BUSC Team Managers Responsibilities

Competitive Team Manager Duties
**Effective 2013, each team must have a separate team Manager and team Treasurer; teams
cannot have a husband AND wife fulfilling those individual roles**
Player Registration / Tryouts
1) Team Managers should be available both days of tryouts under the tent for questions, sign in and
registration of players.
2) Once the coach has made the decision on the players, the family of the player will make their way to the
tent for registration.
3) Players will need to provide the following completed forms and payment at the registration process:
**NOTE: These forms can be found on the website at www.blitzunited.org under Coach & Manager
a. USYSA Player Form
b. 2 copies of the Player Birth Certificate (Original should be verified ONLY – we do not need Originals)
c. Player Commitment Form
d. USYS Medical release Form (Player Name should match identically to what appears on the Birth
e. Volunteer Disclosure Form with a color photocopy of the adult drivers license (**NOTE** this form
is only required if the adult will be working with the team via Manager, Treasurer, etc…)
f. Payment of Dues Policy
g. Initial Payment (Checks should be made payable to the team account i.e. Blitz 02 Boys Red)
i. Registration Fee: $165
ii. Field Fee: $60
iii. July Dues: $85 (D level Coach) - $87 (C level Coach) - $89 (B level Coach) - $91 (A level
coach) Monthly dues is strictly based on the coaching license level of the team Coach
4) All checks should be provided to the team Treasurer for appropriate logging and depositing of the
5) Once all player registration forms are collected, the manager will keep the medical release form and 1 copy
of the player birth certificate for a team book. (See Player Tracking)
6) All completed Medical Releases should be notarized by a notary (See Competitive Contact Information)
Day 1 after Tryouts is Complete
1) Team packets should be prepared to provide to the Registrar (EDOC, Executive Director of Coaching).
Team packets should contain the following for EACH player:
a. Original copy of USYSA Player Form
b. Original copy of Player Commitment Form
c. One copy of the Player Birth Certificate
d. Volunteer Disclosure Form (if applicable)
e. TEAM CHECK (to be obtained from the Treasurer) made out to Blitz United
2) The Registrar will submit all paperwork to OSA and will provide the Manager with their team login
credentials (if applicable)
Competitive Team Manager Duties
3) Manager should take individual photos of each player to obtain a 1”x1” head shot for the player passes.
**Helpful hint** If you take a snapshot of each player from the chest up (portrait style) with your phone,
you can send it to your computer Upload a .jpg or .gif file from your computer: (500 KB or less file size is
recommended.) – this will make their headshot the right size for the player passes.
4) Once the registrar assigns all players to the team, the Manager should access the team account via
www.gotsport.com to enter the player photo for the player pass, email address, jersey number, phone,
parent information, etc. This will allow OSA to approve the team and generate roster and player passes
(See Player Passes). If you have forgotten your team login credentials, reach out to Blitz United Registrar
or EDOC (doc@blitzunited.org).
Uniforms, Jersey Numbers and Practice Jerseys
1) Each player is responsible for paying for and picking up their uniform from Soccer USA (unless pickup is worked out with the team Manager) and all uniforms should be ordered NO LATER THAN
ONE WEEK FOLLOWING TRYOUTS. Soccer USA is located 4135 S Sheridan Rd and can be reached
at (918) 622-6551.
2) Uniform colors vary by team and are at the discretion of the coach. Managers will need to confer with the
coach to determine what color uniform is required and will be responsible for relaying the information to
the team, as necessary.
Most teams have a practice jersey that is worn to every practice. These are typically either Blitz t-shirts
(purchased at Soccer USA) or Under Armour Tech T’s – this also is at the discretion of the coach and should
be discussed with the coach before the season begins.
All new players should have a jersey number assigned, all players’ must have different jersey numbers and
they cannot be shared.
Anytime a jersey number is assigned, the player will require a uniform from Soccer USA. The team roster
showing the current players and their jersey numbers should be emailed to Soccer USA, indicating the
team, coach name and uniform requirements. In addition, the manager should indicate which player(s) will
need to order the uniform. (soccerusa@tulsacoxmail.com)
Once all uniforms and jerseys (if applicable) are determined by the coach, the Manager should notify all
players of all pertinent information and advise parents to go to Soccer USA for sizing and ordering.
