Peter Melz1 Guide to Swedish Tax Law Research This guide summarizes the sources of Swedish Tax Law. It will offer guidance to the relevant Swedish tax laws and literature. Unfortunately most of the laws and other relevant material are in Swedish. A yearly overview of Taxes in Sweden is published by The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) (could be downloaded from The focus is mainly on statistical presentation of taxation. Comments on amendments etc. could be sent to I. Constitutional law Sweden is a constitutional monarchy. Tax Law as other legislation are enacted by the Parliament (Riksdagen). It is not possible for the Parliament to delegate legislative power to the Government or Government authorities. Delegated rules may only prescribe how to comply with the statutory rules and no new rules may be implemented through them. The basic provisions defining the powers and the tasks of the Swedish Government and the rights enjoyed by the Swedish citizens are found in the Constitution. The Swedish Constitution is constituted by four fundamental laws: 1) the Instrument of Government 1974, 2) the Act of Succession 1810, 3) the Freedom of the Press Act 1949, 4) the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, 1991, AND 5) the Riksdag Act. The constitutional ground for taxation can be found in the Instrument of Government. It embodies the basic political principles by which the state is governed and it defines and delimits the tasks of the Swedish Government. The principle that there can be no tax except in accordance with law, Nullum tributum sine lege, is expressed in the Instrument of Government Chapter 8 Art 3. Further tax provisions in the constitution is found in Chapter 2 of the Instrument of Government, which concerns fundamental rights and freedoms. There retroactive tax legislation is prohibited, Chapter 2 Art 10 par. 2. II. Laws and regulations Tax legislation is normally prepared by work in Government Committees. Committee Reports (Statens Offentliga Utredningar, SOU) are referred for consideration by various authorities and organizations. The government then presents a Government bill (proposition) to the Parliament (Riksdagen). For important proposals, the bill is preceded by a draft which is examined by three Supreme Court judges in the Council of Legislation (lagrådet). Amendments in the Parliament are rare. The bill is scrutinized in Parliament by a Standing Committee for Taxation (skatteutskottet). 1 Professor of Tax Law, Stockholm University, with assistance of Anna Ohman, Research assistant. Committee reports are published in the Swedish Government Official Reports series (Statens offentliga utredningar, SOU) and Ministry publications series (Departementsserien, Ds). These reports and Government bills are to be found on the web-page of the Ministry of Finance Opinions expressed by the Law Council (lagrådet) are published at their webpage Statutes and amendments to statutes are published in the Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk Författningssamling, SFS). Current cumulative versions of statutory tax laws are published by the Swedish Tax Agency and private publishers. The Swedish Parliament has a webpage with bills, committee reports and statutes The Swedish tax system consists of almost all known types of taxes. Basicly every tax form is regulated in a separate acts. Administrative and procedural rules are regulated in further separate Acts. Below the most important laws are briefly described. A more comprehensive list is attached at the end of the Research Guide. Inkomstskattelag (1999:1229) (Income Tax Act) The Swedish Income Tax Act is a comprehensive law containing almost all substantial rules necessary to calculate income tax for individuals and legal persons, whether they are unlimited or limited liable to income tax in Sweden. Income is calculated for individuals in three different sources: employment, business and capital. For the combined income of the sources of employment and business (earned income) municipal and national income tax could be levied with a progressive rate structure. Further social security contributions are paid for these incomes either by employers or by selfemployed persons. This is regulated in lagen om sociavgifter (see below). On income of capital only a flat rate national income tax is levied. Legal persons only calculate income of business on which a flat rate national income tax is levied. The Income Tax Act is divided into chapters following the mentioned structure. Apart from chapters dedicated to different sources of income, further chapters regulate common questions. Some supplementary laws exist for international income taxation among others Kupongskattelagen (1970:624) (Dividend withholding tax Act) and Avräkning av utländsk skatt (1986:468) (Foreign tax credit Act). Lag (2000:980) om socialavgifter (Act on Social Security Contributions) Social security contributions function to a considerable extent as taxes. The Act contains all substantial rules necessary