NURS 343 - Winona State University

Department: Nursing_______________________________________________
Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for complete information on submitting proposals for
curricular changes.
_NURS 343_____________________
Course No.
This proposal is for a(n)
Applies to:
for USP
_____X_ Undergraduate Course
___X___ Major
__X___ Required
_____ Elective
Professional Practice I
Course Title
______ Minor
______ Graduate Course
______ University Studies*
______ Not
_____ Required
_____ Elective
Admission to the Generic Option________________________
Grading method ___X___ Grade only
______ P/NC only
______ Grade and P/NC Option
Frequency of offering Every Semester___________________________
*For University Studies Program course approval, the form Proposal for University Studies Courses must also be
completed and submitted according to the instructions on that form.
Provide the following information:
Course Description
1. Catalog description.
Provides an introduction to the profession of nursing in the context of foundational concepts important to
medical-surgical nursing. Focus is on developing knowledge, beginning clinical judgment skills, and the
application of therapeutic interventions for adult patients and their families in acute care settings.
2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics (minimum of two-level outline).
I. Theoretical foundations of nursing practice
a. Domains of nursing
b. What factors influence contemporary nursing practice (trends in society, trends in nursing)
Critical thinking/clinical judgment/clinical reasoning
a. Theoretical Knowledge: knowing why
i. What is critical thinking
ii. Why is critical thinking important to nursing (complex situations, patients unique,
apply knowledge for holistic care)
iii. What are the different kinds of nursing knowledge
b. Practical knowledge: knowing how
i. Nursing process
ii. Nursing process & critical thinking
iii. Concept mapping
iv. Collaborative problems
a. Defined/Theory
b. Caring for self; others; profession; community; global
c. Uncaring practices
Concept of Health & Illness
Acute Health Care
a. History hospital nursing, types of hospitals
b. Client admissions, post acute care
c. Role of nurse in hospitals (provider care, educator, researcher, manager)
d. Ensuring Quality health care delivery (safety outcomes, patient rights, quality care, acuity
Foundations of Medical Surgical Nursing
a. Patients with Fluid Imbalances (dehydration, overload, water intoxication, third spacing, sodium
b. Patients with Electrolyte imbalances (potassium, calcium, phosphate, magnesium)
c. Acid-base balance
Skin integrity and wound healing
a. Factors affecting skin integrity
b. Wounds, pressure ulcers
c. Patients with wounds
Promoting Asepsis and preventing infection
a. Supporting host defenses
b. Factors increasing risk for infection
c. Infection control for healthcare workers
Promoting Safety
a. Factors affecting safety
b. Safety hazards in healthcare facility
Facilitating hygiene
a. Hygiene and self care
b. Care of skin, feet, nails, hair, eyes, ears, nose
c. Patient environment
Pain management
a. Patients with pain
Sleep & rest
a. Physiology sleep
b. Factors affecting sleep
c. Common disorders
d. Patients with Sleep & Rest Disorders and fatigue
a. What must you know about energy balance
b. Factors affecting nutrition (developmental stage, lifestyle choice, ethnicity, culture, disease)
c. What are special diets
d. Improving appetite, alternative feeding methods
Patients with Nutritional disorders
a. Assessment of nutrition and digestive system
b. Management of patients with malnutrition
Promoting activity & exercise
a. Body mechanics
b. Exercise
c. Factors affecting mobility and activity
d. Hazards of immobility
Urinary and Bowel elimination
a. Normal patterns
b. Factors affecting elimination
XVII. Management of patient with ingestive disorders
i. Oral disorders
ii. Disorders of salivary glands
iii. Dysphagia
XVIII. Patients with Elimination Disorders
a. Assessment
b. Management patients with intestinal disorders
i. General clinical manifestations (hemorrhage, pain, N/V, distention, diarrhea,
constipation, abnormalities in fecal content)
ii. Inflammatory disorders
1. Viral and bacterial infections: gastroenteritis
2. Parasitic infection
3. Appendicitis
4. Peritonitis
c. Neoplastic disorders (benign tumors of bowel, cancer of small bowel, colorectal cancer)
d. Other disorders of large and small bowel
i. Herniations
ii. Diverticular disease
iii. Intestinal obstruction
iv. Celiac disease
e. Disorders of anorectal area
i. Hemorrhoids
ii. Fissures/fistulas/abscess
iii. Incontinence
iv. Cancer
Management of Patients with Urinary disorders
a. Infectious and inflammatory disorders (cystitis, urethritis, ureteritis, urosepsis, interstitial cystitis)
b. Obstructive Disorders
i. Bladder cancer
ii. Urinary calculi
iii. Urinary reflux
c. Voiding disorders
i. Urinary retention
ii. Urinary incontinence
iii. Neurogenic bladder
d. Traumatic disorders (bladder, urethral, ureteral trauma)
e. Congenital anomalies
Perioperative Nursing
a. Perioperative care
b. Intraoperative care
c. Postoperative care
d. Patients having surgery: promoting positive outcomes
Perioperative nursing
Managing Patients with Integumentary disorders
a. Common Skin disorders (pruritus, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, pressure ulcers)
b. Precancerous changes in skin
c. Skin cancer
d. Infectious disorders (cellulitis, herpes zoster)
e. Plastic surgery and other cosmetic restorative procedures
f. Nail disorders
XXII. Information Management
a. Documenting and reporting
ii. QSEN
b. Information literacy
XXIII. Informatics
a. Electronic health record
b. Online literature searches
c. Computer skills including basic software, spreadsheet, healthcare databases
XXIV. Advocacy
XXV. Advanced Directives
3.a Instructional delivery methods utilized: (Please check all that apply).
