Contents - Coltishall Primary School

Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Coltishall Primary School
St John’s Close
Norfolk NR12 7HA
tel: 01603 737481
fax: 01603 736118
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Contents.............................................................................................................................................. 2
A Welcome from Mr Adamson – our headteacher............................................................................. 4
Coltishall Primary School .................................................................................................................... 5
Staff Listing ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Governor Listing .................................................................................................................................. 6
VISION OF OUR SCHOOL ................................................................................................................. 7
AIMS OF OUR SCHOOL .................................................................................................................... 7
School Hours ................................................................................................................................... 7
Organisation and Teaching Groups ................................................................................................. 7
Access to the school........................................................................................................................ 8
Facilities .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Friends of the School ...................................................................................................................... 8
The Curriculum ................................................................................................................................... 9
Additional School Information .......................................................................................................... 14
Extra-curricular activities .............................................................................................................. 14
Buddy Groups ............................................................................................................................... 14
Special Educational Needs (SEN) .................................................................................................. 14
Homework .................................................................................................................................... 15
Visits & Field Trips ......................................................................................................................... 15
Discipline ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Absence from school .................................................................................................................... 16
Medical matters ............................................................................................................................ 16
School Meals, Tuck & water .......................................................................................................... 17
Safeguarding and Child Protection ............................................................................................... 17
Parental Involvement........................................................................................................................ 18
Consultations & reports ................................................................................................................ 18
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Parental Help ................................................................................................................................ 18
Marking Clothes ............................................................................................................................ 18
School Governing Information .......................................................................................................... 18
Regulations, Documents & Links................................................................................................... 18
Complaints and Compliments ........................................................................................................... 19
A Welcome from The Friends ........................................................................................................... 20
Admissions Policy .............................................................................................................................. 21
School term Dates 2011/12 .............................................................................................................. 22
School Dress Code ............................................................................................................................ 23
Homework ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Internet access in school – Excerpt from School Policy .................................................................... 26
School / National Results .................................................................................................................. 27
School / National Results Cont... ...................................................................................................... 27
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Starting Reception Year .................................................................................................................... 31
Storybooks for Starting School ..................................................................................................... 31
Checklist for my Child’s First Day .................................................................................................. 32
Checklist Cont... ............................................................................................................................ 33
Starting Reception Year – Commonly Asked Questions ............................................................... 34
Appendices also include;
Home / School Agreement – to be returned
Safe Use of Images form – to be returned
Use of the internet form – to be returned
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
If you are new parents to Coltishall School we welcome you and look forward
to a happy and successful association over the coming years. If you already
have a child here, or have had in the past, we look forward to furthering our
links between you and our school.
The information in this brochure will tell you something about Coltishall
School, our aims and objectives, organisation, management and curriculum.
I would say that this is only an introduction. You will find out more about the
school from regular newsletters, our very informative web site, meeting with
teachers and attending our many events. Some of you may also like to offer
to help in some way during the school day.
We always like parents to feel welcome, to be part of the life at our school
and, by encouraging a close relationship between teachers, parents and
pupils, to provide a suitable working environment for each individual to
develop academically and socially.
Mr Adamson
– as drawn by Beth
We hope that you will enjoy your visits to the school and that, by working
closely together, we can ensure that it is a place where parents, teachers, and
most of all, the children enjoy coming.
Mark Adamson – June 2014
Pupil Questionnaire April 2014
What I like about our school...
“We work hard”
“Everyone is friendly and kind”
Lunchtimes are delicious”
“We have an amazing eco-friendly ground”
“The lovely teachers”
“Lessons are fun and exciting”
“It is an outstanding school”
Pupil Questionnaire April 2014
What would make our school
even better..?
“We could put sparkles on it”
“Get more tadpoles”
“More assemblies”
“I think everything in our school is
“We could have longer days, so we learn
about different subjects”
“We have amazingly, friendly pupils”
“No way! Our school is brilliant!”
“Nothing because it is pitch perfect”
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Coltishall Primary School is a purpose built school, on one level. There are seven permanent
classrooms, a hall, two group rooms, plus a library and staff room in the new extension.
The school is a co-educational County Primary day school catering for children aged 4-11, normally
from the parishes of Coltishall, Belaugh, Gt Hautbois and Horstead with Stanninghall. We are a
very popular village school; there are currently 178 children on roll.
Coltishall Primary School aims to provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum that develops the
whole child. We strive for the highest standards in English, mathematics and science and work to
improve and extend the attainments of each child in these ‘core’ subjects.
We provide a very secure environment where each child can feel safe and happy.
We work well in partnership with parents to support each child and to overcome any difficulties
that any child may face, whether these are to do with learning, relationships or behaviour.
“We love the extension work and
challenges. Thank you!”
“I am very happy with the homework set.
Love it!!! It’s great learning together”
– parental responses from Questionnaire
July 2013
“Excellent teaching staff.”
