CHAPTER 6 DATA AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Extrinsic m-scripts and functions stat( ) Basic statistical calculations Input: n2 array for frequency and value of measurements Output: number of measurements, mean, mode, median, population & sample standard deviations, standard error of the mean gauss( ) Gaussian (normal) probability distribution function: plot and probabilities Inputs: mean, standard deviation, lower & upper limits Outputs: probability of measurement between lower and upper limits, full width at half maximum chi2test( ) Chi-squared distribution: plot and probability of 2 > 2max Inputs: degrees of freedom and max value of chi-squared Outputs: probability of 2 > 2max linear_fit( ) Fitting a linear, power or exponential equation to a set of measurements Inputs: x, y data, range of x values for plot and equation type Outputs: values of equation coefficients & their uncertainties, correlation coefficient weighted_fit Fitting an equation to a set of data that has uncertainties associated with the y values. Need to modify m-script for each fit_function( ) fit. The data & fitted function are plotted and the equation part_der( ) coefficients with uncertainties are given and a chi-squared test is performed to give an estimate of the goodness of the fit. Measurement is an essential part of any science and statistics is an indispensable tool used to analyze data. A statistical treatment of the data allows the uncertainties inherent in all measured quantities to be considered and allows one to draw justifiable conclusions from the data. The data to be analyzed can be assigned to a matrix in the Command Window or through the Workspace and Array Editor Windows. For example, to enter data directly into the Array Editor just like you would enter data into a spreadsheet, follow the steps: a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 1 Create the array, for example, StatData in the Command Window StatData = [] Open the Workspace Window and then Array Editor Window for the matrix StatData. Enter the size of the matrix and then enter the data into the cells, just as you would do in a spreadsheet. Data can also be transferred to and from MS EXCEL. 1 DATA TRANSFER TO MATLAB FROM MS EXCEL Select and copy the data to the clipboard within the MS EXCEL Worksheet Window. Go to the Matlab Command Window: Edit Paste Special Import Wizard Next Finish The data from MS EXCEL has now been transferred to the array called clipboarddata. Transfer the data to a new array, for example, StatData = clipboarddata Type whos in the Command Window to review the properties of the clipbboardata and StatData arrays Name clipboarddata StatData Grand total is 24 Size 6x2 6x2 elements using 192 Bytes Class 96 double array 96 double array bytes The data can be saved as a file using the save command, for example, save test_data StatData To recall the data, use the load command load test_data or load test_data Statdata 2 DATA TRANSFER TO MS EXCEL FROM MATLAB Numbers can be transferred from Matlab into MS EXCEL through the Workspace Window and Array Editor. Consider the row vector Xdata = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pi] View the Array Editor Window for Xdata: a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 2 Edit Select All Edit Copy In the MS EXCEL worksheet window with the cursor at the insertion point: Edit Paste The data will be pasted into 10 adjacent columns. The 10th column will contain the number = 3.1416. Only five significant figures have been pasted into MS EXCEL. The number of significant figures can be changed in the Array Editor Window, by selecting the Numeric format: longG longE pi = 3.14159265358979 pi = 3.14159265358979E+00 Then the extra significant figures can be pasted into MS EXCEL. It may be more useful to place the numbers into rows than columns in MS EXCEL. You can do this by finding the transpose of the row vector to give a column vector Xdatat = Xdata’ then copying and pasting it into MS EXCEL gives the numbers in the rows of a column. Two dimensional arrays can be copied and pasted into MS EXCEL in exactly the same way. For example, in Matlab data2 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 pi ; exp(1) rand rand] gives 1 4 7 2.7183 2 5 8 0.95013 3 6 3.1416 0.23114 in MS EXCEL. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 3 3 MEASUREMENT AND BASIC STATISTICS In this section, an introduction to the basic ideas used in analyzing experimental data and assessing the precision of the results is discussed. A measurement is the result of some process of observation or experiment. The aim of the measurement is to estimate the ‘true’ value of some physical quantity. However, we can never know the ‘true’ value and so there is always some uncertainty that is associated with the measurement (except for simple counting processes). The sources of uncertainty in a measurement are often classified as random or systematic. Systematic uncertainties are those that are inherent in the measuring system and can’t be detected by taking many repeated measurements. A measurement that is affected by systematic uncertainties are said to be inaccurate. When repeated measurements are made on a physical quantity, there are usually some fluctuations in the results. These fluctuations give rise to the random uncertainties. The term precision refers to the size of the random fluctuations. An accurate measurement is one in which the systematic uncertainties are small and a precise measurement is one in which the random uncertainties are small. The statistical treatment of measurement is related to the fluctuations associated with the random uncertainties. If the set of measurements of a physical quantity that correspond to the data is only organized into a table, then one can’t see clearly the essential features of the data just by inspecting the numbers. The data can be better viewed when it is displayed in a bar graph or histogram. A histogram is drawn by dividing the original measurements into intervals of pre-determined magnitude and counting the number of observations found within each interval. If the number of readings is very high, so that a fine sub-division of the scale of values can be made, the histogram approaches a continuous curve called a distribution curve. Consider an experiment carried out to measure the speed in air. One hundred results were obtained as shown in the table Speed v (m.s-1) Frequency f 328.2 328.3 328.4 328.5 328.6 328.7 328.8 2 3 37 40 12 4 2 The data can be entered into a 72 matrix called speed_data. Column 1 for the frequencies and column 2 for the speeds. The results can be displayed in a histogram using the bar command as shown in figure 6.1 using the extrinsic function stat( ). a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 4 Speed of Sound in Air 40 35 Frequncy f 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fig. 6.1. 