NAMA : ANINDA WIDYA WATI NIM : 2012001081 TUGAS 1 (LINGVOSOFT) Mencari 10 kata Indonesia-Inggris dan Inggris-Indonesia. ●INDONESIA-INGGRIS 1. cinta Indonesian English N love, amour, attachment V love, adore, interest: have a great interest 2. perasaan Indonesian English N feeling, sensation, sense, sentiment, pulse, heart, affect, jag, taste, expression, belief 3. kesedihan Indonesian English N sadness, sorrow, depression, desolation, despondence, despondency, dispiritednes s, distress, dump: dumps, gloom, grief, megrim: megrims, misery, mope: the mopes, mulligrubs, ruth, shadow, slough, smart, tear: tears, teen, rue 4. menunggu Indonesian English N anticipation V wait, wait about, wait around, await, bide, lie in wait, tarry, watch, lie over, see in, stand by, look forward, expect, hold on 5. kekasih Indonesian English N beloved, sweetheart, dear, deary, inamorata, inamorato, love, lover, minio n, mistress, paramour, precious, sweetie, sweety, turtledove, flame, lass 6. Rahasia Indonesian English A secret, confidential, classified, sensitive, auricular, cryptic, backstage, off stage, offscreen, clandestine, undercover, subterranean, subterraneous, surreptitious, sly, snug, occult, mystic, mystical, runic, hole-andcorner, hugger-mugger, privy, recluse N secret, mystery, privacy, secrecy, confidence, riddle, graveyard, hugg er-mugger, privity 7. Berbangsa Indonesian English V nation: have a nation, birth: be of noble birth 8. Janji Indonesian English N promise, commitment, pledge, tie, vow, word, condition, appointment, e ngagement 9. Kemakmuran Indonesian English N prosperity, affluence, fortune, opulence 10. Berguna Indonesian English A useful, use: of use, beneficial, profitable, helpful, advantageous, servicea ble, subservient, worthwhile, worthy, practical, rewarding , constructive, handy 11. bunyi Indonesian English N sound, sounding, voice, noise, blast, dingdong, pip, strain, jingle, volume, content: contents, text, syllable, tone ●INGGRIS-INDONESIA 1. twilight ['twaı,laıt] English Indonesian N senja, senja kala, aram-temaram English Thesaurus: twilight N Time of the day when the sun is below the horizon but is casting diffuse light, Soft indistinct light of this time, especially after sunset, Period or condition of decline 2. down [daʋn] English Indonesian A turun: yg turun, murung, muram, membayar dulu: yg membayar dulu, membayar di muka: yg membayar di muka, membayar uang muka: yg membayar uang muka, sakit, kempos, kempis, kempes, angin: kurang angin, tenggelam, terbenam: yg terbenam, reda, surut, merosot: yg merosot AD V bawah: ke bawah, bawah: di bawah, sampai kpd, turun N terbenamnya, bulu halus, isi bantal PRE P bawah: ke bawah, bawah: di bawah V menurunkan, menjatuhkan, meletakkan, turun, menundukkan, menakluk kan, minum English Thesaurus: down ADV In or to a lower place or position, In or to a lying or sitting position, In or to a lower status or condition, On or to the ground, In or to the south, At or to a lower level, In or to a less active state, To a smaller amount or size, Recorded, Read vertically, Firmly and tightly, Completely, Paid immediately in cash, Losing by, Cheaper, From an older to a younger person, From an earlier to a later time, Out of action V Bring down, Drink or eat quickly; swallow, Defeat, Fall 3. incorrect [,ınkə'rekt] English Indonesian A benar: tdk benar, tepat: tdk tepat, salah English Thesaurus: incorrect A Notc orrec t, Impr oper; inapp ropri at 4. form [fɔ:rm] English Indonesian N rupa, wujud, angkuh, sosok, bentuk, bangun, tokoh, raut, gay a, kondisi, keadaan, acara, susunan, tingkat pd sekolah menengah, bangku tanpa sandaran, formulir, surat isian, blanko, blangko, format V membentuk, memperbuat, terbentuk, mewujud, merupakan, me latih English Thesaurus: form N Total structure, Body; figure, Dummy, Any three-dimensional element, Particular type of something, Way in which something exists or appears, Style, Manners; etiquette, Shape, Physical condition, Correct procedure, Customary method, Set order of words, Formality; ceremony, Class in a school, Official document with blank spaces for information to be inserted, Long low bench, Lair of a hare, Any of the inflections that show the number, tense, etc. of a word, Particular spelling of a word, Temporary structure built to contain concrete while it sets V Start to exist, Give a particular shape, Establish, Arrange, Constitute, Develop, Train; instruct, Make; produce, Construct, Mold 5. common ['kɒmən] English Indonesian A bersama, sama, umum, biasa, lazim, awam, am, murba, kasa r, dangkal, tahu adat: yg tdk tahu adat N tanah umum, hak untuk menggunakan tanah umum English Thesaurus: common A Existing in large numbers, Happening often, Shared by several people, Available for everyone; public, Joint, Ordinary, Usual, Inferior, Vulgar, Referring to individuals of either sex, Able to be considered as either long or short N Piece of open public land, Right to pasture animals on another's land or to fish in another's waters, Common sense 6. mistake [mı'steık] English Indonesian N kesalahan, salah, kekeliruan, kesilapan V salah, mempersama-samakan English Thesaurus: mistake N Error or fault, Misconception or misunderstanding 7. breakable ['breıkəbəl] English Indonesian A pecah: yg lekas pecah English Thesaurus: breakable 8. muzzle ['mʌzəl] English Indonesian N moncong, berangus, brangus, mulut senjata api V memberangus, membrangus, membredel, melarang orang bicara, melarang koran terbit, minuman keras: minum minuman keras sampai mabuk English Thesaurus: muzzle N Usually projecting nose and jaws of certain animals; snout, Device fitted over an animal's snout to prevent biting or eating, Front end of the barrel of a firearm V Put a muzzle on (an animal), Restrain from expressing opinions 9. branch [bræntʃ] English Indonesian N dahan, ranting, cabang, sambilan, agen, anak sungai, simpang V bercabang, bersimpang, mempercabangkan English Thesaurus: branch N Division of the stem or axis of growth, Outgrowth, Lateral extension, Member or part of a system or structure which diverges from the main portion, Local office of a large business, Subdivision of a large subject, Members of a family who have the same ancestors V Ramify, Divide into branches, Diverge, Expand 10. happiness ['hæpınıs] English Indonesian N kebahagiaan, kegirangan, suka cita, suka, kesuka-riaan, untung, selamat English Thesaurus: happiness TUGAS 2 (YOURDICTIONARY) Mencari 10 kata bahasa Inggris menggunakan alamat : ∙∙∙THESAURUS∙∙∙ 1. Synonyms for love verb 1. To be passionately devoted adore, be in love with, care for, delight in, hold dear, choose, fancy,venerate, be enchanted by, be passionately attached to, have affection for, be enamored of, dote on, glorify, exalt, idolize, prize, put on a pedestal, hold in affection, deify, be fascinated by, hold high, canonize, think the world of, treasure, prefer, yearn for, esteem, be captivated by, be enraptured by, lose one's heart to, be fond of, admire, long for, be oneself with, thrive with, flip over*, fall for*, be nuts about*, be crazy about*, go for*, have it bad*, cotton to*; see also cherish 1, like 2. ANTONYMS hate*, detest, loathe. 