Fertile soil helped the Middle Colonies to become known as the

Chapter 6 Study Guide
1. Fertile soil helped the Middle Colonies
to become known as the
2. The English formed the two colonies New
York and New Jersey after taking control of
New Netherland from the
3. Define refuge:
a safe place
4. The Frame of Government of Pennsylvania
is an example of self-government in the
Middle Colonies
William Penn
formed a long-lasting
peace agreement with the Native American
leader Tamanend.
6. George Whitefield
the Great Awakening.
was a leader of
7. List one way the Middle Colonies differed
from the New England Colonies.
The Middle Colonies were home to a mix of
religious groups.
8. Why were port cities important to the
economic success of the Middle Colonies?
They were major trade centers.
New York City was a good location for a
because it was built at the
mouth of the
River, on New York
10. A farmer had to make an economic
choice to pay to use a grist mill.
Benjamin Franklin
set up a militia
to protect Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania
12. Young Colonists could learn how to make
a living as artisans by becoming apprentices
William Penn
wanted all colonists
and Native Americans to be treated with
14. The fertile land, deep harbors, and mild
climate of the Middle Colonies all
contributed to the region’s
prosperity .
15. The thousands of
immigrants who
settled in the Middle Colonies added to the
The following will help you study for the
short answer questions.
16. List the rights or freedoms that William
Penn gave to the colonists in Pennsylvania.
 freedom of speech
 freedom of religion
 the right to a trial by jury
17. What is the Great Awakening? What were
the effects of the Great Awakening?
a religious movement that began in the
Middle Colonies that changed the way many
people practiced their religion
It changed religious ideas and practices,
helped bring people together, led to greater
religious toleration, added to the diversity
of religious beliefs, and increased the free
exercise of religion.
18. How did religion influence the founding
and settlement of the Middle Colonies? List
a few of the religious groups in your
Many settlers came to the Middle colonies
because they were attracted by the religious
freedom offered there. The Dutch let people
of different backgrounds settle in the
colony. Quakers started colonies in New
Jersey and Pennsylvania to have a safe place
to live and practice their religion.
Religion also helped bring settlers together
because it was a major part of the social
life of the Middle Colonies.
19. List the costs for immigrants who came
to the Middle Colonies.
Leaving their homes, families, and friends
Settling in an unknown place
learning new laws and adapting to a new
List the benefits for immigrants who came to
the Middle Colonies.
finding more religious and political freedom
escaping from war in their homelands
finding more economic opportunities
getting the chance to buy their own land
20. What is an apprentice? Who did they
live with?
a person who lived and worked with an
artisan’s family for several years. learning
a skill in order to earn a living