328.2 328.4 328.6 Speed v (m.s -1) 328.8 Histogram plot of the speed data using the function stat. There are several important statistical quantities used to describe the frequency distribution for a set of measurements xi of frequency fi. The most important one being the mean (or average) x that is simply the sum of all the measurements xi divided by the number of measurements n. For a symmetric distribution, the mean gives us the most probable measurement or the best estimate of the ‘true’ value. The measurement that corresponds to the peak in the distribution curve is known as the mode. If there are some measurements that are abnormally low or high, they will distort the mean and the median may be a better estimate of the ‘true’ value. If there are n measurements, then the median is the middle measurement, so that as many readings fall below it in value as above it. It is located on the distribution curve by the value that will divide the area into two equal portions. n fi Number of measurements (6.1) i Mean x 1 fi xi n i (6.2) The mean, mode and median give information about the centre of the frequency distribution, but not about the spread of the readings or the width of the distribution. The most widely used measures of the scatter for the measurements about the mean are the population standard deviation sn, sample or experimental standard deviation sn-1 and the standard error of the mean E. sn Population standard deviation Sample standard deviation a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 sn 1 9:23 PM x x 2 i i (6.3) n x x 2 i i n 1 (6.4) 5 E Standard Error of the mean sn s n 1 n 1 n (6.5) The variance is also a useful quantity and is equal to the square of the standard deviation. If the standard deviation has been determined from a sample of a great many readings, it gives a measure of how far individual readings are likely to be from the mean value. If the measurements are subjected to small random fluctuations then the distribution is called the normal or Gaussian distribution. The function stat can be used for various statistical calculations. The data to be analyzed is passed to the function stat as an n2 matrix, where n is the number of measurement intervals and the two columns are for the frequencies and values. The function plots a histogram and calculates some of the more commonly used statistical quantities used to describe the frequency distribution. The function stat can be easily edited to remove or add quantities calculated. The function stat is described by Inputs Outputs Population standard deviation Number of measurements Mean Mode [n, xbar, mode, median, s_pop, s_sample, E] = stat(StatData) Median Sample standard deviation Measurements: Frequency Value Standard error of the mean The results for the speed of sound data using the function stat are [n, xbar, mode, median, s_pop, s_sample, E] = stat(speed_data) n = 100 xbar = 328.4770 mode = 328.5000 median = 328.5000 s_pop = 0.0104 s_sample = 0.0105 E = 0.0010 a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 6 4 PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS Statistics only considers the random nature of measurement. Random processes can be discrete (throwing a single dice) or continuous (height of a population) and are described by a probability density function P that gives the expected frequency of occurrence for each possible outcome. For a random process involving the single variable x, the probability density function P(x) is Discrete: probability of xi occurring = P(xi) (6.6) Continuous: probability of x occurring between x1 and x2 x2 P( x1 x x2 ) P( x) dx (6.7) x1 The probability of an occurrence of any event must be one and so the probability density function is normalized Discrete: probability of any xi occurring = P( x ) 1 i (6.8) i Continuous: probability of any x = xmax xmin P( x) dx 1 (6.9) The expectation value of a function is defined to be E f ( x) f ( x) P( x) dx (6.10) A probability distribution is often characterized by its first two moments which are determined by an expectation value. The first moment about zero is called the expectation value of x and is simply the mean or average x value E x x P ( x) dx (6.11) This expectation value refers to theoretical mean of the distribution and needs to be distinguished from the mean of a sample x . The second moment or second central moment about the mean 2 is called the variance and again, this is different to the sample variance s2 2 E x 2 x P( x) dx 2 (6.12) The square root of the variance is the standard deviation and measures the dispersion or width of the probability distribution. A process can be characterized by several random variables x, y, z, … and is described by a multivariate distribution P(x, y, z, … ). We can define the covariance cov of a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 7 the distribution as a measure of the linear correlation between any two of the variables, for example, the covariance between x and y is cov( x, y ) ( x x )( y y ) dx dy (6.13) Similar relations exist for cov(x, z) and cov(y, z). This is often expressed as the correlation coefficient rxy between two values x and y with standard deviations x and y rxy cov( x, y) (6.14) x y The correlation coefficient r varies between –1 and +1. If | rxy | = 1 then the two variables x and y are perfectly linearly correlated. If rxy = 0 then x and y are linearly independent, but we can not say that they are completely independent, for example, if y = x2 then rxy = 0 and x and y are not independent. 4.1 Gaussian or Normal Distribution The Gaussian or normal distribution pays a central role in the statistics associated with the all the sciences and engineering. The Gaussian distribution often provides a good approximation to the distribution of the random uncertainties associated with most measurements. The Gaussian probability density function P(x) is continuous and depends upon the theoretical mean and theoretical variance 2 x 2 P( x) exp 2 2 2 1 (6.15) The standard deviation is a measure of the width of the distribution and from the area under the Gaussian curve Probability[( - ) x ( + )] = 0.68 Probability[( - 2) x ( + 2)] = 0.95 Probability[( - 3) x ( + 3)] = 0.997 Hence, for a Gaussian distribution, 68% of the measurements will be within ± of the mean, 95% will be within ± 2 and 99.7% will be within ± 3 the mean value. These values should be kept in mind when interpreting a measurement. For a set of measurements of a quantity with normally distributed uncertainties, then 68% of the measurements should fall in the range of x s where x and s are the sample mean and sample standard deviation respectively. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 8 If the measurement was quoted as x E where E is the standard error of the mean, then this is interpreted as there is a 68% chance that the “true value” falls in this range or if a set of mean values were calculated, 68% of those values would fall in this range. That is, the standard error of the mean, E enables one to assess how closely the sample mean is likely to be to the mean of the population. Since the standard error of the mean depends upon the number of measurements, it should always be quoted with the number of measurements. In many application, a measure of the width of the distribution is the full width at half maximum, FWHM and is related to the standard deviation by FWHM 2 2ln 2 2.35 (6.16) The extrinsic function gauss can be used to display the Gaussian probability density and calculate the FWHM and probability of x being in the range from x1 to x2 by finding the area under the curve using the Matlab command trapz(x,y). The function is described by Outputs Inputs mean Total area under curve (%) Probability (%) Standard deviation [area, prob, FWHM, xFWHM1, xFWHM2] = gauss(mu, sigma, x1, x2) Full Width at Half Maximum and corresponding x values Limits for probability calculation For example, gauss(100, 10, 90, 110) mean, mu = 100 standard deviation, sigma = 10 area (%) = 100.0000 prob (%) = 68.2689 FWHM = 23.5482 xFWHM1 = 88.2259 a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM xFWHM2 = 111.7741 9 Gaussian distribtion 0.04 = 100 x 1 = 90 0.035 = 10 x 2 = 110 Prob(x 1<x<x 2) = 0.6827 0.03 FWHM = 23.5482 P(x) 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 40 Fig 6.2 4.2 60 80 100 x 120 140 160 Gaussian distribution using the function gauss The Chi-Squared Distribution The chi-squared distribution 2 (2 is a single entity and is not equal to ) and is very useful for testing the goodness-of-of fit of a theoretical equation to a set of measurements. For a set of n independent random variables xi that have a Gaussian distribution with theoretical means i and standard deviations i, the chi-squared distribution 2 defined as x i i i i n 2 2 (6.17) 2 is also a random variable because it depends upon the random