Response to Application Form - Nova Scotia Family Law

Form 59.08
Supreme Court of Nova Scotia
(Family Division)
Between: [copy standard heading]
Response to Application
To: [name of applicant or applicants]
The respondent requests an order
The respondent, [name of party] , is applying for an order for the following: [may delete any that
do not apply]
under the Maintenance and Custody Act, including the following sections as referenced in
 custody (s. 18)
 leave to apply (s. 18)
 access (s. 18)
 leave to apply (s. 18)
 child maintenance involving married parents (s. 9)
 child maintenance involving unmarried parents and finding of paternity (s. 11)
 spousal maintenance (s. 3)
 exclusive occupation of residence (s. 7)
 order for paternity or blood tests (s. 27)
 registration of agreement (s. 52)
under the Matrimonial Property Act:
 exclusive possession of matrimonial home (s. 11)
 division of assets (s. 12)
 other [give specifics] .
under the Pension Benefits Act, the Pension Benefits Standards Act, or other
legislation to divide a pension or to enable a division of pension
other [give specifics, including legislation or other legal authority for relief
Documents in support of application
The applicant files the following documents in support of the application:
parenting statement
statement of income
statement of special or extraordinary expenses
statement of undue hardship circumstances
statement of expenses
statement of property
pre-hearing brief
affidavit of [name]
other affidavits and documents [give specifics]
A copy of each document is to be delivered to you with this notice.
Designated address for service
The respondent designates the following address for delivery of documents:
Documents delivered to this address will be considered to be received by the respondent on delivery.
, 20
Signature of respondent
Print name:
Signature of counsel
[name] as counsel for [name of party]
For delivery with supporting documents to each applicant:
[full name and address of each]