, FORMAT FOR QUARTERLY AND BIANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (JULY-DECEMBER 2008) TRE 1. Project Context [bullets – max ½ page] 1.1 External Context Discuss any changes that may have taken place in the external environment in which the project is operating. It may include, for example: Key staff turnover, social conditions, technological conditions Policy changes (at the region or woreda levels) Environmental conditions (drought, flooding, fire, etc.) New donor projects or new government initiatives If there are no changes, simply say – no changes in the external environment. 1.2 Internal Context Discuss any change in the project operations, it could include: Changes in project stakeholders/partners/TDTs/FFGs Changes in the approach or changes in the implementation strategies If there are no changes, simply say – no changes in the internal environment. 1.3 Effects on Activity Implementation In one short paragraph, synthesize the effect of above changes on activity implementation, for example, how the above may impact project strategies, expenditure, budget, personnel, risks and activity schedule. 2. Actual Results for the Period [Table for group activities + max 1 page narrative] 2.1 Achievements during the period Output 1600 Support to TIU is continued. Both the certificate and diploma and degree program participants are doing well in their education. TVET students were in apprenticeship program in July 2008 and successfully completed their practical training; Diploma and degree distance education students of TIU attended tutorial class in July 2008 and took final examination at the end of August 2008; Discussion was made with Bahir Dar university distance education coordination office on problems created in the process particularly on the distribution of training modules. Output 3300 Support was made for new long term training program (upgrading from diploma to degree) participants of DAs and woreda Agricultural and Rural Development experts who started their training in summer program in different universities. D:\106762697.doc 1 Woredas could not get training institutes providing training in home economics (diploma). As a result woredas shift the training program from home economics to other fields. It was planned to provide computer and data management training for woreda experts and support staff but due to woredas study of BPR and similar undertakings this training will be done in the second quarter. Output 4500, 4800, 4900, 4952 and 4961 (Long Term Training Program) Ongoing long term training programs are supported. In this context 2 MSc trainees of ARARI are supported. One ongoing and 5 new MSc trainees of BoARD are supported. Out of the 4 new participants 2 are supported for their MSc thesis only and three started their study with the support of the project since October 2008. One ongoing long term training (BA) in distance education and one new MSc program participant is selected from CPA has started his study since October 2008. Two woreda experts from EPLAUA were selected and started their training in summer program. In addition one PhD student is supported for his dissertation. 2.2 Achievements to Date Output 1600 102 secondary and TVET, 40 diploma and 37 degree students of TIU are continuing their education. One year training program of TIU is completed. TVET students successfully completed their practical training in apprenticeship; Monitoring and evaluation was conducted to know the status of TIU program; Based on the findings of the M&E discussion was made with the university distance education dean and his staff. The discussion was conducted with mutual understanding and the university promised to make maximum effort to solve some of the problems encountered by the program participants. Output 3300, 4500, 4800, 4900, 4952 and 4961 32 experts drawn from WoARD, CPA and EPLAUA are attending their studies in regular and summer programs in different universities. The summer students will continue some course works in distance education as well. Woreillu, Menz Mama, Delanta were fully implementing their share of long term training program. However, Gonch and East Belessa used 50% while West Belessa didn’t participate in the 4th year long term training program. In addition, except East Belessa other woredas didn’t select their participants of MSc training program. 