variables xi and i and follows the distribution 1 P( x) 2 2 2 exp 2 (6.18) 2 2 where ( ) is the gamma function and is the number of degrees of freedom and is the sole parameter related to the number of independent variables in the sum used to describe the distribution. The mean of the distribution is = and the variance is = 2. This distribution can be used to test a hypothesis that a theoretical equation fits a set of measurements. If an improbable chi-squared value is obtained, one must question the validity of the fitted equation. The chi-squared characterizes the a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 10 fluctuations in the measurements xi and so on average {(xi - i) / i} should be about one. Therefore, one can define the reduced chi-squared value 2 r as 2 r 2 (6.19) therefore, for a good fit the between theory and measurement 2 r 1 The function extrinsic chi2test can be used to display the distribution for a given degree of freedom and give the probability of a chi-squared value exceeding a given chi-squared value. Outputs Inputs Probability 2 > 2max Value of 2 to test prob = chi2test(dof, chi2Max) Degrees of freedom For example, chi2test(6, 12) prob = 6.2 %. This would imply that the hypothesis should be rejected because there is only a relatively small probability that 2 = 12 with = 6 degrees of freedom would occur by chance. chi-squared distribtion 0.14 dof = 6 0.12 chi2Max = 12 prob % = 6.17 0.1 P(x) 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 Fig 6.3 20 25 30 2 chi-squared value using the function chi2test. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 11 5 GRAPHICAL ANAYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA Individual judgment can be used to draw an approximating curve to fit a set of experimental data. However, a much better approach is to perform a statistical analysis on the experimental data to find a mathematical equation that ‘best fits the data’. There are a number of alternative methods that can be used to fit a theoretical curve to a set of measurements. However, no one method is able to fit all functions to the experimental data. 5.1 Curve Fitting: Method of Least Squares (no uncertainties in data) To avoid individual judgments in approximating the curves to fit a set of data in which any uncertainties are ignored, it is necessary to agree on a definition of ‘best fit’. One way to do this is that all the curves approximating a given set of experimental data, have the property that (y f ) i i 2 is a minimum (6.20) i where (yi – fi) is the deviation between the value of the measurement (xi, yi) and the fitted value fi = f(xi). This approach of finding the curve of best fit is known as the method of least squares or regression analysis. A straight line fit is the simplest and most common curve fitted to a set of measurements. The equation of a straight line is f(x) = y = m x + b (6.21) where the constants m and b are the slope or gradient of the straight line and the intercept (value of y when x = 0) respectively. If a straight line fits the data, we say that there is a linear relationship between the measurements x and y and if the intercept b = 0 then y is said to be proportional to x: y x or y = m x where the slope m corresponds to the constant of proportionality. Using the method of least squares for a set of n measurements (xi, yi), estimates of the slope m, intercept b and uncertainties in the slope Em and intercept Eb for the line of best fit are n xi yi xi yi slope m intercept 1 b yi m xi n i i a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 i i i n xi 2 xi i i 9:23 PM 2 (6.22) (6.23) 12 2 1 1 i yi n i yi m i xi yi n i xi i yi n 2 2 s n standard error in slope Em s standard error in intercept xi i Eb s 2 2 n xi xi i i n xi 2 xi i i 2 (6.24) (6.25) 2 (6.26) correlation coefficient r x i yi i 1 xi i yi n i 2 2 1 1 2 2 xi xi yi yi i n i i n i (6.27) The correlation coefficient r is a measure of the how good the line of best fit is to the data. The value of r lies varies from zero and one. If r = 0 there is no linear correlation between the measurements x and y and if r = 1, then the linear correlation is perfect. The standard errors of the slope and intercept give an indication of the accuracy of the regression. Simply quoting the values of the slope m and intercept b is not very useful, it is always best to give a measures of the ‘goodness of the fit’: the correlation coefficient r, and the uncertainties of the slope Em and intercept Eb. Often the relationship between the x and y data is non-linear but of a form that can be easily reduced to one which is linear. Two very common relationships of this form are the power relationship y a1 xa2 (6.28) exponential relationship y a1 e a2 x (6.29) and Power relationship y a1 x a2 log10 y log10 a1 a2 log10 x Y log10 y X log10 x m a2 b log10 a1 a1 10b (6.30) Y m X b a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 13 The intercept b is determined from equation (6.23) and equation (6.30) to give a1 10b . The slope m = a2 is the power. The uncertainty in the power Ea2 = Em is given by equation (6.25). The uncertainty Eb in the intercept b is given by equation (6.26) determines the uncertainty E a1 a Ea1 1 Eb b log10a1 = b 1 a1 a1 b 1 a1 10 a1 b b Ea1 10b Eb (6.31) Exponential relationship y a1 e a2 x log e y log e a1 a2 y Y log e y X x m a2 b log e a1 a1 eb (6.32) Y mX b The intercept b is determined from equation (6.23) and equation (6.32) and gives a1 eb . The slope m = a2 is the power. The uncertainty in the power is Em is given by equation (6.25). The uncertainty in the intercept b is given by equation (6.26) and the uncertainty Ea1 is a Ea1 1 Eb b logeA = a log ea1 b Ea1 eb Eb 1 a1 a1 b 1 a1 e a1 b b (6.33) The extrinsic function linear_fit can be used to fit a straight line to the experiment data and plot the data and the line of best fit for relationships of the form 1. y a1 a2 x 2. y a1 x a2 3. y a1 ea2 x Data in the form of a n2 matrix, the minimum and maximum values of the x coordinate for plotting the graph and a flag to select the type of relationship is passed to the function. The function returns values for the coefficients a1 and a2 and the uncertainties E a1 and Ea2 and the correlation coefficient r. Entering or changing the labeling of the graph is done within the m-script. The positions of the labels can be changed by activating Edit Plot in a Plot Window. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 14 The function linear_fit is described by Flag = 1 or 2 or 3 1: y a1 a2 x coefficients 2: y a1 x a 2 uncertainties 3: y a1 e correlation coefficient a2 x [a1, a2, Ea1, Ea2, r] = linear_fit(xyData, xmin, xmax, flag) xi, yi data in a matrix of n rows by 2 columns Column 1: xi data Column 2: yi data max x value for plot min x value for plot Three examples are given on how to use the linear_fit function. The measurements used for the data for each of the three relationships, linear, power and exponential come from observations of an object hanging from a vertical spring. Example 6.1 A spring had a load added to it causing it to extend. The load F was measured in newtons and the extension e in mm. The hypothesis to be tested is that the load F is proportional to the extension e F=ke where the constant of proportionality k is known as the spring constant which is normally measured in N.m-1. The measurements for the load F and extension e were e (mm) F (N) 0 0 20 0.50 55 1.00 78 1.50 98 2.00 130 2.50 154 3.00 173 3.50 205 4.00 With this data, the hypothesis can be tested and if it is accepted, the value of the spring constant k can be determined. The data was entered into the matrix xyData1 and in the Command Window, the function linear_fit was executed [a1, a2, Ea1, Ea2, r] = linear_fit(xyData1, 0, 250, 1) a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 15 The output of this function to the Command Window is y=mx+b n= 9 