Player Passes & Roster
1) Once player passes & roster are generated, the Club Registrar will forward the passes & roster to the team
account document.
2) The team manager is responsible for printing the roster and player passes on white paper.
3) Manager will be required to laminate each player pass, punch a hole in the upper left corner and obtain a
ring to place all of the laminated player passes within to keep track of. **HELPFUL HINT** Wal-Mart carries
a package of 5 self sealing laminate sheets that are already wallet size. They are around $1.50 for 5 in a
pack and if you buy those, you can slide your player pass in the sleeve, tear off the paper backing and seal
them together very quickly and easily. Also, if you have access to a 3-hole punch – that is the easiest way to
punch a hole in the player pass vs. trying to use a handheld hole puncher (your hand will get sore super
quick if you try that). Remember, the self seal is not as good as the heat seal.
Competitive Team Manager Duties
Player Tracking
Player Tracking.xls
1) The Manager should create an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of all player information (obtained from the
registration form and/or medical release)
2) Player name, DOB, Parents name, address, phone numbers and individual jersey number should be tracked
on this spreadsheet (The team roster (including player and parent contact information along with player
jersey numbers) should be distributed to all parents, coach and the EDOC.)
3) On the 2nd tab of the spreadsheet, a combined list of players’ jersey numbers and sizes should be tracked.
This will help determine, at a glance, what jersey numbers are available for any and all new players that are
added to the team.
4) Manager will create a team book (to be kept with them at all games and tournaments) by obtaining a 3-ring
5) Using plastic sleeves to keep track of all of the player information, you will file a copy of the player tracking
sheet on the front page and when you flip the page, you should begin your player information in
alphabetical order. Each player’s medical release should be displayed on the left-back sleeve and the
corresponding player birth certificate on the right-front sleeve.
Team Book
1) In addition to the player notarized medical release and birth certificates, you will also need to include the
following within your team book:
a. Tournament Roster (Must be stamped by OSA – see Tournaments)
b. Multiple copies of the OSA Roster (provided by the Registrar – Manager will need to make
additional copies for the book, a roster is needed for every league game)
c. Travel applications (See Tournaments)
d. Copy of the Player Tracking document with all players contact information.
e. Player passes (These passes are required for EVERY League and Tournament game played)
f. Any other contact information or team paperwork, as necessary
2) The team book should be with the Manager at all games and tournaments. If the Manager cannot be
present at any Game or Tournament Game, the Manager MUST delegate someone or give it to the
coach to keep the book at the games along with all player passes.
Competitive Team Manager Duties
Schedules/Weekly Team Emails
1) Manager is responsible for keeping track of game schedules, monitoring for game time changes and for
deciding on the colors the team should wear for each game.
2) Home team ALWAYS wears the lightest color. **Helpful hint** OFC teams’ dark color is Red and
most Blitz teams’ lightest color is White or Red so you want to MAKE SURE you always tell your
families to bring all jersey colors in the event of a color conflict.
3) Team manager is responsible for sending an email or text to every player family each week advising of the
weekly schedule. This includes any practices/practice changes, games, out of town directions, field maps,
club news/information, camps, etc…
League Play
Competitive teams have the option to play in the OSA League OPL3 or the OPL1 & OPL2 (Oklahoma Premier
League). In the first year of Competitive, coaches will make the decision on which league the team will play in.
The EDOC needs to be notified by the Manager of the league the team will play in.
1) For all games, regardless of playing OSA OPL1, OPL2 or OPL3 , the winning team (Or, if you are the
home team and the game ends in a tie) you will be required to phone in the score within 48 hours of
the game and mail the game forms to OSA or follow the instruction from your league. (For OPL game
forms – see Questions?? Contact Information – Oklahoma Premier League – b. at the end of this
2) While the League Commissioner has the responsibility for maintaining records, it is the coach’s
responsibility to maintain a record and discipline players or themselves, as required by the
cautions/ejections received. Additionally, the coach shall send the Player/Coach Sit-Out Verification
form to the OSA office when appropriate (01/22/04)
3) Failure of a coach to uphold OSA Bylaws and Standing Rules www.oksoccer.com shall result in
disciplinary action by the appropriate Games Committee.
