study guide - cvadultcma

Chapter 19: Blood Chemistry and Immunology
Mrs. Dasalla
Directions: Choose the best answer.
1. What type of specimen is required for most blood chemistry tests? Serum
2. The purpose of quality control is to ensure accurate and valid test results
3. The use of a standard to detect errors caused by laboratory equipment that is not working
properly is known as calibration
4. The function of glucose in the body is to provide energy for the body
5. What is the term for glucose that is stored in muscle and liver tissue for later use?
6. What hormone is required for the normal use of glucose in the body? insulin
7. Which of the following instructions should be relayed to the patient regarding a fasting
blood glucose test? Do not consume food or fluid (except water) for 12 hours before
the test
8. According to the American Diabetes Association, what is the normal range for a fasting
blood glucose level (in mg/dL)? 70-99
9. Which of the following is true regarding a 2-hour postprandial glucose test? A blood
specimen is collected 2 hours after the patient consumes 100g of glucose
10. The following are functions of an oral glucose tolerance test: to assist in diagnosis or
pre-diabetes, diabetes or hypoglycemia
11. All of the following are restrictions that must be followed by the patient during an oral
glucose tolerance test: no food consumption, minimize activity, no smoking
12. The following is a serious side effect of an oral glucose tolerance test? Headache,
irrational speech, fainting, profuse perspiration
13. What term is used to describe an abnormally low level of glucose in the blood?
14. What is the purpose of SMBG testing? To maintain good blood glucose control, to
delay or prevent long-term complications of diabetes, to test blood glucose when a
side effect common to diabetes occurs, to make decisions regarding insulin dosage,
meal planning and physical activity
15. Prolonged high blood glucose levels can cause all of the following conditions: blindness,
kidney disease, circulatory problems
16. Before meals, it is recommended that the blood glucose level for a diabetic patient fall
between: 80-120mg/dL
17. The hemoglobin A1c test measures the average amount of glucose in the blood over a
3-month period
18. The recommended A1c level for an individual with diabetes is less than 7%
19. The following are handling and storage requirements for blood glucose reagent test strips
store in a cool dry place at room temperature and with cap tightly closed on bottle
20. Control testing should be performed on a glucose meter during all of the following
situations daily before using the meter for the first time, when a new container of
strips is opened, if the meter is dropped
21. The following are characteristic of cholesterol: white, waxy substance, component of
all cell membranes, used in production of hormones and bile
22. Most of the cholesterol found in the blood comes from the liver
23. The buildup of fatty deposits on the walls of arteries is known as atherosclerosis
24. The primary use of the cholesterol test is to: screen for the presence of coronary artery
25. The following contain cholesterol: whole milk, liver, egg yolks
26. Cholesterol is transported in the blood as a complex molecule known as a
27. The function of LDL is to carry cholesterol to the cells
28. The following is considered a risk factor for coronary artery disease: HDL cholesterol
level of 25mg/dL
29. A total cholesterol reading of 250 is considered high
30. Patient preparation instructions for a triglyceride test include the following do not eat or
drink (except water) for 12 hours before the test
31. The following may result in elevated blood triglyceride levels: obesity, type 2 diabetes,
32. The BUN test is used to detect kidney disease
33. What is the term for a substance that is capable of combining with an antigen? antibody
34. The following is a screening test for syphilis: VDRL
35. The following test is used to detect a blood incompatibility problem with a mother and
her unborn child: Rh antibody titer
36. The name of the microorganism that causes infectious mononucleosis: Epstein-Barr
37. Infectious mononucleosis is transmitted through saliva by direct oral contact
38. The following are symptoms of infectious mononucleosis: severe fatigue, fever, sore
throat, swollen lymph nodes
39. Where are the blood antigens (A, B, Rh) located? On the surface of red blood cells
40. Where are the blood antibodies located? In the plasma
41. Why is agglutination of blood a threat to life? The clumped red blood cells hemolyze
42. In vivo means in the living body
43. What blood antigens are present if an individual has type O-positive blood? Rh
44. What blood antibodies are present if an individual has type B-negative blood? A
45. What blood antibodies are present if an individual has type AB-negative blood? None
46. The term for a substance that is being identified or measured in a laboratory test is an
47. What results are produced by a high level control? Results that fall above the reference
range for that test
48. The following may cause a control to fail to produce expected results: outdated testing
reagents, error in technique, improper storage of testing components
49. What should be done if a control does not perform as expected? Stop patient testing
until the problem is resolved.
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