“Project work set over 2 weeks is really
“Parent Forum is a good idea
– parental responses from Questionnaire
July 2013
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Mark Adamson B.A. (Hons) P.G.C.E. M.A.
(Ed.) NPQH
Ruth Collins B.Ed
Julie Barker B.A.
Susan Bates B.A. (Hons) P.G.C.E.
Katrina Brown B.Sc. (Hons) P.G.C.E.
Helen Muchlinski B.Ed (Hons)
Julius Plowman B.A. (Hons) P.G.C.E.
Hayley Staniforth-Room B.A. (Hons) G.T.P.
Sara Ward B.A. (Hons) Edu
Anne Jackson
Lisa Walker
Lesley Beaumont
Dawn Carr
Fiona Fairchild
Carol Hardy
Christine Holmes
Rosy O’Brien B.A. QTS (HLTA)
Shirley Oldershaw
June Penn
Sarah Spooner
Gillian Alexander
Michelle Chapman
Sally Clark
Tina Gray
Fiona Terrington
Gillian Alexander
Prof. Ian Clark
Mrs. Di Newberry
Mrs Sue Brodie
Mrs. Suzanne Hall
Mr Mike Kirkham
Mrs. Doreen Snelling
Mr Paul Beckett
Mrs. Dorothea Charmley
Prof. Ian Clark
Miss Harriet Foster
Mrs Sarah Hall
Mrs Penny Loiez
Mr. Gavin McKee
Mrs. Di Newberry
Mark Rischmiller
Christine Campbell
Mr. Mark Adamson
Mrs. Julie Barker
Mrs. Sue Bates
Jill Claxton
Miss Philippa Weightman
Fiona Terrington
Debbie Ward
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
‘Working with the local and global community to stimulate and challenge our children’s minds.’
1. To help children grow in self-awareness, self-respect and confidence, in a safe, stimulating and
challenging environment.
2. To help children develop lively, enquiring minds and the ability to question, discuss rationally
and exercise judgement.
3. To help children acquire knowledge, skills, concepts and attitudes relevant to adult life; to make
the best progress and achieve the highest possible standards.
4. To develop respect and tolerance for others, other beliefs, faiths and religions, races and ways
of life.
5. To help children develop an understanding and respect for a sustainable environment.
6. To create a caring and secure environment where all pupils can develop their moral, social,
cultural, creative and spiritual understanding.
7. To enable our children to be confident individuals who have a sense of belonging, who are
socially aware and valued members of the community.
8. To ensure our children are happy and will look back at our time together with fond memories.
Morning Session
Afternoon Session
8.50 a.m. -12.15 p.m.
12.15 p.m. - 1.15 p.m.
1.15 p.m. - 3.15 p.m.
Children should not arrive at school before 8.40 am but punctuality is important and children
should be ready to begin the day at 8.50 am.
There are seven classes in the school made up as follows:
Cherry Class
Willow Class
Beech Class
Hazel Class
Chestnut Class
Oak Class
Sycamore Class
Year R
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Being on one level with no steps the school is suitable for easy wheelchair access. The mobile
classrooms are easily accessible by steps and a ramp. There is also a toilet for use by the disabled.
The school has a substantial hall with a full range of large apparatus including ropes, benches and
fixed & free standing climbing apparatus.
We have a wonderful playing field with a large bandstand, a great trim trail track, football pitch,
rounders field & running track. There is a large playground which has a junior netball pitch
marked, and a seated quiet area.
We have a flourishing Friends of Coltishall Primary School. This is a great group of parents,
teachers and other adults, who organise many fun fund raising and social events during the year.
The 'Friends' have provided valuable support including buying books, materials for Numeracy and
providing a fund for visits and visitors during our special themed weeks. The 'Friends' have paid for
the materials to create an impressive outdoor play area and renovated the pond and surrounding
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
From September 2014 all pupils will be taught the new Primary National Curriculum, with the
exception of pupils in Years 2 and 6. These pupils will be taught the New Primary National
Curriculum in all subjects except English, mathematics and science. In these subjects they will
follow the current national curriculum. This is because these pupils will be the last cohort to sit
the current Key Stage 1 assessment and Key Stage 2 tests. These pupils will also have followed the
current national curriculum in 2013/14 (as Years 1 and 5) for English, mathematics and science.
The New Primary National Curriculum consists of English, mathematics, science, computing,
design and technology, history, geography, P.E., music, art & design and, in a separate category,
religious education.
The reception children are taught according to the requirements of the `Early Years Foundation
Stage`. The EYFS starts in the pre-school nurseries and continues into the reception class.
We aim to develop children's skills and love of literacy in the important areas of reading, writing,
speaking and listening so that children can express themselves clearly and precisely in spoken and
written English and read with understanding, enjoyment and discrimination. We want children to
develop a love of books and literature so that novels, poetry books and information books are
seen as 'natural' companions to the children.
