Selected Excerpts & Links to Articles


Selected Article References and Excerpts

Last Modified: 9:41 PM, December 27, 2010

[Disclaimer: The listing of references provided on this website, including references, articles, and links does not imply endorsement or uncritical support of the claims made in these articles or in linked references or uncritical acceptance of the content of the material. The references are provided for the purpose of helping inform those in the media and others who may not be familiar with eligibility-related questions, issues, and concerns with some sense of the current and recent coverage and some leads regarding related background information. 6/25/2009]


Feminist Camille Paglia: Birthers have a point Tells radio audience 'there are legitimate questions about the documentation'

Posted: September 17, 2009 1:46 pm Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily

Feminist icon Camille Paglia, a columnist who earlier wrote about the ambiguities of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, now has told a

National Public Radio audience that those who have questions about his eligibility actually have a point.

Talking to the NPR program "On Point" this week, she provided a defense to the citizens who carried protest signs asking "Where's The Birth Certificate" at the recent protests that drew hundreds of thousands to Washington.

The program discussion focused on the "civility" of the political attacks on both Obama and his critics. One caller to the program described his visit to

Washington and the myriad signs questioning Obama's eligibility to be in office.

"It was unbelievable. It was absolutely everywhere," the caller stated.

Paglia responded: First of all, I reject the idea that the 'birther' campaign is motivated by racism. There may be racism among it, but there are legitimate questions about the documentation of Obama's birth certificate.

I'm sorry, I've been following this closely from the start. To assume that all those signs about the birth controversy were motivated by racism, that is simply wrong. (snip)


What does Pelosi know about Obama's eligibility?

Online images for certification of nomination raise questions

Posted: September 11, 2009 8:01 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A commentator at Canada Free Press says he has obtained copies of two documents apparently prepared by Democrats to certify Barack Obama as their nominee for president in 2008 that suggest House Speaker Nancy

Pelosi knew there was an unresolved issue with his eligibility under the U.S.


Writer JB Williams describes himself as a "no nonsense commentator on

American politics, American history, and American philosophy." And he say's he's gotten possession of copies of the documents in question.

The first includes a verification that Obama and Joe Biden, then-candidate for vice president, "are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the

United States Constitution."

[See the article for an “image of the certification for Barack Obama's nomination, including includes the affirmation Obama and Joe Biden ‘are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States

Constitution’ .”]

The second form obtained by Williams appears identical, although the signatures are different, including the same strategic typographical error.

But in this one, the verification of eligibility under the requirements of the

U.S. Constitution is gone.

[ See the article for an image of a certification, on which the certification of eligibility has been removed.]

"Now this is the stuff real conspiracies are made of! " Williams who also

maintains his own website wrote. "Please allow me to connect the dots here.."

The DNC drafted, signed and notarized TWO slightly different versions of their Official Certification of Nomination documents, not one," he wrote.

"One of those documents had complete legal language, and one of them was missing the text concerning the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein


"The version which is absent any certification of constitutional standing for the office of president is the version that was filed with every state in the country, and the one used by the DNC to elect Barack Obama president," he wrote…….

"The fact that TWO DNC Certifications exist, both signed, dated and notarized by the same individuals on the same day, means that a very real conspiracy to commit election fraud was under way, and since it took until six months after the election to uncover it, the conspiracy was indeed successful," Williams wrote. (snip)


Shocker! Judge orders trial on eligibility issue

Arguments planned Jan. 11 for major Obama challenge

Posted: September 08, 2009 4:42 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi © 2009 WorldNetDaily

A California judge today tentatively scheduled a trial for Jan.

26, 2010, for a case that challenges Barack Obama's eligibility to be president based on questions over his qualifications under the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.

If the case actually goes to arguments before U.S. District Judge David

Carter, it will be the first time the merits of the dispute have been argued in open court, according to one of the attorneys working on the issue.

In a highly anticipated hearing today before Carter, several motions were heard, including a resolution to long-standing questions about whether attorney Orly Taitz properly served notice on the defendants, which she had.

In a second ruling, Carter ordered that attorney Gary Kreep of the United

States Justice Foundation can be added to the case to represent plaintiffs

Wiley Drake and Markham Robinson, who had been removed by an earlier court order. Drake, the vice presidential candidate for the American

Independent Party, and Robinson, the party's chairman, also were restored to the case.

But the judge did not immediately rule on Taitz' motion to be granted discovery – that is the right to see the president's still-concealed records.

Nor did Carter rule immediately on a motion to dismiss the case, submitted by the U.S. government, following discussion over Taitz' challenge to the work of a magistrate in the case.

The judge did comment that if there are legitimate constitutional questions regarding Obama's eligibility, they need to be addressed and resolved.

Carter ordered a hearing Oct. 5 on the motion to dismiss and ordered arguments submitted on the issue of discovery.

If the case survives that challenge, a pretrial hearing has been scheduled for

Jan. 11 and the trial for two weeks later.

The case would be the first time, according to Kreep, that the actual merits of the dispute will have been heard in open court. A multitude of such disputes have been rejected out of hand by various state and federal courts.

Even the U.S. Supreme Court repeatedly has rejected urgent appeals to hear the evidence. (snip)


Court document swears Kenyan birth certificate legit

Owner risks perjury in high-profile case to insist Barack Obama born in Africa

Posted: September 06, 2009 7:20 pm Eastern By Drew Zahn

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

With a scheduled hearing date looming Tuesday,

Lucas Smith, the man who tried to sell an alleged Barack Obama Kenyan birth certificate on eBay, has filed court papers in a high-profile eligibility case insisting – under threat of perjury – that the

Obama birth certificate in his possession is the genuine article.

Smith filed his affidavit through California attorney Orly Taitz, who has spearheaded several lawsuits challenging Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president, as part of a case that includes as plaintiff former presidential candidate Alan


Taitz posted on her blog Smith's declaration, which claims he obtained the alleged birth certificate from Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, and insists it's real.

"The true and correct photocopy of the birth certificate obtained is attached to this affidavit as Exhibit A," the declaration reads. "I declare, certify, verify, state and affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing statements of fact and descriptions of circumstances and events are true and correct."

_____________________________________________________________ eBay birth certificate called fraud

Hospital refuses to authenticate document

Posted: August 25, 2009 10:07 pm Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The alleged Kenyan birth certificate offered by eBay seller Lucas Smith and displayed last weekend on is not a valid document, a WND investigation has revealed…..(snip)

[Mr. Smith’s responds to Mr. Corsi:

In the following videos Lucas Smith provides responses to Mr. Corsi’s observations and questions concerning the alleged Kenyan birth certificate that Mr. Smith had offered on eBay.