slope m = 0.01957 intercept b = 0.0147 Em = 0.0003751 Eb = 0.04537 correlation r = 0.9987 and plot of the data and fitted function is shown in figure 6.4. Loaded Spring 5 slope m = 0.01957 intercept b = 0.0147 4.5 Em = 0.00038 Eb = 0.045 4 r = 0.9987 Load F (N) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 Fig. 6.4 50 100 150 Extension e (mm) 200 250 Plot for the loaded spring showing the measurements, the straight line of best fit and values for the slope, intercept and correlation coefficient. A straight line fits the data well with a correlation r > 0.998, therefore the hypothesis can be accepted that an appropriate model to describe the extension of the loaded spring is F = k x and that the quantities m and b are meaningful. The text boxes can be moved in the Plot Window by enabling Edit Plot. The number of significant figures that are displayed in the values for slope and intercept can be changed by altering format of the numbers in the m-script for the linear_fit. The slope of the line of the line and its uncertainty are m = a2 = k = 0.019575 = 19.57 N.m-1 Em = 0.0003751 = 0.3751 N.m-1 The intercept and the uncertainty are a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 16 b = 0.0147 N Eb = 0.04537 N It is best that the uncertainty in a measurement is quoted to only 1 or 2 significant figures, therefore the slope and intercept are k = (19.6 ± 0.4) N.m-1 b = (0.01 ± 0.04) N We can conclude that the intercept b is zero and that a straight line through the origin fits the data so that the extension e is proportional to the load F and the value of the spring constant is k = (19.6 ± 0.4) N.m-1 Example 6.2 A spring had a load added to it causing it to extend. The spring was then displacement from its equilibrium so that it vibrated up and down about its equilibrium position. The period T of the oscillations was measured for different loads m. The period T was measured in seconds and the load m was measured in kilograms. The hypothesis is to be tested is that the period of oscillations T is related to the load m by the relationship T 2 m k T 2 12 m k where k is the spring constant which is normally measured in N.m-1. The measurements were entered into the matrix xyData2 m (kg) T (s) 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.20 0.31 0.46 0.53 0.62 0.71 0.76 0.84 0.91 You can’t have any measurements entered as zero since the log10(0) = -infinity. In the Command Window, the following was entered to execute the function linear_fit [a1, a2, Ea1, Ea2, r] = linear_fit(xyData2, 0.01, 0.4, 2) The output of this function to the Command Window is shown below and figures 6.5 and 6.6 show plots for the data and fitted function y = a1 x ^(a2) n= 9 a1 = 1.413 a2 = 0.5016 Ea1 = 0.009916 Ea2 = 0.007565 correlation r = 0.9992 a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 17 Vibrating Spring 0 a1 = 1.413 power a2 = 0.5016 -0.2 Ea1 = 0.0099 Ea2 = 0.0076 -0.4 -0.6 10 log ( T ) r = 0.9992 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -3 -2.5 Fig. 6.5 -2 -1.5 log10(m) -1 -0.5 0 Log – log plot for the vibrating showing a straight line fits the data. Vibrating Spring 1 a1 = 1.413 0.9 power a2 = 0.5016 Ea1 = 0.0099 0.8 Ea2 = 0.0076 r = 0.9992 period T (s) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 Fig. 6.6 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Load m (kg) 0.3 0.35 0.4 Plot for the vibrating spring showing the measurements and the curve of best fit. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 18 A straight line fits the data well with a correlation r > 0.999, therefore the hypothesis can be accepted that an appropriate model to describe the period of vibration of the spring is T 2 12 m k The slope of the line and its uncertainty are m = a2 = (0.502 ± 0.008) which confirms the hypothesis that T m The coefficient a1 and its uncertainty are a1 = (1.41 ± 0.01) The value of the spring constant k is determined from the coefficient a1 4 2 k 2 a1 Ea Ek 2 1 k a1 k = (19.7 ± 0.3) N.m-1 which agrees with the value of k from the data in Example 6-1, k = (16.6 ± 0.4) N.m-1. Example 6.3 A spring had a load added to it causing it to extend. The spring was then displacement from its equilibrium so that it vibrated up and down about its equilibrium position. The amplitude A of the vibration slowly decreased. The amplitude A of the vibration was measured in millimeters and the time t in seconds. The hypothesis is to be tested is that the amplitude of vibration A decreases exponentially with time t A Ao e t where is the decay constant. The measurements were entered into the matrix xyData3. t (s) A (mm) 0 20.0 10 12.5 20 8.0 30 5.0 40 3.5 50 2.5 60 1.5 70 1.0 80 05 In the Command Window, the following was entered to execute the function linear_fit [a1, a2, Ea1, Ea2, r] = Linear_fit(xyData3, 0, 80, 3) a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 19 The output of this function to the Command Window is shown below and the plots for the data and fitted function are shown in figures 6.7 and 6.8 y = a1 exp(a2 * x) n= 9 a1 = 19.9 a2 = -0.04396 Ea1 = 1.127 Ea2 = 0.001189 correlation r = -0.9974 Vibrating Spring 3 a1 = 19.9 a2 = -0.04396 Ea1 = 1.1 Ea2 = 0.0012 2.5 2 r = -0.9974 log ( A ) 1.5 e 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 20 10 30 40 time t (s) 50 60 70 80 Plot for the vibrating spring showing the log – linear graph.. Fig. 6.7 Vibrating Spring 20 18 16 a1 = 19.9 a2 = -0.04396 Ea1 = 1.1 Ea2 = 0.0012 r = -0.9974 amplitude A (mm) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Fig. 6.8 10 20 30 40 time t (s) 50 60 70 80 Plot for the vibrating spring showing the measurements and the curve of best fit. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 20 A straight line fits the data well with a correlation r > 0.997, therefore the hypothesis can be accepted that an appropriate model to describe the decay in the amplitude is of the form A Ao e t The initial amplitude is given by the coefficient a1 and the decay constant by the coefficient a2 Ao = (19.9 ± 1.1) m = (-0.0440 ± 0.0012) s-1 a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 21 5.2 Curve Fitting: Method of Least Squares (uncertainties in data) In many experiments, the functional relationship between two variables x and y is investigated by measuring a set of n values of xi, yi and the uncertainty xi, yi. The functional relationship between x and y can be written as yf = f(a1, a2, … , am; x) = f(a; x) (6.34) The goal is to find the unknown coefficients a = {a1, a2, … , am} to fit the function f(a; x) to the set of n measurements. For a statistical analysis, it is difficult to consider simultaneously the uncertainties in both the x and y values. In this treatment, only the uncertainties yi in the y measurements will be considered. For the method of least squares, to find the coefficients a, the best estimates are those that minimizes the 2 value, given by equation (6.35) y f (a; xi ) i yi i 1 n 2 2 (6.35) This is simply the sum of the squared deviations of the measurements from the fitted function f(a; x) weighted by the uncertainties yi in the y values. How to implement the method will be given in some detail so that you can modify the m-script weighted_fit to add your own functions to fit a set of measurements. This m-script calls two extrinsic functions: fit_function to evaluate the fitted function and part_dev to calculate the partial derivative of the function with respect to the f (a, x) coefficients, . ak An iterative procedure is used based upon the method of Marquardt where the minimum of 2 is found by adjusting the value of the coefficients through a damping factor u. The steps in the procedure and details of the m-script weighted_fit are described in the following section. Step1: Inputs and changes to the m-script weighted_fit The measurements must be entered into a matrix called wData of dimension (n4). The m-script weighted_fit uses this matrix to store the data in separate matrices. Measurements x y y x Matrix x = wData(:, 1) y = wData(:, 2) dy = wData(:, 3) dx = wData(:, 4) The analysis only uses the uncertainties y associated with the y measurements. The uncertainties x are only included to show any error bars when the measurements are plotted. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 22 The equations included in the m-script weighted_fit for fitting to your data include 1 f a1 x a2 2 f a1 x 3 f a1 x 2 a2 x a3 4 f a1 x 2 5 f a1 x3 a2 x 2 a3 x a4 6 f a1 x a2 7 f a1 exp(a2 x) 8 f a1 1 exp a2 x The equation to be fitted to the data is chosen by entering the value for the variable eqType, for example, eqType = 1 selects the linear relationship f a1 x a2 . A function is evaluated by the function fit_function. It is easy to add your own functions to the codes weighted_fit and fit_function. The range of x values (xMin and xMax) and titles for the plot are entered by amending the m-script weighted_fit. Weights w are assigned to the uncertainties dy in the y measurements w = 1/dy if dyk = 0 then wk = 1 for any k An adjustable parameter u known as the damping factor is initially set to 0.001 so that the coefficients a can be adjusted to minimize the 2 value by simply adjusting the value of u. Step 2: Set the starting values for the coefficients a To use the least squares method, we have to estimate starting values for the coefficients a. If the equation can be made linear in some way, then we can solve n simultaneous equations to find the unknown values of a. For example, EqType = 5 % f = a1 * x^3 + a2 * x^2 + a3 * x + a4 xx(:,1) = x.^3; xx(:,2) = x.^2; xx(:,3) = x; a = xx\y; cubic polynomial If this can’t be done, a simpler method is used to set the coefficients or a = 1. Step 3: Minimize 2 value The counters for the number of data points n and number of coefficients m are i = 1, 2, …, n k = 1, 2, … , m j = 1, 2, … , m a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 23 Calculate the weighted difference matrix D Di wi yi fi D = w’ * (y – f) The value of 2 is then 2 = D’ * D where ’ gives the transpose of a matrix. We need to adjust the coefficients by an iterative method until we find the true minimum of 2. For step L in the iterative procedure a(L+1) = a(L) + da and our desired goal is that 2{a(L+1)} < 2{a(L)}. The minimum of 2(a) is given by the condition 2 0 ak For small variations of the coefficients, the value of 2{a(L+1)} may be expanded in terms of a Taylor’s series around 2{a(L)} and if the expansion is truncated after the second term, we can use the approximation 2 ak a( L ) 2 2 m j ak a j da a( L ) j This can be written in matrix form as B = CUR * da where Bk 1 2 2 ak a(L ) and CURkj 1 2 2 2 ak a j a( L) where da is the matrix for the increments in the coefficients, CUR is called the curvature matrix as it expresses the curvature of 2(a) with respect to a. The B matrix, after performing the partial differentiation can be written as n f Bk wi i wi yi fi ak i a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 24 We need to calculate the partial derivatives of the fitted function with respect to the coefficients a. To make the program more general, the weighted partial derivates pdf are calculated numerically by the function part_der using the difference approximation to the derivative f (ak ) f (ak ) f ak 2 The matrix B written in matrix form is B = pdf’ * D The curvature matrix CUR can be approximated by n f f CURkj wi i wi i ak a j i 1 CUR = pdf’ * pdf The elements of the curvature matrix CUR may have different magnitudes. To improve the numerical stability, the elements can be scaled by the diagonal elements of the curvature matrix and the damping factor u can be added to the diagonal elements to give the modified curvature matrix MCUR MCURkj 1 u CUR kj kj CURkk CUR jj where kj is the Kronecker delta function (kj = 1 if k = j otherwise kj = 0). Therefore, we can approximate the incremental changes in the coefficients as B = MCUR * da da = (MCUR)-1 * B = MCOV * B where MCOV = MCUR-1 is the modified covariance matrix. The new estimates of the coefficients and the corresponding 2 value can then be calculated anew = a + da To test the minimization 2 of as part of the iterative process, the following is done a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 25 If 2new > 2old Moving away from a minimum, keep current a values and set u = 10 u Repeat iteration. If 2new < 2old Approaching a minimum, set a = anew, u = u / 10 Repeat iteration. if | 2new < 2old | < 0.001 Terminate the iteration u=0 2 = 2new Calculate: CUR, MCUR, MCOV Step 4: Output the results The square root of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix COV give the uncertainties in the coefficients for a sigmak COVkk where COVkj MCOVkj CURkk CUR jj Basically, we have set up a hypothesis that our measurements can be described by some analytical function f(a; x). We need to be able to statistically test the hypothesis. This can be done using the value of 2. 2 is a measure of the total agreement between our measurements and the hypothesis. It can be assumed that the minimum value of 2 is distributed according to the 2 distribution with (n-m) degrees of freedom. Often the reduced 2 value{2reduced = 2/(n-m)} is quoted as a measure of the goodness-of-fit 2reduced ~ 1 hypothesis is acceptable 2reduced << 1 the fit is much better than expected given the size of the measurement uncertainties. The hypothesis is acceptable, but the uncertainties y may have been overestimated. 2reduced >> 1 hypothesis may not be acceptable Also the probability of the 2 value being exceeded is given as another measure of the goodness-of-fit. Finally, the measurements and fitted function are plotted together with a plot of the 2 distribution. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 26 A number of examples are given to illustrate the use of the weighted least squares fit. Example 6.4 The data from Example 6.1 is used to fit a linear function. x: e (mm) y: F (N) y (N) x (mm) 0 0 0 0 20 0.50 0 0 55 1.00 0 0 78 1.50 0 0 98 2.00 0 0 130 2.50 0 0 154 3.00 0 0 173 3.50 0 0 205 4.00 0 0 The results of the weighted least squares: 1: y = a1 * x + a2 linear No. measurements = 9 Degree of freedom = 7 chi2 = 0.0384772 Reduced chi2 = 0.00549675 Probability of exceeding chi2 value = 100 Coefficients a1, a2, ... , am 0.0196 0.0147 Uncertainties in coefficient 0.0051 0.6120 ? Fit may be too good ? Example 6.5 The data from Example 6.1 is used to fit a linear function with uncertainties assigned to both the x and y values. x: e (mm) y: F (N) y (N) x (mm) 0 0 0 0 20 0.50 0.1 2 55 1.0 0.1 2 78 1.5 0.1 2 98 2.0 0.2 2 130 2.5 0.2 2 154 3.0 0.2 2 173 3.5 0.3 2 205 4.0 0.3 2 The results of the weighted least squares fit are: 1: y = a1 * x + a2 linear No. measurements = 9 Degree of freedom = 7 chi2 = 2.08357 Reduced chi2 = 0.297652 Probability of exceeding chi2 value = 95.5 Coefficients a1, a2, ... , am 0.0194 0.0147 Uncertainties in coefficient 0.0011 0.0923 ? Fit may be too good ? The results are similar but not identical to example 6.4. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 27 Weighted Least Squares Fit 5 4.5 4 3.5 Y 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 X Fig. 6.9 Plot of the data and fitted function for Example 6.5. chi-squared distribtion 0.14 0.12 dof = 7 chi2Max = 2.0836 0.1 prob % = 95.5 P(x) 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 Fig 6.10 a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 20 25 30 2 Plot of the chi-squared distribution showing the probability of the 2 value being exceeded. 