The standard literacy lesson consists of whole class teaching of a text (story, poem, information).
Children work in ability groups on a reading, writing or speaking and listening task. Some lessons
may follow a different pattern.
Knowledge of the grammatical structures of English sentences and spelling is taught in all classes.
Key Stage 1 children follow a programme of synthetic phonics. Handwriting is taught from
Reception onwards. Children are shown how to form individual letters correctly and, from an
early age, join the letters, in a neat script.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Pupils have a daily mathematics lesson, based on direct, interactive teaching.
Our teaching ensures pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, can reason
mathematically and can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems.
We teach mathematics as an interconnected subject applying essential knowledge to other
curriculum subjects. Essential work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is taught
together with number facts, using and applying mathematics, data-handling, probability,
measurement, position and transformation. Number work is extended to explore patterns and
relationships with numbers.
Science is based mainly on direct experience. It is a means of helping children understand the
world around them.
We develop children's scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific
disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Pupils develop their understanding of the nature,
processes and methods of science through the different types of science to help them ask and
answer scientific questions. Pupils will also be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to
understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
Computing involves pupils:
understanding and applying the fundamental principles and concepts of computer
science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data presentation
analysing problems in computational terms including writing computer programs;
evaluating and applying information technology, including new and unfamiliar
being responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and
communication technology.
Each classroom has at least three desk top computers, and direct access to the internet. We have
2 trolleys of laptop computers available for use and each class has an interactive whiteboard.
Android tablets are used in Reception and Key Stage 1.
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In HISTORY we develop a sense of the past. This starts by looking at children's own families and
local history. Important periods of history are studied such as the Romans in Britain, and the
Tudor period. Children are encouraged to be critical in their work and, 'evidence' such as old
photographs, documents, and other artefacts, is used to develop children's judgements.
In GEOGRAPHY children's knowledge and understanding of places and the effect those places
have on the people who live there are developed. As with history, local studies of school, home
and local community are the starting points. Different areas of the U.K. are studied, as are
European Community Countries, such as France, Spain and Greece; studies of countries of the
wider world are also covered. For example work on China, Kenya & India is undertaken. Mapwork skills are developed as is an understanding of physical and environmental geography.
In ART children are encouraged to create images that are based
on their own observations or stimulated by work in another
subject such as English or topic work. As well as painting and
drawing, children will be able to make models, print, make
collages, explore textiles and work with clay. Also children are
introduced to the work of famous artists to see how other people
have recorded their observations and feelings.
DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY is primarily about designing and
making products. It also involves planning and evaluating. Children
work with a variety of tools and materials and in so doing improve their skills and knowledge. As
the children get older greater demands will be made on their abilities to improve and generate
their own designs.
In MUSIC children develop rhythm and the
skills of listening with discrimination. They will
have regular singing lessons and opportunities
to use percussion instruments. Children also
hear a range of music and are taught
something about composers to help develop
their music appreciation. Older children have
the opportunity to learn the recorder,
saxophone, clarinet, cello, violin, keyboard or
guitar. These instruments are taught by
peripatetic teachers.
SPANISH is taught to children in Hazel class and Chestnut class; FRENCH is taught to children in
Oak and Sycamore classes.
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Physical education is concerned with children developing control over their own bodies, increasing
personal skills; and working in co-operation with and in competition against groups and teams.
The elements of P.E. are gymnastics, dance and games for all children. For children in Key stage 2
there are, additionally, athletics, outdoor activities, swimming and water safety.
Hazel and Chestnut Classes go swimming for alternate half terms. This takes place at Broadland
High School where a qualified swimming instructor teaches the children in a 'learner' pool.
As well as games taught during P.E. lessons, opportunities are provided for the older children to
take part in sporting activities.
Football & netball matches are played against teams from the local primary schools. These take
place during school hours. Netball and football practice usually takes place after school, once a
week, during the Autumn & Spring Terms.
The children take part in the Broadland Cluster Sports Day when individuals from the local
primaries compete against each other in athletics events.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) helps children to develop the knowledge, skills &
understanding they need to become confident, healthy & independent adults. This will include
specific lessons on Sex, Drugs & Health education, as well as many aspects of other curriculum
areas that relate to working together, sharing, taking responsibility for yourself and others and
understanding society.
Circle Time is where children have regular opportunities to talk about their feelings, other
children’s feelings, rules and conduct in the classroom and in school.
R-time is where children have the chance to work with a different partner each week. Each pair
will focus on a simple activity in order to develop their social skills.
Philosophy sessions form a community of enquiry which helps pupils to develop thinking which is
critical, collaborative, creative and caring.
