THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT ON WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT Meiliyana, S.IP, M.A Staff Pengajar Jurusan Ilmu administrasi Negara FISIP Universitas Lampung Email: ABSTRACT Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis peran pemerintah dalam pemeberdayaan perempuan melalui program-programnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di empat kabupaten di Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian ini dilakukan di tingkat daerah karena pemerintah daerah memiliki wewenang yang besar dalam membuat kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan menggunakan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemerintah daerah telah berusaha untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kaum perempuan di daerahnya dengan melaksanakan program-program yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kaum perempuan. Namun upaya tersebut masih perlu ditingkatkan untuk memaksimalkan hasil dan dampak yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini juga menemukan fakta bahwa pemerintah daerah yang menjadi lokasi penelitian belum memiliki data yang memadai tentang keadaan perempuan di daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada pemerintah untuk mencontoh model pemberdayaan perempuan oleh Narayan Deepa yang focus pada reformasi institusi. Reformasi institusi akan berdampak pada kesempatan yang diberikan bagi perempuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan. Penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan agar pemerintah meningkatkan kerjasama dengan berbagai organisasi perempuan dan NGO. BACKGROUND The history of women’s representation in the Indonesian Parliament is one of a long process of Indonesian women’s struggles in the public sphere. The first Indonesian Women’s Congress in 1928, which prompted the emergence of an increased women’s nationalist activism, is a turning point in history because of the role the Congress played in improving opportunities for Indonesian women to participate in all aspects of development. However, women still face cultural, social and legal barriers that constrain their full participation in the development process. ADMINISTRATIO Actually during the struggle for independence up to and after 1945, Indonesian women played a major role in the armed services and generally in the public sphere. However, after independence, along with the homecoming of men from the war, patriarchal values broadly re-emerged, as did the perception that the role of women was to manage the household (Parawansa, 2001). Patriarchal values according to Gupta and Sarma (2002:902) implies the dominant of men in all the settings and all situations. This situation makes women tends to be excluded from development. Until now, Indonesia has been struggling with the issues of unequal opportunity to access of public ISSN : 2087-0825 2 Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Vol.1, No.1, Januari – Juni 2010 service such as education and health services, which leads to unequal participation in the policy making process. I will show some data that illustrate the unequal situation faces by Indonesian women. EmploymentANGKATAN Participation Rate (TPAK) TINGKAT PARTISIPASI KERJA MENURUT KELAMIN Based onJENIS Sex (2000-2003) TAHUN 2000-2003 100,00 80,00 60,00 85,60 83,61 81,76 50,29 48,22 46,77 86,53 50,22 40,00 20,00 0,00 '2000 '2001 Laki-laki Man '2002 '2003 Perempuan Woman Source: Ministry of Women Empowerment, ( 30 January, 2008) This figure above shows us that women involvement in employment sector which is lower than men. The involvement of women in employment sector is caused by various reasons. As mentioned in The Statistic Gender Profile of Metro City (2006:31), women work because of economic reason so that they have to work or women decide to work because they have a choice whether work or not. But since the stereotype Republic of Indonesia of women are handling household and taking care of child so it impact on the women participation on employment sector. Low participation of women in employment sector imply to position of women on decision making within their family. Furthermore it also imply to the participation and position of women in the public policy making process. The Percentage of Illiteracy Rates PERSENTASE PENDUDUK BUTA HURUF USIA Up 10 TAHUN KE ATAS For Children to 10 years (2000-2004) TAHUN 2000-2004 16 14.54 14.16 12.69 14 12.28 11.71 12 10 6.87 8 6.31 5.84 5.34 5.85 6 4 2 0 2000 2001 Laki-laki Man 2002 2003 Perempuan Woman Source: Ministry of Women Empowerment, ( 30 January, 2008) ADMINISTRATIO 2004 Republic of Indonesia ISSN : 2087-0825 Meiliyana, The Role Of Government On Women’s Empowerment The figure about illiteracy rates above shows us the gap between women and men on accessing educational facilities. Men are more likely to higher their education rather than women. Mulyaningsih (2004:16) argues that this situation is caused by stereotypes of gender which embedded in the society. For instance, there is an assumption in the society that if women are highly educated, it will be difficult for them to find a spouse. Women dropping out of school are also more tolerated in society so that if the family has to make priority for their children, they are more likely to give an opportunity for son to higher their education. Low education of women imply on women opportunity to participate in public sphere especially in the policy making process. According to The Asia Foundation Report on 9 May, 2007, women in Indonesia are significantly under-represented in political participation at all levels and the number of women members of the national legislature is now lower than a decade ago during President Suharto’s New Order era. Today, women constitute less than 12 percent of members of the National Parliament in Indonesia and more than half the country’s 440 district legislatures have no women members at all (The Asia Foundation website, April 17th 2008). According to the Asia Foundation, there are number of reasons for this, including the way political parties recruit candidates, structural barriers embedded in legislation regulating elections, and cultural prejudices against women as leaders. This number of women in politics becomes important because this is one indication of the degree to which barriers have been removed for women. Since the number