“H o l y W a r ?” On September 11, 2001 your world changed. For most, it’s terrorism; for some it’s a ‘holy war’ (jihad). Is it really? Who’s doing this? Why is this happening? Is Islam responsible? What is Islam? How does it compare with Christianity? Aren’t Christians in a ‘holy war’? I. The Worldwide Presence and Influence of Islam A. Stats: 1 of 5 are Muslim; 90% of Arabs are Muslim; only 1 Muslim of 5 is Arab; 1 Arab of 20 are Christians; about 5 million Muslims in America. B. Diversity: e.g. fundamentalists, moderates, radical terrorists II. The Early History of Islam (“surrender”) A. Biblical background (Genesis 16, 21; Galatians 4:21-5:1)) Abraham, Isaac (> Israel), and Ishmael (>Arabs) B. Mecca, Muhammad (570-632), and the flight to Medina (in 622—1st year on the Islamic calendar) C. The Qur’an (Koran = “to recite”): recitations given to Muhammad D. The Ka’bah E. After Muhammad’s death: Sunnis (now c. 85%): Successor should be elected Shi’ites (now c. 15%): Successor should be blood-relative; authority-based F. Crusades in Middle Ages III. Significant Modern Events for Arabs A. 20th century colonialism (Arabs dominated by foreign powers) B. 1947: Division of Palestine by United Nations (53% given to Jews) C. 1948: The nation of Israel is established D. 1967: Six day war and Israel’s victory E. 1992: Saudi Arabia (where Mecca and Medina are) hosts American troops IV. Holy War (jihad = exertion) A. Moderates: jihad is a spiritual struggle within one’s heart. “There is no compulsion in religion” (Surah 2:256). “The nearest in affection to believers are those who say ‘we are Christians’” (Surah 5:82). B. Some fundamentalists: Jihad is a political and military struggle using any means (e.g. ‘terrorism’). “Fight in the course of God those who fight you and slay them. Fight against them and slay them until they submit … until there is no more persecution and oppression and there prevails faith and justice in God” (Surah 2:190-192). “Fighting is prescribed for you” (Surah 2:276). “Fight and slay the infidels” (Surah 9:5). C. Objectives of Fundamentalist radicals Restore strict Islamic law (religious & civil law). Eject Israelis from Palestine. Remove all Western influences. V. Five Main Muslim Obligations A. Recite: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.” B. Pray 5 times each day toward Mecca C. Daytime fasting and abstinence during Ramadan D. Give alms (about 2.5% of income) E. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) VI. What Can We Learn from Muslims? VII. Islamic Beliefs Similar to Christianity A. One God (creator; omnipotent, revealer, omniscient, judge) B. Accepts biblical prophets and books C. Jesus: virgin-born, miracle worker, sinless D. Humans: created, sinful, accountable VIII. Islamic Beliefs Different from Christianity A. God: Not incarnate, knowable, or predictable Does not love the prodigal or the sinful (Surah 6:142; 7:31; 3:140; 4:107). Vs. Luke 15:11-24; Romans 5:8; 2 Peter 3:9. B. Jesus: Not God, not crucified, not raised, not to be worshiped, not mediator. A Christian view: Jesus is the ultimate ‘Muslim’ (one who ‘surrenders’). C. Bible: Corrupted; superceded by Qur’an Yet, “the Book” [Bible] is authoritative and authentic (Surah 2:136; 4:163), authenticates Muhammad (Surah 7:157; 10:94), and is to be believed (Surah 4:136). D. Humans/Salvation: Humans good by nature yet sinful; forgiveness by repentance (no atonement needed); salvation is not so certain and comes by more good deeds than bad. Martyrdom during jihad can guarantee salvation. Vs. Rom 5:6-8; Heb 4:16; Eph 1:13-14; 2:1-9; Rom 8:1; 1 Jn 4:15-16; 5:1314. E. Islam offered a kind of B.C. (before Christ) message 600 years after Jesus. IX. How Should Christians Respond? A. Suggested “Do’s”: B. Suggested “Don’ts”: Christian Resources on Islam: Dean Halverson, Gen. Ed. A Compact Guide to World Religions. George Braswell, Jr. What You Need to Know about Islam. Christian website: www.answering-islam.org Video: “The Real Story: A Christian’s Guide to the Arab World.” Vision 3 Productions, 1995 (with study guide). 206-712-8832 This presentation on Islam is produced by WorldviewEyes, a program that helps teenagers develop a Christian mind and interact effectively with non-Christian worldviews (www.worldvieweyes.org). It will be presented for CIY Discipleship by professors from Lincoln Christian Seminary: by Dr. Robert Douglas (rdouglas@lccs.edu), director of Muslim Studies, or by Dr. Rich Knopp (rknopp@lccs.edu), prof. of apologetics and director of WorldviewEyes.