Civil War Battles: Key Events & Significance (1860-1865)

Significant Battles of the Civil War 1860-1865
April 1861
Fort Sumter
July 21, 1861
1st Battle of Bull Run
April 6 1862
Battle of Shiloh
April 29, 1862
New Orleans
May 31, 1862
Yorktown and Seven Pines
Sept. 4, 1862
Battle of Antietam
Dec. 12, 1862
Battle Fredericksburg
April 30, 1863
Battle of Chancellorsville
July 2 1863
Battle of Gettysburg
July 8, 1863
Battle of Vicksburg
Sept.2, 1863
April 2, 1865
Surrender at Appomattox
The first acts of war by both the CSA and the
USA, after 34 hours the South accepted the
Northern commander’s surrender of this import
strong hold.
The first real battle of the War. It happened
between the cities Richmond and Washington
D.C. This battle made Americans realize that war
would not be a short.
Another battle like New Orleans and Vicksburg
that allowed the North to Control the Mississippi
A battle that helped the North gain control of the
ocean entrance of the Mississippi River.
The South failed badly and lost more soldiers then
the North, considered a victory for the South. The
union does well under General McClellan.
Considered the bloodiest 1 day battle of the war.
A Major loss to the US Army. It disrupted the
moral of the North and gave the south inspiration.
A battle for the South that was fairly successful,
But where the South lost its commanding General
Johnston and a hero name Thomas Stonewall
This battle broke the back of the South with the
loss of 23,000 troops. It is considered a major
turning point of the war.
A key battle for the North which helped them
secure the Mississippi River. It was a 9 month
siege that allowed General Grant to become
commander of the whole Union Army.
Union General William T. Sherman moves
100.000 troops on a march to the sea from
Tennessee to Atlanta, GA. Destroying everything
in his path. This campaign helps Lincoln get reelected in 1864
The battle that led to the unconditional surrender
of the South by General Lee.