Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
Güç Elektroniği Dersi
Güç Yarıiletkenleri ile Prtik Devre Örnekleri
0-24V 5A Ayarlı Regüleli Güç Kaynağı - 0-24V 5A Ayarlı Regüleli Güç Kaynağı
Devresi - 0-24V 5A Ayarlı Regüleli Güç Kaynağı Şeması
0-24V 5A Ayarlı Regüleli Güç Kaynağı Devresi Şeması
The VCR converter: 12V to 120V, 20 Watt
Many modern pieces of home electronics, like video recorders, have switching power
supplies that can accept any voltage from about 90 to 250V AC, at frequencies of 45
through at least several hundred Hertz. But it is less known that most of these power
supply can perfectly well accept DC voltage too! That DC voltage should be at a level
of close to what the AC peak would be, that is, typically this equipment will accept
about 110 to 320V DC.
I live in a place where sometimes we get power cuts. It does not happen really often
now, but when it happens, I hate having to re-program the memories and timer of my
video cassette recorder! It looses memory as soon as the power outage lasts for
more than a few seconds. But I have a large storage battery in my radio room, under
constant charge, and given the low power consumption of a VCR, I decided to put it
on the battery. I looked inside, and tried to inject a backup voltage into the CPU
circuitry, but having no schematic diagram I missed the proper spots, and the
machine always kept forgetting everything. So I decided to power the entire VCR
from the battery, through the AC power input.
The most obvious approach would be to make a DC to AC inverter, having 110 or
220V AC output at 50 or 60 Hz, but this requires a rather large and heavy
transformer. So it's better to use a high frequency, at least 25kHz, so a very small
and cheap transformer can be used. But sending 25 kHz into a power supply
designed for 50 to 60 Hz is no good! The input diodes are not fast enough, and the
noise filter at the input would place a heavy reactive load on the inverter! So I
Pratik Devre Şemaları
decided to rectify the secondary voltage in the converter, and power the VCR with
Practical Switch Voltage Regulator Power Supply Circuit With Positive
Incentives Convertor Method
The practical switch voltage regulator power supply circuit is shown in the picture.
The positive incentives convertor method's main features are:1.The transformer
winding's primary and secondary has the same polarity.2.When VT1 is connected,
the current i1 would be through Np. At the same time the output side has current i2
conducted, and the output current is Io. Also the inductor L is cumulating the
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
energy.3.When the VT1 is disconnected, the L's opposite EMF would make the
current conducted through VD2.4.The output side rectifier circuit is inductor input
type whose switching frequency is beyond 100kHz. The picture shows the practical
switch voltage regulator power supply circuit with positive incentives convertor
The symmetrical double T circuit to improve the notch filter circuit
Figure 1 is an example of the symmetrical double-T circuit. Under careful
observation, we found that it is circuit synthesis of low-pass filter and high pass filter.
In this circuit, usually the ratio of components grounding into the earth adopts 2C and
R / 2 method. The reason for this is that the ratio can effectively make the
attenuation frequency reach the spike values, but the Q value of this circuit is also
dropped to 0.25, zero frequency The composition of the circuit is extremely simple,
accoring to the circuit, we can see 2C capacitors is needed. The author's approach
improves the cost, we can adopt two capacitors connected in parallel to process.
Pratik Devre Şemaları
The principle of circuitThe irrigation motor automatic protector circuit is formed by the
power supply circuit and the detection/protection control circuit, which is shown in
Figure 4-96.
Power supply circuit is formed by the power transformer T, rectifier
diodes VD1-VD4 and filter capacitor C1. Detection/protection control circuit is formed
by the detection electrodes A,B,start button S,resistors R1-R4, capacitor C2, optical
coupler VLC, bi-directional trigger diode V, thyristor VT, electronic switch integrated
circuit IC and AC contactor KM.
Digital lock 6
The digital lock circuit is composed of the power switch SO, power transformer T,
bridge rectifier UR, relays Kl, K2, password buttons Sl-Sl2, transistors VT, LED VLl,
VL2, diodes VD1-VD4, resistors R1 -R3 and capacitors Cl-C6, and it is shown in
Figure 3-103. Rl-R3 use the 1/4W carbon film resistors or metal film resistors. Cl-C4
select ultra small aluminum electrolytic capacitors with the voltage in 16V; C5 uses
the monolithic capacitor. VD1-VD4 are choose 1N4148 silicon switch diode; VD5
uses the lN4007 silicon rectifier diode.