Sex education lessons are taught as a separate unit of work and certain aspects are integrated into
science and health education lessons. A specific series of sex education lessons are taught to
children in Year 4 and 5. Parents are invited to view the videos and materials used for these
lessons before the children see them. The governors have approved the school's Sex education
policy. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from sex education lessons.
Religious Education and Worship is given in accordance with the 1996 Education Acts and the
Norfolk Agreed Syllabus. There is a corporate act of worship each day. On three days the whole
school meets together. Collective worship is led by the headteacher and other members of staff.
The children also help by reading stories and poems and giving dramatic presentations.
Parents have a right to withdraw their children from religious education and/or collective
worship. Please see the Headteacher if you wish to withdraw
your child. A room for quiet contemplation will be provided for
children whose parents withdraw them from collective
worship; discussions with parents will help decide
arrangements for children withdrawn from religious education.
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A wide range of sporting and other activities are provided by staff, visiting instructors and parents.
These include football, netball, basketball, cricket, rugby and sports club. For lessons provided by
visiting instructors a charge has to be made. Clubs offered include: film, gardening club, hand bells,
music, drama, school choir and Swift (G & T) club.
The Breakfast Club provides cereal, toast, juice and an early morning chat 5 days a week. (8.00 –
The Red Robin after-school club is based in the school. This very popular club provides after
school care 5-days a week (3.15 – 6.00pm). The club offers a wide menu of different activities on a
daily basis including cookery, sports, arts and craft.
Every child is placed into a Buddy Group. The Buddy Group is led by a Top Buddy who is a Year 5
or 6 pupil. The Buddy Groups meet every month in school to work together on an activity –
sharing favourite books, playing games, talking about hobbies, etc. The aim is for the groups to
help and take care of each other.
Some children have learning difficulties at different times during their school career. We aim to
identify these children and their particular needs as early as possible. Individual or group work in
or out of the classroom, focused on the particular difficulty, are often used to overcome the
problem. There are SEN groups for literacy and maths for some classes. These groups are taught
by support assistants and the Special Needs Teacher.
We are able, after consulting with parents, to refer children to the appropriate external agencies
and consultants including the Educational Psychologist and health services.
One member of the team will assess the child and will give advice to the class teacher: this will
include suggestions for a programme of work. Parents will be kept fully informed and will be able
to discuss the assessment with a member of the support team.
The school has a policy for Special Needs which is written in line with the Code of Practice. Special
Needs are co-ordinated by the Special Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Sue Bates, who maintains a
register of children with special needs.
Parents regularly meet with the Special Needs Co-ordinator and class teacher to review progress
and plan targets for further work.
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Regular homework is set for all children. This consists mainly of reading, learning spellings and
maths activities. A class homework timetable is sent home at the beginning of the Autumn term.
The reading which is done at home reinforces the learning done in school and helps each child
All Parents are invited to stay in school and share a story with their child, first thing on a
Monday morning.
All the classes make visits as part of their curriculum studies. Some visits are in the village, to the
church, garage and other local places. Some visits will be further afield such as visits to the
Sainsbury Centre, Cinema City, Kessingland in Suffolk, Norwich Cathedral, Castle Museum and The
Natural History Museum in London.
We hold two annual weekend residential visits; Year 4 visit Horstead Activity Centre and Year 6
travel to Hilltops, near Holt. A wide range of sporting and computer activities are provided for the
children at both centres. The children always love these field trips and come back with enhanced
learning and understanding.
Children working in a purposeful atmosphere are controlled mainly by their interest and the
appropriateness of the activity.
There is a graded discipline code which balances rewards with sanctions. Rewards are frequently
used for effort, good work and good or improved behaviour. These rewards include verbal praise,
Team Points and Head teacher’s Awards. Sanctions include verbal reprimands, name on the board
or seeing the Headteacher.
There is a graded series of steps that will be followed if children are persistently badly behaved.
This involves consultation with parents and the possible involvement of the support agencies such
as the Behaviour Support Teacher or Educational Psychologist.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Schools have to publish rates of attendance which relate to the school year prior to the year of
These rates are for the year 2013/14:
Number of children on roll: 154
Our School
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 act has been amended. All
reference to family holidays and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of 10 school
days has been removed. The amendments make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave
of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Headteachers should
determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.
Parents requiring their child to be absent from school during term time will need to inform the
Headteacher and may need to arrange an interview. This will be to discuss whether exceptional
circumstances apply.
If your child is absent for any reason please telephone to inform the school as soon as possible.
The welfare and safety of all pupils is paramount to us and as such we will telephone you if there is
no message on the first day of absence.
Please do not send your child to school if obviously unwell, or if you have reasonable doubts, as
they rarely improve during the course of the day. We are always pleased to see such children later
in the morning or after lunch if their symptoms disappear.
The administration of medicines to children is the responsibility of parents. Medicines may be
administered at school, however only at the discretion of the Headteacher. Normally medicine
can only be administered if it is in its original container bearing the child’s name, dosage and
instructions, and a written request from parents is included.
