Reading Group Collection - Vale of Glamorgan Council

Reading Group Collection List Updated August 2015
It had to Be You
Lizzy Spellman has been dumped. On her birthday, in
front of all her friends, by the man she thought was the
one. Someone even filmed it, so now she's a YouTube hit
too! When she thinks things can't get any worse, she meets
the rudest and most cynical man in the world, and finds a
new reason for living. To prove him wrong. Love does
exist, and she's going to find it.
Chimamanda Ngozi
Half of a Yellow Sun
Set in Nigeria during the 1960s, this novel contains three
main characters who get swept up in the violence during
these turbulent years. It is about Africa, about the end of
colonialism, about class and race, and the ways in which
love can complicate these things.
Chimamanda Ngozi
Purple Hibiscus
When Nigeria begins to fall apart under a military coup,
Kambili's father, involved in mysterious ways with the
unfolding political crisis, sends Kambili and her brother
away to their aunt's. Here she discovers love and a life dangerous and heathen - beyond the confines of her
father's authority.
When Will There Be Good News
In rural Devon, six-year-old Joanna witnesses an appalling
crime. 30 years later the man convicted of the crime gets
out of prison. In Edinburgh, 16-year-old Reggie works as
a nanny for a doctor. But Dr Hunter has gone missing &
Reggie seems to be the only person who is worried.
The Blind Assassin
The Blind Assassin describes a risky affair in the turbulent
thirties between a wealthy young woman and a man on the
run. During their secret meetings in rented rooms, the
lovers concoct a pulp fantasy set on Planet Zycron. As the
invented story twists through love and sacrifice and
betrayal, so does the real one; while events in both move
closer to war and catastrophe. By turns lyrical, outrageous,
formidable, compelling and funny, this is a novel filled
with deep humour and dark drama.
The Penelopiad
The story of Odysseus' return to his home kingdom of
Ithaca following an absence of 20 years is best known
from Homer's Odyssey. Odysseus is said to have spent
half of these years fighting the Trojan War and the other
half wandering around the Aegean Sea, trying to get
home. But what of his wife, Penelope?
The Picture Book
This is a family portrait captured in snapshots. First there
is William, the factory lad who loses his life in Gallipoli,
then his son Billy, a bicycle champion followed by his
crippled son Will who becomes an Oxford academic and
finally Will's daughter Billie, an artist in contemporary
Lynne Reid
The L- Shaped Room
'Lynne Reid Banks' compassionate first novel examines
the stigma of unmarried motherhood in pre-pill, preAbortion Act Britain - Pregnant by accident, kicked out
of home by her father, 27-year-old Jane Graham goes to
ground in the sort of place she feels she deserves - a bugridden boarding-house attic in Fulham. She thinks she
wants to hide from the world, but finds out that even at the
bottom of the heap, friends and love can still be found,
and self-respect is still worth fighting for.
No Time For Goodbye
What could be worse than losing your entire family in a
single night? 25 years later, Cynthia Archer is about to
find out, in this psychological thriller of secrets, lies and
obsessive love.
The Sense of an Ending
Tony Webster and his clique first met Adrian Finn at
school. Sex-hungry and book-hungry, they would navigate
the girl-less sixth form together, trading in affectations, injokes, rumour and wit. They all swore to stay friends for
life. Now Tony is in middle age and he is finding that
memory is imperfect.
Straight on till Morning
The handsome stranger who almost runs Sally Matthews
off the road is about to turn her life upside down. Until
this date with destiny, she had a very busy and happy
family life. She didn't really mean to fall in love.
Patrick has been on the outside all his life. Thoughtful, but
different, and infuriating even to his own mother, his life
changes when he follows an obsession with death to study
anatomy at university. When he uncovers a crime that
everybody else was too close to see, he proves finally that
he has been right all along: nothing is exactly as it seems,
and that there have been many more lies closer to home.
Jamrach’s Menagerie
Jaffy Brown is running through the London backstreets
when he comes face to face with an escaped circus animal.
His life is transformed by the encounter. Plucked from the
jaws of death by Mr Jamrach, the two strike up a
friendship. Before he knows it, Jaffy finds himself on
board a ship bound for the South Seas.
The California State Prison at Pelican Bay houses 3500 of
America's most dangerous prisoners. 3499 of them want
the remaining inmate dead.
Guernica' is a debut novel telling the story of two families
set before and during the Spanish Civil War, revolving
around the bombing of Guernica.. 'A heart-rending yet
life-affirming story'
Heat of the Day
Bowen's imaginative interpretation of the effect of war on
the manners, morals and emotions of those not directly
engaged in the fighting is drawn from an uncannily
poignant recall of the wartime London scene.
What happens to your life when everything you thought
you knew about your mother turns out to be an elaborate
lie? Ruth Gilmartin discovers the strange and haunting
truth about her mother, Sally, during the long hot summer
of 1976.
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
A story of innocence existing within the most terrible evil,
this is the fictional tale of two young boys caught up in
events beyond their control.
The Congress of Rough Riders
William Cody grows up surrounded by his father's tales of
Buffalo Bill, to whom he is distantly related, and his
fantasies of the Wild West. Though he escapes his
heritage by fleeing abroad and starting a new life for
himself, he finds that he is always drawn back to England
and to his ancestry.
A Song For Issy Bradley
Sometimes however much you love someone, you can't
understand them. Ian used to think that his life had been
disappointingly easy, compared to the pioneers. He had a
happy marriage, four children, a satisfactory job and, for
just over a year, he has served the church in his role as
Bishop of the local congregation, an enormous
responsibility. And then Issy died. Now his wife, Claire,
won't get out of their dead daughter's bottom bunk and she
won't speak.
