BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Overview A material master is required for a material. A material needs to have additional department views created. A new material is to be used in a production process. A material needs to be extended to another plant. Requirement for Valuation of material in the Material Master. A need to define a Production Resource / Tool as a Material. Business Process Description Overview Material masters are created when a material required is not defined in the material master. Control of master data depends largely on how each company sets up its Organizational levels - centralized or decentralized. Some material data is valid for all organizational levels while other data is valid only at certain levels. (i.e.: client, plant, sales org., etc.). All functional areas of the system use the same material master data. The material master data is defined in individual screens (departmental views) that can be added as needed. Thus a material can be created with only basic data and other departments can add other information later as it becomes available. The views possible for material are controlled by the material type selected. For a material to be used in the system it needs to be created for each plant. Multiple views of a material are possible but at a minimum, the material needs to have a description and a base unit of measure assigned on the basic data view. Additional department views (i.e. Accounting, Sales, Purchasing, MRP ) can be added at a later time by extending the material. As additional plants are added, a material will need to be extended to the plants before it can be used there. A Production Resource / Tool can be defined as a material if purchasing and inventory functions are to be carried out for that PRT. The information required to be input is dependent upon which department views are being created. Thus, material master information is typically entered at different times by numerous system users. Note that to add a view, the “Create Material” transaction is used rather than the “Change Material” transaction. Input - Required Fields Material Field Value / Comments N/A as there is an internal number assignment. Industry Sector Enter T for Telecom Industry Material Type Press F4 for list of choices. Select “ZCAP” for Material Type – Capital Items Enter the inventory unit of measure (Example EA, PC, LB, GA) Base Unit of Measure Other information Depending upon the views to be created, additional information will be required ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Output - Results New material created New view added to a material Material extended to a new plant 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Comments Material Created and available for other activities View Added Material extended BPP Table of Contents Since a material can have from 1 to more than 30 views depending upon the material type and views desired, a user should select the relevant sections of this document and ignore the views that are not desired. The procedural steps included in this document are as follows: Basic Data Purchasing Purchase Order Text MRP Forecasting Plant data/storage Quality mgt. Accounting Costing Plant stock Storage location stock Extending a material to add a departmental view Extending a material to another plant Tips and Tricks If no other view exists, you must enter the base (standard / inventory) Unit of measure and a material description. Using a reference material (similar characteristics etc.) saves a lot of effort as all the views will be copied over and can be changed or overwritten. Note: When creating the MRP Views (or any view for that matter), the Industry Sector and Material type will be automatically copied from an existing view, so long as at least one view exists. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 The material data can be entered with or without an MRP profile. An MRP profile contains typical MRP data for a particular procedure. The values can be fixed (cannot be changed) of default values (can be overridden). The MRP profile simplifies data entry in the master record. For example if an MRP controller looks after similar material at several plants, a profile will be defined in the system and assigned to new materials as they are created. To set user defaults for views and organizational levels follow these steps: Views: Menus: Defaults >> Views Select those views to be checked on by default when generating a new material. Select ‘View selection only on request’ when the select view pop-up is to be bypassed unless selected. Organizational levels: Menus: Defaults >> organizational levels Enter those organizational levels to be defaulted when generating a new material. Select ‘Org. levels/profiles only on request’ when the select view pop-up is to be bypassed unless selected. To extend a material to a different plant requires selecting the new plant on the organizational level screen. Note that all views of a material are not extended unless they were selected on the initial screen. In addition, each plant may have a different system configuration requiring additional inputs on each of the departmental screens. Material changes made in one plant do not change that material in other plants. To determine which views of a material need to be added or to see which plants a material has been extended to, use transaction MM50 (Logistics>Material Management>Material Master>Other>Extend Material View(s)). ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Procedure Steps 1.1. Access transaction by: Via Menus Via Transaction Code (a) Logistics>Material Management>Material master>Material>Create (General) > Immediate (b) Logistics > Production > Master Data > Prod. resources/tools > Prod. resources/tools > Material > Create (General) (c) Logistics>Production>Master Data>Material Master>Material > Create(General) (d) Logistics> Logistics Execution> Master Data > Material > Material > Create>Immediately (e) Logistics>Central function >Engineering> Material >Material>Create (General) > Immediately (f) Accounting>Project Systems > Basic Data > Master Data >Material>Create (g) Logistics>Environmental Health & Safety> Dangerous Goods Management> Environment> Material master>Material>Create (General) > Immediately (h) Logistics>Customer Service > Technical Objects> Material >Create (General) > Immediately (i) Logistics>Plant Maintenance> Technical Objects>Material>Create (General) > Immediately (j) Logistics>Sales & Distribution> Master data >Products >Bill of Materials> Environment> Material Master >Material > Create (General) (k) Logistics>Material Management>Material master>Material>Create (General) > Immediately MM01 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.2. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On screen “Create Material: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: Field Name Material Description Key identifying material R/O/C N/A Industry Sector Material Type Copy From Material: Specifies branch of industry R to which material is assigned Group to which material is R assigned. Similar material from which the O system obtains selected values. User Action and Values System will assign a new number Type T (Telecom Industry) or select from pull down menu Type ZCAP or select from the Pull Down Menu Leave blank, unless new material is based on an existing material Comments . R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional Press Enter. 1.3. On pop up screen ‘Select View(s)’, check the appropriate boxes Click on Basic Data 1, and any other views needed. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Note: The material type controls which views are displayed. Therefore, specific material types will not contain certain views. Press Enter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.4. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On pop up screen ‘Organizational Levels’, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: Field Name Description Organizati Section Header onal Levels Plant Plant identification key R/O/C O Storage Location Storage Location Identification key O Profiles MRP Profile Section Header MRP Parameters C Forecast prof. Forecast profile C User Action and Values Comments Enter Plant where material will be active or select from pull down menu Enter Storage Location where material will reside or select from pull down menu Key that you can use to store MRP parameters that are independent of the material master record. Key that allows you to store forecast parameters independently of a material master record. Press enter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.5. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On screen “Create Material –######## (Material Type)”, Basic Data 1 tab, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name Material Base Unit of Measure Material Group Old Material Number X Plant Matl Status Generic Req. Number 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Description R/O/C Material Description R Units of measure in which R stocks of the material are managed Key allowing grouping of R same or similar materials Legacy system material number, O or, previous SAP material master number User Action and Values Enter in material description Enter UOM or select from pull down list Indicates whether the material may be used within different departments C Enter if appropriate Generic Requirement Number O Enter if Appropriate Comments Enter Material Group Enter if appropriate As of now this field will not be used. However depending on requirement, this can be used after implementatio n ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.6. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On screen “Create Material –######## (Material Type)”, Basic Data 2 tab, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 10 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name Ind. Std Desc. Document 1.7. Description Description Of The Material in accordance with the appropriate industry standard. Number of the drawing that exists for this object. R/O/C O 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 User Action and Values Comments Part Number to be maintained O Drawing Number to be maintained. On the tab “Purchasing” enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 11 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name Base Unit of Measure Description Inventory UOM R/O/C R Order Unit UOM for ordering O Purchasing Group Group Responsible for purchasing R this Material Group code of like materials R Material Group Plant sp.matl status Batch Manageme nt Purchasin g Values Purchasing Value Key Other Data GR Processing Plant specific material status. Determines availability of Material for purchase or production Identifies the material as managed by batch O 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 User Action and Values Defaults in from Basic Data 1 screen. Comments Not to be changed or used here Enter only if different from If defined base UOM and required by here, ordering Vendor unit will be common for all POs and hence recommended to be used at PO level and not in purchasing view Enter or select from pull down list Defaults in from Basic Data 1 screen. Not to be changed or used here Blank indicates available As of now this field will not be used. O Check if appropriate Identifies follow up intervals and delivery tolerances Section Heading O Select appropriate key from pull down list Number of days required to inspect and place in storage O Enter number of days if relevant It will be maintained only for those materials for which shelf life needs to be maintained. Section Heading This will be same for ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 12 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 time Source List Mandates entry of supplier before PO issues O Check box if appropriate Mfr. Part number Manufacturer part number O Enter number if appropriate Mfr. Manufacturer identifier O Use pull down menu material type. However it can be different for individual material as well. It will be maintained for Proprietary Items This field will be used to capture manufacturer's part no. for proprietary items only This field will be used in case of item is proprietary. Enter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 13 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.8. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On tab “Purchase order text” enter appropriate text in the desired languages and press enter. OPTIONAL ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 14 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.9. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On tab “MRP1”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 15 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Field Name General Data Base Unit of Measure Description Section Heading R/O/C Inventory Unit of measure R Enter the inventory unit of measure for this product Defaults if Basic Data 1 view exists MRP Procedure MRP Type Section Heading Identifies the type of MRP /MPS to be performed R Mainly, no planning (ND) and manual reorder point planning (VB) will be used After the generation of sufficient data in the SAP, later on automatic reorder point planning (VM) may be considered. Reorder point MRP Controller Reorder point Code for the person responsible for MRP/MPS for this material Section Heading O O Enter value Press F4 for list. Select desired code from the list Identifies the type of Lot Sizing that will occur. Maximum stock level allowed Rounding value for purchase order quantity. Value to a multiple of which the system rounds up the procurement quantity. O O "Replenish to maximum stock HB" will be used. Enter value O Enter value Lot Size Data Lot Size Maximum stock level Rounding value User Action and Values Comments Enter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 16 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.10. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On tab “MRP2”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: Field Name Scheduling Plnd Delivery Description Number of days required to R/O/C O User Action and Values Comments Enter number of days if needed ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 17 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Time 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 obtain material obtained externally Enter. On tab “MRP3”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 18 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name Availability Description Identifies whether total R/O/C R 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 User Action and Values Enter 01 (period) or 02 Comments Preference ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 19 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Check requirements by period are to be used or individual Requirements Total lead time for finished product, including production and procurement along the longest path Indicator for cross project material Tot. Repl. Lead Time Cross project 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 O (individual). NOTE: This is the only required field on this screen Enter time in days O Use pull down menu depends upon company Enter. 1.11. On tab “Forecasting”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: Not Applicable Field Name General data Forecast model Description Section header R/O/C Indicator that defines on which forecast model the system bases its calculation of future requirements of the material. R User Action and Values Comments Use pull down to change default value Enter. 1.12. On tab “Plant data/stor. 1” enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 20 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name General Description Section Heading R/O/C 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 User Action and Values Comments ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 21 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Data Base Unit of Measure Unit of Issue Storage bin Ph. Inv. Indicator for cycle counting Shelf Life Data Min. Rem. Shelf Life Total Shelf Life Period Indicator for shell life Old Material Number 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Inventory UOM R Unit in which material is issued Storage bin Indicates that the given material is subject to the cycle counting method of inventory. The indicator also defines at which time intervals a physical inventory is to be carried out for the material Section Heading O O O Enter UOM or select from pull down list Enter Unit of Issue or select from pull down list Enter value is appropriate Select from pull down menu Number of days material needs to be kept for the system to accept Number of days material will keep in total The period indicator specifies the unit of measurement for a period of time Plant Specific Old material number O Enter number of days. O Enter number of days O Enter number of days O Enter Old Material Number Defaults from Basic Data Enter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 22 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On tab “Plant data/stor.2”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: Field Name General plant parameters Neg. stocks in plant Log. Handling group Serial No. Description Section header R/O/C User Action and Values Negative stocks allowed in plant Logistics handling group for workload calculation O Check box as appropriate O Use pull down menu Serial number profile O Use pull down menu Comments ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 23 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: profile Dist. Prof Profit center Stock determin. Group Distribution profile of material in plant Profit center The stock determination group combined with the Stock Determination Rule at plant level create a key for the stock determination strategy. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 O Use pull down menu R O Use pull down menu Use pull down menu Enter. 