VALL COMMITTEE REPORTS Fall 2014 Meeting, October 10, 2014

Fall 2014 Meeting, October 10, 2014
Hunton & Williams LLP, Richmond, Virginia
Auditing Committee
No new business to report.
Suzanne Corriell, Chair
Bylaws Committee
Amy Wharton, Chair
Communications Committee
Evelyn Campbell, Chair
Grants Committee
Joyce Manna Janto & Jennifer Sekula, Co-Chairs
Legislative Awareness Committee
On Oct. 1, the AALL Washington e-bulletin was forwarded to the membership. The e-bulletin informed
AALL members that President Obama signed the Fiscal Year 2015 Continuing Resolution, which funds
the Federal Government through December 11.
Also, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts will restore all cases removed from PACER last August.
AALL’s Government Relations Office also contacted the Senate and House leaders to bring each
chamber’s bipartisan Leahy-Lee bill updating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act to the floor for
Respectfully submitted,
David Knight, Chair
Membership Committee
o There are 132 members in good standing, as of 10/3/14
This represents a 5.7% decrease in membership over 2013-2014; this decline is
due to several retirements and role/institution changes. For example, there
were 7 vendor members in 2013-2014 as compared to 4 vendor members in
 Breakdown by Institution Type:
 73 (55%) Academic
 22 (17%) Government or Public
 30 (23%) Law Firm
 4 (3%) Vendors
 3 (2%) Individuals (includes Lifetime members and retired
o The 2014-2015 Directory will be delivered electronically this year via DropBox. The
security of the information is very important to our members, so we continue to
investigate the most secure means of posting the Directory. The Directory will be
provided as soon as these technical aspects are addressed.
o Any feedback regarding the format and content of the Directory would be much
appreciated. Please contact me at 804.639.0787 or
o Please notify me of any changes to your contact, institution or role information so that I
may keep the Directory and VALL list-serv information current.
o The Membership Committee continues in its efforts to bring new members into the
Association. If you have suggestions regarding contacts or would like VALL information
to provide to an interested colleague, please let me know.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Vassey, Chair
Nominating Committee
In the spring, candidates will be needed to fill three positions on the Executive Board: Vice
President/President-Elect, and two-year terms for Treasurer and Director. The Vice President must be a
member of AALL. Any VALL member may serve as Treasurer or Director regardless of AALL membership
status. Please submit any nominations by January 15, 2015. Candidates will be announced via the
Chapter listserv on or before February 1, 2015.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Corriell, Chair
Placement Committee
The following positions were announced and advertised on the VALL Wiki and are still open:
1.) Associate Dean for Library and Information Services – University of Richmond Law Library
2.) Metadata, Empirical and Bibliographic Services Librarian – Washington & Lee University Law Library
The following positions were announced and advertised on the Wiki but have since been closed:
1.) Social Sciences Librarian – University of Richmond Boatwright Library (2 positions)
2.) Access Services Associate – University of Richmond Law Library
3.) Reference & Research Services Librarian – University of Richmond Law Library
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Barile, Chair
Preservation Committee
No new business to report.
Amy O’Connor, Chair
Programs Committee
Stephanie Miller, Chair
Public Relations Committee
The PR Chair would like to thank committee member Alexis Fetzer for her work in redesigning the VALL
logo, and to Ms. Fetzer and Ben Almoite for their work in creating the pins that VALL gave away at its
table at the AALL Annual Meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Fred Dingledy, Chair
Publications Committee
Gail Zwirner & Greg Stoner, Co-Chairs
Access to Justice Committee
The committee had a second meeting via conference call on September 22, 2014. The members are
Leslie Ashbrook, Donna Bausch, Robert Davis, Ben Doherty, Meldon Jenkins-Jones and Gail Warren. We
discussed the purpose of the committee and prioritized goals for this first year.
One goal is to provide information to VALL members on A2J activities from around the state and nation
though articles written by committee members and posted on VALLTalk. A long range project involves
creating a survey to evaluate A2J activities in libraries statewide. The members of this committee are
very dedicated to and engaged in improving Access to Justice for Self-represented Litigants throughout
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Petroccione, Chair
Strategic Planning Committee
Over the spring and summer of 2014, the Strategic Planning Committee developed a Mission Statement
for VALL and a proposed Strategic Plan for VALL. A subcommittee of the Strategic Planning Committee
prepared a proposed Mission Statement for VALL that was reviewed and discussed by the committee. A
revised version of the Mission Statement was submitted to the VALL Executive Board, reviewed by the
Board, and approved by the Board on June 23, 2014.
Other subcommittees of the Strategic Planning Committee conducted an environmental scan with
respect to VALL’s strategic environment, and a strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats, or SWOT,
analysis of VALL. Using the information and knowledge developed from the environmental scan and the
SWOT analysis, along with the results of the VALL member survey conducted by the committee in early
2014, the committee worked in teams to prepare a draft Strategic Plan for VALL. The committee
reviewed, discussed, and revised the Strategic Plan several times, and on August 25, 2014 submitted a
draft of the Strategic Plan to the Executive Board for its review.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Winston, Chair
VALL 30th Anniversary Committee
The Committee members have interviewed former and past members of VALL: Ann Roberts Caudle, Ben
Almoite and Terry Long. An interview will be requested with Gail Zwirner. All interviews have been or
will be posted at the VALL blog for the benefit of the membership.
Sally Wambold initiated the VALL ‘Memories Book’, soliciting ‘memories’ from the VALL membership,
some of which will be read at the October 10 meeting. Sally generously contributed a Barnes & Noble
gift card to be given to a contributor of the ‘Memories Book’.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Harrison, Chair