Monograph Series

(see TITLE INDEX for complete listings)
Vol 1, no 1
January 1970
Vol 1, no 2
February 1970
Vol 1, no 3
March 1970
Vol 1, no 4
April 1970
Vol 1, no 5
May 1970
Vol 1, no 6
June 1970
Vol 1, no 7
September 1970
Vol 1, no 8
October 1970
Vol 1, no 9
November 1970
Vol 1, no 10
December 1970
Vol 2, no 1
January 1971
Vol 2, no 2
February 1971
Vol 2, no 3
March 1971
Vol 2, no 4
April 1971
Vol 2, no 5
September 1971
Vol 2, no 6
October 1971
Vol 2, no 7
November 1971
Vol 2, no 8
December 1971
Vol 3, no 1
January 1972
Vol 3, no 2
February 1972
Vol 3, no 3
March 1972
Vol 3, no 4
April 1972
Vol 3, no 5
May 1972
cumulative index
(Monthly Series)
Doc 1: John Totten SM, “The Importance of Marianist Documentation,” 3-10
Doc 1 (continued): Totten SM, “The Importance of Marianist Documentation,” 12-16
Doc 1 (continued): Totten SM, “The Importance of Marianist Documentation,” 21-27
Doc 2: Joseph Verrier SM, “A Founder's Thought on the Apostolic Action of His Followers,”
Doc 2 (continued): Verrier SM, “A Founder's Thought on the Apostolic Action of His
Followers,” 39-49
Doc 2 (continued): Verrier SM, “A Founder's Thought on the Apostolic Action of His
Followers,” 51-65
Doc 3: Robert Ross SM, “Marianist Studies Program 1970,” 67-76
Doc 2 (continued): Verrier SM, “A Founder's Thought on the Apostolic Action of His
Followers,” 78-90
Doc 4: Robert Ross SM, “A Report on Present Developments within the Family of Mary in
America,” 92-103
Doc 5: William Behringer SM, “Father Chaminade on Prayer,” 105-10
Doc 6: Christine Burns FMI, “The Three Offices in Community,” 112-19
Doc 7: Paul Landolfi SM, “Community and Reciprocal Fidelity,” 121-35
Doc 8: Vincent Wayer SM, “The Marianist System of Education,” 137-45
Doc 9: Paul Metzger SM, “The Role of Schools in the Marianist Mission,” 147-61
Doc 10: Robert Ross SM, “Marianist Studies Program 1971,” 163-75
Doc 11: John Totten SM, “The Role of the Marianists in the Family of Mary,” 177-81
Doc 12: Joseph Stefanelli SM, “The Family of Mary: Historical Description,” 184-93
Doc 12 (continued): Stefanelli SM, “The Family of Mary: Historical Description,” 195-205
Doc 13: Donald Boccardi SM, “On Educating the Christian Community through Christian
Education Centers,” 208-20
Doc 13 (continued): Boccardi SM, “On Educating the Christian Community through Christian
Education Centers,” 223-37
Doc 14: Thomas Giardino SM, “Interdependence among the Communities of the Family of
Mary,” 239-48
Doc 14 (continued): Giardino SM, “Interdependence among the Communities of the Family of
Mary,” 250-61
Doc 15: Paul Landolfi SM, “The Marianist Vow of Stability,” 263-81
Vol 3, no 6
15 June 1972
Vol 3, no 7
September 1972
Vol 3, no 8
October 1972
Vol 3, no 9
November 1972
Vol 3, no 10
December 1972
Vol 4, no 1
January 1973
Vol 4, no 2
February 1973
Vol 4, no 3
March 1973
Vol 4, no 4
April 1973
Vol 4, no 5
May 1973
Vol 4, no 6
June 1973
Vol 4, no 7
September 1973
Vol 4, no 8
October 1973
Vol 4, no 9
November 1973
Vol 4, no 10
December 1973
Vol 5, no 1
January 1974
Vol 5, no 2
February 1974
Vol 5, no 3
March 1974
Vol 5, no 4
April 1974
Vol 5, no 5
May 1974
Vol 5, no 6
June 1974
Vol 5, no 7
September 1974
Vol 5, no 8
October 1974
Vol 5, no 9
November 1974
Vol 5, no 10
December 1974
cumulative index
Doc 15 (continued): Landolfi SM, “The Marianist Vow of Stability,” 283-91
Doc 16: Teresa Trimboli FMI, “Adèle de Trenquelléon: Foundress of the Daughters of Mary
Immaculate,” 294-306
Doc 17: Robert Ross SM, “Marianist Studies Program 1972,” 309-18
Doc 18: Edward Scheid SM, “ ‘Mission’ in the Family of Mary,” 321-29
Doc 19: “MRC Cumulative Index, 1970-72,” 332-47
Doc 20: Joseph Stefanelli SM, “Questions and Explorations for Marianist Studies,” 3-9
Robert Ross SM, “The Animational Concern of the Society of Mary,” 12-15; excerpt from
Monograph 9
Hugh Bihl SM, “Monasticism and Marianist Religious Life,” 18-23; excerpt from Monograph
Theodore Koehler SM, “The Prayer of Faith or Theocentric Mental Prayer,” 26-32; excerpt
from Monograph 11
Robert Bouffier SM, “Mary, Archetype of the Church: An Aid to Marianist Selfunderstanding,” 35-40; excerpt from Monograph 12
Teresa Trimboli FMI, “Letter Concerning Marianist Archives and Libraries,” 43-48
Doc 21: Charles Klobb SM, “Cherish the Heritage: Fragments of a Conference on Mary,” 4950
Joseph Verrier SM, “To Adapt Oneself for Multiplying Christians,” 51-57; excerpt from
Monograph 13 (part 1)
Robert Ross SM, “Building Christian Community in the Marianist High School Setting,” 5861; excerpt from Monograph 14
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1970-73,” 62-76
Doc 22: Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM. “The Spiritual Journey of the Founder: Faith” (first
conference), 1-14
Doc 23: Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM. “The Spiritual Journey of the Founder: To Regroup
Christians” (second conference), 15-27
Doc 24: Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM. “The Spiritual Journey of the Founder: Mary” (third
conference), 28-40
Doc 25: Philip Melcher SM, “Social Justice,” 41-51
Joseph Verrier SM. “Why Father Chaminade Founded Sodalities.” “The Devotion to Our Lady
in the Sodalities of Father Chaminade.” “The Sodality of the Madeleine,” 52-58; excerpt from
Monograph 13, part 2
Doc 26: Lawrence Cada SM, “Two Histories: A Review,” 59-61
Timothy Philips SM. “You Will Be My Witnesses: William Joseph Chaminade and Christian
Witness,” 62-67; excerpt from Monograph 15
Joseph Stefanelli SM. “Our Marianist Heritage,” 68-81; excerpt from Monograph 16
Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM. “Mary in the Life and Teaching of Father Chaminade,” 82-85;
excerpt from Monograph 17
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1970-74,” 86-104
Vol 6, no 1
January 1975
Vol 6, no 2
February 1975
Vol 6, no 3
March 1975
Vol 6, no 4
April 1975
Vol 6, no 5
May 1975
Vol 6, no 6
June 1975
Vol 6, no 7
October 1975
Vol 6, no 8
December 1975
Vol 7, no 1
February 1976
Vol 7, no 2
April 1976
Vol 7, no 3
October 1976
Vol 7, no 4
December 1976
Vol 8, no 1
February 1977
Vol 8, no 2
April 1977
Vol 8, no 3
October 1977
Vol 8, no 4
December 1977
Vol 9, no 1
February 1978
Vol 9, no 2
April 1978
cumulative index
Doc 27: Lawrence Cada SM, “A Guide to Father Chaminade's Bordeaux,” 1-8
John A. Melloh SM, “Two Studies of the French School and Father Chaminade,” 9-12; excerpt
from Monograph 18
Doc 28: Pierre Humbertclaude SM, “Father Lalanne and Freedom of Education,” 13-21
Jean Claude Délas SM, “History of the Constitutions of the Society of Mary,” 22-27; excerpt
from Monograph 19
Joseph Verrier SM, “Chaminade Miscellany,” 28-33; excerpt from Monograph 20
Doc 29: Joseph Verrier SM, “William Joseph Chaminade: Missionary Apostolic,” 34-40
Doc 30: Auguste Subiger SM, “On Reading the Letters of Good Father Chaminade,” 41-49
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1970-75,” 50-68
Doc 31: Norbert Brockman SM, “The Marianist Contribution to the American Experiment,” 115
Doc 32: Teresa Trimboli FMI, “In Response to an Invitation: A Bibliography on American
Marianist History,” 16-28
