
第三屆敦煌全國大專盃-英文書評競賽 得獎作品
恭喜榮獲『英文書評競賽』一般組 佳作
閱讀書目:Cry Freedom
I, who am fortunate enough to live in a democratic country Taiwan, am sometimes too overwhelmed to
accept this blessing as a matter of course. One of the major reasons why Cry Freedom attracts me is its
powerful title. I know I would find out the significance of democracy and the price of freedom in Cry Freedom,
which was written by John Briley.
Cry Freedom was happened in South Africa, One morning Donald Woods, who was a journalist, heard
about a police attacking the black township Crossroads. Woods received photos and news of the raid and he
decided to print them, which the government did not allow to. Woods opposed police brutality against black
people, so he wrote an editorial about Steve Biko, who was the young black on the photo. Woods met Biko the
other day and he listened to Biko’s opinions. They also went to the black slums in an old black taxi which was
only for black people. Biko was caught because an informer told the police about the speech. In the police
office Biko was beaten and threw out. Woods helped Biko print the words and find witness although it was
against the law. Woods cannot print the article in the newspaper because the witness would be murdered. Two
policemen came and wanted to know the name of the witnesses but Woods denied telling. Mapetla, who was
one of the witnesses, died of injustice. Biko drove to Cape Town to find the evidence although he knew it very
dangerous. On the way, the car stopped by, Biko was recognized and the police arrested him immediately. The
body was covered with bruises and forehead and eyes were seriously injured after the doctor came. When Biko
was sent to the hospital, he had died. Woods printed an article about him with the headline "Biko dies in
custody" and run away without being found by the government.
I realize liberty’s preciousness after the end of Biko’s sacrificing death. I greatly admired Biko because
of his courage and determination to pursue freedom and human rights all African eagered. In addition, I
understand the importance of equality. In other words, all humans have same rights and freedom, which has
deeply rooted in our daily life. I remember when I watched cartoons that people who wore black were
considered to be bad person and who wore white were considered justice. However, in the real world, colors
are not a fair way to commend a person. In our democratic country, we had free wills such as freedom of
speech, freedom of the movement, freedom of press and so on. From Cry Freedom I acquire bravery from
Donald Woods, who fought for the truth, resolution from Steve Biko, who strived for dignity and treasure from
our national father, who gave Taiwan citizens a democratic country. When eating a bowl of congee or rice,
remind yourself that it is not easy to come by.
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