district oic review board questions

District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
District Officer Review Board 27 April 2005
An (*) means questions from the Group St Petersburg board.
An (^) means asked D7 board.
^What is your command philosophy/vision?
^*Why do you want to be an OinC?
^*Why would you be a good OinC?
If you could change one thing in the CG what would it be?
*What traits do you bring to the OinC cadre?
6. *Reserve policy. Ref: Reserve Policy M1001.28A Pg. 2-4
Inactive duty is authorized training or other duty performed by reservists not on active duty. The
primary purpose of inactive duty is to provide individual and/or unit readiness training. Inactive
duty is a period of duty, under orders, scheduled for the performance of: Augmentation,
administration duties, or Funerals.
7. *When do reservists take SWE? Ref: Reserve Policy M1001.28A Pg. 7-20
Advancement in pay grades E-5 through E-9 is accomplished through a Service Wide Examination
(SWE) competition. The exam is administered every year on the third Saturday in October.
Reserve enlisted personnel in the Ready Reserve and Standby Reserve, Active Status, and
reservists on EAD may compete in the SWE when fully qualified. There are no sea service
requirements for Reserve enlisted advancements.
8. *Reserve drill period for IDT drill are. Ref: Reserve Policy M1001.28A Pg. 2-4
For single IDT: when authorized with pay, compensation will be at a rate of 1/30th of the monthly
basic pay of the pay grade held. Must be four or more hours in duration, Must be performed in one
calendar day, Will earn one retirement point.
Multiple IDT: is equivalent of two single drills. Must be eight or more hours in duration,
Must be performed in one calendar day, Will earn two retirement points.
Readiness Management Period (RMP): used to provide additional training to maintain individual or
unit readiness, Each period must be at least three hours duration, The maximum duration is 24
hours, One RMP is equivalent to a single IDT drill for pay and retirement point purposes.
Funeral Honors Duty: voluntary status, will earn $50.00 and one retirement point, if the duty is of
two hours or more in duration, Travel allowances may be paid if the funeral honors location is
more than 50 miles from the reservist’s residence.
9. *Wellness responsibility. Rep: Health Promotion M6200.1 Pg. 1-7.
All commands, except administratively limited units (without yeoman), shall: Designate in writing
a unit Wellness Representative (WR).
All commands, except afloat and administratively limited units, shall:
(1) Establish a unit level wellness program;
(2) Provide all members time during normal working hours to participate in scheduled wellness
activities on a voluntary basis;
(3) Provide all members a minimum of three hours per week during working hours, operations
permitting, (excluding units operating on tropical hours) for voluntary participation in physical
fitness enhancing activities.
10. *How often are PPE inventoried and what form is used. Ref: Rescue and Survival M10470.10E Pg.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
Personal Clothing and Equipment Record, AF Form 538, shall be used to document all issues of
personal clothing and equipment. Accountability is maintained by the issuing command through
periodic inventory inspections. Document inventory inspections on AF Form 538 annually.
11. *What are standard boats: Ref: BOAT M16114.32A Pg. 2-6
ANB – 55’ AtoN
BUSL – 49’ Buoy utl stern loader
CB-L, M, S, OTH – Cutter Based
RB-HS, M, S – Response boat, Defender class
SPC – 52’ Heavy weather special purpose craft.
UTB – 41’
ATB – Aviation trainer, same as UTB
TPSB – 25’ Transportable port security boat
12. *After Action Reports.
Alcoast is generated by AREA outlining the information and format. Generally after action reports
are generated following a patrol.
13. Members being discharged for unsuitability must first have? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg. 12b-43
A member under consideration for discharge for unsuitability must have a physical examination
performed by a Public Health Service or Armed Forces medical officer in order to identify and
record any physical or mental impairments that the member may have.
14. *Medical boards are convened for? Ref: Physical Disability Eval System M1850.2C Pg. 3-1
The purpose of a medical board is to evaluate and report upon the present state of health of any
member who may be referred to the medical board by an authorized convening authority and
provide a recommendation as to whether the member is medically fit for the duties of his or her
office, grade, rank, or rating; for example Detection of a physical impairment preexisting
enlistment. A medical board normally consists of two medical officers.
15. *What members are entitled to an Administration hearing? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg. 12b-43
A member with more than eight years’ military service under consideration for discharge for
unsuitability is entitled to an administrative discharge board.
16. *Administration discharge boards consist of? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg. 12b-59
An administrative discharge board is a fact-finding body appointed to render findings based on
the facts obtained and recommend either retention in the Service or discharge. Administrative
discharge boards consist of at least three commissioned officers, at least one of whom is a
lieutenant commander or higher, and normally a separate recorder.
17. What are the drill requirements for reservists? Ref: Reserve Policy M1001.28A Pg. 1-6, 3-4
CG SELRES members are generally authorized 48 paid Inactive Duty Training (IDT) drills and at
least 12 but NMT 15 paid Active Duty for Training (ADT) days per fiscal year.
18. What are the different types of reserves? Ref: Reserve Policy M1001.28A Pg. 1-16
1. Ready Reserve. Consists of reservists who are liable for immediate recall to active duty.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
The Selected Reserve (SELRES). Those individuals within the Ready Reserve designated as so
essential to initial contingency requirements that they have priority over all other Reserve elements. They
are assigned to Coast Guard or selected Joint Service.
The Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). A manpower pool principally consisting of individuals who have
had training and have previously served in the Active forces or in the Selected Reserve. The IRR consists
of individuals who must fulfill their military service obligation.
2. Standby Reserve consists of reservists who are in neither the Ready Reserve nor the Retired
Reserve, who are liable for involuntary recall to active duty; Membership in the Standby Reserve shall be
limited to those individuals having mobilization potential.
Active Status List, Standby Reserve. This category contains reservists who may be ordered to active
duty in time of war or national emergency if it is determined that not enough qualified Ready Reservists
are available in the categories required.
Inactive Status List, Standby Reserve. This category contains reservists who may be ordered to active
duty in time of war or national emergency if it is determined that not enough qualified reservists in an
active status are available in the categories required.
19. When are reserve orders generated? Ref: Reserve Policy M1001.28A Pg. 2-8
Inactive duty orders shall be generated in writing in advance of reservists reporting for duty.
Normally, orders should be issued at least one month before the scheduled duty period.
20. *How often are members required to weigh in for the Weight program? Ref: Alcoast 329/04
Effective 1 October 2004, semi-annual weigh-ins for all active duty and reserve members will be
conducted cg-wide every October and April. Development of an annual basic fitness plan, by all
cg military members, will be presented to their supervisor for review during the evaluation period.
All personnel on active duty, including reservists performing adt, a minimum of one hour three
times per week during working hours for voluntary participation in fitness enhancing activities.
21. Members not in weight compliance must do? Ref: Alcoast 329/04
Be placed on the weight program per ref c. complete a personal wellness profile (pwp). Develop a
detailed fitness plan participate in a mandatory fitness activity monitored by the uhpc or alternate,
for a minimum of one-hour three days per week. Be subjected to a monthly mandatory fitness
assessment test until maw standards are met.
22. Name all the services and POCs that ICS Miami Work Life has to offer
Family Advocacy Program Specialist: Provides assessment, information and referral to local
family resources in domestic violence situations. POC: Joe Otrhalek, Sammie May
Family Resource & Special Needs Program Specialist: provides info and referral to local
resources to members who may have family members with special medical and educational
needs. Kathy Sander.
Transition, Relocation and Spouse Employment Assistance Program Specialist: job search,
resume preps, etc. POC: Sarah Jones- Pereira
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Family Relationships, Individual problems, Suicide
awareness CISM, workplace violence, financial planning, depression, job problems, financial and
legal info & alcohol/drug problems. POC: Ernest Gray
23. LANTAREA Civil Rights Officers:
Civil Rights Program Manager: Stephanie Credle
Equal Opportunity Advisor: CPO Rodney Brown
Federal Women’s Program: Cathleen Collins
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
Civil Rights Assistance: YN1 Pamela Baker
24. Safety and Environmental Health Policy M5100.47 Pg 1-1
The CG’s policy is to provide CG personal and their families’ safe, healthful places to work and
live and to comply with applicable safety and health laws, regulations and directives.
25. Financial Resources Management Policy M7100.3B
Sets forth responsibilities, guidelines, timelines, and some procedures for HQ staffs, AREA,
districts, MLCs and HQ units involved in financial resource mngmt and administration includes
the diligent oversight of all actions that affect the use of CG funds.
26. ^Standards and Ethics Policy M5370.8B Pg 2-1,2
You shall not, accept any gift or other item of monetary value from any person or entity seeking
official action from, doing business with, or conducting activities regulated by the Coast Guard, or
whose interests may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the your
duties. As a general rule, you cannot solicit or accept a gift that is given to you because of your
official position, or that is given to you by a prohibited source.
27. Supply Policy and Procedures M4400.19l
Provides procedures on how to use federal supply system and commercial sources to acquire
quality material and services on time at the most economical cost to meet operational needs.
28. Civil Rights Policy. Ref: EOP M5350.4 Pg 1-2
The vision of Civil Rights is to be the conscience, champion, and advocate for a Coast Guard that
mirrors our society and values differences so that everyone can reach their full potential as
members of the Team Coast Guard. This vision is consistent with the Coast Guard’s vision of
remaining true to the values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. It also emphasizes the
Coast Guard’s goal of becoming the nation’s employer of choice, attracting highly qualified
applicants for employment from an increasingly diverse pool of talent.
29. Who can survey. Limits for survey Ref: Property Management M4500.5A Pg 7-3
The Commandant may convene a Board of Survey for any materiel and possesses sole authority
for convening Boards of Survey for aircraft.
MLCs, ISCs, and commanding officers of Headquarters units are authorized to convene Boards of
Survey for all materiel except aircraft.
30. *Special Needs Program. Ref: Inst 1754.7A
Provide support and assistance to active duty, retired and civilian Coast Guard family members
with diagnosed and professionally documented long-term medical, physical, psychological,
mental or educational disabilities. (Included in this category are those family members who are
chronically ill and/or orthopedically handicapped; hearing, vision and/or speech impaired, have
chronic psychological problems and/or mental retardation; and/or are learning disabled,
emotionally disturbed or multi-handicapped.
31. Cash or Credit sale of food sales. Ref: CG Food service M4061.5 Ref: 6-3
The OinC may authorize the selling food items to: private messes afloat, CGES, clubs, open
messes, coffee mess, moral committee, CG members and their dependents at remote units.
32. What is PCA. Ref: Fincen web site.
Purchase Card Agreement. The process of reconciling monthly bankcard statements.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
33. Basic Procurement guidelines. Ref: Supply Policy and Procedures M 4400.19A Pg 4-L-4
Requirements shall not be broken into several purchases merely to avoid the dollar threshold
established by the above references.
All purchases under $2,500.00 follow micro purchases procedures. They can use any size
All Procurements $2500.00 and over are reserved for small business concerns.
34. Non-warranted cardholders and spending limits for each. Ref: Simplified Acquisition Procedures
M4200.13F Pg 5-6
Non-Warranted cardholder can spend up to $2500.00.
Warranted cardholder can spend up to $25000.00.
35. What is an SF-44? What are the limits of its use? Ref: fincen sop/simplified acquisitions procedures
handbook M4200.13F Pg 5-4, Supply Policy and Procedures M 4400.19A Pg 4-l-5
Multi-purpose form serving as purchase order, receiving report, invoice, and voucher. Limited to
purchases under the micro-purchase threshold ($2,500). May not be used for
transportation/shipping charges. May not be used for recurring services (cellular phones, pagers.)
Designated for over-the-counter, immediately available supplies, or for isolated activities (e.g.
deployed aircraft, small boat station, ESU Team). The SF-44 is the least preferred procurement
method after the P-Card and C-Checks. SF-44 is limited to purchases of $2,500 or less, except for
fuel and oil for aircraft and vessels ($25,000 or less).
36. *Can you survey a boat? Ref: Property Management M4500.5A Pg 7-4
Commanding officers or officers-in-charge (OinCs) of afloat or shore units may convene Boards
of Survey for all material except standard boats and aircraft.
37. DANTES. Ref: Training and Education M1500.10B Pg 3-62, ESO Procedures Vol III.
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support and American Council on Education
(ACE): sponsors a voluntary educational testing program for the military services. The DANTES
testing programs help active duty military personnel (1) gain admission to colleges or advanced
degree programs, (2) obtain academic credit or professional certification, (3) obtain recognition of
high school equivalency, and (4) determine interests and aptitudes. The type of examinations
offered are as follows: High School diploma and equivalency; College Admissions; College Credit;
Graduate Admissions; Professional Certification; Career and Academic guidance. (2) The primary
mission of DANTES, as it applies to the needs of the Coast Guard, is to manage examinations and
independent study programs.
38. Non-traditional Education. Ref: Training and Education M1500.10B Pg 3-60, ESO Procedures Vol III.
Typically refers to an educational experience that does not take place in a formal classroom
environment. Includes Distance Learning Program.
39. Educational Experiences in the Armed Services: Ref: Training and Education M1500.10B Pg 3-60,
ESO Procedures Vol III.
Includes service schools, military correspondence courses, and Coast Guard ratings. Experiences
of this nature have been evaluated for possible credit by the American Council on Education
(ACE) and appear in the "Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed
Services", published biannually by the American Council on Education, and/or in periodic
supplements to that publication.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
40. Credit by Examination. Ref: Training and Education M1500.10B Pg 3-61, ESO Procedures Vol III.
Several examination programs are available at no cost to the military through the Defense Activity
for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) testing sites. The exams are designed to earn
college credit for the individual who successfully passes them. Such as CLEP, Excelsior, and
41. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP), ESO Procedures Vol III.
The CLEP General Examinations consist of five tests: English Composition, Mathematics, Natural
Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. They cover material usually taught in most college
freshman and sophomore courses. It is possible to earn as much as 30 hours of college credit by
successfully passing the general examinations.
42. CLEP Subject Examinations. Ref: Training and Education M1500.10B Pg 3-61, ESO Procedures Vol
Comparable to the final or end-of-course examinations in particular undergraduate courses. There
are 49 CLEP Subject Examinations, with a possible three semester hours of college credit for each
if passed successfully.
43. American College Test-Proficiency Examination Program (SAT/ACT/PEP). Ref: Training and
Education M1500.10B Pg 3-62, ESO Procedures Vol III.
Some examinations cover content typically taught in college level introductory courses, others
are at more advanced levels, and still others cover a number of levels simultaneously. The
examinations are credit bearing, the amount of which is entirely dependent upon an individual
institution's policy.
44. SOC, Ref: ESO Procedures Vol III.
Serviceman Opportunity Colleges. A consortium of national education associations and
accredited colleges and universities pledged to ease the difficulty of servicemembers seeking a
postsecondary education. SOC guide provides detailed info on each member’s institution policies
on acceptanve. SOC Afloat program will loan one laptop to cutters with five members
45. DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST's). Ref: Training and Education M1500.10B Pg 3-61,
ESO Procedures Vol III.
An extensive series of examinations in college and technical subjects for which examinees may
earn college credit.
46. Tuition Assistance. Ref: ESO Procedures Vol III.
A uniform policy for payment, designed to assist eligible personnel in their professional
development by providing funding for off-duty voluntary education courses. Colleges and
universities must be recognized by one of the accredited commissions by the Department of
Education to be eligible for tuition assistance.
47. Grant program. Ref: ESO Procedures Vol III.
To provide additional funding for education/professional advancement not covered my TA,
assessment fees, application fees, and other admin fees.
48. MGIB. Ref: ESO Procedures Vol III.
Montgomery GI Bill – Active Duty; provides up to 36 months of education for eligible veterans.
Permits the VA to pay a tuition assistance Top-up benefit. The amount of benefit can be equal to
the difference between the total cost of the course and the amount that TA would cover.
49. Independent Study Program. Ref: Training and Education M1500.10B Pg 3-61
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
Courses in this category include correspondence courses, in which the primary interaction
between student and instructor is through the mail. Independent study courses are available
which cover vocational/technical subject areas as well as high school level work, and college level
undergraduate and graduate levels. Independent study can consist of instruction provided on
television, radio, computers, or by recordings, which replace the physical presence of an
50. What is a BDFA? How does it compute to the number of people at the unit? Ref: Coast Guard Food
Service M4061.5 chap 7
The Basic Daily Food Allowance (BDFA) is the monetary value of a prescribed quantity of food
required to feed one person three meals within 24 hours. Approximately 10 days before the start
of each calendar quarter Commandant (G-WKW) uses the component table established by the
Department of Defense (DOD) and prices published by Defense Supply Center Philadelphia
(DSCP) to issue a new BDFA for all CGDFs.
51. If a CG Aux member eats at unit, what kind of ration is claimed? Ref: Coast Guard Food Service
M4061.5 ch 7
A CO or OINC is authorized to allow Coast Guard auxiliary members to subsist in a CGDF with and
without endorsed orders. The charges and procedures for Auxiliarists dining in a CGDF are these:
(a) An Auxiliarist assigned to duty under reimbursable orders buys meals at the Standard meal
rate. The FSO or duty FS must endorse the orders to show which meals the Auxiliarist purchased.
(b) When an Auxiliarist is assigned to duty under non-reimbursable orders, the CGDF shall
provide him or her partial rations at no charge to the member. The FSO or duty FS must endorse
the Auxiliarist's orders to show the meals provided. The FSO claims and annotates the partial
rations provided on the Ration Memorandum, CG-3123; maintains a copy of the orders in the
monthly CGDF file; and sends one copy of each Auxiliarist’s orders with the monthly CGDFOS,
(c) If an Auxiliarist is not assigned to duty or has no orders and the CO has authorized the
Auxiliarist’s subsistence, the CGDF shall charge the Auxiliarist the Standard meal rate.
52. Very few life and death situations will have to be made, use your references, chain of command or
other OinCs for reference.
53. If your mess is 100% SEPRATS, how much of an increase in BDFA do you get? Ref CG Food
Service Man M4061.5 Pg 7-2
All Pay-Go or 100 % Enlisted Basic Allowance for Subsistence Authorized. Commandant (G-WKW)
allows a 20 percent increase to the issued BDFA to ashore CGDFs when all Essential Station
Messing (ESM) authorized personnel are authorized (ENL BAS).
54. She wants to work at hooters? Ref: M1000.6A 16E-2
55. She wants to work at a strip bar? Ref: M1000.6A 16E-2
56. Why the difference in physical fitness standards between men and women?
It is a standard of an individual’s fitness level and not a strength comparison? Due to the
physiological make up of men and woman, the standards are different although the level of fitness
is the same.
57. Prior to getting u/w one of your female crewman reports that she is pregnant, what then? Ref:
Persman M1000.6A Pg 4A-15
Delay getting u/w, or leave member behind until consultation with physician. Upon confirmation of
pregnancy, the commanding officer of units afloat coordinates with the attending physician to
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
determine when to reassign the pregnant member ashore, at the latest by the 20 th week of
58. What if she reports the pregnancy is by another CG member?
59. Statement by member to OinC. “I’m having a hard time at work because I’m gay” Persman
M1000.6A Pg 12E-4
A service member shall be separated if he or she states he or she is a homosexual or bisexual, or
words to that effect, unless there is a further approved finding the member has demonstrated that
he or she is not a person who engages in, attempts to engage in, has a propensity to engage in, or
intends to engage in homosexual acts.
