WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 User’s Manual Guide WikiPres 1.0 1 WikiPres@MdH Version: Error! Unknown document property name. WikiPres Users Manual Date: 2010-01-15 Revision History Date 2010-01-16 Version 1.0 Description Final Author Satish Kumar Jaiswal 2 WikiPres@MdH Version: Error! Unknown document property name. WikiPres Users Manual Date: 2010-01-15 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1.1 WikiPres process Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 1.1.1 Importing, Exporting and adding comments in the presentation ------------------------ 5 1.1.2 Creating and Editing Presentaton ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2. Wikipres functionalities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2.1 Login Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2.2 Create a User ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 2.3 WikiPres Menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 2.4 Upload Presentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 2.5 WikiPres Main Page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 2.6 Create New Presentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 2.7 View Presentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 2.8 Insert New Slide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 2.9 Add Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 2.10 View Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 2.11 Edit Slide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 2.12 Add comments for each slide ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 2.13 Slide Navigation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 2.14 Delete Slide ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 2.15 Delete Presentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 2.16 Recent Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 3 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.17 User Rights management ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 1. Introduction 1.1 WikiPres process Overview WikiPres is an application build on mediawiki platform which acts a content management application for creating and editing a presentations online. Wikipres can have a number of users who can edit the presentation together and export it as a presentation file in ODP format. This tool can not only make the process of creating and editing presentation faster, but also makes it easy for the users as they are developing together. Wikipres features are broadly classified into two parts: 1) Importing, exporting and adding comments 2) Creating and editing presentation 1.1.1 Importing, Exporting and adding comments in the presentation Importing presentation is a feature in WikiPres application for adding a presentation into wikiPres for editing. The formats supported by WikiPres are ODP, PPT and PDF. Users are allowed to edit the presentation in PPT and ODP format whereas for the presentations in PDF format, only the users are allowed to add comments. Once the presentation is imported (uploaded) in WikiPres, it can be edited at any point of time. For each presentation and each slides of presentation, the users can add comments so that the other users can see those 4 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 comments when they are working on the presentation. After the presentation is edited, it can be exported back in ODP file along with the added comments. 1.1.2 Creating and Editing Presentaton WikiPres allows its users to create a new presentation online which choice of avaiable templates in it. After a new presentation is created, user s can also add, delete and edit the existing slides in the presentation file. There are a number of functionalities to edit the slides online. These are explained as below. 2. WikiPres Functionalities 2.1 Login Page WikiPres website can be accessed by link On accessing the link Login page can be seen which needs user to authenticate by entering user ID and password, and click “Log in” button. If a user is not a registered member, he/she can register by clicking on like “create an account” link above the login area. Login page and “creat an account” link can seen in figure 1. 5 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.2 Create a User On clicking “create an account” link, a new page opens up asking for the details of new user. 6 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 On entering the details of new user and clicking on “create account” button, a new account is created and this can be confirmed by the following message: 2.3 WikiPres Menu Wikipres menu consists of a list of tasks that can be done like creation of new presentation, uploading a presentation, deleting a presentation, managing a user and viewing the recent changes in application. 7 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.4 Upload Presentation User needs to click on to “Create New” button in WikiPres main page to create new presentation in WikiPres application. Presentations in the format ODP, PPT and PDF can be uploaded in wikipres by browsing the files with help of “Choose File” Button and then clicking “upload” button. The chapter detection may be selected as applicable. 8 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 The uploaded presentation files can be seen on WikiPres main page as in figure 4. 2.5 WikiPres Main Page Wikipres main page contains the list of presentation uploaded in the WikiPres. 9 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.6 Create New Presentation To create a new presentation User needs to click on “Create New Presentation” on WikiPres Main page. On Clicking on the link, WikiPres asks for the template to chose for new Presentation. Chose the right template and click “next” Enter the title and subtitle of the new presentation and click “Create Wikipresentation” 10 WikiPres@MdH Version: Error! Unknown document property name. WikiPres Users Manual Date: 2010-01-15 2.7 View Presentation To view any presentation in WikiPres browse to WikiPres main page and click “view” button as encircled in below figure. To download the presentation is ODP format, click on “Download Presentation” as encircled in figure. On clicking view button, the presentation will look like the figure below. 11 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 12 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.8 Insert New Slide The slides can be added in presentation at any position desired. This can be done by clicking on “Insert New Slide” Link as shown in above figure. On clicking the link, a new page will be opened as shown below. Enter the title and outline texts in the textboxes as desired. After the texts are filled in “Title” and “Outline” textboxes, chose the appropriate location of new slide by selecting items in dropdown lists. This is shown in figure below. 13 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 Once the location of slide is chosen from dropdown list, click on “Go” button to insert the slide in presentation. 2.9 Add Comments The overall comments for a presentation can be submitted by clicking on “view” link on WikiPres main page. User can enter comments in the textbox and click on submit button as shown in figure below. 14 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.10 View Comments Recent comments can be viewed when a user navigates to WikiPres main page at any point of time. 2.11 Edit Slide To edit the slide, view the presentation by clicking “view” button in WikiPres Main page. Click the edit link under the slide that has to be edited. The content of the slide will be visible on screen as shown below. 15 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 Click on the edit button on the upper right hand side of the slide as shown in the figure above. This will open an editor for editing the content of the slide on web page. The texts in the textboxes for editing slides should be in wikimarkup . Based on the wikimarkup text, the slides will be updated in the ODP file on clicking save page button as shown in figure. 16 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 On clicking the save button the page containing the old slide will be seen. To see the changes in the slide, click on the “Update ODP” button above slide and refresh the page. 2.12 Add comments for each slide The comments for each slide can be added by adding texts in the comments textbox under the Slide for editing and clicking on “Submit” button as shown in the figure below. 17 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.13 Slide Navigation User can navigate from one slide to another by the options encircled in the below diagram. These are explained below. 18 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 The most left hand side and right hand side arrow buttons are used for navigative to first and last slide respectively. The left hand side and right hand side arrows in blue are used for navigating to the previous and next slide respectively. The user needs to click on the arrows to navigate to the desired slides. 2.14 Delete Slide 19 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 Dele slide option can be seen when user navigates to the view slide page from WikiPres main page. On clicking “Delete” link below the slide, a conformation page will open for the user as shown below. Click on “Delete Slide” button if you are sure to delete the slide. 2.15 Delete Presentation WikiPres also provides an option to delete the presentation from Wikipres application. To delete a presentation, navigate to the delete option on main menu of WikiPres. A new page will open asking to select the right presentation to delete as shown below. After selecting the desired presentation, click “Delete Wikipresentation” to delete the presentation from WikiPres. 20 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.16 Recent Changes Any changes in the presentation (Eg: Delete, edit, etc) can be tracked by a feature provided by Media Wiki called “Recent changes” in WikiPres. These changes can be seen below the Wikipres main page as below. 21 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 22 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 2.17 User Rights management WikiPres allows the administrators to manage different rights for Editing and deleting managing rights for different users. To be able to manage the below shown page for managing users, you need to have administrator or bureaucrat role in WikiPres. The administrators and bureaucrats can see the page as below: Enter the user name of the user whose role needs to be promoted and click on “Edit user groups” as shown above. 23 WikiPres@MdH WikiPres Users Manual Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Date: 2010-01-15 Choose the role that needs to be assigned to the user by choosing the options in the check box. Click “save user groups” button for changing the role of the user. 24