Time Management Worksheet Survey: Answer the following on a scale of 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree. 1. ____ The most successful people must be very smart and skilled, or the must be very lucky. 2. ____ When something I am working on gets tough, I spend more time and work harder. 3. ____ When I do things right I feel really smart but when I do things wrong, I feel stupid. 4. ____ Life is supposed to be difficult and make you work hard. 5. ____ I can grow new brain and become smarter. 6. ____ I would feel uncomfortable should one of my friends becomes really popular or successful. 7. ____ I am comfortable asking questions in class even if it might make me look stupid. 8. ____ When I am struggling in a class, I get depressed and tend to give up. 9. ____ I love learning new things and experiencing a challenge. 10. ____ If I fail a test or an assignment, I want to quit the class. I take failure very hard. Values Roles Goals for Roles Role Time Management Worksheet Goals for Each Role Page 1 The Important Time Management Questions Take time to answer the questions below. Then at the end of each day or week, ask yourself how you are doing. If you are not doing the things you listed, why not? What do you need to change? If you just can’t seem to get them done, ask for help. Accept no excuses from yourself! You can do it! What one thing could you do (that you aren’t doing now) that if you did on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your personal life? What one thing could you do (that you aren’t doing now) that if you did on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your career at NMU? A Personal Note It is my sincere wish for you that you be wildly successful in your career at NMU and in life. However, success in life is reserved for those with the “Growth” mindset and for those with clearly articulated values and goals. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you work on these areas while at NMU and not just on your academic subjects. Remember that success is a life-long decision, it is not a destination. You will never wake up some day and say “now I am a success.” Success is an attitude and as such, this attitude is far more important than any natural talent you may possess or any knowledge gained at school. You cannot live a life that is inconsistent with the person you see when you look in the mirror. You are what you think you are. If you think you will succeed or if you think you will fail, either way you will be right! Treat your attitude as your most prized possession. Protect it against attack by avoiding negative people and negative bull-sessions. Avoid negative movies and video games. Always strive for a positive attitude and never be a source of negative. If you would like to visit personally with me about anything you have heard or want someone to mentor you, please contact me at the contact points below. I will be glad to help! Best wishes for a very successful life, 906-227-1841 kculp@nmu.edu http://mathsql.nmu.edu/Time My Personal Mission Statement You will want to write down your personal mission statement based on your values, roles, and goals from the other side of this document. It should be brief and concise but incorporate those values you hold dear. My mission statement is given below as an example. Read your mission statement regularly, at least once a week. Here is my personal mission statement. I will endeavor to be the best husband that I can, cherishing my wife and always being a good listener, enjoying her presence. I will encourage her and help her achieve her goals and aspirations. To my children and step-children I will seek to always set a good example, provide leadership, and to always be a friend. As a church member, I will support its programs, leaders, and members with enthusiasm and a cheerful heart. As a teacher, I will be a mentor and leader of my students, caring for them as individuals, and helping them to succeed in my classes and in life, and to become the best person they possibly can be. As a Christian, my number one mission is to “finish the race and keep the faith.” Finally, I will seek in every way possible to show grace and encouragement to all that I meet regardless of the circumstances or their actions towards me. Time Management Worksheet Page 2 Mindset Summary Stimulus Fixed Mindset Response Growth Mindset Response Challenges Obstacles Effort Avoid them Give up easily Is fruitless; if it is not easy or you have no ability, why waste time? Ignore it; what do they know anyway? Threatening; poverty mentality says that there is only so much glory available A failure marks you forever; causes resignation Table 1: Mindset Response Embrace them; they can be fun Persist until you overcome Is the only path to mastery Criticism Others’ success Own failures Fixed Mindset Trait Learn from it Inspiring; abundance mentality says there is plenty of glory for all An opportunity to learn; causes change in behavior Growth Mindset Trait Negative and critical of others; the need to Positive and encouraging of others; the feel that they are at least better than abundance mentality again someone* Self-pity; if you are in college to get a Self-forgetful; when you know who you are, degree and you don’t think you can, whom you are more able to think about others and are you going to be thinking about? help them Anxious; I can’t do it; if I fail, what then? Trusting, confident that I can succeed Depressed; unable to work Resilient; work even if depressed Unforgiving Forgiving Table 2: Mindset Personality Traits Suggested Reading Attitude, Success: - Gifted Hands, The Ben Carson Story, Ben Carson, 1990 - The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch, 2008 - See You At The Top, Zig Ziglar (order from zigziglar.com). - The Magic of Thinking Big, Swartz - The Greatest Miracle in the World, Og Mandino, Bantam Books Understanding People: - How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie. - Personality Plus, Florence Littauer, Fleming H. Revell, 1995 - Bringing Out the Best in People, Alan Loy McGinnis, Augsburg, 1985 - Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus, John Gray, J. G. Productions, 1992 Talking to People (Shyness): - How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People, Les Giblin, Prentice-Hall, 1956 - The Art of Talking So That People Will Listen, Paul W. Swets, Fireside, 1983 - How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends, Don Gabor, Fireside, 1983 Personal Management, Time Management, Leadership: - The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey, Fireside, 1989 - The Servant, James Hunter 1998 - First Things First, Stephen R. Covey, Fireside, 1994 - Lincoln on Leadership, Donald T. Phillips, Warner Books, 1992 Time Management Worksheet Page 3 Time Management Worksheet Page 4