60. Your EPO and MK3 are business partners repairing outboard, Problem? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg
8H-6, 16E-4
Yes; unacceptable relationships: Supervisors and subordinates in private business together.
When a commanding officer has doubt as to the applicability of the foregoing restrictions to a
member's outside employment or proposed outside employment, a request for determination will
be addressed to Commandant (G-WPM-1) via the chain of command. Such requests shall not be
prepared by units below the Group level.
61. If you pass the DWO test in 1995 and you do not take it again until 2001 is the test open?
62. What is the assignment of women in the CG policy? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg 4A-14
The Service makes every attempt to assign women to units in groups of two or more for medical
and companionship reasons; however, the Service will not arbitrarily deny women an assignment
solely due to lack of a second woman.
63. Mandatory Reporting to CGIS: Ref: 5520.5E
(a) All actual, alleged, or suspected felony of UCMJ violations must be reported to CGIS when
the suspect/accused is a “covered person”.
(b) All actual, alleged, or suspected felony or misdemeanor violations of federal criminal law
must be reported to CGIS when:
a. The suspect is a “covered person”, or;
b. The federal offense occurred on Coast Guard property, or;
c. The federal offense occurred within the special maritime jurisdiction of the United States,
with the exception of those maritime law enforcement investigations specifically vested in G-O
and G-M.
c. Victim Status. CGIS must be notified whenever the victim of an actual, alleged, or suspected
felony UCMJ violation or federal offense is a “covered person”. Additionally, CGIS must be
notified if the victim of an actual, alleged, or suspected rape, sexual assault or child or spouse
abuse is a Coast Guard military dependent.
(c) Rape/Sexual Assault, Death of Certain Personnel, Adult Consensual Sexual Acts, Child and
Spouse Abuse, Workplace Violence and Threatening Behavior, Computer Crime, Child
pornography, Security Violations, Desertion or Disappearance of a Coast Guard Member.
64. How many boarding team members are required when boarding vessels?
2, but more are recommended for larger vsls.
65. For a BTM, what is the required semi annual Currency Maintenance PQS to maintain the
JPC, weapons PQS, PPC, and the Use of Force Continuum
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
66. What are the three main stages of the CG Boat Crew Training and Certification Program? Ref: BOAT
Manual 16114.32 Part 5 Sec B
Qualification, Certification, and Currency/Proficiency Maintenance
67. You have a member who is diagnosed as alcohol abusive, with the diagnosis the Doctor
recommends a Pre-treatment program, where will you go for the requirements of a Pre-treatment
Ref: Coast Guard Health Promotion Manual, COMDTINST M6200.1 chap 2.
68. Upon reporting to the unit, previously qualified command personnel re-certify on all boat types
assigned within what time frame? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Pg 5-11
(CO/OIC, XO/XPO and EO/EPO, Station (small) Supervisor, and senior boatswain’s mates) shall
recertify on all boat types assigned to their unit within six months of reporting aboard.
All Station COs and XOs (above Warrant Officer) shall complete the boat crewmember
qualification and certification for all boat types assigned to their unit within 12 months of
reporting aboard.
For CO/OIC initial Re-certification, Group, Section, and Activity Commanders may certify
individuals based on an examination of the individual’s:
A comprehensive underway check-ride and an oral examination are recommended as the most
suitable method of determining competency. The Group, Section, or Activity Commander shall
sign recertification letter.
69. Does a crewmember that has certified/re-certified have to complete the minimum proficiency
requirements for the current currency maintenance cycle? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Pg 5-37
A crewmember that is certified or has re-certified within 60 days of the end of the
currency/proficiency period does not have to complete the minimum proficiency requirements for
that period.
70. *What are the steps to completing the boat crew qualification task? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32
Part 5 chap 3 sec B.
Instructor assigns the task. Instructor gives the trainee a reading assignment. Trainee completes
the reading assignment and the applicable study guide. Instructor demonstrates the procedure
outlined in the task. Instructor walks the trainee through the task until satisfied that the basic
principles are understood. Trainee practices task supervised until the instructor is confident that
the trainee is able to consistently meet standards unsupervised. When trainee meets standard,
instructor verifies by signing off at the end of the task.
71. What are the minimums hours required underway at night per currency cycle? Ref: BOAT Manual
16114.32 Pg 5-42.
Ashore unit commanders shall ensure that a minimum of 10 hours (minimum of 2 hours per boat
type) of the unit’s underway training for each crew member, engineer, coxswain, heavy weather
coxswain or surfman be conducted at night.
72. What are the primary functions of the Boat Crew Examination Board? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32
Part 5 chap 2 Sec E.
The BCEB is to recommend personnel for certification to boat crew positions. The board is
responsible for the administration of comprehensive check-rides and personnel interviews. A unit
BCEB serves as the quality control source for boat crews.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
73. What constitutes night hours? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Pg 5-39
Night trips are defined as sorties beginning no sooner than ½ hour after sunset and ending NLT
½ hour before sunrise.
74. What are drifting patterns? Ref: SAR Man 16130.2D Pg 3-15
Sector Search Pattern, Single Unit (VS) These patterns are best used when the datum is established
within close limits, a very high coverage immediately around the datum is desired, and the area to be
searched is not extensive.
Square Search Pattern, Single Unit (SS) Use this pattern when confident the datum is within close
75. What are the standards for successfully completing a drifting pattern in accordance with Part 4 of the
BOAT Manual? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Pg 4-68
The search patterns shall be commenced within 5 minutes of arrival at CSP within 100 yds of
given position. Coxswain shall determine drift prior to starting pattern within 45 degrees of actual
drift. Boat shall complete all turns within 15 seconds of stated DR time, in accordance with
procedures as set forth in the above references
76. What are precision patterns? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Part 4 chap 9.
Creeping Line Search Pattern, Single Unit (CS) Used when the search area is large, uniform coverage
is desired, datum information is fair and there is more chance of the target being in one end then the
Parallel Search Pattern, Single Unit (PS) Used when the search area is large, datum information is fair,
uniform coverage is desired and there is an equal probability of the target being anywhere in the search
Track line, Single Unit, Non-Return (TSN)
Track Line, Single Unit, Return (TSR), and used when the only information available is the search
targets known projected track line.
77. What is the standard for precision patterns? BOAT M116114.32A Pg 4-66
The CG boat shall be underway within thirty minutes of being given search pattern and CSP. Turn
points must be accurately plotted within 100 yds and courses accurate within 3 degrees. Start at
CSP within 100 yds of plotted position. Boat shall complete search pattern within 5 minutes of
ETA, and complete all turns within 50 yards of plotted position,
78. What are the five boat crew positions? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Pg 5-4,7
Boat Crew Member, Boat Engineer, Boat Coxswain, Heavy Weather Coxswain, Surfman
79. What qualities should an assigned instructor exhibit? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Part 5 chap 2
sec F
Judgment, patience, and maturity
80. During navigation and piloting drill, all courses shall be plotted within how many degrees? Ref:
BOAT Manual 16114.32 Part 4 chap 9.
81. What are the coxswain's responsibilities? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32A Pg 5-24
The coxswain is overall responsible for the safe operation and navigation of the boat, the safety
and conduct of passengers and crew; and the completion of the sortie or mission.
82. What are the 6 levels of the Use of Force Continuum? Ref: MLEM
Officer Presence, Verbal Commands, Control Techniques, Aggressive Response Techniques,
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Intermediate Weapons, Deadly Force
83. In accordance with Part 4 of the BOAT Manual, how many minutes does the coxswain have to
recover OSCAR from the water during a Man Overboard Drill? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32A Pg 4-58
3 minutes
84. What is the initial track spacing for a PIW? Ref: USCG Addendum to the United States National SAR
Supplement chap PG3-14
200 yards
85. Who is responsible for carrying out an active unit-training plan in accordance with the BOAT
Manual? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Pg5-4
It explicitly tasks COs/OICs with the responsibility for the training of boat crews, and provides
them with guidelines for the establishment of a successful training program.
86. What does BOAT in BOAT Manual stand for? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32
Boat Operations and Training
87. In the instance of underage drinking is alcohol screening required, is it considered an alcohol
incident? Ref: Personnel Man M1000.6A chap 20B PG 5
Underage drinking is considered an alcohol incident. Should an incident occur, the CDAR shall
counsel the member and initiate an alcohol screening as detailed in the CG Health Promotions
Manual, COMDTINST M6200.1 (series). If this is not the member’s first incident, discharge
proceedings shall commence. A member who receives an alcohol incident solely for underage
drinking and did not use or abuse alcohol to such an extent that he or she was unable to perform
prescribed duties or brought discredit upon the Uniformed Services may, after 3 years, predicated
on positive performance, request via the chain of command that Commander (CGPC) remove the
alcohol incident from his or her record. Removal requires that the member has had no further
alcohol incidents in that 3-year period.
88. Your chain of command. COMDT, Vice COMDT, District CDR etc)
CDR CD Michel, Resolute CO; VADM Crea, Lant Area; VADM Cross, Vice COMDT; ADM Collins,
89. What tells you the non-professional training that is required for a unit?
General Military Trg: MLC Lant Web Page, MLC Checklist, and BOAT Manual, Cutter Trg & Qual
90. Name the sources of availability in order on a small purchase summary. Ref: Simplified Acquisition
Procedures Handbook M4200.13F pg 3-1
1. Agency Inventory 2. Excess Property from other agencies 3. Federal Prisons (unicor) 4.
Products from the Blind/Severely disabled 5. Wholesale (GSA/DLA) 6. Mandatory Federal Supply
7. Open Market
91. ^What is Ratification used for? (non auth purchases) Ref: Simplified Acquisition Procedures
Handbook M4200.13F pg 12-10
Ratification is the act of approving an unauthorized commitment by an official who has the
authority to do so
92. What manual describes what PMS to do on a UTB?
41UTB PMS Manual
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
93. What personnel is it mandatory to have a Gov't travel card? Ref: Travel Card Program, COMDTINST
4600.14A, ALCOAST 065/00
E-4 and above. Reservists on extended active duty in excess of 180 days
94. What do you do with the expended OBA canister?
Treat as HAZMAT
95. What manual describes how to set up a training plan?
Cutter Trg & Qual Manual M3502.4F, BOAT Manual 16114.32
96. How do you set an OBA timer? NAVSEA DCPQS
Turn to 60, and then back to 30
97. What manual has a description and operating parameters of all CG assets? Ref: Operating Facilities
(OPFAC) of the USCG M5440.2N, SAR Man
Operating Facilities of the Coast Guard
98. Name the sections to the training manual? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32
Part I: Introduction, Part 2: Operations and Missions, Part 3: Station Operations, Part 4:
Readiness and Standardization, Part 5: Boat crew Training
99. What is a Casrep? Ref: BOAT Manual 16114.32 Pg 4-26, Casualty Reporting Procedures M3501.3E
pg 1-1
A Casualty Report (CASREP) is a message report of an equipment malfunction or deficiency. If
the casualty cannot be repaired within 48 hours, a CASREP shall be sent within 24 hours of
discovery of the casualty in accordance with the Ref. Operational Commanders are responsible
for monitoring the status of repairs to disabling casualties.
100. What is a Mishap? Ref: Safety and Environmental Health Manual M5100.47 pg 3-9
Any unplanned, unexpected or undesirable event causing injury, occupational illness, death, or
property damage/loss.
Class A: Loss of Life/Permanent total disability. Property Damage over $1 M.
Class B: Injury or occupational illness resulting in permanent disability. Property Damage $200K
to $1M.
Class C: Injury resulting in loss of work or limited duty less than 30 days. Property Damage $20K
to $200K.
Class D: Injury not meeting A, B, or C. Property damage from $0 to $20K.
101. *Mishaps are filed when? Ref: Safety and Environmental Health Manual M5100.47 pg 3-20
All mishaps Immediate telephone reporting. Will be initially entered into the E-Mishap System or
reported by message. Class C mishaps must be entered within 14 days and Class D mishaps
within 21 days. Class D mishaps for military members off-duty—no loss time from work; less than
30 days restricted or fit for light duty status; no transfers to a new job—are NOT reportable.
Immediate telephone notifications to the chain of command are required for Class A and B onduty mishaps. A Preliminary Mishap Message Report, regardless of whether it is generated by the
E-Mishap System or not, is required within 12 hours for both on and off-duty Class A and B
102. *Levels on use of force on vsls or non-compliant personnel. Ref: MLEM 16247.1C Pg 4-12
Step I: command presence – comm., clearly visible, number of LE units, unmasked weapons.
Step II: low level tactics – shouldering, blocking, fire water, severing of fuel lines, line/nets, and
block wind.
Step III: High-level tactics – 12-gauge sting ball and rubber fin stabilized munitions.
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
Step IV: disabling fire
103. ^*Rules of Engagement. Ref: MLEM 16247.1C Pg 4-19
Whenever located, that determine they must take action in defense of themselves or other U.S.
When under DOD TACON, for all purposes, when operating outside U.S. territorial sea when
engaged in national self-defense.
104. You are a vessel u/w: another vessel that is overtaking you who is a Not Under Command (NUC).
Who has the right of way? Ref Int Inl navigation rules of the road M16672.2d.
The vessel being overtaken has the right of way.
105. What is a vessel that is "Not under command"? Ref Int Inl nav. rules of the road M16672.2d rule 3.
Means a vessel, which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required
by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.
106. What office staff in Headquarters oversees all aspects of small boat station operations?
107. Which office staff in Headquarters overseas all aspects of cutter operations?
108. *What are the environmental operating limits of a 41-ft UTB? Ref: 41 Operators Handbook
M16114.2c pg 5-8
Operating in near shore waters and moderate weather conditions; towing of vessels up to 100
displacement gross tons; or weather and seas not to exceed: - 30-knot wind; - 8-foot seas; or large breaking waves, surf, or breaking bar conditions.
109. What types of galleys. Ref: CG Food Service M4061.5 Pg 5-4, 6
Purchases vs Allowances System, and Perpetual Inventory.
110. What are the environmental operating limits of a 47-ft MLB? Ref: 47 operators handbook
M16114.25A pg 5-7.
30-foot seas, 20-foot surf (breaking seas), 50 knots sustained winds, 50 nautical miles offshore,
and 150 displacement tons tow load.
111. *^For standard (41/47) small boats what are the following: Ref: 47 operators handbook M16114.25A
pg 5-3, Ref: 41 Operators Handbook M16114.2c pg 5-3
a. Disabling Casualty: Are those that make the boat not serviceable. If a disabling casualty is
identified when the boat is moored, the boat shall not get underway until the casualty is corrected.
OPCON may authorize, in writing, the movement of the boat under it's own power for short
distances to facilitate haul-out. If the boat was underway when it suffered a disabling casualty the
boat shall immediately return to the nearest safe mooring. Disabling casualties shall be reported
immediately to the Operational Commander by the most expeditious means; followed by a Boat
Status message as soon as possible but no later than 12 hours after the casualty is discovered.
The boat shall be immediately placed in Charlie status and repaired. If the casualty cannot be
repaired within 48 hours, a CASREP shall be sent within 24 hours of the casualty.
b. Restrictive Discrepancy: Are those that restrict the operations of the boat such that it can
perform some missions, but not all missions safely. Restrictive Discrepancies shall be reported to
OPCON if it cannot be repaired within 1 hour. The boat shall be immediately placed in a Charlie
status and shall not get underway until the discrepancy is repaired, or a waiver has been received.
If the discrepancy cannot be repaired within 48 hours a CASREP shall be sent within 24 hours of
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
the discrepancy. Operational Commander is responsible for monitoring the progress of repairs.
Boats with restrictive discrepancies shall only be operated if a written waiver has been issued by
OPCON, the waiver shall:
1. List the discrepancy.
2. Describe the conditions under which the boat may be operated, and
3. Concurrence on the measures to be taken to lessen or negate the hazard posed by the
A verbal waiver is authorized, as long as a written waiver follows it up within 4 hours.
c. Major Discrepancy: Boat and crew can perform all missions but some degradation in
effectiveness or readiness should be expected, operations unrestricted, discrepancy occurrence
and repair is documented, OPCON shall monitor status of repairs.
d. Minor Discrepancy: Boat and crew readiness not affected nor impaired, boat does not meet
standards, operations unrestricted, discrepancy occurrence and repair is documented, station
CO/OIC monitors repairs.
112. Boat Crew Fatigue Standards are presently what during a distinct 24-hour period? BOAT M16114.32
PG 2-51
Boat Size
Maximum U/W Hours in 24hrs
Seas < 4’
Seas > 4’
Heavy WX
Rest Reqrd**
40' and Above
Less than 30'
*Heavy Weather is defined as seas and swell conditions combining to exceed 8' and/or winds
exceeding 30 knots.
*Time spent at a sheltered anchorage can reduce the maximum underway hours for crew on watch
by 50%. Time at a sheltered anchorage need not be counted for crew not on watch.
113. What happens next when you exceed these hours? Ref: BOAT M16114.32 pg 2-53
Crew in rest period for 8 hours, used in emergent SAR only, Priority message to Group
Commander and adjacent stations, OPS Normal message sent after 8-hour period.
The Group Commander can waive these rest periods if the boat is needed for urgent SAR. Such
notification of waiver should be noted with the first SITREP.
114. Who does all CG printing? Ref: Simplified Acquisition Procedures Handbook M4200.13F pg 10-3
All requests for printing and related services must be forwarded through a regional Government
Printing Office (GPO). GPO may certify that small, emergency, non-repetitive printing of $1000 or
less can be obtained from other sources.
115. Who approves ratification for a purchase? Ref: Simplified Acquisition Procedures Handbook
M4200.13F pg 12-10
Chief of Contracting Office (COCO) or Head of Contracting Activity (HCA)
116. Explain the cradle to grave process for GP Property. Ref: COMDTINST 4571.1, Decommissioning
and Disposal of Cutters and Boats.
Tracks an item from acquisition until transfer or destruction, Provides a flow chart in Encl 27 to
Comdinst 4500.5A
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
117. What are the minimum manning requirements for CG Small Boats? Ref: BOAT Manual,
COMDTINST M16114.32 Pg 2-55
Boats less than 30'
Boats 30' and Above
1 Coxn, 1 Line Handler
1 Coxn, 1 Line Handler
1 Coxn, 1 Crew
1 Coxn, 1 Eng, 1 Crew
1 Coxn, 2 Crew
1 Coxn, 1 Eng, 2 Crew
MilOps (HLS)
1 Coxn, 3 Crew
1 Coxn, 1 Eng, 2 Crew
118. Anything you always wanted to know about the Training Program to become crew qualified on any
CG small boat can be found in what manual?
