BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF COMMUNITY-TECHNICAL COLLEGES CONGRESS BARGAINING UNIT APPLICATION FOR PROMOTION TEACHING FACULTY Academic Year 2006-07 A. Teaching and Related Responsibilities 1. Growth and competence in teaching/other responsibilities related to instruction (A) I have taught a variety of math courses at XXX CC including Pre Algebra, Introductory Algebra, Intermediate Algebra and Contemporary Mathematics. In the process of teaching these courses, I have contributed to curriculum and instructional development by introducing math reform elements, producing laboratory projects that require calculators and computers, establishing student cooperative learning groups for use both in and out of class, and preparing course syllabi. (B) I coordinated the development of common final exam questions for Intermediate Algebra in Spring 2003, Fall 2003 and Spring 2004 with another faculty member. The purpose of the exercise is to ensure continuity of curriculum. This included sending a letter to all full and part-time teachers of Intermediate Algebra requesting submission of sample final exam questions. We then selected 7 questions and informed all teachers that they should include 5 of the questions on their final exam. We also discussed the process with teachers at a math meeting in January 2004 and requested comments/suggestions about the process. (C) I planned and facilitated workshops(outside of class time) for my Intermediate Algebra students on how to use the graphing calculator to learn mathematics during the Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, and Fall 2006 semesters. (D) I created and assigned projects for students in my Pre Algebra, Introductory Algebra and Intermediate Algebra classes that applied mathematics to the realworld. The students created diet plans, personal financial budgets and possible financing options for purchasing a car in these projects. The students used Excel to create spreadsheets for the projects and all of the assignments included writing a report about the project. (E) I assisted in the development of common final exam questions for PreAlgebra, Introductory Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra in Spring 2006 and Fall 2006 with other faculty members. The purpose of the exercise is to ensure continuity of curriculum. We informed all teachers that they should include the questions on their final exam. We also requested copies of the student 1 responses to the questions so that we could analyze the results. In Summer 2006, I assessed some of the student responses and created a summary spreadsheet of the results. (F) I reviewed and provided feedback on a series of developmental math problems that were used in a research study in the 2001-02 academic year. The study was being conducted by a UCONN doctoral student. I also assisted the doctoral student in recruiting students to participate in the study. (G) I participated in the Applications of Assessment to Mathematics(AAM) Group during the 2003-04 academic year by doing the following: (a)reviewed the math curriculum for purpose of improving students' mathematics competency (b)rewrote learning objectives and outcomes for Basic Algebra and proposed a new course that would expand the semester hours to four (c)worked to obtain college approval for the new Basic Algebra course by presenting it to S&M department, CAP and Senate (d) developed and offered a workshop for adjunct mathematics faculty (e) revised the Fundamentals of Algebra and Intermediate Algebra course outlines and (f)obtained approval from S&M department for a policy regarding a final exam core for XXX’s three algebra courses. (H) I was CCC’s representative on the system-wide Math Issues Committee in 2002-03 and 2003-04. This involved meeting several times each semester to discuss math issues including: improving student success in Intermediate Algebra, identifying what Community College Math courses Tech Prep students are given credit for, statistics on number of math sections taught by part-timers, transferability of community college courses, and other topics. (I) I participated in the Applications of Assessment to Mathematics (AAM) Group during Fall 2006 by doing the following:(a) created a common 2 week assessment tool to be used in all Intermediate Algebra classes (b) administered and corrected common 2 week assessment tools in my PreAlgebra and Intermediate Algebra classes and reported observations to AAM Group and (c) reviewed PLATO® software to determine if it might be helpful in students learning of mathematics and reported my comments to the Director of the Academic Success Center. (J) I planned and facilitated two workshops (outside of class time) for XXX math students on graphing lines in Fall 2006. These workshops were part of the pilot seminar series, “Math Teachers Count and Care”. 2. Accomplishments, special projects, or unusual work (A) I participated in an adjunct orientation in August 2001. Specifically I discussed ways to help XXX CC math students be more successful. 