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 28 Example 6.6 The data from Example 6.2 is used to fit a power relation y a1 x a2 . x: m (kg) y: T (s) y (s) x (kg) 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.20 0.10 0 0.05 0.31 0.10 0 0.10 0.46 0.10 0 0.15 0.62 0.10 0 0.20 0.71 0.10 0 0.30 0.76 0.10 0 0.35 0.84 0.10 0 0.40 0.40 0.10 0 The results of the weighted least squares fit are: 6: y = a1 * x^a2 power No. measurements = 9 Degree of freedom = 7 chi2 = 0.104884 Reduced chi2 = 0.0149834 Probability of exceeding chi2 value = 100 Coefficients a1, a2, ... , am 1.4379 0.5129 Uncertainties in coefficient 0.2088 0.0988 ? Fit may be too good ? Example 6.7 The data from Example 6.3 is used to fit a power relation y a1 e a2 x . x: t (s) y: A (mm) y (mm) x (s) 0 10 20 12.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 8.0 1.0 1.0 30 5.0 0.5 1.0 40 3.5 0.5 1.0 50 2.5 0.5 1.0 60 1.5 0.5 1.0 70 1.0 0.5 1.0 80 0.5 0.5 1.0 The results of the weighted least squares fit are: 7: y = a1 * exp(- a2 * x) exponential decay No. measurements = 9 Degree of freedom = 7 chi2 = 1.06625 Reduced chi2 = 0.152321 Probability of exceeding chi2 value = 99.3 Coefficients a1, a2, ... , am 20.0000 0.0444 Uncertainties in coefficient 0.8857 0.0023 ? Fit may be too good ? a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 29 Weighted Least Squares Fit 25 20 Y 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 Fig 6.11 30 40 50 X 60 70 80 90 100 Plot of data and exponential decay fit for data in Example 6.7. Example 6.8 The weighted-fit m-script can be used for interpolation. For example, the viscosity of water is a function of temperature T and tables give the viscosity at only fixed temperatures. By fitting a polynomial to the data, one can estimate the viscosity at a temperature between the fixed values. x: T (°C) y: (mPa.s) y (mm) x (s) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 1.783 1.302 1.002 0.800 0.651 0.548 0.469 0.354 0.281 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 The results for fitting a 3rd order polynomial are: 5: y = a1 * x^3 + a2 * x^2 + a3 * x + a4 cubic polynomial No. measurements = 9 Degree of freedom = 5 chi2 = 168.672 Reduced chi2 = 33.7343 Probability of exceeding chi2 value = -0.0217 Coefficients a1, a2, ... , am -0.0000 0.0006 -0.0476 1.7562 Uncertainties in coefficient 0.0000 0.0000 0.0004 0.0045 ??? Fit may not be acceptable ??? The results of fitting a 4th order polynomial are: a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 30 No. measurements = 9 Degree of freedom = 4 chi2 = 13.5519 Reduced chi2 = 3.38797 Probability of exceeding chi2 value = 0.866 Coefficients a1, a2, ... , am 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0010 -0.0556 1.7781 Uncertainties in coefficient 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0008 0.0048 ??? Fit may not be acceptable ??? The 4th order polynomial has a much lower reduced 2 value and gives a better fit to the data than the 3rd order polynomial. viscosity (mPa.s) Table 3rd oder polynomial 4th oder polynomial 20 °C 1.002 1.0212 0.9996 24 °C --- 0.9200 0.9055 Weighted Least Squares Fit 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 1 Y Y Weighted Least Squares Fit 1.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Fig 6.12 a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 0.2 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 X X 3rd and 4th order polynomial fit to viscosity data of example 6.8. 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 31 CHAPTER 6 M-SCRIPTS AND FUNCTIONS stat( ) Inputs Outputs Number of measurements Mean Mode Population standard deviation [n, xbar, mode, median, s_pop, s_sample, E] = stat(StatData) Median Sample standard deviation Measurements: Frequency Value Standard error of the mean function [n, xbar, mode, median, s_pop, s_sample, E] = stat(StatData) % Extrinsic function to calculate basic statistical qunatities % Input: Column 1 (frequency) and Column (measurements) % xData and frequency f = StatData(:,1); x = StatData(:,2); % bar graph figure(1) set(gca,'Fontsize',14); bar(x, f); title('Speed of Sound in Air','Fontsize',14); xlabel('Speed v (m.s^{-1})','Fontsize',14); ylabel('Frequncy f','Fontsize',14) % Number of measurements n = sum(f); %mean xbar = sum(f .* x)/n; % mode fmax = max(f); index = find(f == fmax); mode = x(index); % median count = 0; c = 1; a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 32 while count < n/2 median = x(c); count = count + f(c); c = c+1; end % standard deviation s_pop = sqrt(sum(f .* (x-xbar).^2))/n; s_sample = sqrt(sum(f .* (x-xbar).^2))/(n-1); % Standard Error of the Mean E = s_pop/sqrt(n-1); % output n xbar mode median s_pop s_sample E gauss( ) Outputs Inputs mean Total area under curve (%) Probability (%) Standard deviation [area, prob, FWHM, xFWHM1, xFWHM2] = gauss(mu, sigma, x1, x2) Full Width at Half Maximum and corresponding x values Limits for probability calculation function [area, prob, FWHM, xFWHM1, xFWHM2] = gauss(mu, sigma, x1, x2) % PLot of Gausssian probability density function % Pecentage probability from area under curve % Full Width at Half Max % --------------------------------------------------------------------xMax = mu + 6 * sigma; % range for plot and calculations xMin = mu - 6 * sigma; % mean, mu and standard deviation, sigma num = 1000; % number of data points x = linspace(xMin, xMax, num); xF = linspace(x1, x2, num); x2 a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 % x values for range % x values for area / prob calculation from x1 to 9:23 PM 33 yo = 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi)); % Gaussian probability distribution y = yo * exp(-(x - mu).^2/(2*sigma^2)); yF = yo * exp(-(xF - mu).^2/(2*sigma^2)); area = 100 * trapz(x,y); prob = 100 * trapz(xF,yF); FWHM = xFWHM1 xFWHM2 yFWHM1 yFWHM2 % Area under curve from x1 to x2 % Probability expressed as a percentage 2 * sigma * sqrt(2*log(2)); % Calculation of FWHM = mu - FWHM/2; = mu + FWHM/2; = yo * exp(-(xFWHM1 - mu).^2/(2*sigma^2)); = yo * exp(-(xFWHM2 - mu).^2/(2*sigma^2)); % graphics -----------------------------------------------------------close figure(1) bar(xF, yF, 2) hold on plot(x,y,'LineWidth',2) plot([xFWHM1 xFWHM2],[yFWHM1 yFWHM2],'r','LineWidth',3) % Labeling Graph ----------------------------------------------------xPos = xMin+(xMax-xMin)/25; yPos = max(y); tm = 'Gaussian distribtion'; title(tm); xlabel('x'); yLabel('P(x)'); tL1 tL2 tL3 tL4 tL5 = = = = = '\mu = '; num2Str(mu); ' \sigma = '; num2str(sigma); [tL1 tL2 tL3 tL4]; tL6 = 'x_1 = '; tL7 = num2Str(x1); tL8 = ' x_2 = '; tL9 = num2str(x2); tL10 = [tL6 tL7 tL8 tL9] tL13 tL14 tL15 tL16 tL17 tL18 = = = = = = 'Prob(x_1<x<x_2) = '; num2Str(prob/100,4); [tL13 tL14]; 'FWHM = '; num2str(FWHM); [tL16 tL17]; text(xPos, 0.95*yPos,tL5); text(xPos, 0.88*yPos,tL10); text(xPos, 0.80*yPos,tL15); text(xPos, 0.72*yPos,tL18); a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 34 chi2test( ) Outputs Inputs Probability 2 > 2max Value of 2 to test prob = chi2test(dof, chi2Max) Degrees of freedom function prob = chi2test(dof, chi2Max) % Function to calculate how chi2 is distibuted % and give prob of a chi2 value exceeding chi2Max num = 500; % number of calculations for area flag = 10; % flag to end calculation c = 1; dx = 0.1; % intialize counter % increment in chi2 value % calculate P(chi2) values -------------------------------------------while flag > 0.0001 x(c) = (c-1) * dx; y(c) = (x(c)/2)^(dof/2-1)*exp(-x(c)/2)/(2*gamma(dof/2)); if x(c) > 1, flag = y(c); end ; c=c+1; end % calculate probabilty of chi2 > chi2Max -----------------------------xF = linspace(chi2Max, x(c-1),num); yF = (xF./2).^(dof/2-1).