Carol Rifka
Tell the Wolves I’m Home
There's only one person who has ever truly understood 14year-old June Elbus, and that's her uncle, the renowned
painter, Finn Weiss. Shy at school and distant from her
once inseparable older sister, June can only be herself in
Finn's company; he is her godfather, confident, and best
Sets 1 & 2
I Can’t Begin to Tell You
Denmark 1940. War has come and everyone must choose
a side. For British-born Kay Eberstern, living on her
husband Bror's country estate, the Nazi invasion and
occupation of her adopted country is a time of terrible
uncertainty and inner conflict. With Bror desperate to
preserve the legacy of his family home, even if it means
co-existing with the enemy, Kay knows she cannot do the
same. Lured by British intelligence into a covert world of
resistance and sabotage, her betrayal of Bror is complete
as she puts her family in danger.Tasked with protecting an
enigmatic SOE agent, a man who cannot even tell her his
name, Kay learns the art of subterfuge. From this moment
on, she must risk everything for the sake of a stranger - a
stranger who becomes entangled in her world in ways she
never expected. Caught on opposing sides of a war that
has ripped apart a continent, will Kay and Brow ever find
their way back to one another?
The Song Before it is Sung
On 20th July 1944 Adolf Hitler escaped death when an
assassin's bomb failed to kill him. He found the main
conspirators, had them hung from meat hooks & their
executions filmed. Axel, Count von Gottberg, is one of
those hanged. 60 years after his death, his old friend Elya
Mendel leaves a legacy of papers & letters to former
student Conrad Senior.
In a novel just as beautifully written and packing the same
emotional punch as 'The Other Hand', two families meet
when the daughter of one becomes friendly with the
other's terminally ill son.
It's Jack's birthday and he's excited about turning five.
Jack lives with his Ma in Room, which has a locked door
and a skylight, and measures 11 feet by 11 feet. He loves
watching TV but he knows that nothing he sees on screen
is truly real. Until the day Ma admits that there's a world
Sira Quiroga leave Madrid for love only to be left
pregnant and penniless by her lover. She falls back on
sewing and soon becomes aware of the gossip of women
about their lovers and husbands, a position very valuable
to the British secret service.
The Seamstress
Rebecca is a tale of romantic suspense, written in the
1930s: ‘Mrs. de Winter narrates the haunting events
surrounding her marriage to Maxim de Winter and her
growing obsession with his first wife, the beautiful, now
dead Rebecca.’
House of Orphans
'House of Orphans' is a spellbinding story of love and
loneliness, of the differences between change and
revolution, and of the terrorism that lurks everywhere in
times of change, even in our private midst.
Half Blood Blues
1940. In the aftermath of the fall of Paris, Hieronymus
Falk, a rising star on the cabaret scene, is arrested in a cafe
and never heard from again. He is 20 years old. A German
citizen. And he is black. 50 years later, Sid - Hiero's band
mate and the only witness that day - is going back to
Berlin, where they first met.
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter
It's 1964 and Dr David Henry finds himself delivering his
wife's twins. Relieved, he sees that his son is born healthy,
but recognises the signs of Down's Syndrome in his
daughter's face. In a split-second decision that will haunt
their family forever, he asks the nurse to take his daughter
Mynd Adra’n Droednoeth
A lyrical and memorable novel which asks: what is the
price of true happiness?
( Welsh Language Fiction )
The Forgotten Waltz
In Terenure, a pleasant suburb of Dublin, in the winter of
2009, it has snowed. Gina Moynihan, girl about town,
recalls the trail of lust and happenstance that brought her
to fall for the love of her life.
My Perfect Silence
'I was four when I killed my baby brother'. Twenty years
on and Rose is still haunted by the death of her baby
brother. Her father grieved for the baby and for her, but
her mother shuddered even at the sound of her name. Rose
took a vow of silence and nothing has broken through.
Saving Grace
Reeling from her husband's betrayal and struggling to
rebuild her marriage when he comes back to her, Grace
finds her life is unravelling. Soon, however, she finds
another being woven around her.
The Weight of Water
After her husband faces a traumatic event on the
underground, Sara Ravenscroft finds herself moving to
Devon to start a life away from the city. But it is here in
the country that the haunting dream which has plagued her
since childhood starts to creep into the everyday.
The Universe Versus Alex Woods
This is the story of 17-year-old Alex Woods, born to a
clairvoyant mother and a phantom father, victim of an
improbable childhood accident, who is stopped at Dover
customs in possession of 113 grams of marijuana and the
ashes of his best friend.
Alone in Berlin
Berlin, 1940, and the city is filled with fear. At the house
on 55 Jablonski Strasse, its various occupants try to live
under Nazi rule in their different ways: the nervous Frau
Rosenthal, the bullying Hitler loyalists the Persickes, the
retired judge Fromm, and the unassuming working-class
couple Otto and Anna Quangel.
F. Scott
The Great Gatsby
Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. But one thing
will always be out of his reach. Everybody who is
anybody is seen at his glittering parties. Day and night his
Long Island mansion buzzes with bright young things
drinking, dancing and debating his mysterious character.
Madame Bovary
Finding herself stifled by marriage, Emma Bovary throws
herself into a desperate love affair and by doing so, sews
the seeds of her own downfall
Gone Girl
Nick Dunne's wife Amy suddenly disappears on the
morning of their 5th anniversary. The police immediately
suspect Nick. Amy's friends reveal that she was afraid of
him. He swears it isn't true. A police examination of his
computer shows strange searches. He says they aren't his.
Then there are the persistent calls on his mobile phone.
Shadow Baby
This is a compelling, poignant novel about mothers and
daughters, illegitimacy, abandonment and guilt, across
three generations. It is written in the narrative tradition of
her previous novel 'Lady's Maid'.
Karen Joy
The Jane Austen Book Club
In California's Sacramento Valley, six people meet once a
month to discuss Jane Austen's novels. Over the six
months they meet marriages are tested, affairs begin,
unsuitable arrangements become suitable, and under the
guiding eye of Jane Austen, some of them even fall in
Karen Joy
Rosemary's young, just at college, and she's decided not to
tell anyone a thing about her family. So we're not going to
tell you too much either: you'll have to find out for
yourselves. Rosemary is now an only child, but she used
to have a sister the same age as her, and an older brother.
Both are now gone - vanished from her life. There's
something unique about Rosemary's sister, Fern. So now
she's telling her story: full of hilarious asides and
brilliantly spiky lines, it's a looping narrative that begins
towards the end, and then goes back to the beginning.