6 BoARD, 1 CPA trainees are attending their MSc program and 1 EPLAUA student get support for his PhD dissertation. D:\106762697.doc 2 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Figure 1. Activity SWHISA Performance Reporting Framework Result planned 08-09 Result planned in the period Results Achieved in the period Variance 1000: Contribute Improved knowledge and skills of farm families and CBOs in household water harvesting, irrigated agriculture and watershed management 1100: Farmer Focus Groups established and strengthened Activity 1110: Formation of Farmer Focus Groups Form gender balanced community watershed committee (FFG) with 30% women members in each pilot watershed Form two gender balanced (at least 30% women) FFGs on irrigated agriculture in Delanta and Menze Mama woredas Conduct gender analysis in water harvesting FFGs members (50% women) in 6 SWHISA woredas Activity 1120: A Strengthen and conduct training with Farmer Focus Groups Conduct a review on the performance of irrigation and HHWHS schemes in project woredas with regard to technology transfer to FFGs' participation and firm up recommendations for improvement Continue extension technical support to FFGs in target woredas (monthly meetings and discussions are conducted by HHWHS and irrigation FFGs) by DAs ,, Train 60 households, (at least 50% women), at site by the respective Woreda TDTs on water utilization and maintenance of HHWHS D:\106762697.doc 3 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) including drip irrigation system Train 150 farmers (at least 30% women) on irrigation water management (25 in each of the six project woredas) by respective TDTs. Train 120 Watershed management committee members (at least 30% of women), selected from the six pilot catchments trained on organization, leadership and S&W improved practices by respective Woreda TDTs Organize experience sharing visit on irrigated agriculture for 60 farmers (West Bellessa, East Bellessa, Gonchasisonese and Menzmama woredas) within the Amhara region and zones Conduct at least one farmer Field days on HHWHS and irrigation schemes in 4 woredas (East Bellessa, Woreillu, Goncha and West Bellessa) Assist Woreda WoARD offices in developing performance evaluation criteria of FFGs by which 16 FFG farmers are selected from 4 project Woredas to give recognition/incentives of their contribution in HHWHS and irrigation activities 1200: Woreda and partner institutions capacity for developing skills of farm families strengthened Activity 1210: Strengthen “Development Teams” D:\106762697.doc Conduct monthly meetings by each woreda TDTs to implement and follow PTD trials and 4 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) in target woredas document results Output 1600 Women are Participating Actively in Water Harvesting and Irrigated Agriculture 179 students supported (Degree 40, Diploma 37 and Certificate 102) 1. Continue support to Top It Up program Support continued for 179 TIU students. Monitoring and Evaluation conducted in field in all project woredas to know the status of the program. Discussion was conducted with the university distance education dean based on the finding of the monitoring and evaluation 3300:Improved Woreda human resources practices, skills and performance, motivational tools and feedback mechanism Activity 3310:Develop strategic and interactive management capability Organize one training on Leadership and interactive management for senior woreda administrators Activity 3320: Improve technical, managerial, computer, planning and MSc. Students (2 in Agri. extension, 6 in WH/WS) from development skills and 8WoARD are supported knowledge through formal and on-job training