He has 3 more videos up...

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Google Books Search: ]


DVD Documentary on “A Question of Eligibility”

As of August 10, 2009, this video has been available for viewing online in four parts at


Also see

(Joseph) Farah (WND Editor) produces 1st feature documentary on Obama mystery

Posted: July 24, 2009 12:00 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily


WND Editor Joseph Farah has produced the first major DVD documentary on the critical issues surrounding the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as president – but it wasn't easy.

In fact, during the course of shooting and editing "A Question of Eligibility," the award-winning filmmaking team, including veterans of many controversial movie projects, made the unusual request to keep its identity secret for fear of retribution from the administration. (snip)

A trailer for the DVD can be seen at

T_ID=161&ITEM_ID=3125 The following is from that website: (The DVD is) a presentation of WND films. Executive Producer: Joseph Farah

Interviewees: Dr. Jerome Corsi, Orly Taitz, Alan Keyes and Janet Porter.



Franks joins demand for eligibility proof

Gives Obama 2008 pass, but would require papers in 2012

Posted: August 24, 2009 4:55 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., has decided that while President Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office may not be subject to an immediate court challenge, if the president runs for a second term, he should be required to prove he is qualified.

As WND reported, Franks told a townhall meeting in Kingman, Ariz., over the weekend he was considering a lawsuit to establish Obama's eligibility.The congressman's spokeswoman, Bethany Haley, said Franks did consider a lawsuit during the runup to the 2008 election and immediately after the results were announced. But she confirmed to WND today that the congressman no longer is considering immediate action. (snip)



Tom Delay – proud 'birther'

'Constitution specifically says you have to be natural born citizen'

Posted: August 19, 2009 © 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay pulled no punches on Chris Matthews "Hardball" show on MSNBC today when asked if he is a "birther."

"Well, I’d like the president to produce his birth certificate," said DeLay. "I can. Most illegal aliens here in America can. Why can't the president of the

United States produce his birth certificate? ... Chris, will you do me a favor?

Will you ask the president to show me his gift certificate — I mean, his birth certificate?"

DeLay's outspokenness on the subject stands in stark contrast to any current member of Congress. (snip)

[Article includes video clip of exchange between Chris Matthews and Former

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay or see .]


Obama law tab up to $1.4 mil

'Grassroots army' contributions being used to crush eligibility lawsuits?

Posted: August 10, 2009 8:42 pm Eastern By Chelsea Schilling

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

President Obama may be using his political action committee funds to stomp out eligibility lawsuits brought by Americans, as he has paid more than

$1.35 million to his top lawyer since the election.

Obama for America, Obama's 2008 political campaign, merged with the

Democratic National Committee in January and is now known as Organizing

for America. The grassroots army that some refer to as "Obama 2.0" is still collecting financial contributions.

Federal Election Commission records for "Obama for America" show that the lobby organization has paid international law firm Perkins Coie exactly

$1,352,378.95 since the 2008 election.

FEC records show the following payments made to the law firm from Oct. 16,

2008, to June 30, 2009…(snip)


What does 'natural born citizen' really mean?

Debate whether British dad's baby meets constitutional requirement for president

Posted: August 10, 2009 8:49 pm Eastern By Drew Zahn

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The months of arguments over President Obama's eligibility to occupy the

Oval Office – based on the U.S. Constitution's requirement that the chief executive be a "natural born" citizen – have been fueled both by the president's decision to withhold his original long-form birth certificate, thereby leaving some questions unanswered, and by arguments over just exactly what is a "natural born". (snip)


Bill would force Obama to reveal birth documents

State senator: 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'

Posted: August 07, 2009 12:30 am Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat, has confirmed plans to introduce legislation through which the state's lawmakers would force the public disclosure of all President Obama's birth documents held by the Hawaii

Department of Health, including President Obama’s long-form original birth certificate.

Espero told WND his bill is aimed at "giving citizens access to birth records" under a standard of government transparency which would permit journalists to request in writing the public disclosure of vital birth records including long-form birth certificates of all persons born in Hawaii. He said it would include the release of birth records on those previously born in

Hawaii. (snip)


Soldier's case against Obama to be class-action?

Army major challenged orders based on questions about president's


Posted: July 27, 2009 10:07 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A case brought by a military officer whose order to deploy to Afghanistan was revoked now has been refiled in a federal court in Florida, and it raises the specter of a class action claim among members of the military that their orders aren't valid because of Barack Obama's ineligibility to be president.

The possibility already had been raised by WND columnist Vox Day, who wrote, "Not only every deployment order, but every order issued from an officer in the line of command can now be challenged in the knowledge that the top brass are afraid to respond for fear that their commander could be exposed for a fraud."

His comments came after the military, in its attempt to resolve the questions raised by Maj. Stefan Cook in his original claim, simply revoked his orders to deploy. As a result, a federal judge in Georgia dismissed his case. It now has been refilled in Florida, where he lives.

"The Pentagon's decision to back down rather than risk exposing Obama's birth records to the public means that every single American soldier, sailor, pilot and Marine now holds a 'get out of war free' card," Day wrote.

Now that scenario has been raised again in the new claim.

"It was already obvious that this case had and still has the potential to be converted into a class action on behalf of all military servicemen and

women who require the means of establishing the legality of their orders with certainty," the document states……

"And based on the merits of the arguments – not on the basis of procedural grounds," he said. "My expectations are that I shall ultimately be vindicated through either this injunction filed in Florida or through the case filed in

California. I passionately want to restore faith in both the Constitution of the

United States of America as well as its government.”

The complaint was filed by attorney Orly Taitz on behalf of Cook in the U.S.

District Court for the middle district of Florida.

It seeks damages and a declaratory judgment.

Named as defendants are Simtech, Cook's former civilian employer, and several officials, as well as Col. Louis B. Wingate, Secretary of Defense

Robert Gates and others.

WND previously reported a judge in Georgia dismissed Cook's case when the government suddenly revoked his orders to report to Ft. Benning for deployment to Afghanistan.

WND reported when the case originally was filed that Cook's concern was that without proof that there is a legitimate commander-in-chief, the entire

U.S. Army becomes "merely a corps of chattel slaves under the illegitimate control of a private citizen."