We are all Completely Beside Ourselves
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
Amos, Mississippi, is a quiet town. Silas Jones is its sole
law enforcement officer. The last excitement here was
nearly twenty years ago, when a teenage girl disappeared
on a date with Larry Ott, Silas's one-time boyhood friend.
The law couldn't prove Larry guilty, but the whole town
has shunned him ever since. Then the town's peace is
shattered when someone tries to kill the reclusive Ott,
another young woman goes missing, and the town's drug
dealer is murdered. Woven through the tautly written
murder story is the unspoken secret that hangs over the
lives of two men - one black, one white. Crooked Letter,
Crooked Letter is a masterful crime novel, sizzling with
deep Southern menace, and distinguished by brilliant
plotting and unforgettable characters.
Committed: A Love Story
At the end of her bestselling memoir Eat, Pray, Love,
Elizabeth Gilbert fell in love with Felipe - a Brazilianborn man of Australian citizenship who'd been living in
Indonesia when they met. Resettling in America, the
couple swore eternal fidelity to each other, but also swore
to never, ever, under any circumstances get legally
My Last Duchess
Beautiful Cora Cash, the wealthiest debutante in America,
is spirited away from the glamour & comfort of her Park
Avenue mansion & suddenly finds herself Duchess of
Wareham, mistress of Lulworth Castle, married to Ivo, the
most eligible bachelor in England. As Cora is soon to
discover, nothing in this strange new world is quite as it
The Fortune Hunter
In 1875, Sisi, the Empress of Austria is the woman that
every man desires and every woman envies. Beautiful,
athletic and intelligent, Sisi has everything - except
happiness. Bored with the stultifying etiquette of the
Hapsburg Court and her dutiful but unexciting husband,
Franz Joseph, Sisi comes to England to hunt. She comes
looking for excitement and she finds it in the dashing form
of Captain Bay Middleton, the only man in Europe who
can outride her. Ten years younger than her and engaged
to the rich and devoted Charlotte, Bay has everything to
lose by falling for a woman who can never be his. But Bay
and the Empress are as reckless as each other, and their
mutual attraction is a force that cannot be denied.
The White Queen
'The White Queen' tells the tale of one woman's ambitious
ascent to royalty during the Wars of the Roses and the
unsolved mystery around her sons' imprisonment in the
( Welsh Language Fiction )
Aderyn Brith
An exciting historical novel based on the true and
remarkable story of Mai ar Manac'h, Lady Mond, who
looks back on her colourful 'rags to riches' life during her
imprisonment at Porte d'Angoisse camp in Guingamp,
Brittany, during the Second World War. Nofel hanesyddol
fyrlymus yn seiliedig ar hanes gwir a hynod Mai ar
Manac'h, Arglwyddes Mond, sy'n edrych yn ol ar ei
bywyd lliwgar, o dlodi i gyfoeth, yn ystod ei charchariad
yng ngwersyll Porte d'Angoisse yng Ngwengamp,
Llydaw, adeg yr Ail Ryfel Byd.
The Secret River
Following a childhood marked by poverty and petty crime
in the slums of London, William Thornhill is sentenced in
1806 to be transported to New South Wales for the term of
his natural life. With his wife and children, he arrives in a
harsh land to a life that feels like a death sentence.
Beryl H
Merched Gwyllt Cymru
This review is from: Merched Gwyllt Cymru / Wild
Welsh Women (Paperback)
( Welsh Language Fiction )
Water for Elephants
When Jacob Jankowski - recently orphaned and suddenly
adrift - jumps onto a passing train, he enters a world of
freaks, drifters and misfits in the form of the Benzini
Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth, a travelling
circus struggling to survive the Great Depression.
This book provides a welcome counterbalance to the
dominance of male culture that I have found since moving
to Wales. Although I knew of some of these women by
name, I did not really know much about them and have
enjoyed finding out. The bilingual format is a true gift. It
means I can attempt to read the Welsh pages as far as
possible, but can fall back on the English pages if
necessary, rather than trawling through dictionaries and
grammar books to decipher what is being said.
Dreams From The Endz
Dreams from the Endz is the story of twenty-four Ahlme,
who is spirited, sassy and wise but has more problems
than she knows how to deal with. Her father, The Boss, is
permanently disabled after an accident on a building site,
her sixteen-year-old brother, Foued, has been permanently
excluded from school and seems intent on joining the
drug-dealers who share their estate, while she is left to
deal with the guilt trips from their family back in Algeria.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
A murder mystery like no other, this novel features
Christopher Boone, a 15 year-old who suffers from
Asperger's syndrome. When he finds a neighbour's dog
murdered, he sets out on a journey which will turn his
whole world upside down.
Reluctant Fundamentalist
At a café table in Lahore, a Pakistani man converses with
a stranger. As dusk deepens to dark, he begins the tale that
has brought him to this fateful meeting.
The Good Father
America is rocked by the shooting of a presidential
candidate and the young man arrested for the crime is
Danny, the child of Dr Paul Allen's first marriage - news
which sends the family down a harrowing path of no
return. Even if he is the only man in the world who
believes in Danny's innocence, Paul is determined to
prove it.
The Island
On the brink of her own life-changing decision, Alexis
Fielding longs to find out about her mother's past. But
Sofia has never spoken of it. All she admits to is growing
up in a small Cretan village before moving to London.
The Thread
Thessaloniki, 1917. As Dimitri Komninos is born, a
devastating fire sweeps through the Greek city where
Christians, Jews and Muslims live side by side. 5 years
later, Katerina Sarafoglou's home in Asia Minor is
destroyed by the Turkish army. Losing her mother in the
chaos, she flees across the sea to an unknown destination
in Greece.
This Book Will Save Your Life
Richard is a middle-aged divorcee trading stock out of his
home in Los Angeles. He has done such a good job getting
his life under control that he needs no one, until two
incidents conspire to hurl him back into the world.