interventions, study tours, workshops and demonstration D:\106762697.doc 6 project woredas select trainees for MSc studies in local universities Only one woreda(East Belessa) has selected one expert for MSc while others didn’t select trainees for the program 5 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) 18 DAs are upgraded from diploma to degree Each woreda train 3 DAs to upgrade from diploma to degree All woredas except West Belessa has selected trainees and started their education in summer programs in different universities 6 home agents are upgraded from certificate to diploma Due to lack of institutes providing home economics courses woredas preferred to upgrade experts from diploma to degree in agricultural irrigation, water harvesting and similar programs 12 woreda experts upgraded from diploma to degree Except West Belessa all woredas selected trainees and facilitated to start their training in different universities in summer programs. 24 woreda experts and support staffs trainined in computer and data management Woredas are in the process of preparation to start the training 6 home agents (Home economics technicians) are upgraded from certificate to Diploma 12 woreda experts upgraded from Diploma to Degree course woreda experts and support staffs are trained on computer and data management Output 4500 ARARI’s Human Resource Practices, Skill, Tools and Feedback Mechanisms Improved Activity 4520 :Improve scientific, technical, and applied research skills and knowledge of research staff through formal and on-job training interventions, study tours and workshops D:\106762697.doc Continued support for 2 ongoing MSc students of ARARI 2 MSc students are working their thesis with the support of the project 2 ongoing long term training (MSc) supported 6 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Output 4800 BoARD’s Human Resource Practices, Skills, Tools and Feedback Mechanisms Improved Activity 4820: Improve the technical skills and knowledge of regional staffs through formal and on-job-training interventions, study tours and workshops 5 MSc. Students from BoARD at regional level are sponsored (1 ongoing, 4 new) 5 BoARD experts continued their MSc studies in local universities One ongoing, two supported for only thesis expenses and 3 new totally 6 MSc students are attending their studies in different universities. one MSC student of CPA is supported One MSc student selected by CPA and attending his MSc program in Agricultural Economics in Haramaya University. 2 experts of CPA are upgraded from diploma to degree Two experts selected from East Belessa and started their education in Bahir dar university distance education program 2 experts from woreda EPLAUA are upgraded from diploma to degree 2 experts selected from two woredas continued their BSc studies in summer program with the support of the project. Two experts from regional EPLAUA are supported for MSc program One student of the authority has supported for his PhD dissertation. Output 4950: Capacity of CPA Strengthened Activity 4952: Improve the technical skills and knowledge of staff through training MSc training provided for 1 expert in rural development and agricultural economics 2 experts upgraded from diploma to BA/BSc Output 4960: Capacity of EPLAUA Strengthened Activity 4961: Improve the technical skills and knowledge of staff through training 1) Upgrade 2 woreda experts from Diploma to BSc Degree 2) Sponsor MSc training of 2 Regional Experts from EPLAUA D:\106762697.doc 7 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Annex 6: List of TOP IT UP Program Participants Diploma Program No. Full Name Organization & Place of work Department 1 Asegash Asen Yimer Woreillu ARD Business Mag’t 2 Tiruwork Lakew Zegeye Woreillu ARD ” 3 Sable Wondimnew Kibret Delanta WAO ” 4 Fetlework Mekonnen Ayele Delanta ARD ” 5 Yeshi Alamirew Fentaw Delanta ARD ” 6 Banchamlak Terefe Aemiro North Gondar WRD ” 7 Yezabnesh Alemu North Gondar ARD ” 8 Aminat Yimer Bezabih North WolloWRD ” 9 Tiruwork Teferi West Belessa