Lecture: Auditorium
Web Enhanced
Lecture: Classroom X
Service Learning
Travel Study
Other: (Please indicate) Practicum
Web Supplemented
3.b. MnSCU Course media codes: (Please check all that apply).
3. Internet
6. Independent Study
1. Satellite
4. ITV Sending
7. Taped
2. CD Rom
5. Broadcast TV
8. ITV Receiving
9. Web Enhanced X
10. Web Supplemented
4. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation.
Course Expectations/Requirements:
Attend class and lab/practicum and notify the professor of absences
Participate in class discussions and activities
Complete assignments on time
Evaluation of Learning
Writing Assignments
Course Projects
Practicum Performance
Grading scale: 92-100% = A
83-91 % = B
74-82 % = C
65-73 % = D
Course materials (textbook(s), articles, etc.).
Black, J. M. & Hokanson-Hawks, J. (2009). Medical-surgical nursing: Clinical management for positive
outcomes (8th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders.
Ackley, B. J. & Ladwig, G. B. (2008). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidenced-based guide to planning
care. St. Louis: Mosby.
Wilson, B. A., Shannon, M. T., & Shields, K. M. (2009). Nurse’s drug guide 2009. Upper Saddle River NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Pagana, K. & Pagana, T. J. (2006). Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests (3rd ed.). St. Louis:
Assessment of Outcomes
Classroom assessment techniques (CAT)
Practicum Assessment Tools
List of references.
Black, J. M. & Hokanson-Hawks, J. (2009). Medical-surgical nursing: Clinical management for positive
outcomes (8th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders.
Ackley, B. J. & Ladwig, G. B. (2008). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidenced-based guide to planning
care. St. Louis: Mosby.
Wilson, B. A., Shannon, M. T., & Shields, K. M. (2009). Nurse’s drug guide 2009. Upper Saddle River NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Pagana, K. & Pagana, T. J. (2006). Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests (3rd ed.). St.
1. Statement of the major focus and objectives of the course.
Provides an introduction to the profession of nursing in the context of foundational concepts important to
medical-surgical nursing. Focus is on developing knowledge, beginning clinical judgment skills, and the
application of therapeutic interventions for adult patients and their families in acute care settings.
Student learning outcomes/objectives:
The student will:
1. Use evidence based practices to guide nursing care (applying standards, information seeking, and
logical reasoning.
2. Engages in reflection about personal beliefs and values as they relate to professional practice
3. Apply knowledge of social and cultural factors to the care of diverse populations.
Use written, verbal, non-verbal, and emerging technology methods to communicate effectively.
Demonstrate beginning skills in using patient care technologies, information systems, and
communication devices that support safe nursing practice.
Use standardized technologies in a care environment that reflects nursing’s unique contribution to
patient outcomes
Create a safe care environment that results in high quality patient outcomes.
Manage care to maximize health, independence, and quality of life for individuals that approximates a
Term 1 nursing student.
Deliver compassionate, patient-centered, evidence-based care that respects patient and family
Engage in caring and healing techniques that promote a therapeutic nurse/patient relationship.
Implement evidence-based nursing interventions as appropriate for managing the acute and chronic
care of patients and promoting health across the lifespan.
Monitor patient outcomes to evaluate the effectiveness of psychobiological interventions.
Assume responsibility for active participation in the learning process and value the ideal of lifelong
learning to support excellence in nursing practice
Uphold ethical standards related to data security, confidentiality, and patient’s right to privacy
Recognize the role of information technology in improving patient care outcomes and creating a safe
care environment.
Engage in ethical reasoning and actions to provide leadership in promoting advocacy, collaboration,
and social justice as a socially responsible citizen.
Examine the impact of socio-cultural, economic, legal, and political factors influencing healthcare
delivery and practice
Specify how this new course contributes to the departmental curriculum.
It is a new course in the revised curriculum, which addresses societal and healthcare trends and accreditation
standards related to foundational preparation of students to care for patients and families in acute care settings.
3. Indicate any course(s) which may be dropped if this course is approved.
NURS 330 Role Development I
Impact of this Course on other Departments, Programs, Majors, or Minors
1. Does this course increase or decrease the total credits required by a major or minor of any other department?
If so, which department(s)? No
2. Attach letter(s) of understanding from impacted department(s).
Department Contact Person for this Proposal:
Martha Scheckel_____________________________________
Name (please print)
Ext: 2232
e-mail address
[Revised 7/5/07]