Cook told WND he's ready, willing and able to carry out the military needs of the United States, but he raised the challenge to Obama's eligibility to be president because if he would be captured by enemy forces while serving overseas under the orders of an illegitimate president, he could be considered a "war criminal." (snip)


CNN wrong once again – birth record not destroyed Hawaii contradicts network boss' claim that Obama certificate no longer exists

Posted: July 27, 2009 8:36 pm Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Directly contradicting CNN chief Jon Klein – who ordered host Lou Dobbs to quit discussing President Obama's birth certificate – the Hawaii Department of Health affirmed that no paper birth certificates were destroyed when the department moved to electronic record-keeping.

"I am not aware of any birth certificate records that have been destroyed by the department," Janice Okubo, public information officer for the Hawaii

DOH, told WND. "When the department went electronic in 2001, vital records, whether in paper form or any other form, [were] maintained. We don't destroy records."

Okubo affirmed that beginning in 2001, all vital records, including birth records, moved to electronic formats.

"Any records that we had in paper or any other form before 2001 are still in file within the department," she insisted. "We have not destroyed any vital statistics records that we have…….”

Hawaii's Okubu refused to say whether the DOH has Obama's original longform birth certificate, explaining state law prohibited her from commenting on the birth records of any specific person.

Okubu's refusal to comment on the status of Obama's long-form birth certificate seemed to contradict an Oct. 31, 2008, letter by Dr. Chiyome

Fukino, director of health for the state of Hawaii. Fukino claimed she personally saw and could verify that Hawaii had Obama's original long-form birth certificate on file.

But both Okubu and Fukino are now on the record contradicting CNN's claim that Hawaii had destroyed Obama's long-form birth certificate when the health department went electronic in 2001.

The White House has refused to acknowledge repeated requests from WND that Obama authorize the Hawaii DOH to release all his birth records, including his original long-form birth certificate. (snip)


Joseph Farah Between the Lines WorldNetDaily Exclusive

Commentary The ABCs of eligibility

Posted: July 23, 2009 1:00 am Eastern © 2009

Every day I get countless e-mails from people who are just beginning to become aware of the questions surrounding Barack Obama's eligibility for


Because I can't answer thousands of individual questions, this column is designed to provide a basic backgrounder on the most frequent questions – questions that could all be answered in far greater detail if readers had the patience to wade through the voluminous collection of stories on the issue

we offer the public free in our archives.

You can find the hundreds of news stories WND has written on this subject


You can also find a thorough exploration of this subject in publication form


[Mr. Farah goes on to address the following questions. His answer to the

last two of these questions are included below:]

Question: What about the claims by some other news organizations, public officials and websites to have seen and inspected the original birth

certificate? ……….

Question: What about those newspaper birth announcements? ……….

Question: Why do you focus so much attention on the birth certificate as opposed to other questions – like Obama's foreign travels, his student records, his passports and whether he could be considered a "natural born

citizen" on the basis of his father's status as a Kenyan citizen? ……….

Question: How is it possible that no controlling legal authority ever asked

Obama for his birth certificate since the Constitution requires that his

eligibility be established?

Answer: It is not only possible, it is an established fact. No federal or state election authority ever asked for that proof. It's a dirty little secret that no one in government at any level is eager for you to learn. No, those entities have a vested interest in guarding their own constitutional malfeasance.

Further, it is an established fact that the Congress of the United States held hearings to establish that presidential candidate John McCain was indeed a

"natural born citizen," yet never bothered to demand the evidence from


Let me just say this in closing: The Constitution is precious. It is the basis for the rule of law in America. If we discount clear provisions like the one offered in Article 2, Section 1 on presidential eligibility, we might as well scrap the document altogether and just allow ourselves to be ruled by men,

rather than law………

I am unwilling to do that. And I hope you will join me in standing up for the

Constitution and the rule of law.

[End of excerpted Commentary. See

for the entire Commentary.]


Lib talker, Lou Dobbs now asking eligibility questions

Radio, television, newspapers taking note of long-running dispute

Posted: July 16, 2009 11:05 pm Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily

Radio talk shows, television programming, newspapers - even a liberal talk show host in New York and talk format icon Lou Dobbs - have begun taking note of the story long reported by WorldNetDaily over the doubts about and challenges to President Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval office.

Lynn Samuels, longtime New York radio talker, even accused Obama of lying about his birth certificate.

WND has been reporting – many times in solo fashion – on the issues that have been raised by multiple lawsuits contending that Obama does not qualify under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that the president be a

"natural born" citizen.

But now word is spreading, prompted by the case brought this week by an

Army major scheduled for deployment to Afghanistan.....................

The story was reported on Sean Hannity's program on Fox News.

Hannity said the challenge to the deployment orders came after Obama ordered a surge in troops to Afghanistan……

Dobbs said he and his staff have "been working hard to figure out what's going on."

He said he's found the Federal Election Commission does "nothing to validate

… a candidate." Nor do the states, he said.

Keyes said it rests upon judges and members of Congress, who have sworn an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, to do their duty and investigate questions or discrepancies.

Dobbs suggested that many Americans believe simply being born to a mother who is a U.S. citizen automatically makes the newborn a citizen, but both Taitz and Keyes explained that under the immigration law in effect in the 1960s when Obama was born, an American woman married to a foreign national man had to have lived in the U.S. 10 years, at least five of which were after the age of 14, to pass along U.S. citizenship.

Taitz pointed out Obama's mother was too young to do that…………..

Some of the lawsuits question whether he was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.

Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a

Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the

Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born. (snip)


'Birth hospital': Letter for real

New images of 'Obama document' at center of eligibility controversy

Posted: July 16, 2009 9:10 pm Eastern By Joe Kovacs

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

After days of sustained silence, the Honolulu hospital that trumpeted – then later concealed – a letter allegedly written by

President Obama in which he ostensibly declares his birth at the facility now

claims the letter is, in fact, real.

WorldNetDaily has obtained exclusive images of what the Kapi'olani Medical

Center for Women and Children says is the original White House correspondence, dated Jan. 24 of this year, just four days after the inauguration of the new commander in chief……………..

When that disclosure was revealed by WND, Kapi'olani literally covered it up, electronically concealing the image from its anniversary page and refusing to confirm the letter even existed. Even the image used as a fundraiser in

Inspire Magazine is clearly not the same document now being presented by

Kapi'olani, as evinced by differences in the amount of white space between the "Washington" letterhead and the subsequent text.

Despite numerous requests last week for the hospital to verify the correspondence, Kapi'olani spokeswoman Kristy Watanabe would only say:

"Federal law does not permit us to provide any more details concerning information [about Obama's birth] without authorization from Mr. Obama."

Late yesterday, though, Peters finally responded to WND's inquiry when the news site informed the hospital that the FBI and United States Secret

Service said the matter could potentially lead to criminal prosecution were the letter determined to be fraudulent.