ARD ” 10 Meseret Yitbarek West Belessa ARD ” 11 Ehitenesh Adugna CPA ” 12 Tsigereda Yato Mekonnen ARARI ” 13 Sewareg Damtie Misiker ARARI ” 14 Workie Tsegaw East Belessa ” 15 Mulu Adugna East Belessa ” 16 Etalem Tesfaye Lakew Menz Mama ARD ” 17 Rahel Negash Shene Menz Mama ARD ” D:\106762697.doc 8 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) 18 Shifine W/Giorgis Menz Mama ARD ” 19 Alemnesh Abebe ARARI-D/Berhan ” 20 Mulatua Yimam Mengiste ARARI-D/Berhan ” 21 Aster Yilma Hirpeye BoARD-D/Berhan ” 22 Elmitu Debasu BWA ” 23 Feleku Abera Belay North Shoa WRD ” 24 Selamawit Masresha G/mariam North Shoa ARD ” 25 Haregewoin Wondimu Tesema North Showa CPA Drop out 26 Abebech Azmeraw Alemu North Wollo WAO Busness Management 27 Yebirgual Hailu Marye North Wollo ARD ” 28 Serkalem Tadesse Gebrie BoWRD ” 29 Birhan Assefa Zerihun BoWRD ” 30 Merim Omer Tesfaye East Belessa WAO Drop out 31 Rahel Ayalew Awoke Goncha ARD ” 32 Melkam Minwuyelet Ayele Goncha WAO ” 33 Yebichaye Mengistie temesgen Goncha ARD ” 34 Almaz Ayalew Dires West Belessa finance ” 35 Bezenash Milashu East Belessa WAO ” 36 Fikerte Dagne Tafesse Woreillu ARD ” 37 Mulu Seleshi Mekuria East Belessa ” 38 Tena Ayele tariku Gonch WAO ” D:\106762697.doc 9 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) 39 Yengussie Emiru Margiaw East Belessa ” 40 Zinet Ynimer Mohammed Woreillu ARD ” Degree Program 1 Fentanesh Tamene Sisay Delanta WAO Rural Dev’t 2 Elzabeth Molla Reta Delanta ARD ” 3 Getie Fentaye Arega Delanta ARD ” 4 Bayush Abate Desta Delanta ARD ” 5 Menen Zeleke Alemie North Gondar CPA ” 6 Ansha Hamid Alamirew East Gojjam WRD ” 7 Aneley Aychew Gelaye Goncha ARD ” 8 Segenet Ejigu BoARD ” 9 Birhan Melaku Taye Goncha ARD 10 Demewoz Endrie Shifaw Woreillu ARD ” 11 Aminat Ahemed Beshir Woreillu ARD ” 12 Emebet Guale Ware Woreillu ARD ” 13 Abebech Dagnew Tiruneh West Belessa ARD ” 14 Lemlem Wondie Astatike West Belessa ARD ” 15 Abebech Yirga Yalew West Belessa ARD ” 16 Edilam Mekonnen Mulat Menz Mama ARD ” 17 Hiwot Belete G/Kiros Menz Mama ARD ” 18 Getenesh Bekele Menz Mama ARD ” D:\106762697.doc Disaster Risk Mag’t 10 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Goncha ARD ” CPA Accounting BoARD-Debreberhan Law Tsehaynesh Ahmed Assen South Wollo WAO Law 23 Hana T/Giorgis H/Michael South Wollo ARD Economics 24 Anguach Yosef Mebrat North Gondar WAO Management 25 Betelehem Yenework BoWRD ” 26 Yewubnesh Tesema Huluka BoWRD ” 27 Ager tsegie Mengistu BoWRD ” 28 Ayelech Astatike Menz Mama WAO ” 29 Abebech Yimer Woreillu ” 30 Yalemwork Mekonnen BWA ” 31 Firehiwot Mulu ARARI ” 32 Amarech Alene ARARI ” 33 Asnakech Tsega ARARI ” 34 Woinshet Tefera Goshu North Wollo WAO ” 35 Banchamlak G/Mariam Belay Goncha WAO ” 36 Etihun Ababu Tadesse North Wollo ARD ” 37 Yengussie Teferi Berhe East Belessa WAO ” 19 Ehitenesh Gete tariku 20 Makida Mamo tekletsadiq 21 Mulu Bekele chala 22 CERTIFICATE PROGRAM STUDENTS No Name of Students D:\106762697.doc Woreda Program 11 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) 1 Zeyneba Ali Muhie 2 Abaynesh Tsegaye Ashagir $ $ 3 Eyerus Girma Woldie $ $ 4 Birtukan Lulseged Shumye $ $ 5 Erbane Tefera Zewdie $ $ 6 Aseged Tefera Woldie $ $ 7 Birtukan Tadese Tesema $ $ 8 Mulu Yesuf Legese $ $ 9 Beletu Menigstu Mokonen $ $ 10 Fantanesh Mokonen Lema $ $ 11 Shimbera Yimer Asfaw $ $ 12 Turye Yimer Asen $ $ 13 Fikrte Demis Legese $ $ 14 Kemila Yimam Amedie $ $ 15 Kemila Yimer Asen $ $ 16 Toyiba Abate Husen $ $ 1 Beletie Asmare Asefa Delanta $ 2 Aselef Alemu Legese $ $ 3 Abebech Tadese Kasie $ $ 4 Waganat Setargie Shume $ $ D:\106762697.doc Woreillu certificate 12 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) 5 Workie Siyum Melaku $ $ 6 Debirework Teshome Megabiyaw $ $ 7 Bayush Kebede Chufa $ $ 8 Abebech Guanigul Endeshaw $ $ 9 Abebech Adisu Wondim $ $ 10 Zelalem Mengistie Nigatu $ $ 11 Ager Tesfay Wubiye $ $ 12 Asres Molla Gedefaw $ $ 13 Abeba Demsie Beyene $ $ 14 Leol Destaw Wondie $ $ 15 Fantayitu Ayalew Agagi $ $ 16 Alimaz G/Medihn Gebeyaw $ $ 17 Huluager Sete Tegegn $ $ 1 Serka Ayele