*exp(-xF./2)./(2*gamma(dof/2)); prob = 100 * trapz(xF,yF); % Graphics -----------------------------------------------------------close figure(99) bar(xF, yF,2) hold on plot(x,y,'LineWidth',2) % Labeling graph ----------------------------------------------------tm = 'chi-squared distribtion'; title(tm); xlabel('\chi ^2'); yLabel('P(x)'); tL1 = 'dof = '; tL2 = num2Str(dof); tL3 = [tL1 tL2]; a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 35 tL4 = 'chi2Max = '; tL5 = num2Str(chi2Max); tL6 = [tL4 tL5]; tL7 = 'prob % = '; tL8 = num2Str(prob, 3); tL9 = [tL7 tL8]; xPos = max(x); yPos = max(y); text(0.8*xPos, 0.95*yPos,tL3); text(0.8*xPos, 0.88*yPos,tL6); text(0.8*xPos, 0.80*yPos,tL9); linear_fit( ) Flag = 1 or 2 or 3 1: y a1 a2 x coefficients 2: y a1 x a 2 uncertainties 3: y a1 e correlation coefficient a2 x [a1, a2, Ea1, Ea2, r] = linear_fit(xyData, xmin, xmax, flag) xi, yi data in a matrix of n rows by 2 columns Column 1: xi data Column 2: yi data min x value for plot max x value for plot function [a1, a2, Ea1, Ea2, r] = linear_fit(xyData,xmin, xmax, flag) % % % % % Function to detemine the coefficients a1 and a2 for a linear fit to experimental data Flag = 1: Linear relationship y = mx + b = a1 + a2 x a1 = b and a2 = m Flag = 2: Power relationship y = a1 x^a2 Flag = 3: Exponential relationship y = a1 exp(a2) % Inputs to function % (x,y) data in a matrix (n x 2) with column 1 for x data & column 2 for y data % Graph min and max x values are xmin & xmax % Flag to select type of relationship % Outputs % a1 and a2 for the coefficients as determined by the value of the flag % Ea1 and Ea2 the uncertainties for a1 and a2 % Correclation coefficent r close all % close all Plot Windows a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 36 % Input Graph Titles -------------------------------------------------% Main title / Graph 1 linear axes / Graph 2 log or linear axes tm = 'Vibrating Spring'; tx1 = 'time t (s)'; ty1 = 'amplitude A (mm)'; tx2 = 'time t (s)'; ty2 = 'log_{e}( A )'; % Process input data -------------------------------------------------switch flag case 1 x = xyData(:,1); y = xyData(:,2); % linear case 2 % power x = log10(xyData(:,1)); y = log10(xyData(:,2)); case 3 % exponentail x = xyData(:,1); y = log(xyData(:,2)); end n = length(x); % number of data points % Calculations for slope and intercept y = m x + b -------------------sx = sum(x); sy = sum(y); sxx = sum(x .* x); syy = sum(y .* y); sxy = sum(x .* y); sx2 = sx * sx; sy2 = sy * sy; m = (n * sxy - sx * sy)/(n * sxx - sx2); b = (1/n) * (sy - m * sx); s = sqrt((syy - sy2/n - m * (sxy - sx * sy/n))/(n-2)); Em = s * sqrt(n / (n * sxx - sx2)); Eb = s * sqrt(sxx / (n * sxx - sx2)); r = (sxy - sx * sy /n) / sqrt((sxx - sx2/n) * (syy - sy2/n)); % Calculations for coeffficients a1 and a2 & fitted functions % and text labelling for graphs -------------------------------------nx = 400; xf = linspace(xmin, xmax, nx); t31 = 'r = '; t32 = num2str(r, '%0.4g'); text3 = [t31 t32]; switch flag a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 37 case 1 a1 = b; Ea1 = Eb; a2 = m; Ea2 = Em; %labels t11 = 'slope m = '; t12 = num2str(m, '%0.4g'); t13 = ' intercept b = '; t14 = num2str(b, '%0.4g'); text1 = [t11 t12 t13 t14]; t21 = 'Em = '; t22 = num2str(Em, '%0.2g'); t23 = ' Eb = '; t24 = num2str(Eb, '%0.2g'); text2 = [t21 t22 t23 t24]; yf = m .* xf + b; case 2 a1 = 10^b; Ea1 = 10^b*Eb; a2 = m; Ea2 = Em; %labels t11 = 'a_1 = '; t12 = num2str(a1, '%0.4g'); t13 = ' power a_2 = '; t14 = num2str(a2, '%0.4g'); text1 = [t11 t12 t13 t14]; t21 = 'Ea_1 = '; t22 = num2str(Ea1, '%0.2g'); t23 = ' Ea_2 = '; t24 = num2str(Ea2, '%0.2g'); text2 = [t21 t22 t23 t24]; yf = a1 .* xf.^a2; case 3 a1 = exp(b); Ea1 = exp(b)*Eb; a2 = m; Ea2 = Em; %labels t11 = 'a_1 = '; t12 = num2str(a1, '%0.4g'); t13 = ' a_2 = '; t14 = num2str(a2, '%0.4g'); text1 = [t11 t12 t13 t14]; t21 = 'Ea_1 = '; t22 = num2str(Ea1, '%0.2g'); t23 = ' Ea_2 = '; t24 = num2str(Ea2, '%0.2g'); text2 = [t21 t22 t23 t24]; a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 38 yf = a1 .* exp(a2 .* xf); end % Graphical output --------------------------------------------------% Text postion for a1,a2, Ea1 and Ea2 on plot window xpos1 = (xmin+(xmax-xmin)/4); ypos1 = max(yf); xpos2 = (xmin+(xmax-xmin)/4); ypos2 = 0.95*max(yf); xpos3 = xpos1; ypos3 = 0.75*max(yf); switch flag case 1 figure(1) plot(xf,yf,'LineWidth',2); hold on plot(x,y,'o'); grid on text(xpos1, ypos1, text1); text(xpos2, ypos2, text2); text(xpos3, ypos3, text3); title(tm); xlabel(tx1); ylabel(ty1); case 2 figure(1) % power plot plot(xf,yf,'LineWidth',2); hold on plot(xyData(:,1),xyData(:,2),'o'); grid on text(xpos1, ypos1,text1); text(xpos2, ypos2,text2); text(xpos3, ypos3,text3); title(tm); xlabel(tx1); ylabel(ty1); figure(2) % log log plot plot(log10(xf),log10(yf),'LineWidth',2); hold on plot(x,y,'o'); grid on text(log10(xpos1), log10(ypos1),text1); text(log10(xpos2), log10(ypos2),text2); text(log10(xpos3), log10(ypos3),text3); title(tm); xlabel(tx2); ylabel(ty2); case 3 figure(1) % power plor plot(xf,yf,'LineWidth',2); hold on plot(xyData(:,1),xyData(:,2),'o'); grid on a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 39 text(xpos1, ypos1,text1); text(xpos2, ypos2,text2); text(xpos3, ypos3,text3); title(tm); xlabel(tx1); ylabel(ty1); figure(2) % log log plot plot(xf,log(yf),'LineWidth',2); hold on plot(x,y,'o'); grid on text(xpos1, log(ypos1),text1); text(xpos2, log(ypos2),text2); text(xpos3, log(ypos3),text3); title(tm); xlabel(tx2); ylabel(ty2); end % text output to Command Window -------------------------------------switch flag case 1 disp('y = m x + b') fprintf('n = %0.4g \n', n) fprintf('slope m = %0.4g \n', m) fprintf('intercept b = %0.4g \n', b) fprintf('Em = %0.4g \n', Em) fprintf('Eb = %0.4g \n', Eb) fprintf('correlation r = %0.4g \n', r) case 2 disp('y = a1 x ^(a2)') fprintf('n = %0.4g \n', n) fprintf('a1 = %0.4g \n', a1) fprintf('a2 = %0.4g \n', a2) fprintf('Ea1 = %0.4g \n', Ea1) fprintf('Ea2 = %0.4g \n', Ea2) fprintf('correlation r = %0.4g \n', r) case 3 disp('y = a1 exp(a2 * x)') fprintf('n = %0.4g \n', n) fprintf('a1 = %0.4g \n', a1) fprintf('a2 = %0.4g \n', a2) fprintf('Ea1 = %0.4g \n', Ea1) fprintf('Ea2 = %0.4g \n', Ea2) fprintf('correlation r = %0.4g \n', r) end a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 40 weighted_fit % weightedFit.m % % % % % Fitting an equation to a set of measurements that has uncertainties Uses extrinsic functions: fit_function and part_der Input: Range of x values Input: Equation type Input: Graph labeling close % INPUTS -------------------------------------------------------------% Plot range xmin = 0; %<<<--xmax = 100; %<<<--% Graph Titles tm = 'Weighted Least Squares Fit'; %<<<--tx = 'X'; %<<<--ty = 'Y'; %<<<--% Equation Type eqType = 5; %<<<--% 1: y = a1 * x + a2 linear % 2: y = a1 * x linear - proportional % 3: y = a1 * x^2 + a2 * x + a3 quadratic % 4: y = a1 * x^2 simple quadratic % 5: y = a1 * x^3 + a2 * x^2 + a3 * x + a4 cubic polynomial % 6: y = a1 * x^a2 power % 7: y = a1 * exp(- a2 * x) exponential decay % 8: y = a1 * (1 - exp(-a2 * x)) "exponetial increase" % 9: y = a1 * x^4 + a2 * x^3 + a3 * x^2 + a4 * x^2 + a5 polynomial % SETUP --------------------------------------------------------------% Data must be stored in matrix wData: Col 1 X; Col 2 Y; Col 3 dY; Col 4 dX n = length(wData(:,1)); % number of data points m = 1; % number of fitting parameters a1, a2, ... mMax = 5; % max number of coefficients nx = 120; dx = (xmax - xmin)/nx; xf = xmin : dx : xmax; % number of x points for plotting % increment in x for plotting % x data for plotting fitted fucntion nIterations = 500; if if if if if if if if if eqType eqType eqType eqType eqType eqType eqType eqType eqType == == == == == == == == == 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, m m m m m m m m m % number of iterations for minimizing chi2 = = = = = = = = = a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 2; 1; 3; 1; 4; 2; 2; 2; 5; end end end end end end end end end 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 41 % INITIALIZE MATRICES ------------------------------------------------wData = sortrows(wData); % sort matrix by increasing xValues x = wData(:,1); y = wData(:,2); dy = wData(:,3); dx = wData(:,4); error bars = w = zeros(1,n); % x measurements % y measurements % dy uncertainties in y values % dx uncertainties in x values - used only for % 1/dy xx = ones(n,m); % matrix used to get start values for matrix a u = 0.001; % intial value for weighting factor % Calculation of 1/dy for y data for cc = 1 : n if dy(cc) == 0, w(cc) = 1; else w(cc) = 1/dy(cc); end end % SET STARTING VALUES FOR COEFFICIENTS -------------------------------switch eqType case 1 % 1: y = a1 * x + a2 xx(:,1) = x; a = xx\y; case 2 % 2: y = a1 * x a = y(n)/x(n); linear linear - proportional case 3 % 3: y = a1 * x^2 + a2 * x + a3 xx(:,1) = x.