Doc 33: Paul O'Brien SM, “The Coming of the Founder,” 29-34
Doc 34: Paul Fitzpatrick SM, “Chaminade's Spirituality and Contemporary Liturgical Prayer,”
Doc 35:Hugh Bihl SM, Robert Brisky SM, and Lawrence Cada SM, "Chaminade and Liturgy:
Continuing the Dialogue,” 49-53
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1970-76,” 54-70
Doc 36: Lisa Joy Cater, “An Understanding of ‘The State of Lay Persons Living as Religious in
the World,’” 3-16
Doc 37: Mary Beth Garascia, Joseph Cavanaugh, Margaret Cavanaugh, Carol Quinn, Mary
Anne Mason, William Hirt, Ann Hirt, and Anthony Garascia, “Understanding the
State: Continuing the Dialogue,” 17-23
Doc 38: John Moder SM, “The Civil Approbation of the Society of Mary in 1825,” 27-34
Doc 39: David Zaller SM, “LIFE Ministry in the Marianist Spirit,” 35-43
Doc 40: George T. Montague SM, “The Society of Mary and the Charismatic Renewal,” 4753
Doc 41: Robert K. Moriarty SM, Bertrand E. Clemens SM, Francis J. Smith SM, Paul Smith
SM, and Michael F. Ambruso SM, “What Spirit is This? Continuing the Dialogue,”
Doc 42: Ambrogio Albano SM, “The Mixed Composition of the Society of Mary,” Part 1, 6772
Doc 43: David A. Thompson SM, George R. Zehnle SM, T. William Bolts SM, and Thomas
N. Trager SM, “Mixed Composition: Continuing the Dialogue,” 73-83
Doc 44: Hugh Bihl SM, "On Searching the Scriptures," 3-8
Doc 45: Michael O'Grady SM, Charles H. Miller SM, James Heft SM, Cecilia Schiml FMI,
Walter Oberster SM, and Vincent Branick SM, “Searching the Scriptures: Continuing
the Dialogue,” 9-19
Doc 46: William Ferree SM, “To the Needs and Spirit of Our Times,” 23-30
Doc 47: Anna Huth FMI, “Report from the Marianist Studies Program, 1977,” 31-36
Vol 9, no 3
October 1978
Vol 9, no 4
December 1978
Vol 10, no 1
February 1979
Vol 10, no 2
April 1979
Vol 10, nos 3, 4,
Docs 53, 54
December 1979
Vol 11, no 1
February 1980
Vol 11, no 2
April 1980
Vol 11, no 3
October 1980
Vol 11, no 4
December 1980
Vol 12, no 1
February 1981
Vol 12, no 2
April 1981
Vol 12, no 3
October 1981
Vol 12, no 4
December 1981
cumulative index
Doc 48: Ambrogio Albano SM, “The Mixed Composition of the Society of Mary:
Developments in Marianist Mixed Composition” (Part 2), 39-42
Doc 49: John Mulligan SM, Robert Wiethorn SM, Bernard J. Lee SM, John McCluskey SM,
John F. Bolin SM, and David Richards SM, “Mixed Composition, Part 2: Continuing
the Dialogue,” 43-57
Doc 50: Thomas F. Giardino SM, “Crossing Over: An Interview with Larry Cada about
Marianist Studies,” 61-73.
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1970-78,” 75-91
Doc 51: Thomas F. Giardino SM, “Sources of Authority for the Ministry of William Joseph
Chaminade,” 3-16
Doc 52: Charles Miller SM, “Hermeneutics and the Marianist Heritage,” 19-23
Thomas J. Doyle SM, Richard Geraghty SM, James C. Vogt, Robert E. Hughes SM, Raymond
Fitz SM, and John J. Kelley SM, “Hermeneutics and the Marianist Heritage:
Continuing the Dialogue,” 24-38
Doc 53: William Joseph Chaminade, “The Dynamic of Prayer,” 43-48
Doc 54: Robert A. Ross SM, “Marianist Studies Program: The First Ten Years (1970-1979),”
Doc 55: Joseph M. Stefanelli SM, “Marianist Resources Commission Whence and Whither?”
Doc 56: Norbert Brockman SM, Quentin Hakenewerth SM, Gary T. Chapman, Ambrogio
Albano SM, and Fred Stovall SM, “MRC Whence and Whither? Continuing the
Dialogue,” 7-16
Doc 57: Victor Forlani SM, “The Economy of the Eighties—Characteristics, Consequences,
and Ramifications,” 19-37
Doc 58: Richard E. Ulhrich, Estella Ibarra FMI, Cecilia Schiml FMI, Richard E. Wokutch,
Robert R. Mackey SM, Giancarlo Bonutti SM, and Roger Fenn, “The Economy of the
Eighties: Continuing the Dialogue,” 38-54
Doc 59: Province of the Andes, “Parish Ministry and the Marianist Charism,” 57-62
Doc 60: Peter Joseph O'Grady SM, Michael G. Dorsey SM, James Orsini SM, and Emile
Goguen, “Parish Ministry: Continuing the Dialogue,”63-70
Doc 60: Susan Mary Strohmeyer, “Our Blessings, Struggles, Dreams, Challenges,” 77-82
Doc 61: Timothy Phillips SM, Michael Reiling SM, “Experience and Ministry in Sodality:
Reflections,” 83-88
Doc 62: Debbie Crone, “The Memphis Sodality Beginnings,” 89-90
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1970-80,” 91-109
Doc 63: George T. Montague SM, “Behold Your Mother,” 3-10
Doc 64: Estella Ibarra FMI, “My Medellín Experience,” 13-20
Doc 65: Marianists of Latin America (1979), “The First Meeting of Marianists of Latin
America: A Journal,” 21-46
Doc 66: Alfonso Gil SM, “Father Chaminade's Holiness and Our Holiness,” 49-58
Doc 67: August Biehl SM, Cecelia M. Fichter, James Vorndran SM, Clayton Freeman SM, and
James Droste SM, “Chaminade's Holiness and Ours: Continuing the Dialogue,” 59-67
Doc 68: Francois Boissonneault SM, “A New Solitude or a New Form of Belonging?” 71-76
Doc 69: Joseph Clark SM, Michael O’Grady SM, Jerome Gorg SM, Kenneth Jung SM, James
Kunes AM, Anthony Pogorelc SM, and James Burke SM, “Solitude or Belonging:
Continuing the Dialogue,” 77-89
Vol 13, no 1
February 1982
Vol 13, no 2
April 1982
Vol 13, no 3
October 1982
Vol 13, no 4
December 1982
Vol 14, no 1
February 1983
Vol 14, no 2
April 1983
Vol 14, no 3
November 1983
Vol 15, no 1
January 1984
Vol 15, no 2
March 1984
Vol 15, no 3
May 1984
Vol 15, no 5
October 1984
cumulative index
Doc 70: Alex Tuss SM, “In Suspense and Incomplete: The Experience of Temporary
Profession,” 3-6
Doc 71: Timothy Clarke SM, “Reflections of a Temporary Professed,” 7-10
Doc 72: Timothy Phillips SM, “Being Formed by Mary,” 15-17
Doc 73: Paul F. Vieson SM, “Homily for the Feast of Our Lady of the Pillar: 12 October
1980,” 19
Doc 74: Thomas A. Stanley SM, “Marianist Charism and Parish Ministry,” 21-27
Doc 75: Peter Daino NSM, “Listening to God's Work and Discerning God's Call in
Appalachia,” 29-42
Doc 76: Robert Minges SM, Stephen Glodek SM, Louis A. Schuster SM, Carmine Annunziata
SM, Donald Boccardi SM, Ernest Lorfanfant SM, Marty Herrick SM, Robert
Lewandowski SM, Jean Marie Larochelle SM, Gene Meyerpeter SM, George Deinlein
SM, John Lemker SM, Bruce Dean SM, Tom Spring SM, Roland Bunda SM, Howard
Hughes SM, and Ted Ley SM, “Responses to the Rule of Life,” 47-59
Doc 77: George T. Montague SM, “The Story of Chapter One of the New Rule of Life: From
the COMCO Text (1979) to the Final Text (1981),” 60-70
Doc 78: Jack Somerville SM, “A Marianist Spirituality of Work,” 73-76
Doc 79: James Jaeckle SM, Mel Meyer SM, Thomas Redmond SM, and Edwin Shiras SM,
“Spirituality of Work: Continuing the Dialogue,” 77-82
Doc 80: Thomas F. Giardino SM, “Report on Event II of ‘Discernment in the Marianist
Tradition: A Symposium,’” 83-85
Norbert Brockman SM, “Entrance Into Japan: A Historical Case Study,” 86-90
Lawrence J. Cada SM, “Clericalism and the Society of Mary: A Historical Case Study,” 90-93
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1970-82,” 95-116
Doc 81: Margaret A. Cavanaugh, “Experience of the State with the Vow of Stability,” 3-7
Doc 82: Lorenzo Amigo SM, “Mary in the Marianist Rule of Life,” 9-29
Doc 83: John Campbell SM, Susan Vogt, David Fleming SM, Eileen J. Cehrya FMI, Patrick J.
