Integration test summary report

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Integration Test Summary Report Template
August 24, 1999
Prepared By:
The attached document provides a template for the Integration Test Summary Report. This document
summarizes integration testing activities and results and provides evaluations based on these results. It
also contains an evaluation of the corresponding integration test items.
Integration Test Summary Report Template
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Document Owner
Document Distribution
Document History
All revisions made to this document are listed here in chronological order.
First Draft
Second Draft
How to Use This Template
This template is an outline for the Integration Test Summary Report. The information in
this template complies with IEEE Standard for Test Documentation IEEE 829-1998.
Use the headings and sections contained in this template to create your own Integration
Test Summary Report. Under each heading there is a brief explanation for guidance. If
you decide to omit a section, keep the heading and insert an explanation of why you are
omitting the element. After completing your Integration Test Summary Report, make
sure all explanatory text has been deleted or replaced by valid content. Also make sure
to change the dates in all of the footers to match the release date on the title page and to
add the appropriate data classification label—that is, the confidentiality statement—to
each footer.
Note: Text within brackets designates where you should enter project-specific
You may delete the template title page and this document information page at any time
during the process of creating your new document.
The first page of the template (and your new document) follows this overview.
Information Technologies
<Project Name>
Integration Test Summary Report
Document Release or Draft Date Goes Here
Document Number if applicable
Prepared By:
Your group’s name here.
An Integration Test Summary Report summarizes integration testing activities and results and provides
evaluations based on these results. It also contains an evaluation of the corresponding integration test
Document Title
Document Number or Project Name
Document Information
Document Owner
Owner’s name goes here
Owner’s title goes here.
Document Contact
Optional section. If a person other than the document owner is primarily responsible for
this document, list that person's name and title
Document Distribution
employees only.
Change the distribution if it is not employees.
Document History
All revisions made to this document are listed here in chronological order.
First Draft
First Release
Document Number or Project Name
Document Title
Table of Contents
1 Integration Test Summary Report.................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Integration Test Summary ...................................................................................... 1
1.3 Integration Test Variances ..................................................................................... 1
1.4 Integration Test Comprehensiveness Assessment.................................................. 1
1.5 Integration Test Summary of Results ..................................................................... 1
1.6 Integration Test Evaluation .................................................................................... 1
1.7 Integration Test Summary of Activities ................................................................. 1
2 Document Approval ......................................................................................................... 2
Document Number or Project Name
Document Title
1 Integration Test Summary Report
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to summarize the results of the integration testing
activities and to provide evaluations based on these results.
1.2 Integration Test Summary
Summarize the evaluation of the integration test items. Identify the items tested,
indicating their version/revision level. Indicate the environment in which the testing
activities took place. For each test item, supply references to the following documents if
they exist: test plan, test design specifications, test procedure specifications, test item
transmittal reports, test logs, and test incident reports.
1.3 Integration Test Variances
Report any variances of the test items from their design specifications. Indicate any
variances from the test plan, test designs, or test procedures. Specify the reason for each
1.4 Integration Test Comprehensiveness Assessment
Evaluate the comprehensiveness of the integration testing process against the
comprehensiveness criteria specified in the integration test plan, if the plan exists.
Identify features or feature combinations that were not sufficiently tested and explain the
1.5 Integration Test Summary of Results
Summarize the results of integration testing. Identify all resolved incidents and
summarize their resolutions. Identify all unresolved incidents.
1.6 Integration Test Evaluation
Provide an overall evaluation of each test item, including its limitations. This evaluation
should be based upon the integration test results and the item level pass/fail criteria. An
estimate of failure risk may be included.
1.7 Integration Test Summary of Activities
Summarize the major integration testing activities and events. Summarize resource
consumption data, e.g., total staffing level, total machine time, and total elapsed time
used for each of the major integration testing activities.
Document Title
Document Number or Project Name
2 Document Approval
Document Title:
Document Version:
Document Number:
Document Date:
Document Owner:
Your signature, or that of your designated representative, indicates that you approve the contents of this
test plan. It indicates that you have carefully read, reviewed, and considered how this test plan affects
your group, how it conforms to corporate directions, and how it fulfills client needs.
Include as many signatories as the master test plan requires.
Signatures for Approval
Note: Please refer to your local practices to determine whether this is a baselined (signed-off)
document. This information should be contained in both the SCM and SQA plans. These plans
should also identify the individuals responsible for document reviews and approvals.