Lifelong Learning Programme Lifelong Learning Programme Application Form 2011 Call for proposals DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (To be attached to the eForm) Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 1 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 1 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name Kungälvs Kommun C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). Kungälv is a municipality 20 km north from Gothenburg in the western part of Sweden. The population is approx 41000. Our school sector contains preschools, primary schools, secondary and upper secondary schools. 12 teachers from primary and secondary schools will take part in our project. Teachers at all levels work with mathematic development in a local project called “the Kungälv Model”. However this work must be taken to higher level to engage headteachers and researchers. Our project together with schools and universities in four countries will focus on collaboration between teachers, headteachers and didactic researchers in order to help low achievers to reach their national goals in mathematics. Modern technology is an important tool for success. Our department for ICT-pedagogy, together with Gothenburg University will help the teachers to find the most effective method. Our key role will be as lead partner. We will have overall responsibility for the project’s management, coordination, implementation and budget. Having a good experience in Learning Study Kungälv will secure the outcome of the project. Together with all partners we have great responsibility in developing mathematics education so all students may achieve a passing grade. Together with the world leading experts in Learning Study, the researchers of Gothenburg University, and our partners, we will ensure the best conditions for the project’s success. The project is political and financially assured in our Municipality. C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. Ingvor Kvist Completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Gothenburg where she obtained her BA in Secondary education 1979 followed by a pedagogic exam 1980. Between 1980-2004 she worked as a secondary school teacher in the Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 2 of 66 Linda Andersson Magnus Kvist Johan Busck Annika Lindell municipalities of Gothenburg and Kungälv. 2005 she attended a course at the University of Uppsala,” Children with specific mathematic difficulties”. 2006- she began working as a maths supervisor in the municipality of Kungälv. 2006 she attended a course in the Learning study model at the University of Gothenburg and have continued the work with implementation of the model in schools in Kungälv 2008 – Development manager at the municipal office. Develop and work with Kungälvs external financiers and relationships, (projects and twin towns). 2000 – 2008 Head of municipal office; 1987 – 2000 Investigator (employee of the municipality of Kungälv since 1987-) 1986 University of Växjö. Teacher in P.E. between 1976-2004. Has worked with ICT development since 1996. Since 2005 head of department of ICT-pedagogy in municipality of Kungälv. Member of regional ICT networks. Teacher in Math and PE for ages 12-16 since 1994. Has worked with ICT in school since 1995 and since 2005 employed as an ICT-pedagogue in the municipality of Kungälv. Specialized in mobile learning using gps and cell phones. Economist since 1989 in the Childcare and Education Department. Has an economic degree from Gothenburg University. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 3 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 2 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name The town of Varkaus, Office of education and culture C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). Our role is to be a participant. We work in two different schools, Könönpelto and Päiviönsaari. Könönpelto is a primary school with about 300 pupils and secondary school of Päiviönsaari has about 450 pupils. Our key activities in the project are: - to discuss the topics we will test in our Learning study research with the University of Jyväskylä - to prepare the lessons about the topics we have decided - to teach the lessons and film them including the pre- and post-tests - to analyse the lessons and test results together with the university - to do all the practical work concerning this project - to do our part of the management of this project Financial management will be secured through the partnership agreement. We will report directly to lead partner economist. C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Mr. Kari Tyrväinen Mr. Heikki Loimusalo Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. Lecturer in Mathematics and ICT, working experience: 20 years teaching in Business College, High School and Secondary School, strong experience in different kinds of EU –projects, skills for using technology in teaching Class teacher, working experience: 27 years including 7 years of work with lowachievers, skills for filming and editing and using technology in teaching Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 4 of 66 Mr. Sami Hänninen Ms Päivi Kilpeläinen Class teacher , a deputy headteacher, working experience: 10 years teaching, a lot of experience in elementary education and ICT, skills for using technology in teaching Headteacher of Könönpelto school, working experience 20 years, strong experience in different kinds of EU –projects, skills for using technology in teaching, special skills in Mathematics, teaching skills also in English Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 5 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 3 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name Goeteborgs Universitet C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). The role of GU is foremost to support the project with supervision of the learning studies and to educate the teachers about learning studies, variation theory and subject matter didactics. Furthermore GU is the one part to evaluate the project and to make an exploratory study, of one of the learning studies, to gain further insights about learning studies and the use of ICT in teaching and learning. Learning study has been shown to be successful model for the development of student learning in mathematics (Kullberg, 2010; Wernberg, 2009). However, ICT has not previously been used to enhance student learning in learning studies. This project further develops learning studies by means of ICT and international collaboration about studies teaching the same content. Financial management will be secured through the partnership agreement. We will report directly to lead partner economist. C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. Angelika Kullberg Angelika Kullberg, PhD, Senior lecturer in pedagogical work Expertise: learning study and variation theory, mathematics education Publications Peer reviewed Kullberg, A. (2010). What is taught and what is learned. Professional insight gained and shared by teachers of mathematics. Göteborg studies in educational sciences 293. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Kullberg, A., Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2009). Variation within, and covariation between, representations. In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou & C. Sakonidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 6 of 66 Johan Häggström Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 3, pp. 433-440. Thessaloniki, Greece: PME. Kullberg, A. (2007). Can lessons be replicated? In J.H. Woo, H.C. Lew, K.S. Park, & D.Y. Seo, (Eds.). Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol 3,pp. 121-128. Seoul: PME. Kullberg, A. (2007). Different possibilities to learn infinity of decimal numbers. In Woo, J.H., Lew,H.C., Park, K.S. & D.Y. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol 1, p. 319. Seoul: PME. Kullberg, A., & Runesson, U. (2006). Exploring teaching and learning of letters in algebra: a report from a Learning study. In Novotná, J., Moraová, H., Krátká, M, & Stehlíkova, N. (Eds). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of mathematics Education, Vol 1, p. 273. Prague: PME. Books/Bookchapters Kullberg, A. (in press). Nycklar till elevernas lärande [in Swedish: Keys to student learning]. I B. Jansson (Red.). Den utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnan, p. xx. Stockholm: Lärarnas Riksförbund. Runesson, U., Kullberg, A., & Maunula, T. (in press). Sensitivity to student learning – a possible way of learning to enhance learning? In P.Sullivan & O.Zaslavski Constructing knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics: Tasks to enhance prospective and practicing teacher learning. London: Springer Runesson, U., & Kullberg, A. (2010). Learning from variation. Differences in learners’ ways of experiencing differences. In B. Sriraman, C. Bergsten, S. Goodchild, C. Michelsen, G. Palsdottir, O. Steinthorsdottir & L. Haapasalo, (Eds.), The Source book on Nordic Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 299-317. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Emanuelsson, J., Fainsilber, L., Häggström, J., Kullberg, A., Lindström, B., Löwing, M. (in press) (Eds.) Voices on learning and instruction in mathematics. National Centre of Mathematics Education, University of Gothenburg. Kullberg, A. (in press). What does it take to learn negative numbers? In J. Emanuelsson, L. Fainsilber, J. Häggström, A. Kullberg, B. Lindström, & M. Löwing, (Eds.) Voices on learning and instruction in mathematics. National Centre of Mathematics Education, University of Gothenburg. Kullberg, A. (2009). Elevers möjligheter att lära sig samma sak i olika klassrum [in Swedish: Students’ possibilities to learn the same thing in different classrooms]. In U. Runesson. & K. Rönnerman. (Red.). Pedagogiskt arbete. Ett forskarutbildningsämne i utveckling på IPD. IPD-rapporter 2008:08. Johan Häggström, PhD, Senior lecturer in mathematics education Expertise: learning study and variation theory, mathematics education Publications Peer reviewed Häggström, J. (2005). Begreppet funktion i historisk belysning. Normat, Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift, 53 (2), 82-92. Häggström. J. (2008). Teaching systems of linear equations in Sweden and China: What is made possible to learn? (Ph. D. Thesis). Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. [Availble as pdf from] Books/Bookchapters Häggström, J. (2006). The introduction of new content: what is possible to learn? In D. Clarke, J. Emanuelsson, E. Jablonka, & I. A. C. Mok (Eds.), Making connections: comparing mathematics classrooms around the world (pp. 185– 200). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Häggström, J. (in press). Bringing back mathematics into research on mathematics teaching. In J. Emanuelsson, L. Fainsilber, J. Häggström, A. Kullberg, B. Lindström & M. Löwing (Eds.), Voices on learning and instruction in mathematics. Göteborg: National Centre for Mathematics Education. Emanuelsson, J. & Häggström, J. (in press). Questioning in the classroom: classroom interaction in relation to algebraic tasks. In C. Keitel, K. Hino, R. Vithal, A. Begehr & D. Clarke (Eds.), Difference in Mathematics Classrooms Internationally. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 7 of 66 Mikael Holmqvist Mikael Holmqvist, Senior lecturer in mathematics education Expertise: ICT and mathematics education Publications Holmquist, M., & Lingefjärd, T. (2003). Mathematical modeling in teacher education. In Q. Ye, W. Blum, S. K. Houston, & Q. Jiang (Eds.), Mathematical Modeling in Education and Culture ICTMA 10: Applications in Science and Technology (pp. 197-208). Horwood: Chichester. Lingefjärd, T., & Holmquist, M. (2003). Learning mathematics using dynamic geometry tools. In S. J. Lamon, W. A. Parker, S. K. Houston (Eds.), Mathematical Modelling: A Way of Life ICTMA 11 (pp. 119-126). Horwood: Chichester. Lingefjärd, T. & Holmquist, M. (2003). Datormaskinens rolle i utdanningen av matematikklærere. In B. Grevholm (Red.). Matematikk for skolen (s 235-257). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Bergqvist, T., Holmquist, M., & Lingefjärd, T. (2004). The role of technology when teaching mathematics. Medlemsblad (Newsletter). Svensk Förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning, 9, 25-33. Holmquist, M., & Lingefjärd, T. (2006). The Catwalk Problem. I V. Dokumentation av Matematikbiennalen 2006 i Malmö 26-27 januari. Malmö högskola. ( Lingefjärd, T., & Holmquist, M. (2007). Model transitions in the real world: The catwalk problem. In C. Haines, P. Galbraith, W. Blum, S. Khan (Eds.), Mathematical Modelling: Education, Engineering and Economics ICTMA 12 (pp. 368-376). Horwood: Chichester. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 8 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 4 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name European University Cyprus C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). European University Cyprus (EUC, Former Cyprus College) is the first private higher educational institution to be established in Cyprus. Today EUC is a modern educational institution of higher learning, distinguished for its quality and continuous efforts to maintain a spirit of excellence in learning. EUC students benefit from the wide range of academic programs both in undergraduate and postgraduate studies, outstanding facilities, selected faculty and numerous student services and activities. EUC has a reputation for excellence and innovation in research. It is one of the leading research institutions in Cyprus, widely known due to its significant success in conducting innovative research. Faculty members of EUC are involved in numerous research projects funded by national and European, and international institutions. The research activity is centered in a number of research units and laboratories, which among others include the ICT-Enhanced Education Laboratory (ICTEE). The basic aim of ICTEE is to promote the intelligent use of information technologies in teaching and learning, through the conduct of high quality research that can stimulate effective innovations and improved learning outcomes. Role in the Project: EUC will be actively involved in all stages of the project. Combining expertise in mathematics education and ICT learning technologies, it will actively contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of a common European Learning Study model (WP2). EUC will also be involved in internal and external evaluation and quality management activities (WP3) and in dissemination (WP4) and exploitation and sustainability of the project outcomes (WP5). Financial management will be secured through the partnership agreement. We will report directly to lead partner economist. C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. Dr. Maria MeletiouMavrotheris is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at EUC. She holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education (University of Texas at Austin, 2000), an M.Sc. in Statistics (University of Texas at Austin, 1994), an M.Sc. in Operations Research Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 9 of 66 and Industrial Engineering (University of Texas at Austin, 1998), an M.A. in Open and Distance Learning (UK Open University, 2008), a B.A. in Mathematics Education (University of Texas at Austin, 1993), and Teacher’s Diploma in Elementary Education (Cyprus Pedagogical Academy, 1990). Her research work focuses on the study of issues related to the teaching and learning of statistics, while at the same time equally contributing to several other areas of mathematics, science and technology education, as well as to general education issues. She has established a respected research record through several publications in scholarly international journals, and has been able attract considerable funding from national and international sources. Her research record includes the coordination of the Socrates-Comenius project “EarlyStatistics: Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Early Statistical Reasoning in European Schools” (level of funding €275000, 2005-2008), and of the Lifelong Learning Program-Grundtvig Project “SMASH: Helping Parents to Help their Children Excel in Math and Science” (level of funding €299000, 20072009). The overall aim of EarlyStatistics was to enhance the quality of statistics education offered in European elementary and middle schools by facilitating intercultural online professional development of teachers using exemplary webbased educational tools and resources. SMASH aimed to raise the educational standards of European children in mathematics and science by cultivating underlying home cultures as springboards for learning. is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at EUC. She has a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education (Institute of Education, UK, 2003), an M.A in Mathematics Education (Institute of Education, UK, 1998), a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education (University of Cyprus, 1997), and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Statistics (University of Cyprus, 2006). Her research interests contribute to several areas of mathematics education, including the following: (1) study of issues related to the teaching and learning of statistics (2) design, Dr. Efi Paparistodemou implementation, and evaluation of innovative educational technologies, (3) preservice and in-service training of teachers, and (4) distance learning. She has several publications in international scholarly journals, and has participated in a number of EU funded projects, including the Socrates-Comenius project “EarlyStatistics: Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Early Statistical Reasoning in European Schools”, and the Lifelong Learning Program-Grundtvig Project “SMASH: Helping Parents to Help their Children Excel in Math and Science”. completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Cyprus where she obtained her BA in Primary Education with a minor degree in Psychology in 2005. Between 2006 and 2007 she worked as a primary school teacher under the employment of the Ministry of Education in Cyprus. She undertook postgraduate studies in 2005-2006 at the University of Manchester where she was awarded the degree of MEd ICT in Education with Distinction. She has also completed the M.Sc. in Educational Research with Mathematics Education in 2008 with Distinction. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Mathematics Education at the University of Manchester. Her Ph.D. thesis is entitled ‘The influence of parental aspirations on students’ dispositions to study further mathematics’. Her doctoral studies are funded by the School of Education at the University of Manchester and the A.G. Leventis Foundation. She is currently Ms Irene Kleanthous working at European University of Cyprus, where she teaches Educational Research methods and Didactics of Mathematics for the BEd in Primary Education. She was involved in various research projects at the University of Manchester where she has worked as a Research Assistant for 3 years. Some of the projects she was involved in were funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC): Keeping Open the Door to Mathematically Demanding Programmes in Further and Higher Education; Mathematics learning, identity and educational practice: the transition into Higher Education. She has also participated in a research project in distance learning: A review of Adventure Learning. Her research interests deal with students’ dispositions towards mathematics, parental influence, mathematics self-efficacy, teachers' and students' attitudes to teaching and learning mathematics with technology. She is Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 10 of 66 Dr. Andreas Kyriakides also interested in the use of dynamic geometry software (DGS) and the development of students’ geometrical thinking. currently works as a primary school teacher in Cyprus and is also a scientific collaborator at the department of Educational Studies of European University Cyprus. He got his bachelor degree in Education at The University of Cyprus. As a Fulbright scholar he pursued a master’s degree in Curriculum and Teaching at Michigan State University, USA. He then continued his doctoral studies at The Open University, UK. His PhD thesis focuses on diagrams as a productive basis for students to reconstruct, explore and expand their mathematics knowledge. One consideration for Andreas, given suitable conditions, is to turn his accumulated collection of research findings and pedagogical implications into a significant and transforming experience for people beyond the local boundaries of the particular primary school classroom in which his study was undertaken. In the field of teacher education, for instance, the following questions could open the territory for further studies: (i) What needs to be done so that the use of diagrams, apparatus or information and communication technologies (ICT) actually informs prospective teachers’ learning to teach mathematics? (ii) To what extent and how prospective teachers might be educated to appreciate learners’ “babble” as a contributor to meaning making? His sense is that in mathematics education courses attention could be directed to choices involving the use of pedagogical strategies and how these choices could be informed by reference to multicultural devices (e.g., Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, Dienes’ notion of embodied knowledge) which together comprise beliefs and theories about teaching and learning. Although prospective teachers are driven by desire that everyone encounter mathematics meaningfully and engagingly, Andreas believes that teacher educators need to awaken them into how it is really like to be a learner of mathematics. For him, educating teachers is as much about training them to acquire the knowledge base as it is about sharpening their sensitivity to the complexities of learning and directing their attention to practices and constructs which can inform preferences when teaching. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 11 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 5 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name Heads, Teachers and Industry Ltd. C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). HTI is successful in managing large scale training programmes for Teachers, Head Teachers and other Educational Leaders at both national and regional level. We specialize in leadership development and since 1998, we have facilitated the professional development needs of over 20,000 school leaders across the country. The programmes we manage and deliver, often involve blended learning to give flexibility to participants. HTI has experience in working in an international/global dimension in schools through our delivery of the Teachers International Professional Development Programme on behalf of the Department for Education. Within our organization we have access to staff/consultants with excellent IT expertise and knowledge. HTI´s role in the project is to evaluate the project process and to have the responsibility for the project overall performance, as a critical reviewer. HTI will also be responsible for the communication and project process concerning the schools and university in UK. HTI will be moderator at the final conference. Financial management will be secured through the partnership agreement. We will report directly to lead partner economist. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 12 of 66 C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Andy Tromans Pete Anstey Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. is an E-Twinning consultant for British Council an in this capacity leads ETwinning and Global dimension training for teachers and school leaders. He also has extensive Comenius Project experience and has lead international schools development training in Egypt. He is also a national award holder for the use of ICT in school leadership. was responsible for researching, developing, piloting and establishing a National ICT programme for headteachers, focusing on their role in strategic leadership of ICT ‘Strategic Leadership of ICT in schools’ programme (SLICT). He also directed the open elements of the highly successful Learning and Technology World Forum (LATWF) 2009 and 2010. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 13 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 6 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name University of Wolverhampton C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). Teacher education, initial & CPD - Initial – Primary (5-11) - “Outstanding” Ofsted (2010)- (national inspection measure) - Secondary (11-18) - Teaching Maths + ICT - Developing & Researching Maths Pedagogy - School of Education – 1400 full time + part time student teachers - High Quality ICT Facilities in bespoke building - Secure partnerships with a variety of schools and other institutions (in UK and overseas) - Comenius Project – use of ICT in outdoor learning (Eng & Greece) Recent publications/projects of key staff - First year experience in H.E – European study - Developing Maths - subject knowledge/pedagogy - Use of electronic record of professional development - Impact of SEN experience on students training to teach 5-11 year olds. The role in the project will be to supervise the english teachers in the learning studies and to support the schoolpartners in all countries with ICT competence . Financial management will be secured through the partnership agreement. We will report directly to lead partner economist. C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. Ms Balbir Ahir High Standard of Teaching (Ofsted Grade 1- national inspection outcome) - The university has a High level of Maths & ICT expertise. - We enable students to experience curriculum development involving working collaboratively with teachers’ networks. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 14 of 66 - All staff are involved in Educational research. - All staff are involved in number of international projects/conferences relating to development in learning/teaching of Maths & Technology supported learning, pedagogy + subject knowledge development - We have developed an International reputation in use of ICT to support teacher-teacher, pupil-pupil reflection on progress, attainment and action planning/review We use ICT creatively including, VLE, blended learning and independent study. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 15 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 7 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name North Leamington School C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). North Leamington School is a non-selective comprehensive school with the full ability range (no selection in central Warks) from Special Educational Needs (SEN) students to Gifted & Talented students on a pathway to Higher Education. Number on roll: 1240 (370 in sixth form) International School (Full DfE Status) New, state of the art = £32m campus building opened September 2009: high technical specification as an ‘eco-school’ of the future. Electronic whiteboards and VLE environment in all classrooms, maths rooms all suited together in Maths & Science faculties building. Emphasis on creative approaches to teaching and learning: - use of ICT in every lesson - assessment for learning strategies in every lesson - continuous programme of joint lesson observations in order to raise standards of teaching and learning and to make them consistently high across the departmental team - top priority focus on every student’s progress within current 2010-2011 School improvement and Development Plan (SIDP) 2011-2014 The school has 1 computer per 2 students throughout the school, including portable systems wireless environment, with broadband access etc in every room. The role in the project is to: - performe learning studies - participate in videomeetings - participate in workshops - collaborate with the university of Wolverhampton Financial management will be secured through the partnership agreement. We will report directly to lead partner economist. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 16 of 66 C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. Mr David Hazeldine Headteacher 3 full time ICT technicians 5 full time Maths teachers; 3 full time ICT teachers; large team of teaching assistants to support classroom teachers Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 17 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 8 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name Tipton Green Junior School C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). Tipton Green Junior School is a community school with a 3 form entry intake. There are 360 pupils on role. The proportion of white British/Ethnic minority is 40%-60% The area of Tipton is low on the socioo-economic indicator with most pupils coming from hard-pressed backgrounds. The school has had a priority for improving mathematics for the past 5yrs since experiencing a dip in results. As a result we have looked at ways of improving maths teaching and learning. The school has been involved in many institutes including being a ‘satellite school’ for the Tipton area – (supporting other schools to help develop ICT). The school is undergoing a complete ‘rebuild’ which will be ready for Sept 2011. There will be a dedicated training room to help develop teaching /learning. (One-way viewing area/sound included so as not to physically disturb lessons). The school will also have a range of 21st century ICT resources to fully meet the needs of all students. TG is a lead school for assessment/APP and has acted as the ‘hub’ for local schools – training teachers and generating moderation meetings to develop assessment. Pupils are given targets in Eng/maths/Sc/ICt as a result of Assessment for learning and APP. Children are able to verbalise these for a variety of purposes – termly targets are also produced to extend pupils’ learning even further. Additional inset has recently been carried out for ‘problem solving’ and ICT Numeracy results have improved to National standards since focusing on maths. 1 to 1 tuition is also carried out. The role in the project is to: - performe learning studies - participate in videomeetings - participate in workshops - collaborate with the university of Wolverhampton Financial management will be secured through the partnership agreement. We will report directly to lead partner economist. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 18 of 66 C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. Lawrence Rouse Headteacher The deputy Headteacher was a Maths/ICT consultant for Wolverhampton. The ICT teacher was trained in ICT when studying to become a teacher. The school also has a dedicated IT technician who supports our school as well as other schools in the local area. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 19 of 66 PART C. Organisations and activities This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners). Partner number - P 9 [P1 – Pn] Organisation name University of Jyväskylä C.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 4000 characters). The role of University of Jyväskylä is to support Finnish teachers in the project and to communicate with University of Gothenburg concerning evaluation. One researcher, Markus Hähkiöniemi, from Department of Teacher Education will participate in the project. In addition, several other researchers and lecturers can be consulted in the department. Financial management will be secured through the partnership agreement. We will report directly to lead partner economist. C.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project. Markus Hähkiöniemi has been teacher in high school as well as lecturer and researcher in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Hähkiöniemi finished his PhD-thesis in 2006 in the field of mathematics education. Currently Hähkiöniemi works as a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Teacher Education. Hähkiöniemi is leading an ongoing research project on how mathematics teacher trainees implement technology enriched inquiry mathematics. Articles in refereed international scientific journals: 1. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2007). How the derivative becomes visible: the case of Daniel. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 5(1), 81-97. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 20 of 66 2. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2006). Associative and reflective connections between the limit of the difference quotient and limiting process. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 25(2), 170-184. 3. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2006). Perceiving the derivative: the case of Susanna. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 11(1), 51-73. Articles in refereed international scientific conference proceedings: 4. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2008). Durability and meaningfulness of mathematical knowledge – the case of the derivative concept. In O. Figueras, J.L. Cortina, S. Alatorre, T. Rojano & A. Sepúlveda (Eds.) Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 32 and PME-NA XXX, Morelia, México, Vol. 3, 113-120. 5. Francisco, J. & Hähkiöniemi, M. (2006). Insights into students’ algebraic reasoning. In J. Novotná, H. Moraová, M. Krátká & N. Stehlíková (Eds.) Proceedings of the 30th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education (PME), Prague, Vol. 3, 105-112. 6. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2006). Is there a limit in the derivative? – Exploring students’ understanding of the limit of the difference quotient. In M. Bosch (Ed.) Proceedings of the fourth congress of the European society for research in mathematics education (CERME 4), Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain – 17 - 21 February 2005, 1758-1767. ( 7. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2005). The role of different representations in teaching and learning of the derivative through open approach. In E. Pehkonen (Ed.), Problem solving in mathematics education. Proceedings of the ProMath meeting 2004 in Lahti. University of Helsinki, Research Report 261, s. 71-82. 8. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2005). Susanna’s tools to perceive the derivative. In Lloyd, G. M., Wilson, M., Wilkins, J. L. M., & Behm, S. L. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 27th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), Roanoke, Virginia USA. 9. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2004). Perceptual and symbolic representations as a starting point of the acquisition of the derivative. In M. Hoines & A. Fuglestad (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education (PME), Bergen, July 14-18, 2004, Vol. 3, 73–80. Articles in refereed international scientific conference proceedings: 10. Hähkiöniemi, M. & Leppäaho, H. (2010). Matematiikan aineenopettajaksi opiskelevien valmiudet ohjata opiskelijoita GeoGebra-avusteisissa tutkimustehtävissä. [Prospective mathematics teachers’ abilities to guide students in GeoGebra supported inquiry tasks.] In M. Asikainen, P.E. Hirvonen, & K. Sormunen (Eds.), Ajankohtaista matemaattisten aineiden opetuksen ja oppimisen tutkimuksessa. Matematiikan ja luonnontieteiden opetuksen tutkimuspäivät Joensuussa 22.-23.10.2009. [Proceedings of the Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association.] Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, p. 59–75. Scientific monographs published in Finland: 11. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2006). The role of representations in learning the derivative. University of Jyväskylä. Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Report 104. (Doctoral dissertation.) 12. Hähkiöniemi, M. (2006). Ajattelun apuvälineet – tapaustutkimus derivaatan representaatioista. [Tools of thinking – A case study of representations of the derivative.] University of Jyväskylä. Department of Teacher Education. Research report 82. 13. Hähkiöniemi, M. & Viholainen, A. (2004). Lukion ja korkeakoulujen matematiikka. Lukion pitkä matematiikka pohjana korkeakoulutason matematiikan opinnoille. [Secondary level and tertiary level mathematics. Secondary level mathematics as basis for mathematics studies at tertiary level.] University of Jyväskylä. Department of Teacher Education. Research report 79. Articles under review: 14. Francisco, J. & Hähkiöniemi, M. (Submitted). Students’ ways of Reasoning about Non-linear Functions in Guess-My-Rule Games. Submitted to International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 21 of 66 15. Hähkiöniemi, M. (Submitted). Miten opettaja kokee valmiiksi suunnitellun opetusjakson tukevan GeoGebra-avusteisen tutkivan matematiikan toteuttamista. [How a preplanned teaching unit supports a teacher to implement GeoGebra enriched inquiry mathematics.] Submitted to Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association in Tampere, October 14-15, 2010. 