Boat Operations and Training (BOAT) Manual COMDTINST M16114.32, 33
119. Who is the first reviewer of a Mishap, and what is the ultimate destination? Ref: Safety and
Environmental Health Manual M5100.47 pg 3-2
Depending on the mishap, review the response tree in fig 3-1
1st Review: CO/OIC or XO/XPO, 2nd Review: Group Safety Officer Final Review: MLC
120. What are the Terrorist Threat Conditions, and which is the highest condition? Ref: ATFP 5530.1C Pg
Alpha - Low, Bravo - Medium, Charlie - High, Delta - Critical
121. What manuals would you utilize to find out more about Terrorist Threat Conditions, and how to
establish a unit Command Security Program?
CG Information Security Program COMDTINST M5510.21s, CG Personnel Security Program
COMDTINST M5520.12s, Physical Security and Force Protection Program COMDTINST M5530.1c,
Security Awareness, Training and Education (STATE) Program COMDTINST M5528.1s, Automated
Information Systems (AIS) Security Manual COMDTINST M5500.13s, and CMS-1.
122. In which chapter in what manual do you find your responsibilities as an Officer In Charge listed?
Chapter 4, Part 3, (7-1-8 covers certain oaths an OIC may administer) Coast Guard Regulations
123. *What Article in the UCMJ provides you authority for the imposition of punishment without resort to
the judicial forum of a court-martial?
Article 15, UCMJ (your NJP Authority is governed by Part V, MCM 1984 and amplified by CG
Military Justice Manual COMDTINST M5810.1D chap 1.
124. *What is the maximum amount of punishment you may award for NJP proceedings as an OIC? Ref:
Military Justice Manual COMDTINST M5810.1D chap 1., CG Regulations M5000.3B Pg. 1-27
14 days extra duty, 14 days restriction, 3 days pay per 1 month with no extra duty on the Saboth.
125. * Would your XPO have authority to impose NJP?
Yes, when "acting during OinC leave, TAD, times of being incapacitated ect." they assume the
same authority as the position held of the regularly assigned OIC, but can only award punishment
of their rank.
126. Can you state what the Engineering Chain of Command is, and who fits where in that chain? This
question deals with maintenance and funding issues. Ref: EPO quick ref guide
Organizational (unit), Intermediate (Group), and Depot (Dist/MLC)
Primary Group Engineer Officer/NESU
Secondary District Boat Manager
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
Secondary MLC Type Desk
127. Total water current. Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg H-29
Is the vector sum of currents affecting the search object. The best information on total water
current is usually obtained from a Datum Marker Buoy (DMB).
128. DMB. Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg H-29
SLDMBs (Self-Locating Datum Marker Buoys), DMBs and sonobuoys are droppable floating
transmitting a signal on UHF frequencies or to a satellite tracking system (SLDMBs). The buoy
drifts with
surface currents, but shows no leeway. Of the three, SLDMBs provide the most accurate data on
the water
movement due to their specific design. Each standard DMB used on scene should operate on a
frequency to preclude confusion over DMB origin. SLDMB serial number must be noted to track
particular buoy’s data.
129. *Datum. Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg H-7
The expected location of the search object at any given time is known as the datum for that time.
Datum is a reference position, line or area that is used as a reference for describing the
distribution of possible search object locations and for planning searches. Generally the region
near the datum contains the most probable search object locations.
130. Leeway and affects on searches. Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg H
Leeway (LW) is the movement through water caused by winds blowing against the exposed
surfaces of the search object. The pushing force of the wind is countered by water drag on the
under-water surface of the object. Most marine craft have a portion of the hull and superstructure
(sail area) exposed above the water. The more sail area the search object has, the greater the wind
force on the object. Completely submerged objects are assumed to have no leeway.
131. 4100’s
132. ^How often is Boat Inspections (CG-3022) done? Ref: NEM M9000.6D pg 090-12
Annually, In case of boat transfer, a special inspection shall be completed.
133. Where, and in what manual, would you look for help in dealing with a case involving Hazing?
PERSMAN COMDTINST M1000.6A, and Chapter 8-J, CG Regs Article 4-1-15.
134. How would you define hazing? Ref: PERSMAN COMDTINST M1000.6A, and Chapter 8J-2
Hazing is any conduct in which a military member without proper authority causes another
military member (s) to suffer or be exposed to any cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive,
demeaning, or harmful activity, regardless of the perpetrator’s and recipient’s Service or rank.
135. Would sending someone out to find relative bearing grease be considered as hazing? Ref:
PERSMAN COMDTINST M1000.6A, and Chapter 8-J
No, actually PERSMAN states it as a "practical joke", but I would monitor it closely.
136. Is a line crossing ceremony or CPO initiation considered as hazing? Ref: PERSMAN M1000.6A, and
Chapter 8-J
No, key thing to remember is command involvement in these types of ceremonies.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
137. What would you consider doing to prevent hazing from happening at your unit?
Talk about it early, act on it quickly, and be involved in ceremony planning/execution, find
acceptable alternatives, keep your eyes and ears open....
138. ^You drop in un-expectantly on a Saturday afternoon and notice one of your non-rates acting
strangely and you believe him to be under the influence of something. Can you make the member submit
to a urinalysis? Ref: Personnel Man M1000.6A chap20c Pg 4
1) Administrative Inspections. The primary purposes of administrative inspections are to determine and
maintain the unit’s security, military fitness, and good order and discipline. Inspections using urinalysis
are permitted under Military Rule of Evidence 313. The consent of the member is not required to collect a
specimen under an administrative inspection. The scope of the inspection may include all personnel of
the unit or only a part of the unit; e.g., a duty section, a division, the occupants of a building, etc., provided
that part of the unit includes enough members so the inspection could not be viewed as focusing on a
particular individual or small group of individuals.
2) Consent. Urinalysis may be conducted at any time and for any reason if the member voluntarily
consents to the procedure. Obtain such consent in writing. Prior to requesting consent, the member
should be advised that he or she may decline to provide a specimen. Military Rule of Evidence 314(e).
3) Probable Cause. A member may be ordered to submit a urine specimen if there is probable cause to
believe the member has used an illegal drug recently and a urinalysis test will produce evidence of such
offense. A search authorization must first be obtained pursuant to Military Rules of Evidence 312, 315,
and 316. section 7.C., Military Justice Manual, COMDTINST M5810.1 (series).
Valid Medical Purpose. Urinalysis may be directed by qualified medical personnel for diagnostic or
treatment purposes to preserve a member’s health.
139. What if the member refuses to submit, even after a search authorization?
Handle under UCMJ for direct disobedience of an order, and then start in official investigation on
the possible drug usage charge.
140. What do you do with the member if he is tested and the test comes back as positive?
Must investigate any Drug Incident in accordance with 20.C.3.a of PERSMAN, process member for
discharge (adsep or admin discharge board), possible UCMJ charges, maybe treatment if
indicated but still separate.
141. Flare Reports. REF: SAR M16130.2D Pg I-3
142. When do you give someone his or her Miranda/Tempia rights? Ref: Military Justice Man M5810.1D
Pg 1-10
Under Article 31(b), UCMJ a military member suspected of an offense may not be questioned
unless he or she is informed of the nature of the offense, advised that he or she does not have to
make a statement, and informed that any statement made may be used as evidence. The PIO must
advise the person named as the suspect on the CG-4910 of his or her rights under Article 31(b)
before asking that person any questions.
143. Late one Sunday evening your watch stander calls you up and says that your XPO has been
involved in a horrible car accident and isn't expected to survive. What do you do? Ref: CG Regulations
M5000.3B Pg 4-7, Personnel Man M1000.6A
Imminent Death Policy. Immediately call your OPCON; find out ahead of time who will be
contacting Flag Plot at COMDT (202-267-2100) and retire the member on active duty, better
benefits for the members family. What kind of CMS access did the member have? Contact the
district security manager in case anything else needs to be done. Seek further guidance from
COMDTINST 5527.2s and district legal for investigations (no LOD/Misconduct!!). ALCOAST 121-04
canceled process, although reporting procedures remain the same.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
144. While pulling into your parking space at your new unit you notice that your EPO has a large banner
on the side of his own personal truck saying "Vote Bush". Is this a problem?
Yes, it's actually covered in PERSMAN 16.C.3.b under prohibited political activities.
145. One day while sitting at your desk the local Chief of Police shows up with an arrest warrant for a
member of your crew. What do you do? Ref: Military Justice Man M5810.1D Pg 7-8
If the warrant is presented and from inside the state where you are located then turn over the
member. Immediately contact OPCON with a possible msg requirement to G-L. Advance approval
for delivery may be required from G-L if there are UCMJ proceedings pending, if the member is
serving a court-martial sentence, or if it's in the best interests of the CG to refuse.
146. You receive a phone call from the ex-wife of your MK2. She is complaining of the MK2 not paying
her child support. What do you do? Ref: Personnel Man M1000.6A 8M Pg 2.
MK2 must support his children unless there is a court order relieving him of his obligation, or
someone else adopted the children. Follow the PERSMAN guidelines for amount that should be
paid, or by the court order if the divorce has been finalized.
147. What adverse or punitive actions can you take against the MK2?
Discharge, marks, garnishment of wages, withholds BAH, UCMJ, and/or Tax violations.
148. Your crew has taken it upon themselves to design a station logo to be placed on a T-Shirt. You really
like the design and agree with the crews request to let them wear these T-Shirts while doing station work.
Can you buy these T-Shirts with AFC-30 funding as organizational clothing?
No, not generally. Any clothing article purchases should be covered in detail with your
contracting officer (usually at Group) to protect yourself from making an illegal purchase.
149. What about purchasing deck shoes for the boat crews on AFC-30 funds? Ref: Rescue and Survival
Sys M10470.10E Pg 3-23
Yes, Boat shoes shall be procured through the Coast Guard Uniform Distribution Center.
150. There is a pleasure craft aground in your AOR. Your boat crew calls back and says that all personnel
on the vessel are safe, and that the owner of the boat is requesting assistance in re-floating it. Can you
do this? Ref: COMDTINST M16130.2D Pg 4-15
Yes, depending on a few things. The SAR Man sets our general salvage policy and states: When
no commercial salvor is reasonably available, SMC's (i.e. Group and District Command Centers)
are authorized to allow CG Units to re-float a grounded vessel which is not in peril of further
damage or loss if; a. CG units are capable of rendering the assistance, b. the owner requests the
assistance and agrees to the specific effort to be made, and c. CG Units and personnel are not
unduly hazarded by the operation.
151. On a beautiful calm clear day your watch stander reports that an Auxiliary vessel out on a routine
safety patrol, has come across an 18ft boat that is disabled. The 18ft P/C has no radio onboard and is not
in contact with anyone, and your Auxiliarist wants to take the vessel in tow back to the launch ramp, 10
miles away. The Auxiliarist has a 32 foot Sea Ray and is more than capable of handling the tow, and you
have two commercial salvors in your AOR who are a continual thorn in your backside when it comes to
Auxiliarists handling tows. What do you do? Do you issue a MARB? Ref: COMDTINST M16130.2D Pg 411
No MARB, the Auxiliarist can tow the vessel. Maritime SAR Assistance Policy invests the
decision-making authority in the Auxiliarist.
152. You receive the report of the disabled 18-foot P/C from the operator himself over channel 16 VHFFM. They are not in distress, same weather as before, same commercial salvors as before, and your
Auxiliarist is tied up at a dock having a lunch break. The Auxiliarist overhears the report of the disabled
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P/C and wants to assist. What do you do? Ref: COMDTINST M16130.2D Pg 4-9
Send out a MARB prior to dispatching anyone to the P/C.
153. The MARB went out, the P/C states he can't handle the prices charged by the commercial salvors
and is refusing their services, and demands that as a taxpayer, we have to go out and tow him in, and we
better hurry as he has somewhere he has to be. Do we go get him? Ref: COMDTINST M16130.2D Pg 411
No, Coast Guard Auxiliary or Coast Guard units should not assist in these cases so long as the
situation remains classified below the DISTRESS phase. Nevertheless, the mariner may be
assisted in finding alternatives through a MARB, or given a list of salvors to call directly, or the
use of the marine operator. If the original salvor departs the scene SMC may issue another MARB
or dispatch Aux or CG unit.
154. Drug abuse Policy. Ref: Persman M1000.6A 20A-2
Substance and alcohol abuse undermine morale, mission performance, safety, and health. They
will not be tolerated within the Coast Guard. The goal of the substance and alcohol abuse
program is to enable the Coast Guard to accomplish its missions unhampered by the effects of
substance and alcohol abuse.
The objectives of the substance and alcohol abuse prevention programs are to:
a. Reduce the incidence of substance and alcohol abuse by Coast Guard members;
b. Detect and separate from the Coast Guard those members who abuse, traffic in, or unlawfully
possess drugs; and
c. Facilitate the identification, treatment, and rehabilitation of members who are found to be
chemically dependent on drugs or alcohol prior to discharge from the Coast Guard.
155. You're working a red flare sighting case, and have been for several hours with negative results.
You're pretty confident that it was a hoax. Can you actively suspend the search? Ref: COMDTINST
M16130.2D Pg 3-45
No - ACTSUS authority normally rests with the applicable SAR Coordinator (District). In general
the level for suspension lays one level in the SAR chain of command above the SMC.
156. A P/C calls in, he states he's in thick fog, alongside buoy #2, and is requesting a course to steer to
enter port. What do you do? Ref: COMDTINST M16130.2D Pg 3-19
Never give a course over the radio; you don't know what buoy #2 he's at. Stick to information on a
chart or what's published in the coast pilot, or better yet, go get them in your boat.
157. What is the track spacing for a person in the water report? Ref: SAR Man M16130.2D Pg 3-14
200 yards, or 1 tenth of a nautical mile.
158. What are the three phases of a SAR case? Ref: SAR Man M16130.2D Pg 4-5
Uncertainty, alert, and distress.
159. At which phase do you launch a resource for a report of an overdue vessel?
Alert/Distress Phase.
160. Does the CG conduct searches for bodies? Ref BOAT 16114.32 Pg 2-19
Not required, but if asked by competent local authority (i.e. Police Chief/Fire Chief) we can if it
doesn't interfere with operations or missions. Requests are normally approved or disapproved by
Group Commander.
161. Your watch stander receives a report from an offshore Cargo Ship reporting that one of their
crewmembers has died, and they want you to come out and remove the body. What do you do?
SMC will direct the ship to proceed to the nearest port and notify the local authorities, i.e. Police
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
or coroner, for assistance in removing the body.
162. Can the CG accept a "Float Plan" from a local boater? Ref: SAR Man M16130.2D Pg 4-35
The Coast Guard has neither the responsibility nor the facilities to follow the voyages of vessels
to their destinations and does not generally accept float plans. If information taken then record on
an overdue fact sheet and read the disclaimer (4.10.2) to the boater and keep on file for one year.
163. What is the most significant cause of MISHAPs in the CG?
Human error (60 to 65% of all Mishaps). 90% of these were; Poor Judgment (67%), Inattention
(more than 16%), and Ineffective Supervision (more than 5%).
164. ^What is a GAR model and what is it used for? Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg 1-11
Green, Amber, and Red; a model, which provides a team with a way of assessing, risk. A risk
management model that utilizes the elements of supervision, planning, team selection, team
fitness, environment and task complexity 0 - 23 = Green (low risk), 23 - 44 = Amber (caution), 44 60 = Red (high risk) fig 1-4 Pg 1-12
165. Alcohol Incident. Ref: Persman M1000.6A 20B-2
Any behavior, in which alcohol is determined to be a significant or causative factor, that results in
the member's loss of ability to perform assigned duties, brings discredit upon the Uniformed
Services, or is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Federal, State, or local laws. The
member need not be found guilty at court-martial, in a civilian court, or be awarded non-judicial
punishment for the behavior to be considered an alcohol incident. The member must actually
consume alcohol for an alcohol incident to have occurred.
166. What is Set and drift? Ref:BCSM M16114.5C Pg 14-81
Set is the Direction the vessel is placed off from its trackline due to the elements Drift is the speed
in Knots of the set.
167. Alcohol Treatment options. Ref: CG Health and Promotion M6200.1 Pg 2-11
Outpatient Rehabilitation. Personnel recommended for outpatient treatment due to a diagnosis of
alcohol abuse will normally be referred to outpatient care at a Navy CAAC or ATF.
Intensive Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization Services (IOP). Personnel diagnosed as an alcohol
abuser or alcohol dependent (DSM codes 305.0 and 303.9) and requiring a greater level of care than that
provided at outpatient treatment
Inpatient Rehabilitation. Active duty Coast Guard personnel diagnosed as alcohol dependent (DSM
code 303.9) will be primarily referred to ATF or equivalent treatment facilities when the member requires
monitoring to abstain from the use of alcohol or other substances.
Aftercare. The aftercare program is an essential part of the rehabilitation for alcohol dependent members
returning from inpatient or outpatient treatment.
Emergency Care. In a genuine alcohol emergency, admit the member into detoxification (normally 3 to 7
days) at the nearest United States Military Treatment Facility (USMTF) or local civilian hospital (as in any
other medical emergency).
168. Can you explain the difference between a large-scale chart and a small-scale chart? Ref BCSM
M16114.5C Pg 14-15
The large-scale chart shows a small area, the small-scale chart shows a large area.
169. What is the 3-minute rule?
A ship will travel a distance equal to her speed in knots times 100 yards every three minutes.
a. Speed 8 Knots, 3 minutes will cover 800 yards.
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Speed 15 Knots, 3 minutes will cover 1500 yards.
Speed 22 Knots, 3 minutes will cover 2200 yards.
170. What is the 6-minute rule?
A ship will travel a distance equal to her speed in knots in tenths of a mile covered in 6 minutes.
a. Speed 8 Knots, 6 minutes will cover .8 nautical mile (1600 yards).
b. Speed 15 Knots, 6 minutes will cover 1.5 nautical miles.
c. Speed 22 Knots, 6 minutes will cover 2.2 nautical miles.
171. What is meant by the term "squat" in relations to ship handling?
Squat for a vessel underway means the bodily sinkage and change of trim, which are caused by
the pressure distribution on the hull due to the relative motion of water and hull. The effect begins
to increase significantly at a depth-to-draft ratio less than 2.5 (2.5 times the draft of your vessel). It
increases rapidly with speed and is augmented in narrow channels.
172. What is Bank Cushion? – Ref BCSM M16114.5C Pg 10-62
In a restricted channel, especially one with steep banks, bank cushion tends to push the bow
away from the bank due to the increase in the bow wave on the near side.
173. What distance is a tenth of a nautical mile?
200 yards.
174. What is Advance & Transfer? Ref BCSM M16114.5C Pg 10-25
For any turn, the advance is the distance gained in the direction of the original course from the
time the rudder is put over until the ship is on a new course. The transfer is the distance gained in
a direction perpendicular to that of the original course from the time the rudder is put over until
the ship is on a new course.
175. What factors should you take in account in determining a safe speed?
Visibility, traffic density, the maneuverability of the vessel, background lights at night, the state of
the wind, sea, and current, the proximity of navigational hazards; and draft in relation to depth of
water. If there is radar aboard, factors relating to radar must be taken in account.
