The Middle Colonies

New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies
The 13 colonies were separated into three distinct regions—the New
England colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. Each
team will be given a specific area. Please research that area by:
 Watching the short video of New England, or Middle or Southern
 Using your knowledge of search engines to research information
about your colonies
 Using your classroom books
 Collecting the answers below and on other handouts provided
 And finally by adding what you have learned to the collaborative
class chart about the Colonies
Your team’s region to study: _________
1) List each colony in your region
Name of Colony
2) Why were these colonies were founded?
3) List the names of important people who founded the specific colony
4) Describe the climate and some of the geographical features.
5) What role did religion play in the development of your region?
6) Describe their economic conditions of the region.