4) The Player and Coach of the player must attend the Games and Disciplinary Committee when they are
notified about an ejection or other matter. Failure to attend will result in addition game suspension.
5) Managers are required to print a pdf game form for each game (it is not in your best interest to preprint game forms as rosters could change from game to game albeit, your team or the opposing team)
6) In order to print a game form, you must log into www.gotsport.com and login to your Team Account.
Click on Events, then on the League that you are currently playing in, then on Schedule, then on .PDF to
get the game form roster for the team you are playing. Any questions on this should contact Wilbert
(918) 695-0000.
Competitive Team Manager Duties
7) It is imperative to have the team book and player passes at EVERY game along with the league roster
(Player passes must be laminated and on a ring). Manager must provide the game form and player
passes to the referee prior to the start of ALL games.
1) Upon notification to the EDOC that your team will play in OSA League, Managers should work with the
coach to identify any conflicts for the upcoming season. **NOTE** Teams should plan on attending the
Blitz Fall Invitational in the Fall and the Blitz United Spring Classic in the Spring but should be confirmed
by the coach as these tournament should count towards your BYE weekends.
2) Once conflicts are identified, the Manager should notify the EDOC of the schedule conflicts.
3) Game schedules will be posted to the OSA website at www.oksoccer.com. Double check the games
schedules to ensure all conflicts have been scheduled around.
4) If at any point you identify a conflict with a scheduled game and you have no allotted BYE weekends
remaining, it is your responsibility to reschedule the game.
5) In order to reschedule a OSA game, you must first contact the opposing team and provide a minimum of 3
different dates and times that will work for your team (you must also check and confirm that the identified
dates will not conflict with the opposing team and verify the field availability for the 3 times identified)
6) Once both teams have agreed upon a reschedule, you MUST coordinate the reschedule with Tulsa United
for fields and referees by contacting Page Keck soccertusc@gmail.com (918)830-5800.
7) Once the game has been rescheduled, you must send an email to Tulsa United, your coach, the other coach
and your league commissioner to let them know that the game has officially changed.
8) For all league games, the manager is responsible for distributing directions to any Away game fields as well
as a field map for games and uniform colors (Remind parents to bring all jerseys in the event of a color
**NOTE** The Home team Manager must email and call the Tulsa United office by Wednesday before a Saturday
or Sunday game otherwise, the home team will forfeit its referees and will have to pay for referees out of pocket
when the game is made up.
Weather Issues
1) If the weather forecast indicates inclement weather on an upcoming league game day, the Manager should
contact the opposing team Manager (Opposing team contact information can be found on the league
schedule by selecting the contact information in the right-hand corner of your age group game schedule) to
touch base on the club policy regarding inclement weather. This should be done at least 3 days prior to the
scheduled game.
2) On game day, the Manager should monitor the weather situation and contact the opposing team contact at
least 3 hours prior to the game to keep in contact. For all home games, the Manager will need to call the
Competitive Team Manager Duties
rainout number at Tulsa United (918) 665-2870 or check the website at www.tulsaunitedsoccerclub.com or
3) If game fields are closed due to weather, the Manager is responsible for notifying the opposing team Coach
and Manager of the field closure and work with the Manager in the immediate week following to identify a
day to make up the game.
4) Parents can also sign up with the automated field status notification system to have a message sent to
email or cell phone when fields are closed by registering at www.statusme.com and sign up for Tulsa United
Soccer. Parents will want to ensure they select all days of the week.
OPL (Oklahoma Premier League) 1 & 2
All teams playing OPL need to apply through OSA using the below instructions. U17 teams and above MUST
register for OPL. All communications with the OPL, PLW, and National should also have the Blitz registrar/EDOC
1) Managers will need to first notify the EDOC that your team will play in the OPL league.
