Assignment: Natural Differences State of Nature Refers to the period of time before human beings entered into civilization. This period of time is imagined by different philosophers to express ideas about human nature. Rousseau Reading Circles 1. Read: Read the paragraph aloud as clearly as possible. 2. Clarify: Working together, team members will try to clarify words, sentences, and ideas from the section that they do not quite understand. 3. Answer: The group will then try to answer the comprehension questions for the section together. Write your answers down in your assignment. After you are done with a section, move on to the next one. 1.) Rousseau believes that a human being is naturally inclined to feel sympathy towards other humans, and will be drawn to help them as long as doing so does not endanger himself or herself. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Why? 2.) Rousseau thinks that society has brought out numerous bad qualities in human beings (vanity, envy, contempt, shame). Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Why? Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Comprehension Questions Section 1 Does Rousseau believe that men in the state of nature lived in a violent and chaotic world? Why or why not? According to Rousseau, when might a “natural human” have done something harmful to another human? Section 2 Does Rousseau think that humans are naturally social creatures, who want to be around other humans? How quickly did humans make progress in their natural state? Why? Sections 3 and 4 According to Rousseau, what monumental mistake was made that put an end to the state of nature? Once people started living together, what sorts of cultural activities did they begin to engage in? How does Rousseau think that engaging in these cultural activities negatively affected human beings? Section 5 What is the difference between the way that the natural man wants to live, and the way that the civilized man wants to live? Why would the civilized man want to live in this manner? What is Rousseau suggesting in the last line of the excerpt? Freud Reading Circles 1. Read: Read the paragraph aloud as clearly as possible. 2. Clarify: Working together, team members will try to clarify words, sentences, and ideas from the section that they do not quite understand. 3. Answer: The group will then try to answer the comprehension questions for the section together. Write your answers down in your assignment. After you are done with a section, move on to the next one. Sigmund Freud: Comprehension Questions Section 2 What does Freud think is stronger in human beings – our emotion or our reason/logic? According to Freud, what is the point of human civilization? What is it trying to do? Has it succeeded? Section 3 What do the communists believe about human nature? What do they think causes aggression? Does Freud agree with the communists? What does Freud think would happen if we got rid of private property? Section 4 If we are so aggressive, how does Freud suggest it possible for groups of people to become friends? According to Freud, how do cultural minorities help a nation come together? Section 5 What are the two forces that Freud thinks are struggling against each other in the human species? Which side does he think will win? What does the last line of the excerpt mean? 3.) Would Rousseau think that natural man would care about getting a better grade on a test than someone else? Why or why not? How might Freud and Rousseau differ in their telling of the story of the two hungry cavemen? Many students at Saratoga High School have a strong desire to go to one of the best colleges in the United States. Do you think that this desire comes more from an inborn drive of human nature or more from the way that these students have been nurtured by their culture? Explain what you think and why.