2 (B) I participated in a faculty panel discussion on how outcomes assessment informs teaching at the September 5, 2003 convocation. Specifically I discussed how the Math faculty members are using results of the Common Math Assignment to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics at XXX. (C) I have been an Academic Advisor since the fall of 1994. In fall 2000, I participated in a pilot program to retain new students. This included speaking to a developmental class about the benefits of having an academic advisor and then encouraging them to obtain an academic advisor and meet with them. Some of the students in the class became my advisees. In spring 2003, I advised 10 students from the IDS 105 (College Success) course including discussion of their Noel Levitz, Learning Style and Career Assessment results. I informed their IDS 105 teacher of appointments made and kept. In fall 2003, I advised 6 students from one of my classes. In addition I have participated in all meetings/workshops for advisors and provided feedback to the Coordinator. I participated in the new academic advising program, titled Achieving College Excellence (ACE) , beginning in Spring 2006. This included attending 2 advisor training sessions and an advising mixer where students and faculty came together to encourage students to take advantage of the advising services available. I contacted my advisees who had not yet contacted me to set up an appointment to meet and discuss their future. I met with advisees in November and December 2006 to discuss their academic plan and Spring 2007 course schedule. (D) I participated in two faculty workshops in October 2003 about using the WebCT Online Classroom system. These workshops provided hands-on, interactive instruction on using my course homepages. After the workshops, I put some course documents online for student access. In October 2006, I participated in a one-on-one training session with a member of Academic Media Technology to learn WebCT Vista . Following that session I put my course outlines/syllabi and course assignment sheets online. (E) I assisted in planning a meeting with all full time and adjunct math faculty in May 2006 to discuss pertinent math issues. Some of the issues discussed included assessment of the common final exam questions, goals of the Achieving the Dream Initiative, and strategies for strengthening developmental mathematics. (F) I participated in several diversity/leadership training workshops developed for CCC faculty and staff during fall 2000. This included discussing current organizational structure and brainstorming on ways to improve institutional effectiveness. (G) I worked open registration in January 2001 as an academic advisor. This involved discussing with students what programs/courses they were interested in taking, checking placement scores and prerequisites, and finding a class 3 schedule to meet the student’s needs. (H) I participated in Tech Prep’s “A XXX Day” program in Spring 2001 and Spring 2002. This included giving presentations on XXX’s math curriculum and math anxiety. (I) I was a member of the CT Community College Strategic Planning Advisory Committee in Fall 2002. This included participating in a system-wide meeting where we identified strengths/weaknesses of the system and considered opportunities/threats to the system. (J) I developed and facilitated a presentation at the 2 nd Annual Assessment Conference at Southern Maine Community College on April 15, 2005. Entitled, “Assessing General Education:Vision, History, Applications”, I co-presented with the Learning Center Director and discussed how XXX assessed the general education goal, “student will reason quantitatively and scientifically”, and then used assessment results to make curriculum and instructional changes. (K) I maintained contact with latest developments in math education through membership in the following professional organizations:(1) AMATYC(American Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges)(2) ATOMIC(Associated Teachers of Math in CT) (3)ATMNE (Association of Teachers of Math in New England) (4) NCTM(National Council for Teachers of Math) (5)MATYCONN (Math Association of Two Year Colleges in CT) and (6) Women and Math Education. (L) I attended several professional conferences including:”Keeping Pace-Trends and Movements in Developmental Education” at Manchester Community College in January 2001, a national AMAYTC conference in November 2002, a national assessment conference in June 2003, an ATOMIC conference in March 2004, “The Spirit of Teaching” conference at Mercy Center in April 2004, an Annual Assessment Conference in Maine in April 2005, and a Basic Skills Math Conference at Central CSU in October 2005. (M) I was CCC’s representative on the system-wide Math Common Course Numbering Committee. This involved attending monthly meetings during 200001, discussing recommendations made by the committee with CCC math department members, and bringing any feedback from CCC back to the committee. Some of the issues included identifying course topics to determine if courses were similar, creating course numbers, and examining placement cut-off scores. (N) I was CCC’s representative on the system-wide Math Issues Committee in 2002-03 and 2003-04. This involved meeting several times each semester to discuss math issues including: improving student success in Intermediate Algebra, identifying what Community College Math courses Tech Prep students 4 are given credit for, statistics on number of math sections taught by part-timers, transferability of community college courses, and other topics. (O) I made all arrangements to host the Spring 2003 MATYCONN(Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges in CT) meeting at XXX with one other faculty member. This included creating and distributing publicity flyers/letters, contacting book publishers, meeting with café manager to arrange food, making arrangements for the speaker’s audio visual needs, room reservations, etc. We worked closely with the MATYCONN Executive Committee in setting up the meeting. (P) I participated in three meetings as part of the October 2006 NEASC accreditation visit. Specifically I spoke to one of the team members about our assessment efforts, participated in a group session on the library and public disclosure standards, and attended an open faculty session. (Q) I participated in the Applications of Assessment to Mathematics (AAM) Group during Fall 2006 by doing the following: (a) created a common 2 week assessment tool to be used in all Intermediate Algebra classes (b) administered and corrected common 2 week assessment tools in my PreAlgebra and Intermediate Algebra classes and reported observations to AAM Group and (c) reviewed PLATO® software to determine if it might be helpful in students learning of mathematics and reported my comments to the Director of the Academic Success Center. 