16. Hähkiöniemi, M. (Submitted). Teacher’s experiences of a GeoGebra enriched inquiry mathematics teaching unit. Submitted to Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Ankara, Turkey: PME. 17. Hähkiöniemi, M. & Leppäaho, H. (Submitted). Do GeoGebra-solutions need to be justified? – Teachers’ levels of guidance. Submitted to Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Ankara, Turkey: PME. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 22 of 66 PART D. Project characteristics D.1 Why does the consortium wish to undertake this project? Rationale of and background to the project Please outline the motivation behind your project, clearly identifying the specific needs or problems/challenges which it intends to solve. Explain why these needs/problems were selected over others, and how the project proposal fits within the development strategies of the partners involved. Please include references to any declared regional, national, EU or international political priority in this area. Also, please describe briefly how your project proposal was prepared (e.g., capitalising on previous experiences, based on achieved outcomes in former projects, following previous cooperation amongst the consortium members, etc.) (limit 6000 characters). Many compulsory school pupils do not achieve the goals they need to attain a passing grade in mathematics. Students in the low-achieving group should understand what they need to do to develop their mathematics competence and have found benefit in achieving targets designed to enable their development. Focusing on low achievers will highlight the importance for society to enhance their possibility to succeed. Our partners bring different experiences from mathematics education in their countries. But they can see a negative trend in interest and in knowledge of mathematics. There are far too few applying for natural science and technical education programs. Many students think that the subject of mathematics is difficult and boring. The development of ICT applications can provide a more varied and pleasurable manner of working. Our partners different cultural backgrounds and how they approach mathematical problems will be one object to study in our project. The influence of new technologies on children's reading and their mathematical and scientific competences should be scrutinised, so as to ensure appropriate methods to exploit the potential of such technologies for new forms of learning. (Council of the European Union, Brussels 2010) The proposed project aims to improve teachers' professional knowledge (through in-service training) in relation to what pupils are supposed to learn. It is important that headteachers and teachers learn to take advantage of current research and how it can be integrated into the school. Teachers need to jointly reflect on their practice, but also to gain new knowledge from university research regarding development of mathematics education and ICT. The educational leadership must be developed. Moreover, in order to overcome qualification shortfalls, there should be more emphasis on the subjectspecific education of those who specialise in the teaching of basic skills (particularly MST). Encouraging networking between MST teachers and linking up MST education with the research and scientific community and the world of work might also prove helpful in this respect. (Council of the European Union, Brussels 2010) The rapid changes in society and the ambition to develop the school into a learning organization accentuate the necessity of the teachers and headteachers continually studying systematically generated knowledge concerning their educational activities. Teachers and headteachers also possess a certain insight concerning the need to seek out and develop new knowledge as a part of their school's development, the lifelong learning objective and their own professional development. The headteachers of a school has a special responsibility for the workplace being a learning organization and for the teachers and other personnel to obtain the competence development they require in order to be able to carry out their duties in a fully professional manner. (This refers to the strategic priorities in General Call for Proposals 2011-2013, in the Comenius Multilateral Projects). Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 23 of 66 Our project links to EU’s key competences, No. 3 concerning Mathematics and No 4, concerning Digital Competence. All partners in our project understand the need for increasing the collaboration between teachers, headteachers and researchers. Our Manual and the results of our performed Learning Studies will be of great help to teachers and headteachers in their work. It will increase their understanding of teaching and how students learn. If your proposal is based on the results of one or more previous projects / networks, please provide precise references to this / these project(s) / network(s) in the table below. Please add tables as necessary. Reference number Project / network dates Programme or initiative (year started and completed) Title of the project / network Coordinating organisation Website http:// Password / login if necessary for website Please summarise the project / network outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters). Rationale for the setting-up of the consortium Please explain why the selected partners are best suited to participate in this European project. Describe complementary skills, expertise and competences within the consortium directly relating to the planned project activities (limit 3000 characters). Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 24 of 66 Kungälv and the University of Gothenburg have the experience of using the Learning Study Model. Together with ICT-pedagogs we will take part in developing the model into something that never has been done before. Our partners will contribute with international experience, mathematic skills and ICT-skills to various extent. Our Finnish group of teachers have a strong experience in teaching mathematics to pupils from primary school to high school. They know well the area of mathematics. Their wide knowledge is an important part concerning the Learning Studies. All primary school partners’ experience of teaching several subjects will also help them seeing things that effects the learning in mathematics. Problems in learning mathematics, can be observed not only in mathematics lessons. The teachers have the knowledge in seeing a child as a whole with his/her learning problems. Different partners contributes with specific skills in various work packages. As lead partner Kungälv will provide administrative and economic expertise from the community. As university partner, Gothenburg will provide researchers and administrative expertise to the project. Kungälv and the University of Gothenburg will communicate continuously with the responsible person in each country, schools and universities. Our University partners contribute with mathematics didactics and ICT experts. Our school partners contribute with the variety of student’s ages and skills, culture of learning and equipment. In Cyprus the schools can use the facilities of the ICTEE laboratory (ICT Enhanced Education) whose experiences will be spread through our workshops. Finland has for many years achieved good results from the PISA-tests. They have been working to get better results with low achievers and recently made a project with University of Jyväskylä in mobile technology and are willing to share their knowledge with our partners. Investigation of the field (state of the art) and innovative character Please explain how the field of operation has been explored and indicate what the project is offering that is new and what are the main innovating elements (limit 3000 characters). The Learning Study Model has been developed from the Japanese Lesson Study by two Swedish researchers, Prof Ference Marton and Prof Ulla Runesson. The differences are the variation theory (Marton & Booth 1997) and pre- and post-tests used in Learning studies. These differences have a great impact in the students learning, specially for low achievers. In order to investigate the innovation of Learning Study from an EU perspective, we contacted NCM, National Centre for Mathematics Education. Through PhD Johan Häggström we learned that the Learning Study model has been explored to some extent in Sweden and occurred in Oxford UK (Peter Davies, Anne Watson, John Mason) but not in any other EU countries. At the WALS 2010 conference a Learning Study from Switzerland (not EU) was presented. There has never been a Learning Study combining mathematics and ICT as in our project. The Learning Study Model has been highlighted as an innovative way of teaching from Sweden, in the EU Commission “Cluster on Maths, Science and Technology”. Two partners, Cyprus and UK, are members in the Cluster whose Swedish representative are Bengt Johansson, NCM and Erik Henriks, Department of education The Learning Study Model has so far not been tested in an EU funding project, according to the following link below. New target groups will be reached as we spread the model to other countries. The Learning Study Model will specially benefit low achievers as their teachers find new ways of teaching. Combining mathematics and ICT in a Learning Study. Modern technology and modern pedagogy are a substantial part of the solution. Mathematics is the one subject that makes the least use of modern technology. This is to a large extent due to the lessons being tied to textbooks and it being difficult to write mathematical signs and symbols in a simple manner on a computer. Learning study has been shown to be a successful model for the development of student learning in Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 25 of 66 mathematics (Kullberg, 2010; Wernberg, 2009). However, ICT has not previously been used to enhance student learning in learning studies. This project further develops learning studies by means of ICT and international collaboration about studies teaching the same content. (Angelika Kullberg Goeteborgs Universitet). D.2 Aims and objectives Please define the concrete aims and objectives of the project / network and describe the ways in which the situation set out under the previous section (D.1) will be changed. (limit 3000 characters). Objectives: - Enhance collaboration between teachers and researchers - Develop pedagogic leadership among headteachers - Show how ICT has a potential as an important tool in mathematics learning - Improve life chances of students through math/ICT competences - Improve educational systems and better prepare students for the workplace - Support a culture of teachers as learners and career development as future leaders and inspire other colleagues Aims: - Improve the performance of low achievers - Change students attitudes towards mathematics - Enhance students confidence in their ability Through developing and disseminate the Learning Study Manual produced in the project, we create opportunities for all teachers and all headteachers to perform Learning Studies. D.3 Methodology Please define the methodology proposed for achieving the objectives (including major milestones, measurable indicators, etc) (limit 3000 characters). Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 26 of 66 The project will begin with an analysis of the Learning Study (LS) model and develop mahematics education with ICT based on the LS-model. A group of teachers will work together with researchers to identify critical features that are necessary for the learner to discern in relation to the object of learning. The pedagogical team will find out what kind of prior knowledge the pupils have through a pre-test, and thereafter discuss how the lessons in the particular field can be developed through the support of ICT and by videoing the lessons. Through this approach, the LS model will be developed. The model will be tested during the pilot phase in schools in different countries, both in Sweden and in the other partner countries. In order to facilitate the implementation and dissemination of the model, a manual will also be developed and revised. Through this model it will be possible to find the critical features of the pupils learning process. By sharing experiences and developing the model, the intention of the project is to work out a common European LS, which in the longer term will raise the quality of education. A LS is a cyclic process of planning and evaluating, in most cases, one lesson. The teachers plan the lesson together and one of the teachers conducts the lesson. The lesson is recorded and analyzed together with a researcher. The lesson is revised and the whole process is repeated, this time with another teacher conducting the lesson with another group of pupils. The process is repeated one more time and finally you have the “perfect lesson” that also could be used by other teachers. The analysis of tests/evaluations provides the teachers with information about how students experience what is to be learned. The results of the assessment lays the basis for planning the lesson and hence contributes to the analysis. Research about the effect of LS supports the assumption that student learning increases through the LS process. The teachers investigate in a systematic way what makes a difference for their students’ learning by analyzing the teaching. The findings of a study are what the teachers had found to be critical for learning a specific competence. In a LS teachers and researchers are involved in the production of knowledge on teaching and learning. Learning methods should better exploit children’s natural curiosity in mathematics and science from an early age. It’s important to help children to become autonomous, motivated learners, for whom literacy as well as the use of mathematical and scientific competences become part of everyday life. (Council of the European Union, Brussels 2010) There are three major milestones, workshops, in the project. Production of a manual in winter 2012 to all participants. Evaluation and revising manual in autumn 2012 and finally a third time in June 2013. These milestones compare to the LS performances in the schools. The project ends with a conference where the final manual is presented. D.4 European added value Please describe the benefits of and need for European cooperation (limit 3000 characters). The project engages partners from old and new EU member states. Everyone with its own skills and experience. By ensuring that all partners’ knowledge is being used to carry the work forward we will secure the quality of the outcome of the project. As the manual being an international product it will be applicable and exportable to other nations. Through the modernisation of the pedagogical methods, enhancement of teachers’ professional profiles, promotion of partnerships between schools and universities and addressing of the needs of special groups such as low achievers, the project will contribute to the aims set out in the Council conclusions on increasing the level of basic skills in the context of European cooperation on schools for the 21st century. The Learning Study Model includes collaboration as a major part. Collaboration is a central element of the 'open method of coordination' in education and training and, as confirmed by the discussions in the Education Council, is seen as a crucial tool with considerable potential to support education and training reforms. By modernizing pedagogical methods, enhancing the professional profile of teachers, promoting partnerships between schools and universities and addressing the needs of special groups, such as low achievers, the European added value would be: -Improved life chances of students through increased math/ICT competences -Improved educational systems and better prepared students for the workplace -A culture of teachers as learners and career development as future leaders and inspiration to other colleagues -Training and professional development practices will be strengthened by its transferring in an European context involving teachers´ communities and university centres coming from different experiences all inspired by the same aims. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 27 of 66 These values also relate to European educational objectives concerning an increase in recruitment into scientific and technical programs. D.5 Budget and cost effectiveness Please describe the strategy adopted to ensure that the proposed results and objectives will be achieved in the most economical way. Explain the principals of budget allocation amongst partners. Indicate the arrangements adopted for financial management ((limit 3000 characters). The consortium consists of groups of highly educated researchers, headteachers, teachers and administrative persons showing a strong desire to enhance their skills in education. To ensure the most effective outcome of the project, all partners will focus the most on the implementation (WP2). It’s important that the analysis, workshops and learning studies are carried out thoroughly and effectively so that the produced Manual will be as precise as possible. To save both money and contribute to a low carbon economy (EU2020 priorities, sustainable growth) we will frequently use ICT to produce video conferences and forums. WP1 management, is mainly conducted by Kungälv. One economist and one manager will be given time to secure the quality of the project and secure budget in all work packages. The rest of the management is divided by all partners. WP2 Implementation, is the greatest part in our project. In this part all school partners are equally handled. Among the university partners in WP2 the WP leader Gothenburg will take a greater responsibilty and therefor a larger budget. Much work and control will be handled through our VLE, Fronter. WP3 Quality assurance is lead by University of Gothenburg supported by European University Cyprus. Researcher Angelika Kullberg will write an article concerning the outcome of the performed Learning Studies comparing solutions and results related to different cultures and methods. An overall assurance of the project will be lead by Dr Maria Melethiou who will focus on the effectiveness of the Learning Study Model and will carry out in-depth research through the engagement of teachers, students and researchers. A third partner HTI will evaluate the performance of the project through four reports including the final evaluation report. WP4 Dissemination. Modern technology gives great chances, compared to budget, to spread results. Website, social media, videoconferences, Virtual Learning Environment are the most important ingredients in our dissemination. There will be as few physical meetings as possible in consideration of the carbon footprint and the project budget. However we will arrange press conferences and a final conference (WP5) WP5 Exploitation. The physical outcome of the project, “the Manual of Learning Study for Mathematics and ICT”, will be spread through websites and Media as well as the manual. Target groups are teachers, headteachers and researchers but indirectly politicians, students and citizens. Our english partner HTI will take a great responsibility in this work package together with lead partner Kungälv. All other partners contribute to this WP in an equal way. Travel costs are proportional to planned travel arrangements. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 28 of 66 PART E. Impact, dissemination and exploitation, sustainability E.1 Expected impact of the project Who will use these project outputs / products / results and how will the consortium reach them? Please describe how the target groups (including participating institutions, stakeholders) will be reached and involved during the life of the project (limit 3000 characters). During the life of the project the target groups will be teachers, headteachers, researchers, Math and ICT networks and EACEA. The project will produce analysis, manual, frequent meeting protocols and reports. Target groups can be reached through our project website;, newspapers and social media. The website will contain a manual, posters and folders describing the model and the ongoing work. During the project this manual will be continuously evaluated and revised until the final conference. Links in institutional websites will be created in order to redirect to the main project website. Please describe how the target groups (including participating institutions, stakeholders) will be reached after the project is finished (limit 3000 characters). In the project a manual in how to conduct a Learning Study will be developed. This manual will be available on the Internet both on the specific project website but especially in all nations and EU:s websites handling education. An article upon the results of the Learning Study Model carried out in the project will be submitted as well as a manual. In the participating countries and in other EU countries, the teachers and researchers that has been involved may perform workshops and lectures together with other teachers and researchers. The results will also be spread in international conferences and clusters. Both by teachers, researchers and potential associated partners. The Learning Study Manual aims to help students, especially low achievers, in their mathematical development. Headteachers and mathematics networks have an important role to provide teachers with opportunities in performing learning studies to enhance student skills. Further on The Learning Study Manual will be of great help to institutions performing teachers’ education. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 29 of 66 E.2 Dissemination and exploitation strategy How will the dissemination be organised and how will exploitation activities ensure optimal use of the results? (limit 3000 characters). We will disseminate information both at the national and at the European level. It will be done through websites, educational radio, press releases, press conferences, articles, social media and EUcommission/EVE platform. Seminars can act as meeting places for stakeholders from all over Europe who are interested in the issues. All partners will adapt a part of the project website to their national language for better understanding. Project results will further be disseminated through conference presentations and publications at different levels from articles to general manuals, posters and informational leaflets. Experiences and results of the project will be presented in the context of conferences and seminars organized by other actors but addressing issues related to the project. The final conference will raise awareness among relevant actors at all levels, upon the need to act differently. To achieve the goal of the communication we will show up and profile: - Every single activity to make results public. - All information to wake interest and engagement. - Headteachers and teachers development. - The project ideas and model in as many European countries as possible. The communication will give such an engagement that it will survive after the project has ended. The target groups for disseminate the project are: - School leaders and Teachers - Researchers - Math and ICT networks Final beneficiaries are - Students - Citizens, Politicians The strategies described above will assure that the results will be used optimally. E.3 Sustainability How will the impact of this project be sustained beyond its lifetime? How will the results be mainstreamed and multiplied in the sector of activity? (Limit 3000 characters) Part of the project will involve developing a manual in how to conduct a Learning Study. This manual will be available on the Internet both on the specific project website but especially in all nations and EU:s websites handling education. An article upon the results of the Learning Study Model carried out in the project will be submitted. A manual will be produced, published and presented at the final conference. This is the end of the project and the start of disseminating the results and ideas all over the EU. In the participating countries as well as in other EU countries, the teachers and researchers that have been involved may perform workshops and lectures together with other teachers and researchers. Further on The Learning Study Manual will be of great help to institutions performing teacher’s education and guarantee the sustainability of the project outcome. Our project will link to project granted by FP7, “, Science and mathematics related activities carried out in pre-school and in the first years of primary schools: their link to the development of creative skills” focusing on curiosity-based learning methods to attract more young people to choose technology, mathematics and science. The long term goal is to get more young people into graduate studies but also to build bridges between school and the research community. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 30 of 66 PART F. Action or programme specific information This section should allow you to provide specific information related to the Action under which you are submitting your application. Please refer to the "Instructions for Applicants" (limit 3000 characters). Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 31 of 66 PART G. Work plan and work packages IMPORTANT: Sections G.1 to G.3 should be duplicated and completed together for each work package. G.1 Identification Work package Management title Work package number 1 Work package type Start Month number 1 Management Implementation (the substance of the work planned including production, testing, etc) Quality Assurance (quality plan) Dissemination Exploitation of results End Month number 24 Duration in number of months 24 Description of the work package (limit 3000 characters) The Lead partner (LP) will have the overall responsibility for the coordination and implementation of the project and will be the contact point for EACEA/commission in all contractual matters. The LP will provide three persons for the transnational project management. The LP will establish a Steering Group (SG) comprising one representative from each country. The representative will be of enough seniority to make significant decisions on behalf of their organisation. The SG will meet regularly, face to face 5 times and by video conference 4 times, to consider Management and Financial reports, to review progress against agreed objectives including monitoring and evaluation activity and to advice on future activities. The SG will also link up remotely to handle management issues or resolve any conflict resolution that is required. The decisions of the SG shall be unanimous. Operational matters will be dealt with by the SG. The project co-ordinator and financial manager will keep a close and active contact with the other partners, following up on progress in each partner organisation. The day to day communication in the project will mainly be made digitally through the VLE, Fronter and the website where all information can be communicated & disseminated. The use of ICT in the daily communication between partners will be an effective working tool. A correct project management will have a positive effect in fluent partner relations, overall communication and a pro-active team spirit fostering the creation of future collaboration and exchanges between partners. Monitoring and evaluation will have two levels: 1 Routine monitoring and evaluation of project activities (outputs, results and impacts) 2 Ongoing developmental evaluation of operation processes in order to ensure and improve effective coordination. Findings from monitoring and evaluation will be included in all reports submitted to the EACEA/Commission. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 32 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 15 Title Partnership agreement Type of outcome / product / results Document Delivery date Nature Dec 2011 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) To secure the Management between all partners involved, an agreement will be made. It contains obligations and rights, and specifies the different roles each partner has in the project. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 33 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 Title Management meetings Type of outcome / product / results Meeting minutes Delivery date Nature Dec 2011 April 2012 Dec 2012 June 2013 Nov 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) To secure the Management operation 5 project meetings have been planned. Except for the first start meeting they will all coincide with the different workshop and conference events. The management consists of a Steering Group. The SG includes 3 people from Lead partner and one person from every other country. After each meetings the minutes will be the delivery D1. The representative will be of enough seniority to make significant decisions on behalf of their organisation. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 34 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 2:4 Title Video Conference Management Type of outcome / product / results Meeting minutes Delivery date Nature Feb 2012 Aug 2012 Feb 2013 Sept 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) To secure Management 4 video conferences have been planned. In the video conferences all partners participate with at least one person. These meetings will all be in between the physical SG meetings and is also a possibility for everyone in the project to take part. After each meeting the minutes will be the delivery D2. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 35 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 3:1, 3:2, 3:3, 3:4 Title Project status Type of outcome / product / results Report Delivery date Nature Apr 2012 Nov 2012 May 2013 Nov 2012 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) The progress reports will include the developing of the project concerning analysis, the manual, the workshops, the Learning Studies, dissemination and exploitation. The progress reports will clearly point out the development and results of the project. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 36 of 66 G.3 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package Please add lines as necessary. Indicative input of consortium staff - The total number of days per staff category should correspond with the information provided in the budget tables. WP1 Lead partner Number of staff days Partners involved Country Short name 1 Sweden SE 2 3 4 5 Suomi Sweden Kypros United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Suomi FI SE CY UK 6 7 8 9 Total Category 1 Category 2 Category Role and tasks in the work package Category 4 Total 125 28 5 158 4 10 33 6 14 37 16 19 14 WP leader. Management and budget controll. SG member. Coordinator. SG member. SG member. Coordinator. SG member. Coordinator. UK 14 5 19 Participant UK 19 19 Participant UK 19 19 Participant FI 15 5 20 Participant 148 24 321 5 14 149 Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 37 of 66 Please explain how the overall project management will be implemented making specific reference to the management structure of the partnership, how decisions will be taken and how the partnership proposes to ensure permanent and effective communication and reporting (limit 1000 characters). Partnership agreement will regulate detailes concerning decisions, budgetcontroll and reports on project proceedings. Decisions will be taken in the SG. Each coordinating partner will be communicating with schools and university in each country and report to SG. Tasks that will be subcontracted Please add lines as necessary. Partner responsible for entering into a subcontract with a sub-contractor N° days (where appropriate) Brief description of task P(n) Explanation of work package expenditures Please explain and justify budget items included in the detailed budget that relate to this work package, specifically, where relevant under the headings: "travel and subsistence (of the staff of the consortium)", "equipment" and "other" (limit 3000 characters). Travel and subsistence: 4 meetings in Brussels arranged by EACEA, 5 SG meetings arranged in each country. 3 of these meetings will be arranged during the WP2 workshops. Equipment: Videoequipment for videoconferences are important to secure all partners having functional equipment. It consists of webcamera and a microphone that collects sound from all persons in the room participating in the conference. Alla other equipment is excluded in the budget, such as projectors and computers. Other: Licenses for video conferences. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 38 of 66 PART G. Work plan and work packages IMPORTANT: Sections G.1 to G.3 should be duplicated and completed together for each work package. G.1 Identification Work package Learning Study/ production of manual title Work package number 2 Work package type Start Month number 1 Management Implementation (the substance of the work planned including production, testing, etc) Quality Assurance (quality plan) Dissemination Exploitation of results End Month number 24 Duration in number of months 24 Description of the work package (limit 3000 characters) Lead partner is University of Gothenburg. Analysis – during the first two months all partners, specially the universities, will work together analysing the need for developing a manual for the Learning Study Model. In the end of this period the work with the manual will start. The period contains two physical meetings and one video meeting. All other communication will be done through our VLE and website. Development manual – during two months, containing one workshop, a manual will be produced. This manual will be evaluated and revised two times later on in the project. This work will be done as part of the workshops/visits to other countries. Workshops – During our project we will have three workshops. One in each country, Cyprus, Finland and the UK. During the workshops, teachers and researchers meet to discuss the developing of manual and outcome of the Learning Studies being made. The workshops are carefully prepared through the use of video conference and VLE. Learning Study Model – This which is the main part of our project starts with a video conference (D2.1) where the researchers from Gothenburg will present the Learning Study and the variation theory. The researchers continue to communicate during the life of the project. The schools in each country conduct two series of Learning Studies together with their headteacher and their local researcher. Each Learning Study leaps over the period of three months. Final development manual – with the experience from Learning Studies, communications, workshops and earlier evaluations, the final manual will be produced and published. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 39 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number D4 Title Initial Analysis Type of outcome / product / results Report Delivery date Nature March 2012 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) The initial analysis will be reported. All partners take responsibility in analysing the situation in each country. It concerns pedagogical and didactical issues, such as student results in mathematics, the teaching conditions in primary and secondary schools, use of ICT, organisation of the education, the role of headteachers, links to researchers and teacher trainer institutes. In each country the university partners lead the process. University of Gothenburg is responsible for compiling the different partner analysis. The outcome of the analysis will be the point of departure towards producing the first manual. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 40 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 5:1, 5:2, 5:3 Title Development manual Type of outcome / product / results Report Delivery date Nature May 2012 Dec 2012 Jun 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) The reports describes the work all partners perform in developing the manual. The actual manual is presented in another deliverable (D8). The work will be carried out during three periods. The first, before first Learning Studies, refers to the results of the analysis. The second report describes the work revising the first manual and will be ready in time of the second period of Learning Study. Eventually the third report describes the work revising the final manual. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 41 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 6:1, 6:2, 6:3 Title workshops Type of outcome / product / results report Delivery date Nature Apr 2012 Dec 2012 Jun 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) All partners are being represented in workshops. The workshops are organized by schools in Cyprus, Finland and the UK and develop from the experiences from Learning Studies. With the input from the workshop the Learning Study model manual will be revised and finalized at the end of the project. From the results of the initial analysis the first workshop will be on the first manual which the schools will follow in their first learning study. The second workshop will handle the outcome of the first learning studies, discussions on the manual and preparations for the next learning studies. Finally, the third workshop in June 2013, will handle the outcome of the second learning study and process the work revising the manual that will be concluded in October 2013. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 42 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 7:1, 7:2 Title Presentation of a Learning Study Model Type of outcome / product / results Poster Delivery date Nature Nov 2012 May 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) All the partner schools will present results from their Learning studies in 2 posters, one from each study. All posters will also be published on the website. Kungälv will provide all schools with a template for producing the poster. Kungälv will handle the printing. The posters are an important part in disseminating the Learning Study Model and shows pictures of participating teachers, description of the work, a diagram of pre- and posttests and first of all presents the learning objective chosen and the critical features. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 43 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 8 Title A Learning Study Manual for Mathematics and ICT. Type of outcome / product / results Manual Delivery date Nature Nov 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) The final developed manual will be presented at the final conference. The manual is intended to be used as a manual for schools and others who wish to adopt the Learning Study Model after the project. The content of the manual will develop during the project. It will contain a description of the learning study model and the use of ICT in specific mathematical areas. It will contain examples of questions to discuss in order to develop teachers work and collaboration. The manual will be printed and published on the Internet. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 44 of 66 G.3 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package Please add lines as necessary. Indicative input of consortium staff - The total number of days per staff category should correspond with the information provided in the budget tables. WP2 Lead partner Number of staff days Partners involved Country Short name 3 2 1 4 Sweden Suomi Sweden Kypros SE FI SE CY 11 16 5 5 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Suomi UK 5 6 7 8 9 Total Category 1 Category 2 30 71 96 30 Category Role and tasks in the work package Category 4 5 6 10 5 Total 35 88 122 40 5 WP leader. Researcher Performing LS Performing LS Researcher. Performing LS Critical reviewer UK 30 5 35 Researcher UK 44 3 47 Performing LS UK 44 3 47 Performing LS FI 30 5 35 Researcher 375 42 454 37 Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 45 of 66 Please explain how the overall project management will be implemented making specific reference to the management structure of the partnership, how decisions will be taken and how the partnership proposes to ensure permanent and effective communication and reporting (limit 1000 characters). University of Gothenburg will, as the WP leader, be responsible for communicating the ongoing work with analysis and learning studies to the lead partner. Each school participating in the learning studies report financial status through the coordinator, appointed by the SG, to lead partner. All communication will be in the VLE Fronter, video meetings and the website except for the physical meetings in the SG and the workshops. Each school is responsible of producing a poster presenting the performed learning study. Lead partner will coordinate the work, provide templates and print the posters. The final manual will be produced in the last months of the project. All partners, especially the universities, will take part in this work. It will be communicated and produced by lead partner. Tasks that will be subcontracted Please add lines as necessary. Partner responsible for entering into a subcontract with a sub-contractor N° days (where appropriate) Brief description of task P(n) Explanation of work package expenditures Please explain and justify budget items included in the detailed budget that relate to this work package, specifically, where relevant under the headings: "travel and subsistence (of the staff of the consortium)", "equipment" and "other" (limit 3000 characters). Travel and subsistence: Includes travels to workshops, startmeeting and the final conference. To these meetings and workshops key persons will travel. It will be researchers, headteachers and teachers. From the arranging country more people will attend, depending on the purpose of the activity. To the final conference we will encourage as many as possible to come. Our budget however only includes 3-5 people per country. Other: Manual and posters are produced as an important part in disseminating our project. All material will be available on the Internet on our website, but some will be printed. All partners distribute the material locally. Arrangements for workshops, material, invitation and rooms are included in partners budget. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 46 of 66 PART G. Work plan and work packages IMPORTANT: Sections G.1 to G.3 should be duplicated and completed together for each work package. G.1 Identification Work package Evaluation title Work package number 3 Work package type Start Month number 5 Management Implementation (the substance of the work planned including production, testing, etc) Quality Assurance (quality plan) Dissemination Exploitation of results End Month number 24 Duration in number of months 20 Description of the work package (limit 3000 characters) Workpackage leader is the University of Gothenburg Evaluation of this project is devided into three different parts: 1 The evaluation of the results from the Learning Studies and 2 The evaluation of the project process 3 The efficiency of the Learning Study The evaluation under no 1 is lead by University of Gothenburg, Angelika Kullberg PhD, who writes an article on the results from all our performed learning studies, focusing on the use of ICT and different cultures. The evaluation under no 2 is lead by HTI, and concists of evaluating the project process and the overall performance, as a critical reviewer. The evaluation under no 3 is lead by European University of Cyprus who will carry out an in-depht research through the engagement of groups of teachers and students. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 47 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 9 Title Evaluation on the performed learning studies Type of outcome / product / results Report Delivery date Nature Nov 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) The University of Gothenburg will be responsible for the evaluation on the performed learning studies in all partner schools. This will be in the form of an article. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 48 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 10:1, 10:2, 10:3, 10:4 Title Evaluation of the project performance Type of outcome / product / results Report Delivery date Nature Apr 2012 Nov 2012 Apr 2013 Nov 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) HTI (UK) will be responsible for the evaluation of the project process and the overall performance. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 49 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 11 Title Evaluation on the efficiency of the Learning Study Type of outcome / product / results Report Delivery date Nature Nov 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) The European University of Cyprus will be responsible for evaluation on the efficiency of the learning study. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 50 of 66 G.3 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package Please add lines as necessary. Indicative input of consortium staff - The total number of days per staff category should correspond with the information provided in the budget tables. WP3 Number of staff days Partners involved Lead partner 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Country Short name Sweden Suomi Sweden Kypros United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Suomi SE FI SE CY UK Category 1 6 12 Category 2 68 5 5 24 Category Role and tasks in the work package Category 4 10 Total 78 5 5 30 12 WP leader Participant Participant Ass WP leader Ass WP leader UK 5 5 Participant UK 2 2 Participant UK 3 3 Participant FI 5 5 Participant 118 117 10 Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 51 of 66 145 Please explain how the overall project management will be implemented making specific reference to the management structure of the partnership, how decisions will be taken and how the partnership proposes to ensure permanent and effective communication and reporting (limit 1000 characters). Quality assurance in the evaluation process will be managed by University of Gothenburg who will secure the participating of all partners. WP leader reports continuously to the SG. All communication will be in the VLE Fronter, video meetings and the website. HTI will report their observations continuously to the SG and their reports will be a part in the reports to the EACEA/DG. Part from the SG meetings the communication will be as above. EUC will collect information from schools concerning their field of evaluation, efficiancy of the learning study model. This will be done through physical meetings, videomeetings and Fronter. EUC reports to SG. Tasks that will be subcontracted Please add lines as necessary. Partner responsible for entering into a subcontract with a sub-contractor N° days (where appropriate) Brief description of task P(n) Explanation of work package expenditures Please explain and justify budget items included in the detailed budget that relate to this work package, specifically, where relevant under the headings: "travel and subsistence (of the staff of the consortium)", "equipment" and "other" (limit 3000 characters). Travel and subsistence: In order to evaluate the performed LS University of Gothenburg will visit the university partners in each country. EUC will visit the school partners and HTI attends the SG meetings. Number of travels will be held as low as possible. This can be done through our performance of video conferences/meetings, website and use of our VLE Fronter. The responsibilty of the website, video conference tool and the VLE is on lead partner Kungälv. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 52 of 66 PART G. Work plan and work packages IMPORTANT: Sections G.1 to G.3 should be duplicated and completed together for each work package. G.1 Identification Work package Dissemination title Work package number 4 Work package type Start Month number 1 Management Implementation (the substance of the work planned including production, testing, etc) Quality Assurance (quality plan) Dissemination Exploitation of results End Month number 24 Duration in number of months 24 Description of the work package (limit 3000 characters) We will disseminate information both at the national and at the European level. All partners will adapt a part of the project website to their national language for better understanding. Project results will be disseminated through conference presentations and publications at different levels from articles to general manuals, posters and informational leaflets. Experiences and results of the project will be presented in the context of conferences and seminars organized by other actors but addressing issues related to the project. The final conference will raise awareness among relevant actors at all levels, upon the need to act differently. The communication will give such an engagement that it will survive after the project has ended. The target groups for disseminate the project are: - School leaders and Teachers - Researchers - Math and ICT networks Final beneficiaries are - Students - Citizens, Politicians Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 53 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 12 Title Dissemination plan and website Type of outcome / product / results Report Delivery date Nature Dec 2011 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) During the first project meeting, a proposal for a dissemination plan will be presented. The proposal will be adapted to the input and opinions from the partners and decided upon. Information and means of sharing will in the dissemination plan be tailored to the needs of each user group category. The user groups targeted will be teachers, headmasters, students and other stakeholders. Our project website is a part of D12 and will host all public documents delivered in the project. The official project website will be launched. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 54 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 13 Title Project description leaflets Type of outcome / product / results Leaflets Delivery date Nature Jan 2012 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) In the beginning of the project a leaflet will be produced. The leaflets will describe the aims and objectives in our project, the partner members, the learning study model and the website. This work will be communicated by the lead partner who is responsible for collecting material and the printing. The leaflet will also be published on the website. Target groups will be teacher training institutes, teachers, headteachers and other stakeholders. The leaflet will be printed in 1000 copies. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 55 of 66 G.3 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package Please add lines as necessary. Indicative input of consortium staff - The total number of days per staff category should correspond with the information provided in the budget tables. WP4 Lead partner Number of staff days Partners involved Country Short name 1 2 3 Sweden Suomi Sweden SE FI SE 4 5 Kypros United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Suomi CY UK 6 7 8 9 Total Category 1 25 Category 2 Category Role and tasks in the work package Category 4 Total 5 5 20 5 5 20 10 10 10 WP leader. Webmaster. Local disseminators International pedagogic and didactic mathematics networks Local disseminators International media. UK 10 10 Local disseminators UK 2 2 Local disseminators UK 3 3 Local disseminators FI 10 10 Local disseminators 65 100 10 35 Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 56 of 66 Please explain how the overall project management will be implemented making specific reference to the management structure of the partnership, how decisions will be taken and how the partnership proposes to ensure permanent and effective communication and reporting (limit 1000 characters). We will continuously update and publish information and reports on the public website. Communication with the EACEA, media, math and ICT network, researchers and schools will be regular according to the dissemination plan. All partners are responsible towards local media as local disseminators and will communicate the outcomes with local politicians and stakeholders. Tasks that will be subcontracted Please add lines as necessary. Partner responsible for entering into a subcontract with a sub-contractor N° days (where appropriate) Brief description of task P(n) Explanation of work package expenditures Please explain and justify budget items included in the detailed budget that relate to this work package, specifically, where relevant under the headings: "travel and subsistence (of the staff of the consortium)", "equipment" and "other" (limit 3000 characters). Other: Project description leaflets will be produced in order to disseminate the project idea and the learning study model. It’s an important part in creating interest locally, nationally as well as internationally in our project. A limited number of leaflets will be provided to all partners and published on the website as pdf-files. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 57 of 66 PART G. Work plan and work packages IMPORTANT: Sections G.1 to G.3 should be duplicated and completed together for each work package. G.1 Identification Work package Exploitation title Work package number 5 Work package type Start Month number 9 Management Implementation (the substance of the work planned including production, testing, etc) Quality Assurance (quality plan) Dissemination Exploitation of results End Month number 24 Duration in number of months 16 Description of the work package (limit 3000 characters) Work package leader is HTI (UK). The project will produce a manual of the Learning Study Model and an article on the results of our specific carried out Learning Studies from different countries and cultures. These results will be presented at the final conference and through articles in pedagogic magazines, both national and international, spread to teachers, headteachers, researchers, stakeholders and politicians. Our findings will be linked to projects that will be granted on FP7, Websites and social media will be of great importance in spreading the findings. All partners will work locally and nationally to make teacher training institutes adopt the learning study model. Results during the life of the project will be presented in reports to the EACEA/Commission and press conferences. The website will continuously be updated with reports and results showing the developing of the project. These documents will be on the website after the life of the project. Throughout the project several pressconferences will be held. In the beginning in Sweden and the end at the final conference. In other countries press conferences will be held at the workshops. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 58 of 66 G.2 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number 14 Title Final conference Type of outcome / product / results Conference Delivery date Nature Nov 2013 Dissemination level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) Report Service / Product Demonstrator / Prototype Event Other Language versions English Target languages English Description (limit 1000 characters) The final conference will be held att University of Gothenburg in november 2013. All partners and as many teachers and headteachers from participating schools, as possible, will attend the conference, as well as all partner researchers. Special invitations will be sent to teachers, headteachers, researchers, polititians, math and ICT networks and media. WP leader, HTI, will communicate with the lead partner Kungälv who will make local arrangements togehther with University of Gothenburg. HTI will be moderator at the conference and handle seminar bookings and international media. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 59 of 66 G.3 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package Please add lines as necessary. Indicative input of consortium staff - The total number of days per staff category should correspond with the information provided in the budget tables. WP5 Number of staff days Partners involved Lead partner 5 2 3 4 1 6 7 8 9 Total Country Short name United Kingdom Suomi Sweden Kypros Sweden United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Suomi UK Category 1 Category 2 Category 4 WP-leader, moderator 19 15 11 7 11 19 15 11 47 11 Conference participants Lecturer Lecturer Conference participants Lecturer UK 12 12 Conference participants UK 10 10 Conference participants FI 10 10 Lecturer 40 59 10 Total 29 FI SE CY SE UK 19 Category Role and tasks in the work package 95 10 Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 60 of 66 164 Please explain how the overall project management will be implemented making specific reference to the management structure of the partnership, how decisions will be taken and how the partnership proposes to ensure permanent and effective communication and reporting (limit 1000 characters). As the final conference is held in Gothenburg it’s of the utmost importance that the communication between the WP leader, HTI, and the lead partner, Kungälv, is secured. This will be done in the SG meetings and the partnership agreements. At the final conference all partners will participate and in seminars and lectures present their experiencies and findings. The conference will be broadcasted on the website. At the conference the final manual will be released. Tasks that will be subcontracted Please add lines as necessary. Partner responsible for entering into a subcontract with a sub-contractor N° days (where appropriate) Brief description of task P(n) Explanation of work package expenditures Please explain and justify budget items included in the detailed budget that relate to this work package, specifically, where relevant under the headings: "travel and subsistence (of the staff of the consortium)", "equipment" and "other" (limit 3000 characters). Travel and subsistence: Final conference will be visited by all partners. The project will fund 15 participants from partners all together, described in the budget plan. However we encourage all partners to bring more people to the conference, travelling at their own expenses. Other: Final manual will be delievered at the conference but produced in D8, described earlier. Meeting rooms, invitations and adds will be at the lead partners expense. Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 61 of 66 Third country participation (where applicable) Please complete this section if the application includes participation from third country partner(s). It must contain only information relating to organisations in third countries and their activities. PART H. Organisation and activities This part must be completed separately by each third country organisation participating in the project. Third country partner number - P x [P1 – Pn] Organisation name H.1 Aims and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. Please describe the role of your organisation in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation (limit 3000 characters). H.2 Technical capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network Please add lines as necessary. Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project (limit 750 characters per person). Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 62 of 66 PART I. Work plan and work packages I.1 Added value of the third country participation Please describe the added value that the third country participation will bring to the main project in terms of project outputs/results, the impact on the target groups in the main LLP application, the choice of partners and value for money. (limit 2000 characters) IMPORTANT: Sections I.2, I.3 and I.4 should be duplicated and completed together for each work package. I.2 Identification Please describe the activities that will be undertaken by the partner organisation(s) in third countries following the logic of the work packages already established in the main application form. Activities that are additional to existing work packages should be completed using the existing work package number. New work packages need to take a new work package number. All the information presented in this section should relate to the activities of the third country participants only. Work package title Work package number Work package type Start Month number Management Implementation (the substance of the work planned including production, testing, etc) Quality Assurance (quality plan) Dissemination Exploitation of results End Month number Duration in number of months Description of the third country partner activities in the work package (limit 2000 characters). Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 63 of 66 I.3 Deliverables – outputs / products / results Please specify any additional deliverables that will be produced by partner organisation(s) in third countries. Please add tables as necessary. Deliverable number Title Type of outcome / product / results Description (limit 500 characters) Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 64 of 66 I.4 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package Please include only the partner organisation(s) in third countries. Please add lines as necessary. Number of staff days Partners involved Lead partner Country Short name Category 1 Category 2 Category Category 4 Role and tasks in the work package Total P(n) Total Explanation of work package expenditures Please explain and justify budget items included in the detailed budget that relate to third country organisations working on this work package, specifically, where relevant under the headings: "travel and subsistence (of the staff of the consortium)" and "other" (limit 2000 characters). Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 65 of 66 List of Associated Partners (where applicable) These organisations may provide the consortium with facilities or assistance that enhances the quality of work, but they may not be responsible for core activities of the project (e.g. management, coordination, leader of a work group etc.). No financial contribution from EU resources will be allocated to these organisations. Nr Name of organisation Type of institution City Learning Study Model for Mathematics and ICT / LeSMIT Page 66 of 66 Country