Menz Mama $ 2 Tirunesh Atilaw $ $ 3 Mamite Lakew $ $ 4 Tayu Gebrie $ $ 5 Tashege Demeke $ $ 6 Workinesh Desalegn $ $ 7 Etimalsha Mulate $ $ D:\106762697.doc 13 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) 8 Fikate Mengistu $ $ 9 Ehitegiorgis Shewangizaw $ $ 10 Yeshewalam Yitna $ $ 11 Beshewamale Demeke $ $ 12 Wubalem Alagaw $ $ 13 Serkalem Mamo $ $ 14 Tejinesh Moges $ $ 1 Yemengist Birara E.Belessa $ 2 Hulager Tazo $ $ 3 Eskedar Bekele $ $ 4 Almaz Worku $ $ 5 Tsigereda Nigatu $ $ 6 Kishen Debash $ $ 7 Melishew simare $ $ 8 Worknesh Sitotaw $ $ 9 Serewman Bere $ $ 10 Kelebet Bere $ $ 11 Tadel Mihret $ $ 12 Marye Dese $ $ 13 Enanit Adigo $ $ D:\106762697.doc 14 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) 14 Anguach Belay $ $ 15 Hulager Sete $ $ 16 Tamenu Wubalem $ $ 17 Wubzemen Ayalem $ $ 1 Adina Sisay W.Belessa $ 2 Aregash Birhanu $ $ 3 Adina Molla $ $ 4 Kenubish Nega $ $ 5 Aster Belete $ $ 6 Debre Kibru $ $ 7 Maritu Teshome $ $ 8 Asresash Kasaye $ $ 9 Mitke Degefaw $ $ 10 Serke Maru $ $ 11 Terefu Bizuayehu $ $ 12 Desalu Endalamaw $ $ 13 Yeshi Wonde $ $ 14 Hana Sendeke $ $ 15 Kasaye Atinafu $ $ 16 Bayulegn Mulat $ $ D:\106762697.doc 15 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) $ $ Goncha $ Sewenet Dergew $ $ 3 Engocha Tamere $ $ 4 Emebet Asrea $ $ 5 Abebu Temesgen $ $ 6 Asrea Bamelaku $ $ 7 Zertihune Ayalew $ $ 8 birehan Alem $ $ 9 Yirefu Adugna $ $ 10 Muluken Abebe $ $ 11 Melesu Setharge $ $ 12 Shashe Amelak $ $ 13 Bayech Mesa $ $ 14 Yeshiemebet Geze $ $ 15 Yezichalem Tesfaw $ Drou out 16 Kasaneshe Fente $ $ 17 Melkam Abriham $ $ 17 Hodye Bizuayehu 1 Fantaye Desalegne 2 D:\106762697.doc 16 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Annex 2: List of long term and Academic Training program (MSc/BSc/Diploma) (July 07 – Dec.31, 2008) Institution Sex Starting year Completion year Status Dec. 08 Degree Sought 1 Aklilu Mesfin BoARD M Sep-07 Jul-09 ongoing MSc 2 Marie Addis Desta BoARD M Sep-07 Jul-08 Completed MSc 3 4 5 6 Tesfaye Wossen Dereje Hailu Tegenu Ashagre Merkuz Abera ARARI ARARI ARARI BoARD M M M M Oct-07 Oct-07 Oct-07 2006 Jul-09 Jul-09 Jul-09 2009 ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing MSc MSc MSc PhD 7 Seid Mohammed BoWRD M 2006 2007 completed MSc 8 Yimer Habtie BoWRD M Sep-06 2008 Completed MSc 9 Atakilt Tega BoWRD M Sep-06 2008 Completed MSc NO Name Field of Study Soil and Water conservation Livestock Development University Haramaya 10 Muluneh bimerew BoWRD M Sep- 06 2008 Completed MSC 11 Tibebe Bekele BoWRD M Sep-06 2008 Completed MSc 12 Berhanie Mehari 13 Fasicaw Atanaw BoWRD BoWRD M M Sep-06 Sep-07 2009 2009 Ongoing Ongoing MSc MSc 14 Belay Zegeye BoWRD M Sep-06 Jul-08 Completed Msc 15 Abebaw Kebede BoWRD M 2006 Jul-2008 Completed MSc D:\106762697.doc Agronomy Applied Genetics Water Management Crop protection Cooperative Marketing Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering Irrigation engineering Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering Hydraulic and Water Management Developmental economics Hydrology Hydraulic and Water Management Agricultural Engineering Addis Abeba Bahir Dar Haramaya Mekelle Arbamich Civil Service College Arbaminch Haramaya 17 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Institution Sex Starting year CPA M M 2007 2007 Jul-08 2010 completed ongoing MSc BSc 18 Biresaw Emiru M 2008 2010 Ongoing MSc Field of Study Agricultural Economics Rural Dev’t Agricultural Economics 19 Gashaw Dereje M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc Rural Development 20 Degu Addis M 2008 2011 Ongoing BA EPLAUA M 2007 Jul-08 ongoing MSc Accounting Environmetal Science (Biology) M 2007 2011 ongoing BSc Natural Res. Mgmt. M 2007 2011 ongoing BSc Natural Res. Mgmt. M 2007 2011 ongoing BSc Geography M 2007 2011 ongoing BSc Natural Res. Mgmt. M 2007 2011 ongoing BSc M 2007 2001 ongoing BSc Hawassa M 2007 2011 Ongoing BSc M 2007 2011 Ongoing BSc M * ** Ongoing PhD NO Name 16 Demeke Mekuriya 17 Eskinder Belete 21 Teklu Damitie 22 Ashagre Kubi Completion year