UNITING REFORMED CHURCH IN SOUTHERN AFRICA REPORT OF THE ACTUARIUS SYNODI TO THE GENERAL SYNOD IN SITTING 1-7 OCTOBER 2012 IN NAMIBIA The Moderator and delegates to the General Synod Your Actuarius wishes to report as follows: The report will in a nutshell include the activities performed after the General Synod 2008 in Hammanskraal. 1. REGISTER OF MINISTERS OF THE WORD This was a tedious exercise because of poor handing over process from the ex-actuarius. No (original) records were received. It is important to note that no call or ordination of a minister should be approved unless the minister concerned is registered (CO Reg. Status of Ministers 1.1.1). GSC 2009 approved the following recommendation: The Secretaries / scribes of the Examination Commissions, Presbyteries, or the Regional Synods to ensure compliance with CO Regulation Regarding Status of Ministers point 8.2, and defaulters should be named and be reprimanded. Official Notice was published in URCSA NEWS in this regard as reported to GSC 2010. See Addendum A. The actuarius sent pro-forma of the Register to all Regional Actuarii for updating, however, this process was not successfully concluded. The attached letter (Addendum B), with registration form approved by GS 2001, was circulated for attention of all URCSA ministers of the Word to register on/before 31 October 2010. Despite numerous reminders to ministers of the Word to register, the response is not satisfactory. A name-list of ministers of the Word who have registered is submitted separately as a second report. Individual files have been opened for all registered pastors. Recommendation 1: FOR APPROVAL The GS decides to: 1. accept the name-list of ministers of the Word who have registered and affirm that non compliance with the regulation will not be condoned and, 1 2. encourage all URCSA ministers of the Word to ensure that they are registered before 31 December 2012. 2. PUBLICATION OF URCSA CHURCH ORDER (CO) 2008 The reviewed CO 2011 manuscript signed by members of the Executive on the 13th of July 2009 at Pretoria was published in a book format by the Support Ministry for Communication, Publication and Archives (SMCPA) and one hundred copies were printed. The GSC 2011 approved the following with recommendations: The Church Order 2008 be sold by SMCPA for R130.00 per copy as suggested. The Executive members receive the ten (10) copies for free. The CO 2008 be advertised in the URCSA NEWS and be sold as suggested. The following omissions/errors be corrected before making additional copies with printers: * Add the alphabet R on the outer margin of the book to read Regulation, * Place the logos/badge of the church on the front, either between the Afrikaans and English inscription or on top, * Insert copyright page as a first page, * Align numbering so that paragraphs are clear away from the numbering and not appear under the numbering. Numbering and sentences should have space in between and this is also applicable for sentences that continues under numbering. Recommendation 2: FOR APPROVAL 1. The GS approves the directive of the GSC and request the SMCPA to publish the CO in the URCSA website as previously decided by GS. 3. DECLARATION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE MINISTRY The Actuarius declared the following candidates for ministry in accordance with CO Regulation regarding the Activities of the Executive and the General Synodical Commission – The Actuarius Synodi (1.3.4): 3.1 NORTHERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: PRETORIA 3.1.1 DATE LICENCED: NOVEMBER 2008 Seoke Cassius (Thabo) Kodibona Resimate John Mabusela 2 Makhele Victor Makhetha Tseliso Isaak Monyatsi Serame Dugmore Olivier Mpho Daniel Shai 3.1.2 DATE LICENCED : 27 JUNE 2010 Malin Alquede Stanford Fisher Pheto Petrus Mosima 3.1.3 DATE LICENCED : 14th November 2010 Tshepo Lephakga Mojarobela George Mohoje Perceverance Percival Molehe Monnapule Hendrik Motlou Maite Rachel Inah Motloutsi Samuel Mpho Msimango 3.1.4 3.1.5 DATE LICENCED : 9th January 2011 Mashia Aaron Mhango DATE LICENCED : 24th July 2011 Phetole Lucas Makgopa Schalk Willem Merwe Jabulani Johnson Mngomezulu Ngwako William Mukhari Thapelo Joshua Selepe 3.1.6 DATE LICENCED : 13 NOVEMEBR 2011 Eugene Baron Wiseman Sipho Moagi 3.1.7 DATE LICENCED : 15 January 2012 Dorothea Mosongwa Morwa Serekego Xolani Victor Swelindawo 3 3.2 UNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH 3.2.1 DATE LICENCED: NOVEMBER 2008 Marlene Mahokoto Benjamin (Bennie) Roelfse Prop. Jacobson Strauss Charlton Crowley Vuyani Minya Mkhuseli Boyce Masele Babalwa Amanda Sifuba 3.2.2 DATE LICENCED: 18 NOVEMBER 2009 Jacques Walter Beukes Eugene Andrè Fortein 3.2..24 Trevor Nolan Links Jacob Antonie Cornelius September 3.2.3 DATE LICENCED : 24 NOVEMBER 2010 Morne Margo Deelman Clive Donald Jacobs Shaldon Marcus Julies Xholani Chrisjune Mhobo Clive Andrew Rademeyer Bulelani Vete Janine Merle Williams Emil de Wet 3.2.4 DATE LICENCED: 23 NOVEMBER 2011 Hendry Hesting Tromp Quentin Shaun Minnaar Luxolo Titimani 3.3 UNIVERSITY OF FREE STATE: BLOEMFONTEIN 3.3.1 DATE LICENCED: 28 NOVEMBER 2010 Peter Monaheng Moahloli 4 Sabata Samuel Nyongwane Tseliso Naphtali Seotsanyane Kelebogile Joseph Mekoa 3.4 NETS NAMIBIA 3.4.1 DATE LICENCED: NOVEMBER 2008 David Jacobus Elias 3.4.2 DATE LICENCED: 2011 3.5 Ostin Kwala Mutakalilumo REINSTATEMENT (Colloquium Doctum) 3.5.1 2008 Rev. Nolan Paul Williams Rev. LL Husselman Rev WJ Julius 3.5.2 2009 Rev. Malville Jeff Frolicks Rev. Jacobus Karolus Rev. Manini John Wele 3.5.3 2010 Rev. IR Rakgomo Rev. Christiaan Francios Verhoog 3.5.4 2011 Rev. Vusumuzi David Mabuza Rev. Assah Hawu Mbatha Rev. Dingane David Mosili Rev. Dr. Gordon Ernest Dames Rev. Moses Lebuajoang Maliehe Evangelist Molefi Frank Phantsi 5 Rev. Francois Patrick Matthee Rev. Deon A. Botman Rev. Josia Mazibuko Rev. Luvoyo Louis May 3.6 RETENTION OF STATUS 3.6.1 2008 Rev. Deon Snyman Dr. SF De Beer Dr. JN Odendaal Dr. Rothney Tshaka 3.6.2 2010 Rev. J Jonkers Rev. G Fredericks 3.6.3 2011 3.7 Rev. Lefifi Stephen Mahlabe (Emeritus) Rev. Paulus de Wet (Emeritus) Rev. LZ Morabe Rev. Ben S Kock (missionary work on private capacity) Rev. Reginald J. Nel (further studies) Rev. LSI Tabi Rev. Tafita David Masilo Rev. Mathabate Daniel Makgene Rev. Kolena Solomon Mabelane Rev. M.A. Monyane Rev. Stemmet Cupido Emeritus Rev. Nico Kriek FORFEITURE OF STATUS 3.7.1 2008 Mr. Lawrence T. Matsekete Mr. Mumbu Mr. Gerson Rukira Mr. Deon A. Botman 3.7.2 2009 dr. Allan Aubrey Boesak 6 dr. Gordon Ernest Dames 3.7.3 2010 Mr. Feli Mokoena Ms. Babalwa Amanda Sifuba 3.7.4 2011 Mr. JC Mac Kay (resigned) 3.7.5 2012 Mr. Hadley J du Plessis (resigned) 3.8 STATUS AS MINISTER OF THE WORD 2012 3.8.1 Rev. Tefelo Johannes Ntsasa Recommendation 3: FOR APPROVAL 1. The General Synod approves the actions of the GS Actuarius. 4. 4.1 DISPUTES WITH THE DRCA COURT CASES The Regional Actuarii were requested to submit court cases reports in their respective regions to the Actuarius Synodi for consolidation. The latter reports are still outstanding, however, a new suggested process of settling disputes outside court is in process in the Free State & Lesotho and Phororo Regional Synods. Recommendation 4: FOR APPROVAL The GS take note of the endeavors to settle property disputes out of court in the Free State & Lesotho and Phororo Regional Synods and encourage other Regions, Presbyteries and congregations to receive the documents for perusal and for possible use in settling property disputes out of court. 5. SIGNING OF URCSA AND SANDF AGREEMENT (SSCAB)- FOR NOTIFICATION It was brought to the attention of the GSC that the signing of the Agreement between SANDF and URCSA was never done as reported at the last GS. In the meantime a draft agreement was circulated to all members of the Executive and the SMJM for inputs. The final Agreement was approved by 7 GSC 2010 and was signed on the 11th October 2011 at Pretoria. The GS Actuarius (on behalf of URCSA) and the GS Scribe (as witness) signed the agreement. See SMJM report. 6. MEETINGS ATTENDED AND ADVICES RENDERED 6.1 CHRISTIAN MEN’S MINISTRY (CMM) CONGRESS - FOR NOTING 6.1.1 The actuarius advised the Presbyteries of Kimberley and Kuruman on CMM constitutional matters during annual conferences. The actuarius could not honour the invitation to CMM Cape Synod Regional Congress due to other commitments. 6.1.2 The actuarius attended the Phororo Region Christian Men’s Ministry Congress on advisory capacity from 02 - 04 September 2011 in Mahikeng. 6.1.3 The actuarius attended, on advisory capacity, the General Synod CMM Executive Committee meeting and the GS CMM General Congress on 17 June 2012 and from 5–8 July 2012 in Bloemfontein respectively. 