2) Once the EDOC has been notified, you will need to complete the OPL application for play which is located at
www.oksoccer.com under LEAGUES then Soccer City Oklahoma Premier League.
3) The Manager should notify the team Treasurer that they should collect the league fee to participate for OPL
from all the players, including scholarship players.
4) The Manager should review the OPL play dates on the oksoccer website and confirm with the coach of any
conflicts with the schedule identified. OPL teams are allowed 4 /more no-play days per season. The
Manager is responsible for submitting the ‘4/more no play dates’ upon completion of the application to
5) In order to submit the no play dates, the Manager is required to log into the team account via
www.gotsport.com. Select the correct league and season as applied, then REQUESTS. Click on the month
at the top right corner of the calendar to move to the next month. Once you identify the correct month,
select the dates that you would like to be scheduled as NO PLAY dates. Remember, you only have 4 days
allowed, not 4 weekends. (**NOTE** OPL sometimes does have mandatory play weekends which means
you cannot reschedule any games during that time)
6) If the OPL defined schedule has dates that your team cannot play and you have already designated your 6
no play dates, you will be responsible for coordinating a reschedule with the opposing team.
7) In order to reschedule an OPL game, you must first contact the opposing team and provide a minimum of 3
different dates and times that will work for your team (you must also check and confirm that the identified
dates will not conflict with the opposing team and verify the field availability for the 3 times identified)
8) Once both teams have agreed upon a reschedule, you MUST coordinate the reschedule with the OPL
contact for fields and referees by contacting Jill Hartley at jill@oksoccer.com or (405) 286-0488.
9) Once the game has been rescheduled, you must send an email to Jill Hartley, your coach and the other
coach to confirm the game has officially changed.
10) For all league games, the manager is responsible for distributing directions to any Away game fields as well
as a field map for games and uniform colors (Remind parents to bring all jerseys in the event of a color
Competitive Team Manager Duties
1) When considering all tournaments, pull a copy of the stamped OSA Competitive Roster/Game form from
the team book (if you do not have multiple copies – make some, if you failed to make multiple copies and
you no longer have the form, you must contact the EDOC and request another roster/game form).
2) You must take the stamped OSA roster to the OSA office and have the roster stamped and approved as a
‘Tournament Roster’. It would be wise to take at least 2 copies and have both stamped. (Once you have
them stamped, you can use them and/or make additional copies to use for all tournaments – as long as
your roster list stays the same) Anytime your roster changes and a player is added, dropped or transferred,
you must obtain a new stamp from OSA for tournaments.
3) The coach is responsible for identifying and selecting the tournaments that the team will attend. Once the
coach decides on the tournament(s), the manager is then responsible for applying to the tournament –
BEFORE the tournament deadline.
4) Each tournament has a different registration process from one to another however, you should always
utilize the team log in and password provided for your team account (if you do not have a log in, please
contact Wilbert to obtain a user name and password for your team.
5) The manager will work directly with the team Treasurer to provide the details on the cost for the
tournament, including any bond amounts required for a tournament. The manager will provide the
tournament registration fee for the team to the team Treasurer and the team Treasurer will be responsible
for collecting the funds for the tournament registration.
6) If possible, select ‘MAIL A CHECK’ or ‘E-Check’ for tournament registrations otherwise a personal credit card
will be required to apply/pay for the tournament. The manager will provide the confirmation page to the
team Treasurer and either obtain a check from the team account to reimburse the credit card used to apply
OR the Treasurer will need the information to mail payment to the tournament for the team registration.
(If the tournament allows an e-check, this is acceptable but the Manager must reach out to the Treasurer to
obtain the account information for an e-check).