2. To express love by caresses cherish, fondle, make love, make much of, feast one's eyes on, embrace, cling to, clasp, hug, take into one's arms, hold, pet, soothe, stroke, encircle with one's arms, press to the heart, draw close, remain near to, bring to one's side, look tenderly at, look deeply into one's eyes, chase after*, make a play for*, shine up to*, neck*, make out*, love up*, make it*; see also caress, copulate, kiss. ANTONYMS exclude, spurn, refuse. 3. To possess a deep and abiding interest enjoy, delight in, relish; see admire 1, like 1. noun 1. Passionate and tender devotion affection, attachment, devotion, infatuation, passion, tenderness, tender passion, fondness, adoration, yearning, flame, rapture, enchantment,ardor, emotion, sentimen t, amorousness, free love, enjoyment, cherishing, devotedness, worship, desire, fancy, weakness, amativeness, Eros, Cupid, Amor, Venus, Aphrodite, Kama, crush*, puppy love*, calf love*; see also affection 1, desire 3. ANTONYMS hate*, aversion, antipathy. 2. Affection based on esteem respect, regard, appreciation; see admiration. 3. A lively and enduring interest relish, predilection, penchant, passion; see affection 1, inclination 1, zest1. 4. A beloved dear one, loved one, cherished one; see lover 1. love implies intense fondness or deep devotion and may apply to various relationships or objects sexual love, brotherly love, love of one's work;affection suggests warm, tender feelings, usually not as powerful or deep as those implied by lovehe has no affection for children; attachment implies connection by ties of affection, attraction, devotion, etc. and may be felt for inanimate things as well as for people an attachment to an old hat;infatuation implies a foolish or unreasoning passion or affection, often a transient one an elderly man's infatuation for a young girl fall in love (with) begin to feel love, adore, be infatuated. for love as a favor, voluntarily, without payment; see freely 2. for the love of for the sake of, with fond concern for, because of; see for. in love enamored, infatuated, smitten, besotted; see loving. make love fondle, embrace, caress; see love (v.) 2. not for love or money under no conditions, by no means, no; see never. with no love lost between unkindly, vengefully, full of dislike; see angrily. 2. Synonyms for lose Listen See in DictionarySee in a sentence verb 1. To bring about a loss mislay, forget, be careless with; see misplace. 2. To incur loss suffer, miss, be deprived of, fail to keep, suffer loss, be reduced by, be impoverished from, become poorer by, be at a disadvantage because of, let slip through the fingers*, come out of the small end of the horn*; see also waste 1. ANTONYMS profit*, gain, improve. 3. To fail to win be defeated, suffer defeat, be worsted, be left behind, be outdistanced, go down in defeat, succumb, fall, be the loser, miss, have the worst of it, be humbled, take defeat at the hands of, drop*, go down for the count*, get it in the neck*, come out on the short end of the score*, be sunk*; see alsofail 1. ANTONYMS win*, triumph, be victorious. 4. To suffer financially squander, expend, dissipate; see spend 1, waste 2. Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ads by Google Indonesia Beli, Jual, Sewa 100,000+ Property di Situs Property No.1 See lose in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II verb 1. To be unable to find: mislay, misplace. See get 2. To suffer the loss of: drop, forfeit. Idiom: kiss good-by to. See get 3. To fail to take advantage of: miss, waste. Idioms: let slip, let slip through one's fingers, lose out on. Seeused 4. To get away from (a pursuer): elude, evade, shake off, slip, throw off. (Slang) shake. Idiom: give someone the shake (or slip). See seek 3. Synonyms for home modified 1. At home in one's home, in one's house, at ease, in the family, at rest, about home,homely, domestic, familiar, being oneself, before one's own fireside,homey, in the bosom of one's family, down home, in one's element; see also comfortable 1. 2. Toward home to one's home, back, homeward bound; see homeward. noun 1. A dwelling place house, dwelling, residence, habitation, habitat, tenement, abode, lodging,quarters, homestead, hospice, hostel, domicile, dormitory, seat, berth,apartment, condominium, flat, living quarters, messuage (British),palace, shelter, asylum, pied à terre (French), hut, haunt, resort, cabin,bungalow, cottage, chalet, mansion, castle, summer home, rooming house, country home, place, address, diggings, shanty, wigwam, igloo, topek, hovel, cave, isba (Russian), lodge, villa, hotel, inn, manor, tepee, farmhouse, tavern, resthouse, barrack, tent, pad*, hide-out*, dump*, hang-out*, headquarters*, parking place*, digs*, nest*, condo*, where one hangs one's hat*; see also apartment, trailer. 2. The whole complex associated with domestic life homestead, hearth, fireside, birthplace, hometown, haven, rest, roof, the farm, the ancestral halls, the hills, the land, neck of the woods*, camping ground*, home-sweet-home*; see also sense 1. 3. An asylum orphanage, orphan asylum, rest home, home for the aged, soldiers' home,shelter, sanatorium, insane asylum, mental hospital, poorhouse, poor farm, almshouse*, booby hatch*, bathouse*; see also hospital,sanitarium. 4. In baseball, the base at which the batter stands home plate, the plate, batter's box, head of the diamond, the rubber*, the platter*; see also base 5. at home relaxed, at ease, familiar; see comfortable 1, home 1. bring (something) home to impress upon, make apparent, make clear to, convince; see emphasize,persuade 1. come home come back, go back, return home, regress; see return 1. Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ads by Google The Caves Tour Phuket Visit Unseen Caves, James Bond Isl. Classic visit Phang-Nga Bay by Boat See home in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II noun 1. A building or shelter where one lives: abode, domicile, dwelling, habitation, house, lodging (often used in plural),place, residence. (Chiefly British) dig (used in plural). See protection 2. The natural environment of an animal or plant: habitat, haunt, stamping ground. See territory 3. An institution that provides care and shelter: asylum, hospice, hospital, shelter. See protection adjective 1. Of or relating to the family or household: domestic, familial, family, homely, household. See kin, group 2. Of, from, or within a country's own territory: domestic, internal, national, native. See native Roget's II The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 4. Synonyms for important Listen See in DictionarySee in a sentence modified 1. Weighty; said usually of things significant, considerable, momentous, essential, great, decisive, critical,determining, chief, pa ramount, primary, foremost, principal, major, big,consequential, influential, marked, salient, i mperative, exigent, of great consequence, mattering much, of moment, earthshaking, portentous,ponderous, of importance, never to be forgotten, of note, valuable,crucial, substantial, material, meaningful, vital, serious, grave, relevant,pressin g, far-reaching, extensive, conspicuous, heavy*, front-page*,standout*, smash*; see also necessary 1, urgent 1. ANTONYMS trivial*, inconsequential, unimportant. 