to calculate social security contributions. Lag om statlig fastighetsskatt (1984:1052) (Act on National Real Estate Tax) A national real estate/property tax is levied on immovable property such as private houses, farms, residential buildings and rented residential and business premises. The real-estate tax is to be calculated on the basis of the assessed taxable value. The assessed real estate value is approximately 75 percent of the market value of the property. The taxable value is used in the calculation of real estate tax as well as for inheritance-, gift- and wealth taxes. Mervärdesskattelag (1994:200) (Value Added Tax Act) The Swedish VAT Act is modelled after the European Union VAT directives. The structure of the tax is therefore well known for those with knowledge of other European VAT Laws. However, the structure of the legislation does not fully resemble the structure of the directive. VAT is assessed separately from income taxes but is collected in the same procedure. Lag om arvsskatt och gåvoskatt (1941:416) (Act on Gift and Inheritance Tax) The object for potential taxation is comprehensive in theory but the tax base is eroded by many exemptions or by favourable valuation rules. The exemptions have been granted primarily to capital invested in business directly or through close corporations etc. Gift tax is considered to be supplementary to the inheritance tax. Lag om förmögenhetsskatt (1997:323) (Act on Net Wealth Tax) The tax is considered to be a supplementary tax on capital income. The assets included in the tax base is roughly the same as for inheritance and gift tax. Taxeringslag (1990:324) (Tax Assessment Act) This law contains procedural rules for assessment of the major taxes. The court procedure upon appeal is controlled by a special procedural law for administrative courts (lag om allmänna förvaltningsdomstolar). Lag om självdeklaration och kontrolluppgifter (2001:1227) (Act on Self assessment and statements of income) This law contain rules for self assessment of tax payers (requirements of sending in returns) and statements of income paid out by employers, banks, insurance companies etc. Skattebetalningslag (1997:483) (Tax Payment Act) This Act contain rules for prepayments and withholding of taxes. III. Treaties Treaties are made law by act of Parliament. The Government bills contain background and explanations to the treaty. Treaties could be found on the web-pages of The Swedish Tax Agency ( IV. Administrative material The Swedish Tax Agency ( issues general recommendations. As the agency in nationwide it is expected that decisions on local level will be made in accordance with the recommendation. Recommendations are not binding for courts upon appeal. In some special cases the Agency has the right to issue binding regulations. The Agency is not issuing individual rulings as advance rulings are issued by an independent board. V. Case law Decision by the Tax Agency could appealed to one of 23 county administrative courts (länsrätter) and then again to on of four administrative courts of appeal (kammarrätter). If the case is of importance to the interpretation of the law, the Supreme Administrative Court (Regeringsrätten) may grant leave to appeal and try the case. Cases decided by the Supreme Administrative Court are deemed binding for lower courts. There is no statutory rule to this effect, but precedents are with rare exceptions followed. The Supreme Administrative Court seldom changes a precedent, and if it does, the change must be made in a plenary session. A special independent board gives Advance rulings for important transactions. Rulings can be appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court without the need for leave to be granted. Decisions by the Supreme Administrative Court is published by a number of commercial web-services, at the web-page of the Swedish Tax Agency (rättsfallsprotokoll) and in a yearly volume The Annual Reporter of the Supreme Administrative Court (Regeringsrättens årsbok). The court is still not publishing decisions on a web-page. VI. Literature and periodicals The best way to start studying Swedish tax questions is to start with a general textbook. Major general textbooks are: Lodin, Lindencrona, Melz and Silfverberg: Inkomstskatt, Studentlitteratur. Published annualy or biannualy. Rabe and Bojs, Det svenska skattesystemet, Norstedts Juridik. Published annualy or biannualy. Another form of comprehensive information are found in comprehensive commentaries to different laws. The commentaries are structured as commentaries to each individual article in the laws. The commentaries are published in different forms (paperback, lose-leaf and/or electronical form). Examples of laws commented this way are (publisher is Norstedts Juridik): Inkomstskattelagen, Andersson, Saldén-Enérus and Tivéus Mervärdeskattelagen, Fink, Rabe and Svenneteg. Skatteförfarandet, Almgren and Leidhammar. Skatt på arv och skatt på gåva, Bratt, Fogelklou, Nordell, Silfverberg and Waller Socialavgifter, Carlsson, Silfverberg