If your child suffers from asthma, the school should be given a spare, named inhaler to be kept at
Every year some children become infested with headlice in all schools. We would ask parents to
be vigilant and patient, applying the appropriate treatment and treating the whole family. If you
require further advice please contact the school.
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A hot meal is available each day with a main course and a pudding. There is a choice of the main
course. A packed lunch may also be purchased from the school.
From September 2014 all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal.
For pupils in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, a hot meal or packed lunch needs to be paid for in a named
envelope and given to the class teacher at the beginning of each day or on a weekly basis. A menu
for the week is written on a board outside the kitchen for you to consider. NORSE supply a written
menu for the term which are sent home and are available from the school foyer. Packed lunches
may be brought from home. No glass bottles please.
At mid-morning break only, healthy tuck is offered. This consists of fruit juice, milk and pieces of
fruit. Children are welcome to bring fresh or dried fruit or vegetables from home (apple, banana,
carrot, raisins etc.). Free fruit or vegetables are provided for all children in Years R, 1 & 2 each day.
Each child is encouraged to have a bottle of water at their desk and is encouraged to drink
Coltishall Primary School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
and young people. We will do everything possible to ensure all of our children are safe and
protected from harm. We have procedures in place to do this and a policy that all staff, volunteers
and regular visitors must work to. You can request a copy of this policy from the school office.
On arrival all visitors and adult helpers must sign the Visitor’s book at the main office. School
specific lanyards will then be issued. Important, further safeguarding information is contained on
the reverse of the lanyard.
The use of mobile telephones is not allowed in our school; they must be switched off.
The Children Act 1989 requires everyone working with children to inform Children’s Services about
any child thought to be in need of support or at risk of harm.
The Education Act 2002 requires all schools to have arrangement to safeguard the children.
The statutory guidance, Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013) states schools should
work with social care, the police, health services and other services to promote the welfare of
children and protect them from harm.
Mr Mark Adamson, the headteacher, is the designated professional to take lead responsibility for
dealing with safeguarding issues within our school.
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Two Parent-Teacher consultation evenings are arranged during the school year when parents will
be able to discuss their child's progress with the class teacher. The first is just after half-term in the
Autumn term for all pupils. The second consultation is held the Spring term for EYFS pupils and in
the Summer term for KS1 and KS2 pupils.
A written report for each child in KS1 and KS2 will be sent home at the end of the Spring term.
Individual targets are set for each child and these are discussed at the Summer term consultation.
EYFS pupils receive a profile report in the Summer term.
Parents provide valuable help in school. At the moment parents help in a variety of ways:
helping with a small group in the Literacy hour; hearing children read; running a
numeracy games library
supervising small groups of children engaged in different activities such as art and craft;
helping one or two children working on the computer
running various after school clubs and activities including gardening club and dancing
Please ensure that all children’s clothes, coats, boots, shoes, gloves, P.E. kit and swimming
costumes are marked with your child’s name.
The school has developed a wide range of policies that guide the teaching and content of the
curriculum. Governors also have policies that cover the range of their responsibilities. These
policies are available in school and on the Governors section of the school website.
The following information is available from the Headteacher. (Photocopies can be provided at
The full Ofsted report (2013)
Minutes of Governing Body meetings
School Improvement and Development Plan
School Policies
School admissions website
Circumstances may cause some items to be changed.
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Like all organisations we are not perfect, although that is our aim. Occasionally we make mistakes
which may affect you or your child. It is important, therefore, that you know how to make a
In the first instance you should make an appointment to speak to the member of staff
concerned. If this does not resolve the problem;
Make an appointment to see the Headteacher, indicating that you have already discussed
the matter with the member of staff concerned. If you are still not satisfied or your
complaint is about the Headteacher:
Write to the Chair of the Governing Body stating your complaint; give all of the relevant
details including why you do not accept the Headteacher’s findings, your name and how
you may be contacted. If you are not satisfied with the findings of the chair of Governors:
Write to the Chair of Governors within ten days stating why you are not satisfied with the
findings. Request that a Governors’ Complaints Panel is set up to investigate the matter.
If you believe that the schools Complaint Procedure was not followed appropriately:
Write to the Director of Children’s Services stating your case and explaining the breach of
procedure you require to be investigated. If you have a complaint please do not hesitate
to contact the Headteacher.
Past experience has shown that most complaints can be settled through discussion long before
this stage. It is also important that all stages of the complaints procedure are followed and that no
attempt is made to short-cut the system.
It’s always nice to hear positive feedback and we do respond to praise. If you have a compliment,
and we hope this will be your more usual experience of our school, please,
Speak to the member of staff and express your satisfaction,
Speak or write to the Headteacher,
Speak to a Governor or write to the Chair of Governors.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
The Friends of Coltishall Primary School would like to take this opportunity to
introduce ourselves, and give you an idea of some of the things we do for the
School. The Friends are made up of an annually elected group of parents,
grandparents and staff, with the Head Teacher as President, and are backed
by volunteers who help at special events throughout the year.
