Giugni and Jim Fillpot in regard to a transportation and carbon emission
study of California community colleges.
FYI, thought this might be of interest to the GEM Committee.
From: CCC Research and Planning Group [mailto:RP@LISTSERV.CCCNEXT.NET] On Behalf Of
John Roach
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:31 AM
Subject: Thesis title: California Community Colleges: Student Transportation and Carbon Emissions by
Gregory Packin, University of Redlands
Greg Packin has recently completed his Master’s of Science in GIS at the University of Redlands. His
thesis, titled California Community Colleges: Student Transportation and Carbon Emissions is
available for review and download on the CCC GIS Collaborative web site. This study estimates the
roundtrip commute time, miles driven, monetary cost and carbon emissions associated with student
commuting. It is based on zip code-level enrollment data (Fall 2007) from the CCC Chancellor’s Office
MIS database and on the prior mapping work of the CCC GIS Collaborative.
The study is an important first look at the statewide patterns of student commuting. The research and
analysis is thorough, the work is well cited and it provides suggestions for further studies.
Since his schooling is finished, Greg has left California and moved back to the Washington DC area. I
am working to get a current email address. In the interim, you can send any questions or comments to
me, and I will get them to Greg when I can.
My compliments and congratulations to Greg on a job well done.
John Roach
Director, Systems Analysis & Research
Foundation for California Community Colleges
4/9/10 5:58pm
I finally looked at this in detail. It is a really cool study.
I will Share with GEM and the Sustainability Work Group at our next meeting.
4/10/10 9:50am
Email from Jim Fillpot in regard to a study that provides data on commuting.
Hi Terry:
Yeah, I thought this was pretty cool too. I plan to contact the author; I'd like to obtain his permission to
share this information as a future "Did You Know?" We have GIS capability and have incorporated
variables like travel distance into past research studies, but his study that identifies factors like travel
cost and total/average carbon emission - along with a comparison of these variables to geographically
comparable community colleges - is quite comprehensive and might be of broader interest to Chaffey
College administrators, faculty, and staff.
Take care,
OUTSOURCED TRAVEL – Travel, Study Abroad
Sent the following e-mail to Kismaea Rouzan regarding the data needed about air travel and study
abroad for the calculator.
KismaeaI am currently working on calculating our carbon footprint as part of the President’s Climate
Commitment that Dr. Shannon signed last year. It would be great if we could include the following
information on travel:
Air Travel
 Faculty/Staff
 Students
Taxi/Ferry/Rental Car
Alternative Fuel Bus
Personal Mileage Reimbursement
I realize that some of these categories may not apply but any information you could provide would be
greatly appreciated. We are collecting data for the previous 5 fiscal years (July 1, 2003- June 30, 2008).
If you are unable to locate this information, would you be able to suggest where I might be able to find
it? Thanks so much for your time.
Received phone message from Kismaea Rouzan and she mentioned that they do not track travel for
students at all; she mentioned that Monica Hernandez in Administrative Services may have information
on this.
Furthermore, she mentioned that she could only provide the amount that was spent on travel but that
they do not keep record of modes of transportation. She said that they do keep records of mileage
reimbursement when such forms are completed.
I sent the following e-mail to Kismaea in regards to obtaining information on the mileage reimbursement
as a follow up to her telephone message.
KismaeaI received your message and I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly. I understand that we will
not be able to keep track of the air, taxi, bus and train travel according to the miles since we do this by
the cost only. I know that you mentioned that we do have information on mileage reimbursement so it
would be great if this data could be included in our calculation. Is there a way to calculate the # of miles
traveled for the last 5 years (July 03- June 08) using these reimbursement forms? Thanks for your time.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
I received the following e-mail from Kismaea regarding the mileage reimbursement.
Hi Beth,
Sorry, but it is impossible to calculate the number of miles driven because that’s not something that is
tracked in Datatel either.
10/13/09 11:30am
Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil met and Bob provided data on the College’s usage of natural gas, propane,
gas fleet, diesel, natural gas fleet, electricity fleet, refrigerants, fertilizers, electricity, solid waste, and
Solid Waste
We have no CH4 recovery. Bob will provide numbers at later date.
11/17/09 8:00
Terry Giugni met with Bob Cecil who provided the following data:
Solid Waste
Solid Waste
Total Tonnage
Diverted Tonnage
To Landfill
Hazardous Waste
Calendar year
Calendar year
Calendar year
Bob did not have diverted value for 2008 but indicated he would provide (see email below).
On 11/17/09 9:59am
Email from Bob
Landfill number for 2008 is 586.14 tons; hazardous waste disposal for 2008 is 3.91 tons
Bob Cecil
10/13/09 11:30am
Terry Giugni and Bob Cecil met and Bob provided data on the College’s usage of natural gas, propane,
gas fleet, diesel, natural gas fleet, electricity fleet, refrigerants, fertilizers, electricity, solid waste, and
Water by campus
We could make the assumption about what % goes into sewage. Need to determine how to do this.
Sent the following e-mail to Jeff Saito regarding the data needed about our paper purchases for the
JeffI am currently working on calculating our carbon footprint as part of the President’s Climate
Commitment that Dr. Shannon signed last year. It would be great if we could include information on the
paper that we purchase for the campus. Below is a list of the information that is being requested.
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 0% Recycled
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 25% Recycled
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 50% Recycled
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 75% Recycled
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 100% Recycled
Any help that you could provide in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing
from you soon. Thanks!
Good afternoon,
Sent the following e-mail to Michael Jung per my conversation with Terry as Michael is our new director
of purchasing.
MichaelI am currently working on calculating our carbon footprint as part of the President’s Climate
Commitment that Dr. Shannon signed last year. It would be great if we could include information on the
paper that we purchase for the campus. Below is a list of the information that is being requested.
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 0% Recycled
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 25% Recycled
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 50% Recycled
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 75% Recycled
Lbs. of Uncoated Freshsheet 100% Recycled
Any help that you could provide in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing
from you soon. Thanks!
Received the following e-mail from Michael Jung and I replied sending him a copy of the carbon
footprint calculator.
I will see what I can do. I am interested in the calculation for carbon footprint. Would you mind
providing me the variables that go into calculating carbon footprint?
Michael C. Jung
Director – Purchasing Services
Chaffey College
5885 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-3002
909) 652-6702 Ph.
909) 652-6704 Fax