6.2 GENERAL SYNOD CHRISTIAN WOMEN MINISTRIES (CWM) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS The actuarius attended three (3) CWM National Executive Committee meetings held in Johannesburg from 05 - 07 February 2010; February 2011 in Pretoria and from 03 – 05 February 2012 in Durban on an advisory capacity on behalf of the General Synod. 6.3 CHRISTIAN YOUTH MINISTRY (CYM) NATIONAL CONGRESS The actuarius attended the CYM National Executive Congress on advisory capacity from 12-14 November 2010 at Deo Gloria, Barkly West. The decisions of GS 2008 affecting the CYM (age limit) were presented and the amended CYM constitution was submitted as part of the second report to the GSC 2011. (See SMJM report). 6.4 PHORORO REGIONAL SYNOD The actuarius advised the Presbytery of Kimberley, Phororo Region, on the matter of URC Galeshewe congregation. 6.5 REGIONAL SYNOD NAMIBIA The actuarius advised the Presbytery of Windhoek on the matter of Rev WJ Julius acceptance of call to Walvis Bay Congregation. 8 6.6 FREE STATE / LESOTHO REGIONAL SYNOD The actuarius advised the Presbytery of Botshabelo on the matter of Rev. Tabi’s demission letter and appointment in the SAPS Chaplaincy. 6.7 NORTHERN REGIONAL SYNOD 6.8 The actuarius advised the Presbytery of Bethesda on the matter of Prof. ST Kgatla and the Presbytery of Bethesda. Conveyed greetings on behalf of the Executive Committee at the fifth Regional Synod in sitting from 27 October 2010 to 01 November 2010. NATIONAL CWM CONGRESS IN NAMIBIA The actuarius attended the CWM National Congress held in Windhoek, Namibia from 30 April 2009 to 03 April 2009 on an advisory capacity on behalf of the General Synod. The theme of the Congress was "Come let us Rebuild" Neh. 2:17 with the following Sub-themes: “Come let us rebuild our spiritual lives as Christian Women" "Come let us rebuild family values and morals in our homes." "Come let us rebuild our communities which are ravaged by HIV and AIDS, Poverty, Abuse OVC and child headed families, drugs etc." "Come let us rebuild our churches with regard priesthood, prophecy and kingship, as well as its material resources; buildings and funds." Furthermore panel discussions (15 min each) were held on the following topics: Integrated Ministries (Rev Attie Du Plessies) Church Unity (Rev Dr H Platt) Charismatism versus Reformed Tradition (Rev MG Betha) Homosexuality (Rev MG Betha) Initially a local minister from the DRC in Windhoek was invited by the CWM to facilitate the topic on Homosexuality, however, the CWM leadership was advised to excuse the invited minister at the eleventh hour after consultation with the Regional Synod Moderator. The Election of the new Executive Committee took place from the evening of 2nd May 2009 until 04h00 the following day. The Executive Committee was elected as follows: President Vice President Secretary : : : Mrs. Belinda Witbooi Mrs. E Mokgoebo Mrs. M van Schalkwyk 9 Vice Secretary Treasurer Additional member Additional member 6.9 : : : : Mrs. D Lekoala Mrs. C Moloi Mrs M Bezuidenhout Mrs. Dineo Selloane CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRY MEETING IN BLOEMFONTEIN Two (2) meetings of the GS Congregational Ministry were attended at Mooigenoeg, Bloemfontein from 03-05 April 2009 and April 2012 at Bloemfontein downtown respectively. 6.10 ADMINISTERING THE TAKING OF LICENSING OATH AND ATTENDANCE OF GENERAL SYNOD MINISTERIAL FORMATION TASK TEAM MEETINGS The actuarius administered the taking of licensing oath of candidates at the Northern Theological Seminary (NTS) during November 2008 (CO Reg. for Ministerial Formation Art 11.5) The Actuarius was never invited to any meeting of the Ministerial Formation Task Team of the General Synod despite this been raised on several times to the GSC (CO Reg. for Ministerial Formation Art 6 & 7). 6.11 UGC, RCA AND CRCNA SYNODS I had the privilege to attend and covey fraternal greetings on behalf of the Moderator, Prof ST Kgatla, and URCSA at the General Synods of Reformed Church in America (RCA) and the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) from 04 June 2009 to 21 June 2009 in Holland, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois respectively. I attended again the CRCNA General Synod from 07 June 2012 to 15 June 2012 at Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Canada. I had the privilege also to attend with the Moderator, Prof ST Kgatla, the historic General Synod of Reformed Church in America (RCA) and the Uniting General Council (UGC) from 10 June 2010 to 28 June 2010 in Orange City, Iowa and Grand Rapids respectively. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FOR NOTIFICATION All correspondence received was handled with the SMJM except the following: 7.1.1 CWM Invitation to National Executive Committee Meeting 7.1.2 Kenhardt Council letter wrt denomination name change - property 10 7.1.3 Registration of Ministers of the Word 7.1.4 CMM Phororo Invitation to Regional Congress 7.1.5 CWM Invitation to National Congress 7.1.6 CWM enquiry on Management of Finances 7.1.7 Advertisement of Chaplaincy Posts in the SANDF 7.1.8 SANDF letter wrt Chaplain (Rev) Frantz 7.2 CORRESPONDENCE GENERATED The following correspondence was generated: 7.2.1 Official Notices to URCSA News – declaration of candidates for ministry 7.2.2 Response to Kimberley Presbytery 7.2.3 Official Notice : Registration of Ministers of the Word 7.2.4 Letters of Good Standing 7.2.5 Referral to Presbytery ~ Bloemhof matter 7.2.6 Letter to Keimoes – Pastoral Exchange programme 7.2.7 Response to CWM enquiry on Management of Finances 7.2.8 Press Release about Forfeiture of Status by Dr AA Boesak 7.2.9 Response to Bethesda Presbytery 7.2.10 Referral to Presbytery of Tshwane : Rev Frantz 8. CONCLUSION I would like to extend words of appreciation to the Executive Commission members for the continued support and prayers. To all the regional synod actuarii for their continued support and advises. The GS 2012 is prayed God’s blessings. ____________________________________ rev. MG Betha Actuarius – URCSA General Synod 11 ADDENDUM A: 12 March 2010 RE: OFFICIAL NOTICE: REGISTER OF MINISTERS OF THE WORD It is important to note that no call or ordination of a minister should be approved unless the minister concerned is registered (CO Reg. Status of Ministers 1.1.1). The latter regulation (point 8) explicitly stipulates that: 8. REGISTER OF MINISTERS OF THE WORD 8.1 The secretary of the Support Ministry for Judicial Matters of the General Synod maintains a register of the ministers of the Word of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa. 8.2 The secretary of the Examination Commission, the presbytery or the synod notifies the secretary of the Support Ministry for Judicial Matters of the General Synod and the secretary of the Support Ministry for Judicial Matters of Regional Synod of the following: 8.2.1 admittance to the service; 8.2.2 suspension by the presbytery from the service; 8.2.3 dismissal from the service by the synod; 8.2.4 any other forfeiture of status; 8.2.5 repeal of measures named in 8.2.2, 8.2.3 and 8.2.4; 8.2.6 readmission into the service. 8.3 The Actuarius of the General Synod shall record all these details in the above-mentioned register of the ministers of the Word. Hope you will find this notice in order for publication in the 2010 URCSA NEWS first edition. Yours in His service, Rev MG Betha (Actuarius URCSA General Synod) 12 ADDENDUM B: 22 September 2010 All URCSA Ministers of the Word All URCSA Presbyteries Uniting Reformed Church In Southern Africa Dear Sisters and Brothers RE: OFFICIAL NOTICE: REMINDER TO REGISTER AS MINISTER OF THE WORD BEFORE 31 OCTOBER 2010 I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This communiqué serves to remind the following to ensure that they are registered by the 31 st October 2010: all URCSA Ministers of the Word (currently serving and not yet serving), candidates for ministry, those studying further with retention of status, those censured, emeriti, missionaries with retention of status and persons who lost their status as ministers of the Word. It is important to adhere and comply with the Church Order Regulation Regarding Status of Ministers of the Word rule 1.1 that explicitly states “…All ministers (those who are currently serving and those not yet serving) who desire a call within the URCSA must be registered as ministers on the official Register of Ministers with the Actuarius of the General Synod. No minister may be ordained or no call may be approved by any presbytery unless the minister concerned is thus registered. The onus to register rests solely with the ministers concerned.” The General Synod 2001 at Upington decided that “a format should be designed so that similar essential information may be provided and that this should be accompanied by a confirmation letter from the presbytery under which the minister is serving.” The General Synod approved the attached form and Presbytery certificate form that should be completed and submitted