Tonry SM, “Books that Made a Difference,” 35-46
Doc 84: William Bolts SM, “Catholic Schools and a View from the Province of the Pacific,”
Doc 85: Edward Smith SM, “Educational Ministry: Meribah Province,” 52-53
Doc 86: Daniel E. Sharpe SM, “Experience and Expectations: Educational Ministry in the St.
Louis Province,” 54-55
Doc 87: Robert E. Hogan SM, “Building Community—Chaminade and the Charismatic
Renewal,” 3-14
Doc 88: Robert Hanss SM, Stephanie Morales FMI, Richard Loehrlein SM, and Robert
Backherms SM, “Chaminade and the Charismatic Renewal: Continuing the Dialogue,”
Doc 89: Francisco García de Vinuesa SM, "Community, Mutual Relations, and
Complementarity of the Different Groups within the Family of Mary," 29-39
Doc 90: Joanne Swain, Glenn Allard, James W. Rider, Charis Kabat, Rita Bordano, Hugh Bihl
SM, and Patricia Cain, “Family of Mary Complementarity: Continuing the Dialogue,”
Doc 91: David Fleming SM and Stephen Tutas SM, “Report of the Seminar on the Marianist
Charism and the North American Culture,” 57-72
Tom Hoffman, SM, “The Social Sciences, North American Culture, and the Church
Today,” 61-72
Doc 92: Leonard Chang SM, Robert Mackey SM, and Claudia Wong CSJ, “Campus Ministry:
Chaminade University of Honolulu,” 75-78
Doc 93: Martin P. Herrick SM and Laura M. Leming FMI, “Do Whatever He Tells You,” 7981
Doc 94: Donald Boccardi SM, “Campus Ministry: St. Mary's University,” 82-83
Vol 16, no 1
January 1985
Vol 16, no 2
March 1985
Vol 16, no 3
May 1985
Vol 16, no 4
November 1985
Vol 17, no 1
January 1986
Vol 17, no 2
March 1986
Vol 17, no 3
May 1986
Vol 17, no 4
November 1986
Vol 18, no 1
January 1987
Vol 18, no 1
March 1987
Vol 18, no 3
September 1987
Vol 18, no 4
January 1988
Vol 19, no 1
January 1989
Vol 19, no 2
March 1989
Vol 19, no 3
April 1989
cumulative index
Doc 95: Jeff Pawlak SM, “A Gift of Faith To Share,” 3-14
Doc 96: Joseph Barrish SM, Daniel Doyle SM, William Farrell SM, and Gertrude Julie
Rodriguez FMI, “A Gift of Faith to Share: Continuing the Dialogue,” 15-22
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1980-84,” pp. 23-49
Doc 97: Margaret A. Cavanaugh, Tom Spring SM, Joseph Kenney SM, William J. Meyer SM,
“Bookview I,” 53-61
Doc 98: Raymond L. Fitz SM, “The Formation in Faith and the Corporate Ministry of Higher
Education,” 65-68
Doc 98: Raymond Roesch SM, “Nature of a Catholic University,” 69-72
Doc 99: Leo J. Murray SM, “A Credo of Nonviolence,” 75-103
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1984-85,” 106-108
Doc 100: Carol Quinn, Ann Westendorf Hirt, and Charis Griebstein Kabat, “Marianist
Charism, Mary, and Our Lives,” 4-7
Doc 101: Linda Zappacosta, “Experience of Marianist Communities and My Life,” 8-10
Doc 102: Patricia Cain, “The Family of Mary and My Life,” 11-13
Doc 103: Eileen Cehyra FMl, “Marianist System of Administration and My Life,” 14-17
Doc 104: Kim Langley, “Marianist Mission in My Life,” 18-20
Doc 105: Laure Salo, “Marianist Spirituality and My Life,” 21-23
Doc 106: Anna Huth FMl, “Facets Of The Charism in My Life,” 24-26
Doc 107: Robert A. Ross SM, “The Bordeaux Model of the Family of Mary—Snapshots And
Inspirations,” 29-40
Doc 108: Patricia Cain, Gary Chapman, and Thomas Spring SM, “The Bordeaux Model of the
Family of Mary—Snapshots and Inspirations: Continuing the Dialogue,” 41-43
Doc 109: Paul E. Fitzpatrick SM, “A Developmental Model of the Method of Virtues,” 47-61
Doc 110: [Parish Team Ted Cassidy SM, Thomas Doyle SM, and Robert Moriarty SM], “The
Society of Mary and Parish Ministry at Sacred Heart Church, Vernon, Connecticut,”
Doc 111: [Parish Team at St. Mary’s of the Assumption, Fort Worth, Texas: James Barrette
SM, Edward Kiefer SM, Robert Lewandowski SM, and Rudy Vela SM],
“Experiences of Founding a Marianist Parish,” 70-71
Doc 112: Stephen Glodek SM, “The Development and Multiplication of Marianist Faith
Communities,” 1-12
“Commentaries in Response to Stephen Glodek’s Article [The Development and Multiplication
of Marianist Faith Communities - Document 112]”
Doc 113: Susan Vogt, 13-15
Doc 114: Kathleen Lussier, 16-18
Doc 115: Rita Bordano, 20
Doc 116: Ted Dilla, 21
Doc 117: Lisa Joy Cater, 22
Doc 118: John Moder SM, 23
Doc 119: Susan Mary Strohmeyer, 24-25
Doc 120: Timothy Kenney SM, “On Education,” 27-36
Doc 121: Paul E. Fitzpatrick SM, “Cuscatlan: The Land of Precious Things,” 37-49
“MRC Cumulative Index, 1986-87”
Doc 122: Lawrence J. Cada SM, “Personal Reflections on the Future of NACMS,” 3-11
Doc 123: James P. Lyke OFM, “Obedience in the Church of Saints and Sinners,” 13-26
Doc 124: Bruce Kabat, “Our Experience in the Workplace,” 29-39
Doc 125: Bernard J. Lee SM, “Basic Christian Communities and the Marianist Story,” 43-56
Vol 19, no 4
July 1989
Vol 20, no 1
(misnumbered 21):
Focus on Justice
November 1989
Vol 20, no 2
(misnumbered 21):
Focus on Mary
Vol 20, nos 3 & 4:
Focus on Facing
the Future
Vol 21, no 1:
Focus on Voices
from the Past
Fall 1990
Vol 21, no 2:
Focus on Prayer
Winter 1991
Vol 21, no 3
Vol 22, no 1:
Focus on the
Assembly '91
cumulative index
Doc 126: Bertrand E. Clemens SM, “The Vow of Stability: Provincial Circular No. 1, Province
of the Pacific,” 59-67
Doc 127: Philip Aaron SM, “Justice and Peace from the Commentary of the Rule of Life of the
Society of Mary,” 5-14
Doc 128: Rodney DeMartini SM, “Learning About Living in the Midst of the HIV Epidemic,”
Doc 129: Ann Westendorf Hirt, “Teaching Homeless Children,” 18-22
Doc 130: Estella B. Ibarra FMI, Laura Leming FMI, and Susan Lindstrom FMI, “Movement
Toward the Economically Poor,” 23-25
Doc 131: Joseph G. Jansen SM, “A Bush Burning in Trenton,” 26-28
Doc 132: Philip Melcher SM, “From a Peruvian Factory,” 29-32
Doc 133: Richard J. Olsen SM, “AIDS: A Sacramental,” 33-35
Doc 134: James L. Heft SM and Una M. Cadegan, “Mary of Nazareth, Feminism, and the
Tradition,” 43-60
Doc 135: Robert E. Hogan SM, “The Church, Marianists, and Apparitions,” 61-63
Doc 136: Thomas E. Oldenski SM, “Excerpts from the Medjugorje Journal,” 64-65
Doc 137: Robert E. Hughes SM, “Implications of Medjugorje for Marianists,” 66-70