3. Activities to maintain contact with discipline or to develop knowledge in your field (A) I maintained contact with latest developments in math education through membership in the following professional organizations:(1) AMATYC(American Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges)(2) ATOMIC(Associated Teachers of Math in CT) (3)ATMNE (Association of Teachers of Math in New England) (4) NCTM(National Council for Teachers of Math) (5)MATYCONN (Math Association of Two Year Colleges in CT) and (6) Women and Math Education. (B) I attended several professional conferences including:”Keeping Pace-Trends and Movements in Developmental Education” at Manchester Community College in January 2001, a national AMAYTC conference in November 2002, a national assessment conference in June 2003, an ATOMIC conference in March 2004, “The Spirit of Teaching” conference at Mercy Center in April 2004, an Annual Assessment Conference in Maine in April 2005, and a Basic Skills Math Conference at Central CSU in October 2005. 5 (C) I was CCC’s representative on the system-wide Math Common Course Numbering Committee. This involved attending monthly meetings during 200001, discussing recommendations made by the committee with CCC math department members, and bringing any feedback from CCC back to the committee. Some of the issues included identifying course topics to determine if courses were similar, creating course numbers, and examining placement cut-off scores. (D) I was CCC’s representative on the system-wide Math Issues Committee in 2002-03 and 2003-04. This involved meeting several times each semester to discuss math issues including: improving student success in Intermediate Algebra, identifying what Community College Math courses Tech Prep students are given credit for, statistics on number of math sections taught by part-timers, transferability of community college courses and other topics. (E) I was a member of the Committee on Developmental Education (CODE) in the Academic Year 2001-02. My contributions to the committee included (a) assisted in drafting the Developmental Education Goals & Objectives, with a particular focus on the mathematical and problem solving skills and (b)presented the Developmental Education Goals & Objectives to CAP and Senate for approval. (F) I was a member of the Title III Student Learning Assessment Team in 200203 and 2003-04. My contributions to the committee included (a) I aided in the design of two common math assignments(CMA) which were then administered in classes of different disciplines at XXX. I also participated in the assessment by giving the assignment to students in several of my math classes. I also aided in the development of a rubric to score the assignments. (b) I helped to score and interpret the results and recommended possible actions to improve mathematics competency of XXX's students. (c) I participated in the development of two assignments to assess critical thinking. I helped to score and interpret the results. (d) I facilitated a session at a national assessment conference in June 2003 to show a video on XXX’s work thus far on assessment (the “Oz” video). (e) I helped to plan and facilitate the event, “Casino Critico”, held at the college in October 2003. This event gave students an opportunity to play games that required some critical thinking. and (f) I took notes for all Spring 2004 meetings. B. Other Assignments 1. College committees (A)Curriculum & Academic Policies Committee (CAP) 6 Years: 2000/01 & 2001/02 (Chairperson both years) My contributions to the committee: (a) As chairperson of the committee, I prepared and distributed the agenda, arranged for a meeting site, facilitated the meetings, prepared materials for College Senate members, and attended the Senate meetings to present items for approval. (b) I reviewed new course and program proposals, discussed them with other committee members and voted to approve or reject them. (c) I worked on a subcommittee which developed General Education Objectives and Outcomes, as part of the outcomes assessment project at XXX. (d) I wrote the fifth year Interim Accreditation Report for CAP. (e) I assisted in drafting new approval forms for course and program approval with another CAP member and then presented recommendations to committee. (f) I worked on a subcommittee which focused on core curriculum issues, including whether the existing core meets Board policy and matches general education outcomes, and whether we still need 2 cores. We also assisted in compiling courses which meet the general education objectives and outcomes. (g) I reviewed many proposed system-wide academic policies, discussed with CAP members, obtained department feedback, and reported feedback to committee. (B) Search Committee for Instructor of Marketing/Management Spring 2001 My contributions to the committee: (a) I aided in development of selection criteria and interview questions for the position. (b) I reviewed all paperwork for 46 applicants and ranked them. (c) I participated in interviewing 6 candidates and then provided feedback for the President. (C) Pre-Nursing Selection Committee Spring 2001 & Spring 2002 My contributions to the committee: (a) I assisted in reviewing