of women in politics in Indonesia are ADMINISTRATIO 3 low, so in other words, it can says that women still face cultural, social and legal barriers that constrain their participation in the development process. Within the Indonesian Constitution/1945 article 27 mentions: every citizen has an equal position within Indonesia’s law. It legally shows that there is no distinction between men and women. From this constitution, we can see that the state guarantees equal rights between men and women. Indonesia also has taken such initiatives to enhance women’s participation in development. The first initiative to include women’s issues in national development planning was taken in 1978 by drawing up specific regulations about women. Following this regulation, the government established the Ministry of Women Affairs which changed into the Ministry for the Role of Women in 1983. The government also ratified CEDAW (Convention on Elimination All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) and adopted it into Law No. 7/1984, which binds Indonesia to respect, protect, and fulfill women’s rights. Furthermore, Indonesia also adopted “Beijing Platform for Actions” in 1995. Ratified and adopted “international commitment”, should be follow up in national level. In 1999, Khofifah Indar Parawansa who was minister of women’s empowerment and head of the National Coordinating Board of Family Planning at that time, made significant changes in the course of policies and programs on gender equity and women’s empowerment. The changing of the ministry’s name from the Ministry for the Role of women to the State Ministry of Women’s Empowerment was to reflect the state’s role in promoting women’s rights and gender issues (Utomo, 2006). This ministry helps ISSN : 2087-0825 4 Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Vol.1, No.1, Januari – Juni 2010 the president (government) in formulating policy and coordinating action for women empowerment. The Indonesian government also established women empowerment bureaus at local government level to help the national government formulate policy at the local level. Since 2004, the parliament is also required to have 30% of its members be women in order to ensure their greater participation in public sphere. In spite of these efforts, the reality shows that these efforts have not yet removed enough of the gap between men and women in regards to access, control, participation and benefits from the development goals (Mulyaningsing, 2004). As the empowerment of women is one of the central issues in the process of development for many countries in the world today (Sen, 1999: 202) and as Kofi Annan has argued: Women play a crucial role on development. When they are fully involved, the benefits can be seen immediately, families are healthier and better fed, their income saving and reinvestment go up. And what is true of families is also true of communities, and, in the long run, of whole countries (Kofi Annan as cited in Van der Gaag, 2004). As women account for 51% of Indonesia’s population, their potential for development plays a critical role making research in this field essential for helping the government further decrease the gap in access, participation, control and benefits of development between men and women. While Amartya Sen argues that development is freedom, it requires the removal of major sources of ADMINISTRATIO unfreedom, such as: poverty, poor economic opportunities, systematic social deprivation and negligence of public facilities as well as intolerance or over activity of repressive states (Sen, 1999:3). Sen also argues that the view of freedom that is being taken here involves both the process that allows freedom of actions and decisions, and the actual opportunities that people have, given their personal and social circumstances. By refer to what Amartya Sen argues, so it is clear that in order to get involved in development, the sources of un freedom faces by Indonesian women should be eliminated. Local government plays an important role in women’s empowerment. Under the new Local government Law No.22/1999 that took effect on January 1, 2001, local governments in Indonesia assumed new responsibilities that were previously covered by the national government, which called as decentralization. Since Conyers (1986) argues, decentralization is a tool to accomplish particular goals such as local democracy, people empowerment, citizen participation, development and integration. Additionally Elizabeth Powley in her report “Engendering Rwanda’s Decentralization: Supporting Women Candidates for Local Office” also says: Local government is a powerful force in women’s lives, often affecting the delivery of basic services (such as healthcare) and the management of resources (such as land, electricity, and water) more directly than the national government ( Hunt Alternatives Fund website, June 15, 2008) ISSN : 2087-0825 Meiliyana, The Role Of Government On Women’s Empowerment So that, local governments in Indonesia under the new concept of decentralization, plays an important role to empower women within their area by making programs or policies which can improve the quality life of women. In this research, four local governments were chosen within Lampung province on Sumatra Island. Each area that observed has a women’s empowerment bureau at its local government level and have already set some programs to support women’s empowerment in their areas. This research will address research questions as follow; 1). What is the role of government on women’s empowerment? 2) What is (are) the local government program(s) to support women’s empowerment? 3) How is the program implemented in the society? The purposes of this research are: 1)to identify and analyze the role of government on women empowerment,2)to identify and analyze the government’s programs to support women empowerment 3)to identify and analyze how the government has implemented its programs in society 5 empowerment programs in each local government. The design of the interview protocol is semi-structured interviews with additional questions that asked as clarifying or extending explanations. This research is case study that follows Creswell`s (1998) definition of case study, which uses detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information and is limited by time and place. In this research, I look at specific programs for empowering women, which have been implemented by particular local government in Indonesia. The strong point of this study is the analysis of the role of government in empowering women in Indonesia and of the subsequent programs it has implemented. This leads to the question of how seriously the government handles this issue and how its implemented programs impact the condition of women. ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRAMS All the programs conduct by these regions are adopted from national programs and funded by National State budget and Local Government budget. The programs will discuss one by one. METHODOLOGY 1. This research focus on the regency level, for two main reasons; 1) The policies in this level are especially implemented for the development of the local people (Local Government Law No.22/1999), 2) the patriarchal structure of the societies in this area cause excluding of women from decision making process for development. Data collection method of this research are interview and archival documents collection. Interview protocol was developed before interviewing the people in charge of women ADMINISTRATIO Enhance women’s role development process. on This program is important since women in these areas still faces unequal opportunity on access, control and gain benefit from development. As Koffi Annan(2004) argued, if women involved in development so families prosperity increase and for long run this situation will affect whole countries. Governments implement this program by: a) Encourage women to be entrepreneurs through ISSN : 2087-0825 6 Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Vol.1, No.1, Januari – Juni 2010 entrepreneur workshops and improving the opportunities for women on gaining credit from financial institutions. The increasing number of employees and the number of employment fields is unbalance. Unemployed people need capital to create job for their self. By improving the opportunities for women on gaining credit, it will help women to have self income for them self and for increase the family income. Increasing family income will also impact the quality of consumption on fulfilling the basic needs and health of the family and the education of the children (Statistic Gender and Analysis of Bandar Lampung City on 2004). b) Socialize policies about increasing women’s productivity on the economic sector To ensure both these program run effectively, government should refer to empowerment model pursue by Narayan (2002:14). Women must: 1) have access to information, so they will know about the program and benefit that they can gain and how to access the program. To ensure that men and women are able to access the information, so it should be disseminated in forms accessible (example; radio, TV, newspaper), 2) participate in decision making. By participating in decision making, women can give voice about their needs. So that the program will effectively meet the needs of women. Participating here is not only become passive participants but they must actively participate, 3) have the ability to hold public officials and private employers accountable for their actions. As the program is implemented by government, so accountability is ADMINISTRATIO c) 2. necessary. In order to control the government performance, women should have an ability to do it. It stand for “opportunity for women to higher their education” so they will have an ability to control the government performance. Enhance women participation’s on politics If this program implemented effectively, means number of women participate on politics increased, so what Rowlands (1998), said that empowerment is emphasis on access to political structures and formal decision making, established. By participating on politics, the concept of “power with”, which argues by Rowlands (1997:13) will exist. Women could tackle their problem together within group. However, government has to aware with social structure of the society, such as; patriarchal structure that put women on sub-ordinate position within family. That position make women restrain on making decision for themselves. Also assumption in society about politics itself which is masculine, full of conflicts, required more time, often go out at night, etc (Mulyaningsih,, 2004). Improve the quality of life and protection for women. This program is important and really meets the condition of women in these regions. I argued this is the basic program for empowering women in these regions. Because this program contains: a) Eliminate illiteracy rates. This is very essential for people to improve their prosperity. Ability to read and write is the minimal standard that must fulfill by ISSN : 2087-0825 Meiliyana, The Role Of Government On Women’s Empowerment people to improve their quality. Furthermore, the number of women in illiteracy rates in this regions is still high. Establish “Gerakan Sayang Ibu” (Love Mother program). This program aims to reduce mortality rate of mother during giving a birth, which is highest among ASEAN countries. Furthermore, having health service is one of human right and only on health condition women can do many activities including taking care of family, also be able to exercise their ability. This program focus on improving the quality of health service at health facilities, improving local government attention on health service, improving administration system, and improving husband and men attention on women health (Guideline of “Gerakan Sayang Ibu”). I suggest, implementation of “Gerakan Sayang Ibu” (Love Mother Program) should be followed by increasing number of medical staff at rural area. As mentioned earlier, at Lampung Utara Regency, the number of women give a birth helping by “dukun” (indigenous medical practitioner) is higher, because in their region lack of medical staff (doctors, nurses, and midwife). b) Train and conduct workshops for the treatment and giving assistance to domestic violence victims c) Establish an institution for the protection of women from all forms of violence d) Socialize a recording and reporting system on human trafficking Recently the number of women and children victims of violence is increased. They experience with physical and non-physical violence. Labor migration also vulnerable with ADMINISTRATIO 7 violence since the protection for them is weak. For example, they work without payment, employ as sex worker, mail-ordered-bride, etc. For this program, I suggest the government to be aware with the culture of society. People still feeling a shame to report violence that occurred. Especially if the actor of violence is a member of family or even spouse. 