"It would be a charity fraud scheme," said FBI spokesman Steve Kodak. "It would be investigated by us or the Secret Service. We both have jurisdiction over that."

Peters says Kapi'olani actually has a reproduction of the "original letter" on display at the hospital.

"The original is something that we treasure, and we know that it came from

Mr. Obama," she said, explaining only that the paper document was personally presented to them by U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii, who read its contents – straying at times from the actual text – at the hospital's

Centennial Dinner Jan. 24, the same day the letter in question is dated.



'Begone!' Georgia judge orders fired reservist

Officer's orders jerked after challenge to prez' eligibility

Posted: July 16, 2009 6:45 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A judge in Georgia has dismissed a case brought by a U.S. Army reservist whose orders to deploy to Afghanistan were jerked when he challenged

President Obama's eligibility, telling the officer's lawyer the case would be handled better in Florida where the lawyer lives.

According to Orly Taitz, an attorney for Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, the instructions came at today's hearing scheduled in Georgia by U.S. District

Judge Clay Land.

The hearing was on a complaint originally challenging the legality of Cook's deployment orders, based on doubts about Obama's eligibility to be president. Cook was to report to Ft. Benning in Georgia this week to be deployed to Afghanistan.

The complaint was amended after the Army suddenly rescinded Cook's orders, and his civilian employer reported being pressured by the government to fire the officer. (snip)


Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez

Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace

Posted: July 14, 2009 9:53 pm Eastern By Chelsea Schilling

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after he argued that he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his legitimacy for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.

"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"

She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons

– just revoked."

A hearing on the questions raised by Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, an engineer who told WND he wants to serve his country in Afghanistan, was scheduled for July 16 at 9:30 a.m.

"As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if

President Obama is found not to be a 'natural-born citizen,' he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief," he told WND only hours after the case was filed.

"[Then] any order coming out of the presidency or his chain of command is illegal. Should I deploy, I would essentially be following an illegal [order]. If

I happened to be captured by the enemy in a foreign land, I would not be privy to the Geneva Convention protections," he said.

The order for the hearing in the federal court for the Middle District of

Georgia from U.S. District Judge Clay D. Land said the hearing on the request for a temporary restraining order would be held Thursday (July 17).



Eligibility arguments to get court hearing

'For 1st time, we have a judge who's listening'

Posted: July 13, 2009 9:52 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Excerpted highlights of the article:

In what ultimately could prove to be a turning point in the legal challenges to Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, a federal judge in California has planned a hearing on the merits of a federal court case raising those questions.

According to attorney Orly Taitz, who is working on multiple cases alleging

Obama is a "usurper" because he doesn't meet the constitutional requirement that only a "natural born citizen" can be president, U.S. District

Judge David O. Carter ruled in a hearing today that her case will move forward………………….

The case was filed on behalf of former U.S. Ambassador Alan Keyes, also a contestant in the 2008 presidential race in California, and others. Taitz said the case might have been confused with another Keyes vs. Obama case filed in the state's court system, which was thrown out and now is on appeal.

"I will be asking for the release of his vital records," she has told WND.

The case, which also includes Wiley S. Drake and Markham Robinson as plaintiffs, names as defendant "Barack H Obama also known as Barack

Hussein Obama II also known as Barack H Obama II also known as Barry

Obama also known as Barry Soetoro………….."

She told WND that at today's hearing, the judge issued no orders, but promised that the case would be moved forward and he would address the merits of the dispute. He said there would be no dismissals based on

"procedural issues."

The judge said as a former Marine he recognizes the importance of having a constitutionally qualified president.

While no attorneys appeared on Obama's behalf, several members of the

U.S. Attorney's office in California were in attendance, and sought to intervene on behalf of Obama over his actions before becoming president.

The judge ordered them to accept service of the lawsuit immediately and then continued the case to an unannounced date.

Taitz told WND, "For first time, we have a judge who's listening…………."


Keyes also is plaintiff in a separate case making its way through the

California state court system. His opinions on the dispute have been

captured on YouTube

"We're either going to stop him, or the United States of America is going to cease to exist," he said. "That's not a laughing matter.'

Taitz' complaint cites Obama individually for his acts before he took office, specifically his refusal to provide the documentation that would show his eligibility. (snip)

[updated July 14, 2009]


UTube comments of Alan Keyes a plaintiff in the above case:

Keyes also is (a) plaintiff in a separate case making its way through the

California state court system. His opinions on the dispute have been captured on YouTube: [Available at ]


U.S. officer demands answer: Is Army 'corps of chattel slaves?'

Files federal court challenge over Obama's refusal to prove eligibility

Posted: July 11, 2009 12:05 am Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida with orders to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has filed a court demand to be classified as a "conscientious objector" because without proof of the commander-in-chief's eligibility for office, the entire army "becomes merely a corps of chattel slaves under the illegitimate control of a private citizen."

A hearing on the questions raised by Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, an engineer WND he wants to serve his country in Afghanistan, already has been scheduled for July 16 at 9:30 a.m., according to California attorney

Orly Taitz, who is handling the claim.

Cook told WND he's ready, willing and able to carry out the military needs of the United States, but he raised the challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to be president because if he would be captured by enemy forces while serving overseas under the orders of an illegitimate president, he could be considered a "war criminal."

"As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if

President Obama is found not to be a 'natural-born citizen,' he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief," he told WND only hours after the case was filed.

"[Then] any order coming out of the presidency or his chain of command is illegal. Should I deploy, I would essentially be following an illegal [order]. If

I happened to be captured by the enemy in a foreign land, I would not be privy to the Geneva Convention protections," he said.………..

Cook said without a legitimate president as commander-in-chief, members of the U.S. military in overseas actions could be determined to be "war criminals and subject to prosecution…."

According to the claim, "Plaintiff submits that it is implicit though not expressly stated that an officer is and should be subject to court-martial, because he will be derelict in the performance of his duties, if he does not inquire as to the lawfulness, the legality, the legitimacy of the orders which he has received, whether those orders are specific or

general……. "

"The issue or question raised by this suit is uniquely federal and properly

(and in fact necessarily) subject to the exercise of federal power: the question whether the constitutional legitimacy of the chain of command under a constitutionally legitimate commander-in-chief pursuant to Article II,

§§1-2 of the Constitution is essential to the maintenance of balance of powers and separation of powers under the constitution, and cannot be lightly dismissed in light of the plaintiff's evidence that the de facto president of the United States is not only constitutionally unqualified, but procured his election by fraudulent and illegitimate means which may constitute a pattern of racketeering utilizing the apparatus of corrupt organizations in violation of

18 U.S.C. §1961 et seq," [the claim] alleges. (snip)


Hawaiian Supremes asked to take 'action' on WND report

Story documented conflicting Obama birthplace claims

Posted: July 09, 2009 11:50 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A Chicago activist who has asked the courts in Hawaii to unseal Barack

Obama's birth certificate now is urging the state's Supreme Court to take action following a WND report documenting conflicting reports on the president's birth location.

