Social studies : Grade 5 Quarter ( 1 ) MODEL ANSWER Revision sheet I-Complete the following sentences: 1- Colors that are shown on the maps stand for something , GREEN is used for plains , YELLOW is for deserts , BLUE is for bodies of water. 2- LINE GRAPH shows how numbers change bigger or smaller during a specific time period. 3- The four-figure grid is used FOR SMALL geographical areas ,but the Latitude/Longitude grid is used for mapping THE WHOLE WORLD. 4- THE SUMERIANS built some great temples of worship ,known as ”Ziggurats”. 5- THE SUMER was the first and oldest of the three kingdoms, in southern Mesopotamia. 6- NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCE is a resource that once we have used it , it’s gone, it’s not reproduced such as; fossil fuels, gold, diamond, silver. 7- THE ASSYRIA was known for its great army and weapons. 8- The Sumerians started to reduce pictograms into wedge-shaped signs called CUNEIFORM. 9- THE ARAB COUNTRIES are the largest fossil fuels producers in the world. 10- We can locate the exact global position of any place on the world map by finding THE LATITUDE and THE LONGITUDE coordinates. 1 11- THE ASSYRIA was known for its great army and weapons. 12- Lines of longitude meet at the NORTH and the SOUTH poles. 13-LINES OF LATITUDE run east to west , but LINES OF LONGITUDE run north to south. 14- PRIME MERIDIAN divides earth into two halves eastern and western hemispheres. 15- RENEWABLE RESOURCE is a resource that can be reproduced such as; trees, plants, air, animals, water, vegetables. 16- THE SUMERIANS settled near The Euphrates, where soil is fertile for farming and domesticating animals. 17- MESOPOTAMIA is called the cradle of civilization. 18- THE GLOBAL POSITION is the point where latitude line meets the longitude line . 19- Both Lines of latitude and longitude are useful because THEY HELP US FIND ANY PLACE ON THE WORLD MAP. 20- HISTORICAL map is used to compare the modern map of Egypt to the historical map of Egypt. 21- LANDFORMS map is used to show deserts, hills ,mountains ,plains, and elevations in certain areas. 22- Climate map is used by METEOROLOGISTS to predict the weather. 23-Writing was the greatest invention of The Sumerians ,because IT ALLOWED THEM TO PASS INFORMATION TO OTHER PEOPLE. 24- The Sumerians used CLAY TABLETS to draw simple pictures or pictograms. 25- Each part of it represents a percentage of the whole and the total equals 100 percent, This is called PIE GRAPH. 26- THE BAR GRAPH allows us to compare between two or more different facts. 2 27- The Equator divides the Earth into two halves NORTHERN and SOUTHERN hemispheres. 28- LINES OF LONGITUDE are measured in degrees ,starting with the prime meridian “0”. 29- The three kingdoms that were founded in the Mesopotamia area are THE SUMER ,THE BABYLONIA , and THE ASSYRIA . 30- The Sumerians settled near The Euphrates, because OF FERTILE SOIL and FOR FARMING AND DOMESTICATING ANIMALS. 31- WRITING was The Sumerians’ greatest invention. 32- LINES OF LATITUDE are measured in degrees ,starting with the Equator “0”. 33- A CIVILIZATION is a high level of cultural and technological development. 34- The Sumerians used clay tablets to draw PICTOGRAMS OR SMALL PICTURES. 35- THE BABYLONIA in the middle and southern part of Mesopotamia. 36- LINES OF LATITUDE are parallel, which means they never meet. 37- One of Babylonia’s greatest kings was HAMMURABI . 38- SAILORS and PILOTS use the latitude and longitude lines to locate places on the world map. 39- Once you find the 2-digit EASTING and the 2-digit NORTHING ,you complete the four –figure grid reference for the grid square. 40- The Assyria is in NORTHERN part of Mesopotamia. 41-A historical map shows how the WORLD looked like thousands of years ago . 42- The political map shows CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES, cities, and borders of each country . 43-The landforms map shows any feature of EARTH’S SURFACE. 3 44- The map that shows how many people live in a country or a state is POPULATION MAP. 45- The bottom left corner of the grid square is called VERY IMPORTANT CORNER (VIC). 46- NATURAL RESOURCES are the resources that found in nature. 47- Egypt in historical map was divided into two parts: UPPER EGYPT and LOWER EGYPT, and the capital of Egypt was named MEMPHIS. 48- The Sumer is in the southern part of MESOPOTAMIA. 49 -The fact that is Meteorologists use to predict the climate is THE FARTHER A COUNTRY IS FROM THE EQUATOR,THE COOLER ITS CLIMATE WILL be. 50 - To find the Global Position ,we start with THE LATITUDE coordinate, then LONGITUDE coordinate. 51- The most important achievements of Mesopotamia are DEVELOPMENT OF FARMING AND DOMESTICATING ANIMALS, INVENTION OF WRITING AND A LAW CODE , AND THE BUILDING OF TEMPLES AND TOWERS . 52- When we complete the four-figure grid ,we start with EASTING , then NORTHING. 53- Both Latitude and Longitude are IMAGINARY lines. 54 -The six types of maps are POLTICAL ,HISTORICAL,POPULATION,CLIMATE,RESOURCE, AND LANDFORMS . 55- The ancient Greeks gave the name of MESOPOTAMIA , which means land between rivers. 56- The Babylonia is in the MIDDLE and Southern part of Mesopotamia. 57 - Mesopotamia is called “The cradle of Civilization ,because of DEVELOPMENT OF FARMING, AND ANIMALS DOMESTICATION. ,INVENTION OF WRITING AND A LAW CODE, ADVANCEMENT IN 4 ARCHITECTURE AND THE BUILDING OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TEMPLES, TOWERS AND GARDENS IN THE WORLD. 58 - The Ancient Greeks gave the region the name of Mesopotamia, BECAUSE IT’S A LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS (THE TIGRIS AND THE EUPHRATES) . 59 - Line graphs show how numbers change BIGGER or SMALLER during a specific time period. 60 - The factors that encouraged people in the past to build civilization are ACCESS TO WATER ,FERTILE SOIL ,and NATURAL RESOURCES. 61- GEOGRAPHIC GRAPHS are drawings used by geographers to explain certain facts and to represent them. 62- The three types of Geographic graphs are BAR GRAPH , LINE GRAPH , and PIE GRAPH . 63-The process that people go through to start a civilization: CREATIVITY , DISCOVERY, INVENTION . 64 - The oldest and the most famous civilizations are ANCIENT EGYPT,MESOPOTAMIA ,AND ANCIENT GREEKS . 65- The factors that helped make Egypt an attractive site for starting its ancient civilization that led to the building of the great Pyramids of Giza are NATURAL RESOURCES, FERTILE SOIL ,AND ACCESS TO WATER. 66 – THE ASSYRIA in the northern part of Mesopotamia. 67 - The famous achievement of Hammurabi was HIS LAW CODE ,which was written on clay tablet. 68 - Assyrians were eager to conquer new lands to expand their KINGDOM. 69 - Mesopotamia is the land between the rivers THE TIGRIS and THE EUPHRATES. 5 70- A civilization is A HIGH LEVEL OF CULTURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. II- Draw any bar graph and Pie graph: BAR GRAPH PIE GRAPH III- Find the Four –Figure Grid for the grid square that has a circle. 17 45 GOOD LUCK 6