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George Roberts
Wellesley, MA
(781) 235-2975
30 years programming experience (since age 12); MSVC MFC C++ programming for past 11
years; C programming for 19 years; NT for past 7 years; Java for 6 years; Visual Basic for 7
years; HTML 8 years; OLE; ActiveX; COM; DCOM; ATL; STL; Unix; Linux; TCP/IP; IP;
Sockets; CGI; ODBC; DAO; SQL; SAPI; USB; analytical, motivated, open, self-reliant
personality. Strong digital and analog electrical engineering background.
Sep 2003Present
Action Alarm, Inc., Quincy, MA
Software Contractor
Dramatically improved the speed of Visual Basic software used in monitoring home and business
Feb 2000Present
Amber Infotech, Inc., Wayland, MA
Software Contractor
Built a Windows 2000 service that communicates with a Sharp Electronic cash register. Also
created shrink-wrap application to allow store owners to edit cash register information -- written
in JAVA.
Feb 2003
Subscriber Solutions, Framingham, MA
Software Contractor
Converted a Linux C program that communicates with hardware to work in Windows.
Dec 2001Nov 2002
Teradyne, Inc. Boston, MA
Software Engineer Contractor
Wrote firmware in C for embedded computers that communicate with each other using LON
protocol. Each of 26 nodes monitors up to 100 voltage, temperature, fan and other sensors
inside a Teradyne chip tester. Each node also controls power sequencing when turning on or off
tester. Used Keil compiler on ADUC 812 8051 style CPU.
Jan 2001Dec 2001
Teradyne, Inc. Boston, MA
Hardware Engineer Contractor
Wrote software that interfaces with Teradyne's newest chip tester using MSVC, ATL, Visual
Basic. Helped bring up, debug and test a circuit board used in Teradyne's newest chip tester.
Wrote firmware for ADUC812 and also Cypress M8 to control a USB device.
Jan 1999Jun 2000
imachines, Inc., Needham, MA
Software Contractor
Built VB and C++ ATL ActiveX components for use with semiconductor manufacturing
equipment along with the main GUI for imachine's current client using Developer Studio 6.0.
May 1998Jan 1999
Opus Telecom, LLC, Framingham, MA
Software Contractor
Converted a suite of C programs from Unix to NT 4.0. Wrote a Linux C server program and an
NT Java client program that display live, constantly updating information about phone calls using
Symantec Cafe. Also created a Java bean ActiveX component and a VB ActiveX component
for use with oracle FORMS.
Mar 1998Apr 1998
Image Technologies, Corp., Boston, MA
Embedded Programmer
Wrote embedded controller software for servo and camera control for medical equipment.
Nov 1997Feb 1998
imachines, Inc., Needham, MA
Software Contractor
Created ActiveX components using Microsoft’s Active Template Library (ATL) for use with
semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Also added graphical wafer view GUI using MFC to
existing program. All software was done in C++, Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Developer Studio
Aug 1997Nov 1997
Teradyne, Inc., Boston, MA
Software Contractor
Wrote a shrink wrap dialog only application to be included with Teradyne’s new V540 tester.
This was written using Developer Studio 97, Visual C++, MFC in Windows NT 4.0. New skills
included WinHelp and HtmlHelp (the application uses both).
Aug, Nov
Hands on Technology Transfer, Chelmsford, MA
Software Instructor
Taught 2 one week 40 hour courses entitled "MFC Programming for C++ Programmers".
Subjects included document/view architecture, GDI, dialogs, ODBC, DAO, OLE, SQL, and
Mar 1997July 1997
NYNEX Information Resources Company, Middleton, MA
Software Contractor
Contracted to implement NYNEX's CLASS software suite, used by yellow page account reps, on
the Windows NT 4.0 OS. Developed GUI software in Microsoft Development Studio to read
and update customer account mainframe DB2 databases accessed through CICS. Ported 29K
lines of code from OS/2 to NT. Completed work in 1/2 of projected time enabling entire project
to finish ahead of schedule. Skills learned included much more detailed understanding of MS
Windows GUI internals, multithreading, subclassing controls, SQL.
(part time)
Security Interface Corp., Quincy, MA
Major stockholder, Chief Software Engineer
Developed all software for “Alarm Concentrator” product which installs into a PC, including
firmware, Windows95 C++ DLL to interface with the card through the backplane, and
Windows95 Visual Basic software that communicates with and configures the Concentrator.
Teradyne, Inc., Boston, MA
Senior software engineer
Designed and delivered VC++ MFC solutions to manufacturing division which assembles and
tests electronic circuit boards. This software includes a suite of applications sharing a common
graphical DLL. It started in Windows 3.1, moved to Windows 95 and finally to Windows NT.
Architected and produced graphics software to replace in-house use of AutoCad. This assembly
drawing software creates mechanical drawings for PCB assemblers, and has needed features
lacking in AutoCad.
Coordinated development for this 12 month long assembly drawing software project. Delivered
product sooner by hiring and managing a software consultant. Developed schedule and
coordinated all 4 software engineers.
Webmaster for divisional web pages. This included being the system administrator for a Sun IPC
with Sun OS 4.1.3, implementing Unix security features, downloading and installing HTTPD,
writing the web pages, writing Unix CGI scripts for the web server in C, writing Unix C
programs to analyze the log files and graph statistics of web site usage, documentation for all
software products, and much more.
Saved Teradyne money by implementing cross platform UNIX/Windows C++ application used
by Hardware Design Engineers within Teradyne worldwide. This application allows design
engineers to quickly find the components that are cheapest to assemble and test and still meet
design specifications.
Composed software to plan the most efficient feeder configuration for the Boston surface mount
production line.
Senior Test Engineering Technologist
Supplied VAX/VMS C applications for test department.
Departmental network administrator. This included buying and installing Ethernet equipment
such as bridges, maintaining DNS TCP/IP addresses on a server (Unix), testing network load,
planning new networks.
Test Engineering Technologist
Developed programs to test printed circuit boards. Wrote digital signal processing software.
RCA Automated Systems, Burlington, MA
Member of Technical Staff
Created programs to test helicopter cockpit electronic assemblies.
(part time)
Process Software Corporation, Framingham, MA
Software Engineer
Developed pdp-11 device drivers to control peripheral devices. Wrote a menu-driven video
signal processing package.
(part time)
Precision Software
Wrote interactive video games for Commodore PET, and sold them through mail order.
Pneumo Precision Inc., Keene, NH
Contract programmer
Designed, assembled & programmed a turnkey computer based system for manufacturing CNC
part programs for diamond machining lathes. Pneumo Precision made a profit on the very first
Richard F Weeks Associates, Lexington, MA
Contract programmer
Created assembly language programs to control servo motors. Wrote PASCAL applications.
(part time)
Lexington Computer Services, Lexington, MA
Contract programmer
Wrote software for public school system most of which was for their database system.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
B. S. Computer Systems Engineering May, 1983 G.P.A. 3.7/4.0