The aims of the Friends are to “Enhance the education of the pupils of the
School by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at
the School (not normally provided for by the Local Education Authority)”. In
these days of tight budgets, it is ever more important to help the School by
providing money for all sorts of ‘extras’ which make the school lives of our
children more exciting and rewarding. The Friends are run by Committee,
comprising a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and as many other members as
are willing and interested and new members are always welcome to bring ideas
and inspiration. A list of current Committee Members can be found on the
Friends School noticeboard or the School website.
Various fund raising events are held throughout the year. These include
Christmas Fair, Quiz Night, Bingo Evening, Bake a Cake Days, Summer BBQ, a
Ceilidh and `Bag2School`(collection of second-hand textiles). The money
raised from these events has been used to purchase items of specialised
classroom equipment, sports kit and amenities, to pay for visiting artists and
presentations, and to fund educational and recreational School trips.
The Friends sell School logo sweatshirts and cardigans and T-shirts for PE in
house colours (green, blue and yellow). These are generally on sale before
school in the Group Room (next to the Headteacher’s office) on the first and
last day of each half term and on most Friday mornings, and at other times by
We look forward to welcoming you to future events, and any help is much
The Friends of Coltishall Primary School.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Children whose fifth birthday falls between 1st September 2014 and 28th February 2015
will be admitted full time from the beginning of the Autumn Term on Monday 8th
September 2014.
Children whose fifth birthday falls between 1st March 2015 and 31st August 2015 will be
admitted full time from the beginning of the Autumn Term, on Thursday 11th
September, but parents are entitled to defer their admission or request that their child
attend on a part-time basis.
Children must start school on a full time basis during the academic year 2014/15 and no
later than the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday.
Oversubscription rules for first admission to Coltishall Primary School.
If there are more applications for places than there are places available, the Authority will
give preference to children living nearest to the school, according to the following rules in
this order of priority:
Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming our school.
Children in public care who are due to start school and live in the area served by
the school.
Children who are due to start school, living in the area served by the school and
have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.
Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school
and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
4th September to 19th December 2014
Teacher training day 1 is on the 3rd September 2014 (pupils do not attend on this
Half term holiday from 23rd October to 31st October 2014
Teacher Training Days 2 and 3 are on the 23rd and 24th October )pupils do not
attend on these days)*
Christmas holiday from 22nd December 2014 to 5th January 2015
6th January to 27th March 2015
Teacher training day 4: 5th January 2015 ( pupils do not attend on this day)*
Half term holiday from 16th February to 20th February 2015
Easter holiday from 30th March to 10th April 2015
13th April to 21st July 2015
Teacher training day 5: 22nd July 2015 (pupils do not attend on this day)*
May Day is Monday 4h May 2015
Half term holiday from 25th May to 29th May 2015
You will be notified if the dates of any training days are changed
(School term dates are available at: )
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
White shirt / polo shirt: short or long sleeved with collar
Navy blue school or plain sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
Grey trousers, medium length skirt or pinafore (not jeans or leggings)
Optional for Year R and 1 only: plain navy or grey tracksuit bottoms
Plain socks or tights
Dark, flat shoes (not trainers; no high heels)
NO jewellery apart from: a watch - NO sweat bands (except in PE) - only stud
earrings - NO wrist bands - NO nail varnish - NO dyed hair - only plain hair
Long hair is to be tied back or secured by use of a band.
Grey tailored knee length shorts (not PE shorts)
Blue or red checked or striped dress
Flat sandals
Yellow, Green or Blue Tee Shirt (depending upon pupil`s team)
Navy or black elasticated shorts
Trainers (Key Stage 2)
Plimsolls (for all children)
Drawstring bag
Tracksuit optional for winter games and swimming
ALL Items of clothing must be clearly named
School blue sweatshirts with the school’s logo and team tee-shirts are sold by the
‘Friends of the School’. They are on sale on the first and last day of each term; every
Friday morning and on our school Transfer day. Sweatshirts and tee-shirts may also be
ordered from the school office.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
The requirements for each year group will vary and the amount to be revised and learnt will
gradually increase with the age of the children. A timetable will be sent for each class. This will
tell you the day that work is coming home, the day it needs to be returned and any other relevant
Each class will have regular reading as part of their timetable. This should be for between ten and
twenty minutes for each of the days that reading is set. This can be much longer if the child wants
to carry on. It can also be for every day if there is the interest and enthusiasm. For younger
children this will often include looking at and sharing a book, moving on to listening to the child
read. For older and fluent readers the time will be spent reading on their own.
All children like someone to read to them. Even older, fluent readers will enjoy settling down to
have a story read to them.
