psychologists of the past

C. Ivan Pavlov
A. Carl Rogers
B. B.F. Skinner
D. John B. Watson
E. Rene’ Descartes
F. Sigmund Freud
G. Wilhelm Wundt
H. Margaret Floy
I. Edward B. Titchener
J. Mary Whiton Calkins
K. William James
L. G. Stanley Hall
M. Abraham Maslow
N. Kenneth B. Clark
O. Karen Horney
Believed that the mind and body interact to create our conscious experiences,
a principle called interactive dualism.
Created the first psychology lab and worked to connect psychology to
physiology/science. Known as the Father of Psychology.
Developed the early of school of thought called Structuralism which stated
that our conscious experiences could be broken down into their component parts of
sensations and feelings. Used introspection to study this.
Created the first psychology textbook, Principles of Psychology. Created
Functionalism which stated that behavior functions to allow people and animals to
adapt to their environments.
Founded the American Psychological Association. Received the first Ph.D. in
psychology in the U.S. and founded the first psych lab in the U.S.
Completed the Ph.D. program in psych at Harvard but was denied her degree.
Went on to become the first woman president of the American Psychological
Association in 1905.
First American woman to earn official Ph.D. in psychology. Studied and
wrote about the animal mind. Became 2nd woman president of the APA in 1921.
Emphasized the role of unconscious thoughts/conflicts in determining a
person’s behavior and personality. Founder of psychoanalysis.
Founded the principle of learning called Classical Conditioning. Was able to
teach his dogs to salivate to a bell thus proving that reflexive responses could be
linked to non-natural stimuli.
Father of the school of thought called behaviorism that says psychology
should only study observable behavior if it is to be considered a science. Famously
taught a baby to be scared of white fury objects using the principles of Classical
Studied the learning of voluntary behaviors through the principles of
rewards/reinforcements and punishments.
Founded the school of thought called Humanistic psychology that emphasized
people’s conscious experiences and the role of self-determination, free will and choice
on a person’s behavior.
Humanistic theorist that stated people are motivated by a drive for
psychological growth otherwise known as self-actualization.