and Svenström. A large number academic theses and monographs about tax questions are published. Two major Tax Journals (Skattenytt and Svensk Skattetidning) publish 10 issues each per year. Accounting standards are published by the Financial Accounting Standards Council (Redovisningsrådet) in Redovisningsrådets rekommendationer, and by Bokföringsnämnden, BFN (The Swedish Accounting Standards Board), SWEDEN (SWE) List of Swedish Tax Acts All cites are to the Swedish Statute Book (Svensk Författningssamling (SFS)). The Swedish tax laws are reprinted in several sources, including Skatte- och taxeringförfattningarna, Skatteverket, annual edition [in Swedish]. The principal laws currently in effect are set forth below, arranged according to subject matter. 1. STATLIG OCH KOMMUNAL INKOMSTSKATT - NATIONAL AND LOCAL INCOME TAX Inkomstskattelag (1999:1229)- Income tax act 2. INTERN INTERNATIONELL SKATTERÄTT - INTERNAL INTERNATIONAL TAX LAW Kupongskattelag (1970:624) - Dividend Withholding tax act (coupon tax) Lag (1986:468) om avräkning av utländsk skatt - Foreign tax credit act Lag (1990:314) om ömsesidig handräckning i skatteärenden - Act on mutual assistance in tax cases Lag (1991:586) om särskild inkomstskatt för utomlands bosatta - Act on special income tax for foreign residents Lag (1991:591) om särskild inkomstskatt för utomlands bosatta artister m.fl. - Act on special income tax for non-resident artists and athletes 3. SOCIALAVGIFTER - SOCIAL SECURITY FEES Lag om socialavgifter (200:980) – Act on social security contributions Lag om löneskatt på förvärvsinkomster (1990:659) – Act on wage tax on earned income Lag om särskild premieskatt för grupplivförsäkring (1990:1427) – Act on tax on life insurance premiums Lag om avkastningsskatt på pensionsmedel (1990:661) – Act on tax on yield on pension capital Lag (1994:1920) om allmän löneavgift - Act on general salary fees Lag (1994:1744) om allmänna egenavgifter - Act on general payroll tax Lag (1991:687) om särskild löneskatt på pensionskostnader - Act on special wage tax on pension costs Lag (1993:931) om individuellt pensionssparande - Act on individual pension plans Lag (1967:531) om tryggande av pensionsutfästelse m.m. - Act on safeguarding pension commitments etc. 4. MERVÄRDESSKATT - VALUE ADDED TAX Mervärdesskattelag (1994:200) - Value added tax act Mervärdesskatteförordning (1994:223) - Value added tax decree Lag (2000:142) om avtal med Danmark om mervärdeskatt för den fasta vägförbindelsen över Öresund. – Act on treaty with Denmark on VAT for the bridge over the Sound Lag (1995:1518) om mervärdeskattekonton för kommuner och landsting. – Act on a VAT compensation system for local governments 5. PUNKTSKATTER - EXCISE TAXES Lag (1984:404) om stämpelskatt vid inskrivningsmyndigheter - Act on stamp duty to land registration administration Lag (1994:1776) om skatt på energi - Energy tax act Lag (1994:1564) om alkoholskatt - Alcohol tax act Lag (1972:266) om skatt på annonser och reklam - Advertisement and advertising tax act Lag (1991:1482) om lotteriskatt - Lottery tax act Lag (1991:1483) om skatt på vinstsparande m.m. - Act on tax on profit savings Lag (1972:280) om skatt på spel - Act on tax on gambling Lag (1999:673) om skatt på avfall – Act on tax on waste products 7. FASTIGHETER - REAL ESTATE Lag (1984:1052) om statlig fastighetsskatt - Act on national real estate tax Lag (2001:906) om skattereduktion för fastighetsskatt – Act on reduction of real estate tax Lag (2003:1204) om skattereduktion för vissa miljöförbättrande åtgärder i småhus – Act on reduction of tax for environmental improvments Fastighetstaxeringslag (1979:1152) – Act on assessment of value for real estate 7. FÖRMÖGENHET, ARV OCH GÅVA - WEALTH, INHERITANCE AND GIFT TAXES Lag (1997:323) om förmögenhetsskatt - National Wealth tax act Lag (1997:324) om begränsning av skatt i vissa fall - Act on limitation of tax in certain cases Lag (1941:416) om arvsskatt och gåvoskatt - Inheritance and gift tax act 8. TAXERING, PROCESS - ASSESSMENT AND PROCEDURE Taxeringslag (1990:324) – Tax Assessment act Lag (2001:1227) om självdeklarationer och kontrolluppgifter – Act on income tax returns and statements of earnings and tax deductions Lag (1998:189) om förhandsbesked i skattefrågor – Act on advance rulings in tax matters Lag (1989:479) om ersättning för kostnader i ärenden och mål om skatt m.m. - Act on compensation for costs in tax cases Lag (1995:575) mot skatteflykt - Tax avoidance act Skattebetalningslag (1997:843)- Tax payment act Lag (1997:484) om dröjsmålsavgift - Act on fee for delay Lag (1994:466) om särskilda tvångsåtgärder i beskattningsförfarandet - Act on certain measures in tax assessment procedure Lag (1978:880) om betalningssäkring för skatter, tullar och avgifter - Act on distraint order for securing payment for taxes, customs and fees Lag (1982:188) om preskription av skattefordringar m.m. - Act on statute of limitations of tax claims Lag (1971:289) om allmänna förvaltningsdomstolar - Act on general administrative courts