Unit 9 Guide: Concepts of Earth Science The Rock Record Key Concepts and Questions to Be Able to Explain and Answer: 1. What is the principle of uniformitarianism? How can it be used to understand the past? 2. What is the law of superposition? How can it be used to determine the relative age of rock layers? 3. What is an unconformity? Be able to identify and describe the formation of the following unconformities: angular unconformity, disconformity, nonconformity. 4. How can cross cutting features be used to determine the relative age of a rock layer? 5. Be able to look at a diagram of rock layers with various unconformities/cross cutting features and use your knowledge of relative dating procedures to make predictions about the past. 6. What is a fossil? What conditions are necessary for a fossil to form? 7. Be able to name and describe the possible types of preservation: mummification, amber, tar seeps, freezing, etc. Be able to name and describe fossil types: imprints, molds and casts, etc. 8. What makes an index fossil unique? Be able to use the concept of index fossils to identify the age of a rock layer. 9. Describe how relative age is different from absolute age. 10. What is radiometric decay? What is half life? Be able to determine the absolute age of a sample given half life data. Assessments Half Life Formal Lab Unit 9 Test Date: ______________ Date:_______________ Reading Assignments: Students will be assigned readings from the following pages in the text book. Chapter 8 pages 184-209 Vocabulary Uniformitarianism Relative age Law of superposition Unconformity Angular unconformity Nonconformity Disconformity law of crosscutting relationships fossil paleontology trace fossil index fossil absolute age radiometric dating parent isotope daughter isotope half-life carbon dating Practice Test Questions: According to the law of superposition, which rock layer is the oldest? Which came first, the magma intrusion (D) or the fault line (E)?