3. Strengthen Institutions Gender Mainstreaming on Gender mainstreaming is strategy to achieve gender equality through policy and program which accommodate women and men problem, experience, aspiration, and need (Mulyaningsih,,2004:3). This is a good will from government to improve the condition of women in these regions. This program is suitable with the strategy to empower women which cited in Broad guidelines of State Policy, the government established institutions responsible for gender equality and justice. These institutions formulated policies and implemented it in order to cover the problems face by women. The governments conduct this program by: a) Develop information system about children and women. This program is important because without comprehensive data about women, it is impossible to compose policy and program which will improve women and children condition. By developing information system about children and women, also enable organization outside these regions to recognize women and children condition in this regions, which in long run could be government’s partner on conducting women’s empowerment program. ISSN : 2087-0825 8 Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Vol.1, No.1, Januari – Juni 2010 b) Enhance media expose for women issues. This program aim to make people aware of women issues. 4. Increase Women’s Role on achieving family prosperity This program is aim to improve women’s participation within family. This program can meet definition of empowerment by Rowlands (1998) which focus on development and she defines as process whereby women become able to organize themselves to increase their own self-reliance, to assert their independent right to make choices and to control resources which will assist in challenging and eliminating their own sub ordination. By participating on achieving family prosperity, women increased their self-reliance and become more independent on making decision for themselves and family. Furthermore it will eliminate their own sub ordination. CONCLUSION From the whole programs conduct by local government in Lampung Province. I argue that the program of ; 1)Enhancing women’s role on development process 2) Improve the quality of life and protection for women, and 3) Increase Women’s Role on achieving family prosperity, are relevant with “empowerment” concept that argued by Rowlands and Narayan. The program above consist of “participation” that strongly support by Rowlands and Narayan. According to Rowlands, participation will eliminate women sub ordination and will improve their independent and self reliance (Rowlands, cited in Dawson, 1998:190,191). While according to ADMINISTRATIO Narayan, participation will improve the investment of individual and organization which will lead to improvement on development outcomes (Narayan, 2002:14). Through the statistic data about presence condition of women in every sample area, this research find that the women’s empowerment programs conducted by government of every local government are trying to cover women’s problem within these areas. Governments made the programs based on the necessity of women in their area. Then, if we refer to the strategy to empower women which cited in Broad guidelines of State Policy, the government established institutions which responsible for gender equality and justice (Women’s Empowerment Bureau). These institutions formulated policies and implemented it in order to cover the problems face by women. Furthermore, those programs try to improve the position and the role of women at nation state. But as those programs made by state government and made by “topdown” process and without the involvement of women in those areas on making the decision so there is possibility the program is not effective. As Rowlands argues: Bringing people who are outside the decision making process, into it. So they can represent their needs and interests to be accommodate within the policy, as also argues by Krishna in his article “Enhancing Political Participation in Democracies: What is the Role of Social Capital?.” Internal and external factors, as cited in Policies guideline for improving the quality life of women which provide by Ministry of Women’s empowerment, Republic of Indonesia also could be obstacles for government to achieve maximal outcome from the implementation of those programs. My first recommendation for ISSN : 2087-0825 Meiliyana, The Role Of Government On Women’s Empowerment Local Government in Lampung Province, they should provide comprehensive data about women and men condition in their areas and renew the data annually. So researcher or other organization that concern to that situation can have comprehensive data. For the implementation of the program, I recommend, if the government takes the model of empowerment that propose by Narayan, which focus on institutional reform, it can help Indonesian government to maximize the implementation and the outcome of the programs. The focus of reform is on; 1) design the mechanism to support poor people’s access to information; 2) support mechanism for inclusion and participation; 3) create mechanism of accountability; 4) investing in poor people’s organizational capacity to solve problems. If institutions set up supports for the equal participation of women and men, programs and policies established by government will be more sustainable. I also recommend for combination of Narayan’s Model and supporting other type of women’s organization in addition to government’s, such as NGO’s. So it will fit to the second strategy of empowering women which cited in Broad guidelines of State Policy, which is “improvements in the quality, role and independence of women’s organization”s (Parawansa, 2001). REFERENCES Articles Gupta, Namrata and Arun K. Sharma, “Women Academic Scientists in India”, Social Studies of Science, Vol. 32, No. 5/6, (Oct. - Dec., 2002), pp. 901-915. Krishna, Anirudh, 2002, “Enhancing Political Participation in Democracies: What is the Role of Social Capital?”, ADMINISTRATIO 9 Comparative Political Studies 35(4):437-460. 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