176. What is a "Head-on Situation? Ref: Int Inld Rules of the Rode M16672.2d Pg 30
(Rule 14) This is defined as two vessels meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course
involving risk of collision. Both vessels should alter course to starboard (right) so that each will
pass each other on the port side.
177. What is Bank Suction? - Ref BCSM M16114.5C Pg 10-62
The bodily movement of a ship towards the near bank due to a decrease in pressure as a result of
increased velocity of flow of water past the hull in a restricted channel.
178. What is the arc of visibility for the following lights? Ref: Int Inld Rules of the Rode M16672.2d Pg 40,
(Rule 21)
a. Masthead Light: 225*, 22.5* abaft the beam on both sides
b. Sidelights: 112.5: 22.5* abaft the beam on both sides
c. Stern Light: 135: 67.5* forward each side
d. Anchor Light: 360*
e. Special flashing light: NLT 180 and NMT 225*. Inland
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179. What rule contains the "Responsibilities Between Vessels" other wise know as the hierarchy of
vessels? Ref: Int Inld Rules of the Rode M16672.2d Pg 34
(Rule 18)
a. Overtaking
b. Not Under Command
c. Restricted in Ability to Maneuver
d. Constrained by Draft
e. Fishing/Trawling
Sailing vessels under sail
g. Power Driven Vessels
h. Seaplane
Overtaking Non-rates Can Fool Senior People Sometimes (jingle)
180. *What is "Overtaking"? Ref: Int Inld Rules of the Rode M16672.2d Pg 28
(Rule 13)
Any vessel overtaking another vessel must keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken.
Being overtaken is defined as coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22.5
degrees abaft her beam. At night, the overtaking vessel would be able to see only the stern light of
the vessel being overtaken and not the sidelights. If your in any doubt that you are overtaking,
you should act accordingly, and avoid the other vessel until you are finally "past and clear" of the
vessel being overtaken.
181. How many flashes per minute does a "Special Flashing" Yellow Light flash? Ref: Int Inld Rules of
the Rode M16672.2d Pg 41
50 to 70 (Inland Only).
182. How many flashes per minute does a "Flashing" Yellow Light flash? Ref: Int Inld Rules of the Rode
M16672.2d Pg 40
183. What do the following different colored lights at night signify?
a. Green over White (Trawling at Night)
b. White over Red (Pilot Ahead)
c. Red over White over Red (Restricted in Ability to Maneuver)
d. Red over White (Fishing at Night)
e. Red over Green (Sailing Machine)
Red over Red (N.U.C. Unable to comply with rules of the road...captain is dead)
184. What is the difference between Inland Rules and International Rules in regards to Maneuvering and
Warning Signals? Ref: Int Inld Rules of the Rode M16672.2d Pg 116/117
(Rule 34) Inland - Signals of Intent, International - Action Signals.
185. What is the International Signal for overtaking a vessel on her starboard side?
Two Prolonged, One Short "I intend to overtake you on your starboard side"
186. What is the agreement signal the overtaken vessel would sound?
One Prolonged, One Short, One Prolonged, One Short
187. What is the optional sound signal that can be sounded by a vessel at anchor? - One Short, One
Prolonged, One Prolonged
188. What is the sound signal for a power driven vessel under way making way in restricted visibility
(Rule 35)? - One prolonged not to exceed two minutes.
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189. What is the sound signal for a power driven vessel towing in restricted visibility? - One prolonged,
Two Short, not to exceed two minutes. The vessel being towed should sound One Prolonged
Three Short immediately afterwards (if manned).
190. In which Annex would you find the rules pertaining to additional signals for vessels fishing in close
proximity? Ref: Int Inld Rules of the Rode M16672.2d Pg 150
Annex II
191. Are Standing Orders, Cutter Navigation Standards, the OIC's Night Orders Book, and XPO's Morning
Orders mandated? Yes. - By CG Regulations Article 4-2-2A and COMDTINST M3530.2 (series) (Nav Standards)
192. What is "Free Surface Effect"? Ref: BCSM M16114.5C Pg 9-7
The term free surface effect refers to the detrimental effect on which a partially filled tank or
compartment can have on the stability of a vessel. This effect is due to the shifting of liquids as
the vessel heels and results in the rise of the center of gravity.
193. What is "Free Communication Effect"? - Ref: BCSM M16114.5C Pg 9-8
The negative effect on stability caused by the rupture of one, or more, exterior boundaries of a
ship so that the sea may flow freely into, and out of, the damaged compartment as the ship rolls.
194. What is "KG" where matters of stability are concerned? - Ref: BCSM M16114.5C Pg 9-8
KG is the vertical position of gravity, the distance from the baseline (keel) to the center of gravity.
195. Adding weight to the topside of a cutter will do what to the KG? - Ref: BCSM M16114.5C Pg 9-8
Adding a weight will move the center of gravity towards that weight addition. Removing weight
will move the center of gravity away from the weight removal. Shifting a weight will move the
center of gravity parallel to, and in the same direction as, the weight shift.
196. What is the "Metacenter"?
The metacenter is the center of the arc through which the centers of buoyancy move.
197. What is "GM"?
GM is referred to as the metacentric height, the height of the metacenter above the center of
198. When GM is referred to as positive, is the vessel stable or unstable?
a. My (metacenter) Good (gravity) Boat (buoyancy) Positive Stability
b. Get Off (gravity) My (metacenter) Boat (buoyancy) Negative Stability
199. Our SAR program objectives are: Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg PPO-1, 1-9 and ORM Inst 3500.3 Pg 5
To minimize loss of life, personnel injury, and property loss and damage to the marine
To minimize search duration and crew risk during SAR missions by applying the principles of
Operational Risk Management, COMDTINST 3500.3 which is a decision making tool people at all
levels use to increase operational effectiveness by anticipating hazards and reducing the potential
for loss, thereby increasing the probability of a successful mission.
200. Our SAR program response standards of particular applicability to unit operations include Ref: BOAT
M16114.32 Pg 2-13
Command and Control. Initiate action within 5 minutes of initial notification of a distress incident.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
SAR Response. A Bravo-Zero (B-0) response time is defined as a search and rescue unit
underway within 30 minutes of notification of a distress.
201. Define the SAR Mission Organization (players) Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg 1-3, 4-12, 13
SC - SAR Coordinator, the District Commander, as the SC, mandates the SAR mission
organization, assigning responsibilities for the SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC), On-Scene
Commander (OSC) and Search and Rescue Units (SRUs) for any mission.
SMC - SAR Mission Coordinator, provides guidance to carry out the SAR Operations, usually the
OSC - On Scene Commander, designated by the SMC to coordinate the SAR actions. A CG Shore
Unit may be the OSC if communications and adequately trained. The first unit on-scene assumes
OSC until the SMC directs that unit to be relieved.
SRU - is a unit with trained personnel and equipment for SAR Operations and subordinate to the
OSC and SMC -Should be staffed, equipped and proficient in the SAR skills necessary to
accomplish the mission.
202. Who is tasked with conducting PRECOM and EXCOM communications searches? Ref: BOAT
M16114.32 Pg 2-15
The SMC, who in many instances may request subordinate units to conduct PRECOMs and
EXCOMs due to their familiarity with their own AORs.
203. Can a small boat unit dispatch an SRU for a case without SMC tasking?
Yes, units are authorized to respond without specific tasking from the SMC if it is within the
guidelines SMC has previously provided. Unit may also dispatch a unit to conduct initial response
for single unit response SAR.
204. Are SAR units required to maintain a 30 min response Ref BOAT M16114.32 Pg 3-8
Yes. Units shall maintain the appropriate alert status for all Coast Guard missions requiring a
response of 24 hours or less.
Bravo-Zero (B-0) alert is required for missions requiring Coast Guard response within 30 minutes
of notification, or less.
205. Indebtedness. Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg 8-L2
Members who fail to meet their financial obligations bring discredit upon the service, burden the
command administratively, and jeopardize their eligibility for a security clearance. Because of
this, all members have a military duty to meet their financial obligations and cannot use military
status as a pretext to avoid financial obligations. The Coast Guard has no authority to direct or
control the pay of its personnel for the purpose of satisfying a private claim of indebtedness,
except when a court has ordered garnishment of a member's military pay for the payment of child
support or alimony. (Chapter 7.G. Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29 (series).)
When a court has ordered garnishment of a member’s military pay for indebtedness. Claimant
must comply with the Soldiers and Sailor’s Civil Relief Act to obtain a final judgment in a court of
competent jurisdiction. 32 CFR, Parts 112 and 113. Under Article 139, UCMJ. Claims and
Litigation Manual, COMDTINSTM5890.9 (series).
206. Are their any waivers allowed for either the Coxswain or Boarding Officer Qualifications for
Command Cadre staff?
207. Who makes the determination as to weather or not a Station needs an OOD? Ref: BOAT M16114.32
Pg 3-21
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
CO/OIC. OODs are not normally required at low operational tempo units. Units with seasonal
variations in operational tempo should not maintain an OOD watchstanding position during
activity periods. Units with two or more response missions after normal working hours on two or
more days a week may require an OOD
208. Who can relieve a Coxswain of a small boat? Ref: CG Regulations M5000.3B Pg 5-3, BOAT
M16114.32 Pg 2-39
Unit CO/OIC/XO/XPO, senior officer at the scene.
209. Does the Coast Guard fight fires? Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg 4-17
Yes, in general unit boats are equipped and crews trained to provide very limited fire fighting
capability. The first priority and primary responsibilities of unit boats and crews is to save lives,
not property. Crews must balance the risk to the CG Boat Crews with any potential for benefit, and
shall limit themselves to attack any fires to indirect attacks from a safe distance. Waterfront
facilities have the primary responsibility to provide firefighting capability to the port.
210. Small boats underway are required to conduct Ops and Position reports with their parent at least
how often? Ref BOAT M16114.32 Pg.2-70
Boats underway shall establish communications contact at least every thirty (30) minutes. The
communication interval between boat and shore facility/cutter shall be reduced during periods of
increased risk of MISHAP (night, bad weather, etc.), or in environmental conditions that reduce
survival time (cold, surf, etc.) Coxswain shall give a verbal float plan to the OOD or Watchstander
prior to underway (except in emergent SAR).
211. The Group Commander has granted a waiver of a boat's operational limits. Where does the final
decision regarding the safety of the mission rest with? Ref: CG Regulation M5000.3B Ch 4
212. What's the preferred method of retrieving personnel from a beach surf area? Ref: BOAT M16114.32
Pg 2-75
213. Who is tasked with being the Senior Board Member of the Unit Safety Board? Ref BOAT Man
214. Who is responsible for setting up the Unit's Vehicle Operator Training and Qualification Program?
215. Who is responsible for conducting the Annual Physical Fitness Qualifications for Boat Crews at a
The Group's RFO Team.
216. Material Inspections conducted by either the Group RFO Team or MLB/UTB STAN Teams will
assign a Readiness Rating to the standard boats they've inspected. What are the Readiness ratings?
BOAT Man Pg 4-28
a. BRAVO: The boat has no Disabling Casualties or Restrictive Discrepancies.
b. BRAVO RESTRICTED: The boat has one or more Restrictive Discrepancies with waivers.
c. CHARLIE: The boat has one or more Disabling Casualties or the boat has Restrictive
Discrepancies without waivers.
217. The three main stages to the Coast Guard's Boat Crew Training and Certification Program are: Ref
BOAT Man Pg 5-5.
a. QUALIFICATION - Initial qualifications received at a unit or formal school.
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
b. CERTIFICATION - Formal process used by the Command to examine and attest to an
individual's professional qualifications and maturity, involves completion of the appropriate
qualification tasks, oral boards, a comprehensive check ride, and determination by the Command.
c. CURRENCY/PROFICIENCY - Assures the command that the individual, once certified, stays
proficient. Skills must be practiced on a regular basis to retain required levels of expertise.
218. Support of dependents. Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg 8M-2
The Coast Guard will not be a haven or refuge for personnel who disregard or evade their
obligations to their families. All members of the Coast Guard are expected to conduct their
personal affairs honorably and lawfully. This obligation specifically includes the responsibility to
provide adequate and continuous support for lawful dependents, and to comply with the terms of
support clauses, which may be contained in separation agreements and divorce decrees. Failure
to provide adequate support to dependents may have implications with regard to a member's
entitlement to basic allowance for quarters.
219. You have a BM2 at your unit who just can't seem to get qualified as a Boat Coxswain. Can you
process him for a Reduction in Rate for incompetence? Ref: Chap 5 PERSMAN M1000.6A
220. Who is normally designated as the Chairman of the Boat Crew Examination Board (BCEB)?
221. What's your time requirement for the 1.5 Mile Run IAW the Physical Fitness Standards? BOAT Man
Pg 5-24
222. How often do you test run drop pumps (P-1, P-5, P-6)?
223. Can the CO or OIC waive the requirement for wearing a hypothermia protective device? Ref: R&S
Man M10470.10E Pg.3-7
YES, on a single mission basis only, after a determination that the risk associated with crew
performance degradation, thermal stress, and environmental considerations are offset by the
benefits associated with the waiver. After granting the waiver the OIC must document the factors
used in unit logs.
224. The minimum floatation standards required for most Coast Guard vessel operations can be achieved
by what personal flotation device?
Type III
225. What is the main statute used for the Coast Guard's Law Enforcement authority found?
14USC89 - Authority to make inquiries, examinations, inspections, searches, seizures, and arrests
upon the high seas and waters over which the U.S> has jurisdiction, for the prevention, detection,
and suppression of violations of U.S. law.
226. Can a boarding team carry an M-16 during a boarding? Ref: LEMAN M16247.1
NO, it can be made readily available, but will not be carried.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
227. What is an ISI? Ref: LEMAN M16247.1
Initial Safety Inspection - Should be conducted for every boarding. A quick and limited protective
sweep of a vessel for boarding team safety.
228. What is” Consensual Boarding"? Ref: LEMAN M16247.1
Authority received from the master of a foreign vessel granting permission to a CG boarding team
to search.
Is usually limited in scope, and can be revoked by the master at any time.
229. What is MISLE?
MISLE (Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement) provides management information
systems to support marine safety and law enforcement programs. OSC Martinsburg, WV will
develop software
and integrate 3 systems: Marine Safety Network (MSN), Vessel Identification
& Documentation System (VIDS) & Law Enforcement Information System
230. What is a vessel that is "Restricted in its ability to maneuver"?
A vessel due to the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to maneuver as required by the
231. What manual does a unit DCPO refer to?
Preventive Maintenance Manual for DC Equipment Tech Pub No. 2006B
232. What is CALMS?
Combined Allowance for logistics and Maintenance Support. Lists the equipment/components
required to perform its operational assignment. Identifies parts, tools & repair equipment. (Being
replaced by MICA)
233. How many days do you have to appeal marks? Is that calendar or working? Ref PERSMAN
1000.6A Pg 10B-22
The member must submit the appeal within 15 calendar days.
234. What, on marks, can NOT be appealed?
Not being recommended for advancement
235. How many days do you have to appeal NJP? Is that calendar or working? MJM 5810.1D Pg 1-39
The appeal must be submitted in writing within 5 calendar days of the imposition of the
punishment, or the right to appeal shall be waived in the absence of good cause shown.
236. ^What is EMI and what is it used for? Ref: Military Justice Man M5810.1D Pg 1-43
EMI is defined as instruction in a phase of military duty in which an individual is deficient. It is
intended for, and directed towards, the correction of that deficiency. EMI may be assigned only if
genuinely intended to accomplish that result.
237. ^What is a C.A.T visit? What is their main objective?
Customer Assistance and Training Team. Provide support for Safety and Environmental Health
Programs and to provide Safety and Hazard awareness trg.
238. What Chap of the PERSMAN is reference for indebtedness?
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Personnel Man M1000.6A 8L
239. *What Chap do you refer to for off-duty employment?
Personnel Man M1000.6A 16E
240. What is EAP? What services do they provide? Ref: CG EAP Inst 1740.7A
The Coast Guard recognizes that our personnel and their families are a most valuable resource.
We further recognize that unsolved personal and workplace problems often have incapacitating
effects leading to lost productivity and costly intervention. As such, the Coast Guard has adopted
the EAP to help our people pro-actively address their concerns and manage problems throughout
their careers. The EAP provides a confidential means for eligible beneficiaries to improve life
skills or obtain help before a concern becomes a crisis. The Coast Guard, as an organization, also
gains by maintaining a more productive work force, which is focused on mission performance.
241. According to Ch. 20 of the PERSMAN, what is the difference between an alcohol incident and an
alcohol related situation?
Alcohol must actually be consumed to be an incident
242. Dining Facility. What are the two reports you need to be aware of? Who signs them? Ref: COAST
OINC reviews and approves or disapproves the Coast Guard Dining Facility Operating Statement
(CGDFOS), CG-2576.
XPO certifies the monthly Ration Memorandum, CG-3123. The Executive Officer may delegate
signing the daily Ration Memorandum to the personnel officer.
243. What is TMT?
The TMT (Training Management Tool) application is a tool used to create, assign, track, and report
training competencies and associated tasks for USCG members.
244. ^How often are random OM&S inspections done? Ref: Supply Policy and Procedures M4400.19A
Pg 5C5, 5A14, 5A6.
Unit OM&S stock consists of storeroom items (SRI). The annual capitalized inventory conducted
in the 4th quarter on all items greater than or equal to $1000 meets the semi-annual sample count
requirement provided the following noted on the Ref are met. The semi-annual sample count
conducted towards the end of the 2nd quarter is for all OM&S items regardless of value.
Unscheduled physical inventories can be conducted anytime during the year to ensure inventory
accuracy or identify discrepancies. Examples are Blkd to Blkd, Wall to Wall or Area or for, Spot
inspections for inventory <90% accuracy or as directed by the compliance teams or Commanding
Officer/OINC or higher authority. Unit materiel management and accountability rests with the
Commanding Officer or Officer In Charge.
245. How often is the Capitalized Report letter sent? Ref: Supply Policy and Procedures M4400.19A Pg
Fiscal Quarter
Ending Date
Window to Report
31 December
1 December to 31 January
31 March
1 March to 30 April
30 June
1 June to 31 July
30 September
30 September to 15 October
246. What are OIC responsibilities as far as ATON? Ref: CG Regulation M5000.3B Pg 4-23
Observe the functioning of all ATON within the units AOR. Report to OPCON any aids that are not
working properly or are off station
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
247. What are the OIC responsibilities as far as supply?
Maintain a target ledger, don’t spend beyond the monetary target, reconcile program element
status (PES) reports, certify funds are available and maintain proper records.
248. Can you get U/w in the red?
Measures should be implemented to reduce the level of risk prior to getting underway.
249. What material condition is always set on a cutter while u/w?
250. Can you buy plaques with appropriated funds? Ref: Finance recourse M7100.3B Pg5-35
Yes. For the purpose of SOQ and SOY programs. Not to be used for end of tour awards.
251. Can you buy morale equipment with appropriated funds?
252. What eng has the PTO? What is max RPM's? Ref: 41 Operator Hand book 16114.2C Pg 6-12
PTO is the power take off. When used, not to exceed the 1000 RPM limitation (as noted under
dewatering). If maneuvering is not necessary, disengage the starboard marine reduction gear.
