Christopher Reiter Wendt English 100.3 September 28, 2007 I Want a Wife Judy Brady summarized most everyone’s thoughts about what they want their wife to be like in about two short pages—that is if everyone had an x and a y chromosome. Coincidently the same paper also summarized what a hard working mother does day to day. Judy Brady is right, who wouldn’t want a wife, especially one that takes care of all these responsibilities. When I think of what I want my wife to be like, I think of what my does for my family each and every day. If I could best describe what my mom does and what kind of wife she is, I would simply recite Judy Brady’s piece “I Want a Wife”. My mom is the best wife and mother that anyone could ever ask for, so therefore as weird as it seems, when I look for a future wife, I look for a girl just like my mother. Brady starts to describe that stereotypical perfect wife, saying, “…I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife to keep track of the children’s doctor and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too. I want my wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who will wash the children’s clothes and keep them mended.” Brady makes the wife sound like she does everything to keep the relationship going and healthy, but I don’t want that, I want a wife who will do these things, but only to help with what I cannot do. I’m a terrible person when it comes to keeping track of appointments, and time-management. Therefore having one of these “Wonder-Wives” will help make my life that much easier. Again, I don’t want one of these fantastic people just to do everything for me while I only do everything only to benefit myself, except I want my wife to help me with everything while I help her equally. My wife and I are going to be a team, not just my wife doing everything and me reaping all of the benefits. Much like having a wife take care of my children, I need a wife to help me “take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me.” (Brady, “I Want a Wife”, 277). All throughout this quote and actually the entire piece, there is a need to put the word, “help” in front of every thing that says “…I want a wife who will…” so instead of “I want a wife who will keep my house clean”, it will be “I want a wife who will help me keep my house clean.” Overemphasizing the fact that the relationship between a husband and his wife is essential, because despite the fact that Judy Brady ridicules the husband’s role in a relationship, that isn’t how it should be. Now people would say, “Men don’t ever clean, or pick up after themselves. That is what a wife is for.” Maybe a lot of guys are slobs and can’t pick up after themselves, but that just isn’t how I am. Some people even call me “girly” or “gay” because I’m such a neat freak. Even though I may be a little “girly” I still need someone to help me with everything, everyone does. Give me someone who doesn’t need anyone’s help with anything, and they should get some sort of award for being such an amazing person. Judy Brady states: If, by chance, I find another person more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have, I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another on. Naturally, I will expect a fresh, new life; my wife will take the children and be solely responsible for them so that I am left free. Not only does she stereotype every asshole that thinks and calls themselves “manly men”, but also she offends me because I know I am. When I get married, it is going to be the person I am going to spend the rest of my life with no matter what. This is one of the few parts in her short piece that I don’t at all agree with. Marriage is a sacred thing and mocking the fact that she thinks every man just wants to switch wives when their wife doesn’t satisfy their every need anymore aggravates me. The men who actually believe that it’s all right aggravates me, and the fact that Judy Brady believes that every man thinks that way aggravates me. When you choose someone who you’re going to spend the rest of your life with, don’t just choose someone who you’re going to replace. If they’re going to get replaced, don’t marry them. Marriage is the bond between two people who want to spend the rest of their life together and share one another’s children—that is if having children is the way they want to go. A relationship doesn’t work from one person doing everything for everyone. What does the wife get out of it? Who helps her do anything? That is not what a relationship should be like, its not a one sided effort, but otherwise a team effort, a combined effort by two persons acting equally to achieve a healthy state both physically and emotionally. This definition best describes what I want my marriage to be like. Everything that Judy Brady says—with a few exceptions and with a few adaptations— will make my marriage successful. Therefore, back to what I said previously, when I think of a future wife, I think of my mother because she is the type of person that would do all of these things for me and with me in our marriage.