Acquisition Lesson Plan (EATS Format) Name: (Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill – Not for the Day) Topic: Cause and Effect Essential Question: How do authors show cause and effect relationships between events in a story? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question? Assessment Prompt 1: How does a cause differ from an effect? Assessment Prompt 2: How does an author signal a cause / effect relationship? Activating Strategies: 1’s read a cause statements aloud to a 2. 2’s explain what happened because of the statement. Share a few student examples. Point out that there may be more than one thing that could happen as the result of each cause statement. 2’s read effect statements aloud and have 2’s explain why that event occurred. Share examples. Point out that there may be more than one reason that resulted in each effect. Define the terms “cause” and “effect” for students a. cause: why something happens b. effect: what happens as a result Cause Statements You consumed a whole bag of your favorite candy. The power went out at your house, and you have an electric alarm clock. Somebody left a small ball on the steps. Effect Statements Your mom’s keys are locked in the car. Your team won your basketball game. You received an F on your test. AP#1: Think-Pair-Share: Distinguish between a cause and an effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Key vocabulary to preview: cause effect Teaching Strategies: Graphic Organizer: LFS Cause-Event-Effect organizer -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instruction: Model the use of the Cause-Event-Effect graphic organizer using Treasures pages 114-115. Chunk the text of Pipiolo and the Roof Dogs (Treasures pages 117 – 131) to correspond with the four Cause and Effect prompts listed in the teachers’ pages. Stop students and have 1’s identify the cause and 2’s identify the effect. Reverse the process through the next section of text, etc. AP #2: 1’s tell 2’s: How were you able to identify the cause? What clues were you given? 2’s tell 1’s: The effect? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extending Thinking Assignment-Deductive Reasoning: Keeping It Current: Identify 2 or 3 current or school events as possible topics. In pairs, students choose one of the events and identify causes and effects. They complete the organizer and then create a newspaper article, a collage, or an oral presentation about the event. Pairs orally share their cause and effect organizer and explain how they chose to depict the relationship. Acquisition Lesson Plan (EATS Format) Name: (Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill – Not for the Day) Topic: Cause and Effect Rubric: 3 2 1 Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer is completed and related to causes and effects. Graphic Organizer is incomplete or incorrectly completed. Oral Presentation Presentation is well organized. Explanation reflects understanding of how Cause / Effect is depicted. No additional prompting is needed. Graphic Organizer is mostly completed or includes some information not relevant to cause and / or effects Presentation is somewhat organized and shows understanding of how Cause / Effect is depicted. Some additional prompting is needed. Presentation is disorganized and/or shows a misunderstanding about Cause / Effect relationships. Prompting is needed to determine what students know. Rubric: Summarizing Strategy: The Absent Student Dear _____, Today we learned about ___________ and _____________. A cause _____. An effect ____. The most important thing we learned was ______________________. Your friend, ____________. P.S. I’m wondering…