Electronic ballast circuit diagram for fluoresent lamp
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
The electronic ballast circuit for fluorescent lamp is composed of the rectifier filter
circuit, high-frequency oscillator circuit and output circuit. In the circuit, the rectifier
filter circuit consists of the rectifier diodes VD1- VD4 and filter capacitors C1, C2;
high-frequency oscillator consists of the transistors vi, V2, resistors R1-R7,
capacitors C3, C4, C6, diodes VD5- VD8 and high frequency transformer T (W1-W3
are wound on the same magnetic ring to form a high-frequency transformer); output
circuit is composed of the chokes L1, L2 and capacitors C1-C10.
Ground control electric fan circuit diagram
Pratik Devre Şemaları
This circuit shows a triac motor-speed control that derives feedback from a magnetcoil tachometer that is placed near the motor fan (Figs. 8-17B and 8-17C). Motor
speed is controlled by the 5-kΩ pot. The MAC210-4 triac is capable of handling
motor loads up to 10 A.
This figure shows the basic control circuit for SCRs that use SBS triggers, and is
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
preferable to that of Fig. 8-24 (triac), where high power must be handled, or whore
rapidly rising voltages are encountered (high dv/dt,). Although the circuits of both
Figs. 8-24 and 8-25 were designed as incandescent-lamp dimmers, the circuits are
well suited to control of universal and shaded-pole motors. Such motors have higher
torque at low speeds when open-loop controlled by these circuits, rather than with
rheostats or variable transformers (because of the higher voltage pulses applied).
This figure shows the basic control circuit for triacs that use SBS triggers. The line voltage
and load current depend primarily on the triac characteristics. In this case, the MAC210-4
accommodates loads up to 10 A.
This circuit provides positive protection of expensive electrical or electronic
equipment against excessive supply voltage (resulting from improper switching, short
circuits, failure of regulators, etc.). The circuit is used where it is economically
Pratik Devre Şemaları
desirable to shut down equipment, rather than allow the equipment to operate at
excessive voltages. The circuit quickly places a short across the power lines (ac or
dc), and thereby drops the voltage to the protected device to near zero and blows a
fuse. With the values shown, the crowbar operating point (set point) can be adjusted
over the range of 60 to 120 Vdc or 42 to 84 Vac. The values of R1 to R3 can be
changed to cover different supply voltages, but the triac voltage rating must be
greater than the highest operating point that is set by R2. Lamp II (with a voltage
rating that is equal to the supply) can be used to check the set point and operation of
the circuit, by opening the push-to-test switch and adjusting the input or set point to
fire the SBS. An alarm unit such as the Mallory Sonalert can be connected across
the fuse to provide an audible indication of crowbar action. Notice that this circuit
cannot act on short, infrequent power-line transients.
This circuit uses a CA3096 or CA3096A transistor array to control a triac.
This circuit uses a CA3240E to sense small currents flowing between contact points on a
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
touch plate, which consists of a PC board metalization grid. When the On plate is touched,
current flows between the two halves of the grid, and causes a positive shift in the output
voltage (pin 7) of the CA3240E. These positive transitions are fed into the CA3079, which is
used as a latching circuit and zero-crossing triac driver. When pin7 of the CA3240 is positive,
the triac and lamp are on. The opposite occurs when the Off plate is touched, and pin 1 of the
CA3240 is positive.
This circuit shows a CA3094B and triac that are connected to form a temperature
This circuit shows the basic UJT building block (Fig. 9-1), which is used in a light
dimmer with soft-start operation that applies current to the light slowly enough to
eliminate high surges (high inrush current). These current surges, found in most
cold-filament light dimmers, shorten lamp life. With this circuit, the lamp is heated
slowly by a gradually increasing voltage so that inrush current is kept to a minimum.
Pratik Devre Şemaları
R4 controls the charging rate of C2 and provides the means to control or dim the
This circuit shows a UJT used as a thyristor trigger (with feedback), where the
average load voltage is the desired feedback variable. R1, R2, and C1 average the
load voltage so that the voltage can be compared with the set point that is
determined by RC.
This circuit shows a 4N26 driving an SCR, which, in turn, is used to control an inductive load.