*x; xx(:,2) = x; a = xx\y; case 4 % 4: y = a1 * x^2 xx = x.*x; a = xx\y; quadratic simple quadratic case 5 % 5: y = a1 * x^3 + a2 * x^2 + a3 * x + a4 xx(:,1) = x.^3; xx(:,2) = x.^2; xx(:,3) = x; a = xx\y; cubic polynomial case 6 % 6: y = a1 * x^a2 power a(2,1) = log10(y(1)/y(n)) / log10(x(1)/x(n)); a(1,1) = y(1) / x(1)^a(2); case 7 % 7: y = a1 * exp(- a2 * x) exponential decay a(2,1) = log(y(n)/y(1)) / (x(1) - x(n)); a(1,1) = y(1) / exp(-a(2)*x(1)); case 8 % 8: y = a1 * (1 - exp(-a2 * x)) "exponetial increase" a(1,1) = y(n); a(2,1) = abs(log(1-y(1)/a(1))/x(1)); a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 42 a(1) = 10 a(2) = 0.31 case 9 % 9: y = a1 * x^4 + a2 * x^3 + a3 * x^2 + a4 * x + a5 polynomial xx(:,1) = x.^4; xx(:,2) = x.^3; xx(:,3) = x.^2; xx(:,4) = x; a = xx\y; end f = zeros(n,1); D = zeros(n,1); f = zeros(n,1); chi2 = 0; chi2new = 0; rchi2 = 0; pdf = zeros(m,m); B = zeros(n,1); CUR = zeros(m,m); MCUR = zeros(m,m); MCOV = zeros(m,m); COV = zeros(m,m); anew = zeros(m,1); da = zeros(m,1); sigma = zeros(m,1); % Calculations -------------------------------------------------------for cc = 1 : nIterations f = Fit_function(a, x, eqType); % fitted function evaluated at data points D = w' .* (y - f); % weigthed difference matrix chi2 = D' * D; % chi squared pdf = part_der(a, x, w, eqType,n,m); B = pdf' * D; % partail derivatives df/da % B matrix CUR = pdf' * pdf; % Curvature matrix for c1 = 1 : m % Modified Curvature matrix for c2 = 1 : m MCUR(c1,c2) = CUR(c1,c2) / sqrt(CUR(c1,c1) * CUR(c2,c2)); end end for c1 = 1 : m MCUR(c1,c1) = (1+u)*MCUR(c1,c1); end MCOV = inv(MCUR); a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc % Modified Covariance matrix 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 43 da = MCOV * B; % increments in a coefficients anew = a + da; % new coefficients f = Fit_function(anew, x, eqType); D = w' .* (y - f); % fitted function evaluated at data points % weigthed difference matrix chi2new = D' * D; % chi squred if chi2new < chi2 u = u/10; a = anew; if abs(chi2-chi2new) < 0.0001, break; end end if chi2new > chi2, u = u*10; end end %cc Iterations ch12 = chi2new; rchi2 = chi2/(n-m); u = 0; pdf= part_der(a, x, w, eqType, n, m); CUR = pdf' * pdf; % Curvature matrix % Modified Curvature matrix for c1 = 1 : m for c2 = 1 : m MCUR(c1,c2) = CUR(c1,c2) / sqrt(CUR(c1,c1) * CUR(c2,c2)); end end MCOV = inv(MCUR); % Modified Covariance matrix for c1 = 1 : m % Covriance matrix for c2 = 1 : m COV(c1,c2) = MCOV(c1,c2) / sqrt(CUR(c1,c1) * CUR(c2,c2)); end end for c = 1 : m sigma(c) = sqrt(COV(c,c)); end % Uncertainties in the coefficients prob = chi2test(n-m, chi2); % chi-squared probability % Goodness-of-Fit tgof = ' *** Acceptable Fit ***'; if rchi2 > 2.5, tgof = ' ??? Fit may not be acceptable ???', end; if rchi2 < 0.4, tgof = ' ? Fit may be too good ?', end % Display results disp(' '); wData a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 44 disp(' '); if eqType == if eqType == if eqType == if eqType == if eqType == polynomial'); if eqType == if eqType == if eqType == end; 1, disp('1: 2, disp('2: 3, disp('3: 4, disp('4: 5, disp('5: end; 6, disp('6: 7, disp('7: 8, disp('8: y y y y y = = = = = a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 * * * * * x + a2 linear'); end; x linear proportional'); end; x^2 + a2 * x + a3 quadratic'); end; x^2 simple quadratic'); end; x^3 + a2 * x^2 + a3 * x + a4 cubic y = a1 * x^a2 power'); end; y = a1 * exp(- a2 * x) exponential decay'); end; y = a1 * (1 - exp(-a2 * x)) "exponetial increase"'); fprintf('No. measurements = %0.0g \n', n); fprintf('Degree of freedom = %0.0g \n', (n-m)); fprintf('chi2 = %0.6g \n', chi2); fprintf('Reduced chi2 = %0.6g \n', rchi2); fprintf('Probability of exceeding chi2 value = %0.3g disp(' '); disp('Coefficients a1, a2, ... , am'); disp(a); disp('Uncertainties in coefficient'); disp(sigma); disp(' ') disp(tgof); \n', prob); yf = Fit_function(a, xf, eqType); % Graphics ---------------------------------------------------------figure(1) set(gcf,'PaperType','A4'); plot(x,y,'o','MarkerFaceColor','k','MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerSize',4); hold on plot(xf,yf,'b','LineWidth',2); grid on title(tm); xlabel(tx); ylabel(ty); yerrP = y + dy; yerrM = y - dy; xerrP = x + dx; xerrM = x - dx; for c = 1 : n plot([x(c),x(c)],[yerrM(c), yerrP(c)],'k','LineWidth',1); plot([xerrM(c),xerrP(c)],[y(c), y(c)],'k','LineWidth',1); end a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 45 fit_function( ) function f = fit_function(a, x, eqType) % Evaluate function switch eqType case 1 % 1: y = a1 * x + a2 f = a(1) .* x + a(2); case 2 % 2: y = a1 * x f = a(1) .* x; linear linear - proportional case 3 % 3: y = a1 * x^2 + a2 * x + a3 quadratic f = a(1) * x.^2 + a(2) .* x + a(3); case 4 % 4: y = a1 * x^2 f = a(1) .* x.^2; simple quadratic case 5 % 5: y = a1 * x^3 + a2 * x^2 + a3 * x + a4 cubic polynomial f = a(1) .* x.^3 + a(2) .* x.^2 + a(3) .* x + a(4); case 6 % 6: y = a1 * x^a2 power f = a(1) .* (x.^a(2)); case 7 % 7: y = a1 * exp(- a2 * x) f = a(1) .* exp(- a(2) .* x); exponential decay case 8 % 8: y = a1 * (1 - exp(-a2 * x)) f = a(1) .* (1 - exp(-a(2) .* x)) ; "exponetial increase" case 9 % 9: y = a1 * x^4 + a2 * x^3 + a3 * x^2 + a4 * x^2 + a5 polynomial f = a(1) .* x.^4 + a(2) .* x.^3 + a(3) .* x.^2 + a(4) .* x + a(5); end a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 46 part_der( ) function pdf = part_der(a, x, w, eqType,n,m) fPlus = zeros(n,m); fMinus = zeros(n,m); pdf = zeros(n,m); for c = 1 : m aP = a; aM = a; aP(c) = a(c)*1.001; aM(c) = a(c)*0.999; fPlus(:,c) = fit_function(aP, x, eqType); fMinus(:,c) = fit_function(aM, x,eqType); pdf(:,c) = (fPlus(:,c) - fMinus(:,c)) /( 0.002 * a(c)); end for c = 1 : m pdf(:,c) = pdf(:,c) .* w'; end a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 % weighted partial derivatives 9:23 PM 47 6.6 BIBLIOGRAPHY G. Cowan, Statistical Data Analysis, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998) Advanced treatment of practical applications of statistics in data analysis. A. Kharab and R.B. Guenther, An Introduction to Numerical Methods – A Matlab Approach, (Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca, 2002) An introduction to theory and applications in numerical methods for researchers and professionals with a background only in calculus and basic programming. CD-ROM contains the Matlab code for many algorithms L. Lyons, A Practical Guide to Data Analysis for Physical Science Students, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991) Basic introduction to analysis of measurement and least squares fitting. L. Kirkup, Experimental Methods, (John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane, 1994) Introduction to the analysis and presentation of experimental data. W. R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, (SpringVerlag, Berlin, 1987) Chapter on Statistics and Treatment of Experimental Data including Curve Fitting: linear and non linear fits. W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling and B. P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes in C, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992) Chapter on modeling of data including linear and non linear fits. S. S. M. Wong, Computational Methods in Physics and Engineering, (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1992) Contains a very good chapter on the Method of Least squares and the Method of Marquardt. a04/mat/mg/ch6.doc 3/9/2016 9:23 PM 48