The Kite Runner
Winter, 1975: Afghanistan, a country on the verge of an
internal coup. 12 year old Amir is desperate to win the
approval of his father, one of the richest merchants in
Kabul. He's failed to do so through academia or brawn but
the one area they connect is the annual kite fighting
A Thousand Splendid Suns
A Thousand Splendid Suns' is a chronicle of Afghan
history, and a deeply moving story of family, friendship,
and the salvation to be found in love.
Catherine Ryan
Love in the Present Tense
Growing up as a child surrounded by violence, Pearl was
determined not to let the same fate befall her own son
Leonard. But when a man from her past returns, she
knows that she must part with Leonard so that he does not
follow her down that same dark path.
Never Let Me Go
Kathy, Ruth and Tommy were pupils at Hailsham - an
idyllic establishment situated deep in the English
countryside. The children there were tenderly sheltered
from the outside world, brought up to believe they were
special, and that their personal welfare was crucial. But
for what reason were they really there?
The Snow Child
Jack and Mabel have staked everything on making a fresh
start in the raw Alaskan wilderness. In a moment of
tenderness, the pair build a snowman - or rather a snow
girl - together. The next morning, all trace of her has
disappeared. But Jack can't shake the notion that he
glimpsed a small figure running in the trees in the dawn
The Rabbit Back Literature Society
There is a secret at the heart of a small Finnish town,
involving its most famous occupant, the world-renowned
children's author Laura White, and a strange literary game.
Ella is an unsettled young teacher and aspiring author,
who returns to her hometown of Rabbit Back. On the
evening that she is initiated as the tenth member of the
local Literary Society. White, who was its founder,
disappears before everyone's eyes. As Ella makes
unsettling discoveries about White's and the Society's past,
the novel explores the nature of literature, storytelling and
truth itself.
The Finkler Question
Julian Treslove, a professionally unspectacular former
BBC radio producer, and Sam Finkler, a popular Jewish
philosopher, writer and television personality, are old
school friends. Despite very different lives, they've never
quite lost touch with each other - or with their former
teacher, Libor Sevcik. Both Libor and Finkler are recently
widowed, and together with Treslove they share a sweetly
painful evening revisiting a time before they had loved
and lost. It is that very evening, when Treslove hesitates a
moment as he walks home, that he is attacked - and his
whole sense of who and what he is slowly and ineluctably
Amber Knight
An action thriller, which tells a multi-layered story
spanning eight centuries, from medieval Germany and
Prussia to contemporary Poland and the USA centred on
the legend of the Amber Knight - a beloved relic that
inspired generations until the Nazis stole it.
The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out
of the Window and Disappeared
On his 100th birthday Allan Karlsson makes his escape
from the old people's home and embarks on an unlikely
and momentous adventure.
(Welsh Language Fiction )
Monday, 30 March, 4.35 a.m. Most of the inhabitants of
the town and its surrounding area were asleep in their beds
- around six thousand of them - men, women and children.
At the Cors Ddyga fracking site, night shift workers were
busy at work. Then without warning, rumblings were felt
from the very core of the earth.
Dydd Llun, 30 Mawrth, 4.35 a.m. Cysgai'r rhan fwyaf o
boblogaeth y dref a'r ardal gyfagos gwsg diofal yn eu
gwlâu - oddeutu chwe mil ohonynt, yn ddynion, merched
a phlant. Yng nghanol Cors Ddyga roedd gweithwyr y
shifft nos ar y safle ffracio yn ddiwyd wrth eu gwaith. Yn
ddirybudd, daeth ochenaid ddofn o grombil y ddaear.
Geraint. V
( Welsh Language Fiction )
Geraint. V
Cyfrol arobryn cystad ieuath Gwobr Goffa Daniel Owen
yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Bro Ogwr 1998. Nofel
dditectif soffistigedig a chyfoes, gyda chyn-aelod o'r SAS
yn arwr iddi.
Yn Y Gwaed
Cyhoeddwyd yn wreiddiol fel enillydd Gwobr Goffa
Daniel Owen, 1990 = Originally published as winner of
the Daniel Owen Memorial Prize Competition: 1990
( Welsh Language Fiction )
Black Parade
One of Merthyr’s Victorian brickyard girls, Saran
watches the world parade past her doorstep on the banks
of the stinking and rat-infested Morlais Brook: the fair-day
revellers; the chapel-goers and the funeral processions.
She never misses a trip to the towns wooden theatres,
despite her life ruled by the 5 a.m. hooter, pit strikes,
politics and the First World War that takes away so many
of her children. The town changes and grows but Saran is
still there for her children and grandchildren.
The Outcast
1957, and Lewis Aldridge is travelling back to his home in
the South of England. He is straight out of jail and 19
years old. His return will trigger the implosion not just of
his family, but of a whole community.
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
When Harold Fry nips out one morning to post a letter,
leaving his wife hoovering upstairs, he has no idea that he
is about to walk from one end of the country to the other.
He has no hiking boots or map, let alone a compass,
waterproof or mobile phone. All he knows is that he must
keep walking. To save someone else's life.
The Brutal Art
Ethan Muller is struggling to establish his reputation as a
dealer in the cut-throat world of contemporary art when he
is alerted to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
Pigeon English
Newly arrived from Ghana with his mother and older
sister, eleven-year-old Harrison Opoku lives on the ninth
floor of a block of flats on an inner-city housing estate.
The second best runner in the whole of Year 7, Harri races
through his new life in his personalised trainers – the
Adidas stripes drawn on with marker pen – blissfully
unaware of the very real threat all around him. Pigeon
English is a spellbinding portrayal of a boy balancing on
the edge of manhood and of the forces around him that try
to shape the way he falls.
The Poisonwood Bible
A fiery evangelist takes his family and mission to the
Belgian Congo in 1959, carrying all they need from home,
but find it is calamitously transformed on African soil.
The tale recounts the family's tragic undoing and
Marshmallows for Breakfast
When Kendra Tamale returns to England from Australia
she rents a room from Kyle, a divorced father of two, and
begins a new job. She's looking forward to a fresh start
and a simple life. Then she bumps into the man who
shares her awful secret, and things fall apart. The only
way to fix things is to confess to the terrible mistake she
My Best Friend’s Girl
What would you do for the friend who broke your heart?