253. What is the first thing to do when a cutter goes into dry dock? NEM 997-2
Underwater Body Inspection, The board shall make an initial survey as soon as possible after the
cutter is drydocked and before any work is done on the underwater body or appendages.
254. ^What is the first thing to do when a small boat is pulled? EPO quick guide, Ch 5, 090-12
Boat Inspection. Inspections are due for annual inspections and special inspections for transfers.
255. ^*Difference between inappropriate relationships and prohibited relationships? Persman M1000.6A
Pg 8H-4
Unacceptable: Romantic relationships between members are unacceptable when:
Members have a supervisor and subordinate relationship (including periodic supervision of duty section or
watchstanding personnel), or
Members are assigned to the same small shore unit (less than 60 members), or
Members are assigned to the same cutter, or
The relationship is between chief petty officers (E-7/8/9) and junior enlisted personnel (E-4 and below)
The relationship is manifested in the work environment in a way, which disrupts the effective conduct of
daily business.
The nature of operations and personnel interactions on cutters and small shore units makes romantic
relationships between members assigned to such units the equivalent of relationships in the chain of
command and, therefore, unacceptable. This policy applies regardless of rank, grade, or position. This
policy applies to Reservists in an active status, whether or not on duty.
Prohibited: 1. Engaging in sexually intimate behavior aboard any Coast Guard vessel, or in any Coast
Guard-controlled work place,
2. Romantic relationships outside of marriage between commissioned officers and enlisted personnel. For
the purposes of this paragraph, Coast Guard Academy cadets and officer candidates (both OCS and
ROCI) are considered officers.
Personal and romantic relationships between instructors at training commands and students.
256. What are the NAVRUL Annexes?
Annex I: Positioning & Techinical details of lights & shapes.
Annex II: Additional signals for fishing vessels, fishing in close proximity
Annex III: Technical details of sound signal appliances
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Annex IV: Distress Signals
Annex V: Pilot Rules
257. What rank should the Training PO and the Assistant Training PO be? Ref: BOAT M16114.32 Pg 513
The unit training petty officer (E-6 or above) is responsible for the day-to-day management of the
unit training program at ashore operational units with Coast Guard boats assigned. Assistant
Trng PO is an E4 or above.
258. What is the frequency of STAN Team and Group RFO inspections?
Stan Team: two years, Group RFO: one year
259. What are the boat crew currency requirements? Ref: BOAT Man 16114.32A Pg 5-40
Minimum 40 hours total, with a minimum of 10 nighttime hours. Minimum of 10 hour per boat type,
with a minimum of 2 nighttime hours.
260. What is the difference between qualified and certified?
Qualified: satisfactory completion of the appropriate qualification guide, check rides and board.
Certified: Formal command verification that an individual has met all certification requirements.
261. How often do you hold a training board meeting?
262. Quote our law enforcement authority?
14USC89 authorizes the Coast Guard to:
Conduct searches
Conduct examinations
Make arrests
Conduct inspections
Make inquiries
263. Coast Guard exercises jurisdiction over:
(H) High seas,
(U) U.S. vessels in foreign waters,
(G) Un-enclosed portions of the Great Lakes,
(F) Federal lands and reservations,
(L) Land and waters not within nor between the 50 states (Samoan island, virgin island, Guam,
Puerto Rico)
(T) Territorial seas.
264. *What are the levels of force? MLEM 16247.1C
Level I: Officer Presence
Level II: Verbal Commands
Level III: Control Techniques (Low probability of connective tissue damage, lacerations, etc.)
Level IV: Aggressive Response Techniques (OC Spray, Takedowns, kicks, punches, etc.)
Level V: Intermediate Weapons (Batons, 12 gauge rubber munitions)
Level VI: Deadly Force
265. When do you need to send a use of force report? Ref: MLEM 16247.1C Pg. E-5
Required anytime force higher than level two of the UOF continuum and Non Compliant vsl is
applied, with the exception of handcuffing. When ever the CO/OINC deems necessary. Must be
submitted within 30 days of incident.
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
266. What is a R-865 and what are its procedures?
CG small arms weapons assets report, it’s an annual inventory & verification. Performed in
267. What rank must the WPO be?
Gunnersmate E-4. All other rates E-5
268. What are the annual requirements to maintain your currency as boarding officer?
Physical Fitness, Use of Force, Level 1 - 5 tactics, BWI procedures and riot shotgun
familiarization. (Most of section 1 and 3-04 & 3-08 of the BO/BTM PQS)
269. *Termination info for recreation and commercial vsls.
a. The termination of a recreational or an un-inspected passenger vessel is authorized when
one or more unsafe conditions exist, if they cannot be corrected on the spot. The decision to
terminate the voyage of a recreation or an un-inspected passenger vessel rests with the Boarding
Officer or CO/OINC.
b. The termination of a commercial vessel is authorized when one or more unsafe conditions
exist, if they cannot be corrected on the spot. The decision to terminate the voyage of a
commercial vessel rests with the District Commander; however, this authority has been delegated
to Group Commanders, CTU Commanders and COTPs.
*Unsafe conditions exist when:
(b) Insufficient number of lifesaving devices
(c) Inadequate firefighting equipment
(d) Instability resulting from overloading, improper loading or lack of freeboad
(e) Improper navigation lights
(f) Fuel leak
(g) Excessive accumulation of fuel in bilges
(h) Inadequate ventilation for fuel and engine compartments
(i) Inadequate backfire flame control.
270. Explain the policy regarding public affairs.
It is the policy of the Coast Guard to make available to the public all information except that which
is exempted by the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and to do so in a frank,
expeditious and forthright manner. The three functional areas of public affairs are community
relations, internal relations and media relations. If you did it or have responsibility for it, then you
can talk about it - if not, then don't. All national news, regardless of mission, must be preapproved via DPA, all embarkations must be pre-approved by DPA and all port security/HLS cases
must be pre-approved by DPA.
271. Safe towing formula. Ref: BCSM M16114.5C Pg 17-43
1.34 X square root of the vessel's length at the waterline, minus 10%
272. Booking process, ref for UCMJ items. MJM M5810.1D
Military Justice Manual & Manual for Courts Martial.
273. What can/cannot you purchase with the P-Card. Simplified Acquisition Procedures 4200.13F
Government Commercial Purchase card is the preferred simplified acquisition method for
commercial procurements less than $2500 and for construction less than $2000. SOA forwarded
to FINCEN within 14 days of receipt
274. Limitations of purchase amts for the P-Card, SF-44, $ amts.
Designed for over the counter non-recurring purchases of less than $2500.
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
275. Discrimination Policy Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg 8I-2
The Coast Guard must hold persons accountable for illegal discriminatory conduct and track
those persons through the personnel records system. Laws and regulations prohibiting illegal
discrimination may be enforced through administrative or disciplinary action under both military
and civilian personnel systems.
276. Coast Guard resources are for SAR, not salvage. Ref: SAR Add M16130.2D Pg 4-15
When commercial salvors are on scene performing salvage, Coast Guard units may assist them
within the unit’s capabilities, if the salvor requests. When no commercial salvage facilities are on
scene, Coast Guard units should only engage in salvage other than towing when limited salvage
operations (e.g., ungrounding, pumping, damage control measures, etc.) can prevent a worsening
situation or complete loss of the vessel. Any salvage operations shall be performed at the
discretion of the unit CO/OINC. Coast Guard units and personnel shall not be unduly hazarded in
performing salvage.
277. How many times a year are we required to go to the range for boarding officers, btm?
Two times a year
278. Explain the comdt policy for sexual harassment. Ref: Equal Opportunity Program M5350.4 Pg 1-21,
Persman M1000.6A Pg 8I-4, CG Sexual Harassment Prevention System, M5350.30
Sexual harassment is one of the most sever form of disrespect, displays poor leadership and has
no place in our organization. It includes unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors
and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature that is made of employment, affects
employment decisions, unreasonably interferes with work performance or creates an intimidating
or hostile work environment. All CG personal and the agencies we do business with have the right
to an environment free from sexual harassment and discrimination.
279. Explain the comdt policy for diversity. Ref Equal Opportunity Program M5350. 4 Pg 1-8
“As defined in DOT Order 3200.1, diversity is the mix of differences and similarities at all levels of
the organization.” Create a positive environment, through leadership, where all members can
achieve their potential and make their greatest contributions to accomplishing the mission. Strive
for a workforce that reflects America. Our ability to attract, develop, retain and deploy a quality,
diverse workforce is the key to success.
280. Explain the comdt policy for equal opportunity. Equal Opportunity Program M5350.4 Pg 1-23
All Coast Guard personnel shall be treated with respect, dignity and compassion. Aggressively
pursue the best applicants and ensure that all people are given fair and equal treatment in
personnel decisions. Evaluate personnel based on job performance and provide advancement
and retention opportunities. Every CO/OINC must be committed and responsible for the fair and
equal treatment of all personnel.
281. *What are the manuals to reference for naval eng issues?
Naval Engineering Manual, Naval Standard Testing manual, EPO-Quick Reference Guide, MICA
Manuals, Safety and Environmental Health Manual.
282. What is SEOPS?
Special and Emergency Operations and Procedures. A tailored version of the DC PQS for cutters
175' and smaller.
283. ^*What is the restricted maneuvering doctrine? Ref: COMDT Nav Std M5330.2A Pg 1-3
The restricted maneuvering doctrine is a written agreement between the CO/OIC and the EO/EPO
regarding the level of casualty control initial action to be taken during periods of restricted
maneuvering. It shall cover the circumstances when a watchstander may not secure equipment
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
with out the OODs permission as part of initial actions to affect casualty control. Examples are
FLTCON, boat lower detail, entering port, towing evolutions ect.
284. What is the Engineering Standing Orders?
a. The duties of the Engineer watch stander in port and u/w, including the method and times of
relieving the watch.
b. Instructions as to when the EPO shall be called.
c. Instructions on the issue, use and replenishment of spare parts.
d. Instructions showing the division of responsibility for maintenance and repair of machinery
and equipment under the cognizance of the EO/EPO.
e. Does not necessarily pertain to Shore Stations.
285. SSMR limits, $ amt for self help projects.
AFC-43 funds are used for repairs costing over $3000.
286. How is your engineering budget figured?
Mission and resources. Square footage of shore facilities and standard boats.
287. ^What is the SSMP? Ref: EPO Quick Ref Guide. Ch 1
Shore Station Maintenance Program is a shore based long-range maintenance plan, which
provides policy and guidance for facility maintenance. Starts out with finding a discrepancy or
future problem, documenting it with an SSMR (Request), and submits it through the Engineering
Chain of Command. All Coast Guard shore facilities and aids to navigation structures shall have a
system of controlled maintenance.
288. ^Do you submit a SSMR for an item that you've CASREP'd?
No, the District Program Manager/Group will work with the CEU. They complete the SSMR and
send you a copy for your files.
289. What is a CSMP? And what is it for? Ref: NEM M9000.6D 090-4
Current Ship's Maintenance Project, boat/cutter side equivalent to the SSMP. The CSMP file is
used for the planning of maintenance repair and alterations that do not affect the immediate
operational requirements of cutters. Provides detailed input for the preparation of work items,
specifications and purchase orders. It is an administrative method of tabulating all outstanding
repairs and alterations.
290. Would you document an uncompleted BOATALT on a CSMP?
291. Recording work specified on a CSMP may require entries in what other records? Ref: NEM
M9000.6D 090-4
CSMP Completed File, Machinery History, Hull History, Ships Plans, and Boat Record.
292. ^Explain the CSMP process.
CSMP file shall be prepared and records retained for all cutters 65 feet in length and greater, and
small boats. CSMP's are not required for routine availability items, ShipAlts, Ordalts, and other
repairs specified in a cutter's Long Range Maintenance Plan (LRMP). Since boat CSMP's are
predominantly AFC-30 funded. CSMP's will be submitted to the NESU with a copy to the units’
program manager. For group units CSMP's will be submitted to the NESU via the group. CSMP's
not requiring development shall be submitted to the group for final approval
293. What needs to be done for yard availability?
a. Notification message from type desk starts availability process,
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b. MLC has conference to develop work list and discuss logistics,
c. 1st A team meeting; Defines the scope of work, delivers the work package for draft
d. 2nd A team meeting; To prepare a marked up master copy of the specification package that all
members endorse.
e. Cutter Orientation Meeting/Pre-Yard Availability Conference to discuss scope of work, critical
phases, etc.,
f. Arrival Conference; this conference will involve Coast Guard and Contractor personnel.
294. What is CMPLUS?
Configuration Management Plus: Software, which provides comprehensive management of unit
configuration, maintenance and supplies.
295. What is the cutter onboard training team and whom does it consist of? Ref: BOAT, Cutter Trng Man.
The OBTT is composed of the most qualified officers/petty officers to assist the CO/OINC in the
training of individuals and in evaluating performance during drills and exercises. The training
team shall consist of a (1) officer/petty officer in charge, (2) drill/exercise initiator, (3) safety
observer, & (4) evaluator.
296. What is the ref for the required trng on board a cutter?
Cutter Training and Qualification Manual.
297. What is in the EPO quick reference guide?
A job aid with engineering references
298. When to call the CISM. Critical Incident Stress Mngnt Inst 1754.3
A critical incident is an event during which the sights, sounds or smells may cause a person to
feel a significant increase in stress and stress reactions. Examples of critical incidents are onduty injuries, line of duty injuries, an event involving an unusual or gruesome injury, an event
involving the death of a child or a natural disaster.
299. What is the additional supplement for a newly established galley? Ref: CG Food Service M4061.5
a. 10% for the first 30 days.
b. 10% for re-establish galley after 45 days.
300. *Who can be the FSO? Ref: CG Food Service M4061.5
E5 and above that completed the paperwork and admin school. In the absence of the FS the OinC
assumes the responsibility.
301. What are the different subsistence allowances? Ref: CG Food Service M4061.5 Pg. 7-5, 1-3,4., CG
Pay M7220.29A Pg. 3-4.
All enlisted members assigned PCS or TAD to sea duty aboard vessels with established CGDF or
contracted vessels where meals are made available on behalf of the government shall be placed
into Essential Station Messing (ESM) status. (SIK)
Enlisted members in pay grades E-1 through E-6 permanently assigned ashore and residing in
single-style government-owned quarters are entitled to ENL BAS and may be placed into Essential
Station Messing (ESM) status. These members will be claimed as whole rations.
Members assigned ashore where no dining facility is located will receive Regular BAS. (BAS)
302. When do you change the combo to the safe?
(1) Annually
(2) Whenever an individual knowing the combination is transferred, discharged or reassigned
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(3) When ever the security clearance of an individual knowing the combo is reduced, suspended
or revoked
(4) When the combination or record of combination has been compromised, &
(5) When the container is to be used to store material higher classified than the clearance level
of the persons who know the current combination.
303. Ethics question, what to do in regards to gifts? Ref: Standards and Ethics 5370.8B Pg 2-2, 2-3
As a general rule, you cannot solicit or accept a gift that is given to you because of your official
position, or that is given to you by a prohibited source. Unsolicited gifts with a market value of
$20 or less per occasion, aggregating no more than $50 in a calendar year from any one source
(this exception does not permit gifts of cash or investment interests).
304. What is a local notice to mariners, weekly NTMs and its significance?
Notices to mariners contain corrective information affecting charts and nautical publications.
Monthly NTMs are distributed the first week of each month. Weekly NTMs contain only new and
supplemental information.
305. How do you determine deviation for a vsl without a gyrocompass?
Steer on a set of ranges.
306. What channels are you required monitoring o/b a cutter?
2182, ch-16 & ch-13. and what ever the comms plan calls for. ref. District SOP.
307. When do you send a SAR sitrep? Ref: SAR Man
Every four hours
308. What are the phases of SAR? Ref: SAR Man
Uncertainty - Doubt
Alert - Apprehension
Distress - Danger
309. Does a warning shot by an individual constitute a use of force? Ref: MLEM Ch 4
No. Warning shots are a signal to a vessel to stop and do not constitute a use of force. Warning
shots against vessels should not be used unless it is expected that disabling fire will be used if a
warning shot is ignored. Warning shots from pistols are prohibited. Warning shots shall not be
fired over land.
310. Do you need permission to fire a warning shot? Ref: MLEM Ch 4
Yes, a statement of no objection (SNO) is needed.
311. If a foreign pleasure vsl is 15 nm off shore, how do you board it?
Foreign Vessels in the contiguous zone (12-24 miles) may be boarded without an SNO where there
is reasonable suspicion that the vessel is in violation of U.S. Customs, fiscal, immigration law and
either of the following conditions are met: (1) There is reasonable suspicion that the vessel is
either coming from or headed too U.S. Waters (within 12 miles) or (2) there is reasonable
suspicion that the vessel will hover in the CZ and will establish contact with U.S. territory/seas by
working in concert with another craft.
312. If the same vessel is within 12nm, do you have authority?
Foreign vessels in U.S. territorial seas (0-12 miles) are subject to U.S. laws. The exception to this
is foreign vessels in innocent passage and force majure.
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313. What is a confirmation po? ref: fincen sop/simplified acquisitions procedures handbook
M4200.13F/supply policies and procedures handbook M4400.19A
In special circumstances, the contracting officer may place an order and follow it promptly by a
written confirming PO SF 1449 or of 347 which obligates the funds and documents the
transaction. This should contain a written statement.
314. If you have a coffee mess o/b that the crew and guests of the ship use, where does the funding for
this coffee mess come from? CG Food Service M4061.5 Pg 7-12
At units whose only source of coffee is the CGDF, officers, enlisted members on ENL BAS, and
civilian employees are required to pay for an appropriate number of meals to defray the cost of
their participation in the coffee mess.
315. If a broken item did not effect the operation of your cutter and you fix it by self-help, would you send
a CASREP? Casulaty reporting procedures M3501.3E Pg 1-1, EPO Quick Ref Guide Pg 1-10.
No, You MUST submit a CasRep within 24 hours if you will not be able to fix your casualty within
48 hours.
316. How can you tell that your engineers are doing their PMS?
Review the quarterly PMS report and by performing inspections
317. How do you insure that the material condition of the unit is up to standards? Ref: CG Regs
M5000.3B Pg 4-5
By conducting monthly inspections. CO/OinC shall conduct MI and PI inspection IAW AREA,
District, or MLC commands. In addition the CO/OinC shall conduct random inspections of all and
any part the unit.
318. How do you request outside assistance for an engineering problem aboard a cutter?
Request assistance via group engineering for cutters less than 110, NESU for cutters over 110ft.
319. How do you request assistance for shore unit maintenance?
Shore Station Maintenance Request (SSMR), Discrepancy Report (DISREP), or Casualty Report
(CASREP) submitted via the chain of command.
320. Where do you find training requirements for your unit?
BOAT Man or Cutter Training and Qualification Manual
Cutter Training and Qualification Manual
321. As OINC are you automatically authorized to give eoct's?
No, Must be designated as a proctor.