Doc 138: Joseph H. Lackner SM, “Mary at Cana,” 71-76
Doc 139: Joseph H. Lackner SM, “Mary at Calvary,” 77-82
Doc 140: Robert J. Schreiter CPPS, “The Environment of Religious Life in 2010,” 90-99
Doc 141: Robert J. Schreiter CPPS, “Religious Life Facing the Future: Three Complexes of
Issues,” 100-108
Doc 142: Joseph H. Kamis SM, “A Review of Risking Liberation: Middle Class Powerlessness
and Social Heroism,” 109-112
Doc 143: Thomas F. Giardino SM, “Clarity and Passion: The Family of Mary and the Third
Millennium,” 113-19
Doc 144: Joseph H. Lackner SM, “Pioneers: A readers theatre presentation based on original
documents,” 8-35
Doc 145: Marcel Coulin SM, “Mental Prayer from the Commentary on the Rule of Life of the
Society of Mary of the Society of Mary,” 46-55
Doc 146: John A. Melloh SM, “Reflections on Mental Prayer,” 56-58
Doc 147: Paul E. Fitzpatrick SM, “Mary: Sister-Companion in Conversion,” 59-63
Doc 148: Thomas Redmond SM, “Prayer and the Incarnation,” 64-69
Doc 149: Allen DeLong SM, “Prayer for Those Too Tired, Too Busy,” 70-72
Doc 150: Kate Galea and Kate Zaleski, “Another Tuesday Night: A Look at an Ecumenical
Prayer Group,” 73-74
Doc 151: Kevin J. Fitzpatrick SM, “Efficacy of Marianist Apostolic Faith Communities:
Tapping into the Marianist Deep Story,” 85-109
Doc 152: Joseph Verrier SM, “Marianist Stability from the Commentary on the Rule of Life of
the Society of Mary of the Society of Mary,” 110-16
Doc 153: Gary Chapman, “Finding Harmony and Holiness in Work,” 15-23
Doc 154: Carol Quinn, “Popes, Poets, and Preschoolers: What They Tell Us about Work and
Spirituality,” 24-35
Doc 155: Anna Huth FMI, “Marianist Roots and Branches: Spirituality for Networking,” 3645
Vol 22, no 2:
Focus on Mission
and Culture
Vol 22, no 3:
Focus on First
Convocation of
Lay Marianists
cumulative index
Doc 156: David A. Fleming SM, “Mission from the Commentary on the Rule of Life of the
Society of Mary,” 55-66
Doc 157: John A. McGrath SM, “Reflections on the Dialogue Between Faith and Culture: The
Society of Mary in the US Culture,” 67-73
Docs 158-161: Kathy Fanger, Joseph Stefanelli SM, Douglas Roper SM, and Jim Vogt,
“Remarks on Culture and Mission to the Joint Session of the Marianist Continental
Assembly and the General Chapter of the Society of Mary, July 1991,” 74-82
Doc 162: Johann Roten SM, “Excerpt from ‘Re-Readings in Marianist Spirituality,’” 83-90
Doc 163: Lawrence Cada SM, “Excerpt from ‘Mary and Freedom,’” 91-96
Doc 164: Thomas Giardino SM, “Excerpt from ‘Education, Mission, and Culture,’” 97-105
Doc 165: Dennis J. Gatto SM, “Report from Santiago, Chile,” 116-18
Doc 166: Carol Quinn, “Impressions, Recollections, and Reflections from North American
Participants [in the First International Convocation of Lay Marianist Communities,
Santiago, Chile]: Rita Bordano, Angelina M. Cortez, Jim Vogt, and Laura Leming
FMI,” 119-21
Doc 167: [Document from the International Meeting of Lay Marianist Communities, Santiago,
Chile, 1993], Identity Statement of Marianist Lay Communities, 122-23
Doc 168: [Document from the International Meeting of Lay Marianist Communities, Santiago,
Chile, 1993], The International Organization and Coordination of Lay Marianists in
the World, 124-28
Doc 169: José María Arnaiz SM, “Relationship of the Society of Mary with Other Groups of
the Family of Mary,” 129-33
Doc 170: José María Arnaiz SM, “Believe in Who We Are, Live What We Believe, and
Announce What We Live,” 134-35
Doc 171: Margaret Cavanaugh, “What Next? Comments from the North American
Representative on the International Coordinating Team,” 136
Vol 1, no 1
Spring 1997
Rita J. Bordano, Margaret A. Cavanaugh, and Lawrence J. Cada SM, “Social Justice and the
Marianist Tradition,” 4-15
Carol Quinn, “A Search for Energy Centers in Marianist Life,” 16-27
Vol 2, no 1
Fall 1997
Daniel M. Jordan, “What’s in an ‘X’? Generation X and Marianist Life,” 6-17
Thomas F. Giardino SM, “A Name To Grow Into,” 18-23
Laura Luehrmann-Burdick, “Gathering in and for Mission: Notes from the Second
International Meeting of Lay Communities,” 24-30
Karen Seitz, “Understanding ‘Unity amid Diversity,’” 31-32
Vol 2, no 2
Spring 1998
Stephen Glodek SM, “The Need for New Skills,” 3-13
Estella B. Ibarra FMI, “Toledo: Mission of Presence, Faith, and Action,” 14-26
Robert P. Donovan SM, “Social Action in Cincinnati,” 27-31
Grace Walle FMI, “A New Dream: The Marianist Sisters and the School of Law,” 32-38
Daniel M. Jordan, “A Book, Mom, and Social Justice,” 39-41
Vol 3, no 1
Fall 1998
Tony Garascia, “Marian Dimensions,” 4-11
Bernard J. Lee SM, “Hope,” 12-17
Carol Quinn, “Magnificat: Call to Compassion,” 18-27
Dotty Cronan, “Mary,” 28-31
Stephen Glodek SM, “Guadalupe: A Personal Account,” 32-35
Dorothea B. Kennedy, “The Woman,” 36
Laura M. Leming FMI, “Mary, . . .,” 37
Robert Bouffier SM, “New Testament Litany of Mary,” 38-43
Vol 3, no 2
Spring 1999
Mark Delisi, “Marianist Community: A Missionary Promise,” 4-13.
Melba D. Fisher, “System of Virtues,” 14-20, 25-27
Dorothea B. Kennedy, “The Woman,” 29
Vol 4, no 1
Fall 1999
Joseph P. Tedesco SM, “Brother Miguel Ángel Queroga, SM: Memorial Mass Homily,” 4-11.
“Footprints, A Marian Variation,” 12-14.
Gerald T. Chinchar SM,“God’s Love,” 15.
Donald Boccardi SM, “Spirituality in the Woods.”
Bernard J. Lee SM, “Reflections on Education and Transformation.”
Vol 4, no 2
Spring 2000
Joseph Stefanelli SM, “A Fresh Start,” 6-13.
Theodore Koehler SM, “Mary, in Our Jubilee Year 2000: The Imitation of Her Interior Life,”
NACMS Staff, “The Bible in 50 Words; Marianist Peak Moments,” 21.
Eileen J. Cehyra, FMI, “Marianist Sisters Province Assembly and 50 th Anniversary
Celebration,” 22-24.
John M. Samaha SM, “Chaminade and Holy Scripture,” 25-27.
Vol 5, no 1
Fall 2000
Stephen Glodek SM, “Nursing Station,” 3-8.
Bertrand Buby SM, “Spirituality of Ecology: a Marian and Biblical Reflection,” 9-18.
David Fleming SM, “The Individual ‘I’ and the Indispensable ‘We’: Christian Community in a
Postmodern World,” 19-41.
Marcel Dion, “Lay Approbation: A Québecois’ Perspective,” 45-47.