Best friends Kamryn and Adele thought nothing could
come between them, until Adele slept with Kamryn's
fiance, Nate. Worse still, she got pregnant and had his
child. When Kamryn discovered the truth about their
betrayal she vowed never to see any of them again.
The Historian
Based on the legend of Vlad the Impaler, this is the story
of a young girl who discovers an ancient and disturbing
book in her father's library, one which will lead to terrible
loss and tragedy, as well as uncovering Dracula's resting
The History of Love
A young girl, hoping to find a cure for her mother's
loneliness, stumbles across a book that changed her
mother's life and she goes in search of the author. Soon
these and other worlds collide.
The Girls
The girls, Rose & Ruby Darlen, were born joined at the
head in a rural farming community in 1974. Abandoned
by their frightened teenage mother, they are adopted by
the nurse who attended their birth, & her husband, a gentle
immigrant butcher.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
40 years ago, Harriet Vanger disappeared off the secluded
island owned and inhabited by the powerful Vanger
family. There was no corpse, no witnesses, no evidence.
But her uncle, Henrik, is convinced that she was murdered
by someone in her own family - the deeply dysfunctional
Vanger clan.
Whispers of a Storm
"Whispers of a Storm" follows the stonemason and
noblewoman’s fortunes as they unwittingly become
involved in a dangerous game of survival, as they try to
find out what dark storm is about to break out across the
Four Vales.
Sons And Lovers
D.H. Lawrence's first major novel was also one of the first
in the English language to explore ordinary working-class
life from the inside.
Absolute Friends
Ted Mundy, British soldier's son born 1947 in the shiningnew Republic of Pakistan, is friends with Sasha, refugee
son of an East German Lutheran pastor. The two men
meet first as students in riot-torn West Berlin of the late
sixties, again in the grimy looking-glass of Cold War
espionage and in today's world of terror.
To Kill a Mockingbird
'Shoot all the Bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but
remember it's a sin to kill a Mockingbird.' A lawyer's
advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird
of Harper Lee's classic novel - a black man charged with
the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout
and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with exuberant
humour the irrationality of adult attitudes to race and class
in the Deep South of the thirties.
The Long Song
Set in Jamaica during the last turbulent years of slavery
and the early years of freedom that followed, this novel
follows the life of July, a slave girl, who lives upon a
sugar plantation named Amity.
Martha, Jack and Shanco
The coldness of the climate, the dark, the harshness of
country life: all are woven into the fabric of a raw and
timeless story where the portrayal of the animal world is
unflinching, and the human beast plods on relentlessly
toward what seems the inevitability of the tragic end.
A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian
For years, Nadezhda and Vera have had as little as
possible to do with each other. But now they find they'd
better learn how to get along, because since their mother's
death their ageing father has been sliding into his second
childhood, and an alarming new woman has just entered
his life.
How It All Began
When Charlotte is mugged and breaks her hip, her
daughter Rose cannot accompany her employer, Lord
Peters, to Manchester, which means his niece, Marion, has
to go instead, which means she sends a text to her lover,
which is intercepted by his wife, which is just the
beginning in the ensuing chain of life-altering events.
Deaf Sentence
Professor Desmond Bates is not enjoying his early
retirement. Worst of all is his hearing loss, a constant
source of domestic friction and social embarrassment.
Through his deafness he meets a young woman whose
wayward behaviour threatens to destabilize his life
There is a fire and they are in there. Black smoke stains a
summer blue sky. A school is on fire. And one mother,
Grace, sees the smoke and runs. She knows her teenage
daughter Jenny is inside. She runs into the burning
building to rescue her. Grace must find the identity of the
arsonist and protect her family from the person who's still
intent on destroying them.
The Road
A father and his young son walk alone through burned
America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save
the ash on the wind. Their destination is the coast,
although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them
there. They have nothing but a pistol to defend themselves
against the lawless bands that stalk the road.
Traumatised by an accident which 'involved something
falling from the sky' and leaves him eight and a half
million pounds richer but hopelessly estranged from the
world around him, the hero of this novel spends his time
and money obsessively reconstructing and re-enacting
vaguely remembered scenes and situations from his past.
'Saturday' is a novel set within a day in February 2003.
Henry is a contented man, but what troubles him is the
state of the world. Following a minor car accident, he
meets a small-time thug called Miller. This meeting has
savage consequences.
Ranging from the Arctic Circle to the deserts of New
Mexico, 'Solar' is a serious & darkly satirical novel,
showing human frailty struggling with the most pressing
& complex problem of our time. It is a story of one man's
greed & self-deception.
The Paris Wife
Chicago, 1920: Hadley Richardson is a quiet 28-year-old
who has all but given up on love and happiness, until she
meets Ernest Hemingway. After a whirlwind courtship
and wedding, the pair set sail for Paris, where they soon
fall in with a circle of lively and volatile expatriates,
including F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald and Ezra Pound.
From the author of the bestselling 'Some Day I'll Find
You' comes a mesmerising story of deadly obsession,
taking us deep into the mind of a killer and of the young
woman sent by the White House to help track him down.
The Way You Look Tonight
Bring Up The Bodies
The sequel to 'Wolf Hall', 'Bring up the Bodies' explores
one of the most mystifying and frightening episodes in
English history: the destruction of Anne Boleyn.
Wolf Hall
England, the 1520s. Henry VIII is on the throne, but has
no heir. Cardinal Wolsey is his chief advisor, charged with
securing the divorce the pope refuses to grant. Into this
atmosphere of distrust and need comes Thomas Cromwell,
first as Wolsey's clerk, and later his successor.
Gabriel Garcia
Love In The Time Of Cholera
An old man and his childhood sweetheart are united for
the first time resulting in the consummation of an amor
interruptus that spans half a century. This uplifting love
story is set on the Colombian coast in the early 20th
Gabriel Garcia
One Hundred Years Of Solitude
In the book which put South America on the literary map,
Marquez tells the haunting story of a community in which
the political, the personal and the spiritual worlds
Life of Pi
Pi lives in Pondicherry, India, where his father owns the
city's zoo. The family decides to immigrate to Canada, but
tragedy strikes at sea. In the lifeboat are five survivors: Pi,
a hyena, a zebra, a female orang-utan & a 450-pound
Royal Bengal tiger.