"This court should take decisive action before the court itself becomes a part of a questionable pattern of behavior concerning a document that is obviously relevant to American history," said a pleading posted on Andy

Martin's website for submission to the state Supreme Court.

[ ] (snip)


Eligibility claims attracting high-level interest

Joint Chiefs counsel, Justice Department, now involved

Posted: July 09, 2009 11:50 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

……California attorney Orly Taitz, who has pursued multiple legal challenges to Barack Obama's eligibility to be the president, is attracting some highlevel attention, with the Justice Department trying to add itself onto one of her cases and the legal counsel for the Joint Chiefs of Staff being assigned to review another issue.

Taitz has filed multiple legal actions around the country alleging Obama does not meet the constitutional requirements to occupy the Oval Office. One of her cases, filed against Obama as an individual for actions before he took office, is scheduled for a hearing in a California court on Monday.

The hearing is on a request by Taitz for a default judgment, since she explains she notified the president of the action weeks ago, and his lawyers failed to respond.

Taitz has told WND if her motion is granted she will immediately request access to Obama's birth records and other documentation that could determine his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office.

Taitz has been trying multiple additional notification procedures since U.S.

District Judge David O. Carter ruled: "Before the court is a motion by plaintiffs for reconsideration of order to show cause or in the alternative to certify question for appeal. Court sets this matter for hearing on July 13,

2009 at 8:30 a.m. in Courtroom 9D. Plaintiffs are directed to make every effort possible to ensure that all remaining defendants are aware of the hearing and provide documentation that the individual receiving service is authorized to accept on defendants' behalf........Now a pleading has been submitted by Thomas P. O'Brein, Leon Weidman, Roger West and David

DeJute, U.S. attorneys or assistants, claiming the federal government has an interest in the claim made against Obama's actions before he took office. "



2 more sign on to demand birth certificates

House support for eligibility procedure growing

Posted: July 09, 2009 12:30 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Two more members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed on as co-sponsors of a proposal to require presidential candidates to document their eligibility for the office under the U.S. Constitution, which requires Oval Office occupants to be among other things, a "natural born citizen" of the United States. ……(The bill) was introduced by Rep. Bill

Posey, R-Fla. The newest additions are Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind. And

Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas.

They joined Reps. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.; John Campbell, R-Calif.; John

R. Carter, R-Texas; John Culberson, R-Texas; Bob Goodlatte, R-Va.; and

Randy Neugebauer, R-Texas, in support of Posey's H.R. 1503 plan. (snip)


Eligibility bill wins more co-sponsors

Proposed law would require proof of future presidential candidates

Posted: July 03, 2009 12:10 am Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican, has become the sixth co-sponsor of a proposal by Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., that would require documentation of eligibility from presidential candidates.

She has joined Reps. John Campbell, R-Calif.; John R. Carter, R-Texas; John

Culberson, R-Texas; Bob Goodlatte, R-Va.; and Randy Neugebauer, R-Texas, in support Posey's H.R. 1503 plan.

The bill's provisions are simple: "To amend the Federal Election Campaign

Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the

Constitution." (snip)




Blas Padrino Interview with Joseph Farah (Founder and Editor

WorldNetDaily): Where's the birth certificate?

July 6, 8:46 AM Orlando Republican Examiner


Hospital won't back Obama birth claim

Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center refuses to confirm White House


Posted: July 06, 2009 9:26 pm Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2009 WorldNetDaily eBay seller claims certified Kenya birth certificate

Says copy sports embossed seal, signature of physician

Posted: July 02, 2009 11:30 pm Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – The eBay birth certificate saga continues.

A seller claiming to have a certified copy of Barack Obama's birth certificate issued in a Mombasa, Kenya, hospital in 1961 is back up on eBay telling her story. Six previous times the posts have been removed.

Even when the seller offered only autographed pictures of those allegedly responsible for securing the document, the posts have been removed.

The seller now insists a YouTube video will be produced, presumably including images of the document. Then, the seller says, the full story will be given to WND………The seller claims in the latest post on eBay that the birth certificate contains the name of Obama's mother and father, the name of the physician present, along with a signature, and that it is "an exact copy of the original 1961 Mombasa hospital birth certificate. Includes 2009 embossed seal of the hospital in Mombasa.

Contains a 2009 signature from staff that issued this copy with embossed seal." (snip)



For sale on eBay: Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

Seller claims Mombasa document 'certified copy'

Posted: June 27, 2009 12:40 am Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

With dozens of lawsuits filed over access to Barack Obama's certified long-form birth certificate, many more lawyers working on his behalf to keep it secret and the validity of the U.S. Constitution hanging in the balance, guess where a "certified copy" of the original Mombasa

"document" has been found?

On eBay.

Item No. 160344374585, at least as of today, is described as "a certified copy of President Barack Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate."

The seller, identified by the user name " colmado_naranja," states,

"President Barack Hussein Obama II was born in The Coast Provincial

Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th, 1961. (snip)


'Proof' of Kenyan birth twice scrubbed by eBay

But seller of 'Obama's birth certificate' dodges administrators to

post 3rd time

Posted: June 27, 2009 3:19 pm Eastern By Drew Zahn

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WND Editor's note: Since publication of this story, the auction item has been removed for the third time. None of the item identification numbers in this

article remain valid.

An eBay seller who previously promised to deliver a certified copy of

President Obama's actual birth certificate – from a hospital in Mombasa,

Kenya – has twice had his listing removed from the popular auction website.


Under its now third eBay number, 160345002984, the item up for sale is listed as a "story" and specifically states the document is a gift to the winner, not the object of bidding itself:

"…..I'm now auctioning my story (true story) of how I obtained U.S.

President Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate," the listing states. "The winner of this auction will not bear copyrights to my story. However, along with my story the winning bidder will also take home U.S. President Barack

Hussein Obama's Kenyan (African) birth certificate. Certified birth certificate.

I am giving the birth certificate to the bidder that wins this auction, which is for my story." (snip)


Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

Says case will be expedited when representation lined up

Posted: June 26, 2009 By Bob Unruh © 2009 WorldNetDaily


"A judge hearing one of the cases challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president has taken the unusual step of describing the dispute as a serious constitutional issue and further has begun adding letters of comment from the public to the court record.