Stephen Tutas SM, Evangeline Escobar FMI, Tony Garascia, “A Summer of Assemblies:
Three Perspectives,” 48-53.
cumulative index
Vol. 5, no. 2
Spring 2001
Thomas A. Thompson SM, “The Virgin Mary in the French School of Spirituality,” 3-25
Daniel M. Jordan, “Father Jakob Gapp: Social Justice Animator,” 26-31
A. Brian Zampier SM, “In Loving Memory,” 32-34
Thomas J. Pieper SM, “Jesus: The ‘Yeast’,” 38-39
Joseph H. Lackner, SM, “A Marianist Litany of Mary,” 40-41
Vol. 6, no. 1
Fall 2001
Gertrude Foley SC, “Conversion and Transformation,” 3-12
Gertrude Foley SC, “Spirituality for Unification,”13-30
Paul J. Landolfi SM, “This Was the Week that Was,” 31-39
“Lay Marianist Document: Being in Community,” 42-52
Dick Ullrich, “Marianist Social Justice Collaborative,” 53-55
Mary Louise Foley FMI, “Images of Mary,” 60-61
Vol. 6, no. 2
Spring 2002
Hugh Bihl SM, “Chaminade’s Vision of the Church,” 3-9
Daniel M. Jordan, “Marianist Studies Today: An Interview with Carol Ramey,” 10-24
Daniel Sharpe SM, “Dear Arch,” 25-28
Adolf M. Windisch SM, “‘My Dear Son,’ Founding a Sounding,” 29-30
Laura M. Leming FMI, “Chapter Reflection: Faithful Stewards of Adèle’s Vision,” 31-32
Mary Louise Foley FMI, “Mary and Scripture,” 33-34
Vol. 7, no. 1
Fall 2002
Laura M. Leming FMI, “Anniversaries,” 33
Robert N. Bellah, “Being the Church in the Only Empire There Is,” 3-23
George J. Cerniglia SM, “Into the Darkness: Feast of Saints Peter and Paul,” 24-28
Johann Roten SM, “True Enlightenment,”29-30
Mary Andrews, “Come to the Water,” 34-35
Vol. 7, no. 2
Spring 2003
Anthony Fucci, “My Search for Marianist Leadership,” 3-6
Larry C. Spears, “On Character and Servant-Leadership,” 7-11
Dick Ferguson, “Leadership on the Line: A Review,” 12-16
Lucille Dumont, “The Alliance Mariale,” 17-19
A. Brian Zampier SM, “Learning the Art of Letting Go,” 20
Vol. 8, no 1
Fall 2003
David J. Fleming SM, “Patterns of Growth in the Worldwide Marianist Family,” 3-30
James L. Heft SM, “The ‘Open Circle’: The Culture of Marianist Universities,” 31-56
Susan Handle Terbay, “Light for Our Journey,” 56-59
Vol. 8, no 2
Spring 2004
Una Cadegan and David Darrow, “Teach-in: Civil Constitution of the Clergy,” 3-13
“The Civil Constitution of the Clergy,” 14-19
Walter Oberster SM, “Marianist Leadership: Some Spiritual Aspects,” 20-24
Daniel M. Jordan, “Review: Heroic Leadership,” 25-27
Jim Vogt, “Nurturing the Vision,” 28-30
Vol. 9, no. 1
Fall 2004
Victor Forlani, SM, “The Impact of Faith and Culture on Marianist Ministry: Position Paper of
the Task Force on Faith and Culture,” 3-56
”Haitian History: An Overview,” 57-62
Vol. 9, no. 2
Spring 2005
Timothy Phillips SM and Alois Greiler SM (Marist), “Why Are There Two ‘Societies of
Mary’? Notes on the Origins of Marianists and Marists,” 3-12
Teresa Trimboli, “From Ferree to Eternity. An Organizational Odyssey,” 13-25
Joanne Beirise, “Book Review: ‘With a Listening Heart’ by Bertrand A. Buby, SM,” 26-28
“NACMS Depository Holdings Policy,” 28-29
Vol. 10, no. 1
Fall 2005
James H. Schimelpfening SM, “Marian Consecration,” 3-16
James Wisecaver SM, “Personalized Marianist Characteristics of Education,” 17-25
Laura Luehrmann-Burdick, “Spreading the Peace . . . a Lesson from My Two-Year-Old Son,”
cumulative index
Vol. 10, no. 2
Spring 2006
Christopher M. Duncan, “Got Community,” 3-16
Carol P. Ramey, “Mary as Model of Justice: Some ‘Whys’ of Scripture,” 17-21
Laura M. Leming FMI, “A Sociologist Considers the Contributions of Marie Thérèse de
Lamourous,” 22-28
Vol. 11, no. 1
David J. Fleming SM, “Marianists as ‘Missionaries Apostolic,” 3-24
A. Brian Zampier SM, “Reflecting on Art, Life, Mary, Mystery, and the Plasma Cutter,” 25-27
Fall 2006
cumulative index
Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
November 1970
December 1970
April 1971
Vincent Vasey SM. Marianist Stability. 11 pp.
Raymond Halter SM. Chaminade: Master of Prayer. 16 pp.
William Joseph Chaminade. Grand Institut (Institute of the Daughters of
Mary). 79 pp.
Doc 4
June 1971
Odette Buzy. Father Chaminade and the Secular Institutes. 10 pp.
(Note: The Letters of Father William Joseph Chaminade, 1787-1814. Joseph
S. Bruder SM, ed. Translated by Thomas Poitras SM. Vol 1, fascicle 1, letters
1-50. Dayton, Ohio: Marianist Publications, 1963. 118 pp.)
[*Docs 5-8, part 8— available for research only]
William Joseph Chaminade. Letters of Father Chaminade
*Doc 5 [pt 1] 1972
Letters of Father Chaminade, 51-129.
*Doc 5 [pt 2] April 1972
Letters of Father Chaminade, 130-167.
*Doc 5, pt 3
September 1972
Letters of Father Chaminade, 168-190.
*Doc 6, pt 4
October 1972
Letters of Father Chaminade, 191-208.
*Doc 7, pt 5
November 1972
Letters of Father Chaminade, 209-222.
*Doc 8, pt 6
December 1972
Letters of Father Chaminade, 223-241.
*Doc 8, pt 7
January 1973
Letters of Father Chaminade, 242-259.
*Doc 8, pt 8
June 1973
Letters of Father Chaminade, 260-325.
Doc 8, vol 1,
January 1986
William Joseph Chaminade. Letters of Father Chaminade. 304 pp.
part 1
Doc 8, vol 1,
January 1986
Letters 136-325. 326 pp.
part 2
Doc 8, vol 2,
April 1976
Letters 326-445. 228 pp.
part 1
Doc 8, vol 2,
April 1976
Letters 446-582. 234 pp.
part 2
Doc 8, vol 3,
April 1977
Letters 583-709. 214 pp.
part 1
Doc 8, vol 3,
April 1977
Letters 710-867. 210 pp.
part 2
Doc 8, vol 4
November 1978
Letters 868-1132. 373 pp.
Doc 8, vol 5
November 1977
Letters 1133-1293. 313 pp.
Doc 8, vol 6
April 1983
Letters 1294-1431. 333 pp
Doc 8, vol 7
January 1981
Letters 1432-1525. 373 pp.
Doc 8, vol 8
November 1988
Letters of Father Chaminade: Supplements. 312 pp.
[part 1]
Doc 8, vol 8,
August 1993
Letters of Father Chaminade: Supplements and Later Acquisitions. 305 pp.
part 2
Doc 8, vol 9
April 2004
Letters of Father Chaminade. 46 pp.
Doc 9
February 1973
Robert Ross SM. The Animational Concern of the Society of Mary. 23 pp.
Doc 10
March 1973
Hugh Bihl SM. Monasticism and Marianist Religious Life. (2 parts published
as a unit). 70 pp.
Doc 11
April 1973
Theodore Koehler SM. The Prayer of Faith or Theocentric Mental Prayer.
29 pp.
Doc 12
May 1973
Robert Bouffier SM. Mary, Archetype of the Church: An Aid to Marianist SelfUnderstanding. 28 pp.