2. Eminent; said usually of persons illustrious, influential, prominent, leading, great, notable, well-recognized, wellknown, imposing, distinguished, prestigious,extraordinary, remarkable, powerful, noteworthy , signal, grand,outstanding, noted, noble, aristocratic, high-ranking, high-level, honored, esteemed, talented, distinctive, first-class, superior, foremost, big, major,big-league*, big- name*, top-notch*, solid*, four-star*, high-up*, high-powered*; see also dignified, distinguished 2, famous. ANTONYMS obscure*, unknown, unrecognized. 3. Relevant material, significant, mattering, of concern; see related 2, relevant. Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ads by Google Find A Foreign Husband Serious Men Seek Indonesian Ladies For Dating and Marriage. Join Free See important in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II adjective 1. Having great significance: big, consequential, considerable, historic, large, material, meaningful,monumental, significan t, substantial. See important 2. Having or exercising influence: consequential, influential, powerful, weighty. See affect, important, strong Roget's II The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 5. Synonyms for paradise Listen See in DictionarySee in a sentence noun 1. The other world heaven, Kingdom Come, Celestial Home, By-and-By; see heaven 2. 2. The home of Adam and Eve Garden of Eden, Eden, the Garden. 3. An idyllic land Arcadia, Cockaigne, Carcassonne, El Dorado, Elysium, the Elysian Fields, Erewhon, Eden, Valhalla, Xanadu, Beulah Land, Shangrila, Arcady,Arcadia; see also utopia. Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ads by Google City Apartments Helsinki Furnished temporary housing Location - Comfort See paradise in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II noun A state of elated bliss: ecstasy, heaven, rapture, seventh heaven, transport. (Informal) cloud nine. Seehappy Roget's II The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 6. Synonyms for kiss Listen See in DictionarySee in a sentence verb salute, osculate, baiser (French), caress, French-kiss, soul-kiss, blow a kiss, smack*, smooch*, pet*, buss*, neck*, make out*, play post office*;see also caress, love 2, touch 1. noun salutation, embrace, salute, endearment, osculation, touch of the lips, butterfly kiss, caress, French kiss, soul kiss, buss*, smack*, smooch*,peck*; see also touch 2. Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ads by Google The Caves Tour Phuket Visit Unseen Caves, James Bond Isl. Classic visit Phang-Nga Bay by Boat See kiss in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II verb 1. To touch or caress with the lips, especially as a sign of passion or affection: buss, osculate, smack1. (Informal) peck1. (Slang) smooch. See touch 2. To make light and momentary contact with, as in passing: brush1, flick, graze, shave, skim. See touch noun The act or an instance of kissing: buss, osculation, smack1, smacker. (Informal) peck1. (Slang) smooch. Seetouch odified 1. Little in size little, minute, tiny, diminutive, miniature, petite; see also little 1. 2. Little in quantity scanty, short, meager; see inadequate 1. 3. Unimportant trivial, insignificant, unessential; see shallow 2, unimportant. 4. Ignoble mean, petty, base; see mean 1. 5. Humble modest, poor, pitiful; see humble 2. small and little are often used interchangeably, but small is preferred with reference to something concrete of less than the usual quantity, size, amount, value, importance, etc. a small man, tax, audience, matter, etc. andlittle more often applies to absolute concepts he has his little faults, in expressing tenderness, indulgence, etc. the little dear, and in connoting insignificance, meanness, pettiness, etc. of little importance; diminutiveimplies extreme, sometimes delicate, smallness or littleness the diminutiveLilliputians; minute and the more informal tiny suggest that which is extremely diminutive, often to the degree that it can be discerned only by close scrutiny a minute, or tiny, difference; miniature applies to a copy, model, representation, etc. on a very small scale miniature model cars; petitehas specific application to a girl or woman who is small and trim in figure Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ads by Google Horoscope for all 2013 Claim your Free Reading from this accurate & talented Astrologer now See small in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II adjective 1. Notably below average in amount, size, or scope: bantam, little, petite, smallish. See big 2. Contemptibly unimportant: inconsiderable, negligible, niggling, nugatory, paltry, petty, picayune,piddling, smallminded, trifling. (Slang) measly. Idiom: of no account. Seeimportant 3. Below another in standing or importance: inferior, junior, lesser, low, lower2, minor, minorleague, petty, secondary,subaltern, subordinate, under. (Informal) smalltime. See over 4. Not yet large in size because of incomplete growth: little. See youth 5. Not broad or elevated in scope or understanding: limited, little, narrow, narrow-minded, petty, small-minded. See limited,wide 6. Not irritating, strident, or loud: hushed, low, low-key, low-keyed, quiet, soft, subdued, whispery. Seesounds Roget's II The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. See small in American Heritage Dictionary 4 Synonyms small diminutive little miniature minuscule minute 2petite tiny wee These adjectives mean being notably below the average in size or magnitude:a small house; diminutive in stature; little hands; a miniature camera; a minuscule amount of rain; minute errors; a petite figure; tiny feet; a wee puppy. Antonym: large 7. Synonyms for friend noun 1. A person with whom one has mutual attachment companion, intimate, confidant, comrade, familiar, schoolmate,playmate, best friend, close friend, roommate, bedfellow, fellow, fast friend, bosom friend, boon companion, mate, alter ego, other self, soul mate, crony*, buddy*, sidekick*, bosom buddy*, homeboy*, homegirl*. ANTONYMS foe, enemy*, stranger. 2. An ally compatriot, confrere, colleague; see associate. 3. A patron supporter, backer, advocate, sympathizer; see patron 1. make friends with befriend, strike up a friendship with, buddy up to*; see associate 1. See friend in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II noun 1. A person whom one knows well, likes, and trusts: amigo, brother, chum, confidant, confidante, familiar, intimate1, mate, pal. (Informal) bud2, buddy. (Slang) sidekick. See love 2. A person whom one knows casually: acquaintance. See knowledge 3. A person who supports or champions an activity, cause, or institution, for example: backer, benefactor, contributor, patron, sponsor, supporter. (Informal)angel. See help Roget's II The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 8. Synonyms for fruit Listen See in DictionarySee in a sentence noun 1. The edible growth of a plant fruitage, berry, drupe, grain, nut, root, tuber, pome. see also apple 1,cherry, melon, orange 2, peach, pear. Common fruits include: apple, pear, peach, nectarine, plum, orange, tangerine, tangelo, grapefruit, banana, pineapple, coconut, carambola, star fruit, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, casaba, papaya, mango, kiwi, guava, passion fruit, grape, lime, lemon, persimmon, pomegranate, raspberry, blackberry, loganberry, strawberry, cranberry, blueberry, olive, date, fig, apricot, cherry, raisin, avocado, huckleberry, gooseberry, quince, kumquat, durian; 2. The ripened ovary of a seed plant seed pod, envelope, capsule, follicle, grain, nut, schizocarp, legume, silique. 