Word of the action by U.S. Magistrate Judge Joel Schneider in Camden, N.J., comes from attorney Mario Apuzzo, who is handling the Kerchner vs. Obama case.

Apuzzo filed his lawsuit in January on behalf of Charles F. Kerchner Jr.,

Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James Lenormand and Donald H. Nelson Jr.

Named as defendants are Barack Hussein Obama II, the U.S., Congress, the

Senate, House of Representatives and former Vice President Dick Cheney along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The case focuses on the alleged failure in Congress to follow the

Constitution. That document, the lawsuit states, "provides that Congress must fully qualify the candidate 'elected' by the Electoral College Electors."



Eligibility issue hits local TV news

Broadcast anchor: 'Most still very much in doubt'

Posted: June 25, 2009 12:00 am Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily


Rush Limbaugh pummels Obama on birth certificate

Radio giant clowns about president's similarities, differences with


Posted: June 10, 2009 2:38 pm Eastern By Joe Kovacs

© 2009 WorldNetDaily


Hearing set on default in Obama eligibility case

Judge asks for 2nd confirmation that president notified of case




NBC affiliate: 'Was Obama born in Hawaii?'

Viewers respond after WND story featured on TV station in Texas

--KETK-TV, Texas


$10,000 bounty for any witness to Obama's birth

Editor encourages readers to help him up the ante



What's the difference?

Compare genuine 'long-form' Hawaiian birth certificate with Obama's online

--WND © 2009 WorldNetDaily


Grassroots sign onto eligibility billboard campaign

Washington state 'Where's The Birth Certificate' sign appears

--WND © 2009 WorldNetDaily


Join nearly 400,000 others in seeking citizenship proof

Petition demands verification of Obama's eligibility © 2009 WorldNetDaily



Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Footprints of president's own history either vanish or remain covered up


© 2009 WorldNetDaily


Senator calls for vetting

of candidates' eligibility

GOP's Coburn likes plan to require birth certificates


© 2009 WorldNetDaily


Posey: Eligibility document plan not personal

'The last election is over ... but it's reckless not to eliminate future problems'

--WND © 2009 WorldNetDaily


Support rising for eligibility verification demand

Now 4 congressmen cosponsoring Posey's documentation plan

--WND © 2009 WorldNetDaily


.......Most Americans know of Obama eligibility questions

Despite near media blackout on coverage, 49.3% 'troubled,' think he should release birth certificate

--WND © 2009 WorldNetDaily



Petition demands verification of Obama's eligibility

--WND © 2009 WorldNetDaily


Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

WND's complete archive of news reports on the issue

--WND © 2009 WorldNetDaily


Why Obama wants to hide birth certificate Posted: June 16, 2009

1:00 am Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah Between the Lines WorldNetDaily Exclusive Commentary


Obama's prayer: 'Don't question my citizenship'

Raises issue of eligibility in speech at annual breakfast gathering

Posted: February 04, 2010 11:34 am Eastern © 2010 WorldNetDaily

President Obama today at the National Prayer Breakfast raised the issue of his own eligibility for office – saying that people shouldn't be questioning his


Talking about the issue of "civility," he said, "Now, I am the first to confess I am not always right. Michelle will testify to that. But surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith, or, for that matter, my citizenship."

[A video of the statement is included.]


‘I don't know whether Obama's a U.S. citizen’

Growing list of lawmakers, talkers questioning eligibility of president

Posted: February 04, 2010 11:45 pm Eastern By Chelsea Schilling

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Tennessee state Senate speaker and gubernatorial candidate Ron Ramsey has joined the growing ranks of officials and prominent commentators who say they are unsure of whether President Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen.

Ramsey was asked Feb. 2 about the issue by Maclin Davis, a former state lawmaker and attorney for the state GOP, the Associated Press reported.

"I don't know whether President Obama is a citizen of the United States or not," Ramsey responded. "I don't know what the whole deal is there."

However, Ramsey added that he doesn't believe citizens are concerned about Obama's citizenship status.

"But I'm going to tell you something," he said. "When you walk out on the street down here, people don't really care about this issue."

Help push the petition asking President Obama to reveal his long-form,

hospital-generated birth certificate to the 500,000 mark!

He said dwelling on the issue of whether Obama is eligible to hold office distracts from the Republican message on jobs, education and fiscal conservatism.

"When we get off on sidelines like that, that's when people say 'aw,' they close their ears and don't listen," Ramsey said. "I'm not saying you're not right, Mac, I'm not saying you're not right – but that's not how you win elections."

According to the report, Ramsey acknowledged that he might be causing some apprehension among his political staff for even addressing the eligibility issue.

"I've got a table full of advisers sitting over there, and they'll probably start cringing right about now when I start talking about some of this stuff," he said.

Ramsey is just the latest addition to a long line of lawmakers and prominent personalities who have questioned Obama's citizenship status or asked why he hasn't released a birth certificate.

As WND reported, Democrats plan to raise the issue of Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office during this year's U.S. Senate races.

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee chief Robert Menendez has distributed a memo to U.S. Senate campaign offices stating Democrats need to demand that their opponents answer a series of questions, including, "Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen?"

WND has also reported efforts to raise the question of Obama's eligibility at the state and national levels. Several state legislatures are working on proposals that would require presidential candidates to submit proof of their eligibility. Among the states where election qualification or eligibility requirements are being considered or developed include Oklahoma, Arizona,

Georgia, Indiana, Virginia, New York and others. (snip)


Fox News entertainers can't get story straight

Joseph Farah Posted: February 12, 2010 1:00 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Let me preface this commentary by explaining that I do not watch either Bill

O'Reilly or Glenn Beck.

I don't have to. WND visitors send me so many video clippings from these shows, pointing out the good, the bad and the ugly, there's no need for me to devote two hours a day tuned to the tube.

Lately, it seems, O'Reilly and Beck have been teaming up – doing each other's shows. Such was the case recently when Beck visited the set of "The

O'Reilly Factor," where they exchanged ignorances on what we call "the eligibility issue."

One thing this pair has in common is their steadfast belief that Barack

Obama has somehow proven he is constitutionally eligible to serve in the

White House – or so they suggest. They routinely engage in ad hominem attacks on "loons" and "conspiracy nuts" who believe otherwise.

To say Beck and O'Reilly are obsessed with ridiculing Americans who believe the Constitution has been dishonored by Barack Obama's steadfast refusal to release any meaningful documentation of his eligibility, his education, his travels, his health and his life story in general would be an understatement.