raw testing scores to calculate/verify final scores. (b) I assisted in selecting candidates for the Pre-Nursing program using specific criteria. (D) Title III Learning Styles Committee Spring 2001 & 2001/02 (Chairperson for 2001/02) My contributions to the committee: (a) As chairperson of the committee, I prepared and distributed the agenda, arranged for a meeting site, and facilitated the meetings. (b) I assisted in planning a professional day for faculty/staff on learning styles held in April 2001. (c) I led the planning, development and facilitation of a professional day on learning styles in March 2002 and a follow-up session in April 2002. This 7 included hiring a consultant to do the workshop, creating an agenda, reserving a room, creating a publicity flyer, arranging for food. (E) New Campus Student Orientation Committee Spring 2002 My contributions to the committee: (a) I assisted in planning events to inform/excite students about moving downtown. These events included contests and a “Farewell to Woodland Street” celebration. (b) I designed form for contest and obtained donations for prizes from the bookstore and downtown restaurants. (F) Assessment Advisory Council Spring 2002 My contributions to the committee: (a) I attended meetings to discuss the ongoing student learning assessment projects and make recommendations about assessment policies and procedures. (G) Committee on Developmental Education (CODE) Years: 2001/02 My contributions to the committee: (a) I assisted in drafting the Developmental Education Goals & Objectives, with a particular focus on the mathematical and problem solving skills. (b) I presented the Developmental Education Goals & Objectives to CAP and Senate for approval. (H) College Senate Years: 2003-04 My contributions to the committee: (a) I attended all meetings where I reviewed/discussed issues that came from other governance committees, from the administration, or from within the Senate. I voted on motions made to recommend items to the Executive Committee, including new courses and programs. (I) Title III Student Learning Assessment Team Years: 2002-04 My contributions to the committee: a) I aided in the design of two common math assignments(CMA) which were then administered in classes of different disciplines at XXX. I also participated in the assessment by giving the assignment to students in several of my math classes. I also aided in the development of a rubric to score the assignments. (b) I helped to score and interpret the results and recommended possible actions to improve mathematics competency of XXX's students. (c) I participated in the development of two assignments to assess critical thinking. I helped to score and interpret the results. 8 (d) I facilitated a session at a national assessment conference in June 2003 to show a video on XXX’s work thus far on assessment (the “Oz” video). (e) I helped to plan and facilitate the event, “Casino Critico”, held at the college in October 2003. This event gave students an opportunity to play games that required some critical thinking. (f) I took notes for all Spring 2004 meetings. (J) Search Committee for Instructor of Mathematics, Chairperson Spring 2004 My contributions to the committee: (a) I led the committee in the development of selection criteria and interview questions for the position, reviewed all paperwork for 63 applicants and participated in decision on which candidates to offer an opportunity to interview. I participated in interviewing 6 candidates and then provided feedback for the President. (b) I communicated with all members of search committee, candidates, Human Resources Director and the President as necessary during the 2 month search process. (c) I completed all necessary forms required in the process and submitted them to the President. (K) Accreditation Self-Study Committee (Standard 5-Faculty) 2005-06 My contributions to the committee: (a) I participated in Task Force meetings, identified needed data, and contributed to the composition of the report for Standard 5, Faculty. (b) I assisted in the facilitation of a workshop on the self study report at an all college meeting in Spring 2006. (L) Assessment Committee, Chairperson Fall 2006 My contributions to the committee: (a) As chairperson, I communicated the goal and charge of the new committee as given by the Academic Dean. (b) I prepared the agenda, arranged for a meeting site and facilitated the meetings. (c) I researched models of student learning assessment used by other academic institutions and shared the information with the committee. 3. New Instructional techniques, course offerings, programs (A) I have taught a variety of math courses at XXX CC including Pre Algebra, Introductory Algebra, Intermediate Algebra and Contemporary Mathematics. In 9 the process of teaching these courses, I have contributed to curriculum and instructional development by introducing math reform elements, producing laboratory projects that require calculators and computers, establishing student cooperative learning groups for use both in and out of class and preparing course syllabi. (B) I participated in two faculty workshops in October 2003 about using the WebCT Online Classroom system. These workshops provided hands-on, interactive instruction on using my course homepages. After the workshops, I put some course documents online for student access. In October 2006, I participated in a one-on-one training session with a member of Academic Media Technology to learn WebCT Vista . Following that session I put my course outlines/syllabi and course assignment sheets online. (C) I created and assigned projects for students in my Pre Algebra, Introductory Algebra and Intermediate Algebra classes that applied