3. The reward of labor; often plural profits, products, consequences, outcome; see pay 1, result. Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ads by Google Knowing your Personality Most detailed Personality Assessment on the See fruit in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II noun 1. The produce harvested from the land: crop, fruitage, harvest, yield. See ingestion 2. Something brought about by a cause: aftermath, consequence, corollary, effect, end product, event, harvest,issue, outcome, precipitate, ramification, result, resultant, sequel,sequ ence, sequent, upshot. See cause Roget's II The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 9. Synonyms for husband Listen See in DictionarySee in a sentence noun spouse, married man, mate, bedmate, benedict, helpmate, consort,bridegroom, groom, breadwinner, provider, man, polygynist, polygamist, cuckold, goodman, monogamist, monogynist, bigamist, commonlaw husband, hubby*, lord*, head of the house*, the man of the house*, lord and master*, meal ticket*, old man*; see also man 2. verb conserve, manage, preserve; see save 3, 4, 5. Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ads by Google Find A Foreign Husband Men From USA, Canada, Australia Seek Ladies For Love And Marriage. See husband in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II verb To protect (an asset) from loss or destruction: conserve, preserve, save. See keep 10. Synonyms for small modified 1. Little in size little, minute, tiny, diminutive, miniature, petite; see also little 1. 2. Little in quantity scanty, short, meager; see inadequate 1. 3. Unimportant trivial, insignificant, unessential; see shallow 2, unimportant. 4. Ignoble mean, petty, base; see mean 1. 5. Humble modest, poor, pitiful; see humble 2. small and little are often used interchangeably, but small is preferred with reference to something concrete of less than the usual quantity, size, amount, value, importance, etc. a small man, tax, audience, matter, etc. and little more often applies to absolute concepts he has his little faults, in expressing tenderness, indulgence, etc. the little dear, and in connoting insignificance, meanness, pettiness, etc. of little importance; diminutive implies extreme, sometimes delicate, smallness or littleness the diminutive Lilliputians; minute and the more informal tiny suggest that which is extremely diminutive, often to the degree that it can be discerned only by close scrutiny a minute, or tiny, difference; miniature applies to a copy, model, representation, etc. on a very small scale miniature model cars; petite has specific application to a girl or woman who is small and trim in figure Horoscope for all 2013 Claim your Free Reading from this accurate & talented Astrologer now See small in Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus II adjective 1. Notably below average in amount, size, or scope: bantam, little, petite, smallish. See big 2. Contemptibly unimportant: inconsiderable, negligible, niggling, nugatory, paltry, petty, picayune, piddling, smallminded, trifling. (Slang) measly. Idiom: of no account. See important 3. Below another in standing or importance: inferior, junior, lesser, low, lower2, minor, minor-league, petty, secondary, subaltern, subordinate, under. (Informal) smalltime. See over 4. Not yet large in size because of incomplete growth: little. See youth 5. Not broad or elevated in scope or understanding: limited, little, narrow, narrow-minded, petty, small-minded. See limited, wide 6. Not irritating, strident, or loud: hushed, low, low-key, low-keyed, quiet, soft, subdued, whispery. See sounds See small in American Heritage Dictionary 4 Synonyms small diminutive little miniature minuscule minute 2petite tiny wee These adjectives mean being notably below the average in size or magnitude: a small house; diminutive in stature; little hands; a miniature camera; a minuscule amount of rain; minute errors; a petite figure; tiny feet; a wee puppy. Antonym: large ∙∙∙SENTENCE∙∙∙ 1. Use abide in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus And he who does not speak of god may abide in him if he is abiding in love. The second featured an office in acton where i had worked, a secret loveaffair. Agape love in action is to love the world. Much loved auntie who will be sadly missed by all her family. Beefcake love interest who makes me cringe will make 13-year-old girls swoon. And if you love revolution, you love black nationalism. A dearly loved brother-in-law who will be sadly missed. The pea family includes many wild flowers that are loved by bumblebees. Civilization of love ' . Commandment of love. Constancy in love, or sincerity in friendship? For example, the bride and groom may love country music. Very affectionate nature loves cuddles, baths, grooming. Ref. to women in love elegy: he takes them as real. This much we can say: that it is no ordinary love escapade. Fallpan>fell in love with these the moment we nicked them off the roof. Beloved husband of the late nellie, dearly loved father of peter and michael, much loved father-in-law of lesley. Fatherly love. Fell in love with. Intoxicated with the love of god. A master healer, it promotes love kindness and understanding. Labor of love! Labourr all it's a labor of love, as mr shakespeare said, and don't give up the day job! Larrikin love, meanwhile, boast a charming mess of influences: they have a surprisingly effective line in spindly white reggae. I love Lucy but i hated when... on, you people. To love the giver of the work, rather than the work itself. , and much loved husband of jean. Lavish a little love on mine. The house next door will soon be a love shack. Undying love to the referee didn't seem to work. Unfailing love, for i have put my trust in you. Vicissitudes of love, by the author of " trainspotting " and " shallow grave " . The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of 2. Use control in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus In an age of global terrorism we have lost control of our borders. I think we all lost count of the number of lobsters we saw. In cases of marital separation, they lose custody of their children. I play better than i used to, but i've a knack for losing the endgame. Once you lose the fatherhood of god, you soon lose the brotherhood of man. Azm lost homing x 2, autorecovered ( 0.6 ). The marquis said that he