This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson expresses the essence of this leadership course in which students will learn how to inspire, motivate and build community through athletics and sport. This course is ideal for students who are looking for potential careers in physical education, personal training, coaching, advertising/marketing, sports broadcasting or in recreation. Participants in this course will work collaboratively with WGSS coaches to promote, encourage, and support the school’s various athletic teams, as well, as to mentor younger WGSS athletes both academically and socially. The overarching goal of this course is to provide an avenue in which students can make a positive difference in their school and community. Students will have the opportunity to discover their leadership potential and learn how to effectively utilize their leadership skills in different settings including: organizing and participating in intramurals, setting up staff versus student games, promoting WGSS athletics in the community, coordinating Gator Nation fundraisers, creating and maintaining a WGSS athletic website, and creating fanfare for various sporting events. Students will have freedom to develop and carry out their own initiatives as well. Partaking in this course will allow students to fulfill their thirty volunteers hours required for Grad Transition.
-tasks that must be completed throughout the year
-students work at their own pace and on their own schedule
All Celebrity Apprentice Tasks
Acquire at least 10 Student Choice Points (2 hours=1 point)
Remember The Titans/42/Blindside/Moneyball Movie Response
Leadership Platform (Goals and Rubric)
Participate in all Activity Days
Participation and effort towards Athletics Banquet
Is it true?
Edmodo and Dropbox orientation
Forming Celebrity Apprentice Groups
Last Year’s Survival Guide
Leadership Lectures and Controversy in Sport
Leadership Platform
Mission Statement Discussion
Alternating Between Terry Fox Run/Club Day and Celebrity Apprentice Fundraising Task
Celebrity Apprentice Activity Days
Athletic Banquet Pitch
Celebrity Apprentice
-Students are divided into four teams and compete to complete the following tasks
-Fundraising and school spirit events
-Format will parallel the television show Celebrity Apprentice
- winning teams will be rewarded (bonus points for Student Choice tasks or pizza parties)
Watch Celebrity Apprentice to learn its format
Form Celebrity Apprentice Groups
Jenga Challenge
Club Day Vs Terry Fox Run
Teams come up with name, slogan, introductions and Gator Gear Pitch . This will be presented to the class. Presentations will be ranked and this ranking will affect the next task.
intramurals (bball, floor hockey, badminton against staff, dodgeball)
Gator Gear/Retro uniforms/school store
-staff vs student basketball game (try to include alumni)
-Securing Sponsors or Other
*Each team must make a proposal first via PowerPoint to Coach Kitteringham for approval
-When, how, promotion(website), roles, teacher sponsors (Starbucks cards)
Design and execute an athletics related field trip (ropes course, paintball, swimming) ( Activity Day)
Athletics Banquet Pitch
Leadership Presentation
Scenario Challenge
So you think it is easy? PE teacher for a Day!
Giving Back
Mentor a grade 8 athlete (2 point)
Year in Review
PPT on Youtube and school website
(1 point)
Design a system to monitor the academic progress of WGSS athletes. This involves setting up a
GATOR-AIDE tutoring program
(6 points) $
Student Choice
-students choose which activities they want to complete
-points are associated with each of the tasks
-students must compile 10 points over the course of the year
Create and maintain a website for WGSS athletics. Your website should include: pictures, reports, interviews, scores, highlights and forms for athletes and parents to download.
(6 points)
Design, promote and execute an athletics camp for local elementary student in a sport of your choice.
( 6 points) $
Design a personalized workout program specific to your sport. (2 points)
Read a book related to leadership in athletics and give a brief oral presentation to the class.
(2 points)
Research a potential career related to recreational leadership and present to the class.
(2 points)
Photograph and record various WGSS sporting events in preparation for the athletics banquet
( 1point)
Hall of Fame and
School History (Varies)
Come up with creative ways of whipping
GATOR NATION into a frenzy at various sporting events. ( 2 points)
Team or Program
Research notable moments and athletes in WGSS history in your sport of interest.
Create a PowerPoint that can play out side the PE office. Include
Athletes of Year and award winners.
(2 points)
Wet Mop (Varies)
Design and execute a team building activity for you team prior to the season (2 points)
Recruit, train and monitor a crew of
WGSS students that score-keep and officiate WGSS athletic events.
( 6 points) $
Recruit, train and monitor a crew of
WGSS students that set up and take down equipment for WGSS sporting events
( 4 points) $
Run concession at
WGSS sporting events (2 points) $
Help Mr. Stead with Terry Fox Run and Fundraiser
(2 points)
Run the Ultimate
Frisbee club.
( 4 points)
Connect with Mrs.
Barlow’s James
Kennedy Leadership students (Varies)
Design, promote and execute a tournament for local elementary student in a sport of your choice.
( 6 points)
(2 points)
Announce and DJ
WGSS athletic event
Announce and DJ
Gator Classic
Tournament (4 points)
Monitor and report on a team of your choice at
WGSS. These weekly reports will be displayed on the TV outside the PE office. (6 points)
Create highlight packages to help promote your sport and boost attendance and interest
(2 points)
Recruit, train, and monitor Wally the Gator mascot. (2 points)
Design and construct a display case for WGSS athletics that includes old uniforms, highlights and trophies (4 points)
Help Mr. Fast and Mr.
Bergen set up and execute Gator Classic.
(2 points)
. The Koz Report
Collaborate with a
WGSS coach and create instructional game-tape for a team of your choice
(4 points)
Maintain team-room
(2 points)
Fundraise for team gear (2 points)
Train team manger
(2 points)
Design and construct a team-room/lounge for WGSS Athletes
(6 points)
Help Mr. Sparks and the Cross-Country team with Big Rock event in October and
Elementary promotions in June.
(4 points)
$ = students performing these tasks may be able make money
* Students will be compensated for any additional hours spent outside of class-time
** There is the option of have Langara College representative come in and talk the class about their Rec. Leadership diploma and degree programs
very important.
Attendance will often not be required; therefore, attendance and participation on the days we do meet is
You are expected to arrive to class on time, in the appropriate dress, with the necessary supplies and with a great attitude. You will be asked to give yourself a self-evaluation mark at the end of each class.
Attending sporting events
Over the course of the year you must complete the following projects: o Leadership platform o Celebrity Apprentice Tasks o Movie Response o Edmodo
The bulk of your grade will come from the points you accumulate through activities and volunteer work around the school.
Each student is required to compile a total of 10 points. Points must come from three different categories.
Celebrity Apprentice/Class Initiatives
Terry Fox Run
September 30-Club Day
Student Choice Individual Initiatives
th Terry Fox Run
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Sr Girls Volleyball
Basketball or Volleyball gym workouts
Volleyball Scorekeeping and officiating
October 2-InsideOut Day For Grade 12s
October 15-18-Water Week
th -Double Block Assembly on Wednesday-leadership studets help and set upClean Water for the World-Awareness week
November 22 nd -Staff vs Student BBall Game
Big Rock Cross Country
Cross Country FV Championship
Basketball or Volleyball gym workouts
Sr Girls Volleyball and Sr Night
November 2 nd -Cross Country Awards Night at WGSS
November 22 nd -Staff vs Student BBall Game
Basketball Scorekeeping and Refing
Basketball gym workouts
Pizza Classic Basketball Tournament
Gator Classic Basketball Tournament
Pink Shirt Week
Grade 7 Parent Night
Sr Night for graduating basketball players
Track Season
Rugby Season
Athletic Banquet
Track Season
Rugby Season
Girls Soccer Season
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Elementary Track & Field Meet
Track Provincials
June 5 th Athletic Banquet
Youth Day Celebration