Status Dec. 08 Degree Sought 26 Gedefaw Beyene 27 Tagel Worku 28 Endale H/Mariam 29 Arega Alemu 30 Eyayu Molla 31 Mulate Mekonnen D:\106762697.doc BoARD 25 Tefera Akalu Haramaya Bahir Dar 24 Mandefro Chekol Bahir Dar 23 Aragaw Yimam University Bahir Dar Haramaya M 2007 **2009 Ongoing MSc Soil science Geo-Information System Bahir Dar 18 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) NO Name Institution 32 Getachew Gebeyehu Sex Starting year Completion year Status Dec. 08 Degree Sought M 2007 **2009 Ongoing MSc Field of Study Environmental Science M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc Rural Development M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc Rural Development M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc Animal Science M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc Sociology Hawassa M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc Animal science Ambo M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc Plant science Rural Development &Family Science M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSc M 2008 2011 Ongoing BSC 2008 2008 2011 2011 Ongoing Ongoing BSc BSc 2008 2008 2008 2011 2011 2011 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing BSc BSc BSc University Addis Ababa 33 Ali Mohammed 34 Getachew Edris 35 Tamrie Gorfe 36 Hailu Eshetie Ambo 37 Amene Bekele 38 Dereje Mekonnen BoARD 39 Mekonnen Nigussie 40 Nigussie Assefa 41 Gebreyes Belayneh 42 Asnake Dejen 43 Workeye Abebe 44 Destaw Masrie M M 45 Shewaye Beyene 46 Mulatu Bezabih 47 Wondifraw Wondimu F M M D:\106762697.doc NRM Agricultural Rural economics Management Agricultural Rural economics Management NRM Agri.Environmental science NRM Ambo Hawassa Bahir Dar 19 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) NO 48 49 50 51 52 53 Name Yimam Endris Ephrem Endale Mesfin Asnakew Temesgen Aragaw Gebeyehu Getnet Solomon Kumelachew Fentahun Ameshe Institution Status Dec. 08 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Degree Sought BSc BSc BSc BSc BSc M 2008 2010 Ongoing MSc M 2008 2010 Ongoing M 2008 2010 M 2008 M University Haramaya MSc Agronomy Agricultural economics Ongoing MSc Plant Breeding Bahir Dar 2011 Ongoing BSc 2008 2010 Ongoing MSc M * **2009 Ongoing MSc Management Land Resource Management Agricultural Communication & Innovation BoWRD BoARD F M 2005 2005 2007 2006 completed completed MSc MSc BoWRD ARARI M M 2005 Sep-06 2006 2007 completed completed MSc MSc Amare Nega Tamirat Asresahegn 55 56 57 Azanaw Abebe Completion year 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Field of Study Agri. Env’t Sc 54 Tesfaye Mekonnen Sex M M M M M Starting year 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 BWA 58 Mekelle Haramaya Before 2007 16 Hagere Genetu 17 Teshager Admassu 18 Desalegn Yayeh 19 Habte Honelign *Starting year is unknown Geology Hydrology Geog. and Env. Studies Agronomy Addis Abeba Arbaminch Addis Abeba Haramaya ** supported only for Thesis/Dissertation works. D:\106762697.doc 20 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Annex 3: Overview of SWHISA sponsored Research (Thesis/Dissertation) No Student Name University Thesis Title/Research Topic Field of Study Status 1 Marie Addis Addis Ababa Farmers’ Perception on Introduced Soil conservation Measures in Achefer Woreda ,West Gojjam Environmental Science Program graduated in July 2008 2 Seid Mohammed Mekele Working Traditions and their contribution to with a particular reference to Awra-Amba Community, South Gondar Zone Cooperative Marketing graduate in July 2008 3 Demeke Mekuria Haramaya Impact of Small Scale Irrigation Schemes on Poverty: The case of Andasa and Dlalew Small Scale Irrigation Schemes in Bahir Dar Zuria District, West Gojjam Zone Agricultural Economics graduate in July 2008 4 Merkuz Abera Haramaya Management Options of Fusarium Wilt Disease of Check Pea Crop Protection Working his PhD dissertation 5 Desalegn yayeh Addis Ababa The significance of Water Harvesting in Augmenting Household Agricultural Productivity in Awi Zone