Handy Hitches 160910.. - 1st Ermington Scout Group

Spurway Cub Pack
0.00 pm
0.10 pm
Handy Hitches
Sub-Theme Ropes
Opening Parade
Game: Monkey on a String
One of the Cubs is the keeper and holds one end of
the rope. The other end is tied around another Cub
using a bowline. Help tying the bowline may be
required. The monkey and the keeper stand in the
middle of a circle made by the rest of the Pack. Some
of the Cubs are selected to tag the keeper who
cannot move. The monkey tries to protect his keeper
and tags as many of the Cubs trying to tag the
keeper. When they are tagged they return to the
circle. Change around roles and repeat.
0.20 pm Activity: Rope and Knots
Divide the Cubs into 3 groups.
10 minutes per base – highlighted activity last
See base sheet for more info on activities at bases.
Base 1 – Basic Knots
Reef knot/Care
Shoe laces
Jelly snakes
Base 2 – Handy Hitches
Clove hitch
Parts of rope
Hank and coil
Base 3 – Challenging Knots
Knots and uses Bowline
0.50 pm Game: Reef Knot Challenge
After you have taught the reef knot you give everyone
one token. They then go in pairs and see who can tie
the knot the fastest. The fastest one gets the token
from the other player. So the winners from the first
round now have two tokens. Cubs with two tokens
find each other and repeat tying the knot. The one
who ties it fastest gets the tokens and after this round
the winner now has four tokens. Cubs with four
tokens find each other etc. For the Cubs that lose
they just go and get another token from the Leader
and start out again.
1.00 pm Game – Handy Hitches to the Rescue
Divide the Cubs into even teams. Half of the team is
at one end of the hall and half at the other. A pile of
ropes is near one half of the team and a pile of ropes
near the other half of the team. A pole is near one
half of the team. The team without the pole near them
starts first. They throw a rope to their team. The first
Cub near the pole ties a clove hitch in the middle of
the pole. This Cub then holds onto either end of the
pole sits on the hessian sack and is dragged back to
their team. The side that has the pole now is dragged
across as per above. Continue till all have had a turn.
Should be at the opposite end to where you started.
1.10 pm Game: Knots and Uses Relay Game
Divide the Cubs into teams and they line up in relay
fashion at one end of the hall. The cards are placed
at the other end of the hall. One at a time Cubs
retrieve the cards and then the team assembles them
– with the knot at the top and the use underneath.
1.20 pm Closing Parade
Back-Up Activities
Duty Six
Equipment Required etc.
Rope – not too long
Bases sheet – needs to be signed off as tasks
are completed.
Ropes, jelly snakes
Ropes, poles, parts of rope
Ropes, knots and uses activity
A rope for each Cub, tokens
Ropes, poles (1 per team),
hessian sacks (2 per team)
A demonstration will be
needed. Venturers need to
help with this and may be
needed to play the game to
even out the teams.
Refer to game card for
Game pieces
This may be revision for some
Cubs. May have practised this
at sheetbend base earlier.
Game: Slip Ring
A piece of rope in a circle with a ring on it, Cubs holding the
rope. One Cub is in the middle of the circle and has to try to
catch the ring which is being passed from Cub to Cub, around
the circle. The Cub on whose hands the ring is caught goes to
the centre.
Game: Blind Horses
All the Six are blindfolded except one, who is the driver. He is at
the back of the Six. Ropes are tied to the arms of number one
and passed down the sides of the Six to the driver, who holds
them as reins. On “go”, the Sixes race round a given course, the
driver carefully guiding his team of horses. The first horse must
be very careful to answer the reins.
# 3 Ropes (Outdoor Scouting)
Tying Knots Tie a reef knot.
Tie your shoelaces.
Use of
Care of
Discuss how and when to
use a reef knot.
Show you know how to look
after ropes correctly.
Tie a sheetbend.
Tie a clove hitch.
Tie a reef knot.
Discuss how and when to
use these knots.
Name the parts of the rope.
Rope, large curtain ring (or an
item with a hole in the middle –
that can be moved easily on
the rope.
Blindfolds and ropes
Tie a bowline.
Tie a sheetbend.
Tie a clove hitch.
Make a gadget using at
least one type of appropriate
Teach another Cub Scout
how to tie a reef knot.
Discuss how and when to
use these knots.
Show how to hank or chain
a rope correctly.