Doc 13
November 1973
Joseph Verrier SM. The Verrier Collection, 80 pp.
part 1
Doc 13
June 1974
Joseph Verrier SM. The Verrier Collection. 113 pp.
part 2
Doc 14
December 1973
Robert Ross SM. Building Christian Community in the Marianist High School
Setting. 24 pp.
cumulative index
Doc 15
September 1974
Doc 16
Doc 17
October 1974
November 1974
Doc 18
February 1975
Doc 19
April 1975
Doc 20
Doc 21
May 1975
January 1977
Doc 22
Doc 23
Doc 24
Doc 25
Doc 26,
Vol 1
Doc 26,
Vol 2
Doc 27
May 1979
September 1979
June 1980
February 1981
May 1981
Timothy Phillips SM. You Will Be My Witnesses: William Joseph Chaminade
and Christian Witness. 81 pp.
Joseph Stefanelli SM. Our Marianist Heritage. 205 pp.
Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM. Mary in the Life and Teaching of Father
Chaminade. 115 pp.
John Melloh SM. Two Studies on the French School and Father Chaminade.
106 pp.
Jean Claude Délas SM. History of the Constitutions of the Society of Mary. 259
Joseph Verrier SM. Chaminade Miscellany. 146 pp.
Francisco José García de Vinuesa Zabala SM. Relations of the Society of Mary
with the Sodality-State. 253 pp.
Marianist Futures. David M. Richards SM, ed. 86 pp.
Vincent R. Vasey SM. Marianist Presence in Education, 90 pp.
Essays in Marianist Spirituality. Robert Backherms SM, ed. 77 pp.
Joseph C. Cavanaugh. Social Thought: Insights Into Social Justice. 44 pp.
Joseph Verrier SM. The Sodality of Father Chaminade. 461 pp.
August 1983
Joseph Verrier SM. The Sodality of Father Chaminade. 501 pp
March 1982
Doc 28
Doc 29
Doc 30
Doc 31
Doc 32
May 1982
June 1982
November 1984
October 1986
November 1986
Doc 33
December 1986
Doc 34
Doc 35
December 1989
Doc 36
May 1993
Doc 37
January 1995
Doc 38
January 1997
Doc 39
February 1998
Doc 40
Doc 41
Proceedings of the Symposium on Discernment in the Marianist Tradition.
Thomas F. Giardino SM, ed. 193 pp.
Vincent R. Vasey SM. The Vasey Collection I. 153 pp.
Juan Mariá Artadi SM. Charism In the Society of Mary. 84 pp.
Joseph Stefanelli SM. Her Only Son. 114 pp.
Joseph Stefanelli SM. Marianist Heritage in the Rule of Life. 201 pp.
Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM. To Know, To Love, To Serve Mary with William
Joseph Chaminade, 93 pp.
Phillippe Pierrel SM. A Missionary Journey with William Joseph Chaminade,
Founder of the Marianists (1761-1850). 97 pp.
no publication under this number
Seeds for Tomorrow's Church: The Keynote Addresses of the Marianist
Continental Assembly, July 1988. Carol Quinn, ed. 66 pp..
Margaret A. Cavanaugh, "Our Strengths for the Future: Seed for Tomorrow's
Joseph Holland, "Leadership and Power in Today's Church"
Thomas J. Gumbelton, "Justice and Reconciliation in Today's Church"
Herbert George Kramer SM, The Third Order and the ‘Soeurs Compagnes’ of
the Daughter of Mary. 64 pp.
The Promised Woman: Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Marianist Spirituality May 5-13, 1992. Lawrence J. Cada SM, ed. 748 pp.
Father Leo Meyer’s 13 Years at Nazareth. John G. Graves SM.
Sesquicentennial Series, no 1. 270 pp.
The Society of Mary in Mexico. Robert Wood SM. Sesquicentennial Series,
no 2. 131 pp.
Early Members of the Society of Mary. Lawrence J. Cada, SM. A researcher’s
tool. 553 pp.
Letters of Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon. Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon. Two
volumes, 383 pp. and 544 pp.
cumulative index
Doc 42
Doc 43
Doc 44
Doc 45
Doc 46
Doc 47
Doc 48
Doc 49
Doc 50
Doc 51
Doc 52
Doc 53
Doc 54
Doc 55
Doc 56
cumulative index
William Joseph Chaminade, His Apostolic Intent and His Engagement with
Schools, Instruction, and Education: An Historical Portrait. Joseph H.
Lackner SM. 64 pp.
American Memoirs. Thomas Mooney SM, John Brueck SM, Edward Gorman
SM. 144 pp.
Scripture and the Marian Writings of Father William Joseph Chaminade.
Bertrand A. Buby SM. 148 pp.
Chaminade’s Message Today. Eduardo Benlloch SM. 156 pp.
Jalons. Joseph Verrier SM. 4 volumes: 492, 635, 422, 89 pp.
After Adèle. Franca Zonta, FMI. 381 pp.
Confidential Memorandum. Narcisse Roussel SM. 67 pp.
The Courtès Letters. Jean L. Courtès SM. 290 pp.
The Armbruster Collection. Jean-Baptiste Armbruster SM. 135 pp.
Suppression of Religious Orders. Lucia Ubbiali FMI. 180 pp.
Stories from the Wake. Mary Lynne Gasaway Hill. 89 pp.
The Chaminade Legacy, vol. 1. William Joseph Chaminade. 711 pp..
Vol. 2. 487 pp.
Vol. 3. 620 pp.
Vol. 4. 636 pp.
Vol. 5. 683 pp.
Reason, Revelation, and Faith of the Heart. Antonio Gascón. 233 pp.
Autobiography of Father Emile Neubert, Marianist. Emile Neubert, 84 pp.
(by title)
Blessed Jakob Gapp, Marianist. Joseph Levit SM. 1998, 136 pp.
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, Founder of the Marianist Family. Vincent Gizard SM. 2000, 116 pp.
The Blesseds Carlos, Jesús, Fidel, Marianists. Emilio Ortega SM. 1999, 221 pp.
Maybe God Will Speak to Me: The Story of Faustino Pérez-Manglano. José María Salaverri SM. 2003, 95 pp.
(by year)
1998. Blessed Jakob Gapp, Marianist. Joseph Levit SM. 136 pp.
1999. The Blesseds Carlos, Jesús, Fidel, Marianists. Emilio Ortega SM. 221 pp.
2000. Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, Founder of the Marianist Family. Vincent Gizard SM. 116 pp.
2003. Maybe God Will Speak to Me: The Story of Faustino Pérez-Manglano. José María Salaverri SM. 95 pp.
cumulative index
(by title)
Adèle. Joseph Stefanelli SM. 1989, 516 pp.
Adèle, Aristocrat for the Poor. Joseph Stefanelli SM. 1999, 28 pp.
After Adèle. Franca Zonta, FMI. 2002, 381 pp.
The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Teaching of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI, and William Joseph
Chaminade. Robert Wood SM, ed. 1973, 65 pp. [no longer available]
Celebrating 150 Years: The Marianists in North America. NACMS Staff. 1999, 8 pp.
Chaminade: Another Portrait. Vincent R. Vasey SM. 1987, 355 pp.
Chaminade Lore. Herbert Kramer SM. 1984, 439 pp.
Chaminade, Pragmatist with a Vision. 2000, 33 pp.
The Chapel of the Madeleine. 2005, 63 pp.
Companions of Adèle. Joseph Stefanelli SM. 1990, 417 pp.
Enfleshing the Word: Prayer and the Marianist Spiritual Journey. Enrique Aguilera SM and José María Arnaiz
SM. 2000, 302 pp.
Fullness of Life through Prayer. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. 1981, 73 pp.
The Grain of Wheat: Dynamics of Spiritual Growth. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. Reprint, 1997, 88 pp.
God Alone. Thoughts from Adèle. Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon. 2005. 118 pp.
Habits for the Journey: A Mystical and Political Spirituality for Small Christian Communities.
Bernard J. Lee, SM. 2000, 117 pp.
Last Years of Father Chaminade: 1841-1850. Vincent R. Vasey, SM. 1970, 152 pp.
A Manual of Marianist Spirituality. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. 1988, 2000, 67 pp.
Marian Writings. William Joseph Chaminade. 1980; vol I, 239 pp., vol II, 446 pp.
Marianist Direction. Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM, ed. 1981, vol 4, 399 pp.
Marianists in a Continuing Mission. Louis Gadiou SM and Jean Claude Délas, 1973, 156 pp.
Marie Thérèse de Lamourous, Firm of Hand, Loving of Heart. Joseph Stefanelli SM, 2001, 30 pp.