would make a little bank for me, and feeling obliged to accept i soon lost a hundred louis. Isaiah is confident that the strong arm of the lord has lost none of its ancient power. Having lost patience with the emergency services, linda was calling friends. Photo opportunityrtunities are a distant memory worry-free shooting is a reality with the cyber-shot dsc-t5's 32mb internal memory. Phil wallbridge: i've lost the college sandwich board please bring it back if you find it. The worthy monk lost a thousand sequins, of which seven hundred remained in the family. In the course of these " improvements " the town has lost every lastshred">shred of its unique highland character. Many of the large firms lose sight of these basic principles. A losing streak a lot of men out from. I first logged a call advising that i had lost sync ' on my home connection. Workdays lost per year due to migraine was estimated at 270 days per 1000 persons, compared with 820 for tension headache. Why should a family lose a breadwinner and the company and its directors that committed this crime lose nothing? Davenport looks to be running into form and lost no caste in defeat behind trafalgar square in the soft at goodwood last time. Contrived to lose 20 wickets in a day at a ground where the pitches are renowned for being batsmen friendly. Mersey river rescue has caught the lost sailing dingy. Electrolytes lost through heavy perspiration or extended diarrhea, and protect against toxic reaction and heavy metal poisoning. Many voters across the eu seem to have lost faith in the european project, " the joint report begins. The body is shaping up, losing flab, becoming stronger. Loth to lose? A lost masterwork from the legendary director of andrei rublev, solaris, and the mirror. I never tho t i could talk to my mom but after losing nan i used to turn to her when i was low. Saints dismal form continues as they lost two nil to rangers at mcdiarmid park on wednesday evening. Yet more cruising news: george michael really has lost the plot, going on tv to plug his antics. Best before date supplements can lose potency over time, especially in hot and humid climates. Also losing the pound is part of our identity loss. Regrettable to lose the timing gains now available. I lost a stirrup, but my legs clung on like tentacles. And, like all dyson vacuum cleaners, it doesnât lose suction. So we lost the toss and were inserted first up. Now 16, his only regret is that he lost touch with his friends from home. Quite quickly lost track of what the question originally was ( well i did anyway ). Unfortunate to lose in a 5 penalties finish. The next time you get advice about your mortgage purchase from your uncle or a long lost cousin, think about what really matters. Disappointed to lose a couple of wickets in the first half-hour. You often see people admitted to hospital in real disarray, people who have given up and who have lost hope. We lost an imp on the first board and then followed three thin games for ns, bid and made in both rooms. But the british public had lost interest: there was too much blood and death. Many animals take refuge in the lost mitten until it breaks! Boy i just felt the world get lighter - we lost a moron. In the internet age it's got to be quick, or you lose the punters. Did i lose a wager, accidentally enter the wrong competition or just open somebody else's mail? Avoids losing data if the program is interrupted for any reason. 3. Use bulldoze in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus Bulldozehe past few weeks, mugabe has been bulldozing the homes of the poorest people in the towns. Burgled homes by cutting through the walls with a chain saw. Burgled than holiday homes. Came home about 10.30. Come home to the community house! Downsize from family homes -- in short supply -- across the district. Perfect for home dyeing using procion dyes, cold water dyes, silk paints or fabric paints. Enclave of wealthy homes within spitting distance of ripon grammar school and ripon college. Homeshow audio/video connection kit gives you all the quality cables you need to use your ipod as a compact home entertainment center. Feel at home! Foreclose on the home. Foreclosed homes can be a highly lucrative investment option. . Go home again. To the north was the home grange of similar size. Invalided home with trench fever. Lakefront home stadium of american football's chicago bears. Home laundry i am home launder">laundering - do i need to soak my diapers? Linseed oil from home grown crops for human consumption. Mews home. Voted best work at home mom web site by dr. phil. Increase revenues - only serious home movers would use the move planner. Oceanfront home in north side. Get an online approval for: debt consolidation, home refinance, personal loans. We welcome all of our home schooling friends, no matter what style you use. Stately home in england to open its doors to the public. 4. Use avocation in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus They were all aware that important avocations made the absence of the earl necessary. Many important Balinese the three-day week the tour de. . The designation of rigs is one way of recognizing and thereby protecting important earth science and landscape features for the future. Another bit of good news is that, in terms of a personality disposition it's very important, extroversion is going up dramatically. The lake is an important flyway for migrant birds. Most important long-term each family member however at least. There were rumors most important losing was the fourth. An important national monument is the 16th-century that luang ( royal stupa ) that symbolizes buddhist and lao union. Temple balsall the site of an important preceptory of the templars. There is one important proviso, however: the would-be student must already be a manager. The great hall, which was an important status symbol, was 60 foot long and had fine windows with metal bars. Just use the links below to find out about some of the most importantaspects of our work. It is important to realize that there is always the occasional person whose task still can not be adequately completed under linux. It represented an important breeding ground for frogs and was a definite feeding ground for owls and bats. Working out a full grammar of mediation is an important scholarlydesideratum, but it's beyond the scope of this module. Of course the most important factor for many of us is the cost. In the fall, the seeds are a favorite food of goldfinches and an importantmedicinal for people. Patients can play an important part in deciding how they are treated. Refugiumetain their importance as critically important refugia for future evolutionary processes but they are under threat. Folk dance groups played an important role in our career. The metaphor of the park, or more generally of landscape, is an importanttouchstone here. With an important caveat however, choosing the right conifer for the right position. Project work is an important element of the course. White clover has been an important constituent of fodder since