They are on a mission – one that apparently requires them to be less than honest about their own beliefs on the matter. Either that or they are both terribly confused about what they believe. (snip)


March on Washington to tell president to quit

'It is time to motivate the citizens of U.S. to expose 'hoax' of Obama'

Posted: February 20, 2010 12:15 am Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit……….

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing

'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a

'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.

Berg, who publicizes his cases through his website, said the planned "Birth Certificate March on Washington" will demand Obama resign.

A date and other logistical details of the march are to be announced within a few days, Berg told WND. ………

Berg said the continuing challenges to Obama's eligibility are making an impact…………….

Berg said he's already gotten what he called a "fabulous" response to his plans. He said a march is something "people positively can do."

On his website, Berg explains he believes Obama obtained an Indonesian passport while he lived with his mother and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, in

Indonesia, and that his act of attending school in Indonesia required him to be an Indonesian citizen.

Further, he contends that as an adult, Obama chose to continue his

Indonesian citizenship by renewing his passport.

"Renewing an Indonesian passport after the age of 18 is an affirmative act, as you are swearing allegiance to another country. Soetoro/Obama renewed his Indonesian passport when he traveled to Pakistan, that is why he had to stop in Indonesia first. Remember, in 1981, [his mother] was divorcing

Soetoro in Hawaii ...

Obama/Soetoro admits to traveling to Indonesia first and then onto

Pakistan. Soetoro/Obama claims in his book 'Dreams from my Father' that he stopped in Indonesia to visit his mother. But again, his mother was not in

Indonesia, she was in Hawaii with Maya, divorcing Lolo Soetoro. In addition, the State Department has stated in response to a FOIA request that they do not have a U.S. Passport application on file for Barack H. Obama," he explained.

"As a result of Soetoro/Obama's Indonesian 'natural' citizenship status,

Soetoro/Obama could never regain U.S. 'natural born' status, if he in fact he ever held such, which we doubt. Soetoro/Obama could have only become

'naturalized' if the proper paperwork were filed with the U.S. State

Department, after going through U.S. Immigration upon his return to the

United States; in which case, Soetoro/Obama would have received a

Certification of Citizenship indicating 'naturalized,'" he said.

Berg told WND he's convinced that's why Obama has been so adamant in refusing to release his school, college and university records. He said he believes they would show Obama received aid for school as a foreign national. (snip)


Canadian citizenship hurdle to be U.S. president?

Michigan governor pooh-poohs concern over dual allegiances

Posted: February 22, 2010 11:26 pm Eastern © 2010 WorldNetDaily

The governor of Michigan has pooh-poohed concern over her allegiance to

Canada – she was born there and has dual citizenship in the United

States and Canada – and whether that would impact her candidacy if

she chose to run for president.

"Come on," Jennifer Granholm said while being interviewed, along with

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, by Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."

The discussion was about what's going on in Washington and how it impacts states. At the end of the interview, Wallace asked Granholm about her plans.

"Your two terms are up at the end of this year. Do you have any interest in moving here to Washington and working in the administration?" he asked.

"Are you offering me a job? No, I …" she said.

"Yes, because I'm a conduit for the Obama White House. Exactly," Wallace joked.

"No, I'm totally focused this year on creating every single job I can until the last moment," Granholm said. "December 31st at midnight is when

I'll stop. So I have no idea what I'm going to do next, but I'm not going to run for president. I can tell you that."

Wallace then pointed out that she would be unqualified to run, anyway.

"We should point out Gov. Granholm is a Canadian and cannot run for president," he said.

"I'm American. I've got dual citizenship," Granholm corrected him.

After bantering about who she supports in the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Granholm said, "I left Canada when I was 4. Come on."

The issue is one of the points of contention in some of the many legal challenges brought over President Obama's eligibility for office.

Attorneys have argued the framers of the U.S. Constitution excluded dual citizens from eligibility when they required a president be only a "natural born citizen."

Obama's own writings confirm his father never was a U.S. citizen and was subject to the governance of the United Kingdom and later Kenya on its independence. When Obama was born, some argue, he was subject to U.K. citizenship through his father. His mother, an American, apparently made him a dual citizen.

Granholm had been promoted by at least one pundit to be Obama's vice presidential candidate in 2008, a position that ultimately went to Sen. Joe


At the Radio Patriot, radio host Andrea Shea King said, "Granholm's response is indicative of the mistaken belief that because one of her parents is/was a U.S. citizen, she's eligible."

"This woman took an oath to uphold the Constitution. Has she even read it?"

King wrote. (snip)


Rep. Broun wonders if Obama 'citizen'

'I don't know,' is his response to radio host's question

Posted: March 07, 2010 10:55 pm Eastern © 2010 WorldNetDaily

Another member of Congress, U.S. Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., says he doesn't know if President Obama is a "citizen."

Broun's comments came this week in an interview with host Pete Dominick on Sirius XM radio:

He responded, "I'm not going to get involved in that," at first when he was asked if he thinks the president is an "American citizen and a Christian."

But he responded, "I don't know," when pressed over whether he thinks

Obama is a citizen.

"Is he a Christian?" Dominick followed.

"I don't know," Broun said, explaining that that's something known only to the individual and God. "I'm a Christian but only me and the Lord know that for sure."

WND reported recently on the growing list of political leaders who have questions about Obama's citizenship, although the main issue regarding his eligibility is whether he is a "natural born citizen" as the U.S. Constitution requires. …………………..(snip)


Obama banks on 'no standing' decision

Eligibility case pending before appeals court

Posted: March 08, 2010 8:00 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

One of the banks of attorneys assigned to quash demands for documentation that President Obama is constitutionally eligible to occupy the Oval Office is counting on a ruling that American citizens have no "standing" to demand that information.

The attorneys argued in a brief submitted to the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of

Appeals that any injury to someone whose president is not eligible is the same injury for all people, so the individual has no legal standing to complain.

WND has reported on the case brought by attorney Mario Apuzzo in January

2009 on behalf of Charles F. Kerchner Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James

Lenormand and Donald H. Nelson Jr.

Named as defendants were Barack Hussein Obama II, the U.S., Congress, the Senate, House of Representatives, former Vice President Dick Cheney and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The case alleges Congress failed to follow the Constitution, which "provides that Congress must fully qualify the candidate 'elected' by the Electoral

College Electors."

The complaint also asserts "when Obama was born his father was a

British subject/citizen and Obama himself was the same." The case contends the framers of the U.S. Constitution, when they adopted the requirement that a president be a "natural born citizen," excluded dual citizens.