to the Actuarius of the General Synod by all Ministers of the Word and Presbyteries respectively. It will be highly appreciated if you inform all others about this important reminder. The Ministers Register will be tabled at the next General Synodical Commission (GSC) scheduled for November 2010. Kindly forward all the original completed and signed forms to the following address: The General Synod Actuarius PO Box 249 MAFIKENG 2745 Yours in His service, Rev MG Betha Actuarius: URCSA General Synod 13 OFFICIAL REGISTER OF MINISTERS OF THE WORD (Notice to be sent to the Actuarius of URCSA General Synod) SURNAME: _________________________________________________________ MAIDEN NAME: _________________________________________________________ FIRST NAMES: _________________________________________________________ I.D. NUMBER: _________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _________________________________________________________ MARITALSTATUS: _________________________________________________________ CURRENT STATUS IN THE URCSA: Status Candidate for the ministry (proponent) Full-time minister Tent-making minister Full-time evangelist Doing further studies, with retention of status Minister assigned special duties Emeritus Former minister/evangelist who lost status Censured minister/evangelist Indicate with X Since when (date) QUALIFICATIONS (For example: BA, 1980, Unisa) Degree/Diploma/Certificate Year obtained Institution AREA(S) OF SPECIALISATION (Where applicable) 1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. .………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. YEAR OF LICENSING (When granted status of candidate for the ministry): ____________________ YEAR OF ORDINATION (First induction in a congregation): ________________________________ 14 LIST OF CONGREGATIONS WHERE YOU SERVED AS A MINISTER (Where applicable) For example: Windhoek, NGSK, 1985-1993; Durban, URCSA, 1994-1998, etc. Name of congregation Denomination Years CONTACT DETAILS 1. Residential address: _______________________________________________________ 2. Postal address: ______________________________________________________ 3. Telephone: Work: _____________________________________________________ Home: ___________________________________________________ Cell phone: _____________________________________________ 4. Fax: ___________________________________________________ 5. E-mail: _____________________________________________________ 6. Signature: _______________________________________________________ 7. Date completed: ___________________________________________________ 15 PRESBYTERY CONFIRMATION LETTER PRESBYTERY:............................................. REGIONAL SYNOD: ........................................... FULL NAMES OF MINISTER: .......................................................................................................... CONGREGATION: ................................................ TOWN: ........................................... FIRST ADMITTANCE OF SERVICE:........... (Year) .....................(Month) ........(Day) SINCE WHEN IN YOUR PRESBYTERY:........................................................................................... CURRENT STATUS IN THE URCSA: Status Candidate for the ministry (proponent) Full-time minister Tent-making minister * Full-time evangelist Doing further studies, with retention of status Minister assigned special duties # Emeritus Former minister/evangelist who lost status Censured minister/evangelist * Since when (date) If in tentmaking capacity, is agreement between congregation and minister approved by Presbytery? # Indicate with X ___________________ Specify other work _____________________ If minister with special duties please specify: ____________________________________ I..........................................................................(print) declare as ............................................... (position in Presbytery) that ......................................................................................... is a minister under supervision of the Presbytery of .......................................................................................... Signed ............................................... on this ................... day of ................................... 20........... ........................................................... Signature (on behalf of Presbytery) 16