In the heart of Paris, its oldest cemetery is, by 1785,
overflowing. Jean-Baptiste Baratte is a young engineer
charged by the king with demolishing it. But he begins to
suspect that the destruction of the cemetery might be a
prelude to his own.
Empress Orchid
In the final days of the Chinese empire, Orchid, a
beautiful 17-year-old from an aristocratic but
impoverished family, is pushed into the maelstrom of
politics when she is chosen to be a lower-ranking
concubine of the emperor.
Family Matters
This story centres on a 79-year-old Parsi widower named
Nariman who lives with his step-son and step-daughter.
Nariman's wife died many years before, leaving behind
the two children from her first marriage and the daughter,
Roxanna, they had together
The Lighthouse
Futh, a middle-aged, recently separated man heading to
Germany for a restorative walking holiday spends his first
night at a small, family-run hotel, he finds the landlady
hospitable but is troubled by an encounter with an
inexplicably hostile barman. When he returns at the end of
his holiday, all hell has broken loose. A debut novel
packed with suspense and intrigue
The Night Circus
In 1886 a mysterious travelling circus becomes an
international sensation. Open only at night, constructed
entirely in black & white, Le Cirque des Reves delights all
who wander its circular paths. But behind the scenes a
dangerous game is being played out by two young
magicians, who are forced to test the limits of the
imagination & love.
Sophie Honeywell always wondered if Thomas Gordon
was the one who got away. He was the perfect boyfriend,
but on the day he was going to propose, she broke his
heart. A year later he married his travel agent, while
Sophie has been mortifyingly single ever since. Now
Thomas is back in her life because Sophie has
unexpectedly inherited his aunt Connie's house on
Scribbly Gum Island—home of the famously unsolved
Munro Baby mystery.
The Last Anniversary
The House at Riverton
Summer 1924. On the eve of a party, by the lake of a
grand English country house, a young poet takes his life.
The witnesses, sisters Hannah and Emmeline, will never
speak to each other again. Winter 1999, Grace Bradley,
98, one time maid of Riverton Manor, is visited by a
director making a film about the poet's suicide.
The One Plus One
Suppose your life sucks. Your husband has done a
vanishing act, your stepson is being bullied and your
daughter has a once in a lifetime opportunity - that you
can't afford to pay for. So imagine you found and kept
some money that didn't belong to you, knowing it would
pay for your daughter's happiness. But how do you cope
with the shame? Especially when the man you've lied to
decides to help you out in your hour of need. Jo is in hell Ed has saved her family - but is their happiness worth a
lifetime's soul-searching?
Suite Francaise
'Suite Francaise' is a lost masterpiece written in World
War II France, telling the spellbinding story of a group of
characters living under Nazi occupation.
One Day
5th July 1988. Emma and Dexter meet for the first time on
the night of their graduation. Tomorrow they must go their
separate ways. So where will they be on this one day next
year? And the year after that? And every year that
The Man Who Forgot His Wife
When forty-something Vaughan suffers total memory
loss, he is told that his breakdown has probably been
triggered by his marital problems. But then he comes face
to face with the stranger he's supposed to be divorcing and promptly falls head over heels in love with her.
Yours Faithfully
Two different women. Two perfect husbands. Being in the
wrong place at the wrong time means Iona and Sally's
lives are about to collide with an almighty bang, and
shockingly, they've got a lot more in common than they
What Was Lost
What Was Lost' is a poignant tale of changing times at
Green Oaks shopping centre, and the balancing of love
and loss.
Stone’s Fall
Iain Pears tells the story of John Stone, financier and
armaments manufacturer, a man so wealthy that in the
years before World War I he was able to manipulate
markets, industries and indeed whole countries and
She witnessed a murder - and now her life is in danger . . .
Fifteen year-old Belle, though raised in a London brothel,
is an innocent. But when she witnesses one of the girls
brutally strangled by a client, she is cast into a cruel,
heartless world. Snatched from the streets and sold into
prostitution, she is made a courtesan in New Orleans. At
the mercy of desperate men who crave her beauty and will
do anything to keep her, Belle's dreams of home, family
and freedom appear futile. Are Belle's courage and spirit
strong enough to help her escape? And what will await her
at the end of the long, dangerous journey home?
The Tenderness Of Wolves
As winter tightens its grip on the isolated settlement of
Dove River, a woman steers herself for the journey of a
lifetime. A man has been brutally murdered and her 17year old son has disappeared. To clear her son's name, she
has no choice but to follow the tracks leaving the dead
man's cabin.
Leaving Time
Jenna Metcalf was with her mother the night she
disappeared in tragic and mysterious circumstances, but
she remembers nothing. Over ten years have passed, and
still Jenna reads and rereads her mother's journals, hoping
to find some clue hidden there, in the meticulous
recording of her scientific research with elephants.
Desperate for answers, Jenna uses all her savings to recruit
the aid of a private detective - and a psychic. Jenna knows
her mother loved her. She knows she would not leave her.
And she will not rest until she finds out what happened
that night
The Shell Seekers
Artist's daughter Penelope Keeling can look back on a full
and varied life, yet she is far too energetic and
independent to settle sweetly into pensioned-off old age.
Now she is faced with a decision which could tear her
family apart.
Aberystwyth Mon Amour
Schoolboys are being murdered all over Aberystwyth and
nobody knows why. Louie Knight, the town's private
investigator, soon realises that finding out what is
happening to the boys is not going to be easy.
Trying to escape her unhappy past, Billie Breslin leaves
her home in California for New York to take a job at the
premier food magazine Delicious! Everyone there cooks
but Billie refuses to, despite her perfect palate; she prefers
to write about recipes rather than revisit a past she would
rather forget. At Delicious!, Billie discovers a treasure: the
magazine's hidden library. There she finds the letters of
Lulu Swan, a young girl who wrote to the magazine in
1941. As Billie reads Lulu's vivid evocations of wartime
life, she finds that she is able to make peace with her own
grief and sets on a journey to meet her in person.