Mlle de Lamourous: A Resource on Marie Thérèse de Lamourous. Joseph Stefanelli SM. 1998, 518 pp.
The Mother of Jesus Was There. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. 1984, 49 pp.
NACMS Cumulative Index. NACMS. 1999. Reprint 2013. 89 pp.
Origins of the Marianist Family. Notes on Marianist History. Eduardo Benlloch SM. Robert D. Wood, trans.
2010, 362 pp.
Our First Century: 1817-1917. Henri Lebon SM. 1975, 245 pp.
Our Marianist Heritage. Joseph Stefanelli SM. 2003, 112 pp.
A Retreat with Adèle. Eileen J. Cehyra FMI. 1999, 24 pp.
Running Giant. Louis Reile SM. 1993, 2008. 137 pp.
The Spirit of Our Foundation. William Joseph Chaminade. 1977, vol IV, 471 pp.
The Spiritual Life according to the Writings of Father Chaminade. Paul Joseph Hoffer SM. Henry Bradley SM
and Quentin Hakenewerth SM, trans. 1969, 203 pp.
cumulative index
(by title) continued
Venerable Chaminade's État: A Forerunner of Secular Institutes. Herbert George Kramer SM. 1974, 159 pp.
Virtues for Mission. Joseph H. Lackner SM. 2003, 90 pp.
Walking with Adèle. Marie-Joëlle Bec FMI. 2003, 93 pp.
Walking with William Joseph Chaminade. Roger Bichelberger. 2003, 102 pp.
William Joseph Chaminade, Founder of the Marianists. Joseph Simler SM. 1986, 547 pp.
Writings on Faith. William Joseph Chaminade. Joseph Roy, trans. 2005; vol I, 174 pp., vol. II, 434 pp.
Writings on Mental Prayer. William Joseph Chaminade. 1979, 509 pp.
cumulative index
(by year)
1969. Paul Joseph Hoffer SM. The Spiritual Life according to the Writings of Father Chaminade. 203 pp.
1970. Vincent R. Vasey SM. Last Years of Father Chaminade: 1841-1850. 152 pp.
1973. Louis Gadiou SM and Jean Claude Délas. Marianists in a Continuing Mission. 156 pp.
1973. Robert Wood SM, ed. The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Teaching of the Second Vatican Council, Pope
Paul VI, and William Joseph Chaminade. 65 pp. [no longer available]
1974. Herbert George Kramer SM. Venerable Chaminade's Etat: A Forerunner of Secular Institutes. 159 pp.
1975. Henri Lebon SM. Our First Century: 1817-1917. 245 pp.
1977. William Joseph Chaminade. The Spirit of Our Foundation. Vol IV. 471 pp.
1979. William Joseph Chaminade. Writings on Mental Prayer. 509 pp.
1980. William Joseph Chaminade. Marian Writings. Vol I, 239 pp. Vol II, 446 pp.
1981. Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM, ed. Marianist Direction. Volume 4, 399 pp.
1981. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. Fullness of Life through Prayer. 73 pp.
1984. Herbert Kramer SM. Chaminade Lore. 439 pp.
1984. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. The Mother of Jesus Was There. 49 pp.
1986. Joseph Simler SM. William Joseph Chaminade, Founder of the Marianists. 547 pp.
1987. Vincent R. Vasey SM. Chaminade: Another Portrait. 355 pp.
1989. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Adèle. 516 pp.
1990. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Companions of Adèle. 417 pp.
1997. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. The Grain of Wheat: Dynamics of Spiritual Growth. Reprint, 88 pp.
1998. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Mlle de Lamourous: A Resource on Marie Thérèse de Lamourous. 518 pp.
1999. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Adèle, Aristocrat for the Poor. 28 pp.
1999. NACMS Staff. Celebrating 150 Years: The Marianists in North America. 8 pp.
1999. NACMS. NACMS Cumulative Index. 69 pp.
2000. Eileen J. Cehyra FMI. A Retreat with Adèle. 24 pp.
2000. Enrique Aguilera SM and José María Arnaiz. Enfleshing the Word: Prayer and the Marianist Spiritual
Journey. 302 pp.
2000. Bernard J. Lee SM. Habits for the Journey: A Mystical and Political Spirituality for Small Christian
Communities. 117 pp.
2000. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Chaminade, Pragmatist with a Vision. 33 pp.
2000, 1988. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. A Manual of Marianist Spirituality. 67 pp.
2001. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Marie Thérèse de Lamourous, Firm of Hand, Loving of Heart. 30 pp.
2002. Franca Zonta FMI. After Adèle. 381 pp.
cumulative index
(by year) continued
2003. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Our Marianist Heritage. 112 pp.
2003. Joseph H. Lackner SM. Virtues for Mission. 90 pp.
2003. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Our Marianist Heritage. 112 pp.
2003. Marie-Joëlle Bec FMI. Walking with Adèle. 93 pp.
2003. Roger Bichelberger. Walking with William Joseph Chaminade. 203 pp.
2005. Jean-Baptiste Armbruster SM. The Chapel of the Madeleine. 63 pp.
2005. William Joseph Chaminade. Writings on Faith. Vol I, 175 pp. Vol II, 434 pp.
2006. Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon. God Alone. Thoughts from Adèle. 118 pp.
2008, 1993. Louis Reile SM. Running Giant. 137 pp.
cumulative index
(by title)
Adèle: Aristocrat for the Poor. Joseph Stefanelli SM. 1984, 1 cassette.
And That Was Ferree: Some Episodes from Ferree's Life. John Jansen SM. 1994, 1 cassette.
Chaminade's Inspired Project. Robert Ross SM. 1984, 2 cassettes.
The Dynamics of Marianist Asceticism and Administration. Adolf Windisch SM. 1983, 1 cassette.
The Family of Mary: Building Communities in a Fragmented World. Dennis J. Gatto, SM. 1993, 1 cassette.
Ferree's Thought from a 1992 Perspective: Social Justice and Marianist Vision. Margaret A. Cavanaugh.
1994, 1 cassette.
Formation in Marianist Spirituality for Lay and Religious Marianists. Quentin Hakenewerth SM.
1994, 2 cassettes.
The Four Founders of the Family of Mary. Adolf Windisch SM. 1983, 1 cassette.
A History of the Society of Mary. Lawrence Cada SM. 1979, 15 cassettes (14 hours).
Introduction to the System of Virtues. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. 1982, 7 cassettes.
Key Challenges in Marianist Life and Mission Today. David Fleming SM. 1984, 12 cassettes.
Marianist Family 101: The Basics of Marianist Life. Carol P. Quinn. 1994, 1 cassette.
Mary. Robert Bouffier SM. 1994, 2 cassettes.
Families Standing Up Against Social Disadvantage: One Marianist’s Observations. Linda Zappacosta.
1994, 1 cassette.
(by year)
1979. Lawrence Cada SM. A History of the Society of Mary. 15 cassettes (14 hours).
1982. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. Introduction to the System of Virtues. 7 cassettes.
1983. Adolf Windisch SM. The Four Founders of the Family of Mary. 1 cassette.
1983. Adolf Windisch SM. The Dynamics of Marianist Asceticism and Administration. 1 cassette.
1984. David Fleming SM. Key Challenges in Marianist Life and Mission Today. 12 cassettes.
1984. Robert Ross SM. Chaminade’s Inspired Project. 2 cassettes.
1991. Joseph Stefanelli SM. Adèle: Aristocrat for the Poor. 1 cassette.
1992. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. Formation in Marianist Spirituality for Lay and Religious Marianists.
2 cassettes.
1992. Ferree Symposium Talks
Margaret A. Cavanaugh, Ferree's Thought from a 1992 Perspective: Social Justice and
Marianist Vision.
John Jansen SM, And That Was Ferree: Some Episodes from Ferree's Life. 2 cassettes.
1993. Dennis J. Gatto SM. The Family of Mary: Building Communities in a Fragmented World. 1 cassette.
1994. Carol P. Quinn. Marianist Family 101: The Basics of Marianist Life. 1 cassette.
1994. Robert Bouffier SM. Mary. 2 cassettes.
1994. Ferree Symposium Talk. Linda Zappacosta. Families Standing Up Against Social Disadvantage: One
Marianist’s Observations. 1 cassette.
cumulative index
MY DEAR FRIEND Spiritual Companioning Series
(by title)
“Arising Anew.” Joyce Detzel. Series 3 (6 sessions), 2003.