Children will be given a range of mathematical activities which will include learning their
multiplication tables (the two times table up to the ten times table) and number bonds.
To truly ‘know’ a multiplication table, children should be able to say the answer to a quick fire
question (eg four fives) without pausing to work out the answer. Learning to chant the table is a
useful step to ‘knowing’ the table.
Number bonds are pairs of numbers that add up to a given number.
Number bonds to ten are:
It is as important to know number bonds as it is multiplication tables.
Numeracy homework will usually be based on the work taught in the class. Methods of teaching
numeracy have changed and may be different from the way parents were taught at school.
Children may be confused if you try to show them a different method.
Encourage your child to use the method that the teacher has shown in class.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Homework should not take hours to do. Children should not worry about the homework. If your
child is having difficulties that you cannot overcome then stop the homework and ask your child’s
teacher for advice.
Homework is set to support the partnership between home and school. It enables parents to feel
that they are actively assisting their child’s education and gives some indication of the kind and
quality of work undertaken in school.
Homework should consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, mainly in literacy and
numeracy but also in other subjects. Homework should help children develop the idea that
learning is not solely a school-based activity.
Homework should help to develop the self-discipline of children working on their own and
establishing regular routines which are valuable in themselves and also prepare older children for
the demands of secondary education.
Homework is important but so are many other aspects of childhood and homework should not be
so demanding that children are deprived of other activities: sport, Cubs and Brownies, playing an
instrument, playing all kinds of games, etc.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Teachers and pupils will have access to web sites world-wide (including museums and art
galleries) offering educational resources, news and current events.
In addition, staff will have the opportunity to access educational materials and good
curriculum practice, to communicate with the advisory and support services, professional
associations and colleagues; exchange curriculum and administration data with the LA
and DfE; receive up-to-date information and participate in government initiatives.
The internet is a relatively new communication medium and is freely available to any
person wishing to send e-mail or publish a web site. In common with other media such
as magazines, books and video, some material available on the internet is unsuitable for
pupils. Pupils in school are unlikely to see inappropriate content in books due to
selection by publisher and teacher and the school will take every practical measure to
ensure that children do not encounter upsetting, offensive or otherwise inappropriate
material on the internet.
The following key measures have been adopted to help ensure that our pupils are not
exposed to unsuitable material:
Our internet access is purchased from Norfolk County Council which provides a
service designed for pupils including a “firewall” filtering system intended to prevent
access to material inappropriate for children;
Children using the internet will normally be working in the classroom, during lesson
time and will be supervised by an adult (usually the class teacher) at all times;
staff will check that the sites pre-selected for pupil use are appropriate to the age and
maturity of pupils;
staff will be particularly vigilant when pupils are undertaking their own research and
will check that the children are following the agreed search plan;
pupils will be taught to use e-mail and the internet responsibly in order to reduce the
risk to themselves and others;
our Code of Conduct will be posted near computer systems;
The headteacher will ensure that the policy is implemented effectively;
Methods to quantify and minimise the risk of pupils being exposed to inappropriate
material will be reviewed in consultation with colleagues from other schools and
advice from the LEA, our Internet Service Provider and CEOP.
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
The number of pupils that must be admitted into the year of entry if
demand requires.
Average Points Score – Each sub-level attained in English and
mathematics has an equivalence within a points system
Targets (AT)
The expected knowledge, skills and understanding of pupils at the end
of each Key Stage. In addition to these, all pupils at Coltishall have
targets set regularly
Common Assessment Framework
Replaced the Education and Social Services in Norfolk
School set up and funded by an LEA.
Department for Children, Schools & Families
Department for Education
Foundation Stage Profile
Full Time Equivalent
Key Stage One - The three-year phase of education experienced by
pupils aged five to seven, although a minority may be slightly younger
or older.
The four year phase of education experienced by pupils aged seven to
eleven, although a minority may be slightly younger or older.
Local Education Authority
The programmes of study laid down by law for children aged between 5
to 16 in state schools
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Number on
Roll (NOR)
This number is a head count of full-time and part-time pupils excluding
nursery units.
Office for Standards in Education - inspects and advises on schools and
Parent Teacher Association, the ‘Friends’.
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
Children aged 4 years
Standard Assessment Tests
School Improvement and Development Plan
Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
School Improvement Partner
A written statement, arranged by the LEA, of a child’s special
educational needs and all the help they will get. This is given only in
certain circumstances and parents are always involved.
Teaching Assistant
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Story books can be a very useful way of introducing new experiences to children in a nonthreatening way as they can provoke discussion and questioning. There are many children’s story
books that look at children’s experiences of starting school for the first time and most of them are
readily available to purchase on the high street or internet, or to borrow from local libraries.
The following list provides suggestions for a number of books that you and your child might like to
purchase or borrow.