7) For all Tournament Guest Players AND Out of State tournaments, Competitive teams MUST obtain a travel
application from OSA. These forms can be completed online and you receive an instant approval document
that must be printed.
a. Access www.oksoccer.com
b. Select Get E Travel Forms
c. At the bottom of the E-Travel page, you will select the appropriate link:
i. Notification to travel to a US Youth Soccer or USASA (adult) sanctioned event
(https://idevforms.americaneagle.com/oklahomasa/form942605474/secure_index.html )
ii. Tournament Guest Player Form
(https://idevforms.americaneagle.com/oklahomasa/form333084858/secure_index.html )
Competitive Team Manager Duties
d. Complete all applicable fields in submit – you will receive a printable page with the OSA approved
electronic Stamp.
e. This travel form MUST BE kept in the team book and brought to the tournament registration with
you for all out of state tournaments.
8) At least 1-2 weeks prior to all tournaments, review the hosting club website to determine what will be
needed for tournament check in and ensure that you have gather all necessary documentation. Questions,
reach out to Wilbert Maximore.
Hotel Accommodations – All Out of Town Tournaments
1) The Manager will identify a hotel for the team and attempt to negotiate pricing with the hotel selected.
Some tournaments do make special negotiations with local hotels for teams; double-check the hosting
team website for any information regarding hotel arrangements.
2) The Manager should reserve a block of rooms for the team, including the coach room, for any upcoming
out of town tournaments. (Every hotel is different and some will allow you to block rooms and provide
instructions for families to call in for individual reservations or some may require a rooming list)
3) With all hotel accommodations, the team Manager should inquire with the hotel on if they provide a
‘COMP ROOM’ for the coach. (Some hotels will offer a free room or discounted rate for the coach) This
information should be provided to the Team Treasurer for their records so the Treasurer can ensure they
are collecting the correct amount from players and not over-charging.
4) The Manager is responsible for reserving the hotel accommodations not only for them but also for the
Coach. The Coach will present their own personal Credit Card at hotel check-in and the Treasurer will be
required to make arrangements with the hotel on payment for the coach room from the team account.
Indoor – Winter I and/or Winter II Sessions
1) The coach should determine and advise the Manager/Team on the decision to play Indoor during the
winter months. The coach may require participation or could justify Indoor as optional.
2) In October, the Manager should double check with the coach on whether the team will play either session
of Indoor or both.
3) If team will play, Manager should advise the Treasurer that the team will be playing in which session and
notify the Treasurer of the deadline for team entry.
4) If Indoor is optional, the Manager should identify all players interested and provide their information to the
team Treasurer so the Treasurer can collect the monies due for Indoor. Indoor is NOT included as part of
the monthly dues.
5) Prior to the team registration deadline, the Manager will need to obtain the registration fee check from the
Treasurer and proceed to complete the registration form/information through Soccer City PRIOR to the
deadline. (**NOTE** It is important to get the registration and at the very least deposit for the Indoor
session paid as soon as registration opens for Indoor. Indoor league typically fills up within the first couple
of days that registration is open. If you do not get your registration and deposit paid right away, you risk
the team not being accepted into the league.)
Competitive Team Manager Duties
1) If the team would like to schedule a scrimmage on the Tulsa United fields, the requests should be made by
the Manager through Page Keck page@keck.com or (918) 830-5800.
Team Volunteers
Competitive teams require a lot of support from Volunteers within the team. The team Manager should recruit
parents for volunteer positions. The responsibilities are listed below but can also be found on the below
attachment. The attached BLITZ TEAM VOLUNTEER LIST should be distributed out to the team to allow parents to
sign up for individual roles. The Manager will need to complete the attached document with the parent name and
phone number with the team roster and distribute this to the parents, coach and Director of Coaching.
1) Treasurer - Receives and manages all team funds and pays bills.
2) Field Maintenance Committee - This should be comprised of a committee of two, one being the committee
chairperson. They will need to schedule among themselves to policing the fields for garbage at the practice
field and help with mowing the game fields if necessary. This includes, helping with marking the field and
setting up nets on TUSC schedule field day before the season starts, get the corner flags before your game
if you are the first game on that field. Policing the fields for garbage and taking down the corner flags if your
team is the last game on that field for the day.
3) Fundraising Coordinator(s) - Works with treasurer to determine fund-raising needs and organizes the fundraising events for the team.
4) Hotel Reservations - (The manager may do this job, or may recruit another parent to be in charge of hotels).