322. If a mbr has one alcohol incident on record and becomes involved in another, what are you required
to do? Ref: M1000.6 Pg 20B-3
Following one alcohol incident, enlisted members who have not advanced beyond pay grade E-2
and have more than two years of Coast Guard service shall normally be separated by reason of
unsuitability due to alcohol abuse. Enlisted members involved in a second alcohol incident will
normally be processed for separation. Enlisted members involved in a third alcohol incident shall
be processed for separation from the Service.
323. What is the cg grooming policy? Ref: CG uniform Reg M1020.6E Pg 2-4
Men: 1.5 inches in bulk, does not fall below eyebrows, does not touch ears and is tapered.
324. Describe NJP mast procedures from an mbr being placed on report to awarding NJP. MJM 5810.1D
(1) Member Placed on report, CG-4910 submitted to XPO
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XPO informs member of charges, appoints mast rep and PIO
PIO informs member of his/her rights, signs acknowledgement form
PIO investigates, makes recommendations, forwards report to XPO
XPO fills out recommendation and has member read and sign acknowledgement of NJP
CG-4910 forwarded to CO/OINC for final disposition
325. What are the pubs which describe COMSEC material and procedures/
CMS-1 & Classified Information Management Program manual 5510.23
326. What is AKAI-16, and what is its security classification?
Publication that carrying daily call signs for afloat units. Classified as Confidential
327. What is the name and number of the form used to report destruction of classified material? Ref
Classified Information Management Program M5510.23 Pg 6-6
Records of destruction shall be retained for four years.
A record of destruction is required for Top Secret and Secret classified material.
Records of destruction are not required for confidential material.
328. Describe procedures for destruction of classified material? Ref Classified Information Management
Program M5510.23 Pg 11-1
Burning, Shredding, Pulping, Pulverizing, Chemical or destroyed beyond all recognition.
329. What is TPI?
Two Person Integrity. Procedures put in place so that no one person is ever solely in possession
of classified material.
330. Who controls classified material aboard a unit?
Classified Material Control Officer (CMCO)
331. Can an OINC establish a classification on a message? where do you find guidance?
No. Secretary of Homeland Security, COMDT, Chief of Operations. Authorization is delegated
during DEFCON II or higher to Vice Comdt, Chief of Staff, Area CDRs, Dist CDRs, & Chief of
Intelligence and Security.
332. How do you determine if an individual should be authorized to carry a weapon in the performance of
his/her duties? Ordnance M8000.2C Pg 1-10
(1) Member successfully completed weapon PQS
(2) Member knows CGUOFP, &
(3) Member has qualified BPMC and PPC with weapon
(4) Member successfully completed JPC
(5) Member possesses maturity and judgment necessary to handle weapon
333. What is Personal Property? Ref: Property Mgmnt M4500.5A Pg 1-2
Personal property is defined as all tangible property, including vessels, aircraft, small boats, small
arms, vehicles, electronic equipment, artwork, models and artifacts, with the exception of real
property and records of the Federal Government.
334. What items are required to be on the property inventory? Ref: Property Mgmnt M4500.5A Pg 2-1
a. All mandatory accountable property with a value greater than $2,500
b. All leased and borrowed property, excluding pagers and cellular telephones with contract,
silver service and silverware, artwork, models, artifacts, foreign gifts and decorations
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c. Sensitive items with acquisition cost of $500-$2,499.
d. Audio/visual equipment, automated resource equipment, ecclesiastical equipment, measuring
tools, musical instruments, office machines, powered hand tools, recreational athletic equipment,
testing instruments, inert weapons and marine environmental response (MER equipment
Computers, equipment, and licensed software and laptops.
a. Note: Palm Pilots or personal portable data organizers are considered reportable property
under sensitive items if the price exceeds $500.00. If the cost is under $500.00 the item is
considered an Optional item.
b. Optional items at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. These are generally items that:
c. Have popular appeal.
d. Are difficult to control.
e. Easily misappropriated for personal gain.
335. What are the elements of deadly force Ref: LEMAN 16247.1C chap 4
Any force that is likely to cause death or serious physical injury.
(1) Weapon: The physical means to cause death or permanent injury
(2) Opportunity: Unrestricted access to the weapon or you or other are within maximum
effective range
(3) Action: Actions leading you to believe that death or serious injury is imminent
336. At what distance must you sound, sound signals in inland waters?
When power-driven vessels are in sight of one another and meeting or crossing at a distance
within half a mile of each other, each vessel underway, when maneuvering as authorized or
required by these Rules: shall indicate that maneuver by the following signals on her whistle.
337. What buoy/light would flash 2 plus 1?
Preferred channel marker
338. What buoy/light would quick flash?
A turn
339. What reference do you use when researching how to arrange a security clearance?
Military Personnel Security Program manual
340. Where can you find the policy on drug/alcohol abuse?
Chapter 20, Personnel Manual
341. Should you have your own P-card? Why?
No. Need to maintain separation of procurement authority
342. What manuals are used in overseeing galley operations?
Food Service Sanitation Manual, CG Food Service Manual
343. What is OPSUP? Ref: CG Food Service M4061.5 Pg 7-1
Operating Supplements - when Special operating conditions exist
344. What are the different OPSUP? Ref: CG Food Service M4061.5 Pg 7-1
OPSUP-1 - 10% over for vessels away from homeport more than 48 hours.
OPSUP 2 - 15% all units providing 1 meal above 50 N latitude
OPSUP 3 - 40% all units providing 1 meal South of 50 S latitude
345. What forms are used in Galley supervision?
Daily Ration Cost record - Signed by FSO
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Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
Daily Ration Memo _ Admin Officer or XPO
Monthly Summary - Signed by XPO- OINC (CG - 2576) Coast Guard Dining Facility Operation
346. Who review the menu and how often?
OINC - weekly
347. What is DEMPs?
A: Diesel Engine Maintenance Program - as required by the PMS schedule
348. What does a fuel oil dilution of 1%, 3%, 5% mean?
1% - acceptable
3% - Get you into port
5% - shut down...risk of explosion
349. Explain Engineering Change Request for boats? Ref: EPO Quick Ref Guide Pg. 1-27
Engineering Change Requests have superceded both the Boat Alterations and Ship Alterations.
An Engineering Change Request is an alteration to a standard boat or cutter that will change the
units’ stability, hull structure, space allocation, watertight integrity, compartmentation or mission
350. ^What are AFC-30 funds? Ref Finacial Resource Mgnt Manual 7100.3B Pg 2-10
General operating and maintenance expenses including ordnance. Travel, per diem and tuition for
formal training intended for field execution of training that is not approved nor funded through the
Coast Guard Formal Training Schedule COMDTNOTE 1540.
351. *^What are AFC-42 funds? Ref Finacial Resource Mgnt Manual 7100.3B Pg 2-10
Depot level maintenance expenses incurred for electronics equipment and systems on boats,
cutters, and shore units including ground and ship-based communication equipment and ATON.
352. *^What are AFC-43 funds? Ref Finacial Resource Mgnt Manual 7100.3B Pg 2-11
Depot level maintenance expenses incurred in the shore unit program.
353. *^What are AFC-45 funds? Ref Finacial Resource Mgnt Manual 7100.3B Pg 2-11
Depot level maintenance expenses related to inventory, repair, alteration, modification, and
engineering design services in support of naval engineering.
354. *What does MLC pay for?
Fire, flooding, & collision
355. What is a DR? Ref: BCSM M16114.5C Pg 14-1
Dead Reckoning: by true or magnetic course steering and using speed to determine distance
traveled from a known point in a known period.
356. Explain piloting. Ref: BCSM M16114.5C Pg 14-1
Piloting: use of visible landmarks and AtoN as well as by soundings.
357. What give the authority to board a vessel? Ref: MLEM
358. When can a member take an item from the unit?
Yes, for official business
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359. What must be used to take items on property from unit?
1149 or property pass
360. What is SAFE Training, and how often is SAFE training required? Ref: Health and Promotion
M6200.1 Pg 2-10
The goal of SAFE is to provide a uniform substance abuse training curriculum throughout the
Coast Guard and to offer training at all 3 levels as a person advances over the course of a
person's career. The safe program is presented in four training levels: SAFE for Managers, SAFE
for Supervisors, SAFE Awareness, SAFE Impact Training and Education (normally targets self
referrals and members charged with an alcohol incident, who do not meet the criteria for Alcohol
361. Explain everything on a purchase request.
Name & contact info of person requesting supplies, procurement number, originating office data,
suggested source of supply, authorized requisitioned signature, funds availability signature, date
required, item needed, price, accounting data. Must be reviewed for HAZMAT coordinator review
and property officer review.
362. What give the authority to act as a Customs officer? Ref: MLEM
363. What type of plaques can you buy with AFC-30 money? Ref Financial Resource Mgnt Manual
7100.3B Pg 5-35, 36; Medals and Awards M1650.25C Pg 1-3
The use of appropriated funds is authorized for the formal or informal presentations of medals,
plaques, certificates, pins, etc. As a general rule, military members are not entitled to cash
awards, gratuities, gift certificates or coupons for recognition of superior performance of duty (to
include from other government agencies). There are limited exceptions, however, to include
local/unit recognition programs or activities such as “Sailor of the Quarter” or “Coast Guard
Person of the Year,” that award savings bonds of nominal value (less than $100).
364. What in a change of command ceremony can you use AFC-30 funds for? Ref Financial Resource
Mgnt Manual 7100.3B Pg 5-44
Expenses incident to a unit change of command ceremony are chargeable to OE. The charges
allowed for change of command ceremonies must be linked directly to the ceremony itself and not
any reception that follows. Rent chairs, Food, Tent, Podium, ETC. Flowers or food used as
decoration at a reception held in conjunction with a traditional ceremony or flowers given to
participants or their family members are not allowed.
365. What is used to verify the types of vessel attached to a unit?
Operating Facilities of the CG Manual 5440.2D
366. Explain the process for using Disabling fire. Ref: MLEM Ch 4
Warning shots have not induced the vsl to stop, disabling fire is not likely to cause death or
serious injury, disabling fire does not endanger any persons or property other than the intended
target, it is reasonable to believe that the vessel operator is intentionally not complying, other
means of bringing the vessel to compliance are not practical.
367. When do you get BDFA increases?
1% --Aug, Nov, Dec, and Jan for holiday meals
368. Station Nav Standards. Ref: CG Nav Stnd M3530.2B Pg 1-1, 4-1
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Commanding officers /officers-in-charge shall publish Command Navigation Standards to
incorporate the navigation requirements in U. S. Coast Guard Regulations, COMDTINST M5000.3
(series) and this manual. Command Navigation Standards shall include:
a. List of AOR key waypoints.
b. Command definition of Harbor/Near Coastal waters and Coastal waters.
c. Standard navigation fix intervals and methods.
d. Underway navigation expectations.
e. Specific guidance concerning navigation in caution or danger areas.
Harbor and Near Coastal: The coxswain must be able to ascertain the boat's position at all times
with a high degree of accuracy. In restricted waters, the position should be determined at least
every 15 minutes. Fixes should become more frequent whenever the boat is operated in an
unfamiliar area.
Coastal: GPS is the most efficient means of fixing position. A DR plot shall be plotted for 30minute intervals and adjusted as needed based on updated fix information or course changes.
Fixes shall be obtained at 30-minute intervals. Fixes shall become more frequent whenever the
coxswain is uncertain of the boat's position or is operating in an unfamiliar area.
369. Who must witness an annual galley inventory? Ref: CG Food service M4061.5 Pg. 5-8
CG Regulation requires the CO to designate an officer and/or a CPO to verify the CGDF once
during the year unless otherwise noted in F-2 on Pg 5-8 of the above ref.
370. Can the relief of the FSO serve as the annual verification? Ref: CG Food service M4061.5 Pg. 5-8
371. What are the standard BDFA increases? Ref: CG Food service M4061.5 Pg. 7-1
Large Mess - 0%
Medium Mess - 15%
Small Mess - 30%
372. If the operating deficit or savings exceeds 10% what must be done? Ref: CG Food service M4061.5
Pg. 7-4
Statement from OINC must be sent to Commandant (G-KOM) via the chain of command.
373. Who is responsible to buy Cook Whites?
Unit...Mbr must have three serviceable uniforms.
374. *^Rape. Ref: Reporting Rape and sexual Assault M1754.10A Pg 2
An act of sexual intercourse by force and without consent. EAP specialist shall: (1) immediately
refer each victim to medical and mental health intervention resources; maintain no case files on
rape and sexual assault incidents.
Member should refrain from washing until seen by a medical facility.
375. ^Sexual assault. Rape Ref: Reporting Rape and sexual Assault M1754.10A Pg 2
Assault with intent to commit rape, assault with intent to commit sodomy, indecent assault, and
forcible sodomy. EAPCs shall: (1) immediately refer each victim to medical and mental health
intervention resources; maintain no case files on rape and sexual assault incidents.
376. Describe a Morse Alpha buoy.
Safe water marker
377. Can you sound the danger signal in the fog? Nav Rule 34
No, danger signal is for maneuvering while insight of another vsl,
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378. What do you do in the fog when approaching a vessel that does not respond to signals or on radio?
Reduce speed to the minimum to maintain steerage, or if necessary take off all way until the
danger is over
379. You are approaching a vessel, you are unsure whether you are overtaking or crossing; what should
you assume is the situation?
Overtaking. Vessels overtaking are always the give way vessel
380. Where do you find guidance for stability on a WPB?
Stability and Loading Data Book
381. ^Your EPO does not know where to find the info for his relief letter...where do you tell him to look?
EPO - Quick Reference Guide, Naval Engineering Manual
382. Your EPO does not know how to fill out a CSMP, where do you tell him to look?
EPO - Quick Reference Guide, Naval Engineering Manual or MLC Atlantic SOP.
383. What is the vector ER?
Own ship's course and speed
384. What is the vector EM?
Other ship's course and speed
385. Your freezer dies on your WPB. You have a lot of food spoiled, about $350 worth. What do you do?
Ref: CG food service M4061.5 Pg. 6-5
Mechanical Failure: Survey any lost food items the CO or OINC determines are spoiled and unfit
for human consumption due to mechanical failure, such as a refrigeration breakdown, flooding, or
fire in food storage spaces.
$300 Limit: Survey food losses not caused by mechanical failure if the total cost exceeds $300.
Prepare Report(s) of Survey for lost or damaged food items costing less than $300 at the CO’s or
OINC’s discretion.
386. You're the ESO aboard your unit, how are EOCTs stored?
Classified EOCTs will be stored IAW security regs. Unclassified EOCTs in a safe or locked filing
cabinet with restricted access.
387. Explain the "Death Imminent" process? Ref: Physical Disability Eval System 1850.2C Pg 4-3,
Persman M1000.6A Pg. 11A-4
The expedited review or death imminent process is not a unique benefit. It is actually just an
expedited Central Physical Evaluation Board (CPEB) process. The death imminent process starts
when a member's command notifies Flag Plot. Such a prognosis normally originates from the
attending physician, who should inform the member's command. See reference for initial
reporting guidance and examples of the necessary messages. This message is not intended to
take the place of the reporting requirements in Persman 11-A –2 but may be combined. The CPEB
will normally recommend that the member be placed on the Temporary Disability Retirement List
(TDRL) to protect the interests of the member and the government should the member fully
recover or greatly improve. ALCOAST 121/04 CANCELS THE ABOVE PROCESS. The notification
process remains, however, OOD don't need to ask the med staff to hold off on pronouncing death.
388. What is the length for a female’s hair? Are scrunchies allowed? Ref: Uniform Reg M1020.6E Pg. 2-5
Haircuts and styles shall present a balanced appearance. The hair may touch, but not fall below a
horizontal line level with the bottom edge of the back of the collar. A single ponytail is authorized,
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but all long hair, including braids and ponytails, falling below the lower edge of the collar, shall be
neatly and inconspicuously fastened, pinned, or secured to the head. Ponytails that fall above the
bottom edge of collar may be pulled through the back opening of the working blue or unit ball cap.
Bulk of hair shall be no more than 2 inches.
Pins, combs, small elastic cloth covered bands (scrunchies) may be worn if similar in color of hair
or navy blue.
389. Can you use AFC-30 money to buy items at the CG Exchange?
No. Only exception is that the exchange is the only source of supply. (GITMO)
390. ^*Explain an SSMR, what are they used for and how do you find guidance for completion.
The Shore Station Maintenance request is the primary method for recording and planning shore
facility maintenance, and the preferred way to enter the SSMP. Unit forwards to Group. Group
forwards one copy to CEU. One copy retained by CEU unit or project file or retained by base.
One copy retained by District or Area as required. One copy is returned to Unit by CEU with
endorsement letter. (After project is completed, bottom portion of this copy should be filled out
and returned to CEU for project closeout.).
391. *One of your people gets a DWI, do you have to book him or her for the offense? Persman
M1000.6A Pg. 2A-6
No. Commanding Officers are responsible for conducting adequate inquiries into incidents of
alleged DUI, and for taking remedial action, if necessary, in accordance with this article. Any
member who has been involved in an alcohol incident or otherwise shown signs of alcohol abuse
shall be screened, driving privileges are suspended for one year if a refusal to submit to a lawfully
requested BAC test, Completion of an alcohol safety awareness program (Navy Alcohol and Drug
Safety Awareness Program or its equivalent) is mandatory before those driving privileges are
392. Define OPTAR.
The Operating Target (OPTAR) is the framework on which the unit builds a financial plan for a
specific year. The target identifies funds available to the unit and provides a broad expenditure
break down of funds.
393. When may you deviate from the Rules of the Road?
When necessary to avoid danger. Rule 2
394. Cutter Nav Standards. Ref: CG Nav Standards M3530. 2B Pg 1-1, 3-1
CO/OICs shall promulgate Command Navigation Standards that, at a minimum, includes:
a. Standard helm and engine order commands
b. Standard line handling commands.
c. Standard navigation plotting symbols.
d. Command definition of navigational zones to include restricted waters and open ocean.
e. Standard navigation fix intervals for each navigational zone.
Cutter’s navigational draft.
g. Definition of shoal water for the cutter and method to identify shoal water on charts.
h. Specific charts of the cutter’s allowance that comprise the “Ready Chart List”
Specific guidance concerning navigation of the cutter’s small boat(s) while operating
independently of the cutter.
Specific navigation team manning requirements for each navigational zone. Include
provisions for navigating with electronic navigation systems and/or paper charts.
395. Define Sweep Width.
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The distance in nautical miles used for measuring detection capability
396. Define Track Spacing.
The distance between two adjacent search legs.
397. When do mess bills have to be paid by your SEPRATS personnel? Ref: 4061.5 Pg 6-4
The purchaser must pay or the FSO collect payment within five (5) working days after the end of
the accounting period or before the purchaser detaches.
398. How often do your people need to have formal human Relations training? Ref: Equal Opportunity
M5350.4A Pg. 3B-2
All Coast Guard personnel (active and reserve Military and Civilian) must attend HRA training
triennially, starting within 90 days of accession or hiring.