the 17th century and is the most important pasture legume in britain. But cassava products provide little protein and contribute only low levels of important micronutrients. Continue, dear jesuits, this important apostolate, keeping the spirit of your founder unchanged. Traditional use: it is considered one of the most important botanicals in the rainforest. The bill provides that important counterbalance in those children's lives. The world diamond council, set up by industry to represent its views at the kimberley process, is an important interlocutor. I will now deal with the most important issues of all head on. Important microhabitats include flowers and fruits, fungi, carrion, dung and nests. Same appears to raise levels of dopamine, an importantneurotransmitter in mood regulation. For example figures clear whether certain of important preventive. A willingness to call the virgin mary theotokos is an important shibbolethfor christological orthodoxy. If so the case resolves itself into a series of important dicta. Grid a program for finding binding sites on biologically importantmacromolecules, developed by peter goodford ( j. med. The date marks an important milestone in the history of chile. Learner time can often be wasted on less important points. These shores include a nationally important biotope that is rare in the uk. This guidance often formed an important cornerstone of a school's approach. However, in common with many formulae there is an important corollary. High-speed boats operate along the rivers of sabah and especially sarawak, where they are the most important lifeline to the interior. Bristol has been an important english seaport for more than a thousand years. Choosing a domain name is a very important first step for anyone starting a business on the internet. There are more important things in life than gambling. It tells you important time limits for your appeal. Sheep are one of the most important ungulates to man, farmed for their meat and their wool. To identify significant structural channels in a number of importantzeolites. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of 5. Use angler in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus Angler's paradise. Botanist's paradise for both cultivated and endemic species, also good for walkers. Crook's paradise a key sales stage in of driving teens. Cyclist's paradise in this department. Diver's paradise ' . Earthly paradise i would be safe from all evil. In the summer the forest is alive with nesting migrants such as the fabulous paradise flycatcher, the indian pitta and parakeets. Island paradise for a brain mushing into jelly, but luckily i couldn't have been in better hands. Naturalist's paradise here in east devon. Shoppers ' paradise most of you already know that nottingham is a great city for shopping. Shoppers paradise with over 90 outlet brands at discounted prices. Sportsman>sportsmen's paradise combine to make in the united are expecting more. Walker's paradise. Watcher's paradise. Watchers paradise. No fewer than eight birds of paradise were seen making this a day which figured high among everyone's best birds of paradise were seen making this a day which figured high among everyone's best birding day ever. Gourmet's paradise, with countless restaurants. Lover's paradise, the only problem newquay provides is choosing which of its fine eleven beaches to go to. Rambler's paradise. Walkers paradise with numerous munros within a 1 hour drive. Barbers paradise ' . Transformed into a lush green paradise. Subtropical paradise. Tropical island paradise. Escapist paradise, set in quiet glens, beside glorious coastlines, on romantic islands. Idyllic, tropical paradise. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of 6. Use blarney in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus Come and kiss the blarney, discover ancient relics, stunning countryside, fabulous people and great pubs! Bluebottle kiss have almost become a deliberately difficult band on their albums. Chaste kiss. Go through kissing gate & continue ahead on thames path. I don't know who to kiss goodbye first. Farewell kiss could no more adequately have expressed what pappano was unleashing from the orchestra at this point. Try kissing several frogs but never, ever settle for a toad. By which time... he will have kissed a girl! Prior to all of was the worst part of the trip, having to sneak around the house and kiss goodbye to the boys. I wouldn't kiss the clubs ass like jo seems to be but hey, she's got a fair point! They are traditional and make the moment when the groom kisses thebride extra special. Nobody ever stopped us, an incredible fact these days when a 6 year old can be removed from school for kissing a cheek. Passionate kiss. Sloppy kiss. Smacking kiss on the cheek which she received with obvious pleasure. Goodbye kiss! The bag has a faux tortoise shell plastic frame and kiss clasp and is lined in navy blue cotton fabric. Lingering velvety kiss of lady luck aside, the key to big fish is the right local guide. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of 7. Use arachnid in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus Arachnid friends as if they were kin, offering choice tidbits and treats. Baronet's best friend for years; and his daughter undoubtedly adored him. Betrayed by a friend. Citizen florida home insurance owner friend Camille campbell profit without having lack of data. Catch-up with friends and colleagues. Centaur friends. Chat with new friends, while you play. Dining room so friends can chat while preparing meals. Fair-weather friends of ours looking down their noses at you! Gardener's best friends. Get-togethers with friends. Head-to-head with a friend or join a team. Homeboy friends. Horsy friends! Inner circle of friends for three years. Environment is affected to have any friend Jeffrey brown. Lamented friend mr. loftus. Loner with no friends. Old friend, the queen mother, unveiled him last week. Their great soldier achilles is refusing to fight and spends his time with his friend Patroclus. Reminisce with friends. Schoolteacher friend. Socialite friend to that den of iniquity, the purple shade club, where carol sings. Socialize with friends in person. Ursine friend " should sit for a fellowship " . Philosophy is perhaps session with robert close friend Vernon. The bridegroom's friend, standing and hearing him, is to rejoice greatly because of the bridegroom's friend, standing and hearing him, is to rejoice greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. His friend carl pace yourself i'd been hoping. Circle of friends who could do a better job than him on tv. Close friend of stephen would be a marked man in the city. Confided in a friend who told me about a book written by dr. claire weekes " self-help for your nerves " . It includes a waiters friend corkscrew, a wine stopper and a wine thermometer.. . Group of friends who hold her in such high regard. Hypochondriac best friend. Intercession of friends led to his emigration to the united states in 1933. Parting of friends. Real time