Collect credit card numbers and room preferences for each player’s family for out of town tournaments.
Once the tournament has been scheduled, reserves and confirms hotel accommodations.
5) Flag & Tent - Responsible for bringing and setting up the team flag to every game. At games where it is
either very hot or raining, sets up the team tent.
6) Spirit and Social Committee - In charge of any game banners, hotel door decorations. This person is also
responsible for planning any team meals at tournaments and planning any team social events and the end
of season party.
7) First Aid - If the team does not already have a first aid bag, get one. Bring team first aid bag to all games and
practices. Assist with any injured players. (If the coach chooses, he/she may be in charge of bringing first aid
kit to games and practices).
8) Video & Team Photographer - At the coach’s request, film games. Take snapshot of the players for the
website. May also take pictures for team scrapbook or to offer to parents. This person is also responsible
for scheduling team photos. The earlier this is done, the better.
9) Website Coordinator - Responsible for submitting or making all team web site changes to the
10) Blitz United Corporate Fund-Raising - Work with the Blitz United board to raise money for the club.
11) Blitz United Soccer Tournaments Rep – help on the Blitz United Soccer Fall & Spring Invitational and Golf
committee. Getting helper from your team to help with both events.
Competitive Team Manager Duties
12) Blitz United Golf Tournaments Rep – help on the Blitz United Golf Spring tournaments committee.
13) College Scholarship/Promotion Rep – promotes and markets players for scholarships. The committee will
work with the College Coordinator to report to the Executive Board ideas to better market and promote
Club players to colleges and universities.
Adding, Dropping or Re-Rostering players
1) Any correction, addition or drop of a player on your roster must be given to the EDOC for completion.
**Reach out to Wilbert Maximore (918) 695-0000 for the proper process and instructions**
2) In order to re-roster a player from one Blitz team to another, the Manager will need to complete a reroster form which can be found on the Blitz website at www.blitzunited.org ; click on Coach & Manager
Resources/Forms and scroll to the Request to Re-Roster link under the Competitive Managers and
Treasurers section.
Individual Team Policies
1) Manager should work directly with the coach to determine the following:
a. Practice days and times
b. Practice location
c. Coach policy on when players should arrive prior to any game
d. When a player cannot make a practice/game, who should the player contact? Manager/Coach or
e. How many tournaments the team will attend?
f. Coach preference for playing Winter I and II Indoor sessions
g. Known BYE dates for the season?
Miscellaneous Duties
1) Attend Blitz United Soccer Club Managers/General Meetings, as scheduled
2) Notify TUSC at the end of the season if your team took 1st or 2nd place in your league, so that they can order
the team trophies or medals.
3) Work with the coach and Team Treasurer to develop a budget and determine a budget.
4) Work with the various assigned Volunteers to ensure they are meeting the required goals, if applicable.
Competitive Team Manager Duties
QUESTIONS?? / Contact Information:
Executive Director of Coaching (EDOC): Wilbert Maximore (918) 695-0000 or doc@blitzunited.org
Director of Coaching: Robbie Mitchell (918) 691-7404 or adoc@blitzunited.org
ADOC/Director of Business-Soccer Operations: Shawn Slater (918)734-8372 slater@blitzunited.org
Club Notary: Casey Byrd (918) 629-0988 or nclbyrd@yahoo.com
Tulsa United Soccer Club: (918) 665-2870 or Fax (918)665-2859 or tusc@tulsaunitedsoccerclub.com
a. 9726 E. 42nd St. Ste 147 (TechRidge Office Park –Osage Building right off of Mingo on 42nd Street,
it’s the first building on your right)
Oklahoma Premier League: Jill Hartley (405) 286-0488 or jill@oksoccer.com
a. Local Offices: 9820 E. 41st St. Ste. 115 (918)627-2663 (TechRidge Office Park –Blaine Building right
off Mingo on 41st Street, it’s the first building on your right)
b. OKC Office & where to mail game forms: 4520 Old Farm Road OKC, OK. 73162
(918) 695-0000… !!