Book Title
Starting School
A Ahlberg
Viking Childrens Books (1998)
Billy and the big new school
C and L Anholt
Orchard Books (1999)
When parents go to school
B Bloom
Orchard Books (1998)
Funny Fred
P Coplans
Anderson Press
Where’s my peg
J Green
Hodder Wayland
I don’t want to
S Grindley
My first day at school
R Hunter
Evans Brothers
Nursery school with Teddy Bear
J McQuade
David Bennett Books
The Gotcha Smile
R P Mitchell and A Ayliffe
Orchard Books
Pete & Polo’s Nursery School
A Reynolds
Orchard Books
Rosie’s first day at school
R Stones
Happy Cat Books Limited
First Day
M Wild and K Gamble
Allen & Unwins Childrens Books
Tom goes to nursery
M Wild
Southwood Books
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
It is never easy (or possible!) to remember everything for your child’s first day, so you may want to
have a look at the checklist below. Please bear in mind that it is not expected for your child to be
able to complete ALL (or even any) of the items - your child may only be able to do some– that is
absolutely fine. The list below gives you an idea of what is helpful for children to be able to do –
that’s all.
Can My Child?
Tie their own shoelaces
Fasten their own coat
Get dressed and undressed
Open their own lunch-box
Do up their clothes after using the toilet
Care for their own personal hygiene after using the toilet
Turn on a tap
Put their own apron on
Take care of their hair
Carry their own things
Use a pair of scissors
Hold a pencil
Remember the Green Cross Code
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
Have I remembered to obtain...?
Appropriate day-to-day clothing (as recommended on the school dress code list)
A lunch box if not staying for school dinners
Clothing for outdoors such as a coat or cagoule
Appropriate footwear
Have I remembered to...?
Give the school emergency contact details
Give the school appropriate medical instructions for my child
Complete the home/school agreement form
Complete the Safe use of Images form
Complete the Use of the Internet form
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Coltishall Primary School 2014/15
We understand that starting children at school can be a daunting process (for parent/carer and
child!) so we have put together some commonly asked questions. We hope this helps....
Q What type of things will my child need on their first day?
On your child’s first day, if your child is full time you will need a lunch box, a water bottle and P.E.
kit. Everything else will be provided by the school.
Q What do I have to do when I drop my child off? Should I stay with them for a short period of
Staying with your child is a good idea to ensure they are settled. Experience has shown that it is
often better to stay for a short time and then say Goodbye. Often if parents stay too long the child
can get upset. If there are any tears as soon as parents go these usually dry up very quickly as the
child’s attention is drawn elsewhere.
Q What will my child need to know before they start school? For example reading and writing
We always recommend that parents spend time with their children reading to them and talking
about the books they have read.
Q Is there any flexibility over eating and drinking patterns, for example, is it OK for my child to
have a mid-morning snack or drink when they are thirsty?
We have a Free Fruit scheme in Reception and Key Stage 1, so there is no need to include a midmorning snack. We also sell fruit juice; Mrs Campbell, our excellent cook, collects £5.00 at the
beginning of each half term. Water bottles are recommended and water is always available.
Q If my child brings a lunch box, where are they stored?
We have a trolley outside the classroom to store lunch boxes. This is taken into the Hall every day
by pupils in Sycamore class.
Q How will my child receive support during lessons if they are unsure about anything?
If your child is unsure of anything in class we like them to put their hands up. However, in Year R
we tend to work in small groups, which makes it easier to support each child as and when
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Q If my child is on medication, who will ensure my child receives it?
Please ask at the office to see the school policy on Administration of Medicines.
Q Is the school accessible for all children, including those with physical disability?
Yes – at Coltishall Primary School we place a great emphasis on ensuring that our school is
accessible to all. Please see our Disability Equality Scheme for more information. This is available
from the office.
Q What is appropriate in terms of clothing, footwear and jewellery?
Please see the ‘School Dress Code’ listing included within this school prospectus for what is and
isn’t appropriate.
Q How will the school inform me of my child’s progress?
In Cherry Class we have 2 parent consultation evenings – one in the autumn term, a second in the
spring term. You will receive your child’s Foundation Stage Profile in the summer term. The
Foundation Stage Profile (FSP) is a comprehensive assessment of your child’s knowledge,
understanding and abilities in many areas of development and learning. The Profile is completed
at appropriate times from when your child starts until the end of Reception Year.
Q What should I do if my child is unhappy about something?
We always say that if your child is unhappy about something to tell a teacher as soon as possible.
The teacher can then do something about it. There’s nothing worse, for pupils or parents, than
finding at home out that something is amiss when nothing can be done until the following
We do understand that some children find it hard to tell teachers, so please come and see us. The
Cherry class staff are always available at the beginning and end of the day if you have any
questions or want to talk.
n.b. There will be many opportunities to find out more at our monthly Open Forum meetings.
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