Microbial Metabolism & Specialized Bacterial Growth Media Essay

Microbial Metabolism & Specialized Bacterial Growth Media Homework Assignment
Name: ____________________________________
The purpose of this exercise is to help students improve their understanding of selective and
differential bacterial growth media, and how the media allows for the identification bacteria
based on metabolism.
Qs: What is the medium in top picture?
• Is selective …Why?
What does it grow?
• Is differential …Why?
• What does the differential property reveal about the bacteria growing there?
Qs: What is the medium in bottom picture?
• Is selective …Why?
What does it grow?
• Is differential …Why?
• What does the differential property reveal about the bacteria growing there?
This assignment is from the Virtual Microbiology Classroom (http://www.scienceprofonline.com/virtual-micromain.html) on the free science education website Science Prof Online (ScienceProfOnline.com). Visit the website to
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