399. What's the $ limit on an IMPAC Visa card?
400. Where would you find the guidance telling you what pubs and directives are required aboard your
Directives, Publications and Reports Index
401. What is a Hums used for? What is the normal duration of a Humanitarian Transfer? Ref: Personnel
Manual M1000.6a Pg 4B-16, 17
A Humanitarian Assignment (HUMS) is a special assignment authorized to alleviate a hardship so
severe an emergency leave cannot fully resolve it. Commander, (CGPC-epm) normally authorizes
no-cost TAD orders for a maximum of six months for a HUMS because the situation involved is
usually temporary. In some cases, if the hardship continues after six months, Commander,
(CGPC-epm) may authorize no-cost PCS orders for up to two years for humanitarian reasons.
402. If a Hums transfer does not alleviate the hardship, what is the next option? Ref: Personnel Manual
M1000.6a Pg 4B-17
If it appears the member will not be available for unlimited reassignment on completing the HUMS,
Commander, (CGPC-epm) considers the hardship a permanent situation and normally will initiate
discharge by reason of hardship.
403. Name some signs that a person would show if they may be suicidal.
(1) Person says that they wish to die
(2) An interest in or talk about death
(3) Decline in performance
(4) Withdrawn, isolated, disinterest, moodiness
(5) Making final arrangements, giving away possessions
(6) Depression
404. When dealing with a Humanitarian Transfer, who would be a good source of assistance?
CGPC-EPM. Personnel Manual M1000.6a Ch 4.b Pg 4B-16
405. What is the basis for Relief for Cause for an Officer in Charge? Ref: Persman M1000.6a Pg 4f-3.
Misconduct, Unsatisfactory Performance, Loss of Confidence, Inappropriate Relationship
406. You have a member who has been on light duty for 60 days. Explain what you would do, why, and
what your reference is.
Ans: Medical Manual - Initial Medical Board
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
407. Where does the Officer in Charge's authority to impose NJP come from? MJM M5810.1D Pg 1-2
All officers-in-charge may impose NJP upon enlisted members assigned to their unit, unless their
authority is limited by an officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction.
408. ^What is Non Judicial Punishment used for?
Minor Offenses/Maintenance of Discipline
409. *How many days does the member who received NJP have to appeal?
5 calendar days
410. What article tells the member his rights?
Article 31, Acknowledgement of Rights
411. Define an alcohol incident? Persman M1000.6A Ch20-B
Any behavior in which the use or abuse of alcohol is determined to be a significant or causable
factor and which results in the member's ability to perform assigned duties, brings discredit upon
the service, and or a violation of state/federal laws. Alcohol must be consumed!
412. What do you do in the event of a first alcohol incident? Persman M1000.6A Ch20-B
Document, counsel, and send to screening.
413. *Second incident? Persman M1000.6A Ch20-B
Normally processed for discharge. For members whose CO/OIC feel it is an exceptional situation
will submit a letter that warrants retention.
414. What is done with underage drinkers? Persman M1000.6A Ch20-B
Underage drinking is considered an alcohol incident. Should an incident occur, the CDAR shall
counsel the member and initiate an alcohol screening as detailed in the Health Promotions
Manual, COMDTINST M6200.1
415. What is an alcohol situation? Persman M1000.6A Ch20-B
Alcohol was involved or present but was not determined as a causative factor for a member’s
416. CGDF Inventory
Pg 5-7
CGDF's Inventory Control
Verification for
Perpetual Inventory Control
Purchases vs. Allowance
Occasions Requiring an Inventory
End of
End of Quarter
End of Month
Ref: CG Food Service 4061.5
FSO Formal
417. After you assume command, what are some of your top concerns, priorities?
Safety/Wellness of Crew/Training - ability to perform assigned missions.
418. Cutter drills and exercises. Ref: Cutter Training and Qualification M3502.4G Pg 6-1, 6
To establish minimum requirements and guidelines for conducting drills and exercises. Effective
training that realizes a desired goal is achieved through well-organized exercises, pre-exercise
briefs and post exercise debriefs that identifies strengths and weaknesses. Drills and exercises
shall be scheduled in the Unit Training Plan.
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
419. ^What Work/Life Training is mandatory?
Family Programs Seminar for CO/XOs to attend once in a tour
420. Can an OIC affect advancements? Ref: CG Regulations M5000.3B Pg 4-22
421. Can a pregnant member go to "A" school? Ref: Pregnancy in the CG Inst M1900.9
Yes, if training can be completed before the third trimester. If training cannot be completed before
the third trimester, CGPC will hold orders in abeyance and reissues them at the next available
class after childbirth.
422. How do you handle secret messages? Classified information Mgmnt M5510.23 Pg. 6-3
Adequate records shall be maintained for all Top Secret and Secret information and retained for
five years after final disposition. These records shall be maintained at the SCP for any
accountable information, which is received, generated, reproduced, transmitted, downgraded or
destroyed. A Classified Document Control Log (CG-4819) or suitable substitute shall be used for
this purpose. An accurate record of destruction of classified material is as important as its
destruction. Proper accounting procedures, together with accurate records of destruction,
provide evidence of the proper disposition of classified material. Records of destruction shall be
retained for four years.
423. *What is the casualty control manual? EPO Quick Ref Guide Pg 1-11
All cutters are required to prepare a CCM. A CCM establishes the method of operating all vital
systems and corrective actions to be taken as casualties occur.
424. What are BECCE's? Ref: EPO Quick Ref Guide Pg5-2
Basic Engineering Casualty Control Exercises. Training exercises designed to provide cutter
watch teams with the expertise needed to operate propulsion and auxiliary equipment safely.
425. What is the transfer policy for two married enlisted members? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg 4A-16
This assignment policy offers married active duty members the opportunity to collocate or reside
jointly whenever possible.
426. *Can a members appeal marks? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg 10-21
The member must submit the appeal within 15 calendar days
427. What is the max liberty you can give? Ref: Persman M1000.6a Pg 7b-2
3 days
428. What's the rule of thumb for anchor line/chain length? BCSM M16114.5c Pg 10-77
Scope of the anchor rode should have a ratio range between 5:1 and 7:1. For heavy weather use
(Example: For the 5:1 ratio, anchoring in 20 feet of water would require 100 feet of rode.)
429. How often are fixes taken?
At intervals not to exceed one hour
430. How is your budget determined?
Boats, Square footage of buildings, Personnel allowance (PPE), & needs
431. Where are the general responsibilities of an OIC outlined?
Coast Guard Regulations, M5000.3 series. Be responsible for the administration and direction of
all activities of the station. Monitor the proficiency and training of all boat crewmembers and
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manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
ensure that personnel assigned to operational duties meet all appropriate recurring training
432. When is an Ombudsmen required? Ref: Inst 1750.4C
For large air stations and cutters over 180'
433. What is workplace violence? Ref: Work place violence program Inst 5370.1A Pg. 2
Workplace violence is any act or attempted act of physical aggression or harm by an individual
that occurs at the workplace.
434. What are the reporting procedures for an incident of workplace violence? Ref: Work place violence
program Inst 5370.1A Pg. 4
An emergency situation should be reported to local authorities or unit security force. Nonemergent situations should be reported to EAP coordinator, CGIS and the chain of command.
435. Who is responsible for the suicide prevention program?
Employee Assistance Program Coordinator
436. ^How are suicides or suicide gestures reported? Ref: Suicide Prevention Inst 1734.1
Suicides and gestures are reported up the chain of command and the servicing work life staff with
a copy provided to (G-WPW-2). Refer to the Suicide Prevention Instruction for formatting.
437. What is the relationship between ORM and TCT? Ref: ORM Inst 3500.3
Team Coordination Training is a program that focuses on reducing the probability for human error
by increasing individual and team effectiveness. The 7 elements of TCT are (1) Leadership (2)
Mission Analysis (3) Adaptability and Flexibility (4) Situational Awareness (5) Decision Making (6)
Communication, & (7) Assertiveness.
Operational Risk Management is a component of Effective Mission Analysis. ORM targets all
members involved in operations, maintenance and support. The philosophy of ORM is to increase
mission success while reducing the risk to personnel and resources to an acceptable level.
Accept risk when benefits outweigh the costs. To identify the task, hazard, risk, options, evaluate
risk vs gain, execute decision, monitor.
438. Can you target someone for urinalysis?
439. Who's responsible for boat/unit PMS?
PMS sets minimum maintenance requirements and procedures for HM&E, Damage Control,
Electronic, and Ordnance Equipment. Use of PMS is mandatory. The CO/OINC is responsible for
ensuring that the procedures are carried out.
440. What's in CG Navigation Standards M3530.2?
This Manual promulgates navigation policies and procedures for all cutters and shore based
441. What are the three boat maintenance levels?
Organizational - Station
Intermediate - Group
Depot - Boat Yard/Dry dock
442. Is single parenting a special need?
No, Special circumstance
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manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
443. Who substantiates child abuse? Ref: Family Advocacy Program M1750.5BPg 11-3.
Report all allegations or substantiated family violence incidents in accordance with state and
local laws, reference (b) and this Instruction; Notify relevant FPA of allegations, suspicions or
substantiated family violence incidents and, based on the FPA's recommendations, determine
appropriate action; Investigate in accordance with references (a) and (b) or coordinate with
qualified local agencies to investigate all allegations of abuse by Coast Guard members;
444. ^What is the administrative process for an allegation of abuse?
A Child/Spouse Abuse Incident Report is filled out and submitted to the Family Program
Administer (FPA) and the chain of command. The (FPA) opens a case and establishes a Family
Advocacy Review Committee. The report is investigated and the final report is forwarded to the
OIC for substantiation.
445. What is the Enlisted Career Development Program?
These items represent the culmination of nearly two years of research and analyses that have
yielded a comprehensive plan for an integrated career development program for the enlisted
workforce. This Enlisted Career Development Program (ECDP) ties together the results of the
Nonrate Workforce Structure Study (NWSS), the Chief Petty Officer Needs Assessment (CPONA)
and the Petty Officer Development Initiative (PODI). The ECDP also owes a debt of gratitude to
precursory efforts to define the leadership and career needs of our people-Leadership
Workgroups I and II in particular. These studies exemplify our commitment to prepare our enlisted
workforce to perform well.
446. Who has the authority to seize a vessel?
An SNO is required from the Assistant Commandant for Operations
447. What is the jurisdictional triangle?
Location, Vessel Status/Flag & Substantive Law
448. What are the different jurisdictions?
U.S. Territorial Sea - Domestic law: Baseline to 3 miles. Interl Law: Baseline to 12 miles
Contiguous Zone - 12 - 24 miles
Customs Waters - Baseline to 12 miles
High Seas - From territorial seas to seaward of another nations territorial sea
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - Baseline to 200 nm
449. What is the EEZ?
Exercises jurisdiction over foreign vessels violating fisheries laws or other laws designed to
protect living marine resources
450. What chapter of the PERSMAN covers support of dependents?
451. What is hot pursuit? MLEM M16247.1C Pg 2-14
Hot pursuit allows a coastal State to preserve its jurisdiction to take law enforcement action
against a foreign flag vessel that flees beyond normal jurisdictional limits after it has committed a
violation of the coastal State’s law.
452. What are the different categories of a lookout list?
CAT 1: do not board. Report position, course and speed to opcon and originating agency. CAT II:
do not board. Report position, course and speed to opcon and originating agency. Follow
covertly if resources are available and await further instructions from case agent. CAT III: board
and search. Report position, course and speed to opcon and originating agency. CAT IV:
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written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
intelligence information request. In the course of normal operations, make inquiries, review
intelligence files, and report all sightings.
453. How do you go about requesting "C" School quotas for members of your command? Ref: Training
and Education M1500.10B Pg 2-47
Fill out and submit short-term training request IAW procedures outlined in the Training and
Education Manual
454. A new enlisted member has reported to your unit from recruit training. When is the next time he
should have the code of conduct/article137/sexual/homosexual policies explained again?
After having completed six months of active duty.
455. What is AFC-82?
Charge CGDF food supplies to the Coast Guard Supply Fund (SF),
Appropriation Code XS6, Program Element 82.
456. Pregnancy in the CG. Ref: Persman M1000.6A Ch 9
Servicewoman on active duty beyond entry-level training who become pregnant or give birth to a
child shall be retained in the service in accordance with their enlistment/commission obligation.
Women retained under this policy will be expected to fulfill their professional and military
457. *Which chapter of the PERSMAN explains the policies concerning inter-personnel relationships?
458. *How soon must a female member notify her command of her pregnancy? Ref: Persman M1000.6A
Pg 9A-7
She shall notifying her commanding officer or officer in charge of her pregnancy as soon as
possible, but no later than two weeks after diagnosis of pregnancy by an appropriate medical
459. Care of Newborn Policy: A female member gives birth. Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg 9A-14
Qualified members desiring additional time off to discharge parental responsibilities for newborn
children may request a temporary separation as per Chapter 12.F.1.
460. How many months separation can CGPC grant to the member? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg 9A-14,
The Temporary Separation policy allows Coast Guard members to temporarily separate and
pursue growth or other opportunities outside the service, while providing a mechanism for their
return to active duty. The
long-term intent of this program is to retain the valuable experience and training our members
possess that might otherwise be lost. Under this policy, career oriented officers and enlisted
members are allowed a onetime separation from Active Duty for up to two years to either.
461. *How many days of post natal convalescent leave can she be granted? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg
Convalescent leave may be granted by district commanders and commanding officers without
approval of the Commandant to female members for prenatal periods not to exceed a cumulative
total of 30 days. In cases of extenuating circumstances, the attending physician may recommend
additional prenatal convalescent leave beyond the standard 30 days.
Postpartum convalescent leave will normally be granted for 42 days. The attending physician may
recommend an extension of convalescent leave beyond the standard 42 days based on the
servicewoman’s clinical circumstances.
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manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
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District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
462. *What actions would you take if a member of your command advises you that he is extremely
depressed because his wife has left him?
463. VISITING FOREIGN COUNTRIES: A member of your crew would like to take leave and travel to
Mexico. What publication would provide guidance?
464. What actions would you take if a member who screened positive for alcohol abuse later violated
his/her after care program? Ref: Persman M 1000.6A ch 20
Recommend for discharge
465. Your EPO reports the 41 has a restrictive casualty. Within how much time must you notify the
operational commander?
Immediately if the casualty cannot be fixed within one hour
466. The 41 UTB has a ____________ week PMS program.
13 weeks
467. What are the Duties of the COs/OINC in Civil Rights?
a. Ensure the names and phone numbers of the designated CROs/MCRC/Fs and the procedures
for filing a discrimination complaint are displayed prominently at the units.
b. Ensure, whenever possible, that an attempt is made to resolve complaints at the lowest level
possible in the chain of command. This includes using any administrative counseling or
investigative tools that are available to the CO/OINC.
c. Ensure that any member who participates in the complaint process or files a complaint of
discrimination in the complaint process is not subjected to any form of reprisal.
d. Ensure all complaints receive prompt command attention and appropriate action using the
guidelines stated in this instruction. Such command action may include, but is not limited to, a
suitable administrative remedy, which serves to make the complainant whole.
e. Ensure that when an appropriate action or remedy cannot be effected by the local command,
the complaint is forwarded to the appropriate level in the chain of command for proper
f. Arrange for the MCRC/F to meet with aggrieved person if resolution cannot be achieved who
has 10 days to review the complaint and attempt resolution upon receipt of a formal complaint. If
resolution is not achieved, the command shall prepare an endorsement to the formal complaint.
The endorsement must state:
a. That the complainant has received the required counseling and has been advised of the
procedures for filing the formal complaint.
b. That any delay in submission of the formal complaint was (was not) justified, and the
reasons therefore.
c. That all command attempts at informal resolution have been unsuccessful.
d. Whether there are any pending disciplinary or administrative proceedings related to the
g. Submit a formal complaint letter of endorsement to the appropriate DOCR regional office within
10 days from receipt of complaint, with a copy to the complainant. DOCR contact information is
included in Enclosure 20.
h. Ensure the Report of Investigation (ROI) is reviewed for an attempt to resolve the complaint. Consult with his or her servicing legal counsel, if necessary.
i. Ensure correspondence and information concerning a formal discrimination complaint is
disseminated to the appropriate individuals.
Serve as the initial point of contact for HLS investigators for the on-site investigation.
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written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
468. *R&S systems manual state the layering system for cold WX PPE as what. Ref: R & S M10470.10E
1 layer of Polypropylene, 1 layer of Fleece then dry suit with PFD.
469. *Explain the qualification process to a new recruit just showing up at your unit.
(Boat crew PQS, u/w drills, oral board, recommendation from BCEB , u/w board, OICs
endorsement) you can throw COXN qual or eng qual in there as well.
470. *When does your compass need to be swung and what is the max deviation before it needs to be
(Annual, after a yard when there were alterations to the boat, hot work, 5 degrees.)
471. What qualities should an assigned instructor exhibit?
Judgment, patience, and maturity
472. During navigation and piloting drills, all courses shall be plotted within how many degrees?
473. What are the coxswain's responsibilities in accordance with CG Regulations? Ref: CG Shipboard
Regulation M5000.7 Pg. 3-2
The coxswain's responsibilities are in order of precedence: safety and conduct of passengers and
crew; safe operation and navigation of the boat assigned; and the completion of the sortie or
mission undertaken pursuant to CG policy and regulations.
474. In accordance with Part 4 of the BOAT Manual, how many minutes does the coxswain have to
recover OSCAR from the water during a Man Overboard Drill?
3 minutes
475. *Main Space Fire Doctrine.
The purpose of this doctrine is to identify equipment, systems, and procedures used to prevent,
control, extinguish, and overhaul a Class BRAVO fire in a machinery space. This doctrine covers
the preferred sequence of events during a major flammable liquid leak or machinery space fire.
One of the most hazardous shipboard casualties both to human life and machinery is a Class
BRAVO machinery space fire. This doctrine is structured to provide the basis for proper
decisions and actions in response to a machinery space fire or a major flammable liquid leak.
This doctrine addresses fire prevention, firefighting systems capabilities and limitations,
considerations necessary in choosing the correct firefighting equipment, and the actions
necessary both in and external to the affected space
476. Who is responsible for carrying out an active unit-training plan in accordance with the BOAT
Manual? Ref: Pg. 5-4
Explicitly tasks COs/OICs with the responsibility for the training of boat crews, and provides them
with guidelines for the establishment of a successful training program
477. Are Auxillarist, under patrol orders required to wear VDS equipped PFDs?
If over 3 miles from shore VDS shall be attached or carried in the PFD.
(Aux operations manual.
478. ^What is the term "NOT FULLY MISSION CAPABLE"?
No disabling casualties, one or more restrictive which have been waived by operational
479. *How many hours is the target for the Standard Workweek at a small boat station _____?
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written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
480. ^What are the fund designations that you will rely on to run your unit? Ref: CG Financial Rescource
Mngt M7100.3B.
AFC (Allocated Fund Code)
30 = normal operating and maint. Example telephones, trash/lawn contract, consumable aton up
to 2k.
