EUROCHANCE – GERMAN INTERMEDIATE STUDY PLAN BEFORE STARTING These courses were developed within the context of vocational training for blind and visually impaired persons. They require some previous knowledge of the languages offered. They are not courses for complete beginners, and do not follow a simple grammatical progression. The units are theme-based and oriented towards practice of functions and skills. Therefore the ‘Grammar Focus’ of each unit focuses on the grammar most likely to be associated with the functions and skills being practised in the unit. Students who need further explanations or practice regarding aspects of grammar not dealt with in depth in the units should not hesitate to ask their tutor for extra help. Likewise, students are encouraged to consult the Grammar Bank (or Grammar Database) provided for each language, regardless of the Grammar Focus of the unit they are studying. This is particularly necessary in the case of German because: a) many students will have less previous knowledge of German. b) German grammar contains many rules for gender and case, as well as conjugations and declensions. Before starting the course, the following steps must be taken: 1. Training with hardware, software, & LMS, if necessary with the help of a local organisation. 2. If you are a student, read the Student Guide. 3. If you are a Tutor, read the Tutor’s Manual. UNIT 0 TOPIC SELF STUDY Initial contact NONE between student and tutor. VOIP SESSION CONVERSATION TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS GRAMMAR NONE 20-30 mins. Giving and obtaining basic NONE personal information. UNIT 1 TOPIC Telephoning VOIP SESSION 2 ROLE-PLAYS TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME Translation. 5 hours. TIME: 30 mins. UNIT 2 TOPIC SELF STUDY Office Unit content Administration and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION Conversation using the Present Perfect. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Translation. 5 hours. Describing office skills. TIME: 30 mins. Giving instructions. Secretarial roles. GRAMMAR Das Perfekt. UNIT 3 TOPIC Finance SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION 2 role-plays. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Write answers to 5 hours. Basic banking functions questions about Systems of payment. banking. TIME: 30 mins. GRAMMAR Die höfliche Bitte mit dem Konjunktiv II. UNIT 4 TOPIC Hotels SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION 1 role-play. Conversation using times, numbers, WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Write a description 5 hours. Asking for / Providing of the place where information. Dealing with you live. the public. GRAMMAR Personalpronomen. Das indefinite SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Dealing with in-coming and out-going calls GRAMMAR Der Hauptsatz. Fragen. Modalverb 'können'. Das Modalverb 'müssen'.. dates. TIME: 20-30 mins. TIME: 30 mins. Pronomen 'man'. Präposition an. Zahlen. Zeit. UNIT 5 TOPIC Tourism SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION 1 role-play: Tourist Office. Conversation about travel. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Write a short 5 hours. Talking about travel. summary on Asking for precise tourism where you information. live. TIME: 30 mins. GRAMMAR Fragen mit Fragewort. UNIT 6 TOPIC Health SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION 1 role-play: Doctor & patient. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Translation. 5 hours. Giving advice or TIME: 30 mins. commands. Making recommendations. GRAMMAR Präpositionen. Anmerkungen. UNIT 7 TOPIC Sports SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION Conversation about sport. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Translation. 5 hours. Expressing actions TIME: 30 mins. planned. Expressing intentions. GRAMMAR Sie und du. UNIT 8 TOPIC Legal SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION Tell a joke. Conversation about law. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Translation 5 hours. Being discreet. TIME: 30 mins. GRAMMAR Präpositionen UNIT 9 TOPIC Social Services SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION Conversation using Present Perfect & Simple Past. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Translation. 5 hours. Distinguishing between TIME: 30 mins. past actions and the result of past actions in the present. GRAMMAR Das Passiv. UNIT 10 TOPIC Arts SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION Conversation about music, literature. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Write a short 5 hours. Talking about different art biography. forms. TIME: 30 mins. GRAMMAR Relativsätze. Relativpronomen. UNIT 11 TOPIC EU Terminology SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION Conversation about Europe. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Translation. 5 hours. Reading non-specialised TIME: 30 mins. texts on EU matters. Talking about past habits or customs GRAMMAR Das Perfekt. Das Präteritum. UNIT 12 TOPIC Agriculture SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION Conversation about farming and food. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Change a text into 5 hours. Reporting on statements Direct Speech. and questions made in a TIME: 30 mins. conversation. Passing on messages. UNIT 13 TOPIC Computers SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION Conversation about computers. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME Write an essay on 5 hours. computers for the blind. TIME: 30 mins. UNIT 14 TOPIC Job Seeking SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION 1 role-play: a job interview. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Translation. 5 hours. Talking about ability & TIME: 30 mins. availability. Interview skills GRAMMAR Präpositionen mit Akkusativ oder Dativ. UNIT 15 TOPIC Catering SELF STUDY Unit content and test. TIME: 4 hours. VOIP SESSION 1 role-play: book a table at a restaurant. Conversation about restaurants. TIME: 20-30 mins. WRITTEN WORK TOTAL TIME FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Write an essay 5 hours. Ordering food and drink in about food where a restaurant. you live. TIME: 30 mins. GRAMMAR Steigerung von Adjektiven. FUNCTIONS & SKILLS Understand and describe the components of a computer and their functions. GRAMMAR Das Futur I. GRAMMAR Kausale Nebensätze.