messaging allows you to communicate in real-time with friends, family and colleagues directly from your computer. Friends express - getting friends reunite">reunited every day we are getting old school friends reunited every day at friends express. Reunited with an old friend, you know how it is. Simian friend. Sociable with friends. Sorrowing friends and acquaintances. Tip-off from a friend. Tried friend, combined with mcclure in the arrangement. Unchurched friends to a wednesday night bible study. Well-meaning friends may even try to stop you! Bosom friend of pan american airways. Departed wizard friend. Disreputable friend, charles augustus howell, the painter had lizzie's body exhumed to recover his poems. Indigent unguided friends, i should think some work might be discoverable for you. Lowlife friends ( 438 ). Misfit friends are charging onto disney dvd from 22nd may. Supposed friends of mine. Bequeathed by a philanthropist friend. Bossy friend angela, chuckie feels even worse about his situation. Boyhood friends. Crawly friends along the way. 8. Use aftertaste in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus Aftertaste of passion fruit. Bears any fruit. Callus of the mature fruit can become entangled in the wool of sheep ( watt & breyerbrandwijk 1962 ). A hitherto undescribed condition apparently peculiar to fruit canners. Cassis fruit characters and a long finish. Compote of autumn fruits and clotted cream. Durian fruit brings heavenly rewards. A fine variety for those who prefer a dependable, larger fruited, traditional purple eggplant. Fleshy fruit of a tree widely grown in most parts of the world, except the tropics. Forbidden fruit " . Fresh fruit. Globose fruit is also small, not wooly, but covered with bristles. Guava fruits are also a good source of pectin, an enzyme used in making jam as well as promoting digestion. Helpings of fruit and vegetables. Indehiscent, single-seeded fruit with a hard woody wall " . Fruit juicer the low-speed screw prevents natural flavors and high nutritional contents from being destroyed. Jujube fruit. Kiwi fruit was first introduced to the uk in the 1970s. Litchi fruit flavors on the palate. Marzipan fruit. Ovoid fruits usually follow the flowers, some of which are edible. Passion fruit. Peachy, citrus fruit. Pectin in the fruit is not high enough to give an even & firm set. Plumy fruit. Pome fruit: a fleshy fruit in which the succulent tissues are derived from a greatly enlarged receptacle. Portions of fruit and vegetables a day they can help to reduce the chances of heart disease or cancer. And ears can be cut from felt or card, or you could use pieces of molded plastic from fruit punnet trays. Resurrected as the first fruits of the dead, then the kingdom of god had begun. Ripen forces the production of flowers or the ripening of fruit, in a last effort to spread its genes. Servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Swags of fruit and flowers. From an informal bunch of summer flowers to wiring fruit allsorts in to your bouquet, we're the fairies for you! Candied fruit. Citrus fruits. Climacteric fruits, in which a marked rise in respiratory rate accompanies ripening. For something a little more unusual, try warm dried fruit compote with a spoonful of creamy greek yogurt. Damson fruit and chocolate notes. Dapple on the fruits within the reel window followed with the chance of a repeat. Dried fruit organic forest honey organic chocolate more items are being added to the range all the time! Dryix in the dried fruit and nuts or seeds. Eat citrus fruits, do so quickly. Eggplant fruits begin to swell. There are three fairly standard desserts priced at £ 4.20 for raspberry chocolate truffle or fresh fruit flan. Very fresh and tightly wound, with a superb core of primary black fruitflavor. Gardenia fruit extract used in chinese medicine for centuries to treat adult onset diabetes is effective, scientists have found. Hanging fruit has been already picked. Honeyed fruits, perhaps coconut and hints of vanilla. Mangosteen fruit. Nectarine fruit with some spicey, vanilla elements and a lovely mouthfeel. Orchard fruit you please very roughly. Just two hard gums or fruit pastilles per day add up to the calories of a complete chicken roast dinner, per week. Pear-shaped, greenish-yellow fruits of delicate flavor. Observations of flowering and fruiting phenology were made at the time of mapping and seed collection. Plat of fruits de mer, m langoustines ( oops, how do you eat them? Platters of fruit looked most inviting, melon, bananas, grapes and apples. Pulpy fruit. Sharon fruit and mangoes were available for everyone to enjoy. Europe's best has created a series of healthy fruit smoothie recipes that are easy to make. My eyes wandered to the fruit tress on the left of the brook. Oatmeal stout ( 4.5 % ) malty beer with chocolate roast notes and berry fruitundertones. In fact, a sip tasted like a mouthful of fruit cobbler. Crammed with black fruits this is absolutely stunning. Espalier fruit trees line the vegetable and cut flower beds, making a screen of formally trained plants. The fruit sugar fructose and vitamin c help the iron in plant sources to be absorbed more effectively in the body. Inedible fruits. Lolly cream: try frozen desserts like tofutti, swedish glace, fruit sorbets and fruit ice lollies. Luscious fruit. Peaceable fruits of righteousness ' that ' afterward ' appear. Fruit peelings, tea bags, school waste are all placed in these. Plummy, damson fruit flavors with smooth, integrated tannins. Raspberry of summer fruiting raspberries the plants need a ready supply of water to produce good fruits. Rind of fruit that had a disagreeable flavor. Serve the grilled fruit with fruit sorbet for a tropical dessert. Tartrazine, a dye made from coal tar, is also found in products such as fruitsquash and sauces. 9. Use affection in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus By bringing my niece here i believe i have given her an excellent chance of regaining her husband's affection. If this turns out to be your husband's ancestor then i have a family tree that will take the pedigree back many generations. My husband's appendix was situated a little differently than most- it was pointing upward, away from the colon. He is also condemning woman's traditional role as her husband's chattel, through sieglinde's situation in her loveless marriage to hunding. Cousin's husband was nicholas jelf sewell edward. Cuckolded husbands, murdered lovers, and grave-robbers. Despite her husband's desertion of her she remained devoted to his memory until her own death in 1831. Disbelieve here is: what is the spiritual wisdom behind the disbelieving husbands being purified through their marriage to the believing wives? After marriage this domicile would change when your husband'sdomicile changed. Estranged husband bobby brown could be arrested over unpaid child support payments. Widows sell their husbands ' gallantry awards because they need the money but this does not apply to the churchill family. We don't know if the brother accompanying stephen was percival, my husband's great grandfather. She was to become my husband's great grandmother. She is struggling to deal with her husband's infidelity. Jailbird husband 's definitely the violent type. Layabout husband says it all: ' how was your day? Niece's husband was in it. No-good car salesman husband, del ( aaron eckhart ), treats her like dirt and forgets her birthday. Philandering husband at home. Beloved husband of the late eileen, dearly loved father of michael. Boorish husband switches the tv off. Errant husband. Incapacitated husbands, backdated to april 1997. Dearly loved husband of dorothy, much loved husband of dorothy, muchloved father of clifford, father-in-law of jane, dearest grandfather of martin and samantha. They both deal with the relationships between a husband and wife and the husband's mistress. Sister's future husband. 