42= Command, Control, Comms, and Electronics
43 = civil engineering,
45 = naval engineering
56 = training
82= galley
481. Define small purchase?
482. Define micro purchase
483. What is the maximum amount you may spend on construction w/o obtaining bids?
484. You discover that your FS2 who is a very squared away PO, has been providing leftovers to the local
Salvation Army Soup Kitchen. Is it legal? What would you do? Ref: CG Food Svc Man. M4061.5 Pg 6-6
Counsel on keeping you informed and ensuring proper documentation is done.
485. What act provides the basis for the CG's Fisheries LE Program? Ref: MLEM M16247.1C Pg 7-3
Magnason Fishery Conservation Act authorizes the Coast Guard’s fisheries law enforcement
program is to ensure compliance with federal fisheries laws and regulations and international
486. Do children have to wear PFDs? What age?
Under 13
487. When did it take effect?
After 29 Mar 02 (possible delay due to litigation)
488. ^Search and Seizure. Ref: Shipboard Regulations M5000.7 Pg 2-19
A. The commanding officer afloat has the authority to order searches of persons and property
under command control by responsible persons of the command. Order searches only when
sufficient reliable information is presented. This information must support a reasonable belief that
the individual whose person or property is searched committed an offense. The commanding
officer must believe the search of that person or property will yield and instrumentality.
489. Night orders. Ref: CG Nav Standards M3530.2A Pg 1-15S
The orders for each night are written and signed by the commanding officer. They include such
items as courses and speeds to be maintained throughout the night, expected sightings,
engineering data, the tactical situation, and supplementary orders to the Officer of the Deck
(OOD). The Captain’s Night Order Book shall be retained on board for three years after the date of
the last entry.
490. Who is the Vice Commandant?
Vice Admiral Crea
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manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
491. Where would you find the Authority and Responsibilities of a Boat Coxswain?
Coast Guard Regulations, COMDTINST M5000
492. What is the program POWER THROUGH PEOPLE all about?
It is a program created by the Coast Guard for the entire marine industry that focuses on human
error as causes for marine accidents and how to prevent in the future. In past marine accidents, it
has been noted that in the investigation reports, the human error factor has not been focused
upon and in many cases, was the actual cause of the mishap. Blame was placed mainly on
equipment and design.
493. What are the parameters that the National Weather Service uses for determining Small Craft
Forecast for sustained winds in excess of 21 knots or seas seven feet or greater.
494. ^Confined spaces. Ref: NEM 9000.6E Pg 077-1
All confined spaces shall be considered hazardous. Entry or work in confined spaces is
prohibited until such spaces have been inspected by a Gas Free Engineer who provides detailed
guidance on the testing, inspection, evaluation, and certification of entry into or work in a
confined or enclosed space.
495. ^Tag out Procedures. Ref: NEM 9000.6E Pg 077-1
This procedure shall be used to ensure the safety of personnel and to prevent improper operation
of systems or equipment when the system or equipment is isolated or in an abnormal condition
because of preventive maintenance or a casualty. COMDTINST 9077.1 (series) shall be used to
implement an equipment tag-out procedure aboard all Coast Guard cutters and boats.
496. Nautical charts and publications for cutters. Ref: M3140.5b Pg. 1-1
The established allowance constitutes the minimum inventory of charts and publications, which
are required to be on board all cutters. Units shall keep the permanent allowance using the
Automated Initial distribution (AID) to replenish new charts, new editions of charts and
publications, and changes to publications. Cutters scheduled to be commissioned, should
request the activation of the initial allowance at least 90 days prior to commissioning.
497. What is the ombudsman, who assigns, what is their role? Ref: Ombudsman Inst 1750.4C
Officers-in-Charge (OINC) shall either appoint one or ensure family members have access to one
appointed for the geographic area. Report directly to the commanding officer or OINC. Meet with
the command regularly to obtain information on concerns common to unit families. Refer families
to appropriate sources of assistance in resolving family-related questions. The Ombudsman's role
is not to solve other people's problems but to link them to resources that will provide the needed
assistance. Immediately report suspected or substantiated cases of family violence and any
pertinent information to the commanding officer or officer-in-charge and Family Program
Administrator (FPA).
498. Berthing Men and Women. Ref: CG Housing M11101.13d Pg. 9-11, Shore Facilities Std M11012.9
Pg. 2-1
Assure privacy of all occupants and all spaces, including bathrooms are lockable before
assigning men and women to the same building. Separate men and women adequately. Add an
additional berthing room to any planned facility after meeting the above requirements if sufficient
space is not available to separate men and women.
Permanent party enlisted Modules: CPO E-7 thru E-9 1 Person per Double Module 480sf; Petty
Officer E-4 thru E-6 1 Person per Module 240sf; Seaman/Fireman E-1 thru E-3 2 Persons per
Module 240sf.
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written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
499. Leave and Earning Statement (LES) Ref: PPPM CH-10 6-A-3
500. *Service Reenlistment Bonus. Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg. 3C-3
Zone A - Reenlist not later than 3 months after discharge
Have completed 17 months continuous active duty
Completed not more than 6 years active service
Zone B - Reenlist not later than 3 months
Have completed 17 months continuous active duty
Have completed at least 6 but not more than 10 years active service
Zone C - Reenlist not later than 3 months after discharge
Have completed 17 months continuous active duty
Have completed at least 10 but not more than 14 years active service
Bonus payments will be computed by taking the authorized SRB multiple, multiplying it by the
member's monthly basic pay and multiplying the result by the number of months of newly
obligated service and dividing this figure by 12.
Anniversary dates are 6, 10, and 14.
501. Award recommendation process. Ref: Medal and Award M1650.25C Pg. 1-4
Officer-in-charge, or any E-7 or above senior to the individual being recommended may initiate a
recommendation for the award of a military decoration. Follow citation preparation on Pg. 1-5.
Forward via the chain of command for internal screening mechanism and review process to
consider awards for approval/disapproval, or for further forwarding via the chain of command to
the delegated approval authority that is able to consider the level of award being recommended.
502. Dwo for PCS OinCs. Ref: CG DWO Examination program Inst 11672.5 Pg. 3
At a minimum, the applicable examination (Initial or Renewal) must be passed no more than one
year prior to the execution of PCS afloat orders. Prospective afloat CO/OIC/XO/XPOs must pass
the examination within two attempts. Failure to pass the examination within two attempts
following receipt of orders shall result in the cancellation of those orders and be documented, at a
minimum, via an administrative remarks entry.
503. EOC Test lost at unit. Ref: ESO procedures guide, non-resident training vol 1 Pg. 4-J-1
Review EOCT log to ensure the EOCT was received.
Check to ensure the EOCT was not transferred to a sub-unit for administration.
Contact the Institute to ensure the EOCT was not returned.
Conduct administrative investigation to determine facts per the Administrative Investigation
Send message notification to Institute, info your chain of command.
Mail/fax copy of investigation and unit's EOCT log covering period of one month before loss to
present date.
When message received by Institute, a substitute EOCT will be forwarded as requested.
504. If student transfers what happens to their EOC Tests? Ref: ESO procedures guide, non-resident
training vol 1 Pg. 4-k-1
Unclassified course material should NOT be hand carried or mailed to the new unit. EOCTs must
be returned to the Institute marked "RNA" within 10 working days.
Classified course material must be mailed from the transferring unit CMCO to the receiving unit
CMCO if the student wishes to remain enrolled. If not the course material must be destroyed
Classified EOCT must be returned to the Institute.
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written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
505. Non-receipt or lost in mail of EOC tests. Ref: ESO procedures guide, non-resident training vol 1 Pg.
Allow 21 days to pass before calling the institute to verify the mailing. Send msg indicating test
number, EOCT ID number.
506. ^*POS is calculated how? Ref: SAR M16130.2D Pg. 3-3
The probability that the search object will be in some bounded area (probability of containment or
The probability that the search object will be detected; assuming it will be in an area at the time
the area is searched (probability of detection or POD).
The probability of finding the search object (probability of success or POS) based on both the
POCs for the areas searched and the PODs from searching those areas.
The ultimate goal of search planning is to find the survivors of a distress incident as quickly as
possible. The way to achieve this goal is to increase the cumulative probability of success
(POSCUM) as quickly as possible using available and assigned resources.
507. *Your XPO of 12 years who also has one incident has been picked up for DWI, the police officer calls
and asks you do you want him, do you go get him?
Let him go to jail and process him for second alcohol incident.
508. * What year is BAH required to pay for all housing?
509. *What process happens when EAP is contacted? Ref: CG Employee Assistance Program M1740.7A
Pg. 2
Eligible beneficiaries may access the EAP directly by calling 1-800-222-0364 to schedule a
consultation, the EAP contractor customer service representatives will require the caller's name, a
brief description of needed assistance, and a telephone number at which a local counselor may
contact the caller with in 24 hours. The primary function of the EAP is to provide a means of
assessing personal and job-related problems and providing a treatment plan. When appropriate,
short-term problem solving (up to six sessions) is available.
510. *Explain what Fraternization is. Persman M1000.6A Pg. 8H-6
Fraternization describes the criminal prohibition of certain conduct between officer and enlisted
personnel set out in the UCMJ.
511. *What is time line for handling FOIA requests? Ref: Freedom Of Information Act M5260.3 Pg. 5-3
An initial determination as to whether to release or withhold a record requested under the FOIA
shall be made within 20 days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays) after the request is
received. The actual records are not required to be released within the 20 days, but access to the
records should be granted as soon as practicable thereafter. Time limits for processing FOIA
requests begin when the request is identified as being a FOIA request and is received by the FOIA
coordinator for the unit where the records are located.
512. *A member of your unit comes to you states she saw BM2 Male Gender dancing at the
Chippendales club, is this a problem and if so can you do anything about it?
Yes and no, there is nothing I can do. As stated in the Persman; Personnel on active duty shall not
engage in any civilian employment enterprise that, in the opinion of the commanding officer, or
officer-in-charge as noted in 16.E.1.b. Pg. 16.E-2
513. *When are evaluation completed? Ref: Persman 1000.6A Pg. 10b-4
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written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
January (all) & July (AD only)
January (all) & July (AD only)
February (all) & August (AD only)
March (all) & September (AD only)
April (all) & October (AD only)
May (all) & November (AD only)
September (all)
November (all)
June (all)
514. *When are unscheduled enlisted reviews completed? Ref: Persman 1000.6A Pg. 10b-13
Complete an unscheduled employee review if the rating chain completed a regular or
unscheduled review for a period ending more than 92 days for E-6 and below.
515. *Who signs the enlisted review? Ref: Persman 1000.6A Pg. 10b-4
The Supervisor shall be an officer, civilian, or enlisted person.
Marking Official shall be an officer, civilian, chief petty officer, or first class petty officer. However,
a first class petty officer must be designated as an executive petty officer.
The Approving Official must be a Coast Guard officer, officer in charge (E-7 or above),
516. Responsibility of Next of Kin notification Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg. 11A-10
The district commander in whose jurisdiction the next of kin resides is the action addressee of the
casualty report and notifies the next of kin.
Casualties in Combat: The next of kin of Coast Guard personnel will be notified by a personal
contact by a member of the Uniformed Services.
Casualties from Other Than Combat Causes: Whenever practicable, the notification shall be made
in person.
517. Commanding Officers letter to Next of Kin should be sent when? Ref: Persman M1000.6A Pg. 11A10
Within 24 hours or should unusual circumstances as soon preclude compliance within 48 hours.
518. *Can CG use station boats to fight fires? Ref: BOAT m16114.32A Pg. 2-55
Units should work closely with their Operational Commander, the cognizant MSO, and other
agencies to develop a comprehensive fire fighting response plan. In general, unit boats are
equipped and crews are trained to provide very limited fire fighting capability. The first priority
and primary responsibility of unit boats and crews is to save lives, not property.
519. *Can UTBs operate beyond its limitations? Ref: 41 type M16114.2C Pg. 5-25, BOAT M16114.32A 274
If the operating limits are exceeded then the boat will be in the “Danger Zone” and the chances
are greatest then. If the opportunity presents it self to use other resources then do so, u/w
coxswains must evaluate his/her skills and of their crew in order to continue, and evaluate the
urgency of the case. Another choice would be to return to base and pick up an additional
experienced coxswain or additional crew possibly your self or change vessels. Operational limits
for standard boats are contained in the appropriate Specific Boat Type Operator’s Handbooks,
COMDTINST M16114 (series) and may only be waived by the Cutter CO or Operational
Commander on a case-by-case basis. In instances where the Operational Commander grants a
waiver of a boat’s operational limits, the final decision regarding the safety of the mission rests
with the boat coxswain and unit CO/OIC
520. Are PWC authorized at units? Ref: BOAT M16114.32A Pg.2-76
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written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
The procurement, ownership, and operation of personal watercraft by Coast Guard active duty
and reserve units is not authorized without a specific written waiver from Commandant (G-O).
521. *If I had a question whom could I go to?
Other OinCs, chain of command, other chiefs.
522. *Difference between UOF and ROE?
523. *How many PPEP applicants are accepted each year? Ref: Pre-Commionary Program for Enlisted
Inst 1131.21A
The number of PPEP selections will be made at the time of selection.
524. *How does the command review the travel cards of their members?
Commands have command access to direct access.
525. *^When are LE UOF reports submitted? Ref: MLE M16247.1D
Use of Force Reports shall be submitted within 30 days for any technique or action higher than
Level 2 of the Use of Force Continuum, Whenever any tactic higher than Step II for non-compliant
vessels, and when OinC deems necessary.
526. ^*Can deadly force be used for protection of property? MLE M16247.1D Pg. 4-6
Deadly force is not normally authorized solely for the purpose of protecting property from theft,
sabotage, intentional damage, or destruction. However, Area and District Commanders may
request authorization from Commandant to use deadly force for the protection of property which
is either vital to the national security or inherently dangerous to others (e.g., certain nuclear
material, explosives, operable weapons, munitions.
527. ^What are the facters to be considered when considering Safe Speed? Ref: Int/Inl Nav Rules
M16672.2D Pg. 14
Rule 6 states vsl density, visibility, weather, and background light, and maneuverability, draft. All
vessels must travel at a safe speed to enable them to "take proper and effective action to avoid
collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and
528. ^*What actions are taken to avoid risk of collision? Ref: Int/Inl Nav Rules M16672.2D Pg. 18
Rule 8 indicates any action taken to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the case admit,
be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.
529. *What are the duties of the give-way vessel? Ref: Int/Inl Nav Rules M16672.2D Pg. 32
Rule 16 states every vessel, which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel, shall, so
far as possible, take early and substantial action to keep well clear.
530. *What are the duties of the stand-on vessl. Ref: Int/Inl Nav Rules M16672.2D Pg. 32
Rule 17 states the stand-on vsl shall keep her course and however take action to avoid collision
by her maneuver alone, as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel required to keep out
of the way is not taking appropriate action. The vessel required to keep her course and speed
finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of the give-way vessel alone,
she shall take such action as will best aid to avoid collision.
531. *When arriving on scene for a piw what search pattern is used?
532. Meal sales for cash or credit. Ref: CG Food Service M4061.5 Pg. 7-9
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written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
The CO or OINC of a unit with a CGDF may authorize selling meals for cash or credit. Enlisted
members receiving ENL BAS are always entitled to purchase a meal from the CGDF at the unit to
which they are assigned. The CO may authorize officers, Federal Government civilian employees,
and authorized patrons’ guests to purchase meals on a space-available basis
533. Sexual assault and rape training is required when? Ref: Reporting of Rape and Sexual assault
1754.10B, alcoast 161-04
534. ^Reporting requirements of Rape or Sexual assault are. Ref: Reporting of Rape and Sexual assault
1754.10B, alcoast 161-04
All allegations of alleged rape or sexual assault shall be immediately reported to the servicing
CGIS office, EAP, Victim Support Person, and the servicing legal office. Commands shall ensure
that each unit has a Victim Support Person identified. CGIS will coordinate medical attention for
the victim within 24 hours. If alcohol is involved, commands will document as a, alcohol situation
and not a, incident. Commands shall avoid local administrative investigations to prevent
damaging evidence, hindering later litigation, or inadvertently re-traumatizing the victim. Contact
your servicing EAPC for information or training on responding to reports of rape and sexual
assault. EAPCS are available through the regional work-life offices which can be contacted by
dialing 1-800-872-4957 followed by the extension listed next to these isc locations: alameda (252),
Boston (301), Cleveland (309), Honolulu (314), Ketchikan (317), Kodiak (563), Miami (307), new
Orleans (308), Portsmouth (305), san Pedro (311), Seattle (313), ST. Louis (302), and Washington,
dc (932).
535. Is the abuse or damage on a CG vsl warranted for saving a life? Ref: BOAT M16114.32A Pg. 2-42
The probability of saving human life warrants a maximum effort. When no suitable alternative
exists and the mission has a reasonable chance of success, the risk of damage to or abuse of the
boat is acceptable, even though such damage or abuse may render the boat unrecoverable. The
possibility of saving human life or the probability of preventing or relieving intense pain or
suffering warrants the risk of damage to or abuse of the boat if recovering the boat can
reasonably be expected.
536. *^Is the risk of damaging a CG vsl warranted for saving property? Ref: BOAT M16114.32A Pg. 2-42
The probability of saving property of the United States or its citizens warrants the risk of damage
to the boat if the value of the property to be saved is unquestionably greater than the cost of boat
damage and the boat is fully expected to be recoverable.
537. Is it worth the risk of damaging a CG vsl for LE? Ref: BOAT M16114.32A Pg. 2-42
Significant unsafe conditions must be alleviated before moving to a LE phase. This may involve
documenting a violation on scene for later LE action. The possibility of recovering evidence and
interdicting or apprehending alleged violators of Federal law does not warrant probable damage
to or abuse of the boat.
538. *What are the time constraints on consuming alcohol for members in a recall status? Ref: BOAT
M16114.32A Pg. 2-44
The boat crew, duty section, and any other persons who might reasonably be expected to be
recalled to support unit operations shall not consume alcohol less than 12 hours prior to being
placed in an alert duty status (a person is on alert duty when engaged in underway operations or
is on SAR readiness standby, with a boat response time of 30 minutes or less).
539. ^Unit development program (UDLP)
540. ^Vsl on vsl UOF
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manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.
District OIC Review Board Questions
Courtesy of BMCS Glenn Bucklin
541. ^Individual development program (IDP)
542. *Cutter engineering report. Ref: EPO quick Ref, NEM 9000.6E Pg. 090-10
COMDTINST M9000.6 series requires all cutters 65 feet in length and greater to submit the report
annually covering a 12 month period ending 31 December. The report must be submitted by 31
January. If at sea at the end of the reporting period, submit the report upon reaching a port.
Disclaimer: Any study guide may have incorrect information, as everyone is human...including the BMs who've
written the study guides (not to mention policy changes). This is why it is critical that you read the appropriate
manuals when studying, not just read the study guides. If you find something wrong, notify the study guide author
so they can update it and submit a corrected copy. You are responsible for knowing the material, so I encourage you
to hit the books first and use the study guides as a companion document to your studying.