mathematics to the realworld. The students created diet plans, personal financial budgets and possible financing options for purchasing a car in these projects. The students used Excel to create spreadsheets for the projects and all of the assignments included writing a report about the project. (D) I participated in the Applications of Assessment to Mathematics(AAM) Group during the 2003-04 academic year by doing the following: (a)reviewed the math curriculum for purpose of improving students' mathematics competency (b)rewrote learning objectives and outcomes for Basic Algebra and proposing a new course that would expand the semester hours to four (c)worked to obtain college approval for the new Basic Algebra course by presenting it to S&M department, CAP and Senate (d) developed and offered a workshop for adjunct mathematics faculty (e) revised the Fundamentals of Algebra and Intermediate Algebra course outlines and (f)obtained approval from S&M department for a policy regarding a final exam core for XXX’s three algebra courses. 4. Community service activities (A) I participated in the “Walk Against Hunger” in May 2004 and May 2005 with other XXX staff and faculty members. This included raising money for this worthy cause and walking three miles on a rainy Sunday. (B) I volunteered on two Saturdays at the Catholic Worker in Hartford, CT in 2005-06. I interacted with neighborhood children, ages 7 and up, at a Saturday program held there. (C) I purchased over 40 children’s books at a library book sale and donated them to the Catholic Worker in Hartford, CT in October 2006. (D) I assisted in helping Moms shop for Christmas gifts at the Catholic Worker in 10 Hartford,CT in December 2006. C. Supplemental Information to be completed by those seeking promotion to Professor or Associate Professor 1. Demonstrated growth and effectiveness in community service (A) I participated in the “Walk Against Hunger” in May 2004 and May 2005 with other XXX staff and faculty members. This included raising money for this worthy cause and walking three miles on a rainy Sunday. (B) I volunteered on two Saturdays at the Catholic Worker in Hartford, CT in 2005-06. I interacted with neighborhood children, ages 7 and up, at a Saturday program held there. (C) I purchased over 40 children’s books at a library book sale and donated them to the Catholic Worker in Hartford, CT in October 2006. (D) I assisted in helping Moms shop for Christmas gifts at the Catholic Worker in Hartford,CT in December 2006. 2. Professional development activities other than those indicated in A3 above I made all arrangements to host the Spring 2003 MATYCONN(Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges in CT) meeting at XXX with one other faculty member. This included creating and distributing publicity flyers/letters, contacting book publishers, meeting with café manager to arrange food, making arrangements for the speaker’s audio visual needs, room reservations, etc. We worked closely with the MATYCONN Executive Committee in setting up the meeting. I developed and facilitated a presentation at the 2nd Annual Assessment Conference at Southern Maine Community College on April 15, 2005. Entitled, “Assessing General Education:Vision, History, Applications”, I co-presented with the Learning Center Director and discussed how XXX assessed the general education goal, “student will reason quantitatively and scientifically”, and then used assessment results to make curriculum and instructional changes. 3. Overall contribution to the college First and foremost I believe I am an effective, caring and motivating teacher of mathematics to XXX students. I am knowledgeable in both the content and pedagogy of teaching developmental level and credit level math to urban 11 community college students. I have worked to update curriculum and incorporate math reform elements into my classroom, including real world applications and the use of technology as a tool in learning mathematics. My student evaluations show that I clearly communicate the concepts of mathematics to my students, I encourage students to think about the subject matter, and create a classroom atmosphere that promotes learning. Second, I have been actively involved in committee work and special projects over the past several years. As you can see from my responses to the other questions, I have contributed to XXX governance committees, Science & Math department committees, system-wide community college committees, search committees, among others. I am particularly excited about the significant amount of work I have done on student learning assessment, first within an interdisciplinary Title III committee (Student Learning Assessment Team) and most recently within a department group (Applications of Assessment to Mathematics). I believe the heart of teaching is to continually examine what and how students are learning or not learning, and then to make improvements in both content and method. Third, I believe I conduct myself as a professional and continue to develop myself professionally. I maintain contact and participate actively in many professional organizations including AMATYC(American Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges), ATOMIC(Associated Teachers of Math in CT) and MATYCONN (Math Association of Two Year Colleges in CT). I have attended several professional conferences and facilitated presentations at some of them. Finally I believe that I am an effective, respected leader at XXX Community College. The Academic Dean and Science & Math Department Chair have called on me to direct/lead different committees and activities at the college. I have been Chairperson of several committees including Curriculum & Academic Policies, Learning Styles, Assessment and a search committee. In leading the committees I have been goal oriented, organized and a good communicator. I firmly believe in the mission of XXX Community College and do my best to help the XXX team fulfill that mission. D. Supplemental Information to be completed for those seeking promotion to the rank of Professor. 