Geography &Environmental Studies Completed 6 Habtie Honelign Haramaya Comparison of Different Irrigation Scheduling Methods for Tomato(Lycopersium esculentum )Production in Libokemkem District, South Gondar Plant ScienceAgronomy Completed 7 Agerie Genetu Addis Ababa Engineering Geological Appraisal of Dam Foundation for Gumara Dam,Amhara Region Geology Completed 8 Teshager Admasu Arbaminch Evaluation of Sediment Yield and Reservoir Sedimentation on Angereb Watershed, North-western Ethiopia,Gondar Hydrology Completed D:\106762697.doc 21 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) 9 Tekilu Damte Addis Ababa Ecological Study on Rodents and their Significance to the Ethiopian Wolves in the Afro Alpine Delta of Mount Abune Yosef:Ethiopia Environmental Science Completed 10 Mulate Mekonnen Bahir Dar Soil Erosion Assessment, Runoff Estimation and Water Harvesting Site Selection Using GIS and Remote Sensing: A Case Study at Debre Mewi Watershade Geo-Information system Ongoing 11 Getachew Gebeyehu Addis Ababa Human –Wildlife conflict in Zegie Peninsula with emphasis on Vervet Monkey Environmental Science Program Ongoing 12 Aklilu Mesfin Haramaya Effect of Mulching and Depth of Irrigation Aplication on Water Use efficiency and Productivity of Pepper under Gravity Drip Irrigation Soil &Water Conservation Ongoing 13 Eyayu Molla Haramaya Land Use Changes and Topography Effects on the Dynamics of Soil properties in the Mountain Landscape of Northwest Ethiopia and Options for Sustainable Land Management Soil Science Ongoing 14 Tesfaye Wossen Haramaya Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Variability and Predictability of Rainfall: Implication for Sorghum Production in N.Gondar Zone Agronomy Ongoing 15 Dereje Hailu Addis Ababa Genetic Diversity and Oil Content of Jackstrofa Curps Population in Ethiopia Applied Science Ongoing 16 Tegenu Ashagre Bahir Dar Rain Fall Runoff Soil Loss Relationships for North- Eastern Ethiopia High Lands Water shade Management Ongoing 17 Azanaw Abebe Haramaya Gender Mainstreaming in Agricultural Extension: Implementation & Constraints in Amhara Region,Fogera Woreda Agricultural Communication & Innovation Ongoing D:\106762697.doc 22 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Annex: 3 SWHISA staff participation in Workshops, meetings and conferences organized by partner institutions in third year (01 Jul/08- 31 Dec 2008) No D:\106762697.doc Date Organized by Location Subject Attended by 23 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Annex 2: SWHISA List of Training programs Date Type of Training BoARD M F BoWRD ARARI M F M F Region CPA M F EPLAUA M F Farmers M F WoARD Water ARARI East Belesa CPA EPLAUA TDT/FFGs Remark West Belesa Woreillu Oct.811,2008 Training of DAs & Extension Supervisors on Participatory Extension Approach 31 Goncha Siso Enesie 2 The training was conducted by the woreda ToT trainers Delanta Menz Mama Kobo Mecha M- Male; F - Female D:\106762697.doc 24 SWHISA: Performance Reporting Framework (revised Dec 2007) Annex -3 List of Short term training programs conducted (July-December 2008) List of short term training Programs conducted from July - December 2008 WBS 1240 1220 1220 1600 Content Participatory Extension Approach Title Training of DAs & Extension Supervisors on Participatory Extension Approach Training Started Training Ended 08/10/2008 11/10/2008 31 2 33 Irrigation Crop Demonstration TOT Training on Irrigated Crop Production Technologies and Water Management With Special Emphasis to Irrigation Crop Demonstration 17/11/2008 19/11/2008 12 0 12 12,758.27 BoARD Irrigation Crop Demonstration TOT Training on Irrigated Crop Production Technologies and Water Management With Special Emphasis to Irrigation Crop Demonstration 24/11/2008 26/11/2008 15 2 17 22,195.64 BoARD Gender Analysis TOT Training on Gender and Water Module and Gender Analysis 14/12/2008 12 6 18 37,949.66 CPA D:\106762697.doc 8/12/2008 Male Trainees Female Trainees Total Trainees Total Training Cost Participating Institute Goncha OoARD 25