1.13. On tab “Quality management”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 24 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name General data Base Unit of measure Procurement data Inspection type QM control key Description Section header Base unit of measure R/O/C R 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 User Action and Values Comments defaults from Basic data View Section header The inspection type defines how an inspection is performed. Several inspection types can be assigned to an inspection lot origin. Control Key for Quality Management in Procurement O O Use pull down menu Enter. 1.14. On tab “Accounting 1”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: Not Applicable On tab “Costing 1” and tab “Costing 2”, Only views will be maintained, no field will be populated as of now. Not Applicable 1.15. On tab “Plant stock ”, information is displayed regarding the stocks of this material in this plant: Automatic Not Applicable 1.16. On tab “Stor. location stock”, information is displayed regarding the stocks of this material in this storage location: Automatic Not Applicable 1.17. Save to create the material using the “save” button or use the “Ctrl S” key combination. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 25 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.18. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 To extend a material to add an additional department view: Access transaction by: Via Menus Via Transaction Code 1.19. (l) Logistics>Material Management>Material master>Material>Create (General) > Immediately (m) Logistics > Production > Master Data > Prod. resources/tools > Prod. resources/tools > Material > Create (General) (n) Logistics>Production>Master Data>Material Master>Material > Create(General) MM01 On screen “Create Material: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 26 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name Material Industry Sector Description Key identifying material Specifies branch of industry to which material is assigned R/O/C R O Material Type Group to which material is assigned. O Copy From Material: Similar material from which the O system obtains selected values R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 User Action and Values Enter material number Leave blank. System will default in the value stored for this material Leave blank. System will default in the value stored for this material Leave blank. Comments Press Enter. 1.20. On pop up screen ‘Select View(s)’, check the appropriate boxes for the screen(s) to be added. Enter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 27 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.21. 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 On pop up screen ‘Organizational Levels’, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: Note that the fields displayed will depend upon the views selected. Field Name Description Organizati Section Header onal Levels Plant Plant identification key R/O/C R Storage Location Storage Location Identification key O Profiles MRP Profile Section Header MRP Parameters O Forecast prof. Forecast profile O User Action and Values Comments Enter Plant where material will be active or select from pull down menu Enter Storage Location where material will reside or select from pull down menu Key that you can use to store MRP parameters that are independent of the Key that allows you to store forecast parameters independently of a material master record. Enter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 28 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Follow the procedural steps outlined above for the screens selected (See table of contents for this document on page 2). 1.22. To extend a material to another plant: Access transaction by: Via Menus Via Transaction Code 1.23. (o) Logistics>Material Management>Material master>Material>Create (General) > Immediately (p) Logistics > Production > Master Data > Prod. resources/tools > Prod. resources/tools > Material > Create (General) (q) Logistics>Production>Master Data>Material Master>Material > Create(General) MM01 On screen “Create Material: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 29 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name Material Industry Sector Description Key identifying material Specifies branch of industry to which material is assigned R/O/C R O Material Type Group to which material is assigned. O Copy From Material: Similar material from which the O system obtains selected values R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 User Action and Values Enter material number Leave blank. System will default in the value stored for this material Leave blank. System will default in the value stored for this material Leave blank. Comments Press Enter. 1.24. On pop up screen ‘Select View(s)’, check at least one box other than the basic data views. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 30 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 Enter. 1.25. On pop up screen ‘Organizational Levels’, enter the plant number and other information in the fields as specified in the below table: Note that the fields displayed depends upon the screens selected. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 31 of 32 BUSINESS PROCESS PROCEDURE Organization /Area Create Material Master for Material Type Capital Items (ZCAP) Materials Management ECC 6.0 9 March 2016 File Name: Version: Title: Release: Last Edited on: Field Name Description Organizati Section Header onal Levels Plant Plant identification key R/O/C R Storage Location Storage Location Identification key O Profiles MRP Profile Section Header MRP Parameters O Forecast prof. Forecast profile O 1.1.1 MM-MM01-Material-Create-ZCAP 1.2 User Action and Values Comments Enter Plant where material will be active or select from pull down menu Enter Storage Location where material will reside or select from pull down menu Key that you can use to store MRP parameters that are independent of the Key that allows you to store forecast parameters independently of a material master record. Enter. Follow the procedural steps outlined above for the screens selected (See table of contents for this document on page 2). ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 32 of 32