1. Evidence of effective academic leadership (A)Curriculum & Academic Policies Committee (CAP) Years: 2000/01 & 2001/02 (Chairperson both years) My contributions to the committee: 12 (a) As chairperson of the committee, I prepared and distributed the agenda, arranged for a meeting site, facilitated the meetings, prepared materials for College Senate members, and attended the Senate meetings to present items for approval. (b) I reviewed new course and program proposals, discussed them with other committee members and voted to approve or reject them. (c) I worked on a subcommittee which developed General Education Objectives and Outcomes, as part of the outcomes assessment project at XXX. (d) I wrote the fifth year Interim Accreditation Report for CAP. (e) I assisted in drafting new approval forms for course and program approval with another CAP member and then presented recommendations to committee. (f) I worked on a subcommittee which focused on core curriculum issues, including whether the existing core meets Board policy and matches general education outcomes, and whether we still need 2 cores. We also assisted in compiling courses which meet the general education objectives and outcomes. (g) I reviewed many proposed system-wide academic policies, discussed with CAP members, obtained department feedback, and reported feedback to committee. (B) Title III Learning Styles Committee Spring 2001 & 2001/02 (Chairperson for 2001/02) My contributions to the committee: (a) As chairperson of the committee, I prepared and distributed the agenda, arranged for a meeting site, and facilitated the meetings. (b)I assisted in planning a professional day for faculty/staff on learning styles held in April 2001. (c) I led the planning, development and facilitation of a professional day on learning styles in March 2002 and a follow-up session in April 2002. This included hiring a consultant to do the workshop, creating an agenda, reserving a room, creating a publicity flyer, arranging for food. (C) Title III Student Learning Assessment Team Years: 2002-04 My contributions to the committee: (a) I aided in the design of two common math assignments(CMA) which were then administered in classes of different disciplines at XXX. I also participated in the assessment by giving the assignment to students in several of my math classes. I also aided in the development of a rubric to score the assignments. (b) I helped to score and interpret the results and recommended possible actions to improve mathematics competency of XXX's students. (c) I participated in the development of two assignments to assess critical thinking. I helped to score and interpret the results. (d) I facilitated a session at a national assessment conference in June 2003 to show a video on XXX’s work thus far on assessment (the “Oz” video). (e) I helped to plan and facilitate the event, “Casino Critico”, held at the college in October 2003. This event gave students an opportunity to play games that 13 required some critical thinking. (f) I took notes for all Spring 2004 meetings. (D) Search Committee for Instructor of Mathematics Spring 2004, (Chairperson) My contributions to the committee: (a) I led the committee in the development of selection criteria and interview questions for the position, reviewed all paperwork for 63 applicants and participated in decision on which candidates to offer an opportunity to interview. I participated in interviewing 6 candidates and then provided feedback for the President. (b) I communicated with all members of search committee, candidates, Human Resources Director and the President as necessary during the 2 month search process. (c) I completed all necessary forms required in the process and submitted them to the President. (E) I coordinated the development of common final exam questions for Intermediate Algebra in Spring 2003, Fall 2003 and Spring 2004 with another faculty member. The purpose of the exercise is to ensure continuity of curriculum. This included sending a letter to all full and part-time teachers of Intermediate Algebra requesting submission of sample final exam questions. We then selected 7 questions and informed all teachers that they should include 5 of the questions on their final exam. We also discussed the process with teachers at a math meeting in January 2004 and requested comments/suggestions about the process. (F) I made all arrangements to host the Spring 2003 MATYCONN(Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges in CT) meeting at XXX with one other faculty member. This included creating and distributing publicity flyers/letters, contacting book publishers, meeting with café manager to arrange food, making arrangements for the speaker’s audio visual needs, room reservations, etc. We worked closely with the MATYCONN Executive Committee in setting up the meeting. (G) Assessment Committee, Chairperson Fall 2006 My contributions to the committee: (a) As chairperson, I communicated the goal and charge of the new committee as given by the Academic Dean. (b) I prepared the agenda, arranged for a meeting site and facilitated the meetings. (c) I researched models of student learning assessment used by other academic institutions and shared the information with the committee. Please note: Some of my responses are listed under more than one question due to the overlapping nature of the questions. 14