The SCR is a sensitive-gate device ( 1 mA of gate current) and the 4N26 has a minimumcurrent transfer ratio of 0.2, so the 4N26 input current (IF) must be 5 mA. The 1-kΩ
resistor prevents the SCR from triggering with small input changes, and the 1N4005
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
prevents the SCR from triggering with the self-induced voltage when the SCR turns
Time-Varying Dimming Circuit
The picture shows the time-varying dimming circuit.As shown, it uses the unijunction
transistor (UJT) trigger circuit, whose function is that it could make the lamp's
brightness light up gradually and automatically, or light out gradually and
automatically (which means the so-called soft starting or soft stopping). This circuit
could be used to control street lamp, home lamp, film-playing place, film-playing
room and so on, and these cases would be very adequate. This could make people's
eyes adapt to the photometric requirements gradually, so that it is good for eye's
health.The working principle: when the S3 is connected, the circuit would get power
supply. If the S1 is switched to upside, the C1, C2 would be charged. Because the
C2's two ports' voltage is advanced than the C1's two ports' voltage, the C1's
charging voltage would be increased firstly and the C2 voltage would follow it to be
increased. The SCR's conduction angle would be wider and the lamp's two ports'
voltage would be increased, so the lamp would be light up gradually.
250W SCR Inverter Circuit
Pratik Devre Şemaları
Pulse DC Electronic Fishing Device Circuit (3)
The Pulse DC Electronic Fishing Device Circuit
One kind of electron ballast circuit principle diagram
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
Sanhe Songshi 15W vibrating massage stick circuit
PWM motor speed control circuit
Pratik Devre Şemaları
diagram: PWM motor speed control circuit.
3KW controlled silicon DC speed governing system circuit
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
Electric fan stepless speed regulation circuit diagram
Electric fan stepless speed regulation circuit diagram is shown in the diagram: (View)
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engine oil pressure switch、water temperature sensor、braking smoke and
air condition system circuit diagram
Published:2011-4-10 20:39:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: engine oil pressure switch, water
temperature sensor, braking smoke , air condition system
Figure engine oil pressure switch、water temperature sensor、braking smoke and air
condition system circuit diagram (View)
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Pratik Devre Şemaları
Air-condition front and back control assembly and ambient temperature
control circuit diagram
Published:2011-4-10 20:25:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Air-condition front and back control
assembly, ambient temperature control
Figure Air-condition front and back control assembly and ambient temperature control circuit
diagram (View)
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The application circuit of EXB851
Published:2011-4-8 2:26:00 Author:may
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
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Application circuit of EXB840
Published:2011-4-8 2:10:00 Author:may
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D type IPM structure and IGBT equivalent circuit
Published:2011-4-8 2:01:00 Author:may | Keyword: D type, IPM, structure, equivalent
Pratik Devre Şemaları
(a) D type IPM structure (b) IGBT equivalent circuit (View)
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Typical application wiring diagram of HL610A
Published:2011-4-8 1:57:00 Author:may
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Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut
Power module unit diagram of IGBT and fly-wheel diode
Published:2011-4-8 1:07:00 Author:may | Keyword: IGBT, fly-wheel diode, Power module
(a) is single switch module; (b) is two unit (half bridge) module; (c) is H bridge (single phase
bridge) module; (d) is asymmetrical H bridge module; (e) is three phase bridge (six unit or
inverter bridge) module; (f) is chopping module (g) is chopping module (h) is three phase
bridge GD add chopping GAL (braking chopper circuit) module; (i) is three unit module,
consists of three group switch; (j) is single switch add collector end series diode ( negative
direction disconnecting switch) module; (k) is single switch add emitter end series diode
(negative direction disconnecting switch) module; (l) is two unit module, with series diode
(negative direction disconnecting switch). (View)
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CFL electron ballast circuit composed of MPIC2151P and PowerLuxTM
Published:2011-4-2 3:25:00 Author:may | Keyword: electron ballast, PowerLuxTM IGBT
Pratik Devre Şemaları
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The package of Mitsubishi IPM
Published:2011-4-7 20:48:00 Author:may | Keyword: Mitsubishi,
IPM is advanced hybrid integrated power device. It is integrated high-speed, low power
consumption IGBT chip and optimal grid drive circuit and kinds of protective circuit in one
module. Compare to ordinary IGBT, IPM has further increase in system features and
reliability. Also, because its conduction losses and switch losses is quite low, the size of
radiator is small, so size of the whole system is more small. Moreover IPM internal integrated
logic, control, detect ion and protect circuit, the use is convenient, it not only decrease the
volume of this system and the development time, also greatly add reliability of the system.
Güç Elektroniği / N. Abut