“Heroic Hearts.” Joyce Detzel. Series 2 (6 sessions), 2003.
“Power of the Pen.” Joyce Detzel. Series 1 (6 sessions), 2003.
cumulative index
(by title)
“Can You Explain What You Mean When You Say. . . ?” Carol Quinn. December 1999. 4 pp.
“How Are the Marianist Three Offices Like an Orchestra” Joan McGuinness Wagner and Patti Gehred. 2013,
4 pp.
“How Do Marianists Do Social Justice” Jim Vogt. May 2008, 6 pp.
“How Do People Make Commitments to Living Marianist Life?” Alison R. Cawley and Lawrence J. Cada,SM.
2012, 4 pp.
“Setting a Marianist Table.” Carol Quinn and Laura Leming FMI. December 1995, 6 pp.
“What Are Chaminade’s Principles of Community Building?” Thomas F. Giardino SM. 2009, 6 pp.
“What Do You Mean, ‘I’m a Missionary’?”Adolf M. Windisch SM and Daniel M. Jordan. Summer 2001. 4 pp.
“What Do You Mean, ‘Community Is a Gift and Task’?” Isabella Moyer. July 2003. 6 pp.
“What Is the Marianist Tradition of Prayer?” Stephen Glodek SM. July 2006. 4 pp.
“Who Are the Marianist Saints?” Daniel M. Jordan and Adolf M. Windisch SM. July 2000. 4 pp.
“Who Makes Up the Marianist Family?” Carol Quinn. November 1993, 6 pp.
“Who Started All This, Anyhow?” Joseph Stefanelli SM. November 1994, 6 pp.
“Whose Wine Is It? Reflections on the Discipleship of Equals in Marianist Communities.”
Stephen Glodek SM. January 1997, 6 pp.
“Why Mary?” Carol Quinn. October 1992, 4 pp.
(by year)
October 1992
“Why Mary?” Carol Quinn. 4 pp.
November 1993
“Who Makes Up the Marianist Family?” Carol Quinn. 6 pp.
November 1994
“Who Started All This, Anyhow?” Joseph Stefanelli SM. 6 pp.
December 1995
“Setting a Marianist Table.” Carol Quinn and Laura Leming FMI. 6 pp.
January 1997
“Whose Wine Is It? Reflections on the Discipleship of Equals in Marianist
Communities.” Stephen Glodek SM. 6 pp.
December 1999:
“Can You Explain What You Mean When You Say. . . ?” Carol Quinn. 6 pp.
July 2000
“Who Are the Marianist Saints?” Daniel M. Jordan and Adolf M. Windisch SM.
4 pp.
Summer 2001
“What Do You Mean, ‘I’m a Missionary’?”Adolf M. Windisch SM and
Daniel M. Jordan. 4 pp.
July 2003
“What Do You Mean, ‘Community Is a Gift and Task’?” Isabella Moyer. 6 pp.
July 2006
“What Is the Marianist Tradition of Prayer?” Stephen Glodek SM. 4 pp.
May 2008
“How Do Marianists Do Social Justice?” Jim Vogt
“What Are Chaminade’s Principles of Community Building?”
Thomas F. Giardino SM. 6 pp.
“How Do People Make Commitments to Living Marianist Life?” Alison R. Cawley
and Lawrence J. Cada, SM. 4 pp.
“How Are the Marianist Three Offices Like an Orchestra?” Joan McGuinness
Wagner and Patti Gehred. 4 pp.
cumulative index
“Talking Points,” Alison Cawley, Patti Gehred, Pati Krasensky. 2011
“Can You Explain What You Mean When You Say…?” 2 pp.
‘How do Marianists do Social Justice?” 2 pp.
“What Do You Mean, Çommunity Is a Gift and Task?” 3pp.
“What Do You Mean, I’m a Missionary?” 2pp.
“What is the Marianist Tradition of Prayer?” 2pp.
“Who Makes Up the Marianist Family?” 2 pp.
“Who are the Marianist Saints?” 2 pp.
“Who started this, anyhow?” 3 pp.
“Whose Wine Is It?” 4 pp.
”Why Mary?” 2011, 3 pp.
cumulative index
(materials also distributed by NACMS)
Adèle, Aristocrat for the Poor. Joseph Stefanelli SM. NACMS and Marianist Sisters, 1999. 28 pp.
A Christian Educator of Youth in the Nineteenth Century: Father Jean Baptiste Lalanne. Herbert Pieper SM.
Trans. Pierre Humbertclaude SM. San Antonio Texas: Burke Publishing Co, 2000. 278 pp.
Commentary on the Rule of Life of the Society of Mary of the Society of Mary. Ambrogio Albano, ed. English
version. General Administration, 1994. 1368 pp.
Creciendo en las Virtudes de Jesús. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. Translated by Mario González-Simancas SM.
1998. 176 pp.
Devotion to Mary in Chaminade’s Life and Thought. Jean Baptiste Armbruster SM. Province of the Pacific,
1998. 45 pp.
Do Whatever He Tells You. Jack Ventura SM. Saragossa Publications, 1997. 71 pp.
Education and Transformation: Marianist Ministries in America since 1849. Christopher Kauffman. Crossroad,
1999. 366 pp.
From a Full Heart: Thoughts from Father Chaminade. William Joseph Chaminade. Compiled by Francis J.
Greiner SM. 1949. Compact Disc.
The Great Design of God’s Love (A Companion to Growing in the Virtues of Jesus). Quentin Hakenewerth SM.
1997. 106 pp
Growing in the Virtues of Jesus. Quentin Hakenewerth SM. 1997. 188 pp.
(Just) Do Whatever He Tells You! A Practical Guide to Building Lay Christian Communities.
Margaret Cavanaugh, ed. Marianist Lay Network of North America, 1997. 78 pp.
(Just) Do Whatever He Tells You . . . Together! A Practical Guide to Collaboration among Communities in the
Marianist Family. Margaret Cavanaugh, ed. Marianist Lay Network of North America, 1999.
The Marianist Charism and Our Life/Work among the Poor. Joseph Jansen SM. Saragossa Publications,
20 pp.
The Marianist Family. Paul J. Landolfi SM. Saragossa Publications, 1990. 15 pp.
Marianist Lay Community Directory. NACMS, 1997. 195 pp.
The Marianist Person at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century. Hugh W. Bihl SM. Modern Theology and
Marianist Spirituality Series. Madrid: Imprenta SM, 2001. 111 pp.
Marianist Praxis. Building Marianist Educational Culture. Stephen Glodek SM. NACMS, 2012. 49 pp.
Mary and the Priestly Ministry. Emile Neubert SM. New Bedford, Mass.:Thomas A. Stanley SM, trans.
Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, 2009. 270 pp..
NACMS Cumulative Index. NACMS, 2003, 2013. 75 pp.
Pilgrims All: Living the Mysteries of Jesus with Mary. Paul J. Landolfi SM. Saragossa Publications,
1994. 28 pp.
The Promise and the Path. Starting and Sustaining Marianist Communities. Thomas F. Giardino SM. NACMS,
2011. 135 pp.
Reading the Signs of the Times, Speaking to a Changing World: An Overview of Catholic Theology from 1800
to 2000. John A. McGrath SM. Modern Theology and Marianist Spirituality Series. Madrid: Imprenta
SM, 2003. 203 pp.
cumulative index
(materials also distributed by NACMS)
Second page
Related Texts to Articles of the Rule of Life of the Society of Mary. Raymond E. Malley SM. NACMS,
1992. 194 pp.
A Short History of Marianist Spirituality. Lawrence J. Cada SM. Modern Theology and Marianist Spirituality
Series. Madrid: Imprenta SM, 2000. 139 pp.
Two Readers, A Colorful Enantiodromia: Reading the Mysteries of Your Other Self. Peter Daino SM.
Binghamton, NY: Brundage Publishing, 2003. 230 pp.
Until Christ Be Formed in You: A Conversation with Mary on Living the Virtues of Jesus. Paul J. Landolfi SM.
Saragossa Publications, 1995. 148 pp.
Whose wine is it? Reflections on the relationship between Marianist religious communities and Marianist lay
communities. Keynote address, Province of Cincinnati Assembly, June 17, 1995.Stephen Glodek SM.
18 pp.
cumulative index