According to a statement on Apuzzo's weblog, the government's statement will be answered by the scheduled deadline of March 22.

In a posted statement, Kerchner said, "What a lame and empty defense."



Meet McCain 'birthers': ABC, CBS, NBC, FactCheck, N.Y. Times, more

Eligibility issue was huge in 2008 when Obama opponent was focus of attention

Posted: March 08, 2010 9:30 pm Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Many of the same news organizations and research groups today dismissing concerns about Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility were far more eager to cover the issue when Republican presidential candidate John McCain was the subject.

An archive search shows the question of McCain's birth certificate and his eligibility to be president was actively pursued by Democratic Party activists and the mainstream media in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election, despite the ridicule now heaped upon those questioning Obama's qualifications under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

In an article published Feb. 28, 2008, months before McCain was nominated for president by the Republican Party,, at the very center of

Obama's defense against eligibility questions, was itself raising them about


In a piece that led off with the question, "How can Panamanian-born McCain be elected president?" conceded McCain did meet the naturalborn citizen requirements. But the website qualified its answer, stating that if McCain did win the presidency, the issue could be challenged in court.

After the Republican and Democratic conventions, on, weighed into the Obama eligibility debate Aug. 21, 2008," claiming its

"staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate." The certificate in question, however, was a short-form

Certificate of Live Birth, or COLB, not a hospital-generated long-form birth certificate listing the hospital where Obama was born as well as other relevant birth information, including the name of the attending physician.



Glenn Beck: Eligibility 'not winnable argument'

Tells Denver radio host Peter Boyles 'I haven't looked into it at all'

Posted: March 16, 2010 9:31 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

DENVER - Radio and television talk show host Glenn Beck, who previously called the dispute over President Obama's eligibility for office the "dumbest thing I've ever heard," today told Denver host Peter Boyles on his KHOW show that it's not a "winnable argument."

"I haven't looked into it at all," Beck told Boyles on this morning's show. "It doesn't matter to me because I don't think you can make the case."

An audio of the exchange has been embedded [at ]….. ….

….."I have to tell you, are you working for the Barack Obama administration?" Beck scoffed. "I mean, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

Beck defined birthers as people who believe Obama was born in Kenya or another foreign country.

Boyles, on his show today, raised the issue of the birth certificate, but Beck said, "I don't have a lot to say."

"Let us just say, if I were the president of the United States, I would want people to bring this up. With so many things that [are] going on in our country, so many verifiable, so many things that are easy to prove, if I were the president, if I were holding my own birth certificate and I'm standing there in the Oval Office, I would have somebody come in and say Mr.

President, let's just produce the birth certificate, let's just go out and address this. If I were the president, I would say are you kidding me, no.'"

When Boyles pointed out that it's not just a birth certificate, it's a long list of documents about Obama's past that remains concealed, Beck said, "Yeah, but I don't think it's a winnable argument. I haven't done any … I haven't looked into it at all. … just kind of glanced at it, because there's no way to win that." (snip)


Mayor joins chorus questioning if Obama 'American' 'If you're not willing to produce birth certificate, you've got something to hide'

Posted: April 16, 2010 8:56 pm Eastern © 2010 WorldNetDaily

The mayor of Champaign, Ill., has joined a long list of political and other leaders who are suggesting the best and fastest resolution for questions over

Barack Obama's eligibility to be president is simply to produce his original birth certificate.

The comments from Champaign Mayor Gerald Schweighart were captured yesterday, tax day, on video...

The mayor is asked about Obama and responds that he doesn't think he's


"If you are not willing to produce an original birth certificate, then you've got something to hide," he said. "If he doesn't have something to hide, produce it."

On the Daily Illini site, Al Kurtz, a Champaign County board member, stated that there is no question about Obama.

"I was struck speechless that his inability to understand the facts of the case and his ignorance to pronounce our president not as American in his opinion was willfully ignorant of the circumstances that surround this controversy,"

Kurtz told the newspaper. "President Obama has proven without a doubt that he is an American citizen. The state of Hawaii has produced the original birth certificate, which was copied and now sent to Washington. That is a real biased statement that doesn't show much research or in-depth study of the situation."

Another council member, Marci Dodds, also told the paper, "It's a non issue."

The mayor joins Tennessee state Senate speaker Ron Ramsey, Hawaii state

Sen. Will Espero, Oklahoma state Rep. Mike Ritze, U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, R-

Fla., and many other with similar questions.

Ramsey said, "I don't know whether President Obama is a citizen of the

United States or not. I don't know what the whole deal is there."

But Ramsey also said he doesn't believe citizens are concerned about

Obama's citizenship status.

"But I'm going to tell you something," he said. "When you walk out on the street down here, people don't really care about this issue."

There also have been efforts to raise the question of Obama's eligibility at the state and national levels. Several state legislatures are working on proposals that would require presidential candidates to submit proof of their eligibility. Among the states where election qualification or eligibility requirements are being considered or developed include Oklahoma, Arizona,

Georgia, Indiana, Virginia and New York. (snip)

[Past or present public officials mentioned in the article:

Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero

Oklahoma state Rep. Mike Ritze

U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla.

Arizona state Sen. Sylvia Allen

Arizona state Rep. Judy Burges

U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal, R-Ga.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin

Former House majority leader Tom DeLay

U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.

U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.

Feminist icon Camille Paglia

New Hampshire State Rep. Laurence Rappaport

Former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, R-Ariz.

Prominent commentators mentioned in the article:

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Lou Dobbs,

Peter Boyles and WND's Chuck Norris and Pat Boone ,New York radio talker

Lynn Samuels ]


Resolving the Obama eligibility question Commentary June 15,

2010 1:00 am Eastern By Paul R. Hollrah © 2010 WorldNetDaily

Never in American history has a national leader served under a darker cloud of suspicion than Barack Hussein Obama. Was he born in Hawaii or in

Kenya? Did he become an Indonesian citizen in 1967? Where did he spend the summer of 1981? Did he actually attend classes at Columbia? Did he write "Dreams From My Father"? These are all interesting questions, but not the most critical ones. By far the most critical question relates to his eligibility. Is he eligible to serve as president, or is he a usurper? Let's analyze what we actually know to be true.

First, we have the absolute and unequivocal requirements of Article II,

Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which states, "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United


We know that Obama was not a citizen of the United States at the time the

Constitution was ratified, we know that he was at least 35 years of age when he took office in January 2009, and we know that he has been a U.S. resident for at least 14 years. But is he a natural born citizen? What is a

"natural born" citizen? And how do we prevent an individual who is not a natural born citizen from becoming president or vice president? (snip)