10. Use abacus in a sentence Listen See in DictionarySee in Thesaurus The world's smallest abacus now uses individual molecules ( 13 november 1996 ). But at the second sight, there were small alarums. Instead an empirical approach was used with a very small initial aliquot that was increased in weight as the experiment proceeded. The small alveolus will get smaller, the large one will get larger, and so on until the small alveolus collapses completely! Description on arrival, six visitors at a time enter a small antechamber. There is a small anteroom off the main hall which can be used for drinks receptions on arrival. A small arboretum leads into the woodland area with a non-alkaline soil. Small autoclaves are still subject to the legal requirement for a written scheme of examination, whatever their size. There are no small backrooms for hardhouse or hardcore just 4 equal size rooms. We have just bought a small electric BBQ for use in the garden which plugs into the outside kitchen area. Each sandstone cottage has its own little paved patio area facing south above a small beck. A small north-western bell tower is connected to the aisle, and the raised porch is supported on six columns. The cod end belly lines are seized on with much smaller bights because of the excessive weight the cod ends may hold. The backs of the front seats have elasticated pockets for the children's bits and pieces and a small binnacle on each door. I don't hate 37s for becoming a succesful small biz tho, more power to them! An adult carrot fly is a very small black fly which has been described as " a low flying miniature cruise missile " . This small blenny">blenny is found on some cornish shores. They were to provide flank for the newly situated assault regiment on the neva, counterattacking small russian bridgeheads. Even at the distances from the sun involved, a small brown dwarf among the comets could provide a habitable environment on its moons. Such tactics were familiar to these veteran soldiers, but were embarrassing to an enemy armed with small bucklers and unwieldy weapons. Each table will be decorated with small bud vases with our compliments. The aromatic, attractive flowers have many small bulbils in between them. Other fish included an adult corkwing wrasse, adult blennies, and small bullheads. Remove a semi-circle of bone from the buccal alveolar crest with a small round bur ( ½ or 1 ). How to raise the profile of your small business posted july 3, 2006 nb! Diverted from exercise after tees pilot cutter reported small cabin cruiser at mouth of river tees in possible danger from sea and weather conditions. There is a small cantina which is presumably only open during the high season. Methods of use: swallowed, usually taking a small capful. Sauté 1 chopped leek, 1 medium sweet potato, 1 small celeriac, chopped. In addition he has fitted a smaller chainwheel ( 52 teeth ). There is a small chandlery, not very well stocked, by the fishing harbor. It has only small chelicera ( ' jaws ' ) but with a very potent poison. Slightly larger flagellates and small ciliates prompt the spines to bend and curl so as to entangle the prey more thoroughly. There is also a small circular saw which is in the blood. But still he lay with his eyes shut as tight as small pink clam">clams. We got down to the bare minimum of small clods of peat but there was no obvious " find " to be seen. Among the spoil was found an old cast iron shoemaker s last, a spade a builder s trowel and a small engine cogwheel. Gray partridge small covey">coveys reported on seven occasions mostly from the ne of the county. Little crake a small crake disappeared into reeds at the aguas estuary late afternoon 9/11, this bird was almost certainly a little crake. Gain two small crimps from a large ledge then pull up right to gain a sloping break. The smelting too would have been handled by small scale crucibles - probably fuelled by charcoal. The small proprietary cultivators found themselves isolated, and unable to defend their rights. The cuttlefish probably could have died naturally after spawning, but there were a large numbers of smaller cuttlebones from reduced sized ( juvenile? In the end she played small, declarer scored his 10 and went on to make his doubled contract. No dewlap in buck, a small dewlap is permissible in adult does. Start with a toe in the small dimple at the right hand end of the crease, end at the left hand arête. Check your propeller periodically for small dings or any other visible damage. Whilst still afloat the lifeboat was then sent to rescue two more children in a small inflatable dinghy which was sinking. On clear evenings, there would be a landing party, buzzing over to the deserted shore in a small dingy to explore. Accommodation is in small dorms, bring you own sleeping bag. For example, fha loans require a smaller down payment. The were basically similar to the ' large bloomer ' but had smaller boiler and smaller driving wheels 6ft 6in, instead of 7ft. I also have a small dulcimer copied from medieval and tudor period pictures. Quiet clicking sounds are played into the ear through a small earpiece whilst baby sleeps. We carry the small pod ecosphere, medium ecosphere, large ecosphere and more. Embolus>small pulmonary emboli may cause chest pain, and sometimes coughing up of blood. There are no controls at all for the small herbivore exclosures. These were the battery positions, each consisting off four large emplacements with smaller excrescences beside them [ the dugouts ] . Seals and dolphins regularly play with the small ferryboats, which run from the mainland to st michael's mount. Covered in life with a small field gun at the base of the wall. The small fingerlings are swimming in crystal clear water in inflated oxygenated bags hanging up in the cool shade of a tree. “Masing-masing kata sudah saya dengarkan dan saya tirukan 2X” TUGAS 3 1 Paragraf Refleksi Sangat bagus dan menarik, karena kita dapat mengetahui bahasa inggris dari untuk anak kecil hingga orang dewasa ,dan dapat menambah wawasan kita dalam berbahasa inggris dari bagaimana penukisan , pengucapannya sampai dialognya itu dan yang pasti sangat membantu semua orang yang tidak bisa bahasa inggris dan yang akan belajar bahasa inggris. Terima kasih