The Testament of Gideon Mack
Mack is a minister who doesn't believe in God, the Devil
or an afterlife. Then one day he falls into a gorge and is
rescued by someone who might just be Satan himself.
The Lifeboat
Charlotte Rogan uses a simple narrative of shipwreck and
survival to explore our all-too-human capacity for selfdeception.
Manon Steffan
( Welsh Language Fiction )
Manon Steffan
( Welsh Language Fiction )
Manon Steffan
Whilst looking back on her life and the family and friends
who accompanied her along the way, memories resurface
for Pegi. But not every memory is sweet, and some secrets
leave a bitter taste.
Fel Aderyn
Hanes teuluol chwe chenhedlaeth o ferched a'u perthynas
a'i gilydd ac a'r dynionyn eu bywydau a gawn yn y nofel
rymus, on annwyl hon. Mae cwlwm cymhleth mam,
merch a nain yn dynn, ond rhaid i'r cwlwm hwnnw gael ei
ddatod weithiau a gadael i'r ferch hedfan yn rhydd a
darganfod ei ffordd yn y byd, fel aderyn. Ond mae cadw
cyfrinachau carwriaethol a theuluol yn anodd yng
nghymdeithas glos Tywyn... 'Rydan ni yn dal llygaid ein
gilydd am ychydig eiliadau, cyn codi, am ennyd, o gwlwm
cymhleth mam a merch, i fod yn ffrindiau. Yn gyfoedion.
Yn adar o'r unlliw.' Y Lolfa A historical novel set in the
twentieth century, about Mina and her family. It
concentrates on the story of her mother, and the loss of her
husband in World War II. We also hear about Sybil, who
became pregnant following an affair with a teacher. And
Leusa, a fisherman's daughter who was abused by her
Llanw, a young girl lives with Gorwel, her twin, and their
grandmother in a cottage in a small coastal village in midWales. The Second World War throws its shadow on the
family, as Gorwel's decision has a detrimental effect on
( Welsh Language Fiction)
Llanw's life. Another exceptional novel by the author of
Blasu . Mae Llanw yn byw mewn t ar y traeth gyda
Gorwel, ei hefaill, a'u nain. Mae chwedlau yn ffordd o fyw
i'r ferch freuddwydiol hon. Ond mae'r Ail Ryfel Byd yn
taflu ei gysgodion, ac mae penderfyniad Gorwel yn cael
effaith andwyol ar fywyd Llanw. Nofel arall eithriadol gan
awdures Blasu .
The Interpretation of Murder
'The Interpretation of Murder' is an inventive tour de force
inspired by Sigmund Freud's 1909 visit to America,
accompanied by protégé and rival Carl Jung.
Midnight’s Children`
This is a many-layered narrative in which the complexities
of the Indian sub-continent are projected through the
minds of many characters. Comic, tragic and fantastic by
turns, this is the novel which revolutionised English
( Welsh Language Fiction)
Wow! Winning the Lottery is something we'd all love to
experience. When a busy wife, mum and grandmother
wins 9.1million she expects it will solve all her problems.
But life isn't quite so simple. We'll laugh and cry with
Wendi as she takes on the challenges of her new life,
which include exotic holidays, a large house, fast cars, and
a night at the Ritz. Waw! Ennill y Loteri. Dyna i chi
brofiad fasa pob un ohonon ni'n dymuno ei gael. Pan mae
gwraig, mam a nain brysur yn ennill 9.1 miliwn, mae'n
ymddangos fod ei phroblemau ar ben. Cawn chwerthin a
chrio gyda Wendi wrth iddi ddod i delerau a bywyd ar ol
cyffro'r digwyddiad mawr - bywyd sy'n llawn o brofiadau
newydd gan gynnwys gwyliau egsotig, t enfawr, ceir
pwerus, a noson yn y Ritz.
Phantom Prey
A wealthy widow returns to her large home in an
exclusive Minneapolis suburb to find blood everywhere,
no body - and her student daughter missing. Instantly, she
suspects the involvement of the weird Goth crowd her
daughter had been hanging around with.
Spring, 1543. King Henry VIII is wooing Lady Catherine
Parr, whom he wants for his sixth wife. But this time the
object of his affections is resisting. Archbishop Cranmer
and the embattled Protestant faction at court are watching
keenly, for Lady Catherine is known to have reformist
Winter in Madrid
Part thriller, part love story, this tale follows the fortunes
of three young men, navigating the tumultous world of
1940s Spain. But, as the Second World war draws near,
one is sent to spy on another and the ramifications of a
tragic love story will haunt them all.
The Thirteenth Tale
'The Thirteenth Tale' is a compelling and emotional
mystery in the timeless vein of Daphne du Maurier's
'Rebecca', about family secrets and the magic of books
and storytelling.
Ice Trap
A Welsh surgeon's life is turned upside down by a letter
from teenage twins in the Canadian Arctic who claim to
be his children. With his marriage now in ruins, he
ventures to the remote, ice-bound town, intending to solve
the mystery of the children he cannot remember fathering.
Mary Ann
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel
Pie Society
It's January, 1946, and writer Juliet Ashton sits at her
desk, vainly seeking a subject for her next book. Out of
the blue, she receives a letter from one Dawsey Adams of
Guernsey - by chance, he's acquired a secondhand book
that once belonged to Juliet - and, spurred on by their
mutual love of Charles Lamb, they begin a
Sets 1 & 2
1944. Sarah Lewis wakes to find her husband has
disappeared. She is not alone, as all the women in the
isolated Welsh border valley of Olchon wake to find their
husbands gone. With this sudden and unexplained absence
they regroup as an all-female community and wait, hoping
for news.
Meet Don Tillman. Don is getting married. He just doesn't
know who to yet. But he has designed a very detailed
questionnaire to help him find the perfect woman. One
thing he already knows, though, is that it's not Rosie.
Absolutely, completely, definitely not.
The Rosie Project
A Ship Made of Paper
Daniel Paris has returned to the Hudson River town where
he grew up. Living with Kate and her daughter Ruby he
settles into the kind of secure family life he missed as a
child. Falling in love with Iris, a black woman whose son
is a friend of Ruby's, Daniel realises too late the
consequences of his action.
The Light Between Oceans
Would you accept a chance for happiness even if it wasn't
yours to have? This is a story about a lighthouse keeper
and his wife, who live on a lonely island with just
seagulls, stars and buffeting winds for company. It's a
story about right and wrong, and how sometimes they look
the same.
The Help
Aibileen is a black maid, raising her 17th white child, but
with a bitter heart after the death of her son. Minny is the
sassiest woman in Mississippi. Skeeter is a white woman
with a degree but no ring on her finger. Seemingly as
different as can be, these women will come together for a
clandestine project that will put them all at risk.
The Earth hums in B flat
When a neighbour mysteriously vanishes, young Gwenni
Morgan resolves to uncover the secret of his
disappearance and return him to his children. She
truthfully records what she sees and hears, but are her
deductions correct? What will be the consequences - for
Gwenni, her family and her community - of finding out?
A World Between Us
As Spain fights for its freedom against tyranny, Felix, a
young nurse, battles a conflict of the heart. As war rages
around her, Felix must make choices that will change her
life forever.
The American Boy
Edgar Allan Poe is the American boy, a child standing on
the edge of mysteries. In 1819 two Americans arrive in
London, and soon afterwards a bank collapses, a man is
found dead and mutilated, an heiress flirts with her
inferiors, and a schoolmaster struggles to understand what
is happening.
A Welsh Dawn
A novel set in rural Wales explores the tensions within
Welsh society in the 1950s: tensions between Welsh- and
English-speaking Wales, between North and South,
between those who wanted to preserve their heritage and
those who wanted prosperity at any cost, between the
generation who had experienced the war and the young
people who see Wales within a wider European context.
Iris and Ruby
A story of love, loss and the distance between three
generations of one family, this novel centres on Iris and
Ruby - a grandmother and her granddaughter - as they try
and make sense of their respective lives.
If My Father Loved Me
Sadie can't cope with the fact that her father is dying and
she begins to look back over the childhood that she's tried
to forget. Soon, the arrival of one of the women from her
father's past starts a train of events which she cannot
In a small town in the south-east of Ireland in the 1950s,
Eilis Lacey is among many of her generation who cannot
find work at home. So when she is offered a job in
America, she leaves her family to start a new life in
Brooklyn, New York.
Brother of the more famous Jack
When Katherine has the chance to go to university, little
does she expect to find herself in love with the son of the
famous Jacob Goldman. When things go wrong she flees
to Rome, and 10 years later she discovers that time does
heal old wounds.
Sex and Stravinsky
From far and wide, the different characters are all drawn
together; drawn to Jack's place. In its mix of people from
different spheres, the story throws up the complexity,
cruelty and richness of the global world while, as a
sequence of personal stories, it is a masquerade in which
things are not always what they seem.
The Road Home
Lev is on his way to Britain to seek work, so that he can
send money back to eastern Europe to support his mother
and little daughter. He struggles with the mysterious
rituals of 'Englishness', and the fashions and fads of the
London scene. We see the road Lev travels through his
eyes, and we share his dilemmas.
Set among the hills and gorges of the Cevennes, the dark
and beautiful heartland of southern France, 'Trespass' is a
novel about disputed territory, sibling love and devastating
Back When We Were Grownups
After losing her husband in a car accident, Rebecca asks
herself whether she is an imposter in her own life. Is she
really the joyous and outgoing celebrator that her family
think she is?
Digging to America
Dealing with themes such as belonging, pride, prejudice
and love, this is the story of two extended families who
are brought together thanks to the birth of two tiny Korean
babies on the same night.
Seemingly on a whim, 95-year-old Elizabeth Pringle
bequeaths Homelea, her beloved house on Arran, to a
woman she has never met. As a young woman comes to
take up residence in Homelea she slowly unlocks the
mysteries and heartbreaking secrets of Elizabeth Pringle's
true legacy, in a multi-generational story of love and
The Legacy of Elizabeth Pringle
Before I Go To Sleep
Memories define us. So what if you lost yours every time
you went to sleep? Your name, your identity, your past,
even the people you love - all forgotten overnight. And the
one person you trust may only be telling you half the
story. Welcome to Christine's life.
Border Country
When railway signalman Harry Price suddenly suffers a
stroke, his son Matthew, a lecturer in London, makes a
return to the border village of Glynmawr. As they struggle
with their memories of social and personal change, a
moving portrait of the love between a father and son
Cloudstreet is a broken-down house of former glories that
becomes the divided home of two rural families who have
moved to the city. The house that begins as a roof over
their heads becomes a home for their hearts.
Revolutionary Road
Frank and April Wheeler, a bright, beautiful and talented
couple, are desperate to maintain their dreams of greatness
and distinction against the inexorable pressure of their
suburban life.
Carlos Ruiz
The Shadow Of The Wind
Hidden in the heart of the old city of Barcelona is a
labyrinthine library of obscure & forgotten titles that have
long gone out of print. A man brings his 10-year-old son
to the library & allows him to choose one book to keep.
But as he grows up, several people seem inordinately
interested in his find.
The Book Thief
Narrated in the all-knowing matter-of-fact voice of Death,
witnessing the story of the citizens of Molching. By 1943,
the Allied bombs are falling, and the sirens begin to wail.
Liesel shares out her books in the air-raid shelters. But one
day, the wail of the sirens comes too late.
Frank Cottrell
Super-sized Liam is the only 12 year old to ever ride the
G-force defying Cosmic rollercoaster - or be offered the
chance to ride a Porsche. Long-legged Liam makes a giant
leap for boy-kind by competing with a group of adults for
the chance to go into space
Stanley Yelnat's family has a history of bad luck, so he is
not too surprised when a miscarriage of